A podcast where you can hang out with your pal Stav
Every week Stavros Halkias and his friends will help you solve all your problems. Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV, leave a voicemail and get some advice!
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A podcast where you can hang out with your pal Stav
Every week Stavros Halkias and his friends will help you solve all your problems. Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV, leave a voicemail and get some advice!
Copyright: © 2024 Stavros Halkias
Jake Johnson joins the pod for the third installment of the LA Chronicles (from the Bad Friends’ studio!) to discuss the unexpected joys of podcasting, the bawdy tales his uncle shared when he was way too young to hear them, ambushing his podcast co-host Gareth Reynolds with a surprise drop-in from Stavvy, the time he tried Reiki, how he found a close connection with his dad later in life, Stav’s favorite game show, and much more. Jake and Stav help callers including a bookkeeper who’s wondering if she should switch careers to become an animal psychic, and a guy who’s pissed that his buddy’s unpleasant girlfriend is crashing the bros trip.
Check out We’re Here to Help, hosted by Jake Johnson and Gareth Reynolds:
Follow Jake Johnson on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Kerryn Feehan returns to the podcast to discuss her and Stav's star turns in Netflix's TIRES, trade notes on workouts with Stav, get a lot of fat jabs in, and most importantly -- speak directly to the people and give out advice in real time on Live Call Show Vol. 14. Callers including a motorcycle gang member who wants his ex back, a guy trying to reconnect with his half-brother, and a man trying to decide between the perfectly nice girl he is dating and his emotionally unavailable former fling.
Follow Kerryn Feehan on social media and watch her podcast OnlyFeehans:
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Hasan Piker joins the podcast for the second installment of the LA Chronicles at the Bad Friends Studio to discuss Turkey vs. Greece, his true origins, his childhood fondness for basketball, the family call that led his dad to confront him, the daddy stitch, his stellar academic record, and much more. Hasan and Stav help callers including a guy who's afraid of his friend's gun-toting, Trump-obsessed brother, and a guy whose buddy still hasn't paid him for a bunch of work.
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://www.gametime.co/
Watch Hasan Piker's streams and follow him on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
The boys take over the Bad Friends studio for the first installment of the LA chronicles! Dear friend of the show Jamel Johnson and Stavvy Baby Enterprises consigliere Ben O'Brien return to the pod for Kush Nephews, an offshoot of Kush Brothers in the absence of staple JP "Hollywood" McDade, who checks in as he's denied entry to the Roast of Tom Brady. Jamel, Ben, and Stav cover important news including a teacher who was caught making out with a 5th grader, and a dude with a really huge Johnson. The boys help callers including a guy who wants to hang out one-on-one with his girlfriend's female friend, and a man who stole thousands from his wife to buy Bitcoin.
Watch JP McDade's special JP MCDADE: IN BROOKYLN out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9TOXFM3t1M
Follow Jamel Johnson on social media:
Check out Ben O'Brien's beautiful creative direction at stavvy.biz and Stav's accounts. Follow Ben on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
JP McDade and Dan Soder return to the pod to discuss JP's upcoming special JP MCDADE: IN BROOKLYN (coming out 7/17 and produced by Stavvy Baby Enterprises!!), natural disasters at comedy venues, childhood memories of huffing, the beauty of shrooms, tripping while looking at beautiful footage of the motherland, Shaq's flings, and much more. JP, Dan and Stav help callers including a newly sober man whose girlfriend doesn't want him to do shrooms, and a guy whose girlfriend's friend thinks he's evil.
Watch JP McDade's special JP MCDADE: IN BROOKYLN, premiering 7/17: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9TOXFM3t1M
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Watch Dan Soder's special ON THE ROAD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lik3hSyhrY
Follow Dan Soder on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Benny Feldman joins the pod to discuss his Tourette's, how psychedelics made his condition worse, eating bugs, his love for adult toys, and much more. Benny and Stav help callers including a man whose wife is grossed out after finding his spunk in the shower drain, and a heartbroken 22-year-old who's wondering if she should pierce her nips after a breakup.
See Benny Feldman live on tour!! Buy tickets at https://bennyfeld.com/
Follow Benny Feldman on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
The great Blake Griffin joins the pod to discuss the time his teeth got knocked out in a pickup game, growing up in Oklahoma, finding peace in retirement, the time he tried standup, the worst moment of his career, and much more. Blake and Stav help callers including a man who feels his wife is slipping on the domestic duties, and a man who's wondering if he has a right to snitch on his cousin for cheating.
Check out Blake Griffin's website: https://blakegriffin.com/
Follow Blake Griffin on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stavvy is back talking directly to the fans in Live Call Show Vol. 13!! Stav and Eldis help callers including a guy who's wondering if his dating life is going terribly because he's packing some serious heat, a guy who's mourning his friend who tragically passed away, and much more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Alex English returns to the pod to discuss getting swole for the summer, his first STD, why bottoming is a young man’s sport, formally apologize to white men for a longstanding stereotype, and much more. Alex and Stav help callers including a guy whose wife wants a divorce after they had an orgy, and a gay couple who needs help picking a third for their next menage a trois.
See Alex English live! Buy tickets at https://alexenglish.co/
Follow Alex English on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Sam Evans and Shane Torres join the pod to discuss cucking the jacked, Bill Clinton, being the sidepiece to women whose lives aren't going well, dating older women, the frailty of Mick Jagger, and much more. Sam, Shane, and Stav help callers including a cheap stepdad who doesn't wanna pay for his stepdaughter's birthday, and a guy with a really annoying coworker.
Check out Sam Evans's album SWEET BABY BOY: https://tr.ee/RQa5G-Et8r
Follow Sam Evans on social media:
Watch Shane Torres's special THE BLUE EYED MEXICAN out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhNGXFmwA9U
Follow Shane Torres on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Raanan Hershberg and Joe List return to the pod to discuss Raanan’s new special BRAVE, being beloved vs. just liked or respected, writing sad jokes about your dad, whether their childhood birthday parties were cool and fun or weird and sad, autism, and much more. Raanan, Joe and Stav help callers including a guy whose girl is saying she loves multiple people after cheating on him, and a woman whose sister’s boyfriend is hitting on her.
Watch Raanan Hershberg's special BRAVE out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMz4nrdX9w8
Follow Raanan Hershberg on social media:
Watch Joe List's special ENOUGH FOR EVERYBODY out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkE8_bHaXiU
Follow Joe List on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Matteo Lane, beloved friend of the pod, returns to Stavvy’s World for a very special live call episode!! Matteo and Stav impart their wisdom directly to callers LIVE ON AIR – including a man who’s concerned his girly first-grade son is gonna get bullied, a woman dating a man who has hooked up with his cousin, a father who wants to educate his son on being uncircumcised, and much more.
Watch Matteo Lane’s The Advice Special 3 out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kyPXwr_Nsc
Follow Matteo Lane on social media:
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Greg Stone and Sal Vulcano return to the pod to discuss Sal’s new special TERRIFIED, Greg Stone’s new special NOBODY PRESENTS, the accuracy of DNA tests, ways to promote engagement on specials, getting humiliated by bullies on school trips, wiping out on the ski slopes, giving your sick baby treats that make them sicker, and much more. Greg, Sal, and Stav help callers including a married man who’s wondering if he should cheat after losing weight, and a man who feels guilty about his friend group planning a trip without one of the wives they all hate.
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://www.gametime.co/
Watch Sal Vulcano’s special TERRIFIED out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X49375Hah8
Watch Greg Stone’s special NOBODY PRESENTS out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NhFKH5779c
Follow Greg Stone on social media:
Follow Sal Vulcano on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Giulio Gallarotti join Stav, JP and Eldis to become part of the global news organization Kush Brothers. The boys have their first breaking news moment when a certain former president becomes convicted live on air. They also look at other new stories like Saudi Arabia being chosen to lead the UN Women's Rights forum, the pope using the f slur, and more. Giulio, Stav and JP help callers including a poly guy who has an annoying second girlfriend, and a 31-year-old Australian dude wondering if it's chill to date a 19-year-old.
Follow Giulio Gallarotti on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sam Morril and Gary Vider join the pod to discuss Gary's new special IT COULD BE WORSE, Gary's new limited series podcast #1 DAD, Sam's new upcoming special YOU'VE CHANGED, Gary's dad being a conman, getting robbed by frat bros, sketchy biological dads, getting clowned by cops who discover your joke book, and much more. Sam, Gary, and Stav help callers including a man who thinks he discovered that he has a daughter from a past fling 17 years ago, a woman who's borderline stalking a guy she matched with on Tinder, and hear a beautiful poem that a caller wrote for Stav.
Watch Gary Vider's special IT COULD BE WORSE out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOh6pJRD1Fk
Check out Gary Vider's limited series podcast #1 DAD about his conman father: https://tr.ee/7WDtjcTFyX
Watch Sam Morril's new special SAM MORRIL: YOU'VE CHANGED out on July 9th on Amazon Prime!!
Follow Sam Morril on social media:
Follow Gary Vider on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Dan Licata joins the pod to discuss his new special FOR THE BOYS, what it was like filming it at his high school in front of a bunch of 15-year-old dudes, making hecklers cry, high school pranks, making Jackass-style videos, adolescence, and much more. Dan and Stav help callers including a teacher wondering if it's appropriate to accept friend requests from students on social media, and a woman whose boyfriend won't stop talking about past relationships and hookups.
Watch Dan Licata's special FOR THE BOYS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrCb9rntbv0
Follow Dan Licata on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Devon Walker and Michael Longfellow join the pod to discuss being bullied for being on SNL, having a divorce lawyer dad, finding out your parents were splitting up at a high school football game, getting bullied by your stepsiblings, and much more. Devon, Michael and Stav help callers including a guy who found out his dad is cheating on his mom, and a woman who's never in the mood for doing the deed at the same time as her partner.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/stavvy to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off you entire order. Say goodbye to harsh smoke forever.
See Devon Walker live on his summer tour!! Buy tickets: https://devonwalker.komi.io/
See Michael Longfellow live! Buy tickets: https://www.michaellongfellow.com/shows
Follow Devon Walker on social media:
Follow Michael Longfellow on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock exclusive episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stavvy is back talking directly to the fans in Live Call Show Vol. 11!! Stav and Eldis help callers including a Pakistani dude whose deadbeat dad has dementia, a guy whose surfing coach has a deep dark secret, a former caller who provides an update about his bro who alpha dog’d him at the club, and much more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Rachel Feinstein returns to the pod to discuss her new Netflix special BIG GUY, her aunt's desire to smell meat at the grocery store, nosy neighbors, old fashioned plumbers, young love, and much more. Rachel and Stav help callers including a woman whose mom confessed her secret boyfriend to her, and a teacher wondering if he should ask out a colleague over email.
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://www.gametime.co/
Watch Rachel Feinstein's special BIG GUY out now on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81691534
Follow Rachel Feinstein on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Our first run of the Baltimore Chronicles concludes with Jason Weems, who joins the pod to discuss his wild first day of high school in Baltimore, getting terminated from his teaching job after shooting a viral video on school premises, his karate-loving brother, Eldis embezzling company funds, and much more. Jason and Stav help callers including a man who has discovered a newfound virility that his wife can't keep up with after he lost weight, and a woman in her 30s who's wondering if it's weird that she loves to party and has no plans for kids or marriage.
Follow Jason Weems on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Clare O’Kane and Brittany Carney join the pod to discuss bi women’s biggest kink, why Japan is so horny, big cuts of meat, and much more. Clare, Brittany, and Stav help callers including a guy whose girlfriend smells really bad down there, and a dad who’s wondering the ethics of pawning his kids off on his family so he and his wife can attend adult parties.
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off you entire order. Say goodbye to harsh smoke forever.
Listen to Clare O’Kane’s album ‘Everything I Know How To Do’ on PGF Records and everywhere you stream music: https://prettygoodfriends.com/clare
Watch Brittany Carney’s special ‘That Is My Horse’ on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkpX4TIi3w
Follow Clare O’Kane on social media:
Follow Brittany Carney on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Geoffrey Asmus and JP McDade return to the podcast for the 10th installment of Kush Brothers!! The bros kush up and go big-brain on some really major and compelling current events, including OJ's lawyer being hell-bent on ensuring that Ron Goldman's family doesn't get a dime from the Simpson estate, a woman who tried to Weekend at Bernie's a dead body into a co-sign for a bank loan, and the latest from the Albanian-jailed, oppressed ethnic Greek politician Fredi Beleri. Geoffrey, JP and Stav help callers including a guy whose female roommate is spazzing that he's dating a new chick, and a man who's a virgin at 27.
Follow Geoffrey Asmus on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Page Kennedy joins the pod to discuss the myriad bangers he’s starred in including ‘The Meg,’ ‘Meg 2’ and ‘Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood’ (just to name a few!), the perfect role that he was turned down for, the scene he did with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau that audiences hated so much that it had to be removed from the movie, why his name wouldn’t make the press release if he was in a bus crash with Samuel Jackson and Colin Farrell, and much more. Page and Stav help callers including a woman dating a guy who tried to pass off someone else’s art as his own, and a mother whose disdain is growing for her misbehaved middle school son.
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://www.gametime.co/
Listen to Page Kennedy’s album ‘A Book of Pages’: https://empire.ffm.to/abookofpages
Follow Page Kennedy on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Justin Schlegel joins the pod for the second installment of the Baltimore chronicles, and discusses his brush with ED pills, discerning between his stepkids and his biological kids, the odd town of Waldorf, MD, losing his V-card after a science fair, not making the cut for Guy Code, the worst name change ever, and much more. Justin and Stav help callers including a man who’s grown obsessed with his adult toy, and a guy whose girlfriend’s family clowned him after seeing his junk.
Follow Justin Schlegel on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Marie Faustin and Derek Gaines return to the pod to discuss the death of OJ Simpson, going to college for jazz scatting, pronouncing the word 'superfluous,' turning into a white woman on a skiing trip, what kangaroo and alligator tastes like, visiting Haiti, a couple messed up news stories, whether they want kids or not, and much more. Marie, Derek, and Stav help callers including a woman who feels extremely guilty about wanting to break up with her boyfriend, and a man wondering if he should live with his hot friend who he knows isn't interested in him.
Get your mom an Aura Frame for Mother's Day! Visit https://www.auraframes.com/stavvy and use code STAVVY to get $30 off plus free shipping.
Follow Marie Faustin on social media:
Follow Derek Gaines on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
For a very special episode of Stavvy's World -- the first in a series from the Baltimore HQ of Stavvy Baby Enterprises -- Stav is joined by fellow Baltimorean Tommy Sinbazo to discuss the early comedy days, Tommy's decade-plus engagement, his entire family getting jumped in a street brawl, being ahead of the curve on plagiarism, 3D printing, Tommy's assets (sci-fi paraphernalia), his band Bussi, high tech adult toys, and much more. Tommy and Stav help callers including a pickleball player whose league members are annoyed at how aggressively he plays, and a man who got catfished by his cousin.
Follow Tommy Sinbazo on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Nathan Macintosh joins the pod to discuss his new special 'Down With Tech,' the debased way people watch comedy specials now, why Stav shouldn't get props for brushing his teeth, Canadian moose, foreign millionaire celebs who want to try to make it in America, Nathan's favorite Prince Andrew interview, and much more. Nathan and Stav help callers including a guy whose wife cheated on him and says is in love with him and the other guy, and a guy in a relationship wondering if he should get on dating apps to rebuild his charisma.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/stavvy to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.
Get your mom an Aura Frame for Mother's Day! Visit https://www.auraframes.com/stavvy and use code STAVVY to get $30 off plus free shipping.
Watch Nathan Macintosh's special 'Down With Tech' out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gApnofHJLoo
Follow Nathan Macintosh on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stavvy is back talking directly to the fans in Live Call Show Vol. 10!! Stav and Eldis help callers including the craziest call they've ever taken from a sperm donor who explains his insane saga in a 40-minute odyssey, a recovering alcoholic whose friend keeps trying to get him to the bar, a guy whose life is too entwined with his landlord/boss, and much more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
The great Ethan Suplee joins the pod to discuss being on the Mt. Rushmore of fat guys, his countless classic roles, his weight loss journey, setting the record straight on the infamous P***y Posse, a humiliating on-set moment before filming a dancing scene with Rosario Dawson, and much more. Ethan and Stav help callers including a man whose little brother found his buttplug, and a man whose life and marriage was euphorically transformed by listening to Stavvy's World.
Check out Ethan Suplee's podcast American Glutton: https://www.americanglutton.net/
Follow Ethan Suplee on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Enjoy this free bonus ep highlighting some of the most hilarious moments from Kush Brothers. Like what you hear? Subscribe to the Stavvy's World Patreon for 4 bonus episodes (including one Kush Brothers episode) every month: https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Once a month, Stavvy, Superproducer Eldis, JP 'Jimmy Mac the Mac Man' McDade, and a special guest assemble as the Kush Brothers to deep dive into the world's biggest news stories, callers' issues, and a whole lot of kush.
(0:00) - Intro
(3:03) - Man embarrasses himself at twerking contest [from Bonus #62 - Kush Brothers Vol. 7 w/ Samantha Ruddy]
(9:09) - Italy pays check for tourist dine and dash in Albania [from Stavvy's World Bonus #40 - Kush Brothers Vol. 2 w/ Anthony Devito]
(13:23) - Lauren Boebert's night at the theatre [Stavvy's World Bonus #44 - Kush Brothers Vol. 3 w/ Petey Deabreu]
(18:10) - Chad Johnson and Terrell Owens reminisce on wild night together [from Stavvy's World Bonus #53 - Kush Brothers Vol. 5 w/ Brendan Sagalow]
(20:33) - Penn State professor under fire for deranged acts with his dog [Stavvy's World Bonus #34 - Kush Brothers Vol. 1 w/ Jamel Johnson]
(28:23) - Italian mother wins court case to evict her two adult sons [from Bonus #49 - Kush Brothers Vol. 4 w/ Maddy Smith]
(35:21) - Woman fined for being an incredible seatmate on plane [from Stavvy's World Bonus #72 - Kush Brothers Vol. 9 w/ Will Menaker]
(41:09) - Intermission / The gang takes a break [from Bonus #62 - Kush Brothers Vol. 7 w/ Samantha Ruddy]
(45:59) - CALL #1: Man has 28 siblings via biological dad [from Stavvy's World Bonus #34 - Kush Brothers Vol. 1 w/ Jamel Johnson]
(50:46) - CALL #2: Stav lashes out at circumcised caller [from Stavvy's World Bonus #66 - Kush Brothers Vol. 8 w/ Alex Pavone]
(56:45) - CALL #3: Woman's breasts are two drastically different sizes [Stavvy's World Bonus #44 - Kush Brothers Vol. 3 w/ Petey Deabreu]
(01:01:35) - CALL #4: Man's loved ones keep dying [from Bonus #49 - Kush Brothers Vol. 4 w/ Maddy Smith]
(01:02:43) - CALL #5: Trans woman with masculine voice wants tips on living her best life [from Stavvy's World Bonus #53 - Kush Brothers Vol. 5 w/ Brendan Sagalow]
(01:07:13) - CALL #6: Trivia host has bone to pick with Stav [from Stavvy's World Bonus #72 - Kush Brothers Vol. 9 w/ Will Menaker]
(01:14:21) - CALL #7: Too kush'd up to give advice [from Stavvy's World Bonus #40 - Kush Brothers Vol. 2]
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Will Menaker and JP McDade return to Stavvy's World for the latest installment of Kush Brothers. In volume 9, the boys gas up and make sense of major news stories like a woman who got fined for being an awesome person to sit next to on a flight, Rachel Dolezal losing her job over her OnlyFans, and a follow-up on the Kush Bros' favorite Greek professor and animal lover Themis Matsoukas. Will, JP and Stav help callers including a guy whose sister-in-law became obsessed after they hooked up, and a man who motivates himself to be productive by flaking on social engagements.
Check out Will's podcast Chapo Trap House: https://www.chapotraphouse.com/
Follow Will Menaker on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Liz Miele and Carmen Lynch join the podcast to discuss their storied past as roommates, doing standup comedy in Pakistan, their first time meeting Stav when doing gigs in Baltimore, getting worn down by the comedy life, having a classic short & spunky/tall & aloof friendship, and much more. Liz, Carmen and Stav help callers including a cancer patient who has dreams of becoming Hugh Hefner, and a man whose girlfriend doesn't like how often his ex texts him.
Visit https://www.thefreezepipe.com/ and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off you entire order. Say goodbye to harsh smoke forever.
Watch Liz Miele's comedy special 'Murder Sheets' out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftaI0VJCF00
Follow Liz Miele on social media:
Watch Carmen Lynch's comedy special 'Queef Week' out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxPGfnOg4Bs
Follow Carmen Lynch on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Gavin Matts joins the pod to discuss his special 'Progression,' harvesting salmon eggs, Sam Bankman-Fried, twisted nuts, Ms. Krabappel, and much more. Gavin and Stav help callers including a guy who went too far with an off-color joke in a group chat, and a man whose Japanese wife is fine with him cheating.
Watch Gavin Matts special 'Progression' out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXswAbQYPDE
Follow Gavin Matts on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Nathan Lund and Sam Tallent join the pod to discuss getting sprayed down by the cops, letterman jackets, Bosch, their podcast Chubby Behemoth, coming up in the Denver comedy scene, blacking out, sobering up, being married, and much more. Nathan, Sam, and Stav help callers including an unethical EMT who hit on an ambulance patient, and a woman whose in-laws' marriage is going so poorly that it's making the family uncomfortable.
Watch Sam Tallent's comedy special The Toad's Morale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eIUA1jfEk0
Watch Nathan Lund's comedy special Soup's On: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtPFqKhs7PE
Follow Nathan Lund on social media:
Follow Sam Tallent on social media:
Check out Sam Tallent and Nathan Lund's podcast Chubby Behemoth:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Peter Muth joins the pod to discuss the early standup days in Baltimore with Stav, being a karaoke god, being really good at singing, writing and performing the theme song for Stav's old pod Stavvy Solves Your Problems, growing up religious, his hilarious old party house, his weight loss journey, and much more. Peter and Stav help callers including a guy wondering if he should tell his Evangelical mother that he's now Muslim, and a guy who can't get over the fact that his girlfriend hooked up with seven of his frat bros.
Check out the Stavvy Solves Your Problems theme song performed by Tup & Pete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbrLsHOS6QY
Check out Tup & Pete's album 'The Tallest Guy in Jail': https://open.spotify.com/album/43nWE3Qp2uRhw78OSDyR0N?si=RKj_sT2bSaG951WlgqbFBg
Follow Peter Muth on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Brian Simpson joins the pod to discuss fat boy moves, shameful UberEats orders, growing up in foster care, being in the military when 9/11 happened, Diddy's evil power, jobs sucking, his new Netflix special 'Brian Simpson: Live From the Mothership,' and much more. Brian and Stav help callers including a woman whose boyfriend confessed he made out with another girl on vacation, and a guy who wants to have a heart-to-heart with his dad who is a chronic cheater.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/stavvy to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.
Secure your online data with ExpressVPN. Visit https://www.expressvpn.com/stavvy and get an extra three months free.
Watch 'Brian Simpson: Live From the Mothership' out now on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81684893
Follow Brian Simpson on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Sydnee Washington returns to the pod for a very special ep -- the very first live call-in show with a guest! Sydnee and Stav catch up on Sydnee's life going bad, a weird depressing date, how she's too hot to be this down bad, how Stav gave back to the community for Black History Month, and much more. They went on to help live callers including a woman whose loser coworker asked her out on Slack, a cheese delivery guy in Portland lmao, and a return caller who imagines a tiny Stav on the shelf looking over her lest she engage in bad habits.
Follow Sydnee Washington on social media:
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Friends of the pod Ian Fidance and Mike Recine return to celebrate Greek Independence Day and discuss bathroom etiquette, famous Greek figures in history, the dastardly Ottomans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mike's tomato sauce, Bernie Mac, Eddie Griffin, Google results for their names, and much more. Ian, Mike, and Stav help callers including a guy who has a history with his brother's baby mama, and a sperm donor who's wondering if he should tell his parents he's donating to a friend.
Watch Mike Recine's new special 'I'm Normal' out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjt3mkpvquw
Follow Mike Recine on social media:
Check out Mike Recine's podcast Out for Smokes:
Watch Ian Fidance's special 'Wild Happy and Free' coming out on 4/21 at https://www.youtube.com/@BeinIanPod
Check out Ian's podcast Bein' Ian with Jordan:
Follow Ian Fidance on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Napoleon Emill and Ryan Donahue join the pod to discuss traumatic train rides, bathroom emergencies, throwback hometown flexes, little TVs on the back of car seats, divorced parents, having a rough set, and much more. Napoleon, Ryan and Stav help callers including a guy who's wondering if he should dump his girlfriend after he lost weight, and a woman concerned for her friend/former FWB who is increasingly becoming an incel.
Follow Napoleon Emill on social media:
Follow Ryan Donahue on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Kyle Kinane joins the pod to discuss crowd work comedians, crappy teenage jobs, working at the donut factory, his new look, merciless internet comments, sketchy cigs, how Catholicism is cool now, his new special 'Dirt Nap,' and much more!
Head to https://www.factormeals.com/stavvy50 and use code STAVVY50 to get 50% off Factor's delicious, ready-to-eat meals.
Check out Kyle Kinane's new special 'Dirt Nap' out now: https://800poundgorillamedia.com/products/kyle-kinane-dirt-nap
Follow Kyle Kinane on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock exclusive episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stavvy is back talking directly to the fans in Live Call Show Vol. 8!! Stav and Eldis help callers including a swinging husband who wants to continue banging his best friend's ex-wife, a guy whose dad is making weird racist jokes at the dentist, an ex-felon who turned his life around but is worried about people in his industry learning about his past, and much more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Dan St. Germain joins the pod to discuss sobriety, rehab, getting dressed as a ballerina by his grandparents, Rami Malek, his playwright father, his complicated relationship with his mom, the KFC Double Down, and much more. Dan and Stav help callers including a guy who's wondering if he should ask his friend's sister on a date, and a guy whose family hates his girlfriend after she called CPS on his sister.
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Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Visit https://www.LiquidDeath.com/STAVVY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.
Watch Dan St. Germain's special "Dance Fatty, Dance": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWafzY7HERs
See Dan St. Germain live and check out his comedy at: https://danstgermain.net/
Follow Dan St. Germain on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Kush Brothers assemble!! JP McDade and Alex Pavone return to the pod to help make sense of the world's biggest news stories like the Drake leak, the Vince McMahon allegations, a spy pigeon, and much more. JP, Alex and Stav help callers including a guy who's sick of his buddy always crashing at his place, and a beta man who is butthurt after getting alpha'd by his bro.
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Follow Alex Pavone on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Kevin Ryan and H. Foley of the Are You Garbage? comedy podcast make their momentous return to the pod to discuss the as-is section at Ikea, getting ripped off, horrible cars, Ozempic, bone density, how Foley used to play with his bird, and much more. Kevin, Foley and Stav help callers including a husband whose wife of 14 years is mad at him after he confessed that he cheated on her early in their relationship, and an unhinged divorced man who's annoyed that his ex-wife is cutting off their post-divorced affair.
Secure your online data with ExpressVPN. Visit https://www.expressvpn.com/stavvy and get an extra three months free.
See the Are You Garbage? boys live and follow them on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Rufat Agayev joins the pod to discuss half-Armenian, half-Azerbaijani, being erroneously discriminated against after 9/11, the difference between Greek and Armenian baklava, running sketchy errands with his dad's sus friend, his favorite Bible verse, the one who got away, the future of fashion, the Florida rapper Dangeruss, his mom sending him political memes, and much more. Rufat and Stav help callers including a guy who wants to offer his friend who's had four miscarriages unsolicited advice about his latest pregnancy, and a guy who's not comfortable with his partner's transitioning despite saying in the past that he would be.
Follow Rufat Agayev on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Jordan Jensen and Chloe Radcliffe join the pod to discuss Jordan's life going bad, the time Chloe hooked up with a FedEx guy, cheating, and much more. Jordan, Chloe and Stav help callers including a guy whose fiancee is pissed after he admitted he finds his coworker attractive, and a guy who really wants his girlfriend to shave her butthole.
Find your inner wolf... and put some shorts on him at https://www.chubbies.com/
See Jordan Jensen live! Buy tix: https://punchup.live/jordanjensen
Follow Jordan Jensen on social media:
See Chloe Radcliffe's one-woman show in LA on 3/3! Buy tix: https://www.elysiantheater.com/shows/chloeradcliffe
Follow Chloe Radcliffe on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full clip at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Nore Davis joins the pod to discuss being the first Black leash kid in Yonkers, going to sickle cell camp, Paul Newman, Takis being as good as currency at his daughter's school, fatherhood, and much more. Nore and Stav help callers including a man whose girlfriend is put off by his armpit fetish, and a man who's four years sober wondering if it's okay to do shrooms once.
See Nore Davis live! Buy tickets and check out his standup at https://www.noredavis.com/
Follow Nore Davis on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
The legendary Jim Norton joins the pod to discuss paying for dirty hotlines with money orders, jumping headfirst into a cohabitating relationship during COVID, surprisingly loving married life, and much more. Jim and Stav help callers including a man wondering about the ethics of lustfully fattening up his wife, and a wrestling coach who's having trouble ending a cheating fling with the mom of one of his students.
Grow your business right now at Shopify -- no matter what stage you're in. Sign up for a $1/month trial at https://www.shopify.com/stavvy
See Jim Norton live on the Now You Know tour! Get tickets at https://www.jimnorton.com/
Check out Nikki & Jim, his YouTube page chronicling his relationship with his wife Nikki! www.youtube.com/@NikkiandJimNYC
Follow Jim Norton on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stavvy talks directly to the fans in Live Call Show Vol. 7!! Stav and Eldis help callers including a man who's in a caustic on-again, off-again relationship with a divorced Albanian woman, a lesbian who can't keep up with her girlfriend's libido, and a younger Geman man wondering if he should take a chance on love.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Paul Virzi joins the pod to discuss his contrarian Italian dad, his Greek grandma's reaction when she realized her daughter's husband is Sicilian, his favorite era of rap music, parenting, and much more. Paul and Stav help callers including a man who has a deep contempt for the woman he's dating, and a guy who's girlfriend skipped the country after he proposed to her.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Visit https://www.LiquidDeath.com/STAVVY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.
Check out Paul Virzi's comedy and go to his special taping at The Den Theatre in Chicago on Feb. 24! See all tix and info at https://paulvirzi.com/
Follow Paul Virzi on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
JP McDade and Samantha Ruddy join the pod for an educational Kush Brothers, and help us make sense of some of the biggest news stories of our day, including a priest who wrote a horny book, the tragic divorce of a royal Albanian couple, and a frame-by-frame breakdown of a twerking contest from a decade ago. JP, Sam and Stav help callers including a woman who found her firefighter boyfriend’s estrogen blockers and ED pills, and a guy who wants a reverse Prince Albert piercing.
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Follow Samantha Ruddy on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Aminah Imani and Rosebud Baker join the pod to discuss working while pregnant, how annoying it is to be a lifeguard and have to save someone, getting banned off AirBNB for cyberbullying your host, and much more. Aminah, Rosebud and Stav help callers including a guy whose mom is dating a 24-year-old Instagram fitness rapper, and a guy whose wife is constantly snitching on him by telling people things publicly that he shared with her in private.
Life's more fun when you're in on the action. Check out DraftKings Fantasy Sports AND DraftKings Pick6! Use code STAVVY for both. For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Follow Aminah Imani on social media:
Follow Rosebud Baker on social media:
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Gabby Bryan and Stef Dag join the pod to discuss Hillary Clinton getting farted on, fake college majors, Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight, and much more. Gabby, Stef and Stav help callers including a man who's bummed out that his favorite massage parlor has gone legit, and a couple who wants to know how to let their kink-curious couple friends down easy.
Follow Gabby Bryan on social media:
Follow Stef Dag on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Ari Shaffir returns to the pod to discuss the moment he decided to not become a rabbi, getting hustled in a bar in Thailand, difficult complex questions that no religion can can really quite answer, and much more. Ari and Stav help callers including a guy whose friend refuses to pay him back for his admission to a bathhouse that he deemed gay, and a guy considering re-infiltrating the family of his ex who probably cheated on him.
Grow your business right now at Shopify -- no matter what stage you're in. Sign up for a $1/month trial at https://www.shopify.com/stavvy
See Ari Shaffir live! Buy tickets at https://www.arishaffir.com/
Watch Ari Shaffir's standup special "Jew": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2YtIBYM4w0
Follow Ari Shaffir on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
We're back with our first live call show of the year! Stav and Eldy talk to the beautiful Patreon members directly and help give advice for complicated life issues. Callers include a guy who lost his bro to a green card marriage, a dad who fumbled the bag with a hot chick from his climbing gym by being too thirsty, and a man who's stuck in the middle of a feud between his two best friends after one of them cucked the other.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Brandon Wardell and Patrick Doran join the pod to discuss 4chan, being college dropouts, dental issues, nut milk, kitchen luxuries, Andy Dick, the precision of the algorithm, and much more. Brandon, Patrick and Stav help callers including a man who betrayed his music partner but still wants to use the name the guy came up with for his rap group, and a woman whose coworker is constantly goofing off in the office despite the fact that they are emergency care coordinators for HIV patients.
Go to https://www.hellofresh.com/stavvyfree and use code STAVVYFREE for FREE breakfast for life from HelloFresh! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active.
Check out Brandon Wardell's podcast "The Brandon Jamel Show": https://www.patreon.com/thebrandonjamelshow
Follow Brandon Wardell on social media:
Check out Patrick Doran's podcast "Podcast About Lists": https://www.patreon.com/podcastaboutlist
Follow Patrick Doran on social media:
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Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
JP McDade and Wilfred Padua join the podcast to recap some of the biggest and *ahem* most recent news stories, including Anthony Edwards's texts to a model who said she was pregnant with his kid, a Polish priest who resigned after throwing a really fun party with his buds, and the coolest Senate staffer ever. JP, Wilfred and Stav help callers including a woman who doesn't know how to tell her annoying friend to chill, and an adult man who's butt-hurt that his ex from high school is telling his coworkers that he's a loser.
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Follow Wilfred Padua on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Andy Haynes and Mike Recine return to the pod to discuss the miracle of parenthood, big fat loads, diminished ropes, bar trivia loving losers, working at a moving company, hilarious ex-coworkers, and much more. Andy, Mike and Stav help callers including a woman whose agoraphobia is causing her to spend way too much money on DoorDash, and a guy who's fed up with his buddy who keeps showing up at his house.
Buy Stavvy merch (2024 calendar! Ronnie t-shirt! and more!) at https://www.stavvy.biz/
Watch Andy Haynes' crowd work special "The Suggested Comedy Special": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IblumR7VOE
See Andy Haynes live! Get tix at https://www.imandyhaynes.com/
Follow Andy Haynes on social media:
Check out Mike Recine's podcast Out for Smokes: https://www.mikerecinecomedy.com/podcast
See Mike Recine live! Get tix at https://www.mikerecinecomedy.com/
Follow Mike Recine on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Nick Naney and Wes Haney join the pod to talk about Indiana stepdads, working at Carvel on 9/11, being considered hot by your wife, and much more. Nick, Wes and Stav help callers including a man who perches for his his poops, and a man from an unnamed country who has a chill quiet married life but misses his wild days of partying in college.
Follow Nick Naney on social media:
Follow Wes Haney on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sarah Sherman and Jack Bensinger join the pod to discuss why Sarah was late, how she needs to find a better therapist, chiropractors, hall passes, glass eyes, and much more. Sarah, Jack and Stav help callers including a guy who's self-conscious about having dentures while dating, and a guy weirded out by the girl he's dating's attraction to anime characters.
Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code STAVVY to score $200 IN BONUS BETS INSTANTLY when you bet just $5. Also check out DraftKings Fantasy Sports! For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Follow Sarah Sherman on social media:
Follow Jack Bensinger on social media:
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Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Greg Stone and Anthony Devito return to the pod to get to the bottom of Greg's identity and orientation, discuss being married, and explore a rich array of philosophical ideas. Greg, Anthony and Stav help callers including a man who loves a woman he could see himself spending the rest of his life with but is hesitant because he really wants to get with an Asian woman once in his life, and a woman whose neighbor keeps opening her and her husband's packages.
Follow Greg Stone on social media:
Follow Anthony Devito on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Yannis Pappas joins the pod to ring in the new year, talk about the similarities and differences between Greeks and Arabs, holding onto your culture as an immigrant in the US, and much more. Yannis and Stav help callers including an Egyptian man who's struggling to decide between love and preserving his heritage, and a man who wants to get his daughter back after a 70-month bid in jail.
Follow Yannis Pappas on social media:
https://www.facebook.com/yannispappascomedian/ https://www.youtube.com/@Yannispappascomedian
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
What a magical year it's been!! For our last episode of 2023, Stav speaks directly to former callers who share live updates on their past problems, whether they took Stav's advice, and how their issues have played out. Stav and Eldis check in with former advice seekers, including a woman whose boyfriend wasn't dom enough, a man whose proclivity for MMFs got him in a marital pickle, and the first ever paternity test reveal in Stavvy's World history.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Happy holidays everyone!! We are unlocking Stavvy's World Bonus #19 - The Halkias Brothers. This ep was the first time Stav's brothers, Nick Halkias and George Halkias, appeared on the show. This was a Patreon-only episode, but we're making it public for you to enjoy even if you're not subscribed, as a damn Christmas treat.
Original episode description: Stav's bros Nick and George join the podcast in a special episode to celebrate Greek Independence Day and discuss growing up in Greektown, navigating the politics of the baby prison-esque middle school they went to in Baltimore City, the hilarious male role models in their family, their excitement to watch John Wick 4 and eat gyros after the pod, and much more. They also unveil a very special present for the studio from some fans of the show. Stav, Nick and George help callers including a single dad struggling to put on weight and get insanely swole, a guy wondering if he should include an off-color joke in his best man speech, and field a few questions from the beloved Patreon subscribers of Stavvy's World.
Follow George Halkias on social media:
Follow Nick Halkias and his gym Odyssey Strength and Conditioning on his social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice! LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE:
Friend of the show Matteo Lane returns for a special Christmas edition of Stavvy's World to talk about the perfect Xmas gift his aunt once got him as a child, serenade everyone to his beautiful rendition of a Christmas classic, and more. Matteo and Stav help callers including a man who's going to counseling with his mother-in-law but wants his refusing wife to attend, and a guy who's got the wrong idea about his wife's friend.
Watch Matteo Lane's 'The Advice Special Part 2' now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adnD7D_qNwM
Follow Matteo Lane on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Ian Fidance returns to the pod to talk his way out of being late, get festive for the holidays, show off why he would make an excellent AA meeting leader, and much more. Ian and Stav help callers including an out-of-shape man who gets too winded after getting romantic with his lady, and a guy whose life is being ruined by a toxic woman with big honkers that he just can't step away from.
Check out Ian Fidance's comedy and buy tickets to see him live: https://www.ianfidance.com/
Check out Ian's podcast Bein' Ian with Jordan:
Follow Ian Fidance on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Chris Distefano returns to the pod to spread some holiday cheer, talk about his coming-to-Christ moment, recall the time his dad ate so much lasagna that doctors thought he was going to die, and much more. Chris and Stav help callers including a man wondering if he should throw a New Years/birthday party two weeks late, and a guy who wants to know what to get his soon-to-be father-in-law after he generously offered to pay a lot of money for his upcoming wedding.
See Chris Distefano live and check out his comedy: https://chrisdcomedy.com/
Follow Chris Distefano on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Joe Kwaczala joins the pod to discuss his album 'Funny Songs & Sketches,' his jam band era, Pittsburgh and Baltimore accents, Joe Camel, the return of baggy pants, and much more. Joe and Stav help callers including a trashman sidepiece who's self-conscious about his job and the fact that the man he's cucking doesn't really care, and a pastor in Kentucky who's politically progressive and wants advice on meeting people who aren't super conservative.
Listen to Joe Kwaczala's album 'Funny Songs & Sketches':
ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/53q2X1vpsoQfGspSb1csYg?si=ppTY2hJnQHmfFPNUK59sAg
ON APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/album/funny-songs-sketches/1706954388
Follow Joe Kwaczala on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Dan Soder returns to the pod to celebrate one year of Stavvy's World and catch up with his pal Stav. Dan discusses writing a letter to Jimmy Buffett, not being able to smell with his beautiful nose, his old Italian landlord, and much more. Dan and Stav help callers including a man who gets secretly drunk behind his wife's back, and a former caller whose best friend drunkenly trashed his AirBNB wedding house in the most disgusting, off-putting way imaginable.
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ to enjoy their biggest sale of the year on pipes, bubblers, bongs, joint chillers and more. Plus if you see something you like that’s not on sale use code STAVVY for 10% off your entire order.
Learn to speak a new language with Babbel! Visit https://www.babbel.com/stavvy to get 55% off your subscription.
See Dan Soder live!! https://www.dansoder.com/
Listen to Dan Soder's new podcast SODER: https://www.youtube.com/ @DanSoder
Follow Dan Soder on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Brendan Sagalow and JP McDade join the pod for a special fifth edition of Kush Brothers. The boys review important news stories like Athens blocking Albania's path to the EU, Ochocinco and Terrell Owens talking about their travels abroad in the DR, messed up daycare employees who had the kids fight each other, and more. Brendan, JP and Stav help callers including a woman who accidentally said "I love you" to her new boyfriend while drunk at a wedding, and a guy who feels guilty that his life is awesome.
Come to JP McDade's special taping at The Bell House in Brooklyn on 12/17!! Buy tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/jp-mcdade-special-taping-2849309
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Follow Brendan Sagalow on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Stavvy's World first ever guest and dear friend of the show Sam Morril returns to the pod for the one-year anniversary! Sam and Stav discuss getting COVID in 2023, demoralizing roommate setups, awesome roommate setups, exes reaching out, and much more. The boys help callers including a man grossed out by his girlfriend's family's toiletside manner, and a woman whose stubborn boyfriend refuses to get medical attention for his debilitatingly infected foot.
Visit https://hellotushy.com/stavvy and use promo code STAVVY for 15% off your first bidet order plus free shipping.
See Sam Morril on tour and check out his comedy!! Get tix at https://www.sammorril.com/
Follow Sam Morril on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Mike Feeney joins the pod to discuss his new special 'A Night at the Comedy Cellar,' his favorite Halloween costumes. being married, the end of the world, and much more. Mike and Stav help callers including a man wondering if he should cheat on his girlfriend of eight years on a trip to Vegas, and a man whose son is coming of age with terrible sanitation standards.
Watch Mike Feeney's special 'A Night at the Comedy Cellar': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CA6s_zaGRY
Follow Mike Feeney on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Todd Barry joins the pod to discuss his new special 'Domestic Short Hair,' meeting Joe Jonas, playing as a drummer, how he got his role in Darren Aronofsky's 'The Wrestler', and much more. Stav and Todd help callers including a woman whose creepy coworker keeps inviting her to DJ events at his house, and a small-time bookie stealing from his degenerate gambler coworker.
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ to enjoy their biggest sale of the year. From now until Christmas you can save up to 30% off a huge selection of pipes, bubblers, bongs, joint chillers and more. Plus if you see something you like that’s not on sale use code STAVVY for 10% off your entire order.
Watch Todd Barry's special 'Domestic Short Hair': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKuoreiI0a0
Follow Todd Barry on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
It's a Halkias Brothers Thanksgiving. Stav's literal bros George and Nick Halkias return to the pod in a special Baltimore Thanksgiving edition of Stavvy's World. The boys walk down memory lane to watch an old music video of George's, air out dirty laundry on air, talk about haunted houses, and much more in this very Thanksgiving-related ass episode. George, Nick and Stav help callers including a guy who's kinda scared about global warming, and a woman whose landlord wants the cat that she's been lying about having in her apartment.
Follow George Halkias on social media:
Follow Nick Halkias and his gym Odyssey Strength and Conditioning on his social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Joe List and Robert Kelly return for a special Thanksgiving edition of Stavvy's World, complete with family bickering, late arrivals, political arguments, finger-pointing, cigar-smoking and more. Joe, Bobby and Stav helps callers including a guy whose live-in girlfriend moved out and ghosted him after getting an abortion without telling him, and a man who went feels guilty after cheating on his wife with a threesome, but still wants to do one with her.
Freeze Pipe is turning Black Friday into Green Friday with their biggest sale of the year that’s going on right now. From now until the end of November you can save up to 30% off a huge selection of pipes, bubblers, bongs, joint chillers and more at https://thefreezepipe.com/. Plus if you see something you like that’s not on sale use code STAVVY for 10% off your entire order.
Follow Joe List on social media:
Follow Robert Kelly on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stav speaks directly to callers in the fourth Live Call episode of Stavvy's World!! Stav and superproducer Eldis help callers including a guy whose rebound hookup has led to a pregnancy and paternity scare, a man who's wondering if he should pretend he's Mormon to hook up on a Mormon dating site, and more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sydnee Washington joins the pod to discuss her momentous return to NYC, being a bottle girl in LA, embracing sobriety, riding off the demons, and much more. Sydnee and Stav help callers including a woman whose family mocks her for not drinking, and a man who is undercover-hating on his fat friend who only wants to hook up with dimepieces.
Learn to speak a new language with Babbel! Visit https://www.babbel.com/stavvy to get 55% off your subscription.
Follow Sydnee Washington on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Maddy Smith and JP McDade return for a special edition of Kush Brothers to induct Maddy as the first official Kush Sister, and discuss deadbeat Italian sons, Ron Desantis's high heels, and other really important current events. Maddy, JP and Stav help callers including a man who has attended way too many funerals in two years and wants to avoid discussing it on first dates, and a guy who really wants to fight his wife's baby daddy.
Follow Maddy Smith on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Louis Katz joins the pod to discuss his new special 'The Best Comedian You've Never Heard Of,' trying breast milk, failed past hookups, being married, and more. Louis and Stav help callers including a woman who wants to ask out a guy who works at her go-to STD clinic, and a guy wondering if he should snitch to animal control about his neighbor's fighting dogs.
Watch Louis Katz's special 'The Best Comedian You've Never Heard Of': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01FUQkgPs3E
Visit https://www.helixsleep.com/stavvy and use code HELIXPARTNER20 to receive 20% off all mattress orders AND two pillows.
Take care of yourself from the bottom up this holiday season. Visit https://www.hellotushy.com/stavvy and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off your first order. Don’t miss out on their Spend & Get event going on now through November 18th.
Follow Louis Katz on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Django Gold joins the podcast to discuss his new special 'Bag of Tricks,' being raised by hippie parents, how his life changed after 'Django Unchained' came out, and more. Django and Stav help callers including a woman who waited fours years to cash checks from her wedding, and a guy wondering how he should ask his girlfriend's old school Greek dad for her hand in marriage.
Check out Django Gold's special 'Bag of Tricks': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk4rV2_Z4sw
Follow Django Gold on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Conner O'Malley joins the pod to discuss his film 'The Mask,' getting drunk in his basement in Chicago, squaring off with pops, a great idea for a new kind of airline, and much more. Conner and Stav help callers including a gas station employee who suspects his female boss is hitting on him, and a scientist whose overbearing coworker is stealing her notebooks and snooping way too much.
Watch 'The Mask' and check out Conner O'Malley's comedy:
Follow Conner O'Malley on social media:
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Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
TJ (Tanael Joachim) joins the pod to discuss growing up in Haiti, immigrant guilt, Woody Allen, the most important way for a father to be present in his son's life, and much more. TJ and Stav help callers including a guy whose girlfriend gave him herpes, and an aerospace engineer who feels ethically conflicted about his line of work.
See TJ live and watch his special "January 3rd": https://www.tanaeljoachim.com/
Follow TJ on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Ali Macofsky returns to the pod to discuss seeing a womb witch, drinking the Shia LeBeouf Kool-Aid, the blissful delusions of youth, and much more. Ali and Stav help callers including a Youtuber who got a salacious pic from a fellow Youtuber in the DMs, and a guy from a Stav crowd work moment whose life is going well but is frustrated that his wife is in a slump.
Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code STAVVY to score $200 IN BONUS BETS INSTANTLY when you bet just $5. For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Follow Ali Macofsky on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Ben O’Brien aka Benny Buttcheeks aka consigliere of Stavvy Baby Enterprises returns to the pod to discuss his upstate NY upbringing, meeting Stav in Baltimore, getting worn down by how stupid Stav and Eldis are, being the hottest person in Ireland, getting Stav wifed up, and much more. Ben and Stav help callers including a guy who hates his girlfriend’s Halloween couples costume idea, and a woman who eats way too fast and wants advice on eating slower.
Check out Ben O'Brien's beautiful creative direction at stavvy.biz and Stav's accounts. Follow Ben on social media:
https://twitter.com/benfobrien Wanna be part of the show?
Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
David Gborie and Langston Kerman join the pod to discuss their podcast My Momma Told Me, compare different cultures' conspiracy theories, the conundrum of endless choice, and much more. David, Langston and Stav help callers including a white guy who doesn't know how to embrace his own heritage among his diverse friend group, and a man whose friend is in this doghouse after his religious girlfriend found discovered his OnlyFans subscriptions.
Learn to speak a new language with Babbel! Visit https://www.babbel.com/stavvy to get 55% off your subscription.
Follow David Gborie on social media:
Follow Langston Kerman on social media:
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes of Stavvy's World at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stav speaks directly to callers in the third Live Call episode of Stavvy's World!! Stav and superproducer Eldis help callers including a guy whose messy divorced parents keep hooking up at family events, a guy who alienated himself from his awesome friend group by hooking up with his buddy's ex, and a woman yearning to understand why her parents lied to her about a half sister until she was eighteen.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sal Vulcano joins the pod to discuss the rise of Impractical Jokers, his unique road to comedy, performing on comedy cruises, being from Staten Island, being artsy fartsy in his youth, Costco liquors, and much more. Sal and Stav help callers including an autistic guy who's perplexed by his macho coworkers' brutish behaviors, and a woman whose boyfriend is insecure about her body count.
See Sal Vulcano live!! Get tickets at https://salvulcanocomedy.com/
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Kush Brothers assemble!! Petey DeAbreu and JP McDade return to the podcast for the third installment of Kush Brothers to review the world's biggest stories, including Lauren Boebert getting disruptive and handsy with her date at a play, Albania being salty about not being invited to a summit organized by Greece, and much more. Petey, JP and Stav help callers including a bi married woman who yearns to be with a woman, and a woman with uneven boobs wondering if she should get breast augmentation.
Follow Petey DeAbreu on social media:
Follow JP McDade on social media:
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Geoffrey Asmus joins the pod to talk about his special "The Only Funny White Man," his unique style of self love, holding onto his v-card until 25, being incel-adjacent in his youth, and much more. Geoffrey and Stav help callers including a guy who's concerned that his girlfriend's southern family is racist, and a woman whose former tattoo artist is an obsessed freak.
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off you entire order. Say goodbye to harsh smoke forever.
See Geoffrey Asmus live! Get tix at https://www.whitecomedian.com/
Watch Geoffrey Asmus' special "The Only Funny White Man" on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3vSW95zhfs
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Alex Pavone joins the pod to discuss the romantic story of how his Italian-Canadian parents met, his love for (and definitely not addiction to) sports gambling, why Canadians don't seem that horny, and much more. Alex and Stav help callers including a guy who's tired of getting super long voice notes from his girlfriend, and a man whose girlfriend caught him on Grindr soon after they moved to a new city.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sam Jay joins the pod to kick back with a mid-show snack and discuss her new special Salute Me Or Shoot Me out now on HBO and Max, growing up in Boston, finding herself in Atlanta, waking up handcuffed after a wild night of partying, and much more. Sam and Stav help callers including a guy who's getting cold feet about moving to a different part of the country for his girlfriend, and a woman who hooked up with a guy but is actually more into his brother.
Watch Sam Jay's special Salute Me Or Shoot Me on HBO and Max now: https://www.hbo.com/movies/sam-jay-salute-me-or-shoot-me
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stav speaks directly to callers in the second Live Call episode of Stavvy's World!! Stav and superproducer Eldis help callers including a guy who's been waiting for over a year to court a woman who has shown no interest, a guy who was suckered into being the best man at his coworker's wedding, and a guy with a bad life who is being pulled into his ex-girlfriend's orbit.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
The legendary Lewis Black joins the pod to discuss his new special Tragically, I Need You, writing a successful touring play in college, pivoting to standup, being a Maryland boy, learning to harness the power of the nap while on the road, and much more. Lewis and Stav help callers including a guy wondering if he should ruin his baby mama in court for not keeping up on her child support payments, and a guy whose roommate is a scumbag with bad hygiene and a gambling problems.
Watch Lewis Black special 'Tragically, I Need You' on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtE_g3cHTZE
Visit https://thefreezepipe.com/ and use promo code STAVVY for 10% off you entire order. Say goodbye to harsh smoke forever.
Learn to speak a new language with Babbel! Visit https://www.babbel.com/stavvy to get 55% off your subscription.
Head to https://www.factormeals.com/stavvy50 and use code STAVVY50 to get 50% off! Wanna be part of the show?
Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
George Halkias aka Josh Godly aka God’s earthly dagger aka Stav’s brother joins the pod to discuss getting a good nut at his Baltimore art show, discovering a mysterious message from God on his arm, having your friends’ backs while they’re actively beefing, and much more. George and Stav help callers including a guy wondering about texting etiquette with girls off dating apps, and a woman who wants to know how to attract higher caliber men.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Sam Lipman-Stern and Chris Passig, director and editor respectively of the HBO docuseries 'The Telemarketers,' join the pod to discuss Sam's wild years working at a bizarre telemarketing company, sifting through years of Sam's footage to craft what would become the show, Sam's poly parents, how to do cop voice on the phone, and much more. Watch 'The Telemarketers' on HBO and Max!
Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code STAVVY to score $200 IN BONUS BETS INSTANTLY when you bet just $5. For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Visit https://helixsleep.com/stavvy and use code HELIXPARTNER20 to receive 20% off all mattress orders AND two pillows.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Kush Brothers activate! JP McDade and Anthony Devito return for the second installment of the pod’s wildly popular Kush Brothers series to help you navigate the hardest hitting world news, like Albania making Italy pick up a dine-and-dash restaurant tab left behind by four Italian tourists, and two manatee brothers in Florida whose torrid affair ended in tragedy. JP, Anthony and Stav help callers including a restless sleeper whose girl makes him sleep in a sleeping bag, and a man estranged from a brother he’s convinced is jealous of him.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Jeremy Levick and Rajat Suresh join the pod to discuss doing an hour-plus long bit with Justin Theroux, offer rare glimpses into their lives and backgrounds, flaunt their liberal elite NYU educations, check out what Karen Duffy is up to, and much more. Jeremy, Rajat, and Stav help callers including a man wondering if he should reveal his attraction to his therapist, and a guy who doesn't want to freak out a girl he's dating with his obsession over guns.
Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code STAVVY to score $200 IN BONUS BETS INSTANTLY when you bet just $5. For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Save 40% all bidets and bundles by visiting https://hellotushy.com/stavvy and using promo code STAVVY. Sale ends September 11th.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Ari Shaffir joins the pod to discuss traveling abroad, meeting a missionary, getting hit on by dudes in Myanmar, getting sick from food overseas, his standup special 'Jew,' and much more. Ari and Stav help callers including a woman who doesn't know how to have one-night stands, and a South African Jew who's nervous about meeting his girlfriend's Austrian family.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Doug Smith joins the pod to discuss growing up Jehovah's Witness, invent a Dragon Ball Z offshoot of JW, talk about how all religions are basically the same, speculate on his parents' openness to converting, and much more. Doug and Stav help callers including a happily married man who wants to ask his wife's permission to go to the strip club, and a woman who's wondering if her boyfriend is cheating after find a prick pill in his car.
Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code STAVVY to score $200 IN BONUS BETS INSTANTLY when you bet just $5 on college football. For more info, visit https://www.draftkings.com/
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode: https://www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Jamel Johnson and Brandon Wardell return to the pod to discuss their childhood poops, enchanted family heirlooms, not getting any play through most of high school and college, the hilariously good cast of "Balls of Fury," and much more. Jamel, Brandon and Stav help callers including a guy who got an awesome job using a fake diploma and is worried about getting caught, and a guy wondering if he should go to an orgy party where his ex might be in attendance.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Joe List returns to the pod to discuss his new special "Enough for Everybody" out now on Youtube, the moment you realize your family is way poorer then you thought, the not-so-chill side of Walt Whitman, what he thought about "Oppenheimer," and much more. Joe and Stav help callers including a woman who is completely fed up with dating, and a man whose wife is regularly flashed by a mentally unstable man.
Learn to speak a new language with Babbel! Visit https://www.babbel.com/stavvy to get 55% off your subscription.
Watch Joe List's new special "Enough for Everybody" on his Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkE8_bHaXiU
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Emmy Blotnick joins the pod to discuss the sus plot of the movie "Twins," the frustration of using dating apps, her hard ass Hungarian mom, her brother's criminal record, people who are resistant to therapy, and much more. Emmy and Stav help callers including a guy whose girlfriend dumped him after he accidentally told her about his plan to commit credit card fraud, and a former chronic side bitch who's wondering if karma is real and he's doomed to a life of shallow connections.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Evan Williams and JP McDade join the pod to activate the pink hog armada, get JP out of Patreon purgatory, discuss young Evan's vices, reprimand Evan for not taking full advantage of his divorce, and much more. Evan, JP and Stav help callers including a man who wants to track his biological dad down for medical records, and a guy who no longer feels attracted to his girlfriend.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Get 20% off your first merch order exclusively at https://www.LiquidDeath.com/STAVVY
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://gametime.co/
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Stav speaks directly to callers in the very special, first ever Live Call episode of Stavvy's World!! Stav loses his shirt and gets extra comfy on the couch to mock callers in real time, and offer advice on the daunting life challenges they face. Stav and superproducer Eldis help callers including a guy whose girlfriend doesn't like him being friends with his ex, a man who wants gift suggestions for his hospitable Greek neighbor, a past caller checking back in with an update, and much more.
If you'd like to be a part of future live call episode, subscribe at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld to get access to the Stavvy's World Discord channel where these live calls are taken.
Have a question for a regular episode? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Jared Freid joins the pod to discuss still dating in his 30s, how his family of Jewish salesmen influenced his approach to comedy, why Larry Bird caused a rift in his family, and his comedy special "37 and Single" coming out on Netflix on August 15th. Jared and Stav help callers including a woman who hates where she lives but doesn't want to give up the cheap rent, and a man wondering if his friend group should tell their closeted friend that they know he's gay.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
Brendan Sagalow joins the pod to discuss having a tummy that his girlfriend loves for a demoralizing reason, being a wigger in high school, his unique poop and Squatty Potty routine, being in fat no man's land, and much more. Brendan and Stav help callers including a Black guy concerned about his white friend who keeps getting friendzoned, and a welder who loves his job but is struggling with residual back pain from an injury.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Mark Normand returns to the pod to to discuss getting recognized in the steam room, holistic jock itch treatments, his new special "Soup to Nuts," and much more. Mark and Stav help callers including a woman who has people she casually dated randomly showing up to events she was at, and a guy whose ex mined their relationship for a book she wrote.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Patreon preview. Unlock full episode at www.patreon.com/stavvysworld
JP McDade and Jamel Johnson return for the special first installment of the pod's newest, really well thought out series, the Kush Brothers. JP, Jamel and Stav discuss current events, the latest depraved Penn State scandal, Petey Pablo, Steve Irwin, and much more. The boys help callers including a man wondering if he should reach out to his biological dad who has 28 other kids, and a woman fed up with her flaky mother.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Grace Kuhlenschmidt joins the pod to discuss her last name having way too many letters, having crushes on Zac Efron-looking hotties before she came out, being so closeted in high school that she thought it was ironic to play softball, and much more. Grace and Stav help callers including a 21-year-old himbo who is considering being a sugar baby to an Australian cougar, and a man who still hasn’t gotten his sense of taste or smell back years after getting COVID.
Unlock exclusive, Patreon-only episodes at patreon.com/stavvysworld
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Stavvy Baby Enterprises consigliere Ben O'Brien (aka Benny Buttcheeks aka Mr. Cheeks) and Shrimp Boys host Luke Taylor join the pod for another on-the-road episode to discuss unionizing Stavvy Baby Enterprises, Eldis's incompetence, the history of male circumcision, Stav's messed up hog, being terrible bouncers, and much more. Ben, Luke and Stav help callers including a guy who selfishly wants his girlfriend to get a vasectomy after she got off birth control, and a guy concerned that his new sweet girlfriend thinks his friends are racist after an off-color joke.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Andrew Santino joins the pod for a special on-the-road episode in LA to discuss the evolution of monkeys, the Hollywood illuminati, people settling for the not-quite-ideal partner, Kamala Harris, Hunter Biden, Santino's Italian-Irish heritage, cops in the family, and much more. Santino and Stav helps callers including a woman wondering if she should fess up after accidentally navigating to an inappropriate website at work, and a guy wondering how to let his barber down easy to start seeing a better barber in the same shop.
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Giulio Gallarotti joins the pod to discuss traveling all over the world, starting a school in Afghanistan, sharing Tums with a warlord, having food poisoning on a 17-hour flight, the time Stav asked him to follow him on Instagram, and much more. Giulio and Stav help callers including a bipolar D3 school football player considering skipping his meds so he can go beast mode on the field, and a guy whose creepy vet is hitting on his girlfriend in the most pathetic way possible.
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Rosebud Baker joins the show to discuss expecting her first child, craving vapes while pregnant, her illuminati family and intense father, and much more. Rosebud and Stav help callers including a guy who's humblebragging about his life under the guise of being concerned for his loser brother, and a guy who's wondering if it's bad etiquette to ask for alterations at his favorite Lebanese and Thai restaurants.
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Stav's brothers George and Nick Halkias return to the pod to discuss getting lost on their drive to NYC, Greektown's best and brightest, conquering one form of mental illness and descending into another, their dad's secret stash, Eldis's incompetence, and more. George, Nick and Stav help callers including a rehab center employee with two patients who are constantly fighting about politics, and a guy whose girlfriend put him in the doghouse after she saw he liked several thirst traps.
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Paris Sashay joins the pod to discuss why size matters to lesbians, attending a special ed high school and selling weed to her classmates, when she and Stav first met as wee comics, and much more. Paris and Stav help callers including a guy whose friend was very rude to his girlfriend, and a woman who wants to bring her partners to play parties.
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Jamel Johnson joins the pod to break down the evolution of WNBA stars, getting very sick on his last trip to NYC, locking down all the choice fits from DXL, and much more. Jamel and Stav help callers including a guy who's still trying to holler at a girl he gave bed bugs to, and a woman who's fed up with her boyfriend's creepy cringe friend.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!
Ian Fidance and Jordan Jensen return to the pod for a special after-dark recording to publicly air out their traumas, discuss cheating and getting cheated on, fist bump Stav, argue hot takes, and much more. Ian, Jordan, and Stavvy help callers including a woman who found a condom in her boyfriend's bag, and a man with a family history of alcoholism wondering if he should be worried about getting the hereditary gene.
Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code STAVVY for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. More info at https://gametime.co/
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Caitlin Peluffo joins the pod to discuss being an aggressive, repressed female soccer player, spending a hilarious amount of money on a masters in photography, getting arrested in Tijuana, and much more. Caitlin and Stav help callers including a guy who's having trouble attracting the chubby goth girls of his desire, and a man who's been happily married for eight years but has been talking to his married ex.
Wanna be part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get advice!!
Joe List returns to the pod to discuss expecting his first child (!), working as a professional snitch in Sears loss prevention, his beef with Stav over his first Stavvy's World ep going to Patreon, and much more. Joe and Stav help callers including a newly sober man who struggles with road rage, and a man concerned that his lesbian neighbors are moving in on his wife while he's out of town.
Murder your thirst with Liquid Death! Get 20% off your first merch order exclusively at www.LiquidDeath.com/STAVVY.
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Scott Chaplain joins the pod to discuss his late father who was a cop, working at a slaughterhouse, the sanctity of the family, feeling impotent when sending a smiley emoji, and more. Scott and Stav help callers including a guy whose parents are guilt-tripping him about never bringing the grandkids around, and a 24-year-old considering trying long distance with a girl he’s been dating.
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AustinShow joins the pod to discuss coming out, buying vegetables stealthily at the grocery store, and growing up in Oregon. He also helps test a product and herald an exciting first for Stavvy's World. Austin and Stav help callers including a guy whose buddy is free and loose with his definition of cheating, and a plumber whose coworker is super into conspiracy theories.
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Sam Morril returns to the pod to discuss getting late night po-boys at a New Orleans gas station with Stav, traumatic head injuries he's suffered, Jon Hamm's hard ham, and much more. Sam and Stav help callers including a Greek-Jewish man who wants to learn more about both sides of his heritage, and a college guy whose buddies refuse to buy into the fantasy football league they're all in.
Eddie Huang joins the pod to discuss the come-up of the DMV, the rise and fall of Will Smith, being a first-generation immigrant born to college-student parents, being married to a Greek woman, how ethnic food establishments evolve and assimilate overtime, and much more. Eddie and Stav help callers including a guy who wants to get his mom into therapy, and an expat in Australia who wants retaliation after getting screwed over by his boss.
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Veteran of the show JP McDade returns to the pod for a special episode recapping the final west coast stretch of the Fat Rascal tour. JP and Stav help callers including a man whose sheltered girlfriend makes him feel bad anytime he parties, and a woman in a band who hates her body anytime she sees herself posted on social media.
Brandon Wardell joins the podcast to discuss starting in comedy young, coming up in the DC comedy scene with Stavvy, moving to LA with zero life experience, his soft feminine features, that one time he and Stav went to the Grand Canyon, and much more. Brandon and Stav help callers including a guy whose friend is in prison after shooting their neighbor in the head, and a couple who are concerned about the guy that their 33-year-old virgin female friend is dating.
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Greg Stone joins the podcast to talk about his journey with the Oculus and virtual reality, a special gift he received from a patient in his first week working at a hospital, his alter ego Gus Dakota from his karaoke-going days, and much more. Greg and Stav help callers including a couple who want help naming their baby, and a guy wondering if he should drop $70,000 on pilot school.
Derek Gaines and Dave Temple join the podcast to talk about the evolution of the public's attitude towards 'Family Guy,' Dave's crazy upbringing and why he's uncomfortable attending a nice Thanksgiving, Derek getting passed back and forth between his divorced parents on the highway, and much more. Derek, Dave and Stav help callers including a woman who's concerned about her 22-year-old brother's obsession with Andrew Tate, and a man who was paralyzed from the neck down in a surgery accident wondering how to get back into the dating world.
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Dee Nasty joins the podcast to discuss feeling not-so-nasty in her thirties, the last-minute sitcom influence that inspired her government name, her deadbeat dad who's part-Greek and part-Albanian, growing up in the Bronx, getting jumped in middle school, working at a crazy hotel in Manhattan, and much more. Dee and Stav help callers including a guy who can't get his pregnant girlfriend to stop vaping, a guy who's self-conscious about dating after losing vision in one eye, a guy who can't seem to motivate his Albanian workers, and more.
Mike Vecchione joins the pod to talk about working as a special ed teacher, going to Penn State in the Sandusky era, inventing feudalism, being from Youngstown, his new special 'The Attractives', and much more. Mike and Stav help callers including a guy who doesn't like his girlfriend's hairy ta-ta's and a guy who got brutally trolled by his sociopathic friend.
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Chris Distefano joins the pod to discuss being on the lam in Hershey, PA, scary Albanians, ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the nature of history to repeat itself, Hunter Biden, losing 40 pounds, and much more. Chris and Stav help callers including a newly married man and father who wants birth control advice but doesn't want a vasectomy, and a guy whose wife's baby daddy started dating her mom.
Sarah Sherman joins the pod to discuss the origins of Sarah Squirm, her deep-seated fear of intimacy, her avoidant personality, Brendan Fraser being a hottie in his prime, worrying about dressing that garish after turning 30, and much more. Sarah and Stav help callers including a sensitive little guy who used to be able to last longer with his girl, and a wife whose sister cucked her husband's best friend.
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Sarah Tollemache and Katie Hannigan join the pod to discuss being too old for Snapchat, horrible New York City living arrangements, being terrible at stripping, being artsy in Indiana, doing experimental theater, and much more. Sarah, Katie and Stav help callers including a ski bum and forest firefighter who's wondering if he should settle down, and an adult man wondering how old is too old to play videogames.
Nimesh Patel joins the pod to discuss his experience growing up as an Indian immigrant in New Jersey, epic Indian garba parties, his mom's reaction when he told her he wasn't going to be a doctor, working in telemarketing, selling knives, and more. Nimesh and Stav help callers including a guy leading on a woman he's not interested in but who's courting him with awesome baked goods, and a man who wants to know if a certain Greek stereotype is true.
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Jay Larson joins the pod to discuss growing up north of Boston, his spinster aunts who lived together until their nineties, his deadbeat dad who lived just one town over, getting introduced to his kid's friends, trolling a friend at the guy's dad's funeral, and much more. Jay and Stav help callers including a guy whose girlfriend is smoking through the pregnancy, and a man who's sick of living with his Albanian wife's mom.
Dan Licata and Joe Pera join the pod to discuss their hometown of Buffalo, whether Guy Code or Jackass had a more adverse effect on a generation of young men, take a deep dive on Zeroville starring James Franco, and much more. Dan, Joe and Stav help callers including a guy who sold his uncle's beloved rare comic book after promising not to, and a guy who made his coworker cry after saying a joke with "Polack" in it.
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Friends of the pod Mike Recine and Ian Fidance return for an episode that started with the intentions of being free but quickly devolved to a Patreon one, in which Stav loses his voice a few minutes in, Ian describes attending the Adam Sandler Mark Twain Prize Acceptance, Recine talks about what he brought to a celebrity Super Bowl party that he'll never be invited to again, and much more. Mike, Ian and Stav help callers including a therapist who can't stop cursing around his patients, and a guy wondering if he should model his dad after his biological loser dad or his alpha stepdad.
Esther Povitsky joins the pod to discuss her favorite dessert, the childhood haven of the family computer in the basement, being creepy in AOL chatrooms, weaving a twisted web of lies when trying to buy a Prius, her confusion around having a Jewish dad and gentile mom, why Spongebob is the ideal man, and more. Esther and Stav help callers including a man whose girlfriend claims to want a ridiculously cheap ring, and a young man who's doing well on fetish sites but is wondering how to get into a real relationship.
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Stav's bros Nick and George join the podcast in a special episode to celebrate Greek Independence Day and discuss growing up in Greektown, navigating the politics of the baby prison-esque middle school they went to in Baltimore City, the hilarious male role models in their family, their excitement to watch John Wick 4 and eat gyros after the pod, and much more. They also unveil a very special present for the studio from some fans of the show. Stav, Nick and George help callers including a single dad struggling to put on weight and get insanely swole, a guy wondering if he should include an off-color joke in his best man speech, and field a few questions from the beloved Patreon subscribers of Stavvy's World.
Big Jay Oakerson joins the pod to talk about his aloof father's outlandish lies about his life, gas station hog pills, Wendy Williams, mentally ill fans, watching soap operas and overeating as a child, his new special "Dog Belly" and much more. Stav and Big Jay help callers including a bi woman who wants to come out to her boyfriend, and a single dad who's too tired and has too high standards to date.
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Ryan Sickler joins the pod to list out every major white trash hub in Baltimore that he's lived in, how his aunt won a million dollar lawsuit against Rite Aid in the 80s, a very special neighbor he once had, hereditary health issues, and his new special Lefty's Son. Ryan and Stav help callers including a recovered addict who's hesitant about letting his also-recovering addict sister move in with him, and a happily married man who loves his wife and family but is struggling to get over an ex.
Bert Kreischer joins the pod to discuss his upcoming movie The Machine, what it was like working with Star Wars legend Mark Hamill, what he would love to do to young Bert, asking his wife the question all husbands need to know, the rush of doing standup in an arena, the upcoming Fully Loaded tour, and much more. Bert and Stav help callers including a guy who lived through a roommate nightmare with a best friend, and a guy who’s wondering if it’s unethical to bring girls back to the apartment that he splits with his ex.
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Shayne Smith joins the pod to discuss his wild upbringing, getting sober at 14, joining a biker gang, enlisting in the military, navigating life as an extremely tatted bro, and more. Shayne and Stav help callers including a fellow heavily tattooed man wondering if he should cover up when meeting his girlfriend's parents in South Korea, and a man wondering if he should come clean about accidentally killing his wife's dog.
StraightioLab hosts George Civeris and Sam Taggart join the pod to break down Greek-Albanian relations, browsing in the early days of the internet, the differences between gay couples and straight couples, and more. George, Sam and Stav help callers including a guy who has a low libido when he's sober and a sperm donor wondering if he should reveal his identity to the kid.
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Andy Haynes joins the pod to discuss his drinking days, flipping over a car on a snowy booze run, waking up in a stranger's home, Diplo and Leonardo DiCaprio's nuanced proclivities, soccer and more. Andy and Stav offer sagely advice to callers including a woman who wants to get her husband's name tattooed on her for their anniversary and a man who's feeling guilty about lying under oath to get out of a DUI.
Phil Hanley joins the pod to discuss growing up in Canada, doing way too much acid in his formative years, being dyslexic, worshipping the Grateful Dead, and pivoting to a career in comedy after years working as a fashion model. Phil and Stav help callers including a guy who found out that his girlfriend's dad might be cheating, and a guy who wants to press charges on his ex out of spite.
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Josh Potter joins the podcast to talk about his bold beginnings on morning zoo radio in Buffalo, his Greek immigrant father's lucrative career at Old Country Buffet, and bizarrely being roommates with his pops for a couple years. Josh and Stav help callers including a guy who wants to come out to his girlfriend, and a man considering an odd prank on a woman he briefly dated.
Rachel Feinstein joins the pod to discuss being married to a firefighter, being fundamentally disrespected as an authority figure by her daughter, getting fired from a job in three hours, and more. Rachel and Stav help callers including a woman considering a casual hookup with a 35-year-old virgin and an aspiring foreign relations ambassador considering just doing OnlyFans instead.
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Will Menaker joins the pod to discuss the Astroworld tragedy, R. Kelly vs. Michael Jackson, politely declining to talk with a chatty person on a flight, not letting your child fly first class or know what fancy ramen is, the beauty of the human body and more. Will and Stav help callers including a man having trouble balancing his relationship with his artistic ambitions, and hear an update from a past caller who asked if he should propose to his girlfriend at his own surprise birthday party.
Mark Normand joins the podcast to talk about getting married, attending the Super Bowl on shrooms, meeting Guy Fieri, and getting expelled from school. Mark and Stav help callers including a gay man who finds himself increasingly attracted to women and a man wondering if he can propose to his girl with a ring he previously proposed to someone else with.
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Hanna Dickinson and Lil Frex join the pod to talk about sage life advice from mushroom dealers, the supernatural, magically disappearing HPV, and nightmare cabin getaways with the homies. Hanna, Frex, and Stav help callers including a guy who doesn’t know how to feel about his girlfriend showing his nudes to her friends, and a woman whose boyfriend is vanilla in the sack when sober but a freak when drunk.
Monroe Martin joins the pod to talk about growing up in foster care, his touch-and-go relationship with his dad, and thinking his friends were messing with him when he was just getting robbed. Stav and Monroe help callers including a guy insecure about making less money than his fiancee and a guy wondering if he should hook up with his coworkers overseas.
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Gareth Reynolds joins the podcast to talk about his British father's love of trashy American culture, witnessing his parents' on-again, off-again relationship as a youth in Milwaukee, and the long lonely road to becoming a professional comic. Stav and Gareth help callers including an engaged man with anxiety about getting married and a guy considering proposing to his girlfriend at his own birthday party.
Jessica Kirson joins the pod to discuss partying in college, crapping on her mom's lawn and blaming the family dog, her evolving relationship with her mom, and help callers including a guy whose girlfriend hates his beloved dog, and a man wondering if he should ruin his cheating wife in a legal divorce battle.
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Friend of the pod JP McDade returns to reveal what “JP” really stands for, how far he’d compromise his health for a shot with Catherine Zeta-Jones, and engage in an extended debate about cops from his unique perspective as a Connecticut native of Irish lineage. Stav and JP helps callers including a man who wants to know if it’s okay to fart around girls and an insecure boyfriend whose girl has formidable streaks with hella dudes on Snapchat.
Robert Kelly joins the pod to talk about his Dickensian upbringing of ripping off gumball machines and going to juvie, compare and contrast sex, drug, and food addictions, talk about the rule he had to instate to protect his appetizers after bringing a young Stav on the road, and glow about how fatherhood made him a man. Stav and Bobby help callers including a married midwest woman considering a fling with her ex who has cancer, and a guy who’s worried his life has peaked after an amazing fling in Las Vegas.
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Kerryn Feehan joins the pod to talk about her weird OnlyFans subscribers, discuss the ups and downs of her dating life, and get some caustic zingers in on the fashion world’s new plus-sized sensation Stavros Halkias. Kerryn and Stav help callers including a guy who’s concerned about his friend dating a guy who’s exhibited some scumbag behavior in the past, and a woman whose neighbor’s love life is keeping her up in the wee hours of the night.
Matteo Lane returns to Stavvy's World to recap Paris Fashion Week, talk about meeting Tyra Banks, what it was like to get a standing ovation from Kodak Black and his baby, and debate an age-old question (Italy or Greece?). Matteo and Stav help callers including a guy wondering if he should double down on a thirsty DM that was left on read, and a 24-year-old who needs help coping with his burgeoning baldness.
Subscribe at patreon.com/stavvysworld for exclusive Patreon-only episodes.
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Sean Patton joins the podcast to discuss growing up in the Bayou, getting decked by his mom at 18, why divorce parties should be a thing, and help callers including a guy wondering how to attract women who are into his favorite kink, and an unemployed husband wondering if he should get a job or ride the gravy train of his successful wife's employment after they relocate for her job.
Mike Recine joins the pod to discuss believing in Santa until he was in his teens, the wonders of fatherhood and family life, bowing to the YouTube algorithm gods and helping callers including a guy wondering if he should move across the country to start a life with a woman he met at an anime convention and a man whose father has a dark secret from his past in the military.
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Jordan Jensen and Maddy Smith join the pod to discuss having Dawned On face, losing weight from childhood, and give Jordan an extended group therapy session. Stav, Jordan and Maddy help callers including a guy who’s putting on weight with his girlfriend and a former caller who’s (very, very) slowly maturing and coping with the guilt of cheating.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Devon Walker and Alex English join the podcast to clown each other’s basketball abilities, hash out their officemate rivalry at the 30 Rock office, and help callers including a woman freaked out by her boyfriend’s panty sniffing and a guy who lost a beloved heirloom of his friend’s dead father.
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Bonnie joins the show to discuss how her husband thinks she cheated with John Stamos, the insane circumstances of her first TV spot, and growing up on a farm.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Ali Macofsky joins the pod to discuss going sober at a young age, going to a lame commuter school, how her dad spent the money she made on a childhood radio gig with Ryan Seacrest on patio furniture, and her tendencies to therapize those close to her as a a sober adult and child of divorce. Ali and Stav help callers including a guy who's giving a speech at the wedding of his friend and a woman he used to date, and a fat guy looking for fashion tips from Stavvy.
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Anthony Devito joins the pod to talk about his hilarious and bizarre Italian-American upbringing in New Jersey, how he discovered that his late father was in the mafia, and helps callers including a guy with a clingy girlfriend and a guy who needs advice on how to pull off his favorite position in bed.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Comedian Petey DeAbreu joins the pod to talk about his former life as a white collar criminal, the newfound wisdom that comes with turning 40, and the baddest Disney princesses. Petey and Stav help callers including a shy Italian bouncer who needs pickup lines for women, and a married dad of three struggling with the stresses of family life.
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Raanan Hershberg joins Stavvy's World to discuss growing up Jewish in Kentucky, the humiliating story of how he lost his virginity, and help callers including a man who had his pastries stolen by a fat man at an event, and a shady man who's wondering whether he should tell his new partner about his shadowy legal troubles.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Comedian Ian Lara joins the podcast to talk about immigrant family vacations, what fame means for him in the DR versus the US, and being driven to circumcision out of self-consciousness in the locker room. Ian and Stav help callers including a guy whose buddy is being kept from a bros’ trip by his girlfriend, and a woman grappling with the ethics of being a landlord.
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Comedian Sahib Singh joins the podcast to talk about how Sikhs keep that thang on them, the time he cut his hair for a girl, and help callers including a woman who gets insanely jealous any time her boyfriend talks to another girl and a dad who has twin sons with a woman he can’t stand.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Marie Faustin and Matteo Lane join Stavvy's World to discuss getting flown out, biggest X-Men crushes, terms that sound racist, the bear community, and much more. Marie, Matteo and Stav put their heads together to help callers including a woman who wants to meet hot guys in Arkansas and a man who needs advice on fixing his jacked-up teeth.
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Comedian Joe List joins the podcast to talk about his partying days, cops, and botched dating opportunities with women in his younger, more oblivious years. Joe and Stav help callers including a man in medical debt and a woman who can't find anyone worth dating.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
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Comedian Dan Soder (HBO, 'Billions') joins the pod to revisit a childhood of smoking cigs and dealing with his mom's boyfriend, and compare notes on failed hookups with Stav. Stav and Dan help callers, including a man who's considering moving back to his hometown after a one-time fling with a friend of a friend during Thanksgiving break.
Patreon preview. Listen to full episode at patreon.com/stavvysworld
Comedian and Bein' Ian podcast host Ian Fidance joins Stav to do a little soul-searching, give the soundboard a workout, and help callers including a man who's scared of the world and a poker player who's too shy to ask out a cute dealer at his favorite casino.
Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV and leave a voicemail to get some advice!
Hosts of the Are You Garbage? comedy podcast, Kevin Ryan and H. Foley, join Stavvy's World to tell the story of Foley's journey as an aspiring Dawson's Creek extra, Kevin's escape from working construction, and give advice to callers including a man who's in denial about being ghosted and a Philly husband having trouble being sensitive around his wife.
Comedian Sam Morril joins Stav on the first episode of Stavvy's World to talk about his mommy issues, why standup is pathetic, and offer sagely advice to callers.
NEW SHOW ALERT!!! Happy to announce my new pod, Stavvy's World is coming real soon. It's part advice show, part interview show, part just having a good time with your pals. Each week me and some of my friends will try and solve all your problems. Need some advice? Call 904-800-STAV and leave us a voicemail. Full episodes coming soon, here's a little appetizer to whet your appetite.