With Halloween just days away, at first, I panicked when I realized we didn’t have any candy for all the cute little neighborhood trick or treaters...and then put my big girl panties on and headed to Costco (mistake #1).
We needed a bunch of other things too that people should never buy in bulk, like greek yogurt, and almond milk, spinach...so this wasn’t just a candy only trip.
Finally made it to the Halloween candy section and Costco really went all out...I mean the smallest bag still costs $20 and has over 300 pieces in it, I don’t think we have more than 15 kids in the neighborhood, but obviously we need to be prepared, so we’ll get it.
I always wanted to be the “cool house”...you know the one where they give out the best candy (Reeses, not Smarties)....but never even dreamed of a life where I could be the BEST HOUSE...you know the one that gives out the full-size candy bars.
Well, thanks to Costco, that’s me this year.
But...that’s where the happy part of this story ends…
I should have known better, never open the Halloween candy before Halloween...because once it’s open, it’s basically begging you to eat it.
And now I have full-size candy bars (and remember, Reese’s not Smarties) staring at me everytime I open the pantry...which is A LOT because additional reminder, 7.5 months pregnant.
All that to say...I truly understand why the fun-size bar was created. No one needs these full-size bars in their house, or given to their kids.
They created fun-size candy bars for a reason -- sometimes we shouldn’t eat the whole thing.
The same thing is true for Clockwork...but up until NOW we’ve been giving you full-size bars and if you’re anything like me this week, you’ve learned your lesson and you’re sticking with fun-size from now on.
For the first time ever, we’re offering a fun-size version of our Clockwork Accelerator program, and it’s called Clockwork Kickoff.
So, now you can take a bite + get tonssss of the goodness of Clockworking your business, without feeling overwhelmed, overstuffed and regretful as you near the end...just like that fun-size candy bar.
A few weeks ago when we closed enrollment for our Run Like Clockwork Accelerator program, many of you reached saying you want to clockwork the business, but you didn’t feel quite ready.
You felt you didn’t have the team, time, or money to start clockworking just yet.
In fact, you told me you were looking for first steps to get you started with Clockworking now, until you’re ready for the full thang!
I think that’s smart, you wanted the fun-size.
So, we created it over the past few weeks for you.
Clockwork Kickoff -- how to start clockworking your business, even if you have no team members, no time, no extra money, and no clue how to hire yet!
So, what do you get when you join Clockwork Kickoff?
- Instant lifetime access to the training — no waiting for the next start date, and you can revisit the information any time you want to grow your business, dial in your efficiency, or make a new hire.
- 8 bite-sized lessons to get you clarity and into action — we’ve made them short, actionable, and easy to implement because we know you’re pressed for time.
- Lesson 1: Start Here!
- Lesson 2: The 4 Types of Work
- Lesson 3: Moving Towards Your Ideal
- Lesson 4: Time Tracking Analysis
- Lesson 5: The 4D Debrief (Part 1 + 2)
- Lesson 6: 6. The Fastest Path to ROI
- Lesson 7: Your Action Plan
- Lesson 8: Do THIS Next!
- Our tricked-out tracking spreadsheets to make data collection 100x easier
- Action based assignments with worksheets to get you results fast!
PLUS -- when you join before Thurs. Oct 31st at 11:59pm EST, you'll also get:
- BONUS: exact schedule of how to go through this program successfully
- BONUS: 2 LIVE Q+A coaching calls to get all your questions answered!
That’s right, LIVE feedback and coaching from our Run Like Clockwork team to make sure you’re on the right track as you implement these first steps. This is a bonus we won’t be offering in the future, so snatch it up this week!
Investment: $497
If money, time, or small/no team was what was standing in your way before, NOW is your chance to take action on Clockworking your business in a more bite-sized way!
Join us in Clockwork Kickoff here >> runlikeclockwork.com/kickoff