Welcome to Remember Remember a show all about Histories, Mysteries, the random facts that surround them and all the people and stories that should never be forgot.
With Paula Deming and Matthew Jude.
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Welcome to Remember Remember a show all about Histories, Mysteries, the random facts that surround them and all the people and stories that should never be forgot.
With Paula Deming and Matthew Jude.
Copyright: © 2023
Gaston Bullock Means learned at a young age that he had a knack for getting people to believe him, whether he was telling them the truth or not. And he probably wasn’t. He swindled. He lied. He conned. He joined the FBI. He even got involved in the infamous Lindberg Baby kidnapping. And this episode covers all of his incredible misadventures.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The circumstances of President Warren G. Harding's death were less than straightforward and this much-beloved President soon fell posthumous-victim to scandal and conspiracy. What caused his reputation to plummet and is there truth to any of the theories surrounding his untimely demise?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
From orgies to murders to incest to the interrogation of a dead body, the absolute power of the Papacy has been something many have fought for, died from and abused throughout time. Join us this week for a rabbit hole of Papal debauchery.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The young women who worked as watch face dial painters during and after WW1 counted themselves lucky to have landed such an opportunity. The pay made them top earners in their communities, the job was seen as glamorous, and they got to work in close contact with the new miracle health element: radium. Except of course that radium is actually radioactive poison. But they didn’t know that. Yet.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
In 1898 the Philippines are ablaze with rebellion as they rise up against the Spanish colonists driving them back as the Spanish themselves head to war with America, but 54 Spanish men in the small town of Baler refuse to surrender. They hold up in a church as the last men fighting for Spain, in a war already lost.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
December, 1966. A man lies in a hospital bed, dying from lung cancer. He points up to the drop tile ceiling above him, tracing out a map of plans to his brother. Plans for a huge swath of land in Florida that he wants to turn into the perfect City of Tomorrow - no homelessness, no unemployment, no inclement weather, and no visible cars. That man is Walt Disney and his plan? The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or EPCOT. Learn about the history of this Disney Theme Park along with us!
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It's 1766 and a French Naval expedition is about to be the first to circumnavigate the world with a woman aboard. Except they don't exactly know that she's there. Because she had disguised herself as Jean Baret, male botanical assistant to Phillibert Commerson. How did Jeanne (not Jean) end up on this voyage? Why did she disguise herself? And how was she found out? We talk about all that and more in this episode!
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The arid landscape of the American west was discovered and hidden beneath the scrubland lay the bones of the greatest animals to have ever walked the earth. Two men set their sights on discovering them but first they had to destroy each other. This is the story of the bone wars.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
If you were to walk along the south coast of Britain in the early 1800s you may have seen, up on the cliff's edge, risking life and limb precariously digging at the rock face, Mary Anning. And what Mary had seen, was to change the scientific world forever.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It's happened again. Paula's gone down another history rabbit hole. This one started with wondering why holding your pinky out while drinking makes you “fancy”, led to Syphilis and a fruitless search for which British King had gout, and ended in the resignation of a Prime Minister.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
In the 15th Century, Leon Battista Alberti said "A man can do all things if he will". And thus the idea of The Renaissance Man (or Universal Man, or polymath) was born. But how to be a good one? And is it still possible to be one today? We take a look at The Book of the Courtier by Castiglione and see what advice he can offer us.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It’s 1850 in middle Britain, all around the rolling hills stood silent as the starter's gun rang out, the Olympic games had once again begun 15 hundred years after they were outlawed for being a little bit too pagan. While the Wenlock games would never go on to become the Olympics as we know them, without them our Olympic games may never have returned.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Hatshepsut had a bit of an unusual job for a woman of ancient Egypt: she was Pharaoh - leading warriors, opening up trade, and being all but forgotten by history. Her mummy went missing from its tomb and her monuments were defaced. Was she a conniving, power-hungry leader who deserved to be destroyed? Or was it something else entirely?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Oh there he goes, Johnny Appleseed, planting trees and being one of America's first weirdo’s, but this legendary frontier man was much more than the myths that make him, he was a true American hero and a man who helped settle the west in a remarkable way.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
"In 1899 the streets of New York echoed with the voices of Newsies" -Newsies, the movie
But then those voices went silent, at least when it came to selling The World and The Journal. The Newsies of New York were on strike and these underdogs were more than ready to take on the tycoon powerhouses of Pulitzer and Hearst.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyon", was a depraved and truly evil Nazi but when the war is over he slips the country, avoids justice and disappears in the criminal underworld. But something in Beate Klarsfeld's heart can’t let this rest so she decides it’s up to her to hunt him down. Klaus had killed 14 thousand and for this he must face justice.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It’s 1801 and a woman working in a floating brothel in Guangdong province marries a pirate. She becomes known as Cheng Yi Sao (which basically means Cheng Yi’s Wife). But history doesn’t just remember her as a woman who married a pirate. Instead, she is remembered as one of history’s most successful pirates herself. And this is her story.
Huge thanks to my most helpful source for this episode: "One Woman's Rise to Power: Cheng I's Wife and the Pirates" by Dian Murray
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday and the shoot out at the OK Corral. Where a bunch of Lawmen finally take down the vicious Clanton Gang that’s the story, it’s also one of the best movies ever made but what really happened, The lines between good and evil were not so clear, it didn’t even happen at the OK Corral which I feel is a detail you’d get right.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
London has fallen in love with Jack Sheppard - a "Gentleman", a "Lad", an "Honest" Thief. Can Jonathan Wilde, the Thief-Taker General, end his reign? Or will Jack continue to grow his fame through jailbreak after jailbreak? We finish our dive into Jack's story in this Part 2!
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Look up "rogue" in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of Jack Sheppard, the real life inspiration behind characters like the Artful Dodger and Captain MacHeath. But how did this budding young Carpenter's Apprentice become one of the most-loved criminals and escape artists in all of 18th Century London? And why do we still know his name today?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
We’ve all seen it, the Roman Emperor puts out his thumb, who lives who dies, it’s in his hands...or was it? The world of the Gladiator was much more than that. It wasn’t always a fight to the death though you might have to literally fist fight a giraffe. From naval recreations to ancient cosplay, half time catapults full of prizes to women gladiatrices all that and more is in the this week's episode of Remember Remember
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
July 30, 1975 - Teamsters Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa disappears from the parking lot of a restaurant in a Detroit suburb. He's never been found. This week we’re diving into unions, mob hits, and mysterious disappearances as we talk about the legacy of Jimmy Hoffa.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The Brothers Grimm were a curious pair, teeth collecting, literary controversy and an Ironic fear of fairy tales and supernatural stories. But one of their most endearing fables, the Pied Piper, may have been more than just tall tales. This week's episode is all about the real life Pied Piper and a town called Hamelin where one day 130 children went missing.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
A young king, ill-prepared to take over the throne, builds a fairytale castle in Bavaria, Germany as a way to escape a world that doesn't seem to understand him. Who was Ludwig the Second and why has history remember him for so many years as "Mad" King Ludwig?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
This week takes us deep into the unsettling mind of one of the 20th century's most controversial writers, a man who’s descriptions of the indescribable have created one of the most popular worlds to explore long after his death. It’s possible that H P Lovercraft is more popular today than ever before but certainly not always for good reasons.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
What is the story of The Lady with the Ring and is there any truth to it? Were people really being accidentally buried alive all over Europe and if not - why were so many historical figures afraid of it happening to them?
We dive into this slightly macabre historical topic to celebrate Halloween. Happy Samhain.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It was April 3rd when a band of American Soldiers teamed up with Austrian Resistance Fighters and Defected Vermach forces, tipped off by a Croatian Prisoner and a Czech Cook, marched to a castle in the Alps to save the lives of a bunch of French Political Prisoners, 2 Prime Ministers and a Tennis Star.
The Story of Castle Itter is one of strange bedfellows and unparalleled bravery where 30 men would hold off over 100 SS officers in one of the strangest battles of World War 2.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Paula takes us down an internet-research-rabbit-hole that started with cookies and ended up at the Cholera Pandemic. What does Sylvester Graham, the American Father of Vegetarianism fit in? You'll just have to listen to find out.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
In 1701 an attack in the Shogun’s Palace led to the death of the attacker and the disgrace of his clan, but a small band of samurai’s - now Ronin - hatched a plan. And while the lines of right and wrong are blurry, the story of the 47 Ronin is now revered as one of loyalty and honor.
Let's Ask Shogo channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LetsaskShogo
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
In Northern California during the 'Summer of Love' two men went into the woods to follow up on some rumours. A group of loggers have seen a mysterious animal in the forest and they want to know what it is. So along the shores of Bluff Creek history is made as Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin capture on film a Big Foot for the first time. But what really happened? Who were these men? And why would they lie?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Monopoly is the most successful and popular board game of the modern world and it was invented in the 1930s by Charles Darrow. OR WAS IT? While fighting a court case against Parker Brothers in the 1970s, Richard Anspach discovered that the game might actually have been designed by a woman named Lizzie Magie. This history of Monopoly is one of mystery, conspiracy, and corporate cover up.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The story of the Titanic is well-known as one of the worst peacetime tragedies of the modern world but what caused such a disaster and why do some people believe that not all is as it seems?
This is an episode from our other podcast Death by Monsters, a comedy show all about Monsters, Mysteries and the Unknown. We delve into the paranormal, the unexplained, true crime and of course the occasional conspiracy. It features Paula Deming, Nick Murphy and Matthew Jude.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
This episode is frankly difficult to listen to. Things are about to get from bad to worse for the Donner Party. In order to be one of the greatest stories of human resilience, tragedy and survival first things have to become hell on earth. What would you do to survive?
You can find the first-hand accounts of Virginia Reed and Eliza Donner at: https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/reed/donner/donner.html http://genealogytrails.com/ill/donner.html
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
A new life, opportunity, endless acres of land, and even gold lay west, and that's exactly what the Donner Party was in search of. In part 1 of this 2 part look at the infamous Oregon Trail disaster we learn just who they were and what was it that went so terribly wrong.
You can find the first-hand accounts of Virginia Reed and Eliza Donner at: https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/reed/donner/donner.html http://genealogytrails.com/ill/donner.html
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Find Formosa Files here - https://www.formosafiles.com/
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
How did a humble Duck farmer become the ruler of Taiwan? Taiwan's history is absolutely fascinating and none of the hundreds of rebellions and uprisings are more incredible than this story of the most unlikely of Emperors.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Find Formosa Files here - https://www.formosafiles.com/
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
It was the crime of the century as a gang of South London thieves pulled off a train heist leaving with millions. But crooked coppers, boneheaded friends and a traitor in the ranks brought the Great Train Robbery crashing down.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The story of the all women's baseball league was almost forgotten to history, but after the son of one of the players made a documentary about a League Reunion, the wild ride of 'A League of Their Own' came to life. Settle in for the history of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. Just remember, there's no crying in Baseball.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
During WW2 there were some wild and wacky plans set in place to change the course of the war. This one might be one of the best and it all starts when someone notices a man that looks just like Field Marshal Montgomery, one of the most important men in the world at that time.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare? In this episode from our previous podcast "Death By Monsters" we take a look at the Shakespearean Authorship Question and fall down some deep deep rabbit holes! It's a conspiracy! It's a SHAKESPIRACY!
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Who built the mysterious tunnels under the Edgehill neighborhood of Liverpool, UK? What purpose did they serve? History tells us that Joseph Williamson is responsible for the tunnels, but it doesn't tells us WHY this "mad" mole spent so much of his time creating them.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
With Boston in full Ponzi-Mania some people are begining to notice that things aren't quite what they seem and that the numbers aren't adding up.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Charles Ponzi ran a scheme so infamous they named it after him, but it didn't start out that way. A genius get rich quick scheme and a couple bad investments... it could've happened to anyone.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Noor Inayat Khan knew that taking a job behind enemy lines could be a death sentence but she went anyway. As a wireless operator she was the only link between the Resistance and Britain, especially after her team were betrayed.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The new movie 'Cocaine Bear' claims to be based on a true story. What it doesn't mention is what that true story is. In a world full of organised crime, drug running and hitmen how did a black bear in Georgia end up dead?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Michelangelo got punched by the Pope and hated being called a Painter so why did he get the job of painting the world's most famous ceiling inside the Sistine Chapel?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Marco Polo has a lot of tales to tell but back home in Venice he was known as the 'Man of a Million Lies'. Did he make it to China and the court of Kublai Khan or was his tongue as forked as the Silk Road?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
In Part One we found out about the Legend behind the Winchester Mystery House but in this episode Paula separates fact from fiction. Or at least gives it a good College try.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
Some say it's the 'Most Haunted House in America', others that it was built by the Occult but what is the truth behind this bizarre building and who was the woman that built it?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
The King is Dead or so the headlines read after they found Joshua Norton's body on a San Francisco street corner. But who was the man that claimed to be King and how did he rise to be America's Emperor?
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa
William Gillette may not have lived at 221b Baker Street but everything else about him happens to look just like Sherlock Holmes. This episode we explore how an American Actor shaped a British Institution.
You can find the Full Video version of the show over on YouTube at
Contact us at - RememberRememberShow@gmail.com
Twitter - @RememberCast
Instagram - @rememberrememberpod
Find everything about the show over on our Website - https://www.rememberrememberpodcast.com/
Artwork and logos were made by Mary Hanson @MermaidVexa