I decided to ask you what your assumptions were about me. The response was both hilarious and interesting!
Assumption #1 - you are good at all sports and very competitive You always win.
Answer: Partly. That's true. Partly it's not true. I am barely good at all sports. I just think when you're athletic and you have. Good coordination and balance and agility and speed. And, you know, you can adapt to all sports and very competitive actually. No, I'm not very competitive. I've seen these athletes that, that are like, I'll stop at nothing to win and you know, and I'm gonna win.
Assumption #2 - is you don't eat cake.
Answer: That would be a correct assumption. I don't eat cake. Cake is not something that I go to. It's not my drug of choice. It's not something that I'm going to go seek out. It's not something that I'm going to be like, Ooh, make sure I get a piece of cake. If anything, I might have a bite of cake just to see what it tastes like. But even then, it's just not something that I really care a whole lot about
Assumption #3 - is you like rock music?
Answer: I absolutely hate rock music. Yeah. And even more I hate. And I'm using the word hate. I try not to use that very often, but when it applies, I'm going to use it. I don't know what I despise. I should say I despise. I loath. I mean, I hate heavy metal music. And so when I hear rock music, that's what I think is heavy metal music, maybe different rock to you is different, but I don't like rock music at all. And I avoid it like the plague maybe because, because I have a Mohawk, you kind of assume perhaps that I like rock music, but that's what this is.
Assumption #4 - is that you're disciplined.
Answer: I am not as disciplined as I would like to be. I believe, I feel like I let myself off the hook too much, probably compared to the average person, I guess maybe I seem more disciplined and perhaps I am, but I don't feel like I am as disciplined as I should be. it's a good assumption
Assumption #5 - I think you are sensitive.
Answer: Yes, yes and no, I am not sensitive if I get like an angry email and nasty email or someone's calling me names online, or I get hateful remarks or comments, or, you know, people that contact me and want to tell me off. None of that makes me, I don't, I'm not affected by that. I'm not sensitive to that at all. I have no problem laying my head down. Right. After I get, you know, a nasty email or something, it doesn't bother me, but I am sensitive to like my sister, Carrie, if she were to call me crying, I would be really affected by that. So I am sensitive to certain things, my husband, my sister my animals, you know, my two dogs, that kind of thing, but I'm pretty desensitized to most things. There's only a couple of things that really get to me
Assumption #6 - when you make commitments, you keep them you're never late to appointments.
Answer: This is a hundred percent correct. I always keep my commitments, always keep my word. I am never late to appointments. Never if. Ever late to an appointment, something bad has happened to me. If my ever late to an appointment there has been an emergency seriously there, I was just recording a podcast. I was a podcast guest on another girl's podcast. She was four minutes late starting the podcast. I stood there for four minutes to me. That's absolutely unacceptable here. A few months ago I had. Two employees that I was meeting for breakfast and I rearranged my whole schedule to meet him for breakfast. And they were 15 minutes late. And that is the epitome. Of rudeness. That is the epitome of disrespect. And I, I mean, it is, there's just, no, there's no reason for that. And so I will never be late and I will never, if I have to cancel something has got to be blood or bones or it's gotta be something that's absolutely like a serious situation. If I'm canceling never late. No, I have no tolerance for people who are. Zero.
Assumption #7 - is that you eat everyone's leftovers.
Answer: Yes. This is Marley. My friend Marley and Marley. Yes, you can't. There is no food is safe around me. I eat everyone's leftovers. You can't keep food. Now. Marley is very small. She's like 115 hundred and 20 pounds. And we went on a trip to Austin together. She went on a trip and I invited myself to go along and. She, and I were, you know, I mean, I weigh her by freaking 40 pounds. Like I am, I'm a lot bigger than her, so I eat a lot more food than her, but the way that she has been able to keep her weight down, she doesn't need very much and she doesn't work out very much. So she doesn't eat very much. So. Would have something and then she would eat half of it and then save half of it later. Well, no way, man. I was coming up behind her, like a lawnmower and eating all of her food and eating my food too. So the assumption is I eat everyone's leftovers and yes, that is true. I eat everyone's leftovers.
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