You want success in your coaching business you can almost taste it. You see how powerful a podcast can be to reach your potential clients, and you want the help to guarantee that success BUT … something is in the way.
Thoughts like, it's too much work, I don't have time, I'm not ready get in the way and the biggest obstacle is your lack of trust that you can 10000% make what you want a reality.
You dabble with free stuff, trying to figure it out on your own, you take the free courses and coaching programs, and get the checklists and guides, and tuck them away and say "later."
... later never comes.
You're fearful of putting skin in the game to invest in yourself by hiring a coach, and so the success you want remains a wish because you don't know how to get there.
You keep trying the same thing expecting different results.
Great coaches have coaches, because they have discovered that a return on investment that compounds overtime is possible, and that's the insurance to reach the success they know is guaranteed because they are driving the bus.
Once you get a taste of this there's no turning back. Your belief skyrockets and what you invest becomes irrelevant because you know you'll compound what you put in.
For the first few years of my business I was seeking the golden ticket, piecing together the free stuff, the courses and I listened to all the "experts."
I thought ... "If I just get all the strategies, the swipe files and checklists, and I follow them exactly, I'll figure this shit out."
I stayed in this kind of scarcity without even knowing it, and the looping thought was: "When I start making money in my business, then I'll be ready to hire a coach."
Instead of: "When I hire a coach, then I'll start making money and have the success I want."
Scarcity and worry about not having enough was the mantra in my head and I kept creating the same problem because I could not see that I was the one creating the obstacle.
When you view hiring a coach as an investment instead of an expense, you begin to trust in your own power to compound your investment because you put your chips on YOU.
Can it be scary? Sure. That's what it means to be an entrepreneur. If you want to make your business work, you get help.
I say all of this with total love because I know the pain of denial in my own business journey.
Once I began investing in myself, that's when the shift began, and it happened fast.
I held my breath and jumped in. The water was cold and a little shock to my system, but it was exhilarating too because I knew it was exactly the thing I had to do.
Finding the money became a non-issue because I created the safety in my beliefs that I could create more.
What you want is so close. You just have to move over and get out of your own way.
If money was not an issue, and the success you want is 100% guaranteed, what would you do?
Sending you so much love and support, and when you jump I'll be there to catch you. <3
Here's your chance to strike while the iron is hot and schedule your Podcast VIP Day with me so you can finally hit the g
I take ONE new podcast launch client per month because this how I keep the highest quality in my work, the white glove treatment for YOU.
Invest in the podcast you want to give to the world.
So here’s what you need to do if you want to lock in your spot with me:
Visit and click on the Ready, Set, Launch program and I will immediately be in touch to set up your onboarding session. If you have questions about the program, feel free to email me at