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Today, Jody and I talk about the 6th habit of highly successful pharmacists, synergy.
Do you feel like sometimes your team isn’t working cohesively, like certain members are bringing the team down?
Synergy – the whole is greater than the sums of its parts
It’s the essence of principle-centered leadership
It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers with people. It takes the motive of Win/Win, the skills of empathic communication, on the toughest challenges in life
We use synergy by valuing differences, respect them, build on strengths, and to compensate for weaknesses.
Synergy at times can be chaotic if allowed by leadership
People can descend into poor decision into the workplace, but with the best of intentions. Sadly, people get burned by their experiences and feel like they can be who they are at work
You’ve either experienced this or watched this happen. Leaders will make new rules based on the actions of a few abusers, and because a few people break the rules, it limits the creative freedom for everyone
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