On Orleans: Behind the Scenes, Mia and Mike bring you the talk of the town.
Tune in to hear what’s happening this week and what’s coming up next!
With Mia Baumgarten, Media Program Coordinator and Mike Solitro, Assistant Town Planner.
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On Orleans: Behind the Scenes, Mia and Mike bring you the talk of the town.
Tune in to hear what’s happening this week and what’s coming up next!
With Mia Baumgarten, Media Program Coordinator and Mike Solitro, Assistant Town Planner.
Copyright: © Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro
Clean, safe water doesn’t just happen—it takes careful management and a dedicated team. In this episode, we sit down with Susan Brown from Orleans’ award-winning Water Department to explore how our water is sourced, treated, and delivered straight to your tap.
We dive into what it takes to maintain the town’s water system, tackle infrastructure challenges, and ensure top-quality service year-round. Plus, Sue shares tips on conservation, reading your water bill, and what to do if you notice an issue.
To view the Annual Water Report, download the Eye on Water tool, and learn about other Water Department issues and initiatives visit https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/457/Water-DepartmentTo report a leak or a break call 508.255.1200 or off-hours 508.255.0117Sign up for the Town Talk newsletter https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/948/News-and-Notifications and follow us on social @townoforleansma
In this episode ofOrleans: Behind the Scenes, we speak with Elizabeth Jenkins, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development for the Town of Orleans, about the housing challenges facing our community and the Cape Cod region. Elizabeth shares her passion for planning, provides insight into the current housing crisis, and discusses the initiatives Orleans is implementing to meet these challenges. Tune in to learn how the town is working toward sustainable solutions for housing now and in the future.
For comprehensive and up-to-date information on housing in Orleans: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/1026/Housing
Housing partners:
Lower Cape Community Development Partnership www.capecdp.org
Homeless Prevention Council www.hpccapecod.org
Housing Assistance Corp www.haconcapecod.org
Sign up for town alerts and newsletters https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/List.aspx
Follow us on social media at @townoforleansma
In this episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, we chat with George Meservey, Director of Planning and Community Development, to explore how the department helps shape the town’s future through thoughtful planning and community collaboration. From managing growth and preserving Orleans’ character to addressing housing challenges and developing the Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP), George shares insights into the planning process and how community input drives decisions. We also discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead for creating a sustainable, thriving Orleans. Tune in to learn how you can get involved and contribute to the town’s vision for the future.
Stay up to date on Planning related activities: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/297/Planning-and-Community-Development
Sign up for town alerts and newsletters:https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/List.aspx
Follow us on social media at @townoforleansma
In this episode of Orleans Behind the Scenes, we dive into the Town of Orleans’ phased sewer project—a vital effort to protect our environment, support sustainable growth, and ensure the long-term health of our community.
Co-host Mike Solitro (Special Projects Coordinator), alongside guests Scott Walker (Treasurer/Collector), and Alex Fitch (Health and Human Services Director) join us to explain the why, how, and what’s next of the project.
We’ll also highlight why this investment is not just good for residents but also for businesses and Orleans’ long-term growth. Tune in to learn how to stay informed and connected as the project evolves.
Stay up to date: Visit the Town of Orleans website, sign up for Town Talk, and follow us on social media for the latest updates.
Comprehensive information on the Wastewater Infrastructure: www.town.orleans.ma.us/171/Wastewater-Infrastructure Water/Sewer Program Coordinator: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/formcenter/Health-Department-29/Contact-John-Nelson-150 Pay tax bills online: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/913/Online-Bill-Pay
Cape Cod AquiFund: https://www.capecod.gov/departments/health-environment/programs-services/water-and-wastewater/community-septic-management-loan-program-csmlp/
MA Title 5 Tax Credit: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/1651/Title-5-Credit-for-Mandated-Septic-Syste
Sign up for town alerts and newsletters: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/List.aspx Follow us on social media at @townoforleansma
In this episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, we sit down with Judi Wilson, Director of the Orleans Council on Aging, to explore how the Senior Center supports the town's senior community through innovative programs, essential services, and meaningful connections. Judi shares the Center's mission, its impact on residents, and exciting plans for the future, offering a closer look at how the COA continues to make a difference in Orleans.
COA/Senior Center webpage
This episode focuses on the Orleans Fire Department's "Homeless for the Holidays" initiative, an annual event designed to raise awareness and support for those who might be struggling in the local community. The event has become a vital part of the holiday season on Cape Cod, with the fire department working closely with the Lower Cape Outreach Council to gather donations, such as unwrapped toys, new clothing and pet food, for families in need.
Lower Cape Outreach Council Art Cottages on Market Square
Homeless for the Holidays Event Information
Contact Information: homelessfortheholidaysofd@gmail.com
In this episode of Orleans Behind the Scenes, Mia sits down with the Town's new Public Information Officer Amanda Converse, who shares her background and vision for community communication in Orleans. They discuss the launch of Town Talk, the new monthly newsletter designed to keep residents informed on town projects, events, and more. The conversation also covers the importance of accessible communication channels, including Channel 8 and the podcast itself, as ways to engage and connect with Orleans residents.
Link to follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/townoforleansma
Link to follow on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/townoforleansma/
Link to subscribe to Town Talk: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/List.aspx (scroll down to the bottom and find it under the News Flash category)
Link to sign up for CivicReady: https://orleans-ma.myfreealerts.com/
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, the Mia and Mike recap the highlights from the recent Special Town Meeting with a special guest, Kevin Galligan, Vice Chair of the Select Board. Together they explore the history of Town Meeting as the “truest form of democracy” and discuss memorable moments, key decisions, and the importance of civic participation in Orleans.
Revisit the October 25 episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes where Assistant Town Manager, Mark Reil previewed the Special Town Meeting
For Special Town Meeting results and information, visit: Town Meeting Information | Orleans, MA
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Town of Orleans' Assistant Town Manager, Mark Reil to discuss the upcoming Special Town Meeting.
Special Town Meeting will be held on Monday, October 28 at 6:00 pm at the Nauset Regional Middle School, located at 70 South Orleans Road. More details are found here.
The Town Meeting Warrant is available: town.orleans.ma.us/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/418
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or new explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings on the beautiful Lower Cape.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways local government works.For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Visit town.orleans.ma.us/894 for more information.
Contact Mark: town.orleans.ma.us/formcenter/Town-Manager-24
Town Meeting Central: town.orleans.ma.us/894
Free Cash Policy Presentation
-----------------------------------------------------------Connect with the Town of Orleans on Facebook and InstagramContact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Steve Smith, Executive Director of the Cape Cod Technology Council to discuss the Massachusetts Broadband Equity Access & Deployment (BEAD) Challenge Process.
Visit FixCapeInternet.com for more information.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town. Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Visit FixCapeInternet.com for more information.
Massachusetts has $147 million in funding available to build more broadband internet infrastructure. This is Cape Cod's chance to challenge their data.
Want faster internet on Cape? Go to: FixCapeInternet.com
Who: All Barnstable County Residents and Businesses
When: June 20 - July 20, 2024
Visit: FixCapeInternet.com
Upcoming Events:
Fourth of July Festivities
- July 2: Independence Day Fireworks
- July 4: Town Parade - May the Fourth Be With You
- July 5: First Friday
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM | orleansfarmersmarket.org
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Orleans Firebirds Schedule
Connect with the Town of Orleans on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Stacy Faber, Assistant to the DPW Director/Sticker Office Manager to discuss all things stickers.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
For more information:
Online Sticker Portal: orleansstickers.townhall247.com
All Sticker Information: town.orleans.ma.us/544
Nauset Beach Rules & Regulations for Over Sand Vehicles (OSV): town.orleans.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/1490
2024 Parking Dates & Fees: town.orleans.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/2737
Contact Stacy: (508) 240-3790 x3101
Beach Webcams
Town Landings & Access Points: town.orleans.ma.us/444
Upcoming Events:
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers Market: Every Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM | orleansfarmersmarket.org
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
2024 Cape Coastal Conference | Tuesday, June 18 at 9 AM
Orleans Improvement Association: 34th Annual Orleans Garden Tour, Saturday, June 22 – 10:00AM to 4:00PM - orleansimprovement.org/garden-tour-2024-orleans-improvement-association
Temporary East Orleans Water Shutoff - Monday, June 24
Connect with the Town of Orleans on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, host Mia Baumgarten welcomes Shelly McComb, Coastal Resilience Specialist with Cape Cod Cooperative Extension & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant and Katie Castagno, Ph.D., Director with The Center for Coastal Studies.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
For more information:
Volunteer with The Center for Coastal Studies: coastalstudies.org/get-involved/volunteers/
Data Portal: mapthatcapecod.com/
Storm Tide Pathways: stormtides.org/
Coastal Resilience Week 2024: seagrant.whoi.edu/cccrw-2024/
Community Beach Monitoring: mycoast.org/ma/coastsnap/about
Connect with Barnstable County Government on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and Youtube
Connect with The Center for Coastal Studies on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X
Upcoming Events:
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM | www.orleansfarmersmarket.org/
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM
Orleans Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar
Over Sand Vehicles (OSV) Updates
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Judy Lindahl, Executive Director of the Orleans Chamber of Commerce.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on the Orleans Chamber of Commerce: orleanscapecod.org
First Friday! in Orleans
~ June 7
~ July 5
~ August 2
~ September 6
~ October 4
Boards In The Stores: Auction & Scavenger Hunt - Download the Goosechase App: iOS or Android
Boards on display & available for auction through August 24, 2024
Truly Orleans 2024 is out now - available throughout town and online
Shop Like a Local Coupon Book - Available June 1
Connect with the Chamber on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram
Upcoming Events:
Beach Sticker Information - Available now
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM orleansfarmersmarket.org
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM (from the Cape Cod Times)
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Over Sand Vehicles (OSV) Updates
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Doreen Leggett, Community Journalist and Communications Officer with the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
For more information on the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance: capecodfishermen.org
Rock Harbor Commercial Wharf Improvements - Select Board Presentation, February 14, 2024
Contract Documents for Rock Harbor Commercial Wharf Improvements | town.orleans.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/6431
Upcoming Events:
May 13: Orleans Annual Town Meeting - 6 PM, in the Nauset Middle School Gym
Town Meeting Central: town.orleans.ma.us/894/
Town Meeting Warrant
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM |www.orleansfarmersmarket.org/
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM (from the Cape Cod Times)
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Christina and Katie from Housing Assistance to discuss Walk for Hope 2024 and much more.
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Walk for Hope - Sunday, May 19th
12:00 PM - Registration, Music, Snacks, and FUN!
12:45 PM - Opening Ceremonies
1:00 PM - Walks Start in Falmouth, Hyannis, and Orleans
2:00 PM - Post Walk Music, Yard Games, and Ice Cream
3:00 PM - Event Ends
For more information: HACWalkforHope.org
And for more on Housing Assistance or Housing to Protect Cape Cod
Connect with Housing Assistance on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
Other Upcoming Events:
May 2: Orleans Citizen’s Forum - Prep for Town Meeting
May 13: Orleans Annual Town Meeting - 6 PM, in the Nauset Middle School Gym
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM |www.orleansfarmersmarket.org/
Pop Up Practices in Parish Park - Sponsored by the Orleans Cultural District: Every Saturday 1 - 2 PM (from the Cape Cod Times)
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Talitha Abramsen, Housing Resources Program Manager with Lower Cape Housing & Accessory Dwelling Unit Resource Center.
The Lower Cape Housing & Accessory Dwelling Unit Resource Center is a joint effort between Community Development Partnership (CDP) and Homeless Prevention Center (HPC).
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Contact Talitha
(508) 290-0119
Lower Cape Housing & ADU Resource Center
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
April 5, 12, and 19: Town of Orleans First Aid Training & Certification
April 9: Orleans Digital Equity Plan Community Meeting
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Jackie O’Connor, Advancement Director and Ashley Bulger, Marketing & Social Media Specialist from Latham Centers to discuss their upcoming 2024 Donkey Dash 5k Road Race.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
More information on Latham Centers' Donkey Dash scheduled for May 19 at 10 AM at Hog Island Brewery.
Special appearance by DJ Stephanie Viva
Latham Centers' on Facebook and on Instagram
- Snow Library Calendar
- Orleans Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
- Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
- April 5, 12, and 19: Town of Orleans First Aid Training & Certification
- April 9: Orleans Digital Equity Plan Community Meeting
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Tavi Prugno from Snow Library.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered from a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Snow Library
67 Main Street
Orleans, MA 02653
Phone: (508) 240-3760
Hours of Operation: Mon, Thurs, Fri: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Tues - Wed: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Sat: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
For More Info on Snow Library: https://www.snowlibrary.org/
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market: Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
April 9, 2024: Orleans Digital Equity Plan Community Meeting ---------------------------------------
Connect with the Town of Orleans now on Facebook and Instagram
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Geof Deering, Orleans Fire Chief.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town. Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
April 9, 2024: Orleans Digital Equity Plan Community Meeting
May 13: Annual Town Meeting
For More Info on Orleans Fire Rescue
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Tyler and Cam to talk partnering with a sibling, leading two restaurants, and running businesses in Orleans. And much more!
Tyler is the Executive Chef & Owner and Cam is General Manager & Owner of The Rail and The Barley Neck.
The Barley Neck: https://www.barleyneck.com/
Opening March 8
The Rail: https://www.therailorleans.com/
Opening March 15
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
March 11: Transportation and Bikeways Advisory Committee Special Community Meeting at 5:00 PM
March 12: Planning Board Public Hearing at 4:00 PM
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market: Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Scott MacDonald, Orleans Chief of Police.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market: Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Presidential Primary Voting: New Video
For More Info
Orleans Police Department
Orleans Digital Equity Plan
Contact the show at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Kelly Darling, Town Clerk, Jennifer Higgins, Assistant Town Clerk, and Bethany Hibbard, Principal Clerk.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Kelly Darling: kdarling@town.orleans.ma.us
Jennifer Higgins: jhiggins@town.orleans.ma.us
Bethany Hibbard: bhibbard@town.orleans.ma.us
2024 Town Election Information: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/465/Town-Clerk
PSA: 2024 Elections https://youtu.be/hlX9FVPiycY
Dog Licensing & Regulations: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/473/Dog-Licensing-Regulations
Rental Registration: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/1500/Rental-Registration
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market: Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro answer your questions.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Snow Library Calendar
Orleans Farmers' Market: Every Saturday 10 AM to 12 PM | Inside at 44 Main Street until May
Orleans Chamber Events Calendar
Massachusetts Open Air Burning season - Permit Application
Rental Registration
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
***The Public Hearing discussed during this episode has been rescheduled to March 12, 2024.***
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Ryan Bray of The Cape Cod Chronicle to discuss all things Orleans local news coverage.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall?
Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town.
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works.
For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
January 27: Community book reading at The CHO Meetinghouse at 10am
The Cape Cod Chronicle
Web: https://capecodchronicle.com/
On X: https://twitter.com/CCCNewsroom
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/capecodchronicle/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/capecodchronicle/
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Town of Orleans Recreation Director Thomas DeSiervo to discuss all things recreation, ongoing programming, and some upcoming offerings.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next! Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
Contact Tom
(508) 240-3700 x 2333
January Events at Snow Library
January 13: Orleans Farmers' Market
January 23: The Snow Library Feasibility Task Force Public Forum
Town Departments, Boards and other useful links: Recreation Department
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro welcome Town of Orleans Conservation Principal Clerk Kristyna Smith to discuss all things conservation, wetland resource areas, and some of Orleans' most beautiful hidden gems.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
December 27: Snow Cinema - Elemental
December 27: Public Skating at Charles Moore Arena
December 30: Orleans Farmers' Market
Town Boards and Departments:
Other Useful Links:
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro from the Town of Orleans welcome Multimedia Technician Peggy O'Sullivan to discuss all things audio, video, Zoom, Channel 8, tips for looking and sounding your best on camera, and more! Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with a different perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
December 15: Lower Cape Cod Youth Hockey (LCCYH) Alumni Youth Hockey Game
December 15: Evening Holiday Shopping Stroll
December 16: Orleans Farmers' Market
Ongoing: Snow's Annual Giving Tree 2023
Town Departments: Media Operations
Orleans Channel 8: Video on Demand
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro from the Town of Orleans welcome Assessor Brad Hinote to talk about the difference between Assessing, the Treasurer / Tax Collector, and the Board of Assessors. We also get into how the tax rate is calculated, the process behind property assessments, and much more. Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town. Your hosts kick things off in the first episode with introductions and a recap of the week's events, as well as sneak peek at local holiday festivities and upcoming wintertime gems.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with humor and a unique insider perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
December 6-10: Orleans Fire Department is camping out for 103 hours
December 9: Orleans Farmers' Market
December 13: The ABCs of ADUs
December 15: Lower Cape Cod Youth Hockey (LCCYH) Alumni Youth Hockey Game
December 15: Evening Holiday Shopping Stroll
Town Departments:
Town Boards:
Conservation Commission Meeting (Recording from December 5)
Other Useful Links:
Orleans Comprehensive Plan - 2023 Community Survey
Snow's Annual Giving Tree 2023
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On this week's episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro from the Town of Orleans welcome Health Agent Alexandra Fitch to break down the difference between the Health Department and Board of Health, get familiar with the food inspections that keep your favorite restaurants running, and much more.
Tune in to catch up on what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town. Your hosts kick things off in the first episode with introductions and a recap of the week's events, as well as sneak peek at local holiday festivities and upcoming wintertime gems.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with humor and a unique insider perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
December 2: Santa Stampede 2023
December 6-10: Orleans Fire Department will be camping out for 103 hours - 24 hours a day
December 12: Community Visioning Workshop
Town Departments: Health Department
Town Boards: Board of Health
Other Useful Links:
Housing Needs Assessment Presentation (begins at 1:15:00 mark)
Orleans Comprehensive Plan - 2023 Community Survey
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us
On the inaugural episode of Orleans: Behind the Scenes, hosts Mia Baumgarten and Mike Solitro from the Town of Orleans bring you the talk of the town. Tune in to hear what's happening this week and what's coming up next!
Welcome to Orleans! Are you a longtime visitor, lifetime resident, or newly minted explorer? Mia and Mike are here for you with the scoop on happenings in this bustling and beautiful Lower Cape town. Your hosts kick things off in the first episode with introductions and a recap of the week's events, as well as sneak peek at local holiday festivities and upcoming wintertime gems.
Want to know what's driving the initiatives and innovations coming out of Town Hall? Get a glimpse behind the scenes as Mia and Mike introduce you to the fresh faces and dynamic projects around town. Mark your calendars for town meetings, public hearings, and upcoming chances to make your voices heard for the future of Orleans!
Mia and Mike will keep you up to date and informed about all the ways your local government works. For a weekly dose of local news delivered with humor and a unique insider perspective, subscribe and listen to Orleans: Behind the Scenes.
November 25: Breakfast with Mrs. Claus! December 12: Community Visioning Workshop
Town Departments:
Management Information Services
Town Boards: Planning Board
Economic Development Committee
Other Useful Links:
Orleans Veterans Day Ceremony 2023
Orleans Comprehensive Plan - 2023 Community Survey
Contact us at: orleansbts@town.orleans.ma.us