We all want it.
But should it be shown to parents as a sign of things going well?
I used to think so, but I've gotten to the point now where I see progress as something that reveals itself.
The whole music education infrastructure points to levels and method book with numbers. And everyone means well. But progress becomes obvious when it's actually happening.
We don't need levels. Anyway, most exams test performance and not comprehension.
Getting parents involved to the point where they see the small wins every day has been the solution to the progress trap that most piano teachers fall into (I used to be one of them).
Listen to this! The parents are telling me their child is progressing.
Not the book.
Not me showing them.
And no standardized test is showing it.
I repeat. The parent is telling me they see their child progressing.
So what's the big secret?
Get them SO involved by empowering them as coaches and their child that they don't need me.
I am getting rid of myself as the "teacher" as fast as I can.
The less I teach, the better the teacher I believe I am.
I see myself as the guide who's telling them what's on the path ahead. What to watch out for. How to solve that problem when they face it. Why that will happen. How it may happen. And what the clues will look like when it's happening.
That's what the Oclef method is really about.
Independence to go learn any piece you want with your child once they're ready.
How will you know?
Well because they've completed 17 pieces on triplets and 12 pieces on 3/8 meter and 4 pieces on left hand extended rotation. And now they're ready for Fur Elise for real.
No teacher needed (seriously).
The new generation of parents are here and they are busy, but they want to be involved. Really. They just don't know how to get involved in piano education. It seems so hard.
But it's not. And any confident teacher knows that their best students have always been the ones who almost "taught themselves". Maybe they got stuck here or there. But the parents are in the lesson, taking notes to apply at home or the child is highly motivated and mature.
So why don't we design a system where that happens naturally?
We are!
It's going to be called Oclef PRO and it'll accompany the Oclef Method. This new software will be the best tool for teachers or schools who want to create their own methodology.
Yes. You can have your own method!
It'll allow you to expand your reach as a teacher or school to more people than just the local ones in your area. With the ability for teachers to do peer-to-peer video streaming, build a public or private teaching video library and have all your students custom learning programs in one place.
Why can't a school in Kansas use their method to teach parents and students in California?
We're making it happen. Stay tuned for more.
The tortoise always wins,