Go to Zocdoc.com/NOTFOREVERYONE to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today.
Carter's Events, Workshops, and 1-on-1s:
- ARTIST'S WAY CREATIVITY COURSE: https://www.carterumhau.com/artists-way-course-page/ - 1-on-1 APPOINTMENTS: https://www.carterumhau.com/appointments-2- EVENTS: https://www.carterumhau.com/events- CONTACT: https://www.carterumhau.com/
- IG: @carterfleet.
Boy, do we have a treat for you! Jess and Caroline sit down with therapist, artist, and writer Carter Umhau to discuss all your burning questions. They tackle manifestation vs. taking action, witnessing a friend get into a tricky dating situation, fixing your attachment style, getting in touch with your body, and what it means if you’re not progressing in therapy.
Plus, they get into a few kooky things as well: Carter exposes her Google Search History, and the three discuss which celebrities have the best butts. Get therapized babies! (You know, in actual therapy sessions…because this isn’t *technically* therapy. Okay, enjoy!)
Find Carter Umhau at www.carterumhau.com and on IG @carterfleet. To join her class on transforming your relationship with creativity, visit https://www.carterumhau.com/artists-way-course-page.
This episode was produced by our prince, Abi Newhouse (@abinewhouse).
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Intro Music: “Doja Dance” by PALA
DISCLAIMER: All opinions are our own. We are not therapists or health professionals, or professional of any kind, really. Please see your own professional or counselor for professional support. Do your research and be safe!