The final episode! 20+ quick fire listener questions all answered! More than ever I hope the timepoints below will prove useful for you!
01:18 - Why does creatine have such a bad reputation?
06:05 - What can I take creatine with to increase absorption?
07:04 - Should I avoid creatine and glutamine together?
07:18 - If I take creatine with sodium, will it increase intracellular uptake?
09:04 - I've heard great things about CreGAAtin! What's your opinion?
10:40 - Creatine and Libido
11:55 - Does creatine have an impact on your mood?
13:22 - Is there a difference between men and women for water retention?
14:10 - Does water retention last for the whole duration of supplementing?
14:17 - How much weight will I gain when using creatine?
14:54 - Why are my clients getting headaches?
15:39 - Can I take creatine if I have Type 2 Diabetes?
16:19 - Should I use creatine during Ramadan?
16:58 - Can creatine help with fatigue and the effects of long Covid?
17:38 - I get really bloated and gassy taking creatine and inositol, am I taking too much?
18:19 - What effect does creatine have on PCOS?
19:47 - Are there any benefits to taking creatine during the menopause?
20:26 - Can it make your skin tingle?
20:41 - Is creatine an anabolic steroid?
20:45 - Can vegans get the same benefits from creatine as vegetarians do?
21:26 - Should you take creatine when on an aggressive cut?