You’re an achiever! You may have a good relationship, a good job or own your own business, a nice house and car… And while you feel like you should be grateful for what you have, and you are, you know there’s another level for you.
I know you’re here because deep down, you know you’re meant for more. But I get it’s not that simple, because at the end of the day, you’ve been made to believe you’re “supposed to be happy” with what you’ve got.
Well, my friend, you are not crazy for feeling like there’s a missing piece! You really did come to the right place. I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome to Next Level Greatness Podcast, a.k.a. your new favorite podcast!
I’m Dr. Barbie Kalev! I’m a master manifester living a life beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve built a multi-million dollar online business, married my dream partner, Sagi, and am a fur mom to 4 dogs.
In this podcast, we’ll talk about all things mindset, manifestation,energy, and growth! I’ll guide you through how to work on your roadblocks and on how to reach the next level of greatness in your life.
We’re going from good to great, from great to greatness. I can’t wait to embark on this next level journey with you!
Get ready!
It’s time to GO to The Next Level of Greatness!
Connect with me!
IG: @Barbie.Kalev
Join my FB Group: Your Empowered Life Community