Part of Wake Up Narcolepsy’s mission is to provide supportive resources for people with Narcolepsy and their families. During this time of massive daily life alterations, we want to continue to offer those resources.
We are all going through a traumatic event together and as we are adapting to a new normal within our homes some may find it difficult to create structure.
We created a miniseries called Doing Life During COVID-19 to address different aspects of daily life we may need extra support with during this time.
Our third episode in our Doing Life During COVID-19 miniseries is addressing pediatric care during the pandemic. Wake Up Narcolepsy's Executive Director, Claire Wylds-Wright has a conversation with Dr. Kiran Maski, Director of Sleep Clinic and Department of Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital, about pediatric treatment during the time of COVID-19. They discuss symptom management, the effects of homeschooling, what over the counter medication you should consult with your doctor about if your child is showing symptoms of the virus, and what research Dr. Maski is currently focusing on.
Please see details below if you would like you and your child would like to participate in her current focus group.
Focus Group Participants Needed to Develop a Pediatric Narcolepsy Patient Reported Outcomes Scale (PN-PROS)
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurologic condition that tends to occur most frequently during childhood and adolescence. Currently there is no tool to assess the symptoms of narcolepsy that most significantly impact daily functioning of children with narcolepsy.
We are conducting a study to develop a clinical tool health care providers can use to assess pediatric narcolepsy symptoms.
Pediatric patients with narcolepsy and their parent/guardian are invited to take part in a 90 minute on-line, recorded focus group to discuss narcolepsy symptoms and the impact of the symptoms. As a thank you for participating in the focus group, you will receive a $50 gift card.
Who is eligible for this study?
- Patients between the ages of 8-12 years with a diagnosis of narcolepsy AND one parent/guardian
- Participants must be able to understand the purpose of the study
If you would like more information on study requirements, compensation, or eligibility, please call the Neurology Sleep Research team at 617-919-6212 or email us at
You can follow us at @narcolepsy_360 on Instagram, @wakeupnarcolepsy on Instagram and Facebook and @wakenarcolepsy on Twitter. Let us know your thoughts about this episode by using the hashtag #narcolepsy360 and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts.