Another Q&A episode answering all of your personal, doula and journey questions including:
- How did Remi and Nate meet
- Where to find a doula
- Best type of belly wrap support for postpartum
- Tips for transitioning back to work after 12 weeks maternity leave
- How to prevent or minimize diastasis recti
- When did Remi know it was time to do IVF
- What does Laura recommend for the first trimester
- When to strategically do acupuncture when TTC if budget is an issue
- Remi's baby nursery's aesthetic design vision
- What does Remi think her parenting style will be
- Are we planning on having our partners on the podcast as guests
- How is Nate doing through the IVF process
Products mentioned in this episode:
FREE Pregnancy Calendar & FREE TTC Checklist here
Prenatal Multivitamin for TTC & Pregnancy: code MOMFRIENDS for 25% off
100% natural, vegan, no sugar, no fillers, no additives, no colorants, no preservatives, non GMO, gluten free, dairy free. Complete support and 95% absorbed (vs other prenatals in the market that are absorbed at 5-10%).
Bellybinding wrap with a discount included
Regular postpartum belly wrap option instead
Doula match website is this one
To hire Laura Gimbert as your doula:
- 1h sessions online when needed, book here
- In person doula in SoCal only, book here
- On-demand online courses for full spectrum doula support book here
Hope you enjoy this episode and if you want to submit your questions for the next Q&A, or want to submit spirit baby questions for epiosde 20, go to our Instagram @momfriendspod and submit them on stories question box, DM us, or email us at
Thanks for listening!
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You can also follow us on our personal accounts @rrayyme & @laura.gimbert
And remember to subscribe so you don't miss any of our episodes, out every Tuesday!
This podcast does not provide any medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.