i'm joined by @thebluehawk1, a phd student studying America in the 19th century, and we talk about a movie that hardly has a plot, but has the most phenomenal backdrop
also, Justin provided a massive reading list to accompany the episode:
For History of New York in this era see:
- Anbinder, Tyler. Five Points: The 19th Century New York Neighborhood that Invented Tap Dance, Stole Elections, and Became the World’s Most Notorious Slum. New York: Penguin Group, 2001.
- Edwin Burrows and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- McNeur, Catherine. Taming Manhattan: Environmental Battles in the - Antebellum City. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2014.
For history of mobs in the 19th century see:
- Gilje, Paul A. The Road to Mobocracy Popular Disorder in New York City, 1763-1834. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
- Grimsted, David. American Mobbing, 1828-1861: Toward Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Towers, Frank. Urban South and the Coming of the Civil War. Charlottesville: Univ of Virginia Press, 2008.
For a History of the Know Nothing Party see:
- Anbinder, Tyler. Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
For History of Firefighters see:
- Greenberg, Amy S. Cause for Alarm: The Volunteer Fire Department in the Nineteenth-Century City. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.
For an early history of urban policing see:
- Malka, Adam. The Men of Mobtown: Policing Baltimore in the Age of Slavery and Emancipation. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018.