Hi I'm Fletch, talkin' about what I know nothin' about. "MindStretch with Fletch" is a smart cartoon comedy animated web series exploring reality, beliefs, and stretching your mind!
Link to animated video of this episode.
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In this show I’ll be coverin' all kinds of ideas about science, philosophy, spirituality, futurism, music, movies and more. Now I don’t have all the answers, but I’m full of questions. I’m gonna be just telling stories, making observations, and sharing adventures that may stretch your mind. Sometimes it’ll make you laugh, it should at the least make ya think.
But if yer mind’s all closed up tighter than an ant’s pooper you might just get yer britches all twisted for a spell. But that’s alright. The key is to keep learning and thinking. Never assume that you know everything. Cause then you’re about useful as a steerin' wheel on a mule.
A great thinker named Socrates was once asked. What makes you so wise? And he said, “cause I know that I know nothin” Now… this obviously wasn’t literally true. He was talkin' what he knew compared to all the information out there. And the fact that he really knew nothing. Only what education, experience and logic had taught him.
So even though I do have a few thoughts about things, I really have only one oar in the water. So no matter what I say do your own research and make up your mind for your own damn self. I’m just throwing out some ideas trying shake things up.
And if you can’t stand the nuclear fusion then get out of the reactor is what I always say. So... thanks for tunin' in and if yer up for it see ya on down the road.
NOTE: Fletch is a conscious observer that has been around since before time as we know it began. He exists outside of time and space with the ability to observe and interact with other beings along with living as any form of life he wants, whenever he wants, and remembers his experiences.
Although Fletch knows a lot, he does not know everything and with an open mind is constantly seeking to experience and learn more.
At this point in history, Fletch is trying to pass on what he's learned over the eons and propose diverse perspectives on ideas to help everyone become more opened minded and in touch with their true self along with how to grow as a civilization.
The ideas presented are not intended to tell you how to think, but rather to give you a diverse perspective on concepts that many times are held to be fact based on your personal education, experience, and beliefs. Our goal is for you to open your mind, do your own research and think for yourself.