Looking after your wellbeing is the most important thing that you can do to make the world a more peaceful place - when you're stressed you have more difficult interactions with others, they impact others and so on. So how do you prioritise your mental health? Through the choices you make in every moment, and these can be big, life-changing decisions and the little decisions we face in every moment.
For example when considering a new job, we might look at it and say that it’s stressful and long hours, but a good step in our career and will lead to us being happy - at some point. But another option could allow us to enjoy our career and won’t take us away from the things that are good for our mental health like our family, friends and mindful activities. By making our peace the top criteria in our big and little decisions, we can lead more peaceful and happier lives.
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Meditation can be used to reduce stress / anxiety, improve your mood and live a more peaceful, fulfilled life. If you find it helpful, I invite you to share on Facebook and say hello! If you're on Apple podcasts, you may wish to leave a review. May you be happy, may you be peaceful, may you be healthy and live a long life.