This man needs a book and a movie!
Right out of the gate we learn about Dennis' Vietnam captures- PERSONALLY captured (wait until you hear how he got the PU Sniper!) and other firearms in his self-imposed restricted 20 gun collection.
We learn how he personally knows about blood pitting effects, starting the passion at 8yo with an Enfield, and why at 13 he'd have dead animals in his trunk while he sat in school.
We get into some of his service as a teen 101st Airborne Combat Medic, saving hundreds of soldiers on his way to three purple hearts!
We get into his wild college years where he toured the country as a successful rock band, playing with lots of hall of fame acts. Look up the Ozark Music Festival of 1974 Wiki to see who he was rubbing elbows with...
He also shares some BIG name celebrity friendships & stories, some actors, musicians, race car drivers-- you've ALL heard of em! There is one ZZ TOP story that is guaranteed to blow your mind, 100%.
We brush upon his successful career as an antique coin salesman, and how museums & dealers call him to this day, and we work our way up through when he made the shift over from coins to full time MILSURP firearms. (The site has remained the same...)
Even his MILSURP stories are wild!
We get into deals involving THOUSANDS of firearms-- wait till you hear how he almost purchased EVERY bolt action from the country of Sweden...
Did you know he had first dibs on the RTI guns out of Ethiopia, flew there, & stood knee deep in goat crap??
Wanna hear how he had Remington AND Hornady work for HIM??
Give this show a listen, you won't want to believe half the stuff, but you will believe it because if this fella is anything, it's honest. Well Lucky and honest... (I won't even get into the 3 plane crashes he's survived!)