Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator and one of the world’s top bitcoin and open blockchain experts.
You’d have to be living on a planet far, far away to not have heard of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology these days. Whether it’s the daily price movements in Bitcoin or how ICOs are turning some people into millionaires and bankrupting others it’s getting hard to find a signal above the noise.
But if you scratch below the surface you’ll realise that Bitcoin and the Blockchain technology it’s built on isn’t a fad – it has the potential to transform the lives of billions of people and transform the world as we know it.
If there’s one guy to speak to about all this it’s Andreas. He’s the bestselling author of 4 books, an internationally acclaimed speaker sought all over the world, and he’s even testified in hearings of the Australian and Canadian Senate about cryptocurrencies and their implications for society.
In this conversation we dive into a whole range of topics including:
- The 6 career epiphanies Andreas had that led him into the crypto space - The core principles behind cryptocurrencies and how Bitcoin and Ethereum can coexist in the same ecosystem - The implications of the technology for our lives as individuals and for society
Andreas is both a specialist and a generalist and he approaches the subject by drawing on multiple fields including history, economics and psychology. He’s also a very engaging speaker as you’ll discover in this episode and you’ll get a lot out of this conversation regardless of how much you know about Bitcoin or Blockchain.