Thank you for listening to the 48th episode of "This Week's Economy." Today, I cover the following and more in 10 minutes:
1) National:
- CPI inflation hotter than expected + "shrinkflation" results from failed DC policies.
- Rules over discretion provide the best path forward to get our fiscal and economic houses in order, as I noted in my recent commentary at AIER-DC is broke: what does Hayek tell us about how to correct it?
- Health care costs are driving burdens on federal and household budgets. What can be done about them?
- Taxpayer funding of Ukraine, Israel, and other foreign affairs seems to be increasing again even as audits of the funds and extra funds aren’t available.
2) States:
- Texas politics are heating up as there is infighting between Republicans. When will they get their act together and return to leading by example and principles of free-market capitalism?
- Texas is the state export leader for the 21st year in a row with 23% of the nation’s exports from a state with 10% of US GDP, but there's still room to improve.
3) My Media Hits & Other:
- I will be in Las Vegas next week to speak at a conference by Health Care Administrators Association about the rising burden of health care.
- I’ll also be speaking at an upcoming health care conference by Global Health where I’ll interview Dr. Deane Waldman about the pros and cons of price transparency in health care.
- See this week’s LPP episode with Dr. Michael Strain on the national debt crisis, Trumpism, and why the American dream isn’t dead.
-Don’t miss the upcoming LPP episode with Dr. Sven Larson on how Europe compares with the U.S., and what should be done to avoid the malaise in Europe here.
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