KSam Speaks discusses issues involving law enforcement while offering real & transparent answers.
Motto: We are not trying to change the world, but change one heart at a time.
Facebook & Instagram: KSam Speaks Podcast
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KSam Speaks discusses issues involving law enforcement while offering real & transparent answers.
Motto: We are not trying to change the world, but change one heart at a time.
Facebook & Instagram: KSam Speaks Podcast
Copyright: © K. Sam
Summary In this episode, K-Sam interviews Allen Cormier, a law enforcement officer and the founder of the nonprofit organization With You. They discuss the importance of addressing mental health and wellness among first responders and their challenges in seeking help. Allen shares his journey of struggling with stress and anxiety and how it led him to create With You. The organization aims to provide a supportive community for first responders, where they can ask for help without stigma. They also discuss the impact of societal pressure on first responders and the need for honest conversations and peer support. Keywords #firstresponders, #mentalhealthwellness, #stress, #anxiety, #nonprofit, #WithYou, #support, #stigma, #culture, #peersupport, #family, #suicide, #riskybehavior, #community Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Weather Update 01:20 Introducing Alan Cormier and With You 08:30 The Stigma and Culture Around Asking for Help 12:37 Including Family Members in the Support Network 15:11 The Impact of Societal Pressure on First Responders 30:15 How to Get Involved with With You 30:50 Closing Remarks and Words of Encouragement
In this episode, K-Sam discusses the importance of stepping into the boots of law enforcement officers to understand their work and challenges. He addresses the contempt of cops and the need for respect for authority. K-Sam also talks about the priority of protecting individuals and families before one's safety and the misconception of police being militarized and viewing citizens as enemies. He emphasizes the importance of love and empathy in bridging the gap between law enforcement and the community. K-Sam concludes with a reminder to appreciate every moment in life.
#lawenforcement, #respect, #authority, #protection, #safety, #militarizedpolice, #love, #empathy
00:00 Introduction and Officer Statistics
04:48 Discussing 'Police the Police' Video
08:37 Contempt of Cop and Respect for Authority
15:52 Police, Safety, and Misconceptions
29:10 Closing Remarks
In this episode, K-Sam shares a story about a shoplifting incident at Home Depot and discusses how criminals can manipulate the system to avoid going to jail or delay the process. He also highlights a case where a man faked a mental illness to avoid prison and the failures of the justice system in holding judges and doctors accountable. The episode ends with words of encouragement. -Criminals often know how to manipulate the system to avoid going to jail or delay the process. -The justice system needs to hold judges and doctors accountable for misdiagnoses and failures in assessing mental illness. -Victims and their families can be left without justice when criminals exploit loopholes. -It is important to be aware of the flaws in the justice system and work towards improving accountability. -If something doesn't bring peace, profits, or purpose, it's not worth your time, energy, or attention.
Summary In this episode, K-Sam discusses a perspective shift in law enforcement and the importance of citizens engaging with the police. He shares a text message from someone who did a ride-along with him and had their perspective changed. K-Sam also talks about the budget cuts in the Denver Police Department and the impact they have on hiring new officers and providing necessary training. He expresses concern about the allocation of funds to address the migrant influx while neglecting the issues faced by US citizens. Takeaways Engaging with law enforcement can lead to a perspective shift and a better understanding of their role in the community. Budget cuts in police departments can hinder hiring new officers and providing necessary training. Allocating funds to address the migrant influx while neglecting issues faced by US citizens raises concerns. Choosing the right circle of people who celebrate growth rather than judge change is important. Keywords #perspectiveshift,#lawenforcement, #citizens, #ride-along, #budget cuts, #DenverPoliceDepartment, #migrantinflux Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Law Enforcement Statistics Update 02:47 The Ride-Along Experience: A Shift in Perspective 13:54 Understanding the Need for Multiple Officers
In this episode, the host discusses the case of Officer Brianne Leath, who was killed in the line of duty in Indianapolis in 2020. The host highlights the high number of police officers being shot and the lack of media coverage on the issue. The host also explores the trial of the suspect, Elias Dorsey, who was found guilty but mentally ill on charges of reckless homicide instead of murder. The host raises concerns about the leniency given to criminals compared to law enforcement officers and the impact on officer recruitment and morale.
In this episode, K-Sam discusses the incident involving Dexter Reed, a young man who was shot and killed by law enforcement in Chicago. K-Sam highlights the increasing number of officers being shot daily and the high number of officer deaths in the line of duty. He also pays tribute to a sheriff's deputy who took his own life. K-Sam emphasizes the importance of mental health support for law enforcement and the need for accountability on all sides. He addresses the arguments made by Reed's family's attorney and questions the narrative of racial injustice in this particular case. K-Sam concludes by urging compliance and empathy in interactions with law enforcement. #DexterReed, #lawenforcement,#officershootings, #officerdeaths, #mentalhealth, #accountability, #compliance, #racialinjustice Chapters 00:00 Addressing the Increasing Number of Officer Shootings 08:39 The Details of the Dexter Reed Case 12:50 Critiquing the Narrative Pushed by Reed's Family 31:04 The Reality of Life-Threatening Situations Faced by Law Enforcement
In this episode, K-Sam discusses various topics, including the recent eclipse, the number of police officers shot in the line of duty, the difference between federal and state jail time, the case of the Mississippi Goon Squad, the shooting of Officer Jonathan Diller, and the scandal involving Laverne police officers. K-Sam emphasizes the need for appreciation and support for law enforcement and highlights their challenges. He also shares words of encouragement and concludes the episode.
#eclipse2024, #totaleclipse2024, #policeofficers, #MississippiGoonSquad, #OfficerJonathanDiller, #LaverneTnpoliceofficers, #community, #police, #education
Don't ever accept failure - the meaning behind the brand 'deaf' The hype and excitement surrounding the recent eclipse The alarming number of police officers shot in the line of duty The difference between federal and state jail time The case of the Mississippi Goon Squad and the severity of their sentences The shooting and death of Officer Jonathan Diller The scandal involving Laverne police officers and the subsequent lawsuit settlement The importance of appreciation and support for law enforcement
In this episode of the KSAM Speaks podcast, the host discusses the Mississippi Goon Squad incident and highlights the importance of addressing officer suicide rates and the number of officers shot and killed in the line of duty. The host emphasizes the need for resources and support to prevent officer suicides and calls for harsher penalties for those who attack law enforcement. The Mississippi Goon Squad incident is described, where white police officers abused and assaulted two black men, leading to their conviction and imprisonment. The host expresses frustration with the lack of attention given to officers shot and killed and calls for unity and change in the country.
As I continue to spotlight African Americans in law enforcement for Black History Month, I spoke with Sgt. Holmes on his experience as an African American in law enforcement.
As part of celebrating Black History Month, let's take a journey down the history timeline of African Americans in law enforcement.
#lawenforcement #police #community #education
This episode is the first episode of the rebrand of the podcast that was formerly known as "Speak On It Podcast." Statistics from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) on Officers Shot in the line of duty.
One of the founders of the newly formed non-profit organization, "With You" joined me to discuss his struggles with his mental health and what made him take action to help fellow first responders beat the stigma of not asking for help.
#lawenforcement #police #community #education
In this episode, I discuss the human elements that go into the job of a police officer and how society, the media, and activist groups are working to change those elements within the profession.
This episode discusses how the struggles in law enforcement recruiting can cause police departments to lower their hiring standards and settle for quantity rather than quality.
Discuss the dangers of teens with cell phones and their full access to cell phones, the internet, and social media.
Episode 29 discusses recent events in the last year of my life that caused me to focus more on some things than others. I discuss being consistent in things we do in life, National Police Week, and Mental Health Awareness Month (May). SHARE SHARE SHARE
Myself and Sgt. Holmes discusses how police departments can regain the trust of their community after a critical incident like in Memphis, TN. What can police reform look like and how do these incidents affect us as black officers?
Sgt. Holmes and myself breakdown the incident involving Memphis Police Department and Tyre Nichols.
Special guest "JT" joins me as we discuss different cases when the police were held accountable for their actions. Also discussed is how has cellphone video hurt and helped society during law enforcement encounters.
In this episode, retired Sgt. Michael Sugrue joins me as we discuss mental health within law enforcement. Sgt. Sugrue discusses his newly released book "RELENTLESS COURAGE: Winning the Battle Against Frontline Trauma" and how this book is actively saving lives, marriages, and relationships for officers.
Link for the book on Amazon:
Dispatch supervisor Monica gives us an inside view of what it is like being a 911/police/fire dispatcher. She also gives us a story on one of her funniest 911 calls.
In this episode, I discuss the Uvalde, Tx school shooting with Retired Police Chief Perry Gallow.
Educators Chelsee Allsion and Mayria Ledet join me via Zoom and discuss school shootings and their concerns and thoughts as educators.
This episode is about an incident that took place in Syracuse, NY involving the police and an 8-year-old boy. Below are the links to all the videos that were played in this episode.
In this episode, I discuss multiple ambushes against police that have taken place across the country within the first 2 1/2 months of the year 2022. Often it is discussed how the community can trust law enforcement, but now I ask the question of how can law enforcement trust the community?
In today's society, law enforcement can be mentally & physically demanding. I wanted to interview three individuals who had to make the tough decision to walk away from the law enforcement profession. In this episode, my first special guest Tristan Brown gives insight into his decision to walk away from the law enforcement profession. Tristan was an officer in the North Texas area where we met in the police academy.
In this episode, I interviewed a special guest who is a retired Sargent with a police department in the San Fransico Bay area, Sgt. Michael Sugrue. Sgt. Sugrue discusses how after a fatal officer-involved shooting, his life spiraled downward drastically until he finally had enough strength and courage to ask for help.
In this episode, we take a moment to reflect on the year 2021 and what issues it brought to law enforcement and the community.
In this episode, Attorney Sam Milledge joins me again as we break down and discuss the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. He gives a solution to the community on how we can get involved in these sorts of trials to ensure that justice is being served and the verdicts are fair.
Episode Sponsors: JSPC Repairs, DEAF Clothing, & Legendary Cigars In episode 15, I have special guest Samuel Milledge II join the show to discuss how the criminal justice system works and the issues that are within the system. Samuel is a criminal defense attorney where he's over the federal & state criminal law division at the Milledge Law Firm. In this episode, Samuel talks about the 5 purposes of the Criminal Justice System which are 1) Punishment, 2) Deterrence, 3) Retribution, 4) Rehabilitation, 5) Restitution. He also makes a point of how the criminal justice system has just been a criminal system without the justice and how can that issue be fixed. The last point Sam touches on is how law enforcement and the community needs to repair the bridge between both side rather than "rebuilding" the bridge that is already there. Motto: We are not trying to change the entire world, but reach the heart of one person at a time. Be Real. Be Transparent. Bridge The Gap Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
On this episode we had special guest Sgt. Holmes come in studio and discuss his 40 years and counting journey in law enforcement. Sgt. Holmes is from New Orleans, La where he began his law enforcement career in 1981. He served is the United States Marine Corps for 4 active years before returning to civilian law enforcement. He is still serving the community in a growing North Texas suburb.
In Episode 13, we discuss the different aspects of police training that Buck and I went through during our police careers. During recent times, law enforcement training has been at the center of attention on policing issues. But the question that is being asked is Is Training the Real Issue? Take a listen as Buck and I give our thoughts on this matter. Also, we spotlight National Suicide Prevention Month.
Motto: We are not trying to change the entire world, but reach the heart of one person at a time.
Be Real. Be Transparent. Bridge The Gap
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
This episode is sponsored by JSPC Repairs LLC. In this episode, I wanted to bring a different aspect to the podcast by doing a round table talk with some of the fellas via Facetime. With this being the first episode doing the round table talk, we discussed their thoughts on current episodes and COVID-19 with all the mandates that are attempting to follow it. Be Real. Be Transparent. Bridge The Gap Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 11, we pay tribute to fallen Chicago Police Officer Ella G. French, whose end of watch was 8-7-21. Discussed is the gun violence that is currently taking over the country and what can we do as law enforcement to slow it down along with the senseless killings. Often, the country is quick to point fingers at law enforcement, but should the community leaders be held accountable for the gun violence as well. Take a listen and hear our thoughts on these situations.
Be Real. Be Transparent. Bridge The Gap
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 10, we discuss the pros and cons that the media has on law enforcement. Also discussed is the huge part cell phone videos, Facebook live videos, and Instagram Live videos have on law enforcement when these videos tell only half of the story and cause people to create their judgments on half the truth.
Be Real. Be Transparent. Bridge The Gap
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 9, De'lanzo Veal is interviewed as he expresses his thoughts, feelings, concerns, and solutions to the current issues involving law enforcement. We also discuss the gun violence issues that are taking place around the country and his experiences dealing with police in Louisiana vs Washington.
Be Real. Be Transparent. Speak On It
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 8, we discuss how it can be frustrating for officers during these times where it feels as if the world is against law enforcement. K-Sam discusses why as an officer, they have to watch what they say or post on social media because that post or statement may violate that officer's departments', social media policy.
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 7, we discuss the Trayford Pellerin case that took place on August 20, 2020, in Lafayette, La. Trayford was killed by law enforcement officers after officers responded to multiple 911 calls from citizens stating that Trayford was walking around the store and the store parking lot armed with a knife. We discuss the facts of this case that was released by the Louisiana State Police and Lafayette Parish District Attorneys Office. In this episode, the 21-foot rule when officers are dealing with a subject armed with a knife is explained. Below is the link to watch the body camera video and the full transcript of the investigation.
Motto: We are not trying to change the entire world, but reach the heart of one person at a time.
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
https://www.katc.com/news/lafayette-parish/grand-jury-expected-to-return-decision-in-pellerin-case - State Police transcript
https://youtu.be/zWmZ4EuX9nU - Officer body camera from Police Activity Youtube Channel (Warning Graphic Video)
On Episode 6, we discuss some of the current incidents involving police shootings. During these incidents, the question of why officers don't shoot people in the arms/legs or why officers don't give warning shots came up quite often. K. Sam and Buck break down why these solutions are not realistic in actual police work. Special guest DJ DEAF joins the podcast and he speaks on his experiences with law enforcement.
Motto: We are not trying to change the entire world, but reach the heart of one person at a time.
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
On Episode 5, two heroes are spotlighted for paying the ultimate sacrifice while in the line of duty. Those officers are Trooper Chad Walker (Texas Department of Public Safety) & Officer Eric Talley (Boulder Police Department). Also discussed is how your perception of something can become your reality.
Motto: We are not trying to change the entire world, but reach the heart of one person at a time.
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 4, we discuss the lack of respect for others and how it eventually plays into the lack of respect for authority. In discussion we asked why the lost of respect and how do we obtain it back. With the term "accountability" coming up quite often in today's incidents involving law enforcement, we discuss who all should be held accountable for these particular incidents and why the public do not hold the suspect/victim accountable for their actions rather than just wanting to hold law enforcement accountable. Speak On It Podcast was created to educate the community on policing standards and offer real and transparent answers on these topics.
Facebook & Instagram: speak.on.it_podcast
In Episode 3, my co-host is welcomed to the show. We discussed an incident that we both encountered recently while on on duty where we experienced the loss of respect for law enforcement. We also discussed recent incidents where a Dallas police officer was arrested on 2 counts of Capital Murder & the arrest of an 18 year old subject where the police chief dropped the charges against said subject. Speak On It Podcast was created to educate the community on policing standards and offer real and transparent answers on topics like these.
Speak On It Episode 2 takes a look into "The Why" behind this podcast and its overall mission. During this episode I speak about how respect plays a huge part into this profession, how being in quarantine benefited me in creating this podcast & what challenged me to do this. Speak On It Podcast was created to educate the community on policing standards and offer real and transparent answers on these topics.
Speak On It Episode 1 is just a short introduction to the show and what to expect in further episodes. Speak On It Podcast was created to educate the community on policing standards and offer real and transparent answers on these topics.