Do you wish you could finally stay consistent in your weight loss journey? Want to break the stronghold of food and stop using it as a coping mechanism? Has diet culture make you confused about how you can ACTUALLY lose weight? Do you lack confidence and find yourself hiding behind your kids in family pictures?
If you’re listening, saying “yes, yes, and more YES!” then this is the podcast for you. I’ll teach you how to break out of diet culture and get to your goal weight so you can stop hiding and start thriving as the confident, energetic, and playful woman God created you to be.
Hi, I’m Kelsey Wickenhauser, Physician Assistant turned Christian health coach. It’s my greatest passion to help women just like you live freely from the battle against the scale. After all, God has a greater purpose for you than wasting all those precious thoughts on your weight!
I’ve spent over a decade helping women lose weight in a clinical setting and my patients rarely had lasting change. ’It wasn’t until I created a formula for losing weight that these women could experience transformational results. The secret? Bringing God into the equation so these women could learn to heal from the ’why’ behind their weight loss struggle.’
The best part? It’s not complicated or difficult to follow. In fact, it’s so simple that it probably seems too good to be true. And I can’t wait to share it with you!
’If you’re ready to lose weight for the last time without counting macros, feel amazing enough in your own skin to stand in the center of family pictures, and to understand why you struggle in the first place…this podcast is for you.
Go pop in your earbuds and lace up those shoes. Let’s walk and talk!
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