Hello everyone, and this teaser is to introduce another episode that is available on JFK The Enduring Secret YouTube channel. On the YouTube channel, we provide the audience with video episodes that contain content which we don't feature on the regular podcast channel. Episodes which include our series entitled Mysteries of the Enduring Secret, and also we present other spell binding topics that include interviews with JFK researchers and others connected to the case.
Today, we engage in a fascinating discussion with three distinguished guests: Jefferson Morley, Paul Bleau, and Jonathan Cairns.
For years, we have seen the result of public opinion polls in an attempt to determine what the American people at large believe about President Kennedy’s assassination. Was it really the work of a lone nut?…as the Warren Commission would have you believe…or was it a conspiracy to assassinate…and worse yet…was it actually a coup d'état….
The opinion of the American people is what is ultimately important here, so its not surprising that the organized question about it all has been laidd at the feet of the American public…Time and again…and the opinion polls have varied over time….with events like Oliver Stone's JFK movie really moving the needle toward conspiracy when it comes to public opinion…but the truth about the matter, is that very few people in the American public have studied the case in a great matter of depth……for years, the JFK assassination research community, faced with limited access to records and ,therefore, a disproportionate need to speculate….has varied greatly in its beliefs….creating its own myths and undermining the very reason for being…to find the truth…about just who killed JFK and why…
But as the light dims some 60 years later, on the original witnesses to the crime and its aftermath…something interesting is happening….with so much of the puzzle solved…consensus is evolving and while there are still many things unknown ….there also springs in this new age…a fountain of hope…as the mountain of evidence begins to point generally... in the same general direction…that means less controversy perhaps…but it also has spawned a new question…with so much known…now…why not ask the small coterie of individuals that currently possess a great deal of knowledge….about the assassination…what they think…and do it in an organized fashion…an academic approach to conducting survey or poll if you will…and this time…it wont just be the public at large…but it will be a sizable sampling of the JFK assassination research community….
Researcher Paul Bleau takes us through his research to see if if there is consensus on many of the major aspects of this case…and where the research community might concentrate its efforts next…collectively to accelerate the advancement around these last few puzzle pieces that are necessary to solve the who, why, and how...tthat still seems to exist…at least in part…around the case…
And today we have the distinguished Jefferson Morley with us ti discuss Paul Bleau's research along with another accomplished researcher Johnn Cairnes. We get a chance to engage in a fascinating array of conversation around a myriad of topics ranging from such subjects as Oswald's statements at the Dallas County Jail to the questions around Oswald's involvement in the intelligence community. There are no dull moments in this conversation... so stay tuned…and keep listening….
And without further adieu. please get on over to the You Tube Channel and listen to today's episode.