Thank you so much to those of you who prayed for me to recover from Covid back in April. Though the brain fog and fatigue hung on for months, the Lord has graciously restored my health.
I’ve enjoyed doing this podcast so much the past 3 years, working with my son Isaiah (Finn) and getting to study and meditate on these stories from the Bible.
As I look to the future, God has shown me that I need to focus my time on homeschooling two of my children this year and continue to be involved as a family at church, so I’ve had to make some difficult and painful decisions.
For now, you won’t see new podcast episodes, but you will see activity on my website I will plan to keep my recommended resource page updated, with suggestions for children, parents, and materials for discipleship and spiritual growth. You will also see certain podcast episodes or series highlighted, especially around holidays. So if you’re only subscribed to the podcast, be sure you subscribe to my site here:
There will still be some costs to host my website and to host the audio for past episodes so that they can be accessed through Spotify and iTunes, so if you’d like to support this work for a couple dollars a month, you can do so at
Lastly, thank you so much for being a parent or someone involved in working with children. It can feel exhausting, thankless, and discouraging when we aren’t able to see much fruit, but God sees and gives us grace in our efforts. We have so much hope because of Christ, who took the punishment for all our sins, credited us with His righteousness, and leads us moment by moment to God’s throne of grace and mercy. We are loving who Jesus loves as we compassionately and humbly train our children. So let’s keep going in Christ’s strength as we come to Him in each desperate need!
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Episode 122: Jonah Flees from God
May 14, 2021
In this episode, we see how gracious, loving, tender, and kind God is toward those who repent and that we need God’s help to have that attitude toward others.
With your kids: Talk about what you could say to encourage your brother or sister this week when they choose what’s right.
Episode 121: Amos Calls Israel to Seek the Lord and Live
Apr 16, 2021
In this episode, Finn and I talk about a shepherd prophet and how the message is the same for us. Seek the Lord and live!
With your kids: Ask your children how they would explain the holiday of Easter to a kid from another country who thought it was just about bunnies and candy.
And in case you missed it, Isaiah and I put together a behind the scenes video (Part 1 and 2) for the boys and girls who listen to the Jesus is Better Podcast.
Episode 120: 2 Kings 16, 2 Chronicles 28 and Micah– Offerings That Please the Lord
Mar 05, 2021
In this episode, Ahaz chooses to go to the king of Assyria for help instead of the One True God. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to change our hearts from thinking we know best to submitting to our King Jesus who knows best.
With your kids: What is something your friends get to do that you don’t? Pray that God would help you to trust that He knows what is best for your life.
P.S. I’m still looking for “kid recordings” for the introduction to the podcast, so if you would like to help, send me a message on my contact page.
Episode 119: 2 Kings 15-16 and 2 Chron. 27-28 Jotham Believes But Ahaz Fails
Feb 19, 2021
In this episode, we see how God shows His power and blessing through the reign of Jotham and His compassion and judgment through the reign of Ahaz, and that God is the one who delivers us from all our fears.
With your kids: What makes you feel scared? Pray together and ask for help and to trust God’s power and love toward you.
Episode 118: 2 Kings 15 and 17 The Last Kings of Israel
Jan 29, 2021
In this episode, Finn and I talk about the sad ending of the northern kingdom and how God wants to free us from our own idolatry.
With your kids: What is something you really love? Pray together that God would help you to use it to worship and praise Him.
Behind the scenes with Finn the fish
Episode 117: Bedtime Verses for Resting in Jesus
Jan 07, 2021
This episode is a compilation of encouraging and hope-filled verses to listen to at night or any time you’re feeling discouraged.
Episode 116: 2 Kings 15 and 2 Chronicles 26 Uzziah Starts Well But Turns From the Lord
Dec 26, 2020
In this episode, we talk about Uzziah’s sin in the temple and Isaiah’s worship in the temple and that Jesus came to be the perfect Prophet, Priest, and King of our hearts.
With your kids: Pick one of Jesus’ roles–prophet, priest, or king, and talk about it. Then praise Jesus for perfectly fulfilling that role in your life.
And here’s the link to my patreon page if you’d like to support these podcast episodes:
Episode 115: 2 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 25 Amaziah is Humbled
Dec 11, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about who King Amaziah started listening to, and how God loves to help those of us who are joined to him listen to him instead of those who don’t follow Him.
With your kids: What expression do you think is on God’s face when you sin?
If you want to help keep getting the word out, it would be so helpful for you to leave a review on iTunes.
On your phone, you can find it by typing the title in the search bar of your podcast app, clicking on the picture, and scrolling down to the bottom to where you can write a review.
Another way is to search for Jesus is Better under podcasts on the iTunes store on your computer and click on it. Then there is a tab you can click to read reviews and write your own review of the show.
(You can also click here to get to the podcast and click “open in iTunes” or “listen on Apple Podcasts” to get there directly.)
Thanks so much for listening and sharing these stories with your children!
Episode 114: 2 Kings 13 God Shows Kindness to Jehoahaz, Jehoash, and Jeroboam
Nov 20, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about God’s kindness in rescuing the Israelite kings and how in Christ, we are saved for so much more!
With your kids: What’s scary about dying? Is there anything you are looking forward to?
Episode 113: 2 Kings 12 Joash Repairs the Temple But Then Forgets God
Nov 06, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about Joash making a good choice to repair the temple, but then turning away from the God who had saved him. Through Jesus, our bodies can now be temples where God’s Spirit lives! With your kids: Talk about where God has put you right now. What is He […]
Episode 112: 2 Kings 11 God Defeats an Evil Grandma and Saves a Boy King
Oct 23, 2020
In this episode, God’s promise is threatened when an evil queen tries to keep one of David’s descendants off the throne so she can rule instead. But God kept His promise, and we get to worship the Rescuing King that the Israelites could only dream about. With your kids: What do you think it means […]
Episode 111: God Rescues a Mountain Climber (A Modern Day Miracle)
Oct 09, 2020
In this episode, Brian Dickinson shares about how God rescued him on the top of Mt. Everest, and Finn and I discuss the mountain where we will finally get to meet Jesus! With your kids: What do you think heaven will be like? Look up some passages about heaven and take some time to imagine […]
Episode 110: 2 Kings 9-10 God Brings Judgment Through Jehu
Sep 18, 2020
In this episode, God keeps His promise to destroy Ahab’s family, but because of Jesus, we can be saved from punishment and serve Him as the true and perfect King. With your kids: Who makes you feel angry sometimes? Tell God about it and ask for Him to love that person through you.
Episode 109: 2 Kings 8 God Acts Through Elisha
Sep 04, 2020
In this episode, God moves a king’s heart to provide for a woman and uses Elisha to carry His plan forward. Because of Jesus, we can trust God’s plans in our lives no matter what happens. With your kids: Pray together for someone who needs God to provide for them. Thank Him for being so […]
Episode 108: 2 Kings 6-7 God Rescues the Starving Israelites and Brings Food
Jul 17, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I see how God provided miraculously for the Israelites but that one man didn’t believe it could happen. We have the special task of telling others who don’t believe about God’s miraculous provision through Christ. With your kids: Pray together for someone you know who doesn’t believe God is really […]
Episode 107: 2 Kings 6 Elisha is Protected by an Angel Army
Jul 03, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about what it means to see with spiritual eyes and all the spiritual blessings we have because of Jesus. With your kids: Share something that’s made you feel sad lately. Talk about how you could use your spiritual eyes to see it and pray together.
Episode 106: 2 Kings 5 God Heals Naaman
Jun 18, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I tell the story of God healing an enemy army commander and how God calls us to trust and obey Him whether a task looks easy or hard. With your kids: Does it seem harder to trust God when bad things are happening or obey His commands? Thank Him for […]
Finn’s Favorite Stories: Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2
Jun 05, 2020
Using our transporter, Finn and I visit the Valley of the Shadow of Death and see Christian journeying through the darkness using the light of God’s Word. With your kids: What is one of your favorite verses to quote when you feel afraid? Help your children each pick a verse to memorize for their own […]
Finn’s Favorite Stories: Pilgrim’s Progress Part 1
May 22, 2020
In this bonus episode, Finn and I tell one of his favorite stories from Pilgrim’s Progress, a spiritual allegory that was written in 1678 and has sold over 200 million copies since then. If you’d like to introduce your children to the whole story, I’d heartily recommend Pilgrim’s Progress Adapted for Children or Dangerous Journey: […]
Episode 105: 2 Kings 4 God Restores Life to a Woman’s Son
May 08, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about God’s power in raising a boy from the dead, and how through Jesus’ sacrifice, our dead hearts can be raised to life again. With your kids: Take turns thanking God for the different ways He is providing for your needs, and then thank Him for giving you […]
Episode 104: 2 Kings 3-4 God Rescues Joram’s Army
Apr 24, 2020
In this episode, Finn and I talk about God’s miracles for King Joram, King Jehoshaphat, and a needy widow and how God used Elisha to help them know that He is the true Conquering Redeemer. With your kids: Tell your kids the story of how you came to know Christ.
Peek at the Bonus Episodes
Apr 10, 2020
As we celebrate Resurrection Sunday in our homes, I wanted to make Finn’s bonus episode about Jesus’ death and resurrection available to everyone this Easter. He is Risen! You can find the rest of the bonus episodes on And. . . for the full story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, you can check out […]
In this episode, God shows His power to Ahaziah and takes Elijah up to heaven, while Elisha continues the ministry. In Christ, we get to be a faithful part of His Body with members from all across the world! With your kids: Who are the 5 people you talk to most often each week? Ask […]
Episode 102: 2 Chronicles 20 Jehoshaphat Sings and Wins the Battle
Mar 27, 2020
In this episode, I share about Jehoshaphat’s worshipful response to an enemy army coming against him and that as believers we have the Holy Spirit to help us understand the gift of His Word, the Bible. P.S. I’ve put some bonus episodes on my patreon page that are exclusively for patrons, and you’ll also have […]
Episode 101: 1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 17-19 The End of Ahab’s Life
Mar 06, 2020
In this episode, King Ahab refuses to listen to the Lord’s prophet and dies in battle, while King Jehoshaphat makes a poor decision but asks the Lord for help. We have an even better King, and can run to Him in repentance all because of Jesus’s sacrifice. With your kids: What is your least favorite […]
In this episode, Finn and I talk about Ahab’s choice to listen to Jezebel and take what he wanted and how we can trust God to give us what we need and find joy in His presence with us. With your kids: Who are two of your closest friends? How do they help you in […]
Episode 99: 1 Kings 20 God Defeats Ben-Hadad’s Army
Feb 07, 2020
In this episode, God shows His power to King Ahab again, but Ahab responds with disobedience. Through Jesus, we can receive the grace to trust our parents, even when we don’t understand all their decisions. With your kids: What is one of your favorite ways to have fun? How does it make you long for […]
Episode 98: 1 Kings 18-19 Elijah’s Success and Discouragement
Jan 24, 2020
In this episode, we see the way God shows His power and also His personal care for the prophet Elijah. And that He is the only God worthy of worship. With your kids: Share with each other one truth God has whispered to your heart recently. P.S. Don’t forget, you can find the Jesus is […]
Episode 97: 1 Kings 17-18 God Does Miracles Through Elijah
Jan 10, 2020
In this episode, I share with Finn about how God sent a drought and did miracles to show people His power, and how He also shows His power today through the Holy Spirit’s presence and work in our lives. With your kids: What miracle from the Bible would you have liked to see in person? […]
Episode 96: 1 Kings 15-16 The Kings War and Worship Idols
Dec 27, 2019
In this episode, Finn and I talk about some kings who led the people in worshiping idols and one king who destroyed the idols, but that none compared to the true King who was coming into the world. With your kids: What do you think God would say to you if you told Him something […]
Episode 95: Luke 1:26-56 An Angel Visits Mary
Dec 20, 2019
In this Christmas episode, Finn and I talk about Mary’s response to the angel’s news, and how we can ask for the grace to trust God in the big changes and in all the ordinary days of doing the good works He’s prepared for us to do. You can hear the story in Luke 1 […]
Episode 94: 1 Kings 13-14 Jeroboam’s Downfall
Dec 06, 2019
In this episode, God sends a prophet, a miracle, and a healing to show King Jeroboam his sin, but he continues to turn away from God. Nothing we do can mess up God’s plans, but He calls us to trust Him with every fear and struggle. With your kids: Close your eyes and picture yourself […]
Episode 93: 1 Kings 12-13 The Kingdom is Split
Nov 22, 2019
In this episode, we see how King Rehoboam and King Jeroboam both refuse to live in God’s good ways, and how when Christ lives in our hearts, we have the gift of the Spirit’s conviction to receive forgiveness, help, and the transforming grace to look more like Jesus. With your kids: What do you think […]
Episode 92: 1 Kings 10-11 Solomon Turns From the Lord
Nov 08, 2019
In this episode, we see the sad end to Solomon’s reign as he turns to the gods his wives worshipped and leads the Israelites to do the same. Our actions flow out of what’s in our hearts, and God loves to give us humble hearts as we turn from our sins and remember who He […]
Episode 91: 1 Kings 8-9 Solomon Dedicates the Temple
Oct 25, 2019
In this episode, we look at what kinds of things Solomon prayed for when he dedicated the temple and that God heard Solomon’s prayer and told him to obey and trust Him alone. It’s the same call for us, as we also celebrate Jesus as our Great High Priest. With your kids: Choose one attribute […]
Episode 90: 1 Kings 4-7 Solomon Builds the Temple
Oct 11, 2019
In this episode, God gives Solomon peace and rest from enemies so that he can build God’s temple, but he spends even longer building his own palace. God loves to open our eyes to His kingdom priorities as we read His Word and talk with Him about it. With your kids: Name one thing you […]
In this episode, Solomon sees how much he needs God’s help and asks for wisdom to rule. We have it even better when we join our lives to Jesus, because He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us to do what’s right. With your kids: Pick one person you’d like to treat with more […]
Episode 88: 1 Kings 1 Solomon is Anointed King
Sep 20, 2019
In this episode, God uses Bathsheba and the prophet Nathan to prompt David to anoint Solomon king after Solomon’s brother secretly tries to take the throne. Even when we fail, we can trust God’s plans and promises to always come true for our good and to make us more like Jesus. With your kids: Tell […]
Episode 87: God’s Big Story Part 6
Sep 06, 2019
In this last episode of the series, Finn and I talk about Jesus’ death and resurrection and that God has sent His Spirit to live in and through us as we tell others the good news and look forward to a life of eternal joy with Him. With your kids: Listen (or dance) to “All […]
Episode 86: God’s Big Story Part 5
Aug 30, 2019
In this episode, I share with Finn about God bringing the Israelite exiles back to their land and that at the perfect time, He sent Jesus to preach about God’s kingdom, even though many rejected Jesus’ message. With your kids: What’s been your favorite story so far? What did that story show you about who […]
Episode 85: God’s Big Story Part 4
Aug 23, 2019
In this episode, Finn and I talk about the time of the kings, and how many of them abandoned God and wanted to be like all the other nations. God brought judgment from the Assyrians and Babylonians, but was still getting ready for the time when the Perfect King would come. With your kids: Search […]
Episode 84: God’s Big Story Part 3
Aug 16, 2019
In part 3, Finn and I see how God faithfully led the Israelites through the wilderness and into the land He had promised, even though they soon began worshipping idols in the land. But even then, God wouldn’t give up on them and sent help each time they turned back to Him. With your kids: […]
Episode 83: A Quick Update
Aug 09, 2019
Hey friends! Just a quick update letting you know that episodes may be sporadic on the Jesus is Better podcast for a while. In June, I got salmonella food poisoning, which put me in bed for four days, and by the time I started feeling better and took my three kids out to North Dakota […]
Episode 82: God’s Big Story Part 2
Aug 02, 2019
In Part 2, Finn and I talk about God’s promise to Abraham and how He made Abraham’s descendants into a great people and brought them out of slavery and cared for them all through the desert. With your kids: When God told Moses He would be with him, Moses was still scared to lead the […]
Episode 81: God’s Big Story Part 1
Jul 26, 2019
This is the first episode in a series through the whole Bible where we look at God’s plan of redemption, and all the times He keeps pursuing the people He created. With your kids: Look at the pictures on my website to get some ideas for your own drawings through the Bible. Then get drawing! […]
Episode 80: Kids Study the Bible Part 5
Jul 12, 2019
In this last episode of the series, Finn and I study the book of James by looking at the historical background, practice paraphrasing some verses, and ask God for his help in trials and temptations. With your kids: Go on youtube, and type in “The Bible Project James,” or click here. After watching the video, […]
Episode 79: Kids Study the Bible Part 4
Jul 05, 2019
In part 4, Finn and I practice what we’ve learned by looking at the historical background of 1 Samuel, ask questions about the first chapter, and ask God how it should change us. With your kids: Go on youtube, and type in “The Bible Project 1 Samuel” (or click here). After watching the video, tell […]
Episode 78: Kids Study the Bible Part 3
Jun 28, 2019
In part 3, Finn and I talk about how studying the Bible should change us, and that the Holy Spirit can remind us of what we’ve studied when we need it. With your kids: If you could draw a picture and hand it to Jesus, what would be on it? Bonus: Here’s an article about […]
Episode 77: Kids Study the Bible Part 2
Jun 21, 2019
In this episode, Finn and I discuss the importance of asking questions when we study the Bible to help us understand what the text says, what it means, and how it should change us. With your kids: Tell each other a fairytale like the story of the three little pigs, and then try doing it […]
Episode 76: Kids Study the Bible Part 1
Jun 14, 2019
This is the first episode in a five part series, teaching kids how to study the Bible on their own (and with a little help from parents). Finn the fish joins this podcast series. Discussion with your kids: What makes you nervous about studying the Bible on your own? Pray together and ask for God […]
Episode 75: 2 Samuel 19-24 Final Reflections on David’s Reign
Jun 07, 2019
In this episode, we finish 2nd Samuel. We talk about one final rebellion that David has to deal with as well as some strange stories at the end of the book which at first don’t seem to fit in. Discussion with your kids: What is the strangest thing you’ve heard from the Bible? Is there […]
Episode 74: 2 Samuel 16-19 David’s Son Absalom Rebels
May 31, 2019
This episode deals with the death of David’s son Absalom. We see what happens when he starts a rebellion and tries to kill his own father to take the throne. Discussion questions for your kids: Do your friends ever try to get you to do bad things? Is it easier to get them to do […]
Episode 73: 2 Samuel 13-15 David Loses His Son Amnon
May 24, 2019
In this episode, we explore the sad story of David’s sons. We will see how the bad things we do always hurt more people than we think they will. Questions to talk about with your kids: Have you ever thought that you could do a bad thing and it wasn’t that bad? Did the little […]
Episode 72: 2 Samuel 11-12 David Tries to Hide His Sin
May 17, 2019
In this episode, we explore the tragic story of David and Bathsheba. We will talk about how sin encroaches on our lives and the sad consequences of sin. Questions to talk about with your kids: What kinds of things are you tempted to do that you know are wrong? Where do you do those […]
Episode 71: 2 Samuel 8-10 David’s Faithfulness to His Covenant with Jonathan
May 10, 2019
We are going to examine the “high point” of David’s life. We’ll examine how David reacts to the news that God has given him an eternal kingdom. Discussion with your kids: How do you treat people who don’t like you? What if you knew that they had been mean and unkind to you in the […]
Episode 70: 2 Samuel 6-7 God Promises David an Everlasting Dynasty
May 03, 2019
Today we explore the stories of when David tried to move the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and God’s blessing for David’s kingdom. We learn about doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. Discussion with your kids: Why does God give his blessings to David and his family of kings even though […]
Episode 69: 2 Samuel 4-5 David Becomes King Over All Israel
Apr 26, 2019
Today, we learn about David capturing the capital of Jerusalem, and why big problems can sometimes become our greatest strengths. Discussion with your kids: What are some things that you are scared of today? Who should we turn to when we are scared? Here is the link to the Jerusalem pictures. Bonus: Here’s an article […]
Episode 68: 2 Samuel 2-3 David Becomes King over Judah
Apr 19, 2019
In this episode, we get to learn about the civil war in Israel that occurs when Saul’s son, Ish-Bosheth, tries to become king instead of God’s anointed king, David. Discussion with your kids: How do we treat others when they’ve done something mean or wrong to us? Why does revenge never work? Thomas also heads […]
Episode 67: 2 Samuel 1 David’s Lament over Saul and Jonathan
Apr 12, 2019
In this episode, guest Bible teacher Thomas Morse shares about David’s love for Saul, even though Saul didn’t treat David well. We can learn how to love those who aren’t nice to us by learning from David and Jesus. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone who isn’t nice to you at school, daycare, or […]
Episode 66: John 20:19-21:19, Luke 24:50-53 Jesus Returns to Heaven
Apr 05, 2019
In this episode, I share from John when Jesus appears to the disciples and tells Peter to feed His sheep, and how Jesus is growing our faith so we can share His gospel with others. Discussion with your kids: Play “a little bit bigger.” Start by naming something that could fit inside your room and […]
Episode 65: Luke 24:1-49 Jesus is Alive!
Mar 29, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus is raised from the dead and invites the disciples and us to share His good news with all the world. Discussion with your kids: Think of something amazing God has shown you about Himself lately and tell it to someone! Bonus: Here’s an article I wrote […]
Episode 64: Luke 23 Jesus’ Death
Mar 22, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus obeyed the Father in going to the cross, and that when we believe in Him and want to be with Him, He is delighted to welcome us into His forever family. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone you would like to know Jesus more. Pray […]
Episode 63: Luke 22 Jesus is Arrested
Mar 15, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus is taken by the chief priests, and the disciples all run away, and that we can ask His Holy Spirit to help us be faithful whenever we are afraid or confused. Discussion with your kids: Tell each other something that makes you afraid. Then, ask Jesus […]
Episode 62: Luke 22 and John 13 Jesus Shares His Last Meal
Mar 08, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke and John about Jesus’ last hours with His disciples before His death, and how Jesus wants to help us receive and share His love with those right in the room with us. Discussion with your kids: Name the people you share a room with the most. Ask Jesus […]
Episode 61: Luke 20-21 The Pharisees Reject Jesus
Mar 01, 2019
In this episode I share from Luke when Jesus told a story about the Pharisees’ rejection of Him and that He would take care of His disciples no matter what scary things happened, just as He does today. Discussion with your kids: Think of some things you want Jesus to be in charge of. Then […]
Episode 60: Luke 19 Jesus is Celebrated But Weeps For the People
Feb 22, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke about Jesus seeking Zacchaeus and how He invites us to join in His good works all the way until He comes again. Discussion with your kids: Take turns telling each other why Jesus is the best, and see how long you can go back and forth.
Episode 59: Luke 18 How to Come to the Father
Feb 15, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke about a rich man and a blind man who came to Jesus and how God invites us to come to Him in prayer. Discussion with your kids: Ask your children to come up with some ways they could show love to kids who are younger than them at […]
Episode 58: Luke 17 Jesus Teaches About Gratefulness and Faith
Feb 08, 2019
In this episode I share from Luke about how Jesus invites us to forgive others and live lives of thankfulness even as we look forward to His return. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone who makes you angry sometimes. Now imagine taking them by the hand and leading them to God’s throne so that […]
Episode 57: Luke 16 Jesus Teaches About True Riches
Feb 01, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke about how we can receive God’s blessings and trust Him to take care of us as we share with others what we’ve been given. Discussion with your kids: Think of something you would like God to help you share with a friend or sibling. Ask Him to give […]
Episode 56: Luke 15 Jesus’ Parables About the Father’s Heart
Jan 25, 2019
In this episode, I share three stories Jesus told about how much He wants us to live under His care and protection, and that the Father’s arms are open wide each time we wander off and follow our own selfish desires. Discussion with your kids: Imagine you are the younger son in the story Jesus […]
Episode 55: Luke 14 Jesus Teaches About Who to Welcome
Jan 18, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus showed the Pharisees how much God cares for the poor and sick and those who come to His banquet in faith, and that the Spirit can help us receive those people in God’s love, too. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone you don’t really like […]
Episode 54: Luke 13 Jesus Invites People Through The Narrow Door
Jan 11, 2019
In this episode I share from Luke when Jesus taught about God’s kingdom coming patiently, slowly, and miraculously, and that He is showing people from every nation the way through His door of salvation. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone who might not have gone through Jesus’ door of salvation. Pray that God would […]
Episode 53: Luke 12 Jesus Teaches How to Trust and Follow Him Without Fear
Jan 04, 2019
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus taught His disciples about trusting God to take care of them in this life and in the life to come, and that His Spirit is still with us, helping us each time we worry. Discussion with your kids: What is something you’ve been worried about lately? […]
Episode 52: Luke 11 Jesus Teaches About Life in His Kingdom
Dec 28, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus tells about the Father’s care through the Holy Spirit and that His followers can’t live in the light without His help. Discussion with your kids: Imagine that Jesus is sitting on a chair in your living room and asks, “What’s been making you feel happy lately? […]
Episode 51: Luke 10 Jesus Teaches About How to Love God and Others
Dec 21, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke about how Jesus invited His disciples to preach, care for others, and learn from Him, and how we can do the same in the power of His Holy Spirit so that those who want to know Him can hear. Discussion with your kids: Choose a harvest field to […]
Episode 50: Luke 9 Jesus Reveals Himself as the Messiah
Dec 13, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke about how the disciples began to go out in Jesus’ power, but still needed to understand the extent of it, and how God can give us faith to believe He has the power to shine His light of love and healing into any situation. Discussion with your kids: […]
Episode 49: Luke 8 Jesus Shows His Power and Authority
Dec 07, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus rescued each person who came to Him in need, and how He invites us to trust His powerful work in our lives even if we don’t know what kind of help we need. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone who needs God’s help right now. […]
Episode 48: Luke 7 Jesus Heals, Raises the Dead, and Forgives
Nov 30, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus heals the Roman commander’s servant, raises a widow’s son, and forgives a woman who poured perfume on his feet, and how God invites us to see how much we need Him and trust Him to take care of us. Discussion with your kids: Share with each […]
Episode 47: Luke 6 Jesus Teaches About His Kingdom
Nov 23, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus faced the Pharisees and taught His disciples–and now us about how to trust Him with our hearts and love others with His transformative love. Discussion with your kids: Ask the Holy Spirit to bear His fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and […]
Episode 46: Luke 5 Jesus Calls His First Disciples
Nov 16, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke when people began responding to Jesus’ call to follow Him, and that we can enjoy and invite others into this friendship of trust and obedience, too. Discussion with your kids: Think of someone who seems like they need a hug from God and pray that they would know […]
Episode 45: Luke 4 Jesus Begins to Heal and Preach
Nov 09, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke about Jesus overcoming every temptation and obeying the Father perfectly, so that we could share in His righteousness and join in His mission. Discussion with your kids: Think of a nation around the world that needs the light of Jesus’ love. Pray that His light would conquer the […]
Episode 44: Luke 2-3 Jesus Prepares for His Ministry
Nov 02, 2018
In this episode, I share from the gospels about how God led John to tell the people that Jesus had come, and how Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience as he grew up. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we get to enjoy the benefits of that obedience given to us and join Him in being the […]
Episode 43: Luke 2 Jesus is Born!
Oct 26, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke 2 about how God worked all the pieces together for Jesus’ birth and how we can trust God to keep His promises to us and in all that we are still waiting for. Discussion with your kids: Share a promise from God’s Word that has encouraged you lately, […]
Episode 42: Luke 1 Jesus is Coming!
Oct 19, 2018
In this episode, I share from Luke about God’s plan to prepare the way for Jesus to come, and how we get to be carriers of His good news, pointing back to the cross and ahead to the glorious eternal life that is coming. Discussion with your kids: What is something you want and God […]
Episode 41: 1 Samuel 29-31 God Gives David Victory and Brings Saul To Defeat
Jul 27, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel about how God helped David rescue the women and children the Amalekites captured, but Saul was defeated, and how Jesus wants to lead us through each unexpected circumstance as we keep listening for and obeying Him. Discussion with your kids: What trouble right now do you want […]
Episode 40: 1 Samuel 26-28 David Hides Among the Philistines But Saul Fears Them
Jul 20, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when David spared Saul’s life again, but Saul found out that he was going to die, and how Jesus wants to walk with us into the future and teach us to be His helpers in His kingdom. Discussion with your kids: Tell your kids what you wanted […]
Episode 39: 1 Samuel 24-25 David Spares Saul’s Life and Nabal’s
Jul 13, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when David doesn’t take revenge on Saul or Nabal, and how Jesus wants to guide us in the way we relate to and love the people in our lives. Discussion with your kids: Ask Jesus who He would like to love even more through you. Ask Him […]
Episode 38: 1 Samuel 21-23 Saul Chases David and Kills the Priests
Jul 06, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when Saul kept pursuing David, but David kept seeking God’s guidance, and how Jesus wants to guide us and be the help we need everyday. Discussion with your kids: Ask Jesus to speak a word of encouragement to your heart today, and then share with each other […]
Episode 37: 1 Samuel 18-20 God Rescues David From Saul’s Attacks
Jun 29, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when Saul became so jealous of David that he tried to kill him, and how Jesus wants to rescue us from living in fear, anger, and trying to control our lives without Him. Discussion with your kids: Choose someone you want to celebrate! Pray for them, blessing […]
Episode 36: 1 Samuel 16-17 God Defeats Goliath Through David
Jun 22, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel about how David’s friendship with God made him fight to defend God’s Great Name against Goliath, and how Jesus wants to grow in friendship with us in every stage of our lives and in whatever battles we face. Discussion with your kids: What area of your life […]
Episode 35: 1 Samuel 14-15 God Shows His Power Through Jonathan’s Faith
Jun 15, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel 14-15 when Jonathan leads the Israelites in victory, but Saul makes foolish decisions, and how Jesus invites us to live under and be blessed by His authority and power. Discussion with your kids: Where would you like Jesus to show His power? Pray together, inviting Him to […]
Episode 34: 1 Samuel 11-13 God Calls the People and King Saul to Trust Him
Jun 08, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel about how God uses Saul to rescue the Israelites, but then in another battle he becomes fearful and disobeys, and how God’s Spirit is ready to help whenever we face a scary situation. Discussion with your kids: What’s one of your favorite stories from the Bible about […]
Episode 33: 1 Samuel 8-10 God Chooses Saul to be King
May 25, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when the Israelites demand a king, and how Jesus wants to be our perfect, loving King, leading our hearts in His ways. Discussion with your kids: Is there something you’ve prayed for God to do and He hasn’t done it? Ask Jesus to speak into your thoughts […]
Episode 32: 1 Samuel 4-7 God Sends the Ark Back to the People of Israel
May 18, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, when God brought the Israelites to repentance through the return of the ark of the covenant, and how Jesus shows His help through the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. Discussion with your kids: What is one thing you want to start asking for God’s help with? […]
Episode 31: 1 Samuel 1-3 God Answers Hannah’s Prayer and Calls Samuel
May 11, 2018
In this episode, I share from 1 Samuel, how God speaks to Samuel and how He wants to lead us and speak to us through His Word and Spirit living in us. Discussion with your kids: If you could see Jesus right now, what would you want to do with Him? Play with toys? Read […]
Episode 30: Ruth 1-4 God Protects and Provides For Ruth
May 04, 2018
In this episode, I share from the book of Ruth, how God protected Ruth through Boaz, carrying out His great plan, and how Jesus came to be our Rescuer, leading us into a life under His care forever. Discussion with your kids: When, during the day, do you feel like Jesus isn’t leading you or […]
Episode 29: Judges 1-2, 6-8 God Rescues the Israelites Through Gideon
Apr 27, 2018
In this episode, I share from Judges, when the Israelites turned away from God and He used Gideon to rescue them from their enemies, and how Jesus wants to heal our hearts each time we want something else more than Him. Discussion with your kids: Are you feeling sad or discouraged or worried about something […]
Episode 28: Joshua 13-24 God Gives the Israelites Their Land and Renews His Covenant
Apr 20, 2018
In this episode I share about how God continues to divide the land for the Israelites, and they promise to serve Him only, and how we need Jesus everyday, to be our righteousness and help us believe His promises. Discussion with your kids: Which of God’s promises are you thankful for today? Share together, and […]
Episode 27: Joshua 9-12 God Shows His Power to Joshua and the Gibeonites
Apr 13, 2018
In this episode, I share how Joshua is deceived by the Gibeonites into making a covenant of peace, but God uses Joshua to protect the Gibeonites when they are in danger, and how Jesus invites us into a life of working together to proclaim His greatness and show His love. (Images: Discussion with your […]
Episode 26: Joshua 6-8 God Shows His Power Through Defeating Jericho
Apr 06, 2018
In this episode, I share from Joshua about how God made the walls of Jericho fall down and dealt with Achan’s sin, and how Jesus let His body be destroyed so that we can find healing and forgiveness from all our sins. Discussion with your kids: Ask, “What part of your life do you […]
Episode 25: Joshua 1-5 God Uses Rahab to Help Joshua’s Spies
Mar 30, 2018
In this episode, I share from Joshua how God shows the Israelites His power as they begin to enter the land He’d promised, and how Jesus leads us in fighting against the powers of darkness in our own lives. Discussion with your kids: Ask, “What is one thing you are scared of or worried about?” […]
Episode 24: Deuteronomy 27-34 God Invites the Israelites to Choose Life
Mar 15, 2018
In this episode, I share from the last chapters in Deuteronomy, when God invited the Israelites to choose life through following Him alone, and how Jesus is inviting us to trust Him with however He wants us to fit into His story. ( Discussion with your kids: How has God shown you His glory, beauty, […]
Episode 23: Deuteronomy 7-26 God Invites the Israelites to Trust His Faithful Promises Through Obedience
Mar 09, 2018
In this episode, I share from Deuteronomy, when Moses reminded the Israelites how well God had cared for them, and how Jesus wants us to remove the idols from our hearts and walk with Him in joy and blessing others. Discussion with your kids: Pick a nation around the world where you can invite Jesus […]
Episode 22: Deuteronomy 1-6 God Helps Moses Teach the People How to Live in the Land
Mar 02, 2018
In this episode, I share from Deuteronomy, when Moses invited the new generation of Israelites to follow God as they prepared to enter their new land, and how Jesus loves to fight for us and lead us in loving those He brings into our lives. Discussion with your kids: Tell each other about a time […]
Episode 21: Numbers 32-36 God Gives Two Tribes the Land They Ask For
Feb 23, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers about the Israelite tribes beginning to receive the land God had for them, and how living under God’s authority and safety helps us to receive and enjoy all the blessings He has for us. Discussion with your kids: Can you picture Jesus with you right now? What are […]
Episode 20: Numbers 25-31 God Chooses Joshua to Be the New Leader
Feb 16, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers about God giving the Israelites a new leader even when they turned away from Him, and how Jesus wants to lead us in His life of love and restoring others’ hearts to Him. Discussion with your kids: If you could hear Jesus speaking to you, what do you […]
Episode 19: Numbers 22-24 God Speaks Through a Donkey and Saves Israel
Feb 09, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers, when King Balak wanted Balaam to curse the Israelites, but God caused Balaam to speak blessing instead, and how Jesus wants to protect us and lead us into a life of love, healing, and blessing. With your kids: Pray together that Jesus would give both of you a […]
Episode 18: Numbers 18-21 God Uses a Bronze Serpent to Bring the Israelites to Himself
Feb 02, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers when God gave the Israelites water from a rock and used a bronze serpent to turn their eyes to Him, and how Jesus came to crush the biggest serpent’s head so that we can be healed, forgiven, and enjoy Jesus forever. Discussion with your kids: What is one […]
Episode 17: Numbers 15-17 God Rescues the People From Living in Rebellion
Jan 26, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers, when Korah and some Israelite leaders rebelled against God, and that Jesus is the only One who can give us the humility and joy to do the jobs He has for us to join Him in. Discussion with your kids: What job are you glad Jesus has you […]
Episode 16: Numbers 13-14 The Israelites Reject God’s Leading into the Promised Land
Jan 19, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers, when the Israelites were too scared to trust God to enter the promised land, and how Jesus has trusted the Father perfectly on our behalf and invites us to lean on His strength each time we fear. Discussion with your kids: What is something that makes you afraid? […]
Episode 15: Numbers 10-12 God Rescues His People From Their Complaining and Pride
Jan 12, 2018
In this episode, I share from Numbers, when God continued to travel with the Israelites even when they complained again and Moses’ brother and sister wanted to be the best, and how Jesus wants to make room in our hearts for His thoughts and invite us into the jobs He has for us to do. […]
Episode 14: Leviticus 24, 26, Numbers 1-6, 8-9 God Teaches the Israelites Their Roles in His Family
Jan 05, 2018
In this episode, I share from Leviticus and Numbers, how God wanted to bless the Israelites and teach them how to do their jobs as part of His family, and how Jesus wants to take us by the hand and lead us in the good works He has for us to do with Him. Question […]
Episode 13: Leviticus 1-7, 10-23, 25, 27 God Teaches the Israelites How to Live with Him
Dec 29, 2017
In this episode, I share from Leviticus about how God is teaching the Israelites to live with Him as part of His family, and how because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, we can run to Him for help no matter what we are going through. Why not tell your kids one way you need Jesus’ help […]
Episode 12: Exodus 34-40, Numbers 7, Leviticus 8-9 God’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle
Dec 15, 2017
In this episode, I share from Exodus 34-40, Numbers 7, and Leviticus 8-9, when God’s glory fills the tabernacle so He can live with His people and how Jesus has come as the perfect priest, offering forgiveness and His Spirit to live in our hearts. Question for your kids: What do you imagine God’s home […]
Episode 11: Exodus 32-33 God Renews His Promise After Israel Chooses an Idol
Dec 08, 2017
In this episode, I share from Exodus 32-33, when Moses is away talking with God, and the Israelites choose to make an idol to worship and how receiving Jesus’ love and forgiveness frees us to follow God in the way He created us to live. Question for your kids: If someone asked you why Jesus […]
Episode 10: Exodus 21-31 God Makes a Way to Live With the People
Dec 01, 2017
In this episode, I share from Exodus 21-31, when God teaches Moses how He has chosen to live with His people and how Jesus has made a way for God to live with us and in us. Hallelujah! Question for your kids: Why do you think Jesus wants to be with us?
Episode 9: New City Catechism
Nov 17, 2017
In this episode of the Jesus is Better Podcast, I have my two special guests, Dorie and Ja’nya, go through The Gospel Coalition’s New City Catechism with me. This is a great episode your children can practice with as they learn 52 important beliefs about God. The New City Catechism is copyrighted by Redeemer Presbyterian […]
Episode 8: Exodus 18-20 God Gives Moses His Good Commands
Nov 10, 2017
In this episode, I share from Exodus 18-20, when God teaches the people the way life works best through His commandments, and how Jesus has kept the commandments perfectly on our behalf, inviting us to obey and run with Him in His good ways. Question for your kids: What has Jesus been teaching you today?
Episode 7: Exodus 16-17 God Sends Bread from Heaven and Water from a Rock
Nov 03, 2017
In this episode, I storytell Exodus 16-17, when God provides food and water for the Israelites as He leads them through the wilderness and how Jesus invites us to trust in His provision as we rest in His good purposes for our lives. A question for your kids: How has Jesus been taking care of […]
Episode 6: Exodus 14-15 God Parts the Red Sea
Oct 27, 2017
In this episode, I storytell Exodus 14-15, when God parts the Red Sea. Though we deserve to be swept away like the Egyptians, God sent Jesus to rescue us and lead us all the way until we join Him on the New Earth. Why not ask the kids in your life what they’ve learned about […]
Episode 5: Exodus 11-13 God Passes Over the Israelites and Rescues Them
Oct 20, 2017
In this episode, I storytell Exodus 11-12, when God passed over the Israelites who put the blood of a perfect lamb on their doors. I also share how Jesus was the true perfect sacrifice so that we could be forgiven and experience new life with him. After you listen, you can ask your kids, “What […]
Episode 4: Exodus 7-10 God Shows His Power to the Israelites and Egyptians
Oct 13, 2017
In this episode of the Jesus is Better Podcast, I share from Exodus 7-10, how God showed his power to the Israelites and Egyptians through the 10 plagues, and how Jesus still holds all the power over our lives, fulfilling every promise he has ever made. You might want to ask your kids if there […]
Episode 3: Exodus 5-7 God Uses Moses to Give Pharaoh His Message
Oct 06, 2017
In this episode of the Jesus is Better podcast, I share from Exodus 5-7 how God used Moses to give Pharaoh God’s message, which made life more difficult for the slaves, and how we can trust Jesus when life seems to be getting worse. Why is following Jesus exciting and worth it? Why not ask […]
Episode 2: Exodus 2-4 God Calls Moses
Sep 29, 2017
In this episode of the Jesus is Better Podcast, I tell how God chose Moses to be the one who would lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and how Jesus is an even greater rescuer, saving us from slavery to sin into eternal life with him. You can take a look at my […]
Jesus is Better Podcast Episode 1: Exodus 1-2 God Protects Moses
Sep 22, 2017
Hi friends! I’m delighted to share with you my brand-new podcast for kids called Jesus is Better: Bible Stories with Gospel Joy. Have you ever wondered why God included certain stories in the Bible? The Bible is meant to show us Jesus and his glorious gospel, yet often we get stuck focusing only on Bible […]