Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied.
This episode is all about choosing your targets- what you can afford to ignore and what you can't, what needs to die and what can wait until next turn. While the movement phase might be the phase that can win you the game, that's hard to do unless you're getting rid of the units in the enemy army that can prevent you from winning. And since you can't kill every unit in their army simultaneously (since it's not 7th Ed anymore), that means picking and choosing your targets carefully to get rid of the ones that can do you the most harm.
Over the course of the episode, we talk about getting rid of threats to your threats vs. getting rid of threats to your victory conditions, how your target priority should change over the course of a game, and when you should shift priorities based on bad rolls. We discuss how to deal with reactive stratagems and abilities that your opponent can use against you and how to get around them as well as advice on how to choose the order in which you activate your units, both of which can be critically important in destroying targets effectively. Plus, we cap it all off with a short lesson on knowing your math and overcommitting versus undercommitting- and if you'd rather not do that math yourself, you're in luck, because we have a couple of links created put up by helpful individuals that can do the math for you!!/damage
My preferred calculator for quick-and-dirty stuff. There's some features it's missing (like "rending" style effects), but if you're just running some raw math on things it's handy. This is probably your best bet for comparing options, since it lets you set up multiple "armies" to contrast them.
Doesn't let you compare, but provides more in-depth stats on a single unit or weapon. Provides not just the average, but also the distribution on things, which is great for understanding your chances of getting different results.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Vreda Forge
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen