In this episode, Dr. Courtney Tracy hosts Dr. Nicole Lepera, known on social media as "The Holistic Psychologist", to discuss how the unconscious plays a role in healing work and reparenting ourselves. Dr. Nicole LePera was trained in clinical psychology at Cornell University and the New School for Social Research. She also studied at the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis. As a clinical psychologist in private practice, Dr. Nicole LePera often found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients— and for self— she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical, and spiritual health that equips people with the tools necessary to heal themselves. She is the creator of the #SelfHealers movement where people from around the world are joining together in community to take healing into their own hands. Her first book, How to Do the Work, is currently in pre-order with a release date of March 2021.
Dr. Courtney Tracy and Dr. Nicole Lepera discuss the following in this episode:
- How Dr. Lepera's unconscious was showing up in her life in her past
- Dr. Nicole's relationship with her unconscious today at this point in her healing/career
- How the unconscious can show up in our childhood
- How the unconscious can show up in the process of reparenting
- How unconscious beliefs, thoughts and traumas can prevent people from taking the leap into self-healing and whether we believe we can or not
- Interventions Dr. Nicole uses that have helped and continue to help her in her life
If you feel like your unconscious is showing up in childhood memories and daily habits, this episode may help you. If you have someone in your life that is feeling like their childhood is holding them back and you want to understand what might be going on in their mind, this episode may help you. If you want to hear more of Dr. Nicole's story and how it relates to the unconscious, this episode is for you.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Please contact your emergency line if you are feeling lost or hopeless. You are not alone. We believe in you.
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You can find more information about Dr. Nicole Lepera using these links:
(**We recommend using the Amazon link to look at the book and then trying to preorder/purchase from smaller, locally-owned bookstores to help your local communities)
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Hi, I'm Dr. Courtney Tracy, also known as "The Truth Doctor" on social media. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, a Social Media Figure, and a Mindfulness & Addiction Expert.
The Truth Seekers Community is a place I created to help you free yourself and find yourself. My mission for building this community is to enlighten and educate others on the truths hidden behind the day to day of our existence and the thoughts within our minds. This Community holds personally curated mental health courses, playlists, worksheets/handouts and activities to help you learn and heal. I am so excited to offer this to you all. Please find the website below:
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