On today's episode, I speak with three men (Michael, Danny, & Todd) about what it was like to grow up with the pressure of the masculine archetype. Through embracing the feminine, we found balance and restored our natural, authentic way. I wanted to record this special, 2 hour sacred conversation about our experiences in hopes to give others a reference of what it looks like when men come together, talk about their truest feelings and experiences, and create space that is receptive, loving, and healing.
So often, men are characterized and pigeon-holed into specific roles that limit our full selves. I've held space for many men in my practice and in men's circles and hear the same stories over and over again about the desire to be more feminine, more balanced, and engage in intimacy and affection with other men.
The father wound runs deep in most of us because they grew up without a compass for being an integrated man, and so we're left with society's story about men. The rockstar, the superhero, the knight in shining armor - cinematic drag kings depicting one aspect of maleness, masculinity, and power & magnifying as the normal standard of male.
So, as we come into our male bodies, we fall short in comparison and experience a ton of shame and competition. Our male peers, going through the same pressures, project their own pain onto the boys who are the most unusual, the most feminine, and the most vulnerable.
The healing comes from the non-binary. Not being masculine, or feminine. Instead, letting those words show up as energy that comes, that goes, and that shape shifts, rather than attaching these polarities to our identities and having to live up to one while we suppress the other.
Michael Miller
Michael is a student of embodiment, singing, Kirtan, somatic coaching, shamanism, energy healing, and life. Through Bhakti and Vocal Coaching he supports others to discover their True Voice and live wild, passion-driven lives. Michael currently resides in Topanga, CA where he enjoys spending his free time in nature, singing, creating music, writing, and practicing Kung Fu. You can find out more about his Bhakti and Vocal coaching work at: https://www.michaelpatrickmiller.com/
Daniel Kerry
Daniel is a stay at home dad, a mentor for men in 12 step recovery, and a life coach. Currently, his focus is parenting but he is very open to hear from you if you'd like to reach him. You can do so by emailing him at danielseankerry@gmail.com .
Todd Nickens
Todd J. Nickens is a screenwriter, Director and graphic novelist. A Brooklyn native, Todd received his Master’s Degree in Media Studies from The New School. He was a 2016 quarterfinalist in the Cynosure Feature Competition for his screenplay Pump & Punishment. Todd is a member of Origins Films: a writer’s collective for artists of color. Todd is currently working on his latest screenplay, entitled: Heavy Metal: Isis, as well as developing his screenplay, Daku Ron
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