Several village idiots have risen from the deepest depths of immaturity to deliver their unprofessional commentary on movies.
If you want to feel drunk without taking a sip of alcohol this is the podcast for you.
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Several village idiots have risen from the deepest depths of immaturity to deliver their unprofessional commentary on movies.
If you want to feel drunk without taking a sip of alcohol this is the podcast for you.
Copyright: © Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.
The boys are back and are still talking about snow related movies.
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Brendan Fraser before he won an Oscar for Big.
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Max and Timmy catch up after a few months off from recording with some life updates before Max rambles about about his time at CinemaCon.
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This movie is one big bundle of joy.
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The boys are back with a new snow themed mini series and first up is Die Hard on a mountain aka Cliffhanger starting a slimmer Sylvester Stallone, Michael Rooker as a good guy, and John Lithgow with a flawless British accent.
Nothing but the highest audio quality for this one as Tim forgot to record the first hour of the show so enjoy that.
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Ho-ho-ho! Christmas (and Tim) came early this year. As a heads up, this is a commentary track, but you can still enjoy the conversation without playing the movie in the background.
Few topics discussions include: What would Mel Gibson’s career look like today if he had called a cab instead of getting into the most costly DUI of all time, the status of lethal weapon 5, Gary Busey’s fantastic fashion style, how much eggnog is too much, Murtaugh blaming Riggs for all of his life problems even though he just met him the day prior, Mel Gibsons grunts, and much more!
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Some people have too much will to live.
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There's never enough time…for Belgian Yogurt
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Marty’s mom has got it goin’ on.
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What Yeeeaaaarrrrr!!!??
The boys time traveled too far and forgot to introduce the show, which doesn’t matter because they had plenty to talk about regarding one of the greatest sci fi/ time travel movies of all time in The Terminator.
The boys droll over Arnie’s body, yellow page stalking, phone sex, the choice to have the hero be named Kyle, awful love scenes in movies, dogs biting cohosts on air, and much more!
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code MYPOPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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The boys are back with a new mini series of time traveling movies because our real timeline sucks. First up is one of the dumbest time travel films off all time in the cult classic Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure.
Topics include Napoleon going on a double date with several 12 year olds, the odd choice to travel back to the US and Austria multiple times, a missing pudding subplot, cuckolding dads, and much more!
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code MYPOPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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After almost 4 months of inconsistent recordings, the boys have finally finished their 007 debut series; they watched the first appearance of every Bond actor playing 007 - but in reverse! Last…or first… is the 1962 classic, Dr No, staring Sean Connery.
This movie has it all: a smooth and charming sexual psychopath who sucks the water out of wet towels, people in yellow face, extra’s doing 15 foot belly flops, a supervillain with weird flipper hands, bikinis, dragon tanks, and, of course, our hero throwing a handicapped man into a vat of boiling radioactive water!
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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Max and Timmy break down George Lazenby's only appearance as James Bond which may make him the Larkin of the Bond's....or the Chumbawamba of the Bond's....or the Wilt Chamberlin/Charlie Sheen of the Bond's (the guy really enjoyed the swinging 60's). Regardless, the boys surprisingly enjoyed this one and have plenty of bad Aussie impressions to go around.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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With the premiere of Top Gun Maverick we are re releasing our original Top Gun episode from 2019. Lots of sunburn hairless chests, bromance, and Kenny Loggins.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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The 007 debut series is back as the boys watched Roger Moore’s first entry in the franchise where the dashing British gentleman date rapes a virgin Jane Seymour, battles a handicapped man with a can opener for an arm, and then stumbles into a Smokey And The Bandit knockoff, which concludes with Bond shooting someone with a gun that turns them into a human balloon.
Special shout out to our homeless cohost who apparently recorded his audio underwater.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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Maximum escapism, side boobs, and parrots…also Timothy Dalton as James Bond.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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Week 2 of our 007 debut series as the boys watched Pierce Brosnan’s first appearance in GoldenEye: The movie that was not as good as they remembered.
Former cohost Papa Paco makes his first appearance in 2 years as the boys talk about drunk Russians, sneaky tanks, bad riddles, Austin Powers, 60’s sound effects, and a bunch of other crap that may offend the uninitiated.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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The boys are starting their 007 debut series where they will be reviewing each entry of a new Bond actor, but in reverse order.
First up is the initial Daniel Craig appearance where he stars as a murderous psychopath who is granted a license to kill.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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A film that takes place on a fake lake that is not named Lake Placid.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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Several white trash New England fishermen decide to fight Mother Nature…and they lost.
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This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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When a Steven Seagal action movie meets a Kurt Russel thriller.
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Or you could call it Medieval poprock and historical inaccuracies.
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See how quickly Bill loses his mind in one of the funniest episodes originally released in May of 2019.
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A young prince, exiled by his murderous gang leader uncle, grows up in a bug eating fringe community. After having a lucid vision of his dead dad in the clouds, the prince returns home to take the throne while his dictator uncle is eaten alive by his own army of killers…this week the boys watched the family friendly Disney classic The Lion King!
This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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The boys are kicking off their season of movies to be thankful for and first up is the star studded-man eye candy classic Oceans Eleven.
We’ve got suits that are several sizes too big, an entirely retconned 3rd act, Julia Roberts being a Hollywood 6, and much more!
This episode is brought to you by Manscaped! Go to manscaped and enter the promo code 20POPCORN at checkout to receive 20% off your first order as well as free shipping.
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Timmy boys back in the captain chair this week as the boys switch from scary to just straight stupid with everyone’s favorite man eating earth worm movie: Tremors!
We have Reba McEntire wielding guns, Steven Keaton from Family Ties shooting a revised CGI Sarlacc with an elephant gun, high stake Rock Paper Scissor games, and an old lady getting sucked into the ground while listening to the classic Christian rock song “Dropkick me Jesus”. It’s everything you would ever want in a Halloween special!
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Lets be frank (Hi Frank!) these kids weren't going to do much with their lives anyways, and we all know that their kids would do less, so wasn't Freddy just doing everyone a favor?
Listen to that hot take that no one asked for and much more, so put on your favorite crop top football jersey, grab that portable TV, and snuggle into bed with the boys for 90 minutes…and whatever you do, DON’T. FALL. ASLEEP!
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Hold My Popcorn stickers available on REDBUBBLE
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Timmy boy is in the captain’s chair as the gang make fun of Sly Stallone for a solid 90 minutes. We’ve got crossing sticks, rocket propelled goats, and soviet tanks docking into choppers….it’s everything you would ever want or need in a late 80’s action movie where the good guys are Jihadist, the Russians are openly the bad guys, and everyone loses!
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Hold My Popcorn stickers available on REDBUBBLE
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The boys have been missing in the jungle for the last 3 months battling an alien that hunts men for sport, and at long last they made it home. …they also watched Predator.
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The boys are out in the wilderness working on their tans and sculpting their soft bodies so no new ep this week. Instead we have the super violent and steroid infused Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Commando!
On this weeks mini ep the boys are talking about actors who got big…and I mean real big, big ole beef cakes boys…the boys are talking about actors who clearly took steroids to prepare for a movie role.
Topics include Chris Evans with his youth medium t shirts, Chris Hemsworth’s chicken legs, Mickey Rourke looking like a quintessential goon, and Chris Pratt selling out.
Off topic topics include Boston racism, lion hearts, nose candy and Florida energy!
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As many begin to transition back to normal life in the states one thing remains the same....and that's spending way too much time finding something to watch. So Max and John made it easy for you and will be breaking down their unconventional streaming recommendations.
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To close out Space Month, the boys watched the film where Bugs Bunny is held at gunpoint and threatened to be enslaved, so he kidnaps a retired Michael Jordan and forces him into playing basketball vs a bunch of violent monsters in Space Jam!
This movie had some odd casting choices, so Max lists the 7 players in the 1995-1996 NBA that would have been better than Shawn Bradly and Muggsy Bogues, and two very odd choices: dull and monotone Larry Bird alongside Bill Murray and having the guy who voices Homer Simpson in a live action cartoon movie without actually doing any voice work.
Also, the boys discuss the fetishization of Lola Bunny and how this movie sparked a generation of furries, MJ’s modest suburban home being a total sham, and the irony of how this movie is centered around gambling.
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Space truckers from the East India Company are woken from their nap too early AND THEN THINGS JUST GET WORSE! For week 3 of space month, the boys watched the other 70’s space movie that completely revolutionized the sci fi genre in the sticky, sweaty, chest bursting, cult classic Alien!
The boys talk about Ash’s decision to try and kill Ripley with a magazine, Dallas’s marital problems, this Xenormorph being the Rudy of space, blow job trauma, and butt bursters...
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t’s week 2 of Space Month, and Timmy boy is back in the captain’s chair as the boys watched the Ron Howard classic: Apollo 13.
Strong opinions are made. Is Tom Hanks’s character a jerk? Is Bill Paxton character the most useless man to ever go into space? Did Kevin Bacon give the crew the clap?!
All that and actual movie discussions!
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at John, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
It’s May the 4th, so the boys watched one of the most influential films ever made: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope!
Sit back and scream at your phone as the boys discuss Jawa’s being the crackheads of the galaxy, R2D2 being a sassy teenager, C-3PO being a baby back bitch, Leia coming in hot with some big dick energy, Obi Wan acting like a drunk Bob Dylan impersonator, the empire’s missed opportunity to turn the destruction of the Death Star into their Pearl Harbor, and those horrific added CGI scenes. Don’t worry; the gang has a lot to say about Han firing first as well as that awful super imposed Jabba scene.
To top it off, Tim can’t seem to remember a single character’s name in this movie.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at John, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Has anyone ever looked cooler than an early 70’s Clint Eastwood? The boys watched the gritty San Francisco neo-noir thriller Dirty Harry; the Timster is in the driving seat, so buckle up!
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The boys are back, and they watched the action-adventure-comedy-Kung Fu-ghost- monster movie that could only be made in the 1980’s: Big Trouble in Little China!
We’ve got ancient Chinese soccer feuds, Kung Fu machine guns, several San Francisco streets being taken over by Mortal Kombat characters, horrific in-your-face exposition by Kim Cattrall, lethal wind turbine back scratcher weapons, weird man eating catfish monsters, and a confused and clumsy Kurt Russell doing an intentionally bad John Wayne impression whist bringing a knife to a gun fight on multiple occasions.
This movie is an analogy for a mushroom trip where you are peaking by the start of the 3rd act, so have some extra fluids ready because it’s about to get weird.
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An adventure 100 episodes in the making: That’s right for their 100th movie episode the boys are going back to where it all started and rewatched the Spielberg classic Jurassic Park!
Where were the parents of that effeminate boy that Grant threatens to gut with a raptor claw? How did they bring back the extinct plants? How did Sam Jackson keep that cig in his mouth? How drunk was Malcom when he lit that flair inside of the car and thought he could outrun a T Rex? Why didn’t we get a Jaws/Quint like death from Mauldoon? And where the hell did that Trex come from at the ending of the movie!?
Once the movie talk comes to an end, the gang dives into the 2 alternate endings that almost happened, as well as their dream recasting, and typical closing out stuff…just listen and you will find out.
This was a good one folks, so hold on to your butts.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at John check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
It is the last film before their special 100th movie episode, and the boys watched the family-friendly story of a divorced, unemployed actor who dresses up as an old woman in order to manipulate his ex-wife and kids into loving him in Mrs. Doubtfire!
Lot of movie stuff to talk about such as: unexpected hostility towards interior decorators, Tom Hanks being the pizza gate ringleader, unorganized petting zoos, low blows at case workers, the rare occurrence of a blockbuster movie without a single villain, and restaurant hijinks. Daniel has gotten in so deep that he doesn’t even know who he is anymore!
It’s that time of year again where the ladies are picking the movies for the month, and first up is the cult classic story of a rich white woman whose biggest problem is that too many handsome men love her unconditionally in the film based off Nicholas’s Spark’s romance novel:The Notebook!
This movie got the boys real nostalgic for their high school years as they share a few personal stories from their past. They also talk about the odd connections to the classic film The Great Escape, Noah’s multiple suicide attempts to get Allie’s attention, gross beards, Rachel McAdams’ phantom eye brows, the origins of old Southern money, and that super hot PG-13 sex scene.
This week Max, Bill, and John break down their selection of movies to watch on Valentines Day. You don’t need to like romantic movies to enjoy this episode, so break out the wine and chocolate, turn on your favorite streaming fireplace video, and get the lube ready because this episode is going to be HAWT AND SWEATY.
Two brothers separated at birth. One is a prissy-karate-kicking-LA-aerobic-instructor who only wears pastels. The other is a karate-kicking-cigar-chewing smuggler from the mean streets of Hong Kong…..and both have horrific Belgian French accents with 0 body hair.
Strap in because this week the boys are wrapping up their “It’s New to Me” mini series with the ADR filled, Johnny Walker-snot rocketing, roundhouse kick JCVD classic in Double Impact!
If you want to be part of the show, scream at John, or guess Timmy’s weight, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at!
Since the boys watched Demolition Man last week they thought it would be appropriate to watch the other dystopian sci fi action movie that unfortunately costars Rob Schneider in Judge Dredd!
This might be the most basic, tame, and lazy rated R action movie of all time where the most interesting thing is seeing Stallone with beautiful blue eyes.
The boys cover the entire sloppy plot as well as the logic of gunfire slowing down when you are shooting from high ground, the misfortune of women never having the opportunity to share a coed locker room with a bunch of old YMCA men, inbred Sybian cyborgs, golden cod pieces, and cops in 6 inch heels.
If you want to be part of the show, scream at John, or guess Timmy’s weight, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at!
The first movie of the already awful 2021 takes us to the futuristic year of 2032 where the liberals have made America so soft that they need to defrost Sylvester Stallone in order to fight a black criminal, in Demolition Man!
The boys go into specific detail regarding that amazing action packed opening as well as Stallone’s freakish physique in this movie, the odd no touching social distance high fives, random yabbos, the amazing swearing machine that John hated, loaded guns inside a museum, what to do with the 3rd seashell (hint it has something to do with that VR sex scene)
And why did they pick to go only 36 years into the future and what the hell happened in between?
If you want to be part of the show, scream at John, or guess Timmy’s weight, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at!
Recorded on 12/22 but who really cares because what’s changed between then and now? Timmy leads a night that most of the hosts already forgot as Max, Bill, John, and Mike battle it out in 3 rounds of bar trivia to see who will win the coveted price of a 45th anniversary Jaws DVD Box set.
Trivia Topics include:
The boys get real punch drunk and also just plain ole' drunk around the 57 min mark during the final round of trivia where they talk about drunken Christmas parties from the past, the TB12 method, and the show stopping Rudy Giuliani/ Mike Pence erotica.
So if you miss bar trivia, bars, trivia in general, interacting with humans, getting drunk, making an ass of yourself, or laughing at the expense of others look no further because this special has it all!
If you want to be part of the show, scream at John, or guess Timmy’s weight, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at!
Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit more than a rouge Special Ops Colonel hacking Dulles Airport’s communication systems and crashing a plane with 250 Brits onboard; the boys watched the festive and extremely violent family-friendly sequel to one of the greatest movies of all time in Die Hard 2!
This was a huge hit back in the day in an era where Bruce Willis, producer and cocaine-in-its-human-form Joel Silver, and screen writer Steven E. de Souza were all at the top of food chain and were basically given a blank check. Unfortunately, Die Hard director John McTiernan wasn’t there to veto any of their bad ideas; therefore, we get this scrambled mess where Bruce Willis has an ADR’d one liner every 5 seconds, and none of the villains have any personality.
Fun times await you, so just listen to the damn episode already!
If you want to be part of the show, scream at John, or guess Timmy’s weight, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at!
Santa isn’t sick; he’s just depressed, and now, he refuses to work on the 1 day a year he’s expected to: that or he has The Rona. Either way, he’s coughing on everyone.
Mrs Claus wants to take her husband’s job, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have the stones to follow through.
The elves, Jingle and Jangle, are a complete liability, the Miser brothers look a lot like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and neither of them are getting along.
Also, Max shares a bunch of awful stories about Mickey Rooney, and the boys come up with a new Christmas movie starring Al Pacino’s character from Heat.
Just one big jolly Christmas time for all, so listen to the episode - even if you haven’t watched the movie like one of our cohosts.
If you want to be part of the show, scream at us, or guess Timmy’s weight check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Cops. Robbers. Pacino. De Niro. Cocaine. Ashley Judd’s Ass. Gunfire. Cocaine. A few nouns that capture the ultimate divorced dad movie: Heat!
Max and Tim loved this movie while John acted like a burnt out 20 year homicide vet and didn’t really care for it because the boys had to wait 2 weeks to actually record this episode.
Pacino’s over the top coke fueled performance keeps you engaged in this 3 hour movie, Buffalo Bill dies for the second time in four episodes, Val Kilmer is a top notch Robin to De Niro’s Batman, and Michael Mann makes everyone look cool.
What else is there to say? Just listen to the episode if you’re a sucker for this movie, you will enjoy it.
Heat stars Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Ashley Judd, Mykelti Williamson, Natalie Portman, and Ted Levine
If you want to be part of the show, scream at us, or guess Timmy’s weight check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Timmy boy jumps in the captains chair as the boys discuss the movie where no one understood the IRA’s plans in Patriot Games.
Topics include hot red head wigs, satellite images of tits, book worms, old men running, murdering the Irish so they can be your slaves in the afterlife, nefarious wives, the Irish in Africa, Sam Jackson being oddly calm, cross referencing the same pair of tits, and Sean Bean dying in the most Sean Bean way possible
Patriot Games stars Harrison Ford, Anne Archer, Patrick Bergin, Sean Bean, Thora Birch, Samuel L. Jackson, Polly Walker, and James Earl Jones.
If you want to be part of the show, scream at us, or guess Timmy’s weight check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
The boys start their annual “movies we are thankful for” and first up is the 2001 good cop/bad cop classic, Training Day!
Quite the exciting morning where Alonzo robs a few college kids, forces Jake to smoke PCP at gunpoint, drinks a few beers, and threatens everyone he sees with rape…and that’s all before lunchtime!
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Halloween might be over, but there are plenty of things to scream about as the boys watched the last movie to win the big 5 Oscar categories, and the only best picture where the best actress got semen thrown in her hair: The Silence of the Lambs!
The boys talk about crappy southern accents, Lector eyeing that pen like Tim eyeing the last egg roll, Joe Dirt, Buffalo Bill’s fatal flaw being that he kidnapped a rich, white girl, and shockingly, the boys hyper focus on that tuck dance.
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
No new ep this week, just Dr Dan.
Second to last movie of the Halloween season and the boys watched Critters…which was much better than they expected!
Never seen Critters? Never plan on watching Critters? No worries we did it for you!
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
It’s week 3 of their Halloween movie month, and the spooky boys watched Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow!
Topics include: resting fat face, Dutch waffle/pancakes, porn titles, Alfred once again being a liability, and yaboos….oh yea and the actual movie.
Sleepy Hollow stars Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, the second Dumbledore, Uncle Vernon, Rita Skeeter, Alfred Pennyworth, Emperor Palpatine, Mr Rooney, and Christopher Walken.
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
For week 2 of their Halloween movie month, the boys watched the oddly sensual vampire cult classic: Fright Night!
The boys were shocked by how sexy Chris Sarandon was in this movie, and that’s all we can say for now…so download the episode and just listen to it!
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Tis’ the season for scary movies even if 2020 has been one big nightmare. Speaking of nightmares! For week 1 of our Halloween Movie Month, Jon Gabrus (High and Mighty/Action Boyz) joins the show to talk about his favorite Freddy movie: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.
The boys talk about the vascular Freddy penis monster, TV face smashing, Taryn being an underrated smoke show, the lack of cocaine to stay awake, Nancy being a magnet for dead kids, Kincaid being a cross between Mike Tyson and Fat Albert, and much more!
Dream Warriors was directed by Chuck Russel and stars Heather Langenkamp, Patricia Arquette, Craig Wasson, Laurence Fishburne aka Larry Fishborn, Ken Sagoes, Jennifer Rubin, and Robert Englund.
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Timmy boy got married and Max had to travel for work so we are re-releasing the movie that killed the Batman franchise in Batman and Robin!
This neon nightmare was directed by Joel Schumacher and stars George Clooney as the action figure that was once Batman, a mouth full of puns and glow sticks Arnold Schwarzenegger, an even older Chris O'Donnell, Clueless and useless Alicia Silverstone, and an overacting Uma
This week on their 9 to 5 series, the boys watched the over-the-top campy movie: Batman Forever, and the episode goes off the rails real quick!
Max, a diehard Batman fan, explains the preproduction history of why this movie turned out so badly right before the gang rips into the plot: Tommy Lee Jones’s normal side of his face having more scares than his Nerds candy purple and pink sided face, Nicole Kidman - who was still married to Tom Cruise at the time - doing a movie with Iceman, the absurd Two Face courtroom origin scene, Robin, who is suppose to be an underaged ward of the state, looking like a 37-year-old male prostitute fighting off a bunch of glow in the dark Darth Mauls, Alfred being a liability, Two Face and the Riddler ripping into their brainwave bong, the batman butt jiggle shot in the second suit up montage, the almost full penny porno scene in front of the bat signal, and more! Donald Trump even stops by to warn everyone that the suburbs will turn into a Gotham neon nightmare if Joe Biden is elected.
Batman 4EVEERRRR was directed by Joel Schumacher and stars Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey, Nicole Kidman, and Chris O’Donnell.
If you want to be part of the show, or you want to scream at us, check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
This week on their “Summer of 9 to 5” series the boys watched the Robin Williams classic, Jumanji! Everyone was surprised by how emotionally and psychologically deep this film could get at times, while also being surprised by the lack of gun regulation in New Hampshire.
Jumanji was directed by Joe Johnston and stars Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst, Bradley Pierce, David Alan Grier, and Jonathan Hyde.
This episode is brought to you by Celsius energy drinks! For more info go to
Due to their jobs the boys couldn't get together this week so instead we are releasing our Die Hard episode from several years ago.
What kind of company holds a Christmas Party on Christmas Eve? What was better the McClain Christmas note on Tony or Hans reading it out loud? Who hired the police emergency line staff? Why didn’t anyone hear all the gunfire on top of the building, and are tables bullet proof? The answer is no.
Lots more are discussed including family matters and extremely inappropriate Urkle commentary, Mcclain’s obsession with a particular female body part, and Snickers bars.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
In week 2 of their “Summer of 9 to 5” the gang watched the highest grossing film of the year, and one of Max’s all time favorites in Die Hard with a Vengeance!
The boys talk about how funny this movie is, the poor fashion choices by Jeremy Irons, angry water, the odd references to both Hillary and Donald Trump, a balding hungover Bruce Willis looking better than his skinny Mr Clean look that he rocks today, and thinking back on the times when Willis still gave an effort in his movies, and much more!
Die Hard with a Vengeance was directed by John McTiernan, and stars Bruce Willis, Samuel L Jackson, and Jeremy Irons.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
This week the gang kicks off their limited series titled “Summer of 9 to 5” where they will be discussing movies from the year 1995 that are celebrating their 25th anniversary!
We let our fans vote on the first film and they selected the movie that spawned the late 90’s serial killer/psychological thriller boom in Se7en.
Since this is a phenomenal movie the boys didn’t really go off track but were still able to also talk about Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop products, Deep Blue Sea 3, Fred Durst, and razor appendages.
Then in the wrap up the boys cover casting what if’s, trivia, the HMP questions, and a new limited segment, “Stuff in a 1995 movie that you will never see today”…spoiler alert the internet has really made things a lot easier for cops.
Seven was directed by David Fincher and stars Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, and ...ehh....Kevin Spacey-boo.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
For our second round of masterpiece SVU theater the boys cover a totally bonkers “ripped from the headlines” episode that involves babies in storm drains, honey in inappropriate places, and inserting tubes of someone else’s blood inside of your own arm.
Once again there’s no need to watch the episode but if you want to follow along its Season 5 episode 5: Serendipity
A doctor attempts to falsify a paternity test naming him as the father of an infant who was murdered shortly after birth along with her mother. He thereby sets in motion a trail of events leading to his own murder and the capture of a serial pedophile.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
This week HMP is covering 2 early season Law and Order SVU episodes and our resident SVU expert Tim will be leading the shows!
First up- Season 3 Episode 2: Wrath
The police and FBI join together to investigate a series of murders, which are all linked to Detective Benson's cases. Ohhh this one has murdered bodies inside of a body farm, multiple leads that go nowhere, and we learn that Benson still sleeps on a pull out couch!
You don't have to watch the specific episode to enjoy this episode. Just listen to the boys live, laugh, and love as they discuss the brutal rape and murder of several innocent people in an episode that doesn't have a happy ending.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
This week the boys jump on their undersized bikes and fly across the musky filtered and nostalgic filled 80’s classic, ET! Grab an extra bag of Reese’s pieces because it might get weird.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
The boys discuss their Indy rankings which include:
The gang will be back later in the week discussing an 80s kid classic.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
This week, the boys rip apart one of the biggest disappointments of their movie theater viewing lives as the Indiana Jones franchise jumps the shark with the Crystal Skull!
Topics include: Cate Blanchett’s awful accent, the crystal skull’s inconsistency, Harrison Ford slowly running away from gunfire that somehow isn’t hitting him, Toby McGuire, bug bite testing, leg crushing, an update on Indiana Jones 5, and much more!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
The gang watched the last good movie in the Indiana Jones franchise and have a field day discussing Elsa banging both Indy and his dad played by Sean Connery, Indy’s love for Venice, Donovan looking like Prince Philip after he drank from the wrong cup, and much more!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
For Week 2 of our Indiana Jones mini series, the boys watched the first, awful prequel made by George Lucas, and they hated that the film lacked a good villain, plot, characters, and acting!
Why don’t they have any character background on Short Round, and isn’t it a little weird that this 35 year old man is traveling around Asia with a 10 year old boy? If the plane was owned by the bad guys, why wouldn’t they just shoot them when they were still in the airport? And what’s the point of flying 2,000 miles and jumping out into the middle of the world’s largest mountain range? Why didn’t they rip Willie’s heart out during the sacrifice? What if Christopher Lambert’s Raiden from Mortal Kombat was in this?
Also discussed: inbreed British crocodiles, Harrison Ford not being as jacked as he thinks, pre-production issues, trivia, Kate Capshaw being annoying as hell, and the gang decides if Kali Mai would be a better name for a death metal band or a cocktail.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Andy McElfresh (Edumacation, Late Night with Jay Leno, White Chicks, Rocket Power) joins the show to discuss the best Indiana Jones movie, and one of the best movies of all time in Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Andy shares some Hollywood stories including his groundbreaking acting work as a chief on one of Kevin Smith movie sets, working for MTV, Dolph Lundgren’s violent-but-charming method acting, several personal stories centered around George Lucas including: the Star Wars Episode 1 premier at Skywalker Ranch, and George’s reaction to finding a note stuck on a Jar Jar Binks dummy that said “I ruined Star Wars,” and dancing behind a green screen.
Also….the boys talk about the movie. Highlights include: Nazi’s refusing drink service, hot aryans, Jeffery Epstein financing this movie based off George Lucas’s original pitch, Nazi monkeys, Harrison Ford’s issues with landing airplanes, Egypt’s long lost massive cliffs, and what happened to Jock?!
Then, the gang shares their thoughts on a few potential Indy spin offs such as Nixon trying to seize the Ark of the Covenant to use on the Democrat’s.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
The boys hand select several actors who have blown multiple chances in Hollywood due to sex, drugs, and hating liberals.
Topics include: Tom Sizemore smoking heroin, Colin Farrell’s sex tape being better than the Dare Devil movie he was in, imagining a John Goodman sex tape, Randy Quaid’s sex tape being similar to the first episode of Black Mirror that involves a pig, and James Woods being a racist scum bag!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
On this week’s mini episode Max, John, and Tim discuss movies they have watched the most that includes Jurassic Park memes, method acting gone wrong and much more!
Then in the wrap up show the boys rant about baseball owners being selfish.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
The gang couldn't record this week so we are re-releasing our Jaws episode from last summer as a tie-in to the 45th anniversary DVD 4K of the 1975 classic film.
Several lucky listeners will have the chance to receive a free copy of the 4K Blue Ray box set by either giving us a 5 star rating or by following us on any of our Instagram, Facebook Twitter pages and emailing us at
The gang finally wraps up the Harry Potter series! Topics include Neville’s romps after the final battle, Snape’s odd line delivery in the great hall, Voldemort inviting all his friends into the woods so they can watch him beat up a child.
Also, Why did Voldemort give Snape such a violent death when he kills his enemies in a quick and painless way? Why didn’t Voldemort check to see if Harry was dead himself, or better yet, hit him with another killing curse just to make sure? What was up with Neville’s upper cut decapitation swing to the snake?
All of this as well as multiple comparisons to Jurassic Park, and the gangs alternative version of the epilogue on an all new Hold My Popcorn!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
In week 6 of our Harry Potter movie series the gang discuss the movie where Harry continues to do a horrific job of spying on people.
Is the Liquid luck the same stuff from Big Trouble in Little China and why aren’t good and bad wizards drinking liquid luck all the time? Does butterbeer get your drunk and what happens if you cast a spell when you’re hammered? Why did the Death Eaters burn the Weasly’s house then just leave?
Lot more is discussed I just didn’t feel like typing it here…so you better just download the ep and find out for yourself!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
In week 5 of our HP movie series the gang reminisces about their drunken performances from last weeks episode before they jump into the movie.
Topics include Umbridge leaving more physical scars on Harry than Voldemort and making the color pink metal AF, Hagrid spending all of his time and money at the pub instead of recruiting giants and his horrific plan for taking care of his Lenny from Of Mice and Men like brother.
also, what do Wizards think of magicians, what would your 15 year old self make the room of requirements if you were making out with your crush? Do bugs fly up Voldamort’s nose whenever he moves too fast?
Also Bill recalls his love for standardized testing and Tim shares professes his love for Evanna Lynch.
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
On this week’s episode, the gang talks about the 4th installment in the Harry Potter franchise, and the guys who read the books hated it!
Topics include: the tent that’s better than the Weasley’s house, Dumbledore’s out of character freak out when Harry’s name is announced, magical condoms, screaming spiders, ghosts sexually assaulting students, awful plot omissions, and Mike Newell ruining one of the best books in the series.
Note: A few of the guys got a bit too drunk before recording, so the real plot of the film doesn’t start until the 10 minute mark!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Holden McNeely, cohost of Wizard And The Bruiser and Page 7 podcasts, joins the show to talk about wanting to wear Emma Thompson’s skin, lessons his grandmother taught him, and, of course, the 3rd Harry Potter film: The Prisoner of Azkaban!
Topics include: piles of dead kids on the quidditch pitch, spider night terrors, recreational drugs in the Wizarding World, Lupin giving Harry candy, Hermione being the real MVP of this film, and more.
Also, what would a real 13 year old do with an invisibility cloak, time travel machine, and a map that shows the whereabouts of everyone in the castle? Hint: it starts with "master" and ends with "bate." Why didn’t Lupin or Sirius take 5 seconds to tell the kids that they didn’t want to kill them? How could Lupin not know there was a full moon? And how about the irony of being a werewolf and having your last name translate to Wolf in Latin?
Also, Max shares a story about Emma Watson being teased at Brown and much more on an all new episode, so hide your kids because this show is about to get nasty.
TV/ Movie recommendations:
Bill- Firefly
Holden- Mrs America
Tim- Law & Order SUV…not SVU
Max- Rear Window
John- Ken Burn’s Country Music…actually all and any Ken Burns docs for that matter
You can find Holden on twitter @holdenators and twitch at holdenatorsho
You can check out Wizard and the Bruiser and Page 7 podcasts exclusively on Spotify
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
In week 2 of our Harry Potter movie marathon, Max mispronounces half of the characters names, but who cares because there are so many things to playfully make fun of, such as:
Why can’t Harry lie to Dobby? He has no problem lying to all of his teachers! Why didn’t the Wizarding or Muggle World do anything about the prison bars on Harry’s windows? What is the vetting process for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, and wouldn’t some of the students parents know that Lockhart is a phony?
Also, Bill thinks broccoli rabe is a person, a discussion on how the transformation class is actually an animal cruelty class, Tim shares his personal ginger thoughts on Ron , and more Sorting Hat harassment!
Hold My Popcorn is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit, and enter the promo code POPCORN15 for 15% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
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This week HMP is kicking off their epic 8 film mini series covering the Harry Potter movies!
The gang does a brief round table to see who read the books before they dig into the plot and discuss hot topic subjects like:
How did Hardy not turn into a serial killer? If Harry was such an important person, why didn’t they do anything about him being a prisoner in the Dursley’s house? What were they protecting the stone with prior to the mirror?
Also discussed: offensively revised Hogwarts house names, the stupid rules of Quiditch, Harry being an awful student, Dumbeldore being the real villain in the movie series, and the Wu Tang 36 chambers of magic.
All of this - including 90s Simpson’s references - and more. Get your Butterbeer ready; it’s Potter time!
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
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Carolina Hidalgo from The Last Podcast Network’s “No Dogs and Space” and “Movie Signs With The Mads” joins Hold My Popcorn to discuss the super gothic and super horny 1992 horror film Dracula directed by Frances Ford Coppola.
The boys and their first ever LAAADDYY (insert Bill Burr voice) guest talk about the main plot points of this visually strange movie. Highlights include:
Keanu’s horrific English accent, Gary Oldman’s solid C cup on top of his head, vampire freaks in the sheets and where did they come from, bite victims finding ways to take their top off, bad optics for tongues, how casual Anthony Hopkins was in this movie, using robots as your goons, the movie Air Force One, the weird anticlimactic ending, and living your #bestun-life!
Also, who cleaned up all the blood in Lucy’s room?
Quarantine movie recommendations from the Hold My Popcorn crew include:
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Yes our Lethal Weapon month might be over but months mean nothing now in the self quarantine age and the boys (cough cough Tm) aren’t ready to say goodbye to the best buddy cop duo as they dive into a Lethal Weapon series wrap up!
The following are discussed:
Also discussed: John Carpenter’s music, Princes Leia’s coke nail, and more axe puns!
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
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The boys watch the last Lethal Weapon movie which means Tim now has nothing to look forward to.
Where did that massive ghost ship come from? Why doesn’t anyone in LA stop while there’s a high speed shootout?
Also discussed: Rome in the dark ages, choosing Leo or Butters, and in the wrap up section the boys come up with 3 spin off’s to Lethal Weapon 4.
This episode is brought to you by Fruit of the Bean for awesome fresh roasted coffee go to and use the promo-code POPCORN at checkout for 25% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
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Former hosts Bill and Mike join the show (since they have nothing else to do) as the boys each share their movie recommendation while you’re stuck in self quarantine. Each suggestions is from a different genre:
Additional tv recommendations: The Pope season 2, Avenue 5, Narcos Mexico, Ugly Delicious, and of course….Law and Order SVU
Also Johns shares his quarantine dinner recipe.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Timmy the Boy Wonder and super-fan of the Lethal Weapon series jumps in the captains chair to lead the show as the boys dive into the over the top 3rd chapter of the Riggs Murtaugh odyssey in Lethal Weapon 3!
What was up with Joe Pesci’s wig? Did they just trim the blonde one from JFK? Was the main villain Cliff from Cheers? Why was Rene Russo considered hot in the late 80’s and 90s? Which scar scene was sexier: Riggs and Lorna Cole or Quint and Hooper?
All of this, including axe puns, fair weather LA hockey fans, the proper way to deescalate a dog attack, and much more on an all new action packed Hold My Popcorn!
This episode is brought to you by Fruit of the Bean for awesome fresh roasted coffee go to and use the promo-code POPCORN at checkout for 25% off your first order.
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
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**For Nashville Tornado Relief here are 3 organizations that are local**
Gideon's Army:
Hands On Nashville & The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee: /
PENCIL (Supporting Metro Nashville Public Schools destroyed):!/donation/checkout?
And wash your damn hands!
Lethal Weapon month has been really hot and sweaty so John and Max are stepping in to cool it down and talk about movie mullets!
Who the hell is going to listen to this? Answer: Maybe 5 people…so enjoy and make fun of these hair choices at home along with the boys because what else can you do right now?
The Mullet crew includes:
Kurt Russell- Big Trouble in Little China
Jean Claude Van Damme - Hard Target
Nic Cage - Con Air
Kiefer Sutherland- The Lost Boys
Hugh Jackman- Chappie
Chuck Norris- Delta Force
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
**For Nashville Tornado Relief here are 3 organizations that are local**
Gideon's Army:
Hands On Nashville & The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee: /
PENCIL (Supporting Metro Nashville Public Schools destroyed):!/donation/checkout?
And wash your damn hands!
Week 2 which means the second Lethal Weapon. The Boys mention how this was kind of being a soft reboot, Joe Pesci’s amazing ability to go from a scary psycho to a weak little worm, how weird it is to see Mel Gibson making fun of white supremacist’s, and the logic of covering up a drug operation by blowing up a bunch of cops.
Also discussed: fat people on planes asking for extra food since they had to buy 2 seats for their fat…behinds, Riggs with a pool cleaner as a Mortal Kombat character, planting bombs under a diving board surrounded by water, and Danny Glover’s amazing one liners.
Also, the boys perfect the South African accent and Patriots owner Robert Kraft stops by.
**For Nashville Tornado Relief here are 3 organizations that are local**
Gideon's Army:
Hands On Nashville & The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee: /
PENCIL (Supporting Metro Nashville Public Schools destroyed):!/donation/checkout?
Tims reckoning is here as the boys begin their Lethal Weapon month!
The bad boys break down the entire plot and discuss things like: Jenny from Forest Gump stealing the opening jumper scene, 3 straight intros of characters who are naked, all the buddy cop tropes that were created in this movie, crazy amounts of eggnog at a funeral, Gary Busey going absolutely nuts half way through this and shooting people out helicopters and moving cars, LA traffic and the amount of people who should have died during the Mr Joshua-Riggs shootout, and who would win in a real fight, Gary Busey or Mel Gibson?
Also, the boys create 2 new horrific urban dictionary terms, Johns beliefs on anti-Semitism aging you 1.5 times faster….and why do movies always have a hard drinking junk food eating leading man who then has a 6 pack and looks like Mel Gibson?
All of this and Halloween 3 Dr Dan references, lots of screaming and sax music on an explosive new Lethal Weapon! ….I mean Hold My Popcorn
**For Nashville Tornado Relief here are 3 organizations that are local**
Gideon's Army:
Hands On Nashville & The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee: /
PENCIL (Supporting Metro Nashville Public Schools destroyed):!/donation/checkout?
For the final movie of “Ladies Pick Em’ Month” Johns wife selected the indie soundtrack featuring a Zack Braff movie: Garden State….and the boys surprising enjoyed it!
That said, there’s still plenty to laugh about as they discuss how important the music was to the vibes of the movie, Andrew possibly being a serial killer in LA, Natalie Portman saying the R word like 20 times and possibly being bipolar, Mike Bloomberg NDA’s, a very special jeopardy sponsor tie in, and this movie being real low stakes.
Also, did true detective base Rust Cole’s apartment after Andrews? Why did Natalie Portman character have epilepsy if it never comes back in the plot? Shouldn’t she have had an attack at a pivotal moment of the movie? How can a rich kid who went to a boarding school not know how to swim?
All of this and more!
If you want to be part of the show, or want to scream at us check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at
Behold! The most explosive, action packed, bloated, and adjective filled movie review podcast in the game, HOLD MY POPCORN!! ::!BLLAAMM KAABBOOMM PHEW PHEW PHEWW::
Hold My Popcorn is a movie review podcast that doesn’t take itself too seriously while still discussing a new film each week at length.
Still not sure if HMP is for you? Well then….I don’t know why you’re still reading the description to a podcast trailer at this point if you’re not at least a little interested! Just give it the ole college try, and hit the play button already, ya jerk.
The epic conclusion to the Sound of Music starts off with a bang as the boys dive right back into the steamy Von Trap house party. Btw…who wants to party at a house where 7 kids are singing good night to you?
Why didn’t they show the most intense scene of the movie where the family escaped from the festival? Also, The boys speculate about the things Captain Von Trap does in the bedroom, and what happened during that 1 month honeymoon. Aggressive Nazi mailmen, and Tims Sound of Music fan fiction where Patrick Swayze’s character from Road House steals the show in the 3rd act.
Then they boys dive into trivia facts that will ruin any fan of this movie..spoiler alert: this entire movie is B.S.
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In week 2 of ladies month, Tim’s bride-to-be selected the 1965 classic The Sound of Music and immediately regretted her decision as the boys went off the rails immediately.
Tim rants about the departure of Mookie Betts and the movie Mandy before the boys get into some fun, drunken, and horny facts about Christopher Plummer - aka Captain Von Trapp - and the actual plot of the movie (5:23 mark)
Topics include: Maria getting the nunnery and a sorority mixed up, the real reason for having a hall full of mirrors, Christophers Plummer’s weird chin, Hitler watching this movie in a war crime rec room, the lyrics of 16 going on 17, the weird cheese and tomato picnic, the shock of Von Trapp not hitting Maria during their blow out argument, and explosions!
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This month, the boys are letting the ladies pick their movies, and first up is the fairy tale love story - produced by Disney - where a wholesome, charismatic street sex worker and a cut throat corporate raider fall in love: Pretty Woman!
The boys breakdown Vivian’s rate structure and how she got upgraded from a hooker to high class escort, the 80’s and early 90’s being one long SVU episode, how the polo scene with Jason Alexander would be completely different with a Seinfeld laugh track, knuckle babies, and Tim recounts a second hand pretty woman story that did not end well.
Then, the show really goes off the rails around the 52 minute mark.
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The boys wrap up their January mini series “It’s new to me!” Where each cohost selected a movie they had never seen but always wanted to watch, with the 1991 surfing bank robbery action cult classic Point Break!
This episode has lots ,and lots, and LOTS of Gary Busey jokes, as well as the late 80’s early 90’s action troupes that you no longer see in movies, the sexual tension between Swayze and Keanu, women with short haircuts, Anthony Kiedis’s weird ear cornrows, the madness of having Tom Sizemore and Busey on the same set, the aftermath of that “Utah..two” scene, jumping out of planes without parachutes, and Ice T from Law & Order makes another appearance.
Also, why do FBI bank robbery agents need to fish for bricks at the bottom of a pool blindfolded? Does John think that Swayze is Gary Busey? How would a Joan Rivers red carpet interview go with this cast? Also, thank God for John Wick because some of Keanu’s acting in this is not great.
This episode is brought to you by Ballsy! Body wash for your man parts. Visit and enter the promo code POPCORN20 for 20% off your first order. Also, if you love puns go to and check out their “I’m nuts about you” gift set.
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Point Break is directed by Kathryn Bigelow, and stars Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, Gary Busey, and Lori Petty.
The boys are back and they are talking about a movie that isn’t as good as they remembered…or hoped with the 1995 video game action adaptation Mortal Kombat.
Why is the Japanese God of lightning played by Christopher Lambert? And is Lambert actually Thomas Jane, an android, or just a bad actor? What was going on during this scorpion Johnny Cage fight? Why does the entire movie set look like a party city display? Did they forgot to film 20% of this movie?
Besides the plot points topics include casting what if’s, Sonja being a bad b, Michael Jackson being one of the fighter characters, Australian rednecks, and John forgot to record for the first 40 minutes of the episode so enjoy his crappy Skype audio quality!
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On a very special mini episode the boys try out a new pilot spinoff titled Mouth Breathers! First up, people who take selfies at inappropriate places.
Places include: concentration camps, religious sites, Hitlers bunker/ gravel parking lot, construction sites, slugs, and even falling off cliffs!
Tim also makes a special announcement.
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It’s 2020 and the boys are starting a new mini series titled “It’s new to me!” Where each week one of the guys selects a movie they have never seen but always wanted to watch, and for round one Max selected the 1988 nonsense kicking classic Bloodsport, staring Jean Claude Van Damme!
Topics include the fact that this is a secret underground fighting tournament that isn’t a secret at all and everyone is really friendly. The numerous plot points that go nowhere, the fact that the movie already assumes that Chong Li is the villain before he’s even introduced, Jackson being a fat Macho Man Randy Savage, and punching below the belt.
Also discussed food position on New Years eve, King Leopold’s Congo, and which Oscar winners are the most likely to punch you in the face.
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For the last episode of the decade the boys each select the top movie they are looking forward to seeing in 2020.
Spoiler alert: The movies mentioned are Dune, Wonder Woman 1984, and Bad Boys For Life.
Relatable topics include Olivia Munn’s leaked texts, holding popcorn tubs with holes in the bottom of it, a peeing in Boston public alley contest, and getting fat!
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On our final Christmas episode the boys discuss Adam Sandler winning an Oscar, the unrealistic take on New York City where not a single hooker muged Kevin, Max and John attack Tim for picking the last Jack Frost episode, the queer guy eye team fixing up the Grinch, as well as Ric Flair, and Michael Bay films being written around exposition set.
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We have quite the stinker for you all as the boys watched one of the worse Christmas specials ever made: the 1979 claymation Jack Frost!
Tim uses this film as an analogy for the Trump administration’s dominance over liberal America in order to protect himself from movie picking jail. The boys talk about Father Winter being a total hypocrite, groundhogs being very accurate meteorologists, and allegories also being metaphors?
If that doesn’t get you in the Christmas spirit then just give it 30 minutes because that’s when the show completely goes off the rails; they discuss Joe Pa, Jerry Sandusky, Mike Pence being a Sith Lord while making sweet man love to Rudy Giuliani like in a Black Mirror episode, and lots of other horrific stuff! It’s everything you ever wanted in a Christmas episode, so make sure the kids aren’t listening, and while you’re at it, make sure no one around you is either!
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For their first Christmas film of the season the boys watched the heart filled family comedy where a divorced dad reconnects with his son and finds the true meaning of Christmas after killing the Santa Clause! Warning to the listeners at home, this episode goes off the rails real quick as the boys joke about Tim Allen coke deals, parenting lessons from Bill Cosby, Charlie’s punchable face, Ice Tea and Law and Order SUV..yes I meant SUV, Tim not being slim enough, the elf-leprechaun wars, and the boys count the amount of felonies committed by Tim Allen in this movie.
Just a lot of horrific commentary regarding this movie followed up by casting what ifs, trivia, the HMP questions/ratings, and TV recommendation featuring a law and order SVU scene with Bill Burr… just a bunch of things to get offended about whether you’ve been good or bad this year!
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To conclude our movies to be thankful for, John selected the slasher horror film where the stalker killers are sharks in Deep Blue Sea!
Besides the plot the boys discuss rusted out fences in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Remmy Martin finding Jesus, having emergency shotgun weapons inside a science lab, LL Cool J slowly falling down, Chinese wedding shark soup, baby sharks, and Jeff Bezos money.
Also the original ending and reshoots are addressed (spoiler its because everyone hated the lead actress) as well as some bat crazy trivia, questions, and the HMP ratings.
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With this being November we are picking movies that we are thankful for, and for some reason the movie that Tim picked was the John Wayne classic? Is it a classic? Anyways…Tim picked Rio Grande!
Besides the plot the boys discuss standard Native American racism, flunking out of West Point for failing “math”, shooting horses in the head, manifest destiny, Irish cold remedies(booze), scalping John Wayne’s toupee, and Tim’s audio doesn’t work for the first half of this episode…again.
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This is a remastered version of when Max appeared on the Average Joe Comic Show originally aired on October 30th.
Batman: The Long Halloween set in the early days of Bruce Wayne’s crime fighting career tells the story of a serial killer named Holiday who murders on…you guessed it..holidays!
This noir crime mystery is considered one of the greatest Batman stories ever told as Bj, Ben, and Max discuss some of the major plot points, the amazing ending, the similarities to The Dark Knight, and also crack some jokes in part 2/2 in the HMP/AJCS multiverse. THATS RIGHT I JUST MADE THAT UP!
Check out the Average Joe Comic Show
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BJ and Ben from the Average Joe Comic Show join Max, John, and Bill to discuss their top 3 favorite comic book movies of all time.
Fun times and lots of inappropriate jokes are had in the only way Hold My Popcorn can do a mini episode…by being longer than a typical episode.
Movies on the list include: The Dark Knight, Batman Returns, Blade, Guardians of the Galaxy, Logan, Deadpool, Avengers Infinity War, Batman 89, Thor Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2 and more!
Check out the Average Joe Comic Show
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Jake Young, from the massively popular nerd and pop culture podcast Wizard and the Bruiser, joins Max, John, and Tim (kinda) to discuss the cocaine fueled/five-star rampage mode/social-political satire 80's sci-fi classic: RoboCop!
In an episode almost as long as the movie, Tim watches the film in real time while the rest of the boys discuss: Jesus parallels that director Paul Verhoeven initially put into the movie, Red from that 70’s show being a drug snorting cop killing psycho, ED-209 McDonalds kiosks, licenses to shoot drones out of the sky, manhoods getting shot off, Arnold Schwarzenegger starring as Jesus in Passion of the Christ, and China being the greatest country - ever.
Also, fun trivia facts are sprinkled throughout the show. Then the boys wrap up the show with their favorite and least-favorite character, personal HMP ratings, and TV binge recommendations.
Check out Jake’s podcast, Wizard and the Bruiser on the Last Podcast Network!
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To conclude our Halloween month the gang watched the father of modern horror comedies, An American Werewolf London!
Besides the plot line topic discussed include: what moors are, British doctors putting people into comas when the hospital is overcrowded, shower sex, English soups, British porn theatre yelp reviews, and Ice Tea asks some ice cold questions.
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Its bonus episode time and the boys watched Michael Jackson’s innovative music video Thriller!
Tim viewed this entire music video as a foreshadowing analogy of the horrible things to come from Michael Jackson, Mike returns from the dead one more time, and the boys talk about the Walking Dead being boring because no one dances.
If you’ve listened to this show before you know where the boys are going to take this…lots of low brow jokes at MJ’s expense to come
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Halloween month is rolling along and the boys took a first classic ticket to Nostalglaland as they discuss one of the best Simpsons Halloween specials ever.
Act 1 The Shinning
Best Shining parody..ever. Also discussed: proper sidewalk etiquette and talking show tunes.
Act 2 Time and Punishment
Hands in toasters, punching plants, and what’s the line where you would accept living in another dimension?
Act 3 Nightmare Cafeteria
What type of food would you make out of Derek?
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Ohh NELLY the boys watched the Jeffrey Epstein/ Harvey Weinstein horror cult classic Sleepy Away Camp! Where all the adults are pedophiles, the kids are horrible to each other, and almost everyone in the movie dies!
“What says ‘I want sex’ more than being in 6th grade, not speaking, and being locked in a walk in freezer”- that’s the kind of content you will be getting in this episode so strap in because its about to get BANANAS!
Wiki synopsis of Sleep Away Camp
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Max saw the new movie Joker and he has a few spoil free things to say about it. Then he ranks the best joker film performance, and gives Joker a movie rating. New full episode will be out soon.
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For the first movie of Halloween month the boys watched Cabin in the Woods- the slasher movie with a TWIST!
Max covers every monster and prop, John covers his new metal meter based off kills, and Bill covers under his blankets.
Also included is trivia, post production issues, mermen, and of course that elevator scene.
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It’s Halloween time and in our first crossover event Max and John sit down with the Cinemondo Podcast to discuss the scariest movies they have ever seen.
First you get some pit bull talk followed by the real event which is everyone’s top 3 scary list….or 25 depending on whose turn it is.
This is a great episode for any horror movie nerd, and light spoilers for several films..spoiler alert- people in the movie die!
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The boys tear apart the 1st world/ white privilege story of Rudy, where none of the facts are real and everyone is angry.
Tim freaks out at Rudy leaving a full time job and the Irish guilt of rooting for Notre Dame. Other topics include low hanging priest jokes, accepting your mediocrity, and barrels.
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Hold My Popcorn is a podcast and is BANANAS! EXPLOSIONS! BBBRRAAMMMAAHHHMMM!
The boys mercifully wrap up the conclusion of Any Given Sunday which goes off the rails pretty quickly as they discuss this NFL Blitz like game accompanieded by Grand Theft Auto like fans in the crowd.
Besides the plot the boys discuss the risk of having Lawrence Taylor around drugs, Cameron Diaz being super scary in the Counselor, Gucci Mane, jocks jams, barking dogs, and crushing dreams.
Then the show wraps up with casting what ifs, questions, and tv recommendations.
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Its football time and in part one of two the popcorn bros picked the drug snorting, steroid pumping Oliver Stone film Any Given Sunday, where the viewers too can feel like they have head trauma!
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Halloween is coming early! On this mini episode most of crew had things to do like hang out with their families over the long weekend, so instead you will be subjected to Max and John discussing their top 5 movie monster picks.
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For the last episode of our summer blockbuster season the boys watched the 1997 alien action comedy classic Men in Black! Now with 10% new audio!
Tim thinks Edgar gets a bad rep because in the 90’s spousal abuse was still considered funny.
Johns audio turns into an auto tune.
The gang discusses how this movie was almost a completely different and terrible movie before the script and cast changes.
This and much more including pencil talk, cat belts, gross things flying from highway overpasses, pug breading, random people in the front seat of cabs and Ubers, and Will Smith’s peak. So make sure you have your shades on because this is an episode you won’t forgot.
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Also for subscribers the audio is now fixed*
This week the boys wrap up their extra big Inglourious Basterds special!
Chapter 4- Juice boxes in a globe, Mike Myers being the most awkward Brit ever, that pub basement scene, overrated Boston coffee, Bill goes on a bilingual rant, and the boys talk about maple syrup.
Chapter 5- Alternate game plans for the Basterds once their cover was blown, does Landa hate his nickname or is he just saving his own butt, another argument over Zoller, and was operation kino originally a suicide mission?
Then the boys answer a few extra questions including: what would America ice like if the war ended the way it did in this movie, and what happens to Landa?
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In Part I of this II part episode, the boys cover chapters 1-3 of Quinton Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds!
Chapter 1- The boy’s initial thoughts whilst watching the opening scene for the first time; reflections on how it gets better every time you see it, milk talk, eye protection for Nazis, what if Mel Gibson was cast as Landa, and wouldn’t you freak out more if a squirrel was in your house rather than a rat?
Chapter 2- Is this one of Brad Pitt’s best or worst performances, the similarities between Landa and Aldo, the amazing casting of a weasel greasy haired looking Hitler, mastering the Boston accent by using the F-word, and John explains what Brad Pitt was snorting.
Chapter 3- Was Private Zoller a good or bad person at heart, and did Landa know who Shosanna was?
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Whooo Nelly! The boys are talking about popular movies they HATE!
Tim’s audio doesn’t fully kick in till the 10 min mark, but prior to that, the gang has a nice family friendly conversation about eating people before they dig into the main topic, and Bill has a meltdown. Typical.
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Uh huh this mini episode Derek and Max break down banana-land music video and song "Come with me" by Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page off the Godzilla soundtrack.
Ever wanted to know how many times Puffy says "uh huh yea"? Well Derek counted them for you and there's only one way to find out...and that is by pressing play.
Click the link for the youtube video
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The boys are back for their first movie in a month and ohh boy are they rusty! They also hated Roland Emmerich’s 1998 Godzilla so listen to it.
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The boys are back after a little summer break, and they are talking bad guys!
Few things discussed include Alan Rickman’s forehead, Will Smith’s annoying family, superhero movie saturation, and Tim covering the entire plot of lethal weapon 3, Then the boys get into a deep batman discussion to wrap up the episode
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Happy 4th of July! On this mini episode the boys cover their top 3 Blockbuster Vixens. Will they select their ladies based off of box office numbers, muscle, or will they be shallow and end up sounding like a bunch of horny 13 year olds? Only one way to find out!
**The gang will be taking a mini summer break after this episode and will return at the end of the month.
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Last full episode for a few weeks and boy oh boy it’s quite the doozy as the boys watched the 1997 snake hit Anaconda!
Why does J-Low look like a completely different person, but Owen Wilson looks exactly the same? Is John Voight doing a bad scarface impression or a really good Tommy Wiseau impression?
Plus Max makes a Thomas the Train Engine comparison, and the boys talk about being pants less in the jungle!
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On this weeks summer blockbuster episode the gang watch the Indiana Jones rip off, The Mummy!
Why did they make a curse that would allow the mummy to come back and rule the world?
Would you open up and read a book called “The book of the dead”? Would a camel beat a horse in a desert race? And the boys forgot how metal this movie was.
Plus John shares his experiences with quicksand and jaguar balls.
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The boys watched the father of the modern blockbuster, Jaws!
Besides the plot and trivia facts, the boys discuss old men behavior in gym locker rooms, is Quint American? How much coke was Dreyfuss on while filming? Would the mayor be wearing nothing but Vineyard Vines sport coats if this movie was made today? Wouldn’t that fishing pool snap in half?
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The shows a bit late to wrap up Musical May…or maybe its just super early for next year? No its late, and the boys also couldn’t stomach another musical so instead they watched Top Gun!
Few questions the gang asks include: Would the actions of Tom Cruise cause WW3? Is that volleyball net regulation height? Why is everyone so sunburnt?
Also, friend to the show Robert Kraft makes another appearance, so get make sure you have an extra pair of aviators, and watch your head when leaving the airplane!
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For this months mini episode the boys made their top 3 Disney soundtracks of all time. Want to know how long it takes for them to make it extremely uncomfortable and inappropriate? Well you will just have to listen for yourself!
Spoiler alert: It's goes off the rails immediately.
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The boys are rolling along in Musical May, and they watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Surprisingly there isn’t as much vulgar and Alabama-like hate in this episode..but don’t you worry, there’s still plenty to be offended about such as: Susan Sarandon’s behavior, her hot daughter, Dan Aykroyd getting fat, Tim’s hatred for Cher yet admiration for Meatloaf, and what would this movie have been like if Lovitz starred as Frankenfurter?
Also, Preble shares his experience performing in one play in college, and how the gang should put on their own performance.
Check out the 10ish Podcast: a comedy entertainment podcast that covers a different top 10 list each week.
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The boys watched Grease and hated it. Be prepared for a lot of Law and Order SVU comments.
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Max made a guest appearance on the Average Joe Comic Show if you like comics, please check it out!
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It’s a new month, and a new movie theme, as the boys dive into Musical May with the 1952 Gene Kelly classic, Singing in the Rain!
Whoohh Nelly do we have an offensive show in store for any musical lover, as the boys dive into the plot as well as a few other totally related things such as: Joan Rivers covering the red carpet during the silent film era, Tim’s vendetta against imperialistic Japan, Buffalo Bill, Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari.
Some hard hitting questions include: If this was made today, wouldn’t Don’s story be a Law and Order SVU episode? Which movie was more offensive the 1927 Jazz Singer, or the Neil Dimond remake, why is the studio head such a dumb wimp, and why haven’t they made the Shinning into a musical?
All this and more, so hold that popcorn, and get ready to sing along with the boyzzz!
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Superfan Bill is back and fitting right in with the team because he didn’t use headphones while recording! With that said the boys wrapped up their baseball movie month with the 90’s classic The Sandlot.
There’s a lot to cover including which kid would be Michael Jacksons favorite, Matt Laure’s creepy door locks, pepping a dish, healthy cigarettes, and Indiana Jones erotic fiction.
Also, what if Smalls was making up the entire story and was actually a serial killer? And did Squints consider the fact that several male lifeguards were also on duty?
Max, Tim, and Bill also share a few summertime sandlot memories of their own, so get your smores and chewing tobacco ready!
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In this "mini episode" the boys cover their hand picked all-time baseball steroid teams. There's plenty to be offended about on this one, so if you are a Yankees fan, you might want to tune off now.
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For game 2 of our baseball movie month the boys went back to the minors and watched the 1988 baseball classic Bull Durham.
Few things covered include: The Harvey Weinstein approach to baseball, wasting water, Smash Mouth, baseball puns, black lights in Susan Sarandon’s house, and is Julia Roberts attractive…spoiler alert the answer is no.
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The popcorn gang watched the totally realistic baseball film Rookie of the Year to kickstart their month of baseball movies.
The boys are playing hardball and cover things such as: How can a kid obsessed with baseball be so bad? Was Henry on the pitching rubber during the hidden ball trick? Can this kid please stop staring directly into the camera!?
A few other things covered: a highly medicated and mustached Gary Busey, the madness of the dip swallowing brain damaged pitching coach that is Daniel Stern, Ted Williams's frozen head, a 12 year old comparing his manhood with a bunch of professional baseball players, and, most importantly: if Harry Caray was in this movie what would he have to say?
All of this and more, so get ready to eat some soggy overpriced hotdogs with a $12 flat beer because it’s baseball season!
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We wrap up our Nicolas Cage March Madness Movie Month with the 2018 VOD horror black comedy Mandy. This is by far the most disturbing film the crew has watched, so super fan and metalhead John Antoshak stopped by to help them get through it.
There’s plenty to cover: the size of Thomas Waynes manhood, a fat Nic Cage, and plenty of locker room talk, including how attractive one needs to be in order to seek revenge and fight demon bikers.
So get your crossbows, battle axe, and jars of LSD ready because the popcorn crew is going to take you on a wild trip.
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Max, Preble, and #HoldMyPopcorn super fan John Antoshak discuss the unwise spending habits that led to Nic Cage’s downfall (aka tax evasion).
We’re talking: castles, cars, snakes, dinosaur heads, and sharks. Special shout outs are made to Woodrow Wilson, Bill Cosby, and the benefits of Mr. Rogers being dead. Yes. We said it. What to know why? Listen and find out.
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For week three of Nic Cage March Madness, the gang is flying first class in the action packed aviation extravaganza: Con Air with super fan Digger Bill Dooley (don’t google him - he’s not famous) !
We’ve got a lot to talk about: puns, explosions, fire trucks that spray fire, bunnies, boxes, anti-war rednecks from Alabama, and Ryan Minor.
Also, the boys talk about the actual movie, Con Air: the human sand crab fight on the plane, Nic Cage not being the legitimate father to his baby, and horrific one liners.
Also, why did all the light turns green at that intersection after Dave Chappell’s fake dead body fell from the sky? Where did Swamp Thing get that war helmet? Why did the 90s love joking about cross dressers and racism?
Hang around towards the end of the show because Bill covers his first list of grievances about the Hold My Popcorn pod.
So, make sure your seats backs and tray tables are in their full upright position, and hold your popcorn because it’s going to be a drunk flight.
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Also our email is Bill is the only one who emails us and he got on the anyone even reading this?
This week on Hold My Popcorn half the guys screwed up their audio, but it should sound better as the show goes along.
Speaking of things that don’t get better, the gang watched the face swapping action blockbuster Face/Off for our second week of our Nic Cage March Madness Movie Month.
There’s a lot to cover including all the sexual tension between family members, unnecessary slow motion scenes, John Woo’s bird budget, and that boat scene.
Also, why does everything explode on contact? Why didn’t Archers team tell the prison that he was undercover? What is up with Travolta smushing his bloated fingers against the faces of the ones he love? And lastly, did Cage and Travolta deliver good or really bad acting performances?
All of this and Bob Kraft so get ready to have your face licked with a side of peaches.
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Also our email is
It’s March Madness, baby! The popcorn posse is back with a month filled with a man truly depicts madness: Nic Cage!
Butter your popcorn, and get ready for constant crazy eyes, an ooze of overacting, Bob Kraft jokes, and an in-depth conversation regarding the safety of guns inside baby cribs – Raising Arizona style.
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If you wanna play "Guess the Movie," be sure to check out our Instagram and Twitter pages!
Also our email is staying the same at tdbackrow@gmail.combecause no one but Bill reads this part anyway…am I right? AM I RIGHT!? If I’m wrong send an email…Boom roasted.
On the premiere episode of Hold My Popcorn, the gang gratefully wraps up their extended Arnold Schwarzenegger month with 1996’s Eraser: directed by the guy who made the Mask and costarring Sunny from the Godfather.
If you love watching 80’s action movies stuck in the mid 90’s, then this is the film for you. Why is it almost impossible to understand a word that Arnold is saying? Are the Chinese women living in Chinatown allowed into the Yakuza? How can Arnold say he works alone in one scene, but the next scene he's doing a job with James Caan in the next? Why is there a wind tunnel in James Cromwell’s office when the window is broken, yet there is no wind to speak of when Arnold opens the emergency door to that airplane?
There’s plenty to talk about including terrible Italian mob stereotypes, Arnold’s inability to display sexual tension with anything other than weapons, an appearance from Robert Kraft and Ice-T in a northern New Jersey gay bar, and much more! So get your buttered popcorn ready because it’s going to get slippery!
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If you wanna play "Guess the Movie," be sure to check us out on Instagram
Also our email is staying the same at because no one but Bill reads this part anyway.
Friend to the show Robert Kraft called in to discuss the shocking charges filed against him this past Friday.
We will be back with a new movie in a few days.
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on Instagram or email us at
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!! Starting next week our show will be changing its title to Hold My Popcorn
That said the boys are now into their 4th Arnie movie of the month with 1990’s Kindergarten Cop! This is the only none rated R movie the gang will be covering, but that doesn’t mean this episode won’t be as crude and offensive as ever. All jokes aside the gang all agrees that this is probably Arnold’s best acted movie, and the kids in this are also great.
However there’s plenty to cover including Arnolds poor attempt at pronouncing ferret, and what happened to the other teacher of 25 years? Did she get fired just so Arnold to be there?
Many more topics will be discussed including emotional support animals on planes, homeless music performers, Ted Bundy, and a possible buddy cop movie staring Ice T and Robert Kraft, featuring Jon Lovitz.
So buckle up for the last episode of the Dicks in the Back Row, before we change to Hold My Popcorn, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on Instagram or email us at
In week 3 of the extended Arnold movie month the boys actually watched a movie they all enjoyed for the first time in a while in 1990’s Total Recall.
Max thought the main villains name was Copenhagen, and was not corrected until the end of episode, so enjoy that. Also the boys cover heavy hitting questions like, what is Arnold packing…you know what I mean. Is he doing an above average job of acting in this, or is this one of his worse acting jobs in a great film? Is Sharon Stone cocaine skinny, or workout skinny? Who wore women’s clothing better, Gary Busey, or Arnie?
Also, the gang talks about the ultra violent and multiple WTF visual moments that make this movie both awesome, and extremely weird….like what is up with Kuato or as Preble will describe him, “A malignant Yoda” That scene just comes out of left field.
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For our second movie in the extended Arnold month, The Dicks in the Back Row watched the forgotten 1987 futuristic death match head scratcher: The Hunger Games…wait no….The Running Man!
This is truly a one-of-a-kind movie starring two future governors, a hall of fame NFL running back/ civil rights activist, a rock and roll hall-of-famer, and the former host of Family Feud.
The boys are getting straight to business in this episode; there certainly isn’t any wasted airtime, such as the Tennessee Vols basketball team, the 1970’s TV show Columbo, Josh Beckett, John Olerud, or Google searching wrestler names, or movies that feature boats - just hard hitting commentary!
There is plenty to be discussed: How did the government get the footage of Arnold not following direct orders? Why is Jim Brown in this movie? What is up with Richard Dawson’s assistant in this? And speaking of Richard Dawson, he is so good in this movie…that’s not a question, just saying.
This movie is loaded with puns, and the boys are loaded on something else, so sit down, or stand up, or run away because the Dicks in the Back Row are coming for ya!
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at
The gang is starting Arnold month early with the super violent and steroid infused 80’s classic: Commando!
This is the movie that really started it all for "The Arnold" we all know and love today, and the boys have a lot of questions including, but not limited to: what's with the overall look of Bennett, and why would a movie with Arnold have his main enemy be a flabby, fat Freddy Mercury cosplayer? Why did they cast Dan Hedaya as a South American dictator, and what is up with his accent? How did Arnold and Cindy really find the island, and why does the bad guy's house have multiple boiler rooms?!
There's plenty to be discussed: Hawaiian music, Cream magazine, Helen Keller, a poorly attempted Australian accent, and a cameo by Patriots owner Robert Kraft, so strap on your rocket launcher, and do some extra pushups because it’s about to get real sweaty with The Dicks in the Back Row!
The Dicks are kicking off the new year with the Boston bank robber hit, The Town. Few things covered include, the strange modern world we lived in when blackberries were king for 1-2 years before the iPhone, how can Clair afford a townhouse in Boston on an assistant bank manager salary? Why do all Boston movies have their lead tough guy drink cranberry juice? Why didn’t Ben Affleck ever call his grandmother in Florida to see if his mom was there? And most importantly, who the hell calls Fenway “The Cathedral of Boston”? It’s just the Massholes in this episode, and a lot of Boston talk will be featured in this one, so sit down, or sit up...doesn't really matter to us, and enjoy the back row's first ep of 2019.
If you want to be part of the show, you can follow us on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at
Now on to part 2 of the clip show that was too action packed to fit into one special episode, the boys will be back next week with their first movie of the new year.
0:50-7:57 Halloween
8:00-24:18 Halloween III
24:21- 33:26 Hocus Pocus
33:30- 44:08 Under Siege
44:14-45:07 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
45:10-53:30. Rocky IV
53:34- 57:37 Batman and Robin
57:39-1:03:34 Die Hard
1:03:38-1:10:23 Rudolph
1:10:27-1:15:53 Home Alone
1:15:55-1:20:17 Jingle all the Way
Please rate and review on iTunes, and if you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at…or don’t…see if we care
The boys are still hungover from New Years, so instead enjoy some Dick clips recapping some of our more irrelevant banter from our first year.
1:02-12:28- Jurassic Park
12:34-20:54- Jurassic Park II
20:59-27:15- Footloose
27:20-30:54- Dirty Dancing
30:57-37:35- Road House
37:38-40:26- Red Dawn
40:30-42:51- Ghost
42:54-52:18- Child’s Play
52:24-53:20- Bride of Chucky
Please rate and review, and if you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at…please..please write in..we are so lonely.
In our last Christmas movie of the month, the gang covered the Arnold movie that no one revisits: Jingle all the Way.
There’s a reason why no one watches this movie…
Few things to cover: Is Arnold the Mattress King of Minneapolis? Can Arnold or Max pronounce Minneapolis correctly? How dumb is Arnold’s family; does his son not know what D-0-L-L means, and why doesn’t the son or Rita Wilson not recognize Arnold at the end of the movie? He is only wearing a visor! Also, how much prison time is Sinbad going to face at the end of this movie? Speaking of prison time, Phil Hartman’s character was way ahead of the #metoo movement in this.
Bunch of dumb stuff in this episode, so make sure you already have your Turboman in hand before it sells out!
Please rate and review, and if you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at!
In week 3 of our Christmas movie month, the gang cuddled up next to a cozy fire, and watched every families favorite Christmas movie about child neglect in Home Alone!
Preble keeps up with the tradition of having his computer explode on him, but you will hardly notice with everyone screaming over each, other and asking important questions like: Why does everyone hate Kevin so much? If old man Marley knew that he was scaring Kevin why wouldn’t he just say hello? How does Kevin not know how to pack a suitcase, but can easily set up an intricate rope pulling system to go along with various booby traps? And while we are on that topic, why does this family have so many mannequins?
All these questions will be answered to go along with Marv’s high pitch screaming on a new episode of The Dicks in the Back Row!
So get your junior mints, BB gun, and VHS copy of Angles with Filthy Faces ready you filthy animal!
Please rate and review, and if you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at!
In week 2 of our Christmas movie month, the boys ruin the Christmas special that you grew up loving: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
You may have read a few liberal Facebook and blog posts about this famous TV special recently, but if you have listened to this show before, you will not be surprised to hear that the gang going way over the top and covering things ranging from homophobia, the Holocaust, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and self-mutilation; t’s everything you ever wanted in a Christmas episode!
The guys also ask: Why does Santa rule a serfdom/fascist state from his super-villain castle, and why does he have an eating disorder in a children’s cartoon? Why do all the singing voices sound completely different? Does being a dentist mean something different in the North Pole? And what happened to Donner after Rudolph takes over as the lead reindeer?
All this and more in a brand new, yellow-snow covered episode of the Dicks in the Back Row!
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag at!
The boys are opening up their presents early with the first Christmas movie of the month: 1988’s DIE HAARRDD….and yes, this is a Christmas movie. Don’t you worry; the boys will explain why.
Lots to discuss in this episode including: What kind of company holds a Christmas Party on Christmas Eve? What was better the McClain Christmas note on Tony or Hans reading it out loud? Who hired the police emergency line staff? Why didn’t anyone hear all the gunfire on top of the building, and are tables bullet proof? The answer is no.
Lots more are discussed including family matters and extremely inappropriate Urkle commentary, Mcclain’s obsession with a particular female body part, and Snickers bars, so come to the coast and share a few laughs with the Dicks in the Back Row.
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag…do it…WE DARE YOU at
We wrap up our “Episode of Thanks” month with the movie that destroyed the Batman franchise in: Batman and Robin from 1997.
Boy what a stinker this thing was, and the boys have a lot to cover, including….just the first 10 minutes of this movie in general…and...there's...there's just so much garbage happing that we can’t even get into it here, but we will in the episode, don't you worry about that, so how bout you just download the ep and hear it for yourself.
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag…do it…WE DARE YOU at!
On this week’s “Episode of Thanks” Mr. Preble selected the most 80’s of all 80’s movies: 1985’s Rocky IV.
Derek wasn’t able to make it in, but that’s okay because the rest of the guys make up for his loss with enough offensive Italian and brain damage jokes that you would think he was actually there.
Also, Tim forgets to press record for the first 5 mins of the show, so brace yourself for a Episode 1: Jurassic Park flashback.
There are lots of flashbacks and montages in this bad boy; it features 50% new footage, including: who is Rocky more attracted to, Apollo or Adrian? Why is Paulie still hanging around? Is this entire movie really a coma-based dream of the brain-dead Rocky? And that robot…why is there a robot?
If you want to be part of the show . follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at, or you can write into our mailbag…do it…WE DARE YOU at!
On this week’s episode, the boys climb into the dirty Dinkins NYC sewers in 1990’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The boys can’t comprehend a platonic friendship between April and the turtles, so of course they are going to push it a bit too far.
They also do talk about the movie, including: why does Shredder have a ninja gang that only consists of white teenagers, and if they are so organized why are they only doing petty theft?
Is Casey Jones a Central Park serial killer? Also, he never changes his sweatpants, so how bad must he smell? And who cares about this farm, except for that super aggressive neck massage that Casey gives April…yikes
All this, and more will be covered, so make sure your pizza delivery driver is on time for a new episode of The Dicks in the Back Row!
If you want to be part of the show follow us on social media on our Facebook page at at or you can write into our mailbag…do I DARE YOU at
On this week’s episode, we are going back to stupid town with 1992’s Under Siege staring Russia’s BFF Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, and America’s sweetheart, Gary Busey.
Whoohh boy - there’s a lot to cover in this episode including, but not limited to: Where did these henchmen learn how to shoot? How did the playmate not hear or notice all these people getting shot? And speaking of this playmate, how many women were #metoo’d by Seagal in the casting of this movie? Also, the last hour of this movie makes no sense, so no reason to add anything here … besides the girly running of Steven Seagal. Be sure to take a look at our social media pages for a visual of that gem!
Also, we finally get a deeper look into the mind of Derek and his unconventional note taking, which ties into the bigger madness that is Gary Busey..make sure you tune into minutes 55:44-58:55.
If you want to be part of the show follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at or better yet, write into our mailbag at
For our final Halloween movie of the month, the boys take a drive to Salem, Mass for the 25th anniversary of Hocus Pocus. Don’t worry, ladies; this episode isn’t half as offensive as Dirty Dancing; the Red Sox fatigue is evident in this one.
Some of the heavy hitting questions include: Is Max actually a serial killer? Is his little sister, Dani, a virgin, and if so, what eight-year-old talks like she does? Maybe she learned it from the #metoo bus driver? Why are the kids so casual with this talking cat, and while we’re at it, YOU HAD ONE JOB BINX!
Also, where are all the Massholes and tourists in this town, and why aren’t there any basic B’s spilling mimosas all over themselves? Are all these white people transplants from Long Island? Does every adult aged 25-50 leave their kids at home on Halloween to get hammered?
That and more, so turn on your vacuums and smell the children with The Dicks in the Back Row.
If you want to be part of the show follow us on social media on our Facebook page at, Instagram at or better yet, write into our mailbag at
In week 4 of our Halloween movie month the boys decided to stay super relevant with the 2018 Halloween hype and discuss the only movie in the 11 film franchise that doesn’t involve Michael Myers, 1982’s Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
There’s no need to watch this movie ahead of time because the boys did, and they still have no idea of what really happened.
So join in on their confusion, and scratch your head along with the guys as they ask: How can “The largest Halloween mask company in the world” only sell 3 masks? Why are woman attracted to Dr Dan? Is Dr Dan so drunk that he thinks he is also a detective? Does Ellie have a thing against the Irish? Where is Michael Myers?
Also stay around for the biggest plot-hole in this entire movie…hint it has to do with time zones.
We’ve got plenty to cover, including the Get a Job Killer’s spreadsheet of neat facts, so make sure you have your Silver Shamrock masks on for the special giveaway at the end of the episode!
If you want to be part of the show write into our mailbag at
Just in time for the new Halloween film release, the boys venture to 1978 to visit Hattonfield, Illinois to answer questions like:
How many people live in this town? Why doesn’t anyone notice this stolen car with a masked man driving all over town and hanging around the school all day?
The boys even have some smart things to say, abiet briefly, about the psychological and primitive motives of Michael Myers, but they quickly revert back to acting like children by making fun of fat people at buffets.
There is plenty of Halloween to go around, so grab your pop corn and hold on tight to an all new n' spooky Dicks in the Back Row!
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at TDback_Pod, or better yet, write into our mailbag at TDbackrow@gmail
In week 2 of Halloween month, the insightful one of the show, Mike Preble, was not able to make it in, so instead, you will be subjected to the bumbling, almost incoherent ramblings of 3 idiots trying to talk about the dumbest movie they have done thus far: The Bride of Chucky.
Cringe along with Max, Derek, and Tim as they uncomfortably try to understand Alexis Arquett’s character, Max’s inability to correctly say pentagram or Jennifer Tilly, and Paco chase to break the all time high BAC level for the podcast.
If you want to be part of the show…totally understand if you don’t after listening to this one; follow us on instagram at TDback_Pod, or better yet, write into our mailbag at TDbackrow@gmail
Now with 10% new audio! We had some technical difficulties but late is better than neve, so if you already downloaded this prior to 10/3 feel free to redownload.
The boys kick off a month and mouthful of Halloween favorites with the first Chucky film, 1988’s Childs Play.
Tim is all about Chris Sarandon’s sweater, and we are all about this movie including, but not limited to: Andy’s poor job of making breakfast, the genius who named the Chucky dolls “Good Guys,” and the looming mystery: how many tide pods did Andy and all of the Chicago police officers eat? Most importantly, why doesn’t Chucky stop, drop, and roll?
After the fellas wrap up the movie, they go into the second act of limited trivia, and followed by the question: “what kind of doll would you want to transfer your soul into if you were dying?” Needless to say, this one gets real raunchy, and it is well worth sticking around for.
If you want to be part of the show, follow us on social media at TDbackrow_Pod, or better yet, write into our mailbag at!
And so....the end is we face... the final movie in Swayze September with 1990’s Ghost. In this episode the boys are talking all about Ghost and only Ghost, because this podcast is all about staying on topic, no talkin’ Sox, the Red Sox bullpen, Kevin Bacon, the 1990 New York Yankees bullpen, Mayor Dinkins, or the Catholic Church scandals in this podcast….just the movie Ghost and nothing else.
With that in mind we do cover some heavy hitting questions such as: the interesting faces everyone in this movie makes to express shock, anger, or surprise. How could Demi Moore and Swayze be doing all this pottery stuff, then have completely clean hands? Why does Woppi need to add that the killer is Puerto Rican? What kind of bank allows a stranger who is talking to themselves withdraw 4 million dollars?
Also in this episode, Preble does his deep dive into the philosophical question of what it means to be a ghost but still have desires and cravings for things in your past life…Only to be promptly followed up with the guys making ghost sound effects.
It’s all the info you didn’t ask for! So make sure you are still alive for this new episode of The Dicks in the Back Row!
In week 3 of Swayze September the boys do their best to make their Red Dawn episode a 100 minute CNBC vs Fox News hot take. There's a lot of heavy pressing questions, with the most important being: Is this a flawless movie, or a steaming pile of garbage? Only one way to find out.. Some other topics include Tim's blood thirst for Dave Dombrowski, making sure we give due respect to Mrs McFly, and can you emasculate a woman? Also, how can the Soviets defeat the entire US military so easily but can't defeat a few high school teens in the woods? Were the granddaughters already in the floorboards, and did Swayze's mom leave his dad prior to the war? How did the kids learn to fire all these big guns without making any noise in the woods? Will Preble's mic make it through the entire episode? You may not have seen Red Dawn before, but there's no need to because the gang will fill you in on all the lacking character development plot points while screaming over each other in the back out for the deer blood.
In week 2 of our Swayze September the boys head to Jasper Missouri and get rowdy with Dalton, the Double Duce, and Sam Elliot’s hair in ROAD HOUSE. This episode is Mantown USA, no girls allowed, and they will not stop yelling about this movie until Preble’s microphone explodes. A few topics that they cover include:
How is this bar in business, and how are people driving home after a night of heavy drinking with massive head trauma? Are all the people of Jasper actually babies in adult bodies? Why doesn’t any outside law enforcement do anything about the monster truck driving extortionist that is Wesley? Who is renovating this bar? Where does this dramatic music come from in the last 1/3 of the movie?
Also, Derek has a headcount of the amount of beer bottles thrown in the first fight scene, we cover some of the best bad one liners, plenty of puns by Max, that rocky sex scene, and most importantly...the throat ripping scene.
Feel free to follow us on Instagram at TDbackrow_pod and contact our mailbag at
We kick off Swayze September with the 1987 classic Dirty Dancing. The guys don't have a whole lot of criticism with this one, but pro choice and pro life supporters may think differently...YIKES!
We also started an instagram page so follow us at TDbackrow_pod, and also write in to our mailbag at TDbackrow@gmail.comOle Timmy Slim Jim and Mr Preble actually have a life and were unable to make it in, so instead you will be subjected to Max and Derek revisiting 1999's Thong Song in our first mini episode. Some extra content that you didn't ask for, but Max and Derek did it anyways.
This week we move away from man-eating dinosaurs and discuss something even more dangerous ...teenage dancing!
The guys cover a lot of heavy hitting questions like why can Kevin Bacon jump 50 feet in the air? Is Ariel going to pass out from starvation, and speaking of Ariel, why does anyone like her? How can a town ban music but be fine with kids drinking and driving? Also, why didn’t anyone get upset about that tractor flipping over? Who does a recap montage 25 minutes into a movie, and what kind of high school bullies boy’s about not making the gymnastics team? How did Kevin Bacon not kill that kid that he air kicked in the head? Will Tim survive the entire episode? Lastly, how much glitter was used in that last dance scene and how is it not sticking to the floor?
This show has a little bit of everything for the family including Gary Busey’s tapping feet, the catholic church cover up, 9/11, and our continuous conversation regarding Schindler’s List! So make sure you have stretched out those hamstrings because you are going to be dancing like it’s 1984 with The Dicks in the Back Row!
In our second episode we venture back to Costa Rica to run circles around the unnecessary, and ill-advised 2001 stinker that is Jurassic Park 3. The guys have plenty of things to discuss including the ghost of Sam Neil's career, how this movie movie would have been better if Rick Moranis was in it, the continuing conversation of Schindler's List with dinosaurs, and how women really feel about tennis instructors.
Also, did the fog eat the entire boat crew, and was this movie originally a crossover with The Mist? Why didn't Dr Grant look up William H Macy's company? Is Tea Leoni intentionally trying to get everyone killed? Are the dinosaurs claymation? And how can everyone be content with a man-eating pterodactyl flying next to them?
We hope all 10 of our listeners are ready to sit with The Dicks in the Back Row!
Welcome to “The Dicks in the Back Row” a podcast where we trash the good movies, and absolutely destroy the bad ones. In the first episode we talk about the 1993 classic Jurassic Park, and we discuss everything you would ever need to know! Including Schindler's list of favorite dinosaurs, Pokémon, can dinosaurs tiptoe, and how would Mark Wahlberg feel about having an Asian as the lead scientist?
Also, why did Hammond hire a team of experts that only included one person with Dinosaur knowledge? What would the yelp review be for Chief Alejandro’s restaurant? Why doesn’t Muldoon take his own advice about Raptors hunting in packs? Would Ian Malcom be named in the #metoo list?
How many times should Timmy had died in this movie? How can Lex navigate a high tech computer system, but can’t turn off a flashlight? And most importantly, how did that Trex get inside the building at the end of the movie, and where was he hiding? All these questions will be answered and more!