Hello There! We continue our box review series with the light side of the force through Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, her faithful padawan Barriss Offee, and the Republic Clone Commandos. Plan and prepare alongside us as we discuss these characters in the Star Wars universe, breakdown their unit and stance cards, and discuss how to maximize them on the tabletop. There are a ton of synergies in this squad and we share our thoughts on how they contribute to the Republic game plan in Star Wars Shatterpoint!
Hello There! is a podcast about the tabletop game Star Wars Shatterpoint and the Star Wars Universe.
We're doing a Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set giveaway - and anyone can enter to win. All you have to do is click the link below and also follow us on our any of our social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @HelloThereCast. Each follow of one of our social media pages will add additional entries. Additionally, all patrons will get bonus entries innately depending on their patron level. The more people that click on the link below and follow our pages - the higher the potential of AMG to providing us with more giveaway items in the future.
Hello There! is supported by our wonderful patrons on Patreon. If you would like to help the show, and join our discord community, go to patreon.com/hellotherecast and pledge your support. Hello There! Patrons directly support the show and its growth by helping pay our monthly and annual fees, while contributing to future projects and endeavors.
Johnthan Ho's Shatterpoint basing guide on YouTube: https://youtu.be/gbpaW-jUekI
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Hello There! is hosted by Jesse Eakin and Aman Khusro.