This episode is about a new beginning with money. Today’s caller Elisabeth finds it difficult to have an empowered relationship with her finances. Listen to how Elizabeth vulnerably explores her difficult past with money and how she finds liberation and creativity by facing, feeling and freeing it.
Today’s caller, Elisabeth, has been on the path of transformation for several years and has participated in several of Cor’s workshops and in Cor’s Leadership Development Training.
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She has come a long way in her leadership yet finds it difficult to apply it to her relationship with money.
Money is one of those general taboo topics; like sex, aging and death. It brings up so much stuff for people. Most of us get uptight, uncomfortable or unconscious around money. That is because we are all under the collective spell of scarcity. The “Not Enough” illusion has many of us walking around feeling tight and contracted and unable to receive the abundance that is all around us. We do not have a beginner’s mind when it comes to finances, we think we know what money is all about, which is basically that we never have enough of it, whether we are rich or poor or somewhere in between. Our internal fists are tightly gripping, and we are not open to receive what is actually available. And not only is the scarcity and rat race mentality all pervasive in our current times, we also inherited our parent’s beliefs and concepts around money. It often goes back for several generations.
Listen to how Elizabeth vulnerably applies the qualities of Beginner’s Mind and Openness to Receive, two important qualities on the transformational journey, to explore her painful and difficult past with money and how she finds liberation and even new creativity by facing, feeling and freeing it.