Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Greg Bishop to take a deep dive on the documentary podcast “The Telepathy Tapes” that involves severely disabled autistic youth who appear to communicate psychically and have other paranormal experiences. Topics include autism, neurodivergence, fetishization, super powers, Dean Radin, the social work community, the Americans with Disabilities Act, public school policies, iPad spelling for the non-verbal, learning for people on the autistic/neurodivergent spectrum, educational support, resistance to the reality of psychic activity, the novel “Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls” by Jane Lindskold, the 1980’s de-institutionalization government policy, criticism of the show, numerous scientific studies showing evidence for psychic phenomena from the late 1800’s to the present, James “the Amazing” Randi and his antics, Rupert Sheldrake, Carl Sagen, materialist-reductionist ideology, uninformed opinions, the value of anecdotal evidence, the gradual acceptance of a broader mindset in academia, Robert Schoch and the link between measurable psi phenomena and solar activity, Joseph McMoneagle and remote viewing and astronomical positions, possible scientific explanation for astrology, Clever Hans the counting horse, subtle even unconscious cues, newborn learning process, Barbara’s child’s experience overcoming developmental delays, severely autistic children and physical limitations, Robert Anton Wilson, fundamentalist skepticism as a belief system, Greg Bishop’s magazine “The Excluded Middle”, an analogy between psi and medical efficacy, the picking and choosing evidence game, evolution and psi, animals and earthquakes, non-human psychic ability, the power of belief, why the paranormal is not a threat to materialistic science and technological advances, Seriah’s psychically linked friend, Barbara’s psychic link with her mother, Seriah’s experiences mentally contacting a different friend, personal experiences of precognition and telepathy, Greg’s remote viewing experiences, emotions and psychic testing, voluntary sensory deprivation and psi, Ky Dickens, “going to the hill”, the dystopian sci-fi TV series “Silo”, the hill as a sort of psychic zoom call, ancient peoples using psi instead of technology, shamans as neurodivergent, the hill as a sacred space, the Seth material, the limitations of spoken language, spirituality, God as an anti-entropic/procreative force, communication with the dead, Joshua Cutchin, Edgar Cayce, concurrent lives, collective co-creation, the Akashic record, pre-birth memories, spiritual families that spend multiple incarnations together, John Thomas, commercialization, NPR, Michael Masters and future telepathy, the Greek and Hindu beliefs in a cycle of ages, Sirius as a binary star to our Sun, Walter Cruttenden, the observer effect, the Electric Universe theory, the book “Information and the Nature of Reality”, and much more! This is a dream team for discussing what seems like a ground-breaking podcast!