Michael Werner here.
I’m the CEO at SimpleK12.com, the home of the Teacher Learning Community.
Over the last 30 years, we’ve been helping teachers learn and explore the intersection of technology and the classroom.
In recent years, much of this learning has taken place inside the Teacher Learning Community.
One of the most frequent requests we’ve had in the last year is for other ways to access the great content that our presenters share in the over 600 live webinars we produce each year.
Of course, inside the Community, we offer our members complete access to archived webinar recordings that they can view on their own, any time and anywhere they like…
It’s what we like to call: Professional Development in Your PJs.
That’s why, if you’ve been around SimpleK12 at all, you’ll notice the bunny slippers as part of our logo and in other things we do.
Actually, getting a pair of real baby blue bunny slippers from SimpleK12 is something that some of our Community members go to great lengths to obtain.
But, what if you’re not at a PC or able to view a live webinar on a mobile device, such as when you’re driving, or when you’re working in your garden or kitchen perhaps?
That’s what led us to this new podcast.
In each episode in this series, we’ve extracted the audio from a webinar recording and placed it into the podcast.
Now, you might ask yourself, can the audio alone, that was extracted from a presentation that included visual or video components, be useful?
Well, and this may surprise you… after several tests with dozens of different webinars, we concluded that “well, yes, it does translate quite well.”
Yes, there is the occasional point, in one webinar or another, when you might have a question while listening without aid of the full webinar itself or other visual reference.
But, those times are rare.
Yes, if that does become an issue, on the FreeTeacherPD website that accompanies this podcast, we provide a link to the full recording of the webinar inside the
d our most popular webinar sessions to provide you with teacher professional development on the go.
So, slip on those bunny slippers and get ready for some Professional Development in Your PJs.
Let’s get learning!