What can you do to support children with a deployed parent(s)?
How can we support kids who have a deployed parent or parents? In this podcast I will interview Dr. Laura Johnson. Laura is a Licensed Psychologist and the Chief of Behavioral Health at Ireland Army Community Hospital at Fort Knox. Dr. Johnson served on active duty as a Military Police Officer, Reserve Component (IRR/IMA) Soldier, and is married to a career Soldier who has deployed to Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She will help us understand how we can help children with deployed parents be Freakishly Well-Behaved.
Dr. Johnson extensive experiences make her the perfect person to have this conversation with. Dr. Johnson holds a MS in Counseling and Child-Centered Play Therapy Certification. She earned her doctorate from Florida State University in Counseling Psychology and School Psychology in 2007.
She began her career as a civilian psychologist for the United States Army in 2009 when her husband, US Army Colonel Fred Johnson, was assigned to Fort Knox. The Johnson’s have one daughter, Madelyn.
Author, Professor, Mental Health Counselor, Play Therapist, International Speaker, & Mom-- Dr. Mullen has learned from the thousands of children she has worked with insights and actions necessary for parenting that will lead to the behavior and attitude changes you are looking for with your children.
If you are willing to learn, listen, grow, and work hard at this, your results will be nothing short of miraculous! You can have Freakishly Well Behaved Kids too! Remember to check out NAUGHTY NO MORE an activity book to help kids make better decisions. When kids feel good, they behave that way!