Fortune’s Wheelhouse is a podcast about esoterics and the tarot.
The show is hosted by Susie Chang and Mel Meleen. Its first 22 episodes look closely at esoteric imagery in the major arcana of the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth tarot decks,
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Fortune’s Wheelhouse is a podcast about esoterics and the tarot.
The show is hosted by Susie Chang and Mel Meleen. Its first 22 episodes look closely at esoteric imagery in the major arcana of the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth tarot decks,
Happy Holidays everybody! For the first time in a couple of years, we are delighted to bring you a brand-new episode of Fortune’s Wheelhouse! As you probably know, Mel released her Telos Tarot deck this year, so we thought we’d have a conversation about the magical labor that went into the deck and its unique take on decanic imagery. At the end, we also talked a bit about my own 2024 production, the Dreaming the Decans book, and how that came to be. Enjoy!
Mel's products
All decks (Rosetta, Tabula Mundi, Pharos, Telos) and books (Liber Mundi, Book of Seshet, Spectrum Fari) :
Susie's products
The Living Tarot Online Class:
Arcana Cases, elemental and zodiacal perfumes, custom perfumes 8 of Wands talismans:
Gift certificates and downloadable classes:
9 of Swords blankets, phone cases, etc.:
Fortune's Wheelhouse products:
Tarot Deciphered:
Fortune's Wheelhouse tote bags, notebooks, etc.:
Music: Excerpt from "The Catalog of Sam Elliot Alcohol Endorsements" by Gagmesharkoff
Friends, we have arrived at our destination. After completing the planetary, numeric, zodiacal, and elemental series, Mel and Susie decided to record one final episode to mark the conclusion of the Fortune's Wheelhouse podcast: we decided to give the gift of divination to each other, reading about what turned out to be similar concerns for each of us.
Fortune's Wheelhouse will remain available on all podcast streaming services, for anyone to refer to whenever they like. Our books and decks will still be out there. You’ll still be able to find Mel at and me at You’ll still be able to buy Fortune’s Wheelhouse merchandise at our RedBubble store, which is at And everyone is still free to join the Fortune's Wheelhouse Academy group on Facebook.
Thanks to all of you, for being our heroes of the astral world. By going on this journey through esoteric tarot with us, sharing it with others, and incorporating it into your own praxis, you complete the circuit of knowledge that Fortune’s Wheelhouse represents. As above, so below. As within, so without.
Music: "Off-Duty Fortune Teller," by Haale
We conclude our series on the 4 elements and their relationship to the tarot with Earth, the source, home, and ultimate destination of all of us.
We explore the qualities of Earth, both physical and metaphysical; its zodiacal and planetary expression in the tarot, its connection to the world of Assiah and the sephira Malkuth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; its magical and natural correspondences; its relationship to the suit of Pentacles or Disks and to the rank of Pages (RWS) or Princesses (Thoth).
Cards considered in this episode:
- The World/Universe (elemental major of earth) - The Devil, the Hierophant, and the Hermit (zodiacal majors of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo). - The suit of Pentacles or Disks - The Pages/Princesses
Music: "Earth," by ENOT
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our series on the 4 elements and their relationship to the tarot with Air, the ubiquitous and mobile element associated with the restless human mind.
We explore the qualities of Air, both physical and metaphysical; its zodiacal and planetary expression in the tarot, its connection to the world of Yetzirah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; its magical and natural correspondences; its relationship to the suit of Swords and to the rank of Knights (RWS) or Princes (Thoth).
Cards considered in this episode:
- The Fool (elemental major of air) - Justice/Adjustment, the Star, and the Lovers (zodiacal majors of Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini). - The suit of Swords - The Knights/Princes
Music: "Free as Air [Lata's International Dub Remix Version]" by Lata
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
With this episode we continue our series on the 4 elements and their relationship to the tarot with Water, repository of redemption, the unconscious, and all that is felt.
We explore the qualities of Water, both physical and metaphysical; its zodiacal and planetary expression in the tarot, its connection to the world of Briah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; its magical and natural correspondences; its relationship to the suit of Cups and to the rank of Queens.
Cards considered in this episode:
- The Hanged Man (elemental major of water)
- The Chariot, Death, and the Moon (zodiacal majors of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).
- The suit of Cups
- The Queens
Music: "Water" by Resonancedj
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
It's elementary, dear astral heroes! With this episode we begin a new series on the 4 elements and their relationship to cards in the tarot.
First up is that spark of creation, the element of Fire. We explore the qualities of fire, both physical and metaphysical; its zodiacal and planetary expression in the tarot, its connection to the world of Atziluth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; its magical and natural correspondences; its relationship to the suit of Wands and to the rank of Kings (RWS) and Knights (Thoth)
Cards considered in this episode:
- Judgement/Aeon (elemental major of fire)
-The Emperor, Strength/Lust, and Temperance/Art (zodiacal majors of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius).
-The suit of Wands
-The Kings (RWS) and Knights (Thoth)
Music: "Fire" by Fierbinteanu
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you part 2 of our March 2021 readings episode illustrating how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part I, it will be addressed in the next installment, Part II, to be released March 23, 2021.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm!
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
MUSIC: "Black Bird," Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Back by popular demand!
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you part 1 of a readings episode that illustrates how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part I, it will be addressed in the next installment, Part II, to be released March 23, 2021.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm!
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
MUSIC: "Black Bird," Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
We conclude our zodiacal series with mystical, spiritual sign of Pisces, the Fishes. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- The Moon (zodiacal major of Pisces).
- The 8, 9, and 10 of Cups (minors of Pisces)
- King/Knight of Cups and Queen of Wands (court cards of Pisces)
Music: "Fish to Swim," by Les Hayden
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the inventive and idealistic sign of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- The Star (zodiacal major of Aquarius).
- The 5, 6, and 7 of Swords (minors of Aquarius)
- The Knight/Prince of Swords and King/Knight of Cups (court cards of Aquarius)
Music: "Starlight," by Falcao and Monashee
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the structure-loving and pragmatic sign of Capricorn, the Sea-Goat. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- The Devil (zodiacal major of Capricorn).
- The 2, 3, and 4 of Pentacles or Disks (minors of Capricorn)
- The Queen of Pentacles/Disks and the Knight/Prince of Swords (court cards of Capricorn)
Music: "Down in Moon of Goat," by EAT superimposed over "The Goat Horn," by Least Carpet
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the freedom-loving sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- Temperance/Art (zodiacal major of Sagittarius).
- The 8, 9, and 10 of Wands (minors of Sagittarius)
- King/Knight of Wands and Queen of Pentacles/Disks (court cards of Sagittarius)
Music: "Seven Arrows," by Hudson
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the darkly mysterious sign of Scorpio, the danger-loving Scorpion. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- Death (zodiacal major of Scorpio).
- The 5, 6, and 7 of Cups (minors of Scorpio)
- Knight/Prince of Cups and King/Knight of Wands (court cards of Scorpio)
Music: "Scorpio Weather Cult / Who Walked All Night...waiting for a door in the East River to open to a room full of Steamheat and Opium," by The Fucked Up Beat
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the sign of Libra, the Scales - archetype of symmetry, balance, and partnership. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- Justice/Adjustment (zodiacal major of Libra).
- The 2, 3, and 4 of Wands (minors of Libra)
- Queen of Swords and Knight/Prince of Cups (court cards of Libra)
Music: "Symmetry," by STYPTIC
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the meticulous and perceptive sign of Virgo, the Virgin. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- the Hermit (zodiacal major of Virgo).
- The 8, 9, and 10 of Wands (minors of Virgo)
- The King of Pentacles/Knight of Disks and Queen of (court cards of Virgo)
Music: "Trophy Hermit," by Mr. and Mrs. Smith
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the radiant and illuminating sign of Leo, the Lion. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
- Strength/Lust (zodiacal major of Leo).
- The 5, 6, and 7 of Wands (minors of Leo)
- The Knight/Prince of Wands and King of Pentacles/Knight of Disks (court cards of Leo)
Music: "Leo" by Stephan Siebert
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the moonstruck sign of Cancer, the Crab. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
-The Chariot (zodiacal major of Cancer ). -The 2, 3, and 4 of Cups (minors of Cancer) -The Queen of Cups and the Knight/Prince of Wands (court cards of Cancer)
Music: "Moonlight Ride" by Jumpsuit Records
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the sign of Gemini, the Twins. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
-The Lovers (zodiacal major of Gemini). -The 8, 9, and 10 of Swords (minors of Gemini) -The King/Knight of Swords and the Queen of Cups (court cards of Gemini)
Music: "Zero-Gemini" by Trills
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We continue our zodiacal series with the sign of Taurus, the Bull. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
-The Hierophant (zodiacal major of Taurus).
-The 5, 6, and 7 of Pentacles/Disks (minors of Taurus)
-The Knight of Pentacles or Prince of Disks and the King/Knight of Swords(court cards of Taurus)
Music: "Taurus" by Zapa
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
A new beginning! With this episode we begin a new series on the 12 zodiacal signs and their relationship to cards in the tarot.
First, of course, is the sign of Aries, the Ram. We explore the characteristics of the sign, its associated planetary dignities, its magical and natural correspondences, its astronomy and related constellations and myths, its magical uses and more; all considered in terms of its expression in the tarot.
Cards considered in this episode:
-The Emperor (zodiacal major of Aries).
-The 2, 3, and 4 of Wands (minors of Aries)
-The Queen of Wands and the Knight of Pentacles or Prince of Disks (court cards of Aries)
Music: "The Emperor" ft. Mc Miscellaneous by Metastaz
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you part 2 of a readings episode that illustrates how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part I, it will be addressed in the next installment, Part II, to be released June 3, 2020.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal Patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
MUSIC: "Black Bird," Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Back by popular demand!
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you part 1 of a readings episode that illustrates how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part I, it will be addressed in the next installment, Part II, to be released June 3, 2020.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal Patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
MUSIC: "Black Bird," Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this tenth and final episode of our numeric sequence we explore the replete and fulsome! number 10, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Malkuth, our own kingdom of the senses and last of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Tens
- Numbered majors: Card 1, the Magus/Magician; Card 10, the Wheel of Fortune; card 19, the Sun.
- Majors associated with paths from Malkuth: The Moon, Aeon/Judgement, the World/Universe.
Music: 10, by Isaac Silk and Tennessee Mowrey.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this ninth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the potent and magical number 9, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Yesod, lunar archetype of life's mysteries and the 9th of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Nines
- Numbered majors: Card 9, the Hermit and card 18, the Moon.
- Majors associated with paths from Yesod: Temperance/Art, the Star (RWS) or the Emperor (Thoth), the Sun, the World/Universe.
Music: Eight Nine (Won't You Be Mine), by Ava Luna.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this eighth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the systemic, systematic, and very real number 8, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Hod, mercurial archetype of rational thought, the 8th of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Eights
- Numbered majors: Card 8, Strength (RWS) or Adjustment (Thoth) and card 17, the Star.
- Majors associated with paths from Hod: The Hanged Man, the Devil, Tower, The Sun, Judgement/Aeon.
Music: Eight, by Waylon Thornton.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this seventh episode of our numeric sequence we explore the mystical, elusive and profoundly magical number 7, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Netzach, archetype of inspiration and emotion, the 7th of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Sevens
- Numbered majors: Card 7, the Chariot and card 16, the Tower.
- Majors associated with paths from Netzach: Wheel of Fortune, Death, Tower, Emperor/Star, Moon.
Music: Seven, by Gospel of Mars.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this sixth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the harmonious sphere of Grand Central, number 6, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Tiphareth, archetype of heart-centered purpose, the sixth of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the six Sixes
- Numbered majors: Card 6, the Lovers and card 15, the Devil.
- Majors associated with paths from Tiphareth: Priestess, Emperor/Star, Lovers, Hermit, Justice/Adjustment, Death, Temperance/Art, Devil.
Music: Six Times Four, by Paul Fisko.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this fifth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the very disruptive! subversive! and trying! number 5 and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Geburah, archetype of divine restraint and correction, the fifth of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the five Fives
- Numbered majors: Card 5, the Hierophant and card 14, Art/Temperance.
- Majors associated with paths from Geburah: the Chariot, Lust/Strength, Justice/Adjustment, and the Hanged Man
Music: Five, by Marcel Pequel
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this fourth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the very stable, grounded, and generous number 4 and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Chesed, paternal divinity and source of matter, the fourth of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Fours
- Numbered majors: Card 4, the Emperor and card 13, Death.
- Majors associated with paths from Chesed: the Hierophant, Lust/Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune
Music: LordDa Mercy, by Daddy Scrabble
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this third episode of our numeric sequence we explore the deep and restless waters of the number 3 and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Binah - the Great Mother, the Dark Sea, the third of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Threes
- Numbered majors: Card 3, the Empress; card 12, The Hanged Man, and card 21, The World/Universe.
- Majors associated with paths from Binah: the Magician/Magus, the Empress, the Lovers, and the Chariot
Music: Three Kites Flying, by Axletree
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this second episode of our numeric sequence we explore the balanced, active, self-conscious number 2 - our only even prime! - and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Chokmah, the second of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Twos
- Numbered majors: Card 2, the High Priestess; card 11, Justice (in Rider Waite Smith) or Lust (in Thoth); card 20, Judgement (in Rider Waite Smith) or Aeon (in Thoth).
- Majors associated with paths from Chokmah: the Fool, the Empress, the Emperor (Rider Waite Smith-based decks)/the Star (Thoth-based decks), and the Hierophant
Brought to you by the number 2 and the letter ב!
Music: Starry Wisdom, by Misty Roses
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this first episode of our numeric sequence we explore the unique! the indivisible! the one and only! number 1, and all tarot-related topics relating to it. We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Kether, the first of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Cards covered in this episode:
- the four Aces
- Numbered majors: Card 1, the Magus/Magician; card 0, the Fool; card 10 the Wheel of Fortune; card 19, the Sun.
- Majors associated with paths from Kether: the Fool, the Magician/Magus, the High Priestess
Brought to you by the number 1 and the letter א!
Music: The Crown (Live @ KEXP) by The Good Sin and 10.4 Rog
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
By popular demand!
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you a readings episode that illustrates how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. We assigned every question a number, and used a random number generator to select the order in which we took the questions. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part 2, it was addressed in the last installment, Part 1, which was released September 25th, 2019.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal Patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm!
Music from
"Amazing Plan - Distressed" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
By popular demand!
Fortune's Wheelhouse brings you a readings episode that illustrates how the correspondences are applied in real time when reading a card. Esoteric tarot reading is both an art and a science, in which the correspondences form a support for the intuitive oracular moment.
We put out a call for questions from Fortune's Wheelhouse patrons, and we are happy to say that we were able to read for every patron who submitted a question. However, we had to split the episode into two separate parts in order to do so. We assigned every question a number, and used a random number generator to select the order in which we took the questions. If your question wasn't addressed in this episode, Part I, it will be addressed in the next installment, Part II, to be released October 9th, 2019.
Finally, thank you to all the loyal Patrons who submitted their questions - you are superheroes of the astral realm!
Music from
"Funkorama" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This is the seventh in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. Featured in this show: the Great Timekeeper and Lord of Karma, Saturn - including his related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more.
Cards in this episode:
The World/Universe - planetary trump of Saturn
The Devil - zodiacal trump of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn
The Star - zodiacal trump of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn
2, 3, and 4 of Disks/Pentacles, decans of Capricorn
5, 6, and 7 of Swords, decans of Aquarius
7 of Disks/Pentacles: Taurus III
5 of Wands: Leo I
3 of Swords: Libra II
10 of Wands: Sagittarius III
8 of Cups: Pisces I
All 3's, as 3 is the number of Saturn.
All 10's as 10 is the number of Earth (conflated with Saturn in the World/Universe card)
Saturnienne, by Vespre + Saturn, by Marsel Minga
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
On this week's special episode, we bring you a guest whose name will be very familiar to all Fortune's Wheelhouse listeners - Austin Coppock, author of 36 Faces: the History, Astrology, and Magic of the Decans
This episode is one half of a two-part production, the other half of which can be found on Austin's Eavesdropping at Midnight podcast. In this half, Austin and Susie talk extensively and specifically about the decans and their correspondence to the 36 numeric minor arcana. In the 'Eavesdropping' half, we cover a variety of more general subjects relating to tarot and astrology. You will definitely want to listen to both!
You can find Austin on, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And you can support his work on Patreon.
This is the sixth in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. Featured in this show: our expansive all-Father and Big J himself, Jupiter! - including his related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more.
Cards in this episode:
The Wheel of Fortune - planetary trump of Jupiter
Temperance/Art - zodiacal trump of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter
The Moon - zodiacal trump of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter
8, 9, and 10 of Wands, decans of Sagittarius
8, 9, and 10 of Cups, decans of Pisces
8 of Swords: Gemini I
6 of Wands: Leo II
4 of Swords: Libra III
2 of Pentacles/Disks: Capricorn I
9 of Cups: Pisces II
All 4's, as 4 is the number of Jupiter.
Thundering Ahead, by Ian Alex Mac
Thunder Storm, Vancouver BC Sept 5 2013, by Lee Rosevere.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This is the fifth in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. Featured in this show: the Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty, indomitable Mars! - including his related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more!
Cards in this episode:
The Tower - planetary trump of Mars
The Emperor - zodiacal trump of Aries, ruled by Mars
Death - zodiacal trump of Scorpio, ruled by Mars
2, 3, and 4 of Wands, decans of Aries
5, 6, and 7 of Cups, decans of Scorpio
2 of Wands: Aries I
9 of Swords: Gemini II
7 of Wands: Leo III
5 of Cups: Scorpio I
3 of Pentacles/Disks: Capricorn II
10 of Cups: Pisces III
All 5's, as 5 is the number of Mars.
Music: "Sword of Misery" by FxCK YOU PUNK
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This is the fourth in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. Featured in this show: the Light of Our World, the shining Sun! - including his related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more!
Cards in this episode:
The Sun - planetary trump of the Sun
Lust/Strength - zodiacal trump of Leo, ruled by the Sun
5, 6, and 7 of Wands, decans of Leo
3 of Wands: Aries II
10 of Swords: Gemini III
8 of Pentacles/Disks: Virgo I
6 of Cups: Scorpio II
4 of Pentacles/Disks: Capricorn III
All 6's, as 6 is the number of the Sun.
Music: "Sunlight," by OpVious
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This is the third in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. In this episode we talk about Her Loveliness the Fairer Benefic, Lady Venus - including her related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more!
Cards in this episode:
The Empress - planetary trump of Venus
The Hierophant - zodiacal trump of Taurus, ruled by Venus
Adjustment/Justice - zodiacal trump of Libra, ruled by Venus
The 5, 6, and 7 of Disks/Pentacles, decans of Taurus
The 2, 3, and 4 of Swords, decans of Libra
4 of Wands: Aries III
2 of Cups: Cancer I
9 of Pentacles/Disks: Virgo II
7 of Cups: Scorpio III
5 of Swords: Aquarius II
All 7's, as 7 is the number of Venus
Music: Hymne Venus, by Lee Maddeford
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This is the second in our planetary series covering each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. In this episode we talk about the one, the only, thrice great Mercury! including his related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, Orphic hymn, and more!
Cards in this episode:
The Magus - planetary trump of Mercury
The Lovers - zodiacal trump of Gemini, ruled by Mercury (day sign)
The Hermit - zodiacal trump of Virgo, ruled by Mercury (night sign)
The 8, 9, and 10 of Swords, decans of Gemini
The 8, 9, and 10 of Pentacles/Disks, decans of Virgo
5 of Pentacles/Disks: Taurus I
3 of Cups: Cancer II
10 of Pentacles/Disks: Virgo III
8 of Wands: Sagittarius I
6 of Swords: Aquarius II
All 8's, as 8 is the number of Mercury.
Music: Mercurial Visions, by Blue Dot Sessions
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Fortune's Wheelhouse is back! with the first in our planetary series wherein we discuss each of the seven classical "planets" in the tarot. We shall begin with our satellite, the lovely Moon, along the way discussing the related astrology, Qabalah, powers, correspondences, the Orphic hymn, and more! (including a bit about the actual Moon card, which corresponds not to the Moon but Pisces)
Cards in this episode:
Music: Moon Shadow, by Little Glass Men.
To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this final episode of our journey through the cards, we meet at last the original Sleeping Beauty: the Page of Pentacles or Princess of Disks. Rose of the Palace of Earth, she is the ultimate destination and the ultimate source, the highest of the high and the lowest of the low. Engrossed in her talisman and silent in her repose, she is pregnant with possibility. When her Prince awakens her, 10000 things will be born.
In our conversation we discuss: the Summum Bonum and the Prima Materia, hills and mountains, the spring quadrant: theory/application/analysis, breaking the ground/planting the seed/germination, the Emperor/the Hierophant/the Lovers, the pacesetter/the bridge between heaven and earth/the destiny of union, Lights/Camera, Action, the process of individuation as the whole comes to know itself, 0=2, the Eden story, the seventh day of rest, the Cosmic Egg, the Ace as portal and throne, the Page/Princess as distant kingdom, rightness/ripeness vs wastage/death/despoiling/decay, burying the seed, the mystic circle, equal armed cross, double cube altar, and triangle of art. Caput Draconis/Rahu, Hexagram 52 Gèn, "Keeping Still," the dwelling place of the Shekhinah as Queen (Malkah) and Bride(Kallah), Malkuth in Assiah, the dark twin of Kether, Judas Maccabeus, Lancelot, Pamphilus, the Fool as the Princess' child, the diamond head of Kether, the priestess of Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries, the kykeon, ram horns, fur and the animal spirit or Nephesh, the Rose of Isis, the shamanistic crossing of realms, Callisto, the awakening of the Eld, mothers and daughters, Babalon, To Will, To Dare, To Know, To Keep Silent, To Go. "To the mind that is still, the entire Universe surrenders".
78 episodes are complete. Whither Fortune's Wheelhouse? Be sure to listen through the outro to find out.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the earthly magnificence of Rider Waite Smith Pages or Thoth Princesses, the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Presiding over newly-plowed fields, the sun warm on his back, the imperturbable Bull is the Prince of Disks or Knight of Pentacles. The airy part of Earth, he applies his methodical intellect and mechanical genius to problems of the land. The final decan of Aries and the first two decans of Taurus are his: Completion, Worry, Success. He is the slow and tender lover of the earth, which yields to his concerned touch.
In our conversation we discuss: fixed earth, Beltane, bulls and oxen, Mithras, Aldebaran the royal watcher of the East, the Emperor, the Hierophant, beauty in the material world, the black horse of the soil, arugula headgear, hexagram 53 (jiàn, 'gradual development'), globules of nitrogen, seed pods, sowing copper and reaping gold, GPS orbs, upcycling, patience, stubbornness, the geomantic figure Amissio, Crowley and the Black Lodge, and a mind inclined to practical pursuits.
To learn more about the suit of Disks, the world of Assiah, the airy willpower of Rider Waite Smith Knights or Thoth Princes, the sephira Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Our final Queen is the silent one, the thorny rose, the Queen of the Goats. Ruling over the final decan of Sagittarius and the first two decans of Capricorn, the Queen of Pentacles or Disks offers silence, the certainty of death, and the inevitability of life's renewal. The watery part of earth, she binds matter into new forms of Change and Work. She is tireless and prolific, and in her darkness light is born.
In our conversation we discuss: the descent and climb of the goat, gestation, sacrifice, and resurrection, mutable fire, cardinal earth, burial and rebirth of light, Temperance/Art, the Devil, alchemical marriage , binding tendrils and vines taking root, Persephone the Underworld Queen, cause of growth and death, Saturn/Jupiter polarities, deserts/oases, domination vs constructive work, hexagram 31 ("Hsien," mutual influence), the pineapple as hospitality and wealth, the cult of Dionysus, Queen Argaea of the Fay, Ananke, Chronos, and Phanes lightbringer, rabbits, markhour goat, the 3D hexagram in the Cube of Matter, the 13 phases of the moon, and roses.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the watery mysteries of the Queens, the sephira Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
The King or Knight of Pentacles/Disks is the fiery part of earth, associated with the 7 of Wands and the 8 and 9 of his suit: valor, prudence, gain. He has left behind his leonine warrior days for the hard work of peace; he is the sacrificial harvest king who ensures plenty for his people. Efficient and material-minded, he keeps a strong and steady hand on the threshing flail, ensuring every last grain is counted and consumed.
We discuss in our conversation: his devotion to agriculture, the Thoth Knight of Disk's confusing resemblance to the Waite-Smith Knight of Pentacles, great-hearted rulers like Arthur and Alexander, the grape harvest, wine as blood, Cernunnos, Dhul Kharnayn the two-horned god, Zeus-Ammon the ram god of Thebes, bulls, stags, rams, gnomes, the hungry horse, the hidden sun of Hermit, solar and lunar qualities, regeneration , renewal, expanding solar rays, serpents to consume, hexagram 62 or xiao guo ("Little exceeding"), the geomantic figure conjunctio, Chokmah in Assiah, the ingenuity of the material world, lilies and roses, and Darth Vader's helmet.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks,the fiery powers of Thoth Knights/Rider Waite Smith Kings, the sephira Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this final card of the decanic minors, we arrive at the Lord of Wealth. Mercury governs the final decan of Virgo, sign of his rulership and exaltation. Therefore the 10 of Pentacles or Disks holds the culmination of our material realm: here our worldly goods reach their maximum accumulation, and our bodies come to rest. We return our legacies to the earth, a seed for the next generation. We have transmuted our corruptible flesh into alchemical gold, only to begin the cycle anew.
In our conversation we discuss: the final stage of the Virgo maiden's journey, her meeting with her infernal or celestial bridegroom; Persephone and Hades, and the round trip ticket of mother and maiden. We give homage to Chthonic Hermes - Mercury the psychopomp as trickster and wizard, Loki and Gandalf. We consider Odysseus and Argos, dogs as conductors of souls, the Summum Bonum or Great Work, cosmic constipation, death and old age, the body as the temple of the spirit, Malkuth in Assiah, discrimination/discernment, avarice/idleness. memory palaces as the cluttered attics of Hermes, Conjunctio, Carcer, Spica, the archangel Sandalphon, Adam Kadmon, the hounds of Yesod, the flag of Winchelsea , Big Casino, the all-access pass of the caduceus, and the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the crystallizations of the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Perfection and control produce beauty in the 9 of Pentacles or Disks, province of Venus in the second decan of Virgo. Here in the Lord of Gain, the perfectly ripened crop is gathered and organized, methodically, increasing in value at every step. The Empress, wearing a harvest crown, works side by side with the Hermit, solitary seed saver. Together they build a walled garden of self-sufficiency and comfort - a beautiful task, though sometimes a lonely one.
In our conversation we consider: Venus in her fall, and Mercury in his exaltation, Vindemiatrix the wine gatherer, Venus' consort Hephaistos, perfumes and sandals, the weapons of Yesod, independence vs. idleness, enclosure and encasement, left-handed snails, slow gestation, the hooded falcon as hidden light, Gabriel and the Annunciation, the archdemon LIlith and the screech owl, women, birds, and bird-women, the Curse of Scotland, the hummingbird & hibiscus, the bees of Demeter, Rosalind in 'As You Like It', gender-switching, and the many blessings counted by the hands of Yod.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the magic and power of the number Nine, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Time is money and patience bears fruit in the 8 of Pentacles or Disks, the Lord of Prudence. The messenger god, at home everywhere, enters his rulership as we arrive in the sign of Virgo. The Sun governs this decan, ripening the grain and bringing in the harvest. Pantries and coffers fill even as the days shorten, ensuring another generation will thrive even if the previous one must pass onward. Here the Hermit makes the Sun safe in his lantern for its long journey through darkness.
In our conversation we encounter "harvest mothers, ladies of justice, and youthful virgins" alike: Ceres/Demeter, Ishtar, Astraea, Erigone, Persephone. Hermes takes on his psychopomp form, his caduceus opening the ways to the underworld. We discuss Prudence as the "mother" of cardinal virtues: temperance, justice, fortitude, Spica, the Milky way, the long road from grain to loaf, the double-bodied bird-maiden, Masonic aprons, chisels, hammers, and engraving, Gandalf as the Hermit, the Eightfold path, the lantern as a shop light!, the forest for the trees, long-term investments, trees of knowledge, geomancy's Populus, the I Ching's hexagram 33 (dùn), Diwali, Hermopolis or Eight-Town, Ningishzida the lord of the good tree, Archangel Michael, Archdemon Adrammelech, truthfulness vs falsehood, the concealed light and the secret fire borne by the most modest of hands.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah,the intelligences and systems of the number Eight, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Alas, it was too good to last! After the brief shining success of the 6, we arrive at the Lord of Failure in the 7 of Pentacles or Disks. The 5 posed problems of scarcity and Mercurial anxiety, while the 7 suggests Saturnine obstacles which must be overcome if our efforts are ever to bear fruit. Failure it shall be for certain, if we give up now when the going gets tough. But at the moment, perhaps it is only 'success unfulfilled' as yet. If nothing else, the bull of Taurus is steadfast. He may yet have hidden reserves of strength in his final decan.
In our conversation we discuss: the malefic expressions of Saturn throughout the minor arcana, the geomantic figure Rubeus, red complexions and blotches, the dark sterile mother, Aphrodite as Melania, apotropaic magic and insurance, Caput Algol, the Pleiades and Hyades, two sets of seven sisters weeping, the archangel Hanael and the archdemon Ba'al, demon of invisibility, the library angel Harahel, Netzach as endurance, prayers for stamina, unselfishness vs unchastity, the seven palaces of Assiah, the fall from Eden, potato blight, the leaden coins of Saturn, the man with the hoe, little gain for much labor, and "Magic, not Tragic"!
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the quests and desire goddesses of Netzach, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Now that we've arrived at the auspicious 6 of Pentacles of Disks, Success is within reach! Here the Moon, exalted in the sign of Taurus, shines her kindest light. The steady earthen bull plows the fertile fields; all herds thrive, all crops bear fruit. Outer and inner mysteries reconcile, the earth and heaven smile at each other, and a generous spirit prevails.
In our discussion we consider: the point of harmony between worry and failure, the dynamic stability of the Bull, Aldebaran the royal watcher of the East, Mithras the lord of contracts, the Pleiades and Hyades, fertilization and potency, the Horae and the ripe moment, Beltane, fires lit by friction, the May bush and the May pole, the Hierophant and the High Priestess, igni natura renovatur integra, Archangel Raphael the healer, Archdemon Belphegon and dangerous innovations, the greater ritual of the hexagram, the mystic rose and holy rood, giving and restraining hands of Chesed and Geburah, the pomegranate as apple of Eden, and the alchemical wedding.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the sacrificial gods of Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Cue the blues: it's the 5 of Pentacles or Disks - otherwise known as the Lord of Worry, or the Lord of Material Trouble. It is the very disaster we thought we could forestall by stockpiling gold in the Four of Pentacles! Mercury (The Magician or Magus) presides over the second decan of Taurus (The Hierophant), the quicksilver psychopomp contending with the steadfast pontifex. Who will prevail, the Picker of Locks or the Keeper of the Keys?! In this celestial heist, bankruptcy is all but certain, and there's plenty of worry to go all around. And yet there is more to this card than meets the eye.
In our conversation, we discuss Taurus as bridge between the spiritual and the mundane, and the bull's quest to find success between worry and the failure. We discuss sacred bovines, agriculture, having, holding, and belonging, economic inequality, the mills of God grinding slowly, tattvas, Earth Day, the star known as El-Nath, nails as the Vav of the Hierophant, averse pentagrams, padlocks, the problem-solving intelligence, patriarchs, Isaac's sacrifice, the separation of waters, the angel Kamael, the demon Asmodeus, mendicants, the church as that which binds and excludes, the etymology of "worry", broken records, elephants, keys, and the idea of the 5 as freedom from cycle of matter.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the war gods of Geburah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Prison or protection? This week, we face the 4 of Pentacles or Disks, the Lord of Power (is that redundant?!) or Material Power. Here are tropes of kingship - the Sun as ruler of the decan, Capricorn as the zodiac's CEO, even Jupiter as the force governing all 4's. The power derives from the throne, and it is rooted, strongly fortified, solid gold, and immovable. In the fortress of the Old New Year, the embers of increasing light reflect treasures, amassed and hoarded. Does wealth buy freedom, or its opposite?
In our conversation we discuss: the summit of materialism, bank vaults, the lighting of the fire, the Burning of the Clavie, King Midas, the animal nature, the Sun and the Devil major arcana, freedom vs captivity, absolute power that corrupts absolutely, Lucifer and his relationship with Knowledge, the power of carnality, Jupiter as Demiurge, obedience and tyranny, billionaires in bunkers, Chesed as limitless good, the coat closet of the abyss, the angel Zadkiel and the demon Astaroth, the Emerald Tablet, Operation of the Sun, turds laid beneath the throne, the mural crown, the heavenly Jerusalem, mandalas, thangkas, kalachakras, sun stones, the invincible Green Man, hexagram #2, and 'Soli Invicto'.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the sky gods of Chesed, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week, the engines are running, the pistons are pumping, skyscrapers rise on the horizon. The 3 of Pentacles or Disks is the Lord of work! and the Devil himself ensures there are no idle hands at play here. Combined with the driving force of Mars and the power of the calendrical New Year, all manner of resolutions are taking form. Here is the glory of the built world and the promise of industry writ large. Through the power of collaboration, ambition turns into 3D, concrete reality.
In our conversation we discuss: the Devil and the Tower, the exaltation of Mars in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, blueprints, Masons, the myth of Enki and his apelike humans, Gilgamesh, Innanna, and Enkidu, seeking the unattainable, pyramids as symbols of aspiration, the Pillar of Form, the 9 reaping the fruits of the 3, the gunas (Sattva, Tamas, and Rajas), sulfur/salt/mercury, lawful/chaotic/neutral, silence, avarice, Binah consciousness, the armies of Mordor at the gates of Barad Dûr, the Giver of Permits, and Faustian bargains.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the mother gods of Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week on Fortune's Wheelhouse, we address the inevitable: the Lord of Change! With the 2 of Pentacles or Disks, we engage with the physical world, and the reality of trying to make our bodies, our works, our things bend to our will. First decan of the Saturn-ruled, Capricorn line-up, the 2 of Disks answers to Jupiter. The Greater Malefic and the Greater Benefic duke it out in this card, and their struggle moves mountains.
In our conversation we discuss many mysteries of the material: Capricorn the goatfish, the season of Yule, the increase and decrease of the light, Janus Pater, Jupiter in fall, Deneb Algedi, the Wheel of Fortune, the Devil and his casino of luck and skill, piston engines, the Sumerian god-king Ea, Odin and Baldur, the hoopoe bird and the flexible reed, the green line of Chaos enclosing the universe, the crowned ouroboros, Priapic herm hats, yin and yang, the gaze of the Other, the hourglass as a symbol of time, gifts, messages, travel across distance, contraction and expansion, dextro laevorotatory forces, the chirality of light, first and last hexagrams of I Ching, and a certain bear going over a certain mountain.
To learn more about the suit of Pentacles or Disks, the world of Assiah, the father gods of Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Silent, magical, and profound, the last Ace materializes on our earthly plane. Is it a pentacle? a disk? a coin? Even its name is a mystery! In this final suit, we finally encounter the world we know best: our round globe, the four directions, our five senses, our physical bodies and all creation. Whatever you call them - pentacles or disks, still or spinning - they stand encased and crystallized, set a little apart from the forces that produced them. Oblivious as they are to their origin, they are literally the whole point of the matter.
In our episode we discuss: the talismanic nature of pentacles and the spinning motion of disks, and their relationship to the World or Universe card, ever searching for union with the divine: the 5 of the human pentagram becoming the 6 of the divine hexagram. We discuss sleeping beauties, the sign of silence, the season of Aries-Taurus-Gemini, the active and passive forms of Horus, Heh final in the Tetragrammaton, the active and passive forms of Horus, the power to keep silent, the Song of Solomon, the Great Beast and the Scarlet Woman, Osiris, Sobek, the anima mundi, the maker's mark, the cosmic On button, seeds, fruits, clocks, gates, paths, gardens, mountains. In short: everything and nothing!
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Assiah, the creator gods of Kether, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
We end the suit of Swords with a rush of wind and a whirling blade belonging to the Page or Princess of Swords. The earthy part of air, she freely inscribes her will on the astral plane - the "fixation of the volatile". With the power of the Gorgon's head, she concretizes choices, turning options into hard fact. She will tell you: what she doesn't know isn't worth knowing. Lotus of the palace of air, she floats and dances easterly - and woe unto anyone who tries to deprive her of her freedom!
In our conversation we touch on: navigation, the New World vs the Old World, heads separate and attached, the Bornless Rite, the Star card, the goddess Minerva, Perseus and Andromeda, Medusa and her sisters, the star Algol, the monkey mind, the Great and Terrible Oz, the smoking yet fireless altar, Lilith, Ogier the Dane of the short sword Cortain, vengefulness and sorcery, psychic healing and coincidence, I Ching hexagram 180("Gun," or Remedying), the geomantic figure Fortuna Minor, the secret service, spying, the swordswoman of the Ruach, linguists, programmers, and task managers.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the earthly magnificence of Rider Waite Smith Pages or Thoth Princesses, the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week we face a steady wind: the Prince or Knight of Swords. The airy part of air, he rushes through his encounters with an unflagging force. He fights for his ideals, but also just for fighting's sake. Associated with the first two decans of Aquarius (the 5 and 6 of Swords) and the last of Capricorn (the 4 of Pentacles or Disks), our Prince is a revolutionary - a master at navigating his way from defeat, and impatient with the powers that be. "I know!" he cries. Been there, done that!
In our conversation, we talk about Saturn's airy rulership of Aquarius, the structures of society and the rules of time. We consider Saturn as the Creator and Destroyer, the sword and sickle, the dying god archetype, Galahad's pure heart, the monkey mind, futility of thinking about thinking, the secret crown, invoking and banishing pentagrams, the winged mini-Princes pulling the chariot, the , Green Man, hexagram 57 (xùn) proceeding humbly, snakes, the Fool, and the Star, the geomantic figure Tristitia (and its opposition to Laetitia), and the one hand ungloved for dexterity, the other gloved for protection - having it both ways.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the airy willpower of Rider Waite Smith Knights or Thoth Princes, the sephira Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
And here she is in all her INFJ glory: the Queen of Swords. Whether you call her the Ice Queen, the Wolf Queen, the Dancing Queen, she is as formidable as she is graceful. The watery part of air, she pierces through illusion and perceives patterns invisible to most. Associated with the final decan of Virgo and the first two decans of Libra, she borrows the Hermit's solitude and the measured symmetry of Justice. Peace and Sorrow, the 2 and 3 of Swords, are her familiars.
In our conversation we discuss the balance of night and day and the Thrones of Air, the equinox, the festival of Mabon, the Green Man, wordsmiths, seamstresses, and warrior maidens, Black Maria, Kaplan, Pallas Athena, Pique Dame, the Devil's nutting day, cumulostratus clouds, the winged heads of children and the severed heads of bearded men heads, butterflies, hexagram 28 (da guo, Great Exceeding), obsolete constellations, widows and divorcees, the Viking queen Hjørdis, BS detection, the , Ox and the Ox goad, the renunciation of community, accuracy in superficial things, and the love of music and words.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the watery mysteries of the Queens, the sephira Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
I fought the Law, and the Law won! Here comes that intimidating brainiac, the King or Knight of Swords. His is an incisive, restless mind, quick to take up pursuit and flexible to a fault - yet once he makes up his mind, no mercy will temper his decision. Representing the first two decans of Gemini (and the last one of Taurus) in court and everywhere else, he sees a world in black and white, one whose rules must conform to his will.
We discuss his relationship to the 7 of Pentacles and 8 and 9 of Swords, twins and tragedies, stubbornness vs. mutability, decision and choice, the trickster nature of Mercury, the "chimaera buzzing in a vacuum," his missing decan, "Ruin", specific fire in primal air, world of Yetzirah, swallows, helicopters, inspiration without reflection, King David and Goliath's sword, Robert E. Lee, the geomantic figure Albus, I Ching hexagram 32 ("héng") , persevering/enduring, butterflies as metamorphosis, and grading.
(For a broad overview of the courts be sure to check out Episode 32, the King/Knight of Wands episode.)
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the fiery powers of Thoth Knights/Rider Waite Smith Kings, the sephira Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
The 10 of Swords! the Lord of Ruin! (We had to get there sometime.) Who does not shudder to see this card, even in the cheeriest of readings? Here at the end of thought and reason, the Sun rules over the final decan of Gemini. The sky is black, but for a line of sunlight on the horizon. The contrasts of light and shadow are stark and brutal, and the consequences of choices made in the 8 and 9 of Swords are all too clear. Why does this Sun card contrasts so harshly with the others - Virtue, Pleasure, Prudence, and Power?
In our discussion we look at the summer solstice, the dark hour before the dawn, Hexagram 43 ("Eliminating,") Phanes the light bringer, Praxidike the goddess of revenge, sthenic disease, Thomas Becket and his hair shirt, the head pierced by the sword, the prana mudra, the smashing of governments, the principles of terrorism, the Fall, exposure and nakedness, the crew of the Argo, the tragedies of Jason and Medea, many twins of dark and light - Dylan and Lleu; Horus and Set; Cain and Abel; Ahura Mazda and Ahriman; Castor and Pollux - the deprivation of sleep and the madness of a light that never turns off.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the crystallizations of the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Be afraid, be very afraid! We have arrived at the Lord of Cruelty (or if you like your fear extra crunchy, the 'Lord of Cruelty and Despair'), the 9 of Swords. In this swordsiest of swords cards, Mars governs the middle decan of Gemini. The portentous moment we faced in the 8 has reached critical mass, and something must be cut away. One twin dies that the other may live, but oh how cruel the choice!
In our discussion we look once again at Biblical and mythic twins, at the Tower and the Lovers cards, at stories of disastrous affairs and the fall from Eden. We discuss psychopaths and fanatics, lunatics and philosophers, Romeo and Juliet, religious zealotry, sorrow's magnification into cruelty, the threefold law, resignation and courage, cutting cleverness, mockery, sleeping draughts, waking nightmares and guilty consciences, Yesod as the foundation and the blueprint for reality, and sympathetic magic.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the magic and power of the number Nine, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
With this episode we arrive at the three cards of Gemini: the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords: dreaded by many and relished by few! Yet the cards of the twins are full of uniquely human dilemmas and insights. The questions they ask, and the challenges they pose, offer answers to the riddle of the human condition. The 8 of Swords, the Lord of Interference or Shortened Force, poses perhaps the biggest one of all. Its associated major arcana are the Wheel of Fortune and the Lovers - in other words, the potent confrontation of fate and free will.
We discuss the story of the fall from Eden, as well as famous twins like Castor and Pollux, Cain and Abel. The 8 of Swords corresponds to Jupiter ruling the first decan of Gemini, one of Mercury's signs, and we investigate the relationship of Zeus and Hermes, the father with his trickster son, the lords of Gemini and its opposite, Sagittarius. We share our nicknames for the card - "the snagged bobbin," "the monkey wrench," "the push and pull". Here, too, are decision paralysis, OCD, the proliferation of systems, a collection of multicultural daggers, and the "knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit."
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah,the intelligences and systems of the number Eight, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
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In this week's episode we look at the 7 of Swords, the Lord of Futility or Unstable Effort - and oh, so much more! Here a divided mind brings both skill and sabotage; here dwell actors, diplomats, tricksters, politicians, and the spirit of wily Odysseus, beloved and scorned by the gods. The moon's rulership of this final Aquarian decan brings flexibility, inconstancy and a familiarity with exile.
In our discussion, we talk about the "accomplishing of will and giving of offense, Orpheus and the fatal look-back, the role of the shaman as a citizen of many realms, the "mutilated heads" of the Picatrix and the destruction of the ego, the tzaddiq's secret of a good deed done for its own sake, fairies and changelings, Maupis d'Aigremont, journeys across the abyss with camel and tent, Osiris, the 49 days of the Bardo, improvisation, the monkey mind, distractions and multitasking, procrastination, games and the players who play them, rheumatic boxers, and kings in disguise.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the quests and desire goddesses of Netzach, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week we arrive at a welcome point of harmony in the suit of the mind with the 6 of Swords, the Lord of Science or Earned Success. Here are journeys of the spirit and the body, problems solved and refuges reached. Mercury, world traveler and expert decoder, rules over this middle decan of starry Aquarius, interpreting its distant guidance and plotting a course toward its light.
Along the way we encounter St. Brigid and the feast of Candlemas/Imbolc, and Nuit, weather divination, Aquarius rulers Saturn as discipline and Uranus as innovation, and swift Mercury exploiting the gifts of both. We explore the rosy cross, invulnerable swordsmen, rivers as fresh starts, the harmony of things, music of spheres, the bridge of the conscious and unconscious minds, the conquest of Phobos, the rules of the road, the ferryman as Charon, and above all, the art of navigation.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the sacrificial gods of Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week we confront the 5 of Swords, the Lord of Defeat - an uncomfortable place at best and a dangerous no man's land at worst. Here Venus rules over the first decan of Aquarius, but the combined peaceful natures of that planet and that sign are no match for the harsh power of a 5. The truce of the 4 of Swords has fallen; winners gloat and losers suffer.
In our conversation we discuss the contrast of Venus' warm close opulence with the remote stylings of Aquarius, and the ways in which motion comes to the aid of matter and breaks up stasis. We consider the fall of Rome and Epicene cults, mutilated heads, the goddess , piracy, slaves of giants, swastikas and Germany, risks undertaken, ways navigated and found, the averse pentagram, respect for authority, and the tragic failure of good intentions.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the war gods of Geburah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week we explore the Lord of Truce or Peace Restored; the 4 of Swords represents a moment of sweet relief between the sorrows of the 3 and the Pyrrhic battles of the 5. Benevolent Jupiter rules over this decan of measured Libra, allowing cooler heads to win the day. For a moment, all the forces of the Wheel are in alignment. All parties agree, though their détente may not be destined to last.
In our episode we discuss what conflicts precede and follow this truce; what greatness of mind allows it. We consider St. Andrew and the saltire cross, the loaves and fishes, the moment of inertia and the tightrope walker's pole, the refuge of structure, Nemesis, Tyche, and Agathos Daimon, the knight's vigil, the vajra as thunderbolt, the rose of 49 petals, the isolation of the hermit and the religious retreat, compromises and diplomacy.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the sky gods of Chesed, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week, as one must do eventually, we visit the Lord of Sorrow in his rainy palace. The 3 of Swords is a card few rejoice to see, and yet in its depths lie jewels worth mining despite their cost. Here Saturn rules over the middle decan of Libra, in the sign if not the degree of its exaltation. As he grinds the harvest of late September, the burden of his inevitability sits heavy on our hearts. Even as we seek Justice in our lives, we carry the weight of the World.
Here we discuss contracts and chains, heartbreaks and rejections; Saturn's power to crystallize, bind, and teach. We visit the Queen of Swords, Binah in Yetzirah, the Dark Mother and the Bright Mother, the seven sorrows of Mary, and the womb of Chaos. We consider the python and the Pythia, the enlightenment of the Buddha, the cracked heart jar, and the many purposes of rain.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the mother gods of Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this episode we welcome the 2 of Swords, the Lord of Peace or Peace Restored. What is Peace doing in the suit of warfare, we ask? What mental or intellectual capacities contribute to Peace? the 2 of Swords is the first of the three Libra cards in the minor arcana. The Moon rules this decan of the Scales, lending her changefulness and resilience to the avatar of Justice.
We consider the conflicted nature of the mind, restorative justice, equal and opposed points of view, and the uses of silence, the mind in motion, the wisdom of Chokmah. We look at: silence and chastity, fair relationships, the mysteries of the numbers 2 and 11, the goddess Ma'at and feather of truth, the Erinyes, Athena, blindfolds, hoodwinks, veils, stages, dangerous rocks, angels, daggers, rapiers, and spiraling pinwheels.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the father gods of Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
With a crack of thunder and a whoosh of air, the Ace of Swords cuts through the clouds! In this episode we introduce the most turbulent suit in tarot, where geniuses and madmen reside and brilliance and doom go hand in hand. Swords represent our own human minds: they solve puzzles, plan and organize, attack and defend; they govern thoughts, conflicts, and words. Of the four suits, Swords are the most profoundly dual in nature. They cut both ways, for good and evil. Why, how, and in what ways they do so are the subjects of our inquiry.
We speak about the Ace of Swords' connection to Air and the Fool, as well as the air trumps Justice, the Star, and the Lovers. We consider the sword as the Magician's weapon, which helps him open doors to other realms, and the manner in which the ideas of one realm become the reality of the next. We talk about the letter vav of YHVH, as well as Yetzirah (the world of 'formation'), invoked vs. natural power, the North Pole, the nature of will and desire, crowns, symbols, serpents of knowledge, knights, errant, the concepts of thelema and agape, the many forms of love, the number 6 and the number 93 - and the mind itself as creation and destruction.
To learn more about the suit of Swords, the world of Yetzirah, the creator gods of Kether, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
As our finale to the watery suit, we bring you the Page or Princess of Cups. The earthy part of water, she is the world's dreamer, and her air of distant rapture belies her power. She is a scryer, an oracle, a romantic, and a helpmate. The talking, wish-granting fish speaks to her even when none else can hear! Flower of the Ace of Cups' promise, the Crystal Princess brings back secret wisdom from the western shores of death. As Jung did with his Red Book, she grounds her dreams in this world's reality.
In our conversation we speak about her astral travels, her role as Muse, her relationship to meditation, sacrifice, and redemption (as found in the Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius story), the fish and the lotus, the seashell and the cosmic egg, her connection with the 10 of Cups, desire and illusions, tortoises and swans, the geomantic figure Via and the I Ching hexagram 41 or "Decrease". We consider 'La Hire' (the companion of St. Joan), the age of plague and chivalry, the myth of Paris and Helen of Troy, falling in love with love, and the active imagination.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the earthly magnificence of Rider Waite Smith Pages or Thoth Princesses, the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week we bring you the Knight of Cups (RWS) or Prince of Cups (Thoth) - a subtle, secretive and magnetic creature; fall for his charisma if you dare! The airy part of water, he acts as a bridge from emotion to intellect, and his feelings speak still louder than his words. He is a consummate storyteller; his words weave spells and snares for the heart. His fictions are full of truth - and his truths can equally be full of fiction - so listener, beware!
In this episode, we talk about Truce, Disappointment, and Pleasure - as well as death, desire, and sacrifice. We consider his role as Knave of Hearts (See the tart! Take the tart!) , the magician-seducer Nectanebo, the mercilessness of the scorpion, the fiery watcher star Antares, flying fish, hexagram 62, feathered serpents, eagles, snakes, healers, seers, unexpected windfalls and shocking reversals.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the airy willpower of Rider Waite Smith Knights or Thoth Princes, the sephira Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Mystic, empath, archetypal anima - the Queen of Cups is veiled in feminine mystique. Most sensitive of queens, she is associated with the watery part of water. The Moon governs her tides, so while she is by nature nurturing and compassionate, storms can rack her moods as well. In her watery domain are the last decan of Gemini and the first two decans of Cancer - love among the ruins.
In this episode we discuss sacrificial maidens, prophetesses, and femmes fatales - Circe, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Polyxena, Delilah, Princess Diana, and the Lady of the Lake. The myth of Judith and Holofernes introduces a frisson of danger and betrayal; the Queen of Hearts shouts "Off with their heads!" We consider blonde bombshells, Lilith and the astral realms, portals and magic mirrors, the world of dreams, the geomantic figures Populus and Via, waning and waxing moon, the mercurial ability to communicate and the lunar quality of reflectio, the Beehive Cluster, the khephra beetle's journey through night, Castor and Pollux, Polyxena, the ibis of divination, the heron of foreknowledge, the stork of motherhood, hexagram 58 (Duì or joy), desire and memory, purity and patience.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the watery mysteries of the Queens, the sephira Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Here is the Lord of the Waves and Waters! It's the King of Cups, as he's called in Rider Waite Smith - or the Knight of Cups, as he's called in Thoth. (For a broad overview of the courts be sure to check out Episode 32, the King/Knight of Wands episode.) Associated with the 'fiery' part of water, his is an ephemeral and brilliant nature, a reflected charisma. Of all the heroic leaders of the courts, his calling is the most spiritual. What is the nature of his mystical quest? What rainbows does he chase as he races over the sparkling sea?
In this episode we speak about his relationship to the 7 of Swords and the 8 and 9 of Cups, as well as to the major arcana: The Star and the Moon. We consider the will to dream, the gifts of poetry, the call to chivalry. We speak of gurus and diplomats, peacocks and snakes, Charlemagne and the Suicide King, fishy feet and wavy crowns, Pegasus and Bellerophon, the Grail quest and the elixir of immortality.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the fiery powers of Thoth Knights/Rider Waite Smith Kings, the sephira Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Be Careful What You Wish For! for here is the 10 of Cups - and it's even more special than you think. Also known as the Lord of "Satiety" or "Perfected Success" it's associated with the final decan of Pisces - the end of the zodiacal year. Fiery Mars rules over this watery final decan, and fiery Mars will rule over the first Aries decan as well. Where fire and water meet, we find rainbows - like the one crowning the Rider Waite Smith version of this card. Here are strange combinations of desire and dissolution, the powerful drives of the hungriest god foundering in the mystic seas of the cosmic fish!
In this episode, we consider the poppy as oblivion and beauty, the Shekhinah as bride-queen-mother, excess of appetite, morbid hunger, the false hopes of Elpis versus the foreboding of Moros, Prometheus, the homeland, the perfection of Atlantis, the seeds of destruction. We ponder lust of result, the magical backstage, the final bow, pipe dreams, the great lotus and the tilted cups.
To learn more bout the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the ripe transformation of the number Ten, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Congratulations! You win! Well done! Welcome to the 9 of Cups, the Lord of Happiness or "card of wishes" - a card so perfectly delightful you just want to kick back and bask in its good fortune. The card is associated with the middle decan of Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter (who is also the classical ruler of Pisces). The greater benefic thus brings twice the blessings. And because 9 is a number of immense power and potential, it does so in the most magical of ways - as you would expect of a card whose associated major arcana are the Wheel of Fortune and the Moon.
Along the way on this adventure we discuss the geomantic figure Laetitia, the Holy Grail as the receptacle of Yesod and the Hanged Man as the water in it, thunderstorms, Ganymede, Falstaff, the trickster daemon Dolos, Truth and Falsehood, the wishbone, independence and idleness, and water in its highest material manifestation, talking fishes... and the wishes they grant.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the magic and power of the number Nine, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Abandon success all ye who enter here! It is the 8 of Cups, the becalmed and benighted Lord of Indolence. Lead-footed Saturn governs the first decan of Pisces; dark clouds and eclipses rule the sky. Emotional baggage burdens the intellect, and in this dark night of the soul a journey towards redemption begins.
Yet although Crowley called this card 'the apex of unpleasantness,' it also sponsors acts of power and empowerment. Here those who have reached their limits find the wherewithal to walk away into the unknown. The labyrinth of the imagination is a realm of questions, not answers - but how can we ever learn or grow without embracing uncertainty? In this episode we will encounter the deadly sea, the collective unconscious, the lighthouse in an angry sea. We wander the garden of Kundry, hearing out the tale of the ancient mariner and, at last, running aground on the shores of sleep.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah,the intelligences and systems of the number Eight, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this episode we explore the 7 of Cups, a card of debauchery - or is it illusionary success? The 7 of Cups is a hologram, a trick of the light, a mirage. Here Venus rules the second decan of Scorpio, as well as ruling the 7th sphere on the Tree of Life. She is powerful here, but also in detriment as she passes through the house of Mars. Here Eros meets Thanatos; the drive meets the death drive. When Death meets the Maiden, expect secret corruption, glamor and fairy gold.
Beauty is strong here, but the magic mirror of Venus distorts as well as reflects. We speak of the peacock's tail, the sheen of oil on water, the memento mori. Here are will o' the wisps, psychotropic substances, delusions and hangovers. It is the card of the artist, whose inner vision creates its own truth in alternate realities. Where else will you find Circe and Miss Havisham, Indiana Jones and Kubla Khan?!
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the quests and love goddesses of Netzach/the number Seven, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
This week, we explore the 6 of Cups, a doubly solar card. As a Six it is associated with the sphere of the Sun, Tiphereth, and astrologically it corresponds to the Sun's rulership of Scorpio's middle decan. Here we find Pleasure in the heart of Death! This is a sacred sacrifice, where in the dying glow of yesterday the Sun bargains for tomorrow. The glint of light on water offers a promise of redemption, but also a guarantee of change.
Here on the other side of time, the spirit is liberated. Our conversation ranges over the islands of the blessed, the concept of saudade, the solar twins, nostalgia and memories of childhood, serpents, scorpions, eagles, the nature of consciousness, the Ode to Joy, transformation (and how we love and hate to talk about it), Elysium, and waters both shallow and deep.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the sacrificial gods of Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop. which we brace ourselves for Disappointment and, if that's not enough, Loss in Pleasure. In this first decan of Scorpio, Mars rules thrice over - governing the decan, the sign (in classical rulership schemes), and the number 5. His fiery ferocity unleashes a searing wind over the watery suit of cups, blasting everything in its path. The Tower meets Death, and devastation ensues.
In this conversation we talk about the phases of death - the violent curtailment, the freeing of the spirit, the new growth that follows. We consider the five rivers of Hades, the thinning of the veil, and emotional severity. We consider marriages and legacies, hungry ghosts, mourning, love and loss, fish, pentagrams, and the dire geomantic figure known as Rubeus. It is a perilous journey! but fear not - we're right there with you all the way.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the war gods of Geburah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this week's episode, we look at the super-lunar 4 of Cups, where the moon presides over the final decan of Cancer, waning and waxing to the full. A high tide of luxury washes into shore, amplified and reflected by its silver mirror. Yet there are also "seeds of decay in the fruit of pleasure" - the grit that causes the pearl to form, layer by layer.
Here we consider blue nuns and vehicles of conveyance, emotional peaks and troughs, the sea as nurturer and destroyer. We consider First World Problems, and the contest of dissatisfaction and adequacy. We consider crabs and camels, lotuses and waves. And we wonder, some of us not for the first time, what on earth a 'celhafe' could be.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the sky gods of Chesed, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Themes of enclosure reflect and refract in the abundant 3 of Cups, where the messenger god brings his quicksilver tongue to the world of emotions. Mercury rules this second decan of Cancer; festivities and games preside over the hour, and all good things. Yet there is an undercurrent of danger; the most tempting fruits may be those that are forbidden.
In this episode we also speak of Demeter and Persephone, Mercury as psychopomp, Dionysus, the threefold nature of women - the three Graces and the nine Muses. We consider grapes and pomegranates, grains and gourds, journeys of safe and unsafe passage. We consider the armor of the Chariot and the confinements of Binah, and the layered protection of eggs and walled gardens.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the mother gods of Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Ah, the 2 of Cups! The most welcome of sights in readings on many subjects, particularly romance. But the so-called Lord of Love is more than just a pretty face. Associated with Venus and the second decan of Cancer, it is the beginning of a story of passion, sacrifice, and surrender.
In this episode we speak of many kinds of love: maternal love, love under will, divine love, romantic love. We speak of the Chariot and the Empress, the mirror of Venus in which we catch the gaze of the Other, the red lion of alchemy, crabs and doors, and, last but certainly not least, the mysteries of dolphins.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the father gods of Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Here we begin the suit of Cups, watery and full of feeling. The Ace of Cups is the complement of the Ace of Wands: the Grail to its Lance, the Form to its Force, the lunar yoni to its solar phallus. It is Kether, the Crown, in Briah, the world of Creation. It is the West, white brilliance, and the second letter or primal Heh of the divine name, the ה of יהוה.
In this episode we speak of holy water, the power To Dare or To Love, the mysteries of the Holy Spirit, the "unmoved mover" and the Cup of Stolistes. We consider the Ace of Hearts, visions and dreams, the desire to connect, and the continuity of one life and the next.
To learn more about the suit of Cups, the world of Briah, the creator gods of Kether, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
In this episode we begin with an overview of one of the best kept secrets of the Western esoteric tradition: the power of the Daughter, the final letter of the Tetragrammaton or Divine Name.
We then move on to the Page or Princess of Wands: Make way for the Rose of the Palace of Fire! the princess disguised as a humble page. Is she the beginning or the culmination of the suit? Is she sleeping in potential or established in might? She is the "throne of the Ace," the lowest in the highest, Kether in Malkuth. Here we find her Highness (or her Lowness) on fire, in the heart of Leo the lion as the sun rounds its northernmost position relative to the equator.
We discuss her relationship to death and rebirth and her altar to the rite of spring, the geomantic figure Cauda Draconis, I Ching hexagram 27 (Yí, "Nourishing"), to salamanders, roses, and the ferocious tiger of the spatial quadrant of Asia Pacific. She is a force of nature who is not to be denied!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the earthly magnificence of Rider Waite Smith Pages or Thoth Princesses, the sephira Malkuth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Whether you call him the Knight of Wands (RWS) or the Prince of Wands (Thoth), he is as bright as the sun and as bold as the lion! A creature of the last decan of Cancer and the first two decans of Leo, he is the heart of fire, fixed yet on the move. We consider his relationship to the 4 of Cups, the 5 of Wands and the 6 of Wands - how he glories in strife and victory, reveling in the spotlight, passionate in his voice, carried away by his own charisma! We speak also of the geomantic figure Fortuna Major, and I Ching hexagram 42 ("Augmenting"). He is the airy part of fire, so hold on tight as gusts of wind feed and fuel the leaping flames!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the airy willpower of Rider Waite Smith Knights or Thoth Princes, the sephira Tiphereth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Welcome to the Queen of Wands, a palace of mirrors in which flames leap and multiply! Forthright and frank, sensual and feline, she possesses a magnetism that makes her the center of attention wherever she goes. We release this episode just as the Sun rounds through her domain, the last decan of Pisces and the first two decans of Aries. We consider her relationship with the 10 of Cups, 2 of Wands and 3 of Wands - her quest to dominate and her yearning to surrender. We speak of war queens and the thyrsus wand of Bacchus, the pine cone and the sunflower. We speak of salamanders, cougars, leopards, lions, and...of course...Snuffles the Black Cat!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the watery mysteries of the Queens, the sephira Binah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Welcome to the courts! the most complex, enigmatic, and at times maddening cards in tarot. But here at Fortune's Wheelhouse we love the court cards in all their hard-to-grasp humanity, and we hope our discussion will help you in your own quest to come to terms with them. In this episode we discuss the esoteric structure of the court card system and its relationship to the face cards of the familiar poker deck. We talk about the ever-so-unfortunate divergence in nomenclature between RWS courts and Thoth courts, and about all the fourfold systems represented in the courts.
For the King of Wands (RWS) or Knight of Wands (Thoth) we come within scorching distance of the fiery part of fire! We consider his relationship to the 7 of Cups and the 8 and 9 of Wands, as well as to the majors Death and Temperance/Art. We talk of thunder and lightning, Hercules and Caesar, the mysteries of salamanders and black stallions and how His Speedy Swiftness makes us "Click to Buy"!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the fiery powers of Thoth Knights/Rider Waite Smith Kings, the sephira Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.
Feeling tired? overburdened? weighted down and leaden-limbed? welcome to the Lord of Oppression! In the 10 of Wands, cold, dry Saturn governs the final decan of the fire sign Sagittarius. The embers are fading here at the northern Hemisphere's winter solstice; a mere pinpoint of southern light at the darkest time of the year. Here the associated majors, Temperance and the World or Universe, combine in an uneasy duet of aspiration and enclosure.
In this episode we speak of the burden, the barrier, and the weight; the perils of "lust of result," and the 99% perspiration that goes into all creative acts. We find Hephaistos and Ananke, and a surfeit of ambition which can only be cured by compassion, when the 10 of Wands gives way to the Ace of Cups.
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the ripe transformation of the number Ten, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Mel and Susie get interviewed for the first time! about the Fortune's Wheelhouse podcast. Our host is Ryan Peverly of the Occulture podcast, which is - as you might guess - a show about the culture of esotericism. It's a wildly diverse production that includes magicians, alchemists, writers, bloggers, creatives and practitioners of all stripes. Ryan's style is probing yet irreverent, and you'll see that he has a gift for asking questions that draw out thoughtful answers.
If you've ever wondered about how we got started in tarot, or how Fortune's Wheelhouse began, our theories about what's going on in the oracular moment, or what it sounds like when we use esoterics in a reading, you won't want to miss this one!
In any suit the Nine is where the power of that suit is strongest, and in fact the Nine of Wands is known as the Lord of Strength. But it is a fluctuating, tensile strength, not a rigid one - the strength of our Moon who rules this second decan of Sagittarius. She can be said to rule all nines, in fact, making the 9 of Wands doubly lunar.
In this episode we speak of magic mirrors and equilibrium found in motion, the wisdom of adversity, the quiver and the bow, the arrows of Artemis and the justice of Persephone. We talk about the straight Path up the middle - and just how far you can go with a camel and a tent peg. And - because this card represents Mel's natal decan - we have a very special giveaway.
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the magic and power of the number Nine, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Lord of Swiftness, Lord of Speed, the 8 of Wands comes rushing in! Fast as the flight of the arrow, fleeting as the rainbow, it is here and gone. First decan of the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, it is ruled by Mercury, the speediest of planets. It is associated with the Magus/Magician and Temperance/Art, and there we detect the presence of that other messenger, the rainbow goddess Iris. Mercury, it can be said, also rules all eights, making the 8 of Wands doubly mercurial. The messenger is on the move: catch him - or her - if you can!
Here we speak of journeys outer and inner, new endeavors and bright ideas, knowledge gods, the widsom of the crossroads, the eightfold model of consciousness and the transmission of Will.
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the intelligences and systems of the number Eight, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Here is the renegade, the rebel heart, the iconoclast! Fearless and hotheaded, the 7 of Wands corresponds to the third decan of Leo, ruled by Mars. He is the lord of Valor, and his courage is that of the uphill battle. The adversaries are many - six against one! but glory and individual heroism are within grasp of his brute force.
This is our first experience, in the minor arcana, of the creative and off-kilter energy of the number seven. Since the seventh sephira belongs to Venus, we explore her in her warrior aspect, as well as in the goddesses Babalon and Nike. And we tip a tattered hat to Shakespeare's rascal Petruchio, bent on conquest of his shrewish Katherine.
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the ordeals and quests of the number Seven, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
And...after Strife comes Victory. The battle is over, the competition has concluded, and we have a winner! As with other sixes, the 6 of Wands finds us at a moment of harmony and recognition, poised between the intemperate trials of the 5 and the restless quests of the 7.
The 6 of Wands is associated with the Wheel of Fortune and Strength/Lust, and here we find the King of the Beasts astride the top of the Wheel, proud in his reign. It won't last forever, but for now we dwell in the heart of fixed fire, basking in the heat. We examine the meaning of bay laurel, and the solar and sacrificial gods associated with Tiphereth, the central sephira on the Tree of Life.
Join us for a victory parade full of crowned heroes, horses with a secret and ... naked swords!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the intrinsically harmonious character of Sixes, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Nobody ever said it would be easy, right? After the sweet respite of the 4, we now pass into the heat and fire of the 5 of Wands, where cold dry Saturn contends with the first flaming degrees of Leo. Here we find discomfort of volcanic proportions, the crust cracking over pyroclastic flow, the pressure cooker, the glass alembic taking form in the furnace.
We explore themes of war and war gods, the constructive and creative side of contests, the necessity of chaos, and the Mesopotamian, leontocephaline deity Zurvan, snakebound Lord of Time.
If this card makes you squirm and sweat, you're not alone. But what's the point of life without a bit of effort, after all? When we cease to strive, we fail to thrive!
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the disruptive nature of Fives, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
With the 4 of Wands we arrive at the final Aries card of three: from the ruthless drive of Dominion to the forthright rulership of Virtue to this, the sweet respite of Completion. Here Lady Venus (the Empress) reposes in her guest wing at the House of Aries (the Emperor), which is ruled over by her consort Mars. It is not her favorite house, but you can't deny there is a certain . . . chemistry at work on the premises.
We explore themes of completion, safe havens, the natural world in harmony with the built world, the ecstatic union of male and female, the closing degrees of a sign, and the curious dynamic at work when a benefic (Venus) find herself in the sign of a malefic (Mars).
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the stable nature of Fours, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Ah, the 3 of Wands, the 'Lord of Virtue.' But what even is virtue?
Here we find the Sun ruling the second decan of Aries, a place of exaltation for that golden sovereign of the sky. The ruthless initiative of the Two of Wands gives way to something better-regulated and altruistic in the Three. In this episode we talk about the formative aspects of Threes, the manner in which 'Will' evolves into 'Established Strength,' and what it means when the self comes into a sense of community. We talk about waiting, and the guest-host relationship.
And we talk about the way the Sun and the Emperor combine in this card to form a picture of civilized society.
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the nature of Threes, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Enter the Lord of Dominion! With the 2 of Wands we enter the first of the "decanic minors" - the cards numbered 2 through 9. Associated with the planet Mars, it is a card of unequaled force, assertiveness, and dare I say, masculinity. Mars presides over both the last degrees of Pisces and the first degrees of Aries (as well as ruling the whole sign of Aries): the spark that keeps in motion the engine that turns the wheel of the year.
We also discuss how the energies of the Emperor and the Tower blend in the 2 of Wands, there at the vernal equinox (or the autumnal equinox, for our Southern hemisphere friends).
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the father gods of Chokmah, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Happy New Year! Fortune's Wheelhouse is back with the first of the minor arcana, the effulgent, the scintillating, the ineffable and radiant Ace of Wands! The pulse of the Universe, the will to live, the hunger and the drive. The fuel is stacked and ready, the spark is deep within and waiting. Will you strike the match with us?
To learn more about the suit of Wands, the world of Atziluth, the creator gods of Kether, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
And here we are at last, at the Cosmic Dancer, the Anima Mundi, the Spirit of the World. Here we discuss themes of completion and rebirth, the many names of angels, the architecture of reality and the limits of our perception. We talk about the mystic return of the Daughter to the Mother, and the four creatures once again depicted on the corners of the cards.
With this episode, our conversation about the Major Arcana concludes. But thanks to our brilliant and beautiful patrons, we have met our Patreon goal! and will be continuing on through the minor arcana in the new year.
To learn more about the planet Saturn, the element of Earth, the Hebrew letter Tau or Tav, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Some call it Judgement. Some call it the Aeon. One thing's for sure - the next-to-last card in the major arcana is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. On one card we see an angel and the dead, arisen. On the other we see god-forms, emerging and dissipating.
Along the way we encounter themes of sleeping and waking, of cleansing, redemption, and purification - and above all, of Fire, the element associated with this card in the same way that the Hanged Man was associated with Water, and the Fool with Air. But it also serves double duty, associated with 'Spirit'. Defining "spirit" and interpreting this card are tasks of equal magnitude!
To learn more about the element of Fire, the Hebrew letter Shin, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
⊕ Light, Love, Liberty, and Life!
After our travels through lightning-struck ruins, starlit waters, and lunar mists, we have arrived in the clear shining light of the Sun! Here we find many signs of completion, health, and wholeness: the 4 elements, the 6 of Tiphereth, the 12 signs, the 22 Hebrew letters, the 36 decans - all these numbers can be found coded into the imagery of the Sun cards.
Along the way we will explore the mystery of the solar child, or solar twins, the frontal lobe, the horses of the sun, the sacrificial gods, the solstices and equinoxes, and so much more.
To learn more about the Sun - both the card and the 'planet', the Hebrew letter Resh, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Ruler of Flux and Reflux! Silvery queen of the night-shadows! Mistress of Sleep and Dreams! We have come to the lunar mysteries, where magic and uncertainty mingle, and only the psychopomp gods know their way through to the other side. Fish swim back and forth in the waters of the unconscious, falling and rising with the tides.
In this episode we have much to explore: the dog, the wolf, the crayfish, the khephra beetle; the gods Anubis, Wepwawet, Artemis/Diana, and Mercury. Along the way we stop at the 8, 9, and 10 of Cups - Indolence, Happiness, and Satiety - always watching what we wish for in this place of power!
To learn more about the Moon, the sign of Pisces, the Hebrew letter Qoph, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Star of wonder, star of night, star of hope and sweet delight! After the storm and fury of the Tower, we come to the sweet clear air of the Star. What form of the feminine divine does she express? What possibilities does she open for those who gaze at her across the distance? And why is she always naked?!
In this episode we talk about the Inanna or Astarte myth, the Star's travels in the underworld, the fylfot cross, the mysteries of the heptagram and the number 7, the 5, 6, and 7 of Swords as Defeat, Science, and Futility, and what waters it is that the Dweller Between the Waters dwells between.
To learn more about the Star, the sign of Aquarius, the Hebrew letters Tzaddi and Heh, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
The Blasted Tower! The House of God! The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty! If the Devil makes you recoil, the Tower makes you cower, shielding yourself from falling debris and karmic whiplash. But more importantly, what function does it serve, and for what freedoms do it storms clear the air?
In this episode we explore the awesome destructive - and creative! - power of Mars. Along the way we talk about Babel and Sauron and Abraxas and Dis; boars and wolves and lightning and thunder.
To learn more about the Tower, the planet Mars, the Hebrew letter Peh, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Sniff, sniff. Can you smell it? I swear there's a whiff of brimstone in the air. Feared, reviled, revered by some, he goes by many names. The Devil is associated with the letter Ayin (meaning "eye") and Uriel, the "sharpest-sighted spirit in all of Heaven."
In this episode we turn our own sharp gaze on Old Nick, from curly horn to cloven hoof. We interrogate his gifts of knowledge and mirth and his connection to the goat of Capricorn. We examine the 2, 3, and 4 of Disks and how Change, Work, and Power might fall in his diabolical dominion.
To learn more about the Devil, the sign of Capricorn, the Hebrew letter Ayin, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Temperance, the Great Reconciler! The Bringer Forth of Life! Everything about Temperance is a paradox, starting with the name. Is it to moderate and hold back, as in the alcohol-shunning era of temperance? Or is it to strengthen by enduring opposite extremes, as one tempers a sword?
In this episode we explore how fire and water, the divine and the mundane, the sun and the moon come together in alchemical union. We chase rainbows and we hunt for crowns, we consider hybrids and hermaphrodites and the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords.
To learn more about Temperance, the sign of Sagittarius, the Hebrew letter Samekh, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
The Unnamed Card, the Reaper, the Scythe, the Lord of the Gates of...Death. When you first started reading tarot, didn't he make you a bit nervous? Even if everyone told you he just represented 'Change'?
In this episode we dig into what 'Change' really means, and wrestle with Death's awesome powers of transformation. What exactly is he reaping? We consider issues of black and white, Nun the Fish in the Waters of Mem, the different incarnations of the Scorpion, the vital task of the dung beetle.
To learn more about the Death card, the sign of Scorpio, the Hebrew letter Nun, the color schemes of the cards, and so much else, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Straight from the bottom of the deep blue sea, we bring you the inverted one, the drowned Phoenician sailor, Odin hung upon the tree, the dismembered Osiris...he's a traitor to some, a mystic to others, but in all his guises the Hanged Man hears a different drum. In this episode we consider his themes of sacrifice, stillness, and altered consciousness. What secret vision does he pursue? What does he surrender in the cause of redemption?
To learn more about the Hanged Man, the element of Water, the Hebrew letter Mem, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
"Justice" and "Adjustment"! - They may sound similar, but when you think about it, there's two very different ways of looking at the world hidden within those two terms. In this episode we talk about that difference, the special relationship of Justice and the Fool, and the dance of Venus (ruler of Libra) and Saturn (exalted in Libra) in the card. We talk about the 2, 3, and 4 of Swords, and we crack up over some double entendres that are barely this side of decency even for us!
To learn more about the Adjustment/Justice, the sign of Libra, the Hebrew letter Lamed, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
The Wheel of Fortune, Omnium , Mistress of All! Impartial and unceasing, the Wheel carries us all in its rotation - some rising, some falling, but none motionless. In this episode we explore what Fortune brings and what Fortune takes away, the rise of Hermanubis and the fall of Typhon, the hand outstretched to receive, the palm raised to protect. We touch once again on the four Living Creatures of Ezekiel, those cryptic beasts on the four corners of the card, and we explore the kingship over fate represented by Jupiter/Zeus.
To learn more about the Wheel of Fortune, the planet Jupiter, the Hebrew letter Kaph, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Remote and profound, the Hermit lights the way with his eternal lantern. But there's more to him than meets the eye. Is he Father Time? Is he the Fool, all grown up? Is he Gandalf?! In this episode we talk about his connection with Virgo and Virgo's ruler, the divine messenger and traveler between realms, Mercury. We consider the 8, 9, and 10 of Pentacles; we talk about the mysteries contained in his gnarled hand and in the lamp it holds.
To learn more about the Hermit, the sign of Virgo, the Hebrew letter Yod, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Vestal Virgin or Holy Harlot? She's the 'Strength' card in the Rider Waite Smith deck and the 'Lust' card in the Thoth deck. How can we reconcile these avatars of purity and passion? Join the Daughter of Fortitude and your co-hosts as we travel the Path of the Flaming Sword to find out, visiting the 5, 6, and 7 of Wands along the way.
We talk about the role of Leo's lion, and by what power she controls it. We talk about the goddess Babalon, and her connection to the scarlet woman of Revelation. And we talk about innocence, promiscuity, and the aspects known and unknown of strong women.
To learn more about Strength or Lust, the sign of Leo, the Hebrew letter Teth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
It's The Child of the Powers of the Waters! The Lord of the Triumph of Light! Or, more familiarly, the Chariot.
Among the Major Arcana, the Chariot is one of those symbol-packed images that don't necessarily give you that much to work with at first glance. But the closer you look, the more there is.
In this episode, we talk about protection and momentum, motion in all directions, Merkabah mysticism, and that enigma of enigmas, the Sphinx. We talk about the 2, 3, and 4 of Cups and their relationship to the Chariot, and the powerful lunar presence in the card.
To learn more about the Chariot, the sign of Cancer, the Hebrew letter Cheth, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop.
Ah, the Lovers - that card which means everything you think it does, and nothing you expected.
Does your heart beat a little faster when you draw the Lovers? Do you feel a thrill of recognition? I bet you do, and yet you can't quite put your finger on that maddening, tantalizing magnetism.
In this episode, we talk about forbidden knowledge and dangerous choices, about swords and serpents, angels and twins. We talk about the Garden of Eden and its two Trees, and the Lovers' secret connection with those dark and enigmatic minors, the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords. (aka Jupiter in Gemini, Mars in Gemini, Sun in Gemini according to the Golden Dawn's astrological correspondence of the decans with the numeric minors.)
To learn more about the Lovers, the sign of Gemini, the Hebrew letter Zain, the color schemes of the cards, and so much more, be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content AND sign up for a chance to win jaw-dropping giveaway prize you are just about to hear about in the first few minutes of this episode.
You can also check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts and gear at
This week we bring you the Pontifex of Tarot, the Bridge Between Worlds, the Keeper of the Keys: the Hierophant, himself.
As we discover, the Hierophant is one of the most deep, layered, complex cards in the deck. We talk about the Dove and the Serpent (which, contrary to what you might expect, is not actually a pub for occultists), the Beasts of Ezekiel, that cryptic hand gesture, keys, wands, masks, and so much more. We consider his connection to the 5, 6, and 7 of Pentacles (and a hard lesson Susie learned from the 7!).
To learn more about the Hierophant, Taurus, the astrological terminology we use, the color schemes of the cards etc., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways.
This week of American independence, we bring you the King of Kings himself, the Burning Ram, the Cubic Stone, the Emperor!
In this episode, we look at the ram vs. the lamb, the significance of the color red, concepts of good government, his relationship with the life force represented by the Empress...and we tackle the Great Hebrew Letter Controversy of the Golden Dawn. He or Tzaddi? Window or Fishhook? Which side are you on?! We also explore his connection with the 2, 3, and 4 of Wands (Dominion! Virtue! Completion!)
To learn more about the Emperor, Aries, the astrological terminology we use, the color schemes of the cards etc., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways. And be sure to check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop!
Call her Venus, Aphrodite, Isis, Urania, Demeter, Gaea, or what you like - no matter what her name, she's still your Mother.
In this episode, we look at goddesses of love, beauty, fertility and generation. We talk about the moon, salt, the planting and the harvest. We consider themes of love and war, and the goddess as the Gate of Life.
To learn much, much more about Venus, Isis, the letter Daleth, the astrological terminology we use, the color schemes of the cards etc., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways. (This week's content for patrons includes Mel's explication of the correspondences and Susie's musings on girdles and Wonder Woman...)
And be sure to check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop!
"It's all about the Moon..."
In this episode we look at the High Priestess, or Priestess, card of lunar mysteries. The Priestess has long been associated with the Moon: its changeability, its magical nature, its watery influence, its threefold significance for women, its association with the intuition and secret knowledge, or even the unknown.
We explore her deep connections with the sacred feminine: the goddesses Isis and Hathor, the iconography of the Virgin Mary, and the Demeter and Persephone myth represented by the Empress and the High Priestess.
To learn much, much more about these goddesses, the Priestess' central position on the Tree of Life, and other lunar correspondences., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways.
And be sure to check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop!
In this episode we look at the Magician or Magus, and we explore his relationship with the messenger god, Hermes. Call him Hermes, call him Mercury, call him Thoth - the god of many names is also the god of prophecy, writing, divination, thievery, and magic. Here at his crossroads we explore the many faces of the trickster, his close connection with the sun, his will and his power, acting at the speed of thought!
To learn much, much more about Hermes, the Kabbalah, the Emerald Tablet, the astrological terminology we use, the color schemes of the cards etc., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways.
And be sure to check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop!
Fortune's Wheelhouse is a podcast about esoterics and the tarot. The show is hosted by Susie Chang and Mel Meleen.
The first 22 episodes are devoted to the 22 Major Arcana of the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth tarot decks. We look closely at the symbolism in each card and help you decode the meanings hidden in its cryptic details.
Our pilot episode is dedicated to the Big Zero, the Original Air-head, the Fool himself, and we take a very very close look at His Feckless Majesty. (In fact, Susie has yet to recover from her examination of the 'solar codpiece'.) We consider his mad divinity, his fecundity, his sacred purpose.
Upon first listening to Fortune's Wheelhouse, you may find yourself exclaiming "What on earth are they nattering on about! What is this Kether! What is this Atziluthic scale! What have I gotten myself into!" Nevertheless, persist! As the series continues, these terms will start to make more sense, and you may even find yourself flinging them about with occult abandon.
Meanwhile, we have lots of resources to help you navigate your way through the esoteric thickets: to learn much, much more about the Fool, the Tree of Life, the Golden Dawn, the astrological terminology we use, the color schemes of the cards etc., be sure to visit us at There you can explore lots of additional content and sign up for added features and shockingly good giveaways.
And be sure to check out our Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more at our RedBubble shop!