Tonight we are talking about targets and fades. Guys we like and guys we don’t. We have some listener questions too.
Ya Boy - July 22 and its episode 195and this is the Fantasy Football Auctioneer Podcast. The Fantasy Football Auctioneer Podcast is the official podcast of - the FIRST website dedicate d to Fantasy Football Auctions.
We have got a great show for you tonight. Tonight we are talking about targets and fades. Guys we like and guys we don’t. We have some listener questions too.
But of course, our analysts, are always here:
SLIM - He’s putting the finishing touches on his short game so we can bring the pain on the field at our 20 man golf trip next week. Slim… how’s the putter working?
BLISTR - He’s cranking out the premium pods. The WR premium pod is now online… Blistr your like a radio engineer now!
Cock The Hammer It’s Time For Action:
We have got a great show for you tonight. Tonight we are talking about targets and fades. Guys we like and guys we don’t. We have some listener questions too.
We Just Got A Letter:
@CommandoRandall - How do you go about budgeting for Superflex leagues? Follow up, how much would you bid on CMC in a super flex league?
@ChadParsonsNFL - How do you make custom values for your league?
@realkylekirby - Does the risk of Covid change your draft strategy at all?
Targets and Fades
Let’s look at each of the positions and name 2 to 3 guys we are targeting and one guy we are fading.
Rankings and Values: