On this week’s episode of Fanboys, the boys struggle to record an episode without Edgar, their beloved president, most trusted companion, and promotional material writer. If you want to hear them be very cruel to poor Edgar, who has been nothing but kind and generous to those ungrateful bastards, grab the full episode on The Hard Times’ Patreon! (https://patreon.com/thehardtimes) ALSO: are you in a shitty band? Want to hear the Fanboys try to say something nice about it? Submit your music to Edgar’s Twitter (https://twitter.com/EdgarTowner)! Be sure to check out this week’s featured artists: Blizzard of Al (https://blizzardofal.bandcamp.com/album/hate-the-sinner-love-the-sin-the-collected-cassingles-of-blizzard-of-al), The House of Wills (https://thehouseofwills.bandcamp.com/), Dr. Confusion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSEtac260oE), The Blunt Force Trauma (https://open.spotify.com/album/0LkEPzBmiets6CK2juGCaW?si=cO6fFzaKR1S97HzG4IXFLg&dl_branch=1&nd=1), Sunnydale High (https://open.spotify.com/artist/5w9NxkikQAOC80fGUOtpZ8), and This Book? (https://tinyurl.com/4pw4jjdv)