This podcast is about being present. It is also about playful creativity and other things like curiosity and connection. I’m your host Stacy Julian. I am a life enthusiast, a storyteller and a believer! Helping people document life in doable ways is my jam. I love to talk about people, places, things and solutions and I want YOU to be a part of the conversation. I produce these episodes to inspire you to live life and tell your story—because you have exactly enough time!
I love to learn and share about human flourishing and today on the podcast, I’m talking toys, creativity and the genius of play with my guest Anna Yudina, the Senior Director of Marketing Initiatives for The Toy Association. Anna is amazingly energetic, smart and generous and I know you’ll enjoy our conversation.
Listen to learn more about …
The Toy Association, its history and role in researching and providing for the needs of manufacturers, retailers and consumers of toys and entertainment.
How toys help meet the needs of trending demographics, like kidults and tweens/teens.
An interaction I had with my 3 year old granddaughter, Audrey that illustrates the role of imagination in healthy development.
The Genius of Play, a robust initiative to promote the benefits of play for all people.
I hope you’ll visit The Genius of Playand take advantage of the resources curated there. I know you'll walk away feeling more playful and better prepared to encourage and support playful activities that enhance emotional wellbeing. During our conversation Anna shared about the Emotional Wellness Playbook—but there is so much more, including a YouTube channel and a NEW podcast, Once Upon a Playtime. You can also follow along on Instagram and explore their Pinterest boards.
The stated Genius of Play mission is: to provide families with the information and inspiration they need to make play an important part of their child’s day. Through our website and social media channels, parents can find facts, useful tips and expert advice on how toys and play can help kids build confidence, creativity, critical thinking and other skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Plus, you can get ideas on how to keep playtime fun and fresh!
😉 The bottom line: Play is serious business and we’re not doing enough of it, so Anna is here to help—and be sure to stick around to the end to learn of two amazing resources for help with your holiday toy shopping!
Uplift Kids with Jon Ogden
Oct 05, 2023
I sat down recently with Jon Ogden, one of the founders at Uplift Kids to talk about the impressive and very helpful resource they’ve created to help parents teach their children values. Our children are growing up with access to global influences—for good and evil—and they are witnessing much division and contentious behavior.
A recent Uplift Kids Instagram post read, We’re too often walled off — from nature, from each other, from our inner compass. At Uplift Kids, we believe that one of the best ways to combat disconnection is through fostering connection at home.
I know you’ll enjoy our conversation and that you’ll be eager to learn more Uplift Kids. As I’ve poked around the website, I’m super impressed with the variety and quality of lesson materials. Jon and I talked through one of the many lessons that are available to members of Uplift Kids—one on Emotional Well Being, brimming color and easy-to-use ideas and illustrations. You’ll see here in the show notes, a chart of emotions, illustrated for children to understand and relate to.
It’s clear that much thought and intention goes into these amazing resources.
For example, to help kids better manage a range of emotions, you can teach them the acronym, F-E-E-L, where F: is Find the emotion, E: is for Engage with the emotion (name and locate it in your body) the second E: to help you Express the emotion in a healthy way and finally, L:Love the emotion or consider what it is teaching or how it is blessing you.
I am so grateful for my faith in Jesus Christ—a sure and solid foundation from which I have taught my children and encouraged qualities like kindness, honesty, forgiveness and charity—but many today are walking away from religious faith, which can leave parents and children feeling untethered. Thank goodness the team at Uplift Kids has created something for these families to turn to as a way to strengthen relationships and to navigate challenging times.
This week I have the privilege of visiting with my good friend, Shaun Brown who has just authored a children’s book, titled, The Best Ideas Come From God. Shaun writes about real people who have acted on heavenly inspiration to do important and historic things, and her much-needed message to the next generation is God loves you and wants to send his best ideas to help you!
I know you’ll enjoy hearing about Shaun’s creative process and that you’ll take encouragement to do the things you feel called to do!
Children need to know that God will help them in every part of their life. Learning how to listen for guidance from God is so important for safety and peace. Using examples from the lives of Harriet Tubman, George Washington, and others, this book illustrates how God has always helped his children and teaches children how to recognize when God is helping them.
“Ideas come from God. You cannot command the idea to come, it will come when it’s good and ready.”
— Albert Einstein
I’m all in on helping Shaun promote this book and its important message!
In Shaun’s own words: Since I was 14, I have known I would one day write books for children. As a full-time mother, I read a lot of books to children, but never tried to write. A few ideas came to mind over the years, and I stored them for the future.
Eventually, with my own children grown and starting their families, I found I had time to write. But where to begin. I made lists, I prayed, I bought books, and I prayed some more – looking for inspiration. Finally, into my mind came the title of my first children’s book “The Best Ideas Come from God.” Once I had the title, I searched for ways to tell a story that would help children realize God does love us and he wants to help us. I wanted children to know how to recognize when God is sending ideas. Some of my favorite people in history trusted God to guide them, so I decided telling their stories would be a great way to teach the truths I hoped to share … once I started writing, I found I needed someone to illustrate the book. I learned about the site called Upwork – an online marketplace for illustrators, graphic designers, and other very talented people. I began reviewing the portfolios of different illustrators and found Sonja, from Serbia. She was amazing to work with, so fast, and so responsive. I would send ideas and she would create the image I was envisioning. It was a treat to work with her and I am so grateful for her talents in helping make the book a reality.
I chose to self-publish with Amazon because the only investment was $10 for the ISBN code on the back of the book—plus my time in the writing, layout, and cover design of course!
Perhaps one day I will pursue a more traditional path to publishing, but for now I enjoy the process of bringing my books to life myself. There is incredible satisfaction in holding a book in your hands, that you know you created from beginning to end, with God’s help and the help of people he helped you find along the way.
Purchase a copy of The Best Ideas Come From God HERE Learn more about Shaun and the community newspaper she founded. Thanks for listening!
Uniting Families with Lovre Soric
Jun 22, 2023
A few months back I received an interesting email that resulted in an opportunity to interview Lovre Soric, who is creating an awesome solution set to help us in uniting families across time and miles.
Lovre hails from Croatia and works in California.
On a trip home he sensed a disconcerting disconnection developing between him and his distant family members. He knew there had to be something better than social media or email to stay connected and to share information and stories with his aging grandparents, mother, father and siblings. So with his degrees in engineering and business he decided to get to work.
Today you get to hear his story and perhaps even help him in his efforts to create a super-cool solution.
To learn more and help Lovre, click HERE and visit the Roots Family Newsletter homepage. Enter your email AND then let them know that Stacy sent you, or that you heard about them on Exactly Enough Time. This will result in a three month trial for FREE, so that you can create and personalize a family newsletter experience that works for YOU.
I’m going to give this a try with my Hall side. I talk regularly with my sisters, but don’t do a great job staying connected with my brothers AND as the nieces and nephews launch, I definitely want to hear what’s going on in their lives. I’m excited to take this newsletter solution for a test drive and share important feedback.
➡️ IF you have questions, you can email OR
I opened today’s episode with the song, Uniting that was performed by Adessa, Chad Truman and the One Voice Children’s Choir at the 2023 RootsTech conference.
Game Changer
Jun 15, 2023
My friend, Jessica Vincent is on the podcast with me today and I’m super excited for YOU because what she has created is quite literally a game changer.
Jessica is the founder of Positive Sports Communitiesand is right now hosting a super cool event, called Travel with Your Team Summit that features trainings from a panel of experts on everything from mental toughness and anger management to better sleep and saving on travel.
⚽️ 🏀 🎾 ⚾️ 🏐
Jessica Vincent from Positive Sports Communities
Once you’re registered you’ll meet people like Shawnee Harle, a two-time Olympian with 27 years of elite coaching experience and Nate Daniels a former professional football player, author, coach and entrepreneur. Everyone involved is qualified in a specific area of expertise! All of these phenomenal presentations include transcripts and many feature additional PDF downloads. For a small fee, you will be able to access a VIP pass that gets you extended access, bonus material and live sessions with panel members.
In my presentation, I am excited to share what I know will help busy parents manage the overwhelm created by hundreds of photos associated with just one tournament trip or big game!
Jessica’s hope overall is that this summit will help parents, players and coaches STAY HEALTHY, experience LESS STRESS and more POSITIVITY and create travel that is FULL OF MEMORIES.
The Travel with Your Team summit is FREE through June 18th, so you’ll want to click on the button and get registered.
During our conversation, Jessica mentioned Krista Miller’s course, Summit in a Boxand I opened this episode with Take Me Out to the Ballgame by The Hit Crew.
Today is Comeback Day!
Jun 08, 2023
It’s been just over six months—28 weeks to be exact and I’ve missed YOU—but, I’m back! Today, June 8th, 2023 is Comeback Day.
🎙️ Let’s Do This!
Episode 137 is short and sweet and chance to think about how we treat babies and how we feel about baby stories. In May, on International Scrapbook Day (and my birthday) I gathered with friends via Zoom to tell stories. I started with two photos of me taken during the summer of 1966 and pictured below …
As I spent time with these photos I thought about me as a baby, about my first steps and the look on my face. I thought about my Mom and the love and encouragement she always offered me. I’m so grateful to her for the bits and pieces of my early life that she saved. She also saved one of the very first stories I wrote and now, considering all the stories I’ve written it is a treasure to me. It too is pictured below …
We do not criticize or demand or ever even downplay the efforts of babies—or baby things, like stories. Instead, we champion them. We know they are beginners—that they are just starting out. They are new and unsteady and they need support and encouragement. Which of course is what everyone needs.
I am still a podcaster because I’ve decided to make today Comeback Day!
And, I’ve decided to come back to offer encouragement. I know that babies and baby things and all the grown ups need encouragement and I’m especially keen to encourage the photographer, memory keeping and storyteller in you. Exactly Enough Time is one more way I want to share ideas and inspiration for living your life and telling your story.
IF you’re glad I’m back, click HEREand write a review. Tell me what you have loved about Exactly Enough Time in the past and what you want to hear moving forward. I’d LOVE to hear from you. You could even use the SpeakPipe button here to leave me a voice mail—which I just might play on a future episode.
AND don’t forget: Code LISTEN gets you a free month in my Live Your Story membership. At the end of June, we’ll be kicking off our Summer season and you’re invited to watch our New Month Meet-Up! on my YouTube channel. Be sure you are a subscriber, so you’ll be notified. You can also watch my International Scrapbook Day hangout and make a page with me—the replay is already on YouTube!
I opened this episode with the song, Let’s Do This by the band, Outskrts
Time, Life & Self with Marla Beech
Nov 17, 2022
My friend Marla is a memory keeper, podcaster, self-connection coach and overall champion of living with intention and I’m tickled she is on my show today. Marla does many things, but the thing she feels most called to do right now is to teach tools of self care and improvement and she does this in an experience called Camp Connection.
Marla helps women put together a first aid kit for life—and I love how each item in this visual kit represents powerful concepts and practices. Listen for how a compass, binoculars, a magnifying glass and a field notebook can help you create the life you want and then show up as your best self to live it!
AND, be sure to download your FREE Connection Planner at and you can also save 50% off any class that Marla offers at—just use code STACY at checkout!
To learn more about and from Marla, you can listen to her podcast: Overburdened No More (I’m her guest with her in episode 71) and follow her on Instagram.
Janine Adams: Share with Confidence
Oct 27, 2022
Why do you think genealogy and family history are so popular? My guest today is Janine Adams and her answer is that it’s so much FUN, plus it connects us to past history in general and it invites you to play detective! Yes to all of that. Janine is a professional organizer, family historian and podcaster and we’re talking today about how to get started and stay organized when it comes to discovering and documenting family stories!
Here are my BIG take aways from our conversation. I can’t wait to hear what you learn …
Talk to your oldest living relatives. Ask them anything and press record on your smart phone.
Use or other online resources to verify the dates and information they share with you.
When you find verifying documents, download a copy to your computer. Name these file in a way that YOU can easily find it again.
Consider purchasing genealogy software designed for your computer’s operating system, so that you can keep, collect and organize all that you are learning and gathering. Janine uses Reunion, which is designed for use on a Mac.
Mine the documents you find for stories—there are MORE stories available than you might think and their lurking in all sorts of documents!
The important thing—even if you just dabble in this effort—is to be accurate. After our conversation, Janine wrote a blog post, called Sharing with Confidence. Track and record your sources and then generously share what you find, as often as you can! But don’t just share, share with confidence 🌳❤️
Podcast listeners are invited to experience 30 days of my membership, Live Your Story for FREE. Use code LISTEN and let me help you do something with some of your photos—and tell your story!
Colette Can Help!
Oct 20, 2022
I can’t wait for YOU to hear how I met Colette Hokanson, because it was a truly memorable moment. Colette is an absolute JOY to know AND, she can help you find and connect to your roots—because she is an expert when it comes to research, records and roots! If the word genealogy just feels overwhelming to you then the next 30 minutes could change your life.
You and me and everyone on this planet wants to know how they belong and it’s people like Colette than can help get you started on an amazing adventure to a more vibrant family tree and a deeper sense of knowing who you really are.
What if you learned that your great, great grandfather didn’t want to help build the wall around the church—a decision that ultimately led him to die in prison, leaving his (pregnant with twins) wife at home to raise their family. Trust me, there are stories available to you that are better than any Netflix series and they are your stories. Stories that will create in you and your kids resilience to keep doing your own version of hard.
Find, Follow & Connect
Colette’s website is Find My Genealogy and you can follow her on Instagram HERE. I would sign up for her newsletter and schedule a FREE consultation. You’ve got nothing to lose and LOTS of family to find!
As a podcast listener, you’re invited to experience your first month as a Live Your Story member at no charge. Use the code LISTEN and come and be a part of us.
Kobi Yamada & Ideas
Sep 15, 2022
Today on the podcast I get to tell the story of how I discovered Compendium, the makers of amazing, inspirational books, cards, and products. Far more important than that, I get to share with you the story of how Kobi Yamada—the President and CEO of Compendium—discovered and helped build into Compendium the inspiration that we all need and love.
YES. For reals. Kobi Yamada is on my show today!
As I listened to Kobi, I was reminded that idea people are super curious. They aren’t afraid of questions—in reality they put questions at the very center of what they do. Kobi clearly works hard, but I didn’t sense that he has a master plan as much as he chooses to live in gratitude with the constant reminder that we need each other. What is clear is that he and his company prioritize people, relationships and authentic connection and out of these values grows a whole lot of FUN and new ideas.
“As much as you can blend what it looks like to work and play; That’s going to be a wonderful place to spend your time. ”
— Kobi Yamada
I’ve always been intrigued with inspiration and ideas and Kobi deals in both—on the daily.
One of my take aways is that inspiration is fuel for aspiration. Powerful words create new thoughts and new ways of thinking about the world and our potential in it. Here’s another … practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes progress (so true.)
I know you’re going to enjoy listening and learning from my conversation with Kobi. I also believe you will feel encouraged to do something with your ideas. We spend too much energy wondering and worrying about what will happen to the idea when our true opportunity is to simply let our ideas go and watch how they can and do change the world.
Please thank Kobi for sharing his wisdom by visiting and learning more about books he has authored, co-authored or published.
Make sure you’re getting the Live-Inspired Newsletter, so that you won’t miss the release of Noticing and every other new book, gift or greeting card collection. I completely love my quote of the week emails from Kobi and his team!
I opened today’s episode with words from How To Get Ideas, by Jack Foster
Listeners of Exactly Enough Time can experience the Live Your Story Membership for 30 days at no charge. Use promo code: LISTEN
Slow, Quiet & Present
Jun 23, 2022
This month in Live Your Story we are asking, “How can I be more present with time?”
Time to truly ponder such a question seems as rare as the quest it proposes and yet if we don’t at least try to better understand where and how we spend time, we fail to fully experience life. I’ll tell you one thing I know for sure: The world with its cacophony of noise isn’t going to help us slow down and be quiet without our choosing those things and I want the ability to do both, frequently.
In today’s episode I want to dip my toe into the topic of time and the possibility that we can speed up or slow down our perception of it, that we can—even in a very noisy world—seek moments of quiet reflection and greater sensory awareness to more fully immerse ourselves in present moments.
I’m asking whether a “good time” is really the goal, or is it a “mindful time” that would allow us to experience and remember moments with greater enjoyment.
Join me for July or the full Summer season in Live Your Story! Use code LISTEN at checkout and you won’t be charged for the first 30 days. Come see what we’re all about.
I’ve been reading a column in our local newspaper, The Spokesman Review for over a year now and I LOVE it. The column, The Full Suburban is created weekly by Julia Ditto. Every time I read I think, “I want to learn to write more like Julia!” Her tone is conversational and her words are packed with accessible wisdom and so much wit. Finally I did the thing that might actually help me achieve this goal. I invited her on my podcast.
I know. Brilliant!
I think you’ll really enjoy our conversation and be able to take away encouragement to pay more attention to what you might consider mundane. Life truly is in the details and the pen is in your hand (shout out to Natasha Bedingfield who opened today’s episode) please don’t leave your life unwritten!
Julia mentioned this column as one of her favorites.
“Finding the funny is better than crying all the time.”
— Julia Ditto
There is so much more to learn from Julia and her column and I sincerely believe that the more you read what you aspire to write, the more you will be able to.
I’m actually doing a follow-up deeper-dive interview with Julia for my membership, Live Your Story. If you’re not yet a member, you can get signed up here.
In episode 130 I am telling you ALL about my new membership, Live Your Story.
My word for 2022 is IMAGINE and what I have been imagining has now come to life. My idea now belongs to so many others too—and I’m beside myself with anticipation for what we will build together. I’m inviting you to come build with us. Come help. Be a part of a new community of people who want to intentionally infuse life with more JOY and color. People who need support for the telling of personal stories—people who also want to lend that same support to others. Live Your Story already has my heart and I’m so excited to share it with YOU!
Please don’t close the book on the light you have to share. Choose to live and SHARE your story—you are important and worth the effort. I promise!
The short story, White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky which is decidedly melancholy, introduces us to characters that in spite of disappointment are real and honest and willing to honor the needs and wants of others and to search for the meaning in sadness because without it we cannot experience JOY. I LOVE the very famous quote …
“But how could you live and have no story to tell?”
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
🧡 Don’t forget to use code FIRSTFREE when you subscribe one month at a time. This way you can come check things out without spending a dime. I invite you to take Live Your Story for a test drive!
And, here’s the link to Julie Beck’s article in The Atlantic: Life Stories. I think you’ll also love learning more about Jonathan Adler, professor of psychology at Olin. His work is fascinating!
I opened today’s episode with Andy Grammer singing Masterpiece from his album Magazines or Novels.
A NEW Idea
Mar 17, 2022
It’s your lucky day—not only because it’s March 17th, but because TODAY I’m sharing with you my brand NEW idea. But first, St. Patrick’s Day …
🍀 On our menu tonight … 1. Corn Beef & carrots 2. Roasted cabbage 3. Hasselback potatoes 4. LOTS of other green food!
Everything I currently do and have done for years to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day—ALL the fun traditions—were are one point in time an idea. And idea that I read about or heard or found on Pinterest. I LOVE what ideas become.
Ideas are powerful. Ideas change the world.
Today I’m sharing FIVE things I think we ought to do with a NEW idea:
PLAY with it.
PROTECT it—but only for a time!
Give it PLACE (and space) in your heart and in your life to grow.
Make PLANS with it. Ask it LOTS of questions and write down the answers that come.
And finally, PUBLISH it.
That last one gets us, doesn’t it. Publishing an idea is a practice in vulnerability and so we think and say things like, “It’s not done yet or it’s too early, I need to perfect this idea” and what we can’t understand or don’t fully realize is that no idea fully develops in isolation. Ideas are finished AFTER they are publicly shared. It’s other people that help us progress and eventually perfect our ideas.
BIG and little ideas must be put into motion before they can make any waves! They must be exchanged with other idea-holders before they can be fully realized.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
— George Bernard Shaw
To this end, I am sharing my brand NEW idea today!
I have created a MEMBERSHIP, called Live Your Story and I want YOU to be a part of it—from the ground up—the very beginning!
Whether you are a new or longtime listener, you made your way here today and I’m giving you the chance to come experience a crazy, creative, colorful community of memory makers and storytellers.
Click HERE to learn more and then use the code: LISTEN to save $20 on the monthly subscription.
Essentially, you’ll get April for FREE!
Together we are going to LIVE our stories, by engaging with life and by intentionally inviting the inspiration we need to organize and document the details of life and preserve who we are in beautifully simple and impactful ways.
🍀 And PLEASE click this link to read and copy/paste the amazing essay on the magic of ideas by Elizabeth Gilbert. Seriously … Save it Share it Print it Liz’s idea about ideas is brilliant and true.
For the LOVE …
Feb 10, 2022
Jan 27, 2022
I’m in Disneyland this week. I’m here with my favorite Star Wars nerd (my son, Chase). We’ve officially experienced the planet Batuu and helped the Resistance in their rise against The First Order. In other words, we have had an amazingly immersive time—just as I imagined we would.
I thought last week—since this was my planned destination—I would talk about this one-of-a-kind place and share a few things I have learned.
I am NOT a Disney expert or even really an aficionado. I don’t own a single pair of ears. I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money for a T-shirt, and haven’t been here—in Anaheim, CA—for 8 years. But, I do love coming and I love what Disney stands for.
Imagineer, John Hench says it this way …
“What’s our success formula? It’s attention to infinite detail, the little things, the minor picky points that others just don’t want to take the time, money or effort to do”
Disney is in the details.
Nearly twelve years ago, my friend (and former business partner), Kayce and I attended The Disney Institute and for three days, we learned all about the history, vision and leadership behind this “most admired company in the world” and the 50+ years of magic that brings people back again and again.
Walt and Mortimer! No, wait … it’s Mickey, ha!
Have a listen as I share a few of the behind the scenes I’ve learned, then let me hear from you.
And, speaking of Disney, cue the pixie dust, because I decided that my 2022 word of the year is IMAGINE.
I’m super excited in 2022 to explore and then better practice my personal imagining. And, how serendipitous that I’ve been walking around for two full days (some 36,000 steps) in the still unfolding visionary details of what Walt imagined and began all those years ago.
““Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.””
— Walt Disney
It’s easy to imagine details we know will be noticed, but as I draw from Walt’s example and then think about my family, my home and my work, I want to also imagine and pay attention to the kind of details that make a huge difference in less obvious ways … like Disney trash cans!
A magical scene.
A magical clean!
“Give the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can!”
— Walt Disney
My New Year Nine
Jan 13, 2022
Today I’m sharing my New Year Nine!
In a pandemic-stricken world that has wrecked our sense of control, it’s nice to know that we are very much in charge of LOTS of life-extending and life-enhancing factors. Today I’m exploring a list of “control centers”
A few years ago I listened frequently to podcasts from Peter Attia—a medical doctor who specializes in longevity. In one particular episode (that I haven’t been able to locate) he shared a list of 8 things humans have control of that directly effect their vitality and longevity. I still have this list in my Notes app. I like the simplicity of his list and the reminder that we make choices every single day that influence our well being.
Dr. Attia inspired me to make my own list, that I’ll now be calling my New Year NINE — as I head into 2022—there are nine areas of my life that I have total, empowering and liberating control over.
I decided I have exactly enough time for a podcast episode this week.
AND, it’s great to be back because I had a recent experience that is shaping how I will approach this 2021 holiday season and I can’t wait to share it with you.
I’m certain you’ve seen and probably followed a large vehicle bearing an Oversize Load banner before. Imagine if as we moved through our days and interacted with people we could see an indication of what kind of load they were carrying?
I was invited this year to participate as an influencer with the Light the World campaign and since this is one of my FAVORITE ways to celebrate December it took about 3 nano seconds for me to accept. You can easily come along on this light-filled journey. Start by printing the calendar below—but don’t limit yourself to these daily suggestions. The whole idea is to be YOU and to intentionally let your light shine so that together we can lessen the collective load. Our recent history has been heavy for sure, but there are things we can do!
If like a sweet friend of mine you are personally carrying an Overside Load—try even brief moments of outward focus—these efforts can be healing.
Start small by planning random acts of kindness—just one a day—and then keep track by writing in a journal or building a kindness chain. I cut small strips of paper and keep them on my kitchen window sill. This helps me remember. Yesterday, on my second trip to the grocery story (I forgot garlic and sour cream) I asked Dana the checker what her favorite candy is (M&Ms) and I bought her a bag. She must have said, “Thank you” 5 times!
“There is this: Getting up each day and going towards love & kindness & other things that take the hurt away & and if it’s not always easier to go that that, that’s never been enough of a reason for me to stop.”
— Kai Skye (Brian Andreas)
Near the end of a recent small group class on building emotional resilience, we gathered items to take to three local urgent care locations. We wrote notes (of course) but we also recorded a short video message—linked it to this QR code—and dropped the baskets off.
Again, to see the appreciation on (masked) faces of people who have extended themselves in heroic ways during this pandemic is clear evidence that simple recognition is a powerful form of service.
My final thoughts today are developing into an analogy about how our individual efforts and influence across time and space (think tiny stars) create patterns or constellations of kindness; in our own lives for sure, but also in far reaching ways—even across a vast sky. Just do the good you can, as often as you can and trust that you are a much needed point in a bigger picture—one that may help others navigate a difficult journey!
Looking for a transcript of this episode? Click here to download.
Sep 09, 2021
Today I’m sharing a few changes in my life—new opportunities—that have and will require a shift in priorities.
I have actually loved —for a LONG time—the idea of understanding values, creating priorities and using both to improve personal productivity. I often say that this podcast isn’t about productivity, but it is about being present in your life, because you create the time you need to do and share what you LOVE most of all.
In a way, Exactly Enough Time is all about prioritizing what matters!
Way back in 2007-ish, inspired by Todd Henry, I created a personal 6-word bio:
Teaching Awareness and Gratitude, Sprinkled with FUN!
It’s interesting how what I wanted to be known for then is still true today. These six words are in fact closely aligned with my top priorities. And now, as I am choosing to take on new teaching roles I’m working to remind myself of principles that have guided me in the past.
I’m always curious what people “Google” about different topics. So, I googled “priorities” and I’m sharing here a screen shot of the most popular queries. I like the first one: What are your top 3 priorities in life?
That does seem like something you might want to know and stick to doesn’t it? I do hope as I ramble on today with some recent personal experiences and decisions that you might feel inspired to think carefully about how you are investing your …
Time & attention
Money & resources
Energy & focus
“I can tell by looking at your bank account and your calendar what you care about. Because that’s where you spend your time and your money.”
— Dave Ramsey
In doing some learning and research (again) I’ve come across some “old” favorites, like Dave Ramsey, Stephen R. Covey and (already mentioned) Todd Henry—clearly you can learn more about these awesome humans, their influential work and philosophies on prioritization and solutions on your own, by their books and all, but …
HERE and HERE for Dave Ramsey HERE and HERE for Todd Henry and HERE for Stephen R. Covey
I first learned Covey principle at a Franklin Time Management seminar—before Franklin become Franklin Covey. I’ll never forget the process we were all guided through as we determined our top priorities and finally our TOP priority. It was the first time I was introduced to the idea of urgent and important.
For this episode I learned more about this idea and its genesis. It is originally the Eisenhower Principle and has now become one of the most popular and powerful time management tools in organizations and business.
⏰ You’ve likely seen this principle set up in a matrix—or quadrant—where you can visually see or list items on your to-do list as important and urgent (do these first), not urgent but important (plan to do these things), urgent but not important (delegate as many of these things as possible) and not urgent and not important (eliminate these things)
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Because of his exploration and writing on color, I have to share this quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He will always be a favorite of mine!
Priorities really do matter. As I outlined my thoughts for today, I realized that mine are clearly represented at the top of my Instagram account …
Faith 📖 Family ❤️ Color 🎨 Nature 🌿 Whole Food 🥑 + Chocolate 🍫 & Story 📒
These are the things I care most about, strive to focus on and love to share—always!
I have TONS to learn—especially as I take on new roles and try new things, but some things don’t change and I like that. I will always LOVE ideas 💡and I will always LOVE sharing ideas.
All of this to say that I will continue to produce this podcast, just not weekly. I need right now to let go of a weekly deadline. I so appreciate listeners who will stick around! If you want to know when new episodes are available, you can subscribe on iTunes, follow me on Instagram or sign-up for my newsletter—just go to my homepage and scroll down. LOOK for this green box and enter your email address!
As always, I’d LOVE to hear from YOU. Please stay in touch!
🎙I opened today’s episode with the song, Yes! by songwriter Tim Myers. The lyrics are here!
Audio Stories for Kids
Jul 29, 2021
One of the main reasons I started a podcast is to share ideas. Sometimes these ideas just happen to also be products and today I have an amazing idea and story-based product to share with you. I am chatting with Drew Vernon, marketing director for Tonies, USA, but this is not a sponsored episode. Drew and I have similar passions for creative play and screen-free storytelling that develops a young person’s imagination. We both love inspiring creativity in kids and adults and of course for me, it’s always about stories and connection. I think you’re really going to enjoy Drew and this conversation which is a chance to learn about a product that should be championed and shared.
So, what exactly is this product that promotes ALL of these things? It’s a Toniebox. In simple terms it is a box that even very young children can learn to use which plays audio when you attach a small figure, called a Tonie.
There are content Tonies for dozens of beloved characters, from classic literature to Disney movies with more on the way. In fact, Winnie the Pooh was just added! And Tonies is continually partnering with companies—like Go Noodle and with expert personalities—like LeVar Burton—to provide top notch content and an inspiring and elevating listening experience.
Even with all of this amazing content, I am still a BIGGER fan of the Creative Tonies (little pointy-eared figures) that work with a FREE app to allow a grandparent (or any other loved one) to send messages and stories to a child. The Creative Tonie also allows kids to create their own content. Drew talks about giving his kids some creative parameters that unleashed 45 minutes of imaginative play—so cool! And, I can just imagine recording my voice sharing a personal, family or family history story in my app and having that instantly made available and enticing to my granddaughter and future grandkids!
“Audio stories take children on a journey from consuming to creating. First they create active listeners and then they turn those listeners into authors. ”
— Drew Vernon
IF you’re a teacher, learn more about Tonies for Teachers and sign up to be in the loop moving forward!
🔴 Marketing from Tonies: Childhood is a sacred, precious time in life. Even long after we’ve grown, the memories we make in childhood have the power to transport us back to a time or place or person to re-experience what we felt in that moment long ago. The stories we fall in love with in the early days and years of our lives transcend simple entertainment, they seed powerful memories and spark nostalgia. They teach us about the world and about each other. They become a part of a narrative we carry with us throughout our lives.
Meet the Founders We are Patric Faßbender and Marcus Stahl and we created tonies with one thing in mind: our kids. Childhood should be a magical time full of big adventures and loveable memories. We wanted to create a way for kids to experience storytelling in a digital age, that stimulates their imagination in ways that a screen can’t. We made the Toniebox for kids (and parents) who want to feel good about their entertainment at home and to bring back imagination in its purest form. We built tonies to be an immersive, wondrous experience you can feel good about, but more importantly a community you can be part of now and for many years to come.
With quality screen-free audio, we can actually enable our kids as active learners so that they can develop the imagination to become the thought leaders and entrepreneurs who will drive innovation in the future.
Click HERE to learn about LeVar Burton’s challenge and contest—AND—be sure to visit and take advantage of the promo code toniepodcast to save yourself 15% on any purchases you make!
AND, Great news. I also have a Toniebox to give away! To make yourself eligible for a random drawing, please leave a comment below. I’m off to a young women’s camp next week, but I’ll be back to tell you more. Make sure you’re following me on Instagram @stacyjulian for all the details.
One more thing: Kind of a side note, but Drew is producing a podcast, titled Childhood with his young daughter, Audrey. It’s pretty special. You might want to listen!
☀️ REMEMBER: I am taking August OFF with my podcast, but I will be back on Thursday, September 2nd. Enjoy this month and use it to have more FUN. Be intentional with your opportunity to play, refresh and reset for fall.
Pioneer Day
Jul 22, 2021
I descend from pioneer stock. This means almost ALL of my ancestors on both sides of my family emigrated to this country as it was expanding west from colonies into territories and eventually states. Many of these ancestors were early converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and came to America in an effort to gather with other saints (or members). They came by ship and by train and then they worked their way across the west by covered wagon and handcart—they from Denmark, Scotland, England and Germany to the unsettled areas beyond the Rocky Mountains.
July 24th is Pioneer Day. The day that the first group of “saints” reach what is today, Salt Lake City. In Utah, Pioneer Day is a BIG deal. It is also a day that members of my church love to celebrate—regardless of where we live.
Today I’m going to tell you the story of Ann Temperance George—one of these pioneers. I’m also going to tell you about a local Trek event that my daughter and other teens participated in last weekend. I will also share a poem that one youth wrote.
16 Miles, 233 Smiles Gretchen Carter
My feet sending up thick clouds of dust. Flanked by my family who held my trust. Sweat beading on my forehead, my tired legs feeling like lead. Muscles aching from pushing along. But the help of God has made me strong. The Spirit bonding us in unity, the youth of Zion a strong community.
A powerful love for the pioneers, with their faith in God chasing all fears. Lifting my chin as I pushed the handcart, I felt the Spirit speaking to my heart.
Women's Pull singing "There is Peace in Christ.” Tears in my eyes thinking of His sacrifice. Times when I thought I just might quit, I was reminded that I could do it.
My ancestor's hand was on my back. Proof that He's there, keeping me on track. I strive to let go of all my doubt, all the times I thought of backing out.
I realized I needed Christ to feel peace. I decided my doubt would now cease. Never in my life has God left my side, I must not leave Him, I complied.
Trek has been full of great faith and great fun. Even through the dirt and dust and hot sun. In the place of my ancestor made me realize, the faith of the pioneers never dies.
It sings in our hearts as we walk the trail. To our ancestors and Christ do we hail. Never forget the experiences we faced, don't let the Spirit we felt go to waste.
Not after we trekked sixteen miles, angels watching our 233 smiles.
After sharing my story, I have 3 take aways for YOU:
Tell your story. Everything I know about Ann George Doney I know because of someone else. I have Ann’s story (gratefully) through other people, who knew her or shared experiences with her. I think often how amazing it would be to have even a few lines that she herself wrote.
Do some family history. Who are your pioneers? Who pushed ahead to change the course of your family line’s story and future. Who was your first ancestor to get a college education or to travel for work or run for political office or serve in a war?
Share the why behind your faith. A personal story based in WHY is always a powerful thing. People can question or criticize what you choose to believe, but they cannot argue with personal conviction or feelings that motivate your faith-based choices. Share your faith-filled why—especially with youth who are making their way in the world.
Just for FUN and because I found it on YouTube, here is a short video that highlights statistics of early Mormon pioneers mixed with images that depict modern pioneers.
It’s true that we all pioneer in our own unique ways and that is something to recognize and document!
Jul 15, 2021
I recently stayed at my brother’s house and picked up an issue of National Geographic and read an article titled, Why Travel Should be Considered an Essential Human Activity by author and speaker, Eric Weiner. I loved reading his thoughts on travel and decided I wanted to share some of my own go-see-do AND learn experiences in today’s episode.
I started by opening my Notes app and adding to list I started last year of ALL the places I’ve been. Next to each I want to briefly describe an experience or take away from my time there. Of course anyone can do this, but most people never will. I get it. We’re busy. But I also believe there are ways to document—even personal ways—that can be worked into the busiest of days. At the end of the episode I’m inviting you to join me for a NEW online class, called Quick Trip Travel (so stay tuned).
So, as I was doing a little digging for an opening song, I came across Brenda Tharp, her photography and blog. I loved this from her …
Changes in latitude, changes in attitude … I have always loved that phrase in Jimmy Buffet’s popular song. When we move about the country or world, the changes in our latitude bring about changes in our attitude. How could they not? We are experiencing new scenery, new ways the light illuminates the land, possibly new birds and animals. We are meeting new people, having fresh experiences, and I don’t know about you, but this always opens my heart and soul to see and appreciate the places I visit.
My opportunities to travel a bit—both inside the United States and abroad—have changed me. What I have seen has amazed me and often challenged my thinking. People and cities and museums and historical sites help me shape new thoughts and beliefs. I’ve stood in Trafalgar Square and at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. I’ve sat in the shade of the Golden Temple in Kyoto, Japan and I’ve been in Nelson Mandela’s house in Soweto, South Africa. I’ve floated a river in Belize that winds through dark caves and jungle. It doesn’t really matter where I go or what I do. Each time and in every place I understand more clearly what I do NOT know, and as counterintuitive as it sounds, I really like that. In fact, this is the main reason I still want to travel—a lot. Especially after a pandemic that has threatened our wanderings. I’ve admired too many people and cultures that I had previously only known in text books or on Wikipedia pages and I’m simply not done learning about and exploring this BIG, strange, beautiful and inspiring world that we live in.
“Travel is not a rational activity. It makes no sense to squeeze yourself into an alleged seat only to be hurled at frightening speed to a distant place where you don’t speak the language or know the customs. All at great expense. If we stopped to do the cost-benefit analysis, we’d never go anywhere. And yet we do. ”
— Eric Weiner
My hope is that something I share today will inspire you to plan a trip—to the lake, to a national monument or park or to a new country halfway across the world.
📸 Of course what I most want to do is help you document some of the travel-related pictures you’ve already taken and some of the thoughts and experiences you don’t want to forget. This is why I’m inviting you to join me for Quick Trip Travel —my latest online class. Unlike my yearlong courses this class doesn’t require tons of time and is totally affordable. In it I will share step-by-step my FAVORITE method for quickly documenting trips and travel. You’ll decide what size album you want to create and I’ll show you how to build your own kit from new purchases or your stash of pretty papers and embellishments. IF you don’t want to expand that kind of energy, you can purchase a Story by Stacy Short Story kit from Close To My Heart and know that you have everything you need.
Watch this video and then use this LINK to learn more and know that as soon as you register, you can begin preparing with materials posted in the classroom. IF you have any questions, don’t be shy. Reach out. Email me or send me a DM on Instagram @stacyjulian .
❤️ I opened this episode with the song, Changes in Latitude … by the legendary Jimmy Buffet AND, I played a SpeakPipe message from Julie F. who will be receiving a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line with Close To My Heart.
Chanelle Nielson
Jul 08, 2021
I have a new friend to share with you today. She is Chanelle Neilson and she is a life coach who helps women and particularly moms with a side hustle who want to organize their day and find balance between family and personal goals. As a mom of 5 kids, Chanelle knows that motherhood has its challenges—that’s why she is passionate about helping moms simplify so they can prioritize what matters and define success for themselves. She is the former host and creator of the popular Moms Who Know Podcast and the author of Parents Who Know, which has been translated into Chinese.
LOOK! I arrived home and found a small package from Chanelle. She sent me her favorite dark chocolate bar. You can learn more here.
When I got home today from a long drive and found a package from Chanelle—with dark chocolate inside—I knew that I had done a very good thing in bringing her on the show, ha!
But, in all seriousness, I’m a BIG champion of the recommendations that Chanelle makes during our conversation. Here are a few that really jumped out at me …
You must begin any endeavor—especially where balance is important to you—with your own declaration and definition of what success looks like!
Get rid of distraction. When you are working, work. When you are with your family, be with your family. Chanelle uses the Facebook News Eradicator which replaces your entire news feed with an inspiring quote—how cool and freeing is that?
Create memorable moments with children and family members. No one can realistically be available to others 24-7, but you can in very intentionally ways create focused moments that send the message, “YOU matter to me!”
“When juggling as much as you are, remember that some balls are glass and some are rubber. You can’t drop the glass balls. ”
— Nora Roberts
Of course the main take away—that I can’t seem to take away enough is that I need to take care of me first. Always. Not in a selfish way, but in a way that actually always and empowers me to be more generous and giving and better equipped to do the things I’ve been called to do. The things that I’m passionate about.
I think after listening you’re going to want to get to know Chanelle even more and you can do that best over on her Facebook page, Chanelle Neilson Coaching. Chanelle also mentioned Jessica Jackson’s podcast, Thriving in Motherhood which I will be checking out very soon!
Tech Stories
Jul 01, 2021
I have this cute air freshener that hangs in my car that says, “Do more of what makes you forget to look at your phone!” The other day I was thinking how absolutely absurd that would have sounded to someone living before the year 2000. I mean why on earth would they be looking at their phone or perhaps not wanting to look at it too much?
As we daily navigate this constantly evolving and advancing digital and media-rich world, we are witnesses to unprecedented technological changes AND change is always the genesis for story.
Today’s micro show is an opportunity for you to think about your personal tech story. What are the moments, events, purchases and interactions that are most memorable looking back now and what are the details you don’t want to forget in the future?
📲 Does anyone else remember memorizing their phone number and actually “dialing” it on a rotary phone? How about when buttons replaced the dial, or the first time you experienced caller I.D.? Today I use my smart phone to pay for my groceries, to take amazing photos and capture and edit video, to listen to books and podcasts, to text family and friends and post to social media. I make all of my appointments—with reminders and alarms and keep notes on all kinds of topics. I also … oh yeah, make calls!
My hope is that what I share might spark memories and ideas for you, so that you will open that Notes app and start documenting your tech story. What are the gizmos and gadgets have you geeked out over and what changes have you seen come and go? What tools, devices and modern conveniences have you lived without and yet now become dependent on? When is the last time you tried to explain something to a parent or had someone younger try to explain something to you?
Here’s a little video flip-through of a layered story in my scrapbooks. I call this concept Extended Story and I designed and developed products with Close to My Heart that make compiling LOTS of photos and juicy details into a cohesive and interesting whole.
The BEST way to learn more about Extended Stories is to purchase the Storyteller How-To book, which actually reviews each of the concepts in my Story by Stacy line. It’s full color and a steal of a deal at just $9.95.
❤️ Thanks for listening! Let me hear from YOU. I want to help you gather and document pictures and stories across time!
Summer Reading with Hillary Hall
Jun 17, 2021
In truth this episode is about so much MORE than summer reading. What memories do you have of your local library? Who taught you to hold a book and how to read? Think about the way you use reading, writing, listening and learning to engage with the world? Would you like to more easily find books for your child/teen and help them fall in love with reading? Have you ever wanted to just pick the librarian’s brain?
📚 This is your lucky day. All this and summer reading today with my amazing sister, Hillary in episode 118.
Hillary Hall is a teacher librarian and a wealth of information when it comes to literacy and books—at least she is my go to when I have questions—and I have wanted to have her as a guest for a very long time. She is married to my brother, Cougar (who I interviewed in episode 45) and she works at her local middle school where she creates the library experience and curates the collection for over 1400 students + teachers.
I love the quote that Hillary paraphrased when she talked about literacy in our rising generation …
““...adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than at any other time in human history, They will need advanced levels of literary to perform their jobs, run the households, act as citizens, and conduct their personal lives. They will need lieteracyto cope with the flood of information they will find everywhere they turn. They will need literacy to feed their imaginations so they an crate the world of the future. In a complex and sometimes even dangerous world, their ability to read will be crucial. Continual instruction behind the early grades is needed?”
— (Moore, Bean, Birdyshaw, & Rycik, 1999, p. 3) Content Area Reading in What's New in Literacy
After you listen, you’ll want to check out these resources …
Once Upon a Book Club Creating the ultimate reading experience that allows readers to fully integrate into a book by opening notes and small gifts specifically paired for particular parts of a story—AND—giving them a "Book Club" community, where they can log onto Instagram and discuss the book with other members each month. There is something magical about turning words of a book into an actual physical object. It's like bringing the book to life @onceuponabookclubbox on instagram
Owl Crate Choose a 1, 3 or 6 month plan and then anticipate a new book, high quality book-ish items and special exclusives from the author. Each box has a creative theme that ties everything together. Such a great way to send the message to a young person that reading is a gift—it matters!
Fairy Loot This monthly book subscription is for lovers of fantasy in particular—subscriptions are currently on hold (probably due to high demand) but, there is a waiting list. When your new book arrives you can also participate with online read-a-longs and hear special interviews with authors.
Novel List Has been connecting readers, books and libraries for over 25 years—and their blog is full of ideas and additional resources to make the most of your reading. Did you know that June is Audio Books month?
If you’re deciding what to read next, you’ve likely heard of Good Reads because that’s what they do—give decidedly insightful recommendations and access to ongoing discussions around the books you’re curious about.
I LOVE the tagline at Common Sense Media—it says, “Reviews for what your kids are into (before they get into it!)” And they means books, TV & movies, apps , video games and more! If you’ve been wondering IF you should let your teen read or watch something, now you can find out!
OverDrive allows you to read FREE audio books and videos through your local library and school, using their app, Libby. For Android and iOs
In addition to these resources, I asked Hillary to share a handful of books that she loves and recommends—for young—and not so young—adults …
I LOVE how Hillary remind us that books are both windows and mirrors in their ability to show us another person, place, time or view and that they often introduce characters in whom we see a reflection of ourselves—we relate in some way to them through our own personal experiences and challenges.
If you have already read or choose to read (or listen) to any of these books, I want to know! Leave a comment here or reach out to me. Use the contact form at or send me a message on Instagram @stacyjulian AND, thank you for listening!
Paige LOVES Paper!
Jun 10, 2021
My friend Paige happens to LOVE paper—a LOT—and that will make more sense after you listen to my intro, but truly, you are in for a huge treat today because I am sitting down with Paige Taylor Evans to talk about her journey to here and her amazing and distinctive memory keeping style.
Paige Evans has been scrapbooking since she was 16 years old when she got her very first job at a local scrapbook store in Redmond, Washington. It’s now been 20 years and she loves what she does as much today as she did back then. Known as Paige Taylor Evans across social channels, she has 12 signature scrapbooking collections with American Crafts and a 13th which will be released next week! She has taught classes in 7 states and 9 countries. In her own words, her “jam” is teaching others how to create eye-catching & colorful layouts as well as mini albums and coptic bookbinding.
Paige resides in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado with her husband of 14 years, their son Fox, and daughter Jane. The Evans boast a menagerie of pets, including Joey the dog, Rachel the cat, and a bunny named Phoebe. Paige is dedicated to living her dream of creating something every day!
GREAT NEWS: Paige will be releasing her next collection—next week on June 16th—so make sure after you listen that you’re following her so you don’t miss anything.
Who wants to have ✨MORE FUN✨ with photos this summer? Awesome. This listen is for YOU! I have FIVE ideas to share. Let’s go!
Create a Re-Take This is my number ONE idea because it is EASY and can be entirely hilarious. Your kids or friends and family members are almost always “game” because it feels like a game.
Start by looking back through older summer photos—your favorites—and find one or two or ten that you could “re-take” this year. Then when the time or location presents itself see how close you can get to recreating what once was!
The photo here is a 2016 re-take that celebrates a much earlier version taken in 1994. I’ll scan and add that original when I find it!
Click to enlarge
Dear Photograph This idea is to return a photo to its original setting and take another photo. The original photo here was taken on the 4th of July in 2007 at my parent’s home and then just before they moved in 2016, I printed that photo, took it with us and on the 4th of July lifted it up in that original setting and took another picture—this concept, website and book are the brain child of Taylor Jones. You can buy the book HERE.
Click to enlarge
Make it Monochromatic Here’s the gist: Let everyone know what COLOR you’ll be wearing and then add in props that match! We did this last summer in my FIVE happiest colors of Red, Turquoise, Yellow, Orange and Green and it was oh so silly and exactly what we needed.
🌈 THIS all started when my friend, Heather sent me an Instagram DM on May 1st, 2020. What she shared changed our summer.
Learn more about family documentary photographer Rowena Meadows by clicking on her name.
Click to enlarge
The Flat Stanley Project, developed by Dale Hubert connects kids to new locations and new people. Why not borrow this idea and use it when you travel. Bring along someone you LOVE!
Bring Someone—or something—with YOU! In Flat Stanley fashion, enlarge someone’s face—maybe a family member or even a funny photo of a famous person—attach this photo to a paint stick and take them with you. Whenever you are and whatever you are doing, when it’s time for the group photo, pull out your flat friend and make them a part of the experience.
You could also select an easy prop like cheap sunglasses, colorful hats or a sign or some kind to add to your celebrations—to mark them as part of your summer adventures. My family will be posing with a letter “J” and wearing cheap sunglasses in YELLOW (of course!)
Shoot in Silhouette You’ve seen them before and their quite often stunning—so why not decide to create your own—as often as you can this season. Try to remember two things really—SUN & SHAPE—because a silhouetted photo is shot into the SUN (or light source) and because it is more visually interesting when the outlines has a unique shape—these photos don’t document the details of facial expression, but can be just as fun, are super eye catching and fun to share. Check out these 10 Tips for Taking Stunning Silhouette Photos with an iPhone 📲
OK, that’s it. The whole idea is to decide ahead of time what kind of photos you want to capture. Make this effort a part of your summer planning and creative workflow, so that in a few months you’ve got something really FUN to DO something with.
☀️📸💦🍉 Intentional playfulness is the secret and I’m excited to hear if you take me up on any of these ideas OR if these ideas inspire something memorable and unique for you.
I want to hear!
AND … don’t forget to tell me about your favorite summer books—for my upcoming Summer Reading episode.
🎙IF you like this podcast, please subscribe and leave a review on whichever podcast listening app you use!
The Time Consuming, Frivolous & Mundane
May 27, 2021
Today’s show invites exploration of the awareness and authentic happiness found in things that don’t make sense. The next time you think, this will take too long or I really shouldn’t spend my money on that, or this isn’t the best use of my time—stop and ask yourself WHY you think those things?
“I fear we sometimes forgo immediate, positive results in exchange for sensibilities based on eventualities that may not even occur. ”
— Me (I said that!)
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be thoughtful and intelligently investigate options when it’s very important. I am saying that it simply cannot be very important ALL the time, so let go (sometimes) and decide to leverage present JOY by losing track of time, being a little silly or relishing the ordinary.
I will specifically talk about the following efforts:
Homemade Mayonaise
Potting Flowers
Using Decorative Napkins (all the time!)
Cleaning Under the Sink
Painting the Stairs (Pinterest style)
🥚 As promised, here’s my recipe for mayonnaise
1 (warm) Egg 1/4 Cup Avocado oil 1/2 tsp. Dry Mustard Pinch of Salt Combine these ingredients in a food processor and then (slowly) add 1 additional cup of avocado oil. When mixture is fully emulsified you can add the juice of 1/2 fresh lemon if you like—and a tad more salt if desired. Yes, it takes a little time, but it’s 100% worth it.
“It has taken awhile, but I certainly do know it now – the most wonderful gift I had, the gift I finally learned to cherish above all else, was the gift of all those perfectly ordinary days.”
— Katrina Kenison
These are my colorful “Pinterest” stairs. I LOVE them and they send me happy vibes every time I walk up them! If you were to throw caution to the wind and paint something bold, what would it be? Could you grant creative license to a child or teen in your home?
Your assignment after listening to today’s episode is to observe an upcoming silly holiday, like National Hamburger Day (May 28th) or Paper Clip Day (May 29th). You should probably also buy chocolate milk and serve it for dinner—with a colorful straw! AND, by all means, buy some impractical sandals or FUN shoes for summer.
🎙 Thanks to Allison Little for the SpeakPipe message. She’ll be receiving a Story Starter kit in the mail courtesy of Close To My Heart, who sponsors this portion of my podcast. AND, don’t forget to watch my NEW (free) class over on the Close To My Heart YouTube channel!
📚 Remember too to tell me about your favorite books for my upcoming episode on Summer Reading! If you need to know how to send me a SpeakPipe message? Click HERE.
Scrapbook-y Things
May 20, 2021
I’ve always felt like memory keeping is more of a lifestyle than a hobby. Today’s micro show is about easy things you can do to support your desire to document life even as you are living it.
“Life is nothing more than a stream of experiences, the more widely and deeply you swim in it, the richer your life will be. ”
— Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
I’ll share FIVE things I’ve done recently that are “scrapbook-y” …
Engage intentionally with children, family members and friends in small pockets of time. While driving last week, Addie and I paired words to a familiar tune to create a song for our little Audrey. Since then, Addie has been practicing on the piano. ✂️ TIP: When running errands in the car, split the drive time up so that you have time to interact with fellow passengers AND relax while listening to music or podcasts. Kids will learn to anticipate both aspects of drive time and you’ll create memorable moments together.
Use a Notes app to capture details and descriptions about the things you’ve been experiencing. I did this on a morning walk last week when I used the built-in microphone to dictate my first-ever experience with rolled ice-cream! ✂️TIP: Use technology and tools on the go as often as you can to capture—not only photos—but names, dates and sensory details that help you write about experiences so they can become memories in your scrapbooks.
Digitize older prints and documents with your smart phone in small batches. Most of us have boxes of older prints and memorabilia that need our attention and that feels overwhelming, but tackling these collections a little here and a little there is the answer! ✂️TIP: Place an older print or document on a flat surface in natural (indirect) light and take a photo. Then use an editing app—like PicTapGo—to straighten, crop and restore color. You won’t believe how EASY it is to bring precious bits of your past into your current digital library.
Take photos of YOU doing the things you enjoy doing. It’s so important to notice tasks, activities and daily efforts that you enjoy or excel at and THEN ask someone to photograph you. If you’re the memory keeper you’re likely not used to being in front of the camera and yet the story you are most qualified to tell is your story and you’re going to need great images to work with. ✂️TIP: Ask a spouse, child, friend or even a neighbor to take your photo OR (again) take advantage of technology that we so often underutilize. Did you know that you can use the Camera Remote app on an Apple Watch to capture photos of you at a distance? Here are the step-by-step directions!
Start using unique hashtags in your social sharing to tag photos and posts for easy search. Anytime you publish details about a person, place or thing you care about on Facebook or Instagram add a unique hashtag in the caption. ✂️TIP: I simply string full names together (first name + middle or maiden name + last name) as a like #stacyhalljulian and add these to posts. Then you can either click on these personal tags to pull up additional content OR use the search tool to find all instances in your social sharing when these tags have been applied. Just make sure your tags are unique to you!
My guess is that YOU are already doing some of these things and that more than anything you need to recognize daily efforts as being essential and important in your process. You are likely doing better than you think you are. Let go of crazy expectations and celebrate ALL that you do to more fully experience and appreciate life.
I’ve known of and loved my guest today for years. She is Kolette Hall and she made a BIG splash in the memory keeping world several years ago and then during my years with Big Picture Classes, she was a sought after instructor. You’ll be glad to know she is still here and she continues to move forward regardless of life’s twists and turns. Kolette oozes inspiration. She is warm and interested and brave—AND—she is a widow. We are going to talk about that and we’re going to talk about her latest accomplishment—published author. Kolette has just written a book, Messy Victories and my copy is on its way. I’ve already read a couple of chapters and it’s so good. Filled with personal experiences, struggles, stories and sound advice in a super conversational tone, she combines details from her life and that of her late husband, *Jason. Trust me, Kolette’s example of blazing her new path forward and beautifully guiding her son, Coleman, following the unexpected death of Jason will give you courage to endure your own challenges and turn them into the next right thing.
Kolette has also just finished certifying as a life coach—she is The Purpose Creating and Decision-Making Coach for Women. She helps women discover their purpose as they decide, “What’s next for me?”
*Jason Hall broke his neck when he was 15 years old and lived the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Kolette and Jason were married for 27 years and were working on a book when he died unexpectedly in the middle of the project. Kolette has now written this book instead. It’s called Messy Victories and it is brimming with real life—everyday frustration, incredible hardship, joy, laughter and overcoming.
Thanks for listening! Make sure you’re subscribed to Exactly Enough Time in your favorite podcast app, so you don’t miss any episode.
Be Amazed.
May 06, 2021
Today’s micro show is an invitation to be amazed.
Turns out it’s actually good for you—to experience a sense of wonder and awe. How interesting right?
So, I decided a few weeks back to make the effort to feel awe a personal emphasis for the coming year. I have started a list on my phone where I will document experiences and moments—the new and novel, the unbelievable or the simply beautiful things—in short, anything and everything that I choose to see or recognize or just remember as truly remarkable. In other words, I will be amazed.
My goal is to document 57 such things—before I turn 57—Yes, today is my BIRTHDAY 🎉
I think I’ve always been a bit of a “noticer” but I started “practicing” with real intent to SEE and appreciate the awe-inspiring about 10 days ago and already I feel better—not only about growing older, but also about the world in general—that’s powerful stuff. Use the link above to learn WHY!
Some of the things that have made my practice list …
My wireless printer and making prints at home.
Getting a flouride treatment at the dentist.
The Burkwood Viburnum by the side of our house—currently in full bloom
I have also really enjoyed receiving Futureloop emails curated by Peter Diamandis—I love reviewing some of the very amazing things that are being discovered, explored and invented—did you know? Chick-fil-A customers at three locations in Santa Monica, California may soon have their chicken sandwiches delivered via robot? Amazing.
AND … since today is my birthday, I bought myself Neil Pasricha’s latest book about AWESOME—this one titled, You Are Awesome!
I do believe that humans are the most awe-inspiring creation of all—and this means YOU (and ME) 🧡 We are truly one of a kind. We are never too old to practice curiosity and be amazed and it’s never too late to do and pursue whatever it is we’re interested in.
Science has shown awe may also expand our perception of time—of course I LOVE that because we always have exactly enough for the most important things in life.
I was able to share a SpeakPipe message from Estelle in the UK. She’ll be receiving a Story Starter kit from Close To My Heart!
🥳 IF you haven’t left me an iTunes review, today is the perfect time to do so!
How To Tell A Story
Apr 29, 2021
Save $20 on Story52 with code: 35WEEKS
I’m going to tell you TWO stories today—I’m publishing this episode right in the middle of National Tell a Story Day and National Scrapbook Day—so though I had another topic planned, I decided to tell stories and talk about stories—which you hopefully recognize as a recurring theme!
I am often asked, “How do I tell—this usually means write—personal stories? and ”Where do the ideas come from?” or “How do I begin?” or “How do I make my stories interesting?”
Countless books have been written and many classes taught on this very subject, but for me, just 4 basic elements or requirements of a story are needed.
But first, today’s show opens with the voice of renowned storyteller, Donald Davis—who I met when I took his 5-day Storytelling Seminar back in 2012. In addition to my 4 elements, I’m also going to share ONE of the many mind shifts about storytelling that I picked up during my week with Mr. Davis.
“A good storyteller doesn’t tell you something, he “shows” it to you. ”
— Donald Davis
In other words, when you do sit down to write, think less about the words you’re writing and more about the movie you’re directing. What specific details and descriptions will your audience need so that they can SEE what you need them to see.
In my opinion, the basic parts or elements to remember are so simple that we sometimes forget to make sure we are including them …
The beginning. This is the who and where—how will you set stage and who will be important to introduce?
The messy middle. What will go wrong? If you don’t have a problem or at least some tension, you don’t have a story. You can absolutely relate an experience—and doing so is still a worthy endeavor—but stories require drama—even in small doses. This messy middle does not have to be something really big or crazy. It can be a simple everyday-ish concern—as long as it needs to be solved.
The end. What happens? How is the challenge resolved. Who wins and what is learned? Will there be more?
The 4th element (for me) is actually TIME. It takes time to write. Most scrapbookers allow themselves time to design a page, but then oddly expect a first-draft perfection when it comes to recording the story.
📗 LISTEN to my stories and see if you can identify the beginning, the messy middle and the end—and then know that reading, re-reading and editing—to make sure I am using enough detail and description—takes at least as long as it does to design the visual look and feel of a page.
Here is my Tiny Turtle with a BIG Problem scrapbook page:
I routinely tuck longer stories into pockets! Click to ENLARGE
Here is my Dark Chocolate Coconut Cake scrapbook page:
Here I adhere a large envelope to the back of my page and placed the flap over the top edge indicating the story’s location! Click to ENLARGE
This code will save you $20 off the registration and in no time at all a super cute and colorful StoryDeck will be on its way to your mailbox. In the meantime, watch for the confirmation email and come join the FUN in our private Facebook group! The Story52 community is full of encouraging and supportive people who are learning to tell better stories!
Here’s Donald Davis’ TEDx talk I promised to link to …
As always, thank YOU for listening. If you enjoy Exactly Enough Time, please take a moment to leave me a review on iTunes—or your favorite podcast-listening platform!
Life in Contrast
Apr 22, 2021
Today’s micro episode is about spring and cold sores and the opportunity we have to be more present and more appreciative as things change. Life is full of contrasts and even when we don’t always anticipate or welcome them, they teach us and can help us focus on what’s most essential and important.
“Put light against light — you have nothing. Put dark against dark — you have nothing. It’s the contrast of light and dark that each give the other one meaning.”
— Bob Ross
Honestly, two more days and this would have come together better—but remember that episode on perfectly imperfect? Here we go again. I’m off to Utah later this week, so I’ve been primarily focused on preparations for that trip. I’m filming a Story by Stacy class about documenting this pandemic and I’m so grateful for this assignment at this time, because as I’ve looked back and remembered I’m more aware of the subtle ways that life is moving to a new normal and I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want this experience to escape my personal examination—I want to make sense of a few more things in my own head and that requires paying attention to and exploring to understand the many contrasts we’ve been a part of over the last 12 months.
I walk away from my first-ever pandemic not with just facts and stories, but also with some wisdom. And I know from scripture that kind of progression requires contrast (or opposition).
Contrast improves art and it enhances life.
❤️ A huge shout out and Story Starter goes out to Olivia Sharp for sending my a SpeakPipe. I’m grateful for Close To My Heart who sponsors me in this way!
PhotoTherapy (part 2)
Apr 15, 2021
My guest today is Judy Weiser who is the founder and director of the PhotoTherapy Centre in Vancouver, Canada—she is a licensed Psychologist and registered Art Therapist who has pioneered PhotoTheraphy, the use of photo-based techniques as tools for herself and other professionals. I sat down with Judy for the first time back in Episode 93 and today I’m finally publishing part 2 of that conversation.
Judy is going to introduce us (and more particularly me) to Therapeutic Photography—which is using these same photo-based techniques and questions (outside of therapy) in a focused way to more deeply explore our own past. Memory keepers may even practice some Therapeutic Photography techniques without even knowing it. While Therapeutic Photography is much more than simply taking pictures, it does use photos to facilitate the communication of deep feelings. If you teach or have worked in some way to help others better understand themselves and improve their well being through pictures and storytelling you may have unofficially experienced the therapeutic benefits of photography!
“Every photo is the beginning of a very LONG story!”
— Judy Weiser
One of my main take aways from this session with Judy is the reminder that a photo doesn’t possess or hold a story. It is rather the person looking at the photo that may remember or create a story—the stories we tell are our stories. The meaning and memory that photos hold are different depending on who is viewing and interacting with them. Stories are in YOU and me!
To begin our discussion, Judy asked me to select five personal photos and then briefly describe them. She then shares details that she saw that I either emphasized or left out all together—so even before I knew what she was doing, she was doing it!
Here’s a sampling of the type of questions Judy often asks of someone about their photos. Of course there are no right or wrong responses …
How did you select these photos? Was that process difficult or easy?
Is there any other photo that you want to share?
If this photo could talk to you, what would it say?
How would you title this photo if you could?
Is there something in this photo you would change to make it better?
Who would you like to give this photo to? Who can’t have it?
What is the story of the photo?
Judy’s favorite follow up question—and it makes perfect therapy sense—is WHY. Why? Because why answers always help us understand!
The five photos I selected to share with Judy.
At one point in our conversation Judy walks me through an exercise in decisive action about my five photos. She tells me I have only 15 seconds to choose just one photo to take with me and that I’ll never see the others again. I have often done a similar thing in classes that I teach to help students begin to trust their instincts AND it is as Judy explains very helpful in getting to what’s most important for someone.
Finally and at my request—Judy let’s me explore my feelings for two of my five photos—and yes, as you might assume, I get emotional pretty quickly!
If you enjoy photography or work with photos in any way, I think you’ll find what Judy teaches fascinating.
NOTE: Judy has written a book for therapists but with information that photographers and those who love photos can also learn a great deal from—the first chapter of her book is dedicated to this idea of projecting meaning onto a photo and recognizing the questions you can ask to learn more of that meaning.
Perfectly Imperfect
Apr 08, 2021
Today’s micro show is a reminder to aim lower. Sounds crazy and counterintuitive for sure, but it is the secret (in my opinion) to showing up as a creative in a noisy and competitive world. The minute you begin to intentionally practice imperfection is the minute you can start doing the work you were meant to do with expectations that produce results!
Oxford defines imperfection as the state of being faulty or incomplete. I don't like that definition, so I’d like to submit one of my own …
Imperfection is the state of being free to grow towards a higher or more complete version of oneself.
I have learned after years of practice that an expectation of imperfection is actually super healthy. I will share an early and more recent story to illustrate this. I’m also sharing wise words from Seth Godin and Lauren Sapala and my best tip on what to do when you make your next blunder!
““If I can’t make it perfect, is it okay if I try to make it better?” When a project doesn’t come out precisely the way we hoped, when customer service isn’t 100%, when the reality doesn’t match the dream, then what? One option is to embrace your failure. To have your tantrum, to become bereft, to wallow in how unfair the world is. No sense messing up a perfect moment of imperfection. The other option is to put some effort into making an imperfect situation a little less imperfect. Perhaps, with some distance, it might even be a lot less imperfect, or even better than you were hoping for in the first place. Imperfect is a chance for contribution, connection and improvisation. It’s a chance to see the humanity behind the moment you were spending so much energy creating. The alternative to perfect might be better. ”
— Seth Godin
As you read Lauren’s advice, replace “writing” or “writers” with whatever it is YOU do—or want to do more of.
“Writing is actually supposed to be fun. It is something that is supposed to nourish you, support you, help you grow and expand, and help you connect more deeply with your own heart and mind. It’s not something you need to get an A+ or 100 percent on. It’s not a test or a way for everyone else to judge you and find you unworthy. Writing is an act of love toward yourself. That’s the thing I see writers forget the most often. If you see yourself in any of this, make a short list of three things you can do today to be more accepting and more loving of yourself as a writer, and then commit to doing them. Remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect, the goal is to be you. ”
— Lauren Sapala
Of course props to Pee Wee Herman for his outstanding example of owning imperfection!
And finally, I pulled 2 additional quotes from 2 awesome General Conference talks I heard over this past Easter weekend. The first is this, “The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power,” from this talk by Russel M. Nelson and the second is this, “We are all infants compared to the beings of glory and grandeur we are designed to become. No mortal being advances from crawling to walking to running without frequent stumbles, bumps, and bruises. That is how we learn,” from this talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I’m so grateful YOU listen each week. Make sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss an episode and when you hear something that resonates, let me know!
Just Ask!
Apr 01, 2021
Today’s micro show is about ASKING which I believe is one of the greatest ideas ever conceived. Do you want or need help? Ask! I promise, it’s easier than you might think and rather than “feeling stupid” there’s a good chance you’ll be richly rewarded. Asking improves our lives—it nurtures curiosity and invites exploration. Asking is how we elevate our intellect beyond genetic instincts to a more advanced and fulfilling pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Asking a simple question can spark a conversation. When we ask, we give ourselves the chance to become a better listener and we build bridges of understanding.
Depending on the type of questions you have, you can ask a friend, your brother, Google or God. One of the most repeated phrases in scripture? Ask and ye shall receive.
Listen and I’ll relate a few experiences I’ve had as a result of asking or being asked—as recently as two days ago!
This is what I have learned: Eleven times out of ten, both the asker and the asked are blessed!
“As a creative entrepreneur, everything is about asking. Asking myself to be willing to do the work, asking the Muse to come play with me, asking life to hold me as I try my wings. And the scary part: asking other people. Asking them to support my work, to share my work, to buy what I sell, to read my words, to come to my retreats and so on.”
— Anna Lovind
A couple of years ago I had a blast helping a friend redecorate her apartment. Why? Because she asked me to help her hang some family photos—and it turned into so much more!
Here are the before/after pictures I promised …
Soon we’ll begin gathering again and when we do, I will be eager to ask more questions—especially of my oldest family members—they have so much to share and their wisdom truly is FREE for the asking. Remember Geoff’s experience at his grandfather’s funeral AND click here to download your copy of The Family Information Sheet. All you have to do is print this sheet and hand it to someone you love—or put it in the mail. Either way, you’ll most likely discover priceless personal perspective!
I hope you enjoy a Happy Easter weekend. I will be sharing my friend, Diane’s Seder plate as I learn together with family members about the symbolic and ritualistic foods important to Jewish Passover observance. I am able to do this, because I asked a casual question on an Instagram post.
People are generally good and kind and very willing to show up, participate, help out and share their insights and stories. What a gift!
And, don’t forget that I asked you a question and that I very much value your thoughts—so thank YOU in advance!
Courage & FREE Kindness Cards
Mar 25, 2021
Courage and Kindness. 🧡
Is what our world needs more of and what my guest today has practiced her whole life—these virtues in tandem have steered her to where she is today in her career (and in life) as one who seeks to influence the world for good.
I discovered Vicky’s bold vibrant designs on Instagram when I saw a post promoting FREE Kindness Cards. I had to have them and I have been a fan and follower of Vicky’s ever since!
“If you’re following the trends then you’re not setting any of your own!”
💜 Vicky Barone is a Raleigh, North Carolina-based artist, illustrator, and writer known for her playful imagery, colorful, uplifting words and greeting cards sold worldwide. She uses vibrant palettes, geometric patterns, humor and heart-felt messages to remind people to find something to celebrate every single day. Vicky has been running her own design studio for over 20 years. When she is not creating, she can be found reading or adventuring with her two boys.
I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Vicky and invite you to learn more about her and her work!
I opened this episode with a short exchange from this scene in Disney’s live action Cinderella—between Cinderella and Mr. Kit!
The Power of Same
Mar 18, 2021
Today’s micro-show is an opportunity to recognize rituals in your life.
Everybody who has watched the long-running children’s show, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood—at least twice—knows what Mr. Rogers does when he walks into his house. This is because what Mr. Rogers does is the SAME every single show.
Have you ever wondered WHY? What Mr. Rogers does is a powerful example of a ritual …
A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a sequestered place and according to a set sequence. Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a family, community, or religious observation or worship. Rituals are a feature of all known human societies.
In exploring the whys and hows of rituals, I found and enjoyed this article by Penny Ward—and shared this portion in the show:
Rituals are a meaningful and mindful way of connecting with your energy with focused attention and intention. Through rituals, you are giving yourself permission to create the time and space to connect the reality of life with your inner energy, your intuition, your passions and aspirations.
Rituals can be powerful, meaningful and symbolic. In contrast to a routine which is a simple action. The primary difference is the mindset and attitude behind the action.
I absolutely believe in the power of same—especially as we navigate an ever more hectic and frantic world. I have drawn so much strength and focus from my morning ritual and I love and enthusiastically recommend the commandment to observe and keep the Sabbath Day holy—as a day of rest and renewal.
✅ An rituals can be silly reminders and messages to our brains that help prepare us for necessary and important tasks—like with John Acuff dons his bright green running shoes to … sit down and write!
IF you’re needing more from your daily routine, I invite you to approach even mundane tasks with ritualistic behaviors that will bring more intention and awareness to your day and your life—this is always a good thing!
As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts—and when you subscribe to Exactly Enough Time, the two of us could create a Thursday morning ritual ❤️
A huge shout out to Stephanie Smokovich and Kim McArthur for sending me SpeakPipe messages. Both will be receiving a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line of products produced in partnership with Close To My Heart.
I am ...
Mar 11, 2021
Today’s micro show is a challenge for you to listen to the “I am …” statements you make this week.
There’s a good chance you say “I am …” (followed by something—a LOT.) And, you think “I am …” (followed by something) even more frequently. But, have you ever really paid attention or examined up close these thoughts and words? Some of these “I am” statements you can’t do a darn thing about, but most—the ones that really matter to your future—you have absolute control over.
I subscribe to daily blog posts from Seth Godin. A recent post has stayed with me. 📧 Here it is …
The Imprecision of “am.” I am 41 years old is a very different statement than I am a vegan. In the first case, there’s not a lot you can do about your “am”. It is an accurate description of a state of affairs over which you have no control. In the second, it simply describes a choice. Anyone who wants to eat a certain way instantly becomes a vegan for as long as they make that choice. The “am” that we think of as permanent identity might actually be a choice, repeated again and again.
🔎 So what are your “I am …” statements that are choices—OR—that might be limiting your choices because you’ve accepted them as just the way things are?
And then these words from Reinier Van Eijk crossed my path …
“The main lesson that I have learned There is no falling behind. There is only your knowledge and the progress you make in growing that. The when & where are irrelevant. Perhaps our days would be better if we banned phrases such as “I am late” and “I am falling behind”. Instead of “I am late”, we say “I am here now”. And instead of “I am falling behind”, we say “I am doing my work now”.”
— Reinier van Eijk
What if you made a list of your most frequent “I am …” statements and decided which you want to keep and which you could let go of OR state in a new way—like Reinier suggests above.
With Easter just ahead, it seems appropriate to note how often Jesus declares His roles and characteristics in the form of “I am …” statements. The Book of John boasts a list of seven including, I am the Light of the World and I am the Good Shepherd—this is so fascinating to me and as I try to become more aware of my own “I am …” statements, I’m pondering how I can think about myself so that I can promote growth and share goodness—we all have potential for both!
Pay attention and you’ll notice “I am … “ statements EVERYWHERE. Have a listen and then share your thoughts with me. 🧡 You could leave me a SpeakPipe message OR reach out on Instagram @stacyjulian
Click HERE to read more about Chari in her own words!
My guest today is Chari Pack. She’s persnickety—a term that can be used to describe a particularly precise or careful approach—in this case with printing digital images and servicing customers. Chari is the owner of Persnickety Prints, based in Orem, Utah and she has developed a process for printing photos that produces beautiful and archival results.
Chari has been a memory keeper and journal enthusiast for as long as she can remember and she is passionate about helping others print digital images in beautiful and lasting ways so that they can literally put their hands on their pictures and enjoy and share them.
I have long admired Chari, her passion and her drive as an entrepreneur and business owner, but the reason she is on my show today is because of what she has been working on (for years) that she is finally unveiling and celebrating in a public way. It’s called Persnickety Box and for me—and many others—it’s a much needed (subscription based) print solution that can help you routinely print AND then do something with some of your photos.
I am using and currently promoting the Persnickety Box app to hundreds of students in my Photo Freedom 2021 course. I’ve even created a workflow pad that suggests Persnickety Box as a recommended step in an effective digital workflow.
“A photo that isn’t printed is like a script that is never performed, or a musical composition that is never played. There is still value in the digital photo, just as there is value in a script or musical composition. But the value is mainly the hope that one day the digital photo will be printed and share a bodily life with us – to inspire us, cheer us, and remind us.”
— Mat Coker
I’m so excited for YOU to learn more about and from Chari and for you to consider Persnickety Box as an ongoing way for you to print and preserve some of your most favorite memories.
IDEA: I am using this album to create an easy print archive for important events in my family history. For example, I used Persnickety Box to print 30 images from my son’s wedding. I then slipped these prints into a white 4x4 album and added a small photo to the front and one page of identifying information to the inside. Super SIMPLE, accessible documenting done right!
I LOVE Persnickety Box so much I printed it on the workflow pad that I teach (and sell here!)
I opened today’s show with a snippet of Kodachrome, by Neil Simon The Mat Coker quote is from this article at The Digital Photography School Thanks for listening. Comments or questions? Post them below and I will reply—and don’t forget to subscribe to Exactly Enough Time!
Exactly Enough Time (the story)
Feb 25, 2021
Well hello.
It’s been a minute, but I’m back with something new: My version of a micro-show and today’s episode is the very first one. ⏰🎉
I’m going to tell you the story of the words that I have loved for so many years and that have now become the name of this podcast. That seems like an appropriate come-back topic, yes?
“Everything changed the day she figured out there is exactly enough time for the most important things in her life. ”
— Brian Andreas (Kai Skye)
Brian Andreas, now known as Kai Skye is an über talented artist and poet with a colorful and conversational style. I’ve been a fan and follower for many years.
I hope you’ll take the time to visit his website, Flying Edna.
This is one of my favorites. It hangs just inside our back door!
It’s funny, I’ve been reflecting on my podcasting journey and you know what I decided? I really (truly) do have exactly enough time to add this back into my life—IF—I allow myself some wiggle room. Isn’t that what we all need? There self-granted permission to be flexible or change things. It’s 100% ok to revisit commitments or anything else in life and question why they’re there and IF you want them to stay. I’m hoping that in addition to just enjoying a few of “saved” Story People emails, something I share in these just-over-eleven-minutes might encourage you to think about what you’re spending the incredibly valuable currency of time on AND what you’d like to remove, add to or bring back into your life.
How could you make that happen?
Of course I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts.
❤️ I so appreciated Jill for the delightful SpeakPipe message she sent that I was able to share with you. She will be receiving a Story Starter kit from the Story by Stacy line of products with Close To My Heart.
Thirty-WONderful with Geoff
Dec 31, 2020
Today I sit down with my husband, Geoff to share memories and talk marriage. We celebrated 31 years on December 28th. Episode 101 is our anniversary celebration this year and we’re sharing it with YOU.
We prepared for this episode by coming up with three questions—each—and then choosing three questions (of the six) to answer. Here are the questions we had to choose from …
➡️When did you know this was something different?
➡️ What did you get (with me) that you didn’t anticipate?
➡️ What do you want our kids to know about marriage?
➡️ What did you imagine marriage and family would look like when you were in your early 20s and how does it compare now in your mid 50s?
➡️We know each other better than anyone on earth, flaws and all. How have we continued to strengthen our relationship over time?
➡️What do you want from me as your husband moving forward? What will allow you to feel supported and equally yoked in the challenges that lie ahead?
We opened with Randy Travis, Forever and Ever, Amen
Geoff also shared some wisdom from the band, 38 Special in their hit, Hold On Loosely
As Geoff and I wrapped up, I shared the sad, but right-for-me decision to take a break from podcasting for a few weeks. I will definitely be back, in February— ready to go for another year!
🎙With this break I’m choosing to be present for my daughter as we get back into a homeschool routine and I’m putting into practice the message that we do have exactly enough time—not for everything, but for those things that are currently most important.
Thank YOU for listening. I love to hear and read your comments, questions, ideas and feedback. Specifically, I’d enjoy hearing about your favorite episodes. Which are the topics and guests that have most resonated with you? Why?
Happy New Year 🎉
The Gift of Words & Music
Dec 24, 2020
When I realized that my 100th episode would fall on Christmas Eve, I wondered what topic I could share that might both celebrate my favorite holiday and this podcasting milestone. I decided to give you the gift of words and music—to create a short mash-up if you will that combines some of my favorite words in quotes and scripture mingled with (in my opinion) some of the BEST Christmas music available. I hope as you wrap up details for the big day tomorrow, this will be cause for smiling, singing or both!
For 100 hundred consecutive weeks I’ve managed to show up for myself and this effort to put something light and happy into the world. I’m not podcasting to grow a massive audience or become rich and famous. I’m podcasting simply because God gave me a voice and because I am curious about people and ideas.
I love the work that I’ve been blessed to do in the memory keeping space for so many years and I’m truly thankful for YOU (anyone and everyone) that has participated with me in recognizing the importance of personal stories and the opportunity we all have to celebrate life by lending some permanence to a few of the moments we experience and treasure.
I’ve created a handful of shareable images that you can use to multiply my message today (in the show notes at Feel free to grab anyone of these to keep, use or pass on in any way you choose.
And, THANK YOU for listening. ❤️ I LOVE hearing from you, via comments here, on social media or through SpeakPipe messages.
Let me know what you’d enjoy hearing more of in the next 100 episodes of Exactly Enough Time and please enjoy a Merry Christmas!
Photo Freedom
Dec 17, 2020
Today’s the day I tell you more about my shiny, new Photo Freedom 2021 course—the one that starts on Friday, January 15th. The one that I want YOU to be a part of …
If after listening you’d like more information …
Click HERE to visit the Photo Freedom 2021 course description and registration page.
Click HERE if you’re taken a version of this class (or have my Photo Freedom book) to help you decide if you should take this new course.
🎙 And DON’T FORGET: Podcast listeners save $30 with promo code ENOUGHTIME, so be sure when you register to use save a little moola.
Essentials: Library albums and category drawers!
In the episode I shared an quick overview of each of the 12 weeks’ of content. Here are those details.
Week 1 Orientation: We’ll get super familiar with our online spaces, each other and our plans. We’ll also get super clear on what it is we each want to accomplish and what that personal success will look like. We do this by setting an EQ, or Enough Quotient. Week 2 Prints, Images and Technology: We’ll mentally assess and reign in all the pictures and the digital tools we use to track them. Physical gathering and organization begins. Week 3 Workflow (part 1): An introduction to workflow—routine, repeated steps—that keeps us moving forward. AND, I’m super jazzed because I have a newly-designed and downloadable workflow tool—that fits on a mini clipboard that will allow you to track both the new pictures you’re taking, the stories you’re telling and the outcomes you’re working towards. Week 4 Sorting, Storing, Finding and Sharing: Among other things, we’re going to focus on mobile devices and moving past default scrolling to a place where we can harness more of the impressive abilities we carry around in our pockets. Week 5 Categories & Curating: This week is game-changing favorite, because it’s all about using general, universal categories to help us begin curating what we have into a collection that can be used and enjoyed. Week 6 Photo Triage & Sub-categories: Time to get personal with categories. This is where we launch our ongoing practice of photo triage—which leverages what we’re inspired by with what is most urgent—so that no matter what page or project or post or video we make or share, we know it’s the next right thing. Week 7 Workflow (part 2): We revisit our workflow to review and commit to the choices we’ve made and banish the sickening feeling that we’re somehow behind. From here on out, we’ll have a super specific set of personal tasks designed to keep us on top of everything moving forward. Week 8 Library of Memories: Let’s talk results—the pages, the albums, the projects, the family history and more—all accessible in our homes. This week is about designing the what, where and how of your own collections—so that library patrons (your people) can find and enjoy what you’re creating. Week 9 Extra! Extra!An Exploration of so many optional tools—like, Square-punch picture drawers, ABC Files, Cold Storage boxes and so much more! Week 10 Stuff & Nonsense: It’s memorabilia week and time to set up needed files for all the non-photographic stuff. We’ll also learn how to let go of much of what we’ve been saving—because this far into the course, it’s getting easier to see and feel our progress and we understand that when we purge, we also choose what to keep! Week 11 Ideation & Inspired Scrapbooking: We’ll either create or clean-up our ideation files and set them up to take us from organized pictures and digital images to compelling personal stories—in any format. And ideation file allows you to act on ideas that drop in, so you don’t lose them! Week 12 Now What?Moving forward. We assess what we’ve accomplished and we set up the physical and mental space to continue for the rest of the year. We understand all the moving parts and now we make a plan to continue, adapt and refine.
Shout out to Alyssa for the SpeakPipe message she sent that I was able to share and respond to. She’ll be receiving a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line with Close To My Heart!
🎵 I opened today’s episode with I Feel Good, by James Brown
Heavy Lifting with Wendy Smedley
Dec 10, 2020
My guest today wants words for Christmas. How cool is that? She is Wendy Smedley and I’m so eager for you to get to know her better, because she is one of my most favorite people on the planet and a fabulous conversationalist. Wendy is the Marketing Manager at FamilySearch International. She is also mother to five (yes, 5) adult sons and just happens to also be the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Scrapbooking . We talk about all those things and a whole LOT more …
A couple of years ago, Wendy found herself in the middle of an unanticipated divorce. For a women who poured herself into nurturing her family, this was a devastating shock. Her divorce among other challenges has invited serious soul searching, deep learning and new levels of self-care. Because of how Wendy chose to respond to unwelcome circumstances, she is now in a position to impart some serious insight and wisdom. Wendy seeks to be open hearted and always learning. She is curious and asks thought provoking questions—in fact, she sparked this episode for me when she related her almost daily observation of tower cranes near her downtown Salt Lake City home. What she discovered about these massive heavy-lifting machines is 100% applicable to anyone who is feeling discouraged or overwhelmed by life and trials. I know you’re going to relate to and come away grateful for Wendy’s positivity, vulnerability and sense of humor!
Ok, you want links to all of the goodness Wendy shared? Here we go …
Martin Seligman's 3 Ps can determine to a large extent someone’s ability to navigate hardship. Wendy discussed the danger of personalization, pervasiveness and permanence in your mental approach.
Wendy boldly declared that she has enough time for poetry and Billy Collins is one of her favorites …
Speaking of poetry, we both agreed talking that much of what Wendy has experienced is reflected in this well-known poem from The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran …
On Joy & Sorrow
“Then a woman said, Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow. And he answered: Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.” But I say unto you, they are inseparable. Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed. Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy. Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced. When the reassure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.”
— Kahlil Gibran
And, finally … in case you want to learn more about the amazing tower cranes, here the video I shared a portion of in my introduction …
Simple Scrapper, Jennifer Wilson
Dec 03, 2020
My guest today leans into the left side of her brain, so that she can more fully enjoy the right-brained aspects of her craft. She is Jennifer Wilson and she is the creator of the Simple Scrapper membership—which launched in 2008 to better explore in a community setting how modern memory keeping can fill you up and fit your busy life. Through Simple Scrapper, Jennifer helps thousands not get stuck doing what they love AND in 2019, Jennifer launched the Scrapbook Your Way podcast to extend the conversation about breaking the rules and documenting in your own way.
➡️ If you’ve been thinking about documenting more or differently next year, go to to get in on what’s called a Planning Party. This is a unique page that Jennifer set up just for my listeners—and it’s the kind of guidance you can expect with Simple Scrapper membership.
I have great respect for Jennifer and the work she does in the memory keeping space. She brings people together and does a fantastic job of encouraging, inspiring and supporting them as they pursue their own version of scrapbooking success. She is a true storyteller and always willing to share her process. Check out one of her recent videos—a story about a beloved pillow!
You can see much more like this over on the Simple Scrapper YouTube channel.
Back in 2013, Jennifer and I team taught a BPC class called, The Art + Science of Scrapbooking, which was such kick in the pants. We both enjoy whole brains—obviously—but for this class, we led out with our creative preferences to give each other (and everyone else) assignments that would be challenging and prove to move us out of our individual comfort zones. Pages that I made in response of Jennifer’s challenges remain some of my most favorite!
I LOVED hearing Jennifer’s response to my People, Places & Things question. She shared about her transformative experience traveling to Sweden earlier this year and being introduced to people who shared a scrapbook of her ancestors. What an amazing treasure that speaks to the power and importance of family history in our scrapbooking.
And finally, Jennifer and I talk about how she has adapted principles I wrote about in my book, Photo Freedom. Since I am refreshing this content for an online course for 2021, I wanted to catch up and hear her thoughts and some details about her current organizational approach when it comes to both storytelling and storing or displaying finished pages. We are both big believers in sharing what works, but doing it in a way that can be readily customized.
Don’t forget you can SAVE $30 on registration for Photo Freedom when you use promo code ENOUGHTIME
Topics for this podcast are definitely varied, but I regularly circle back around to my passion for storytelling and this is one of those episodes. I know you’ll enjoy learning more about Jennifer’s journey and the work she does to help others.
I played ABBA’s Slipping Through My Fingers song as my intro—not only because it represents a desire to slow time but also because ABBA is a Swedish pop group. Both this song and Jennifer have Swedish roots!
20 Things.
Nov 25, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend—to my friends in the U.S anyway!
I’m popping this week’s episode up a little early so that I can make my pies, brine the bird, set the table and oversee the potato peelers. 🦃 For reals, I’m hoping that you’ll be able to listen while you prep whatever it is you’re prepping—a turkey feast or otherwise!
Back in episode 83, I challenged myself and anyone else to begin making a list of 20 things you have learned or had confirmed—things you want to keep when 2020 is a distant memory. Today I’m sharing my list—reserving the right (of course) to update if needed.
Memorial Day. Our first, “summer of COLOR” photo ❤️ Thanks to Rowena Meadows in Melbourne, Australia!
I quoted Elder Dallin H. Oaks from his most recent General Conference talk, Love Your Enemies and President Russell M. Nelson from his talk, Let God Prevail .
“Counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems.”
— Russell M. Nelson
I also played a short audio excerpt from President Nelson’s Give Thanks video message he shared on Friday, October 20th. Here’s the full video …
❤️ I played a SpeakPipe message from Glorielba Orta, so she will be receiving a Story Starter kit from Close To My Heart—I’m very grateful for the support of CTMH sponsoring this aspect of my podcast!
Monica Wihongi, Leading with Heart ❤️
Nov 19, 2020
Monica Wihongi is president of the Utah-based, papercrafting company, Close To My Heart AND a mother of seven—need I say more?
For reals though, you’re in for a treat today—I adore Monica. We’ve known each other for nearly 30 years and she is the real deal—she is family and future focused and dedicated to doing what’s right in business and life. I love my history with CTMH, so I’m tickled that you have this opportunity to get to know Monica and her work a bit better. You’ll get to hear first-hand what its been like to be at the helm of a direct sales company with thousands of independent contractors in the middle of a pandemic. What has changed? What hasn’t? How is Close To My Heart staying relevant and robust?
Monica will also share some exciting changes at CTMH. You’ll get to learn about at the name change for CTMH independent contractors, from consultants to makers and about a new VIP customer appreciation and incentive program.
Follow these links to learn more: 1. Love CTMH? Take advantage of VIP Special Pricing through December, 2020 2. Join a community of Makers and you can operate your own paper crafting business with products you love and all the support you need.
Also, here’s the blog post that outlines my Story Starter Covid style. There’s a link about half way down to the class I taught with CTMH on Facebook.
Since recording this episode with Monica, she has welcomed grandson #2 and announced the imminent arrival of grand baby #3. She has a beautiful and growing family!
I think you’ll leave feeling inspired by Monica’s story, her open heart and her commitment to seeing founder, Jeanette Lynton’s vision honored and upheld. I’m truly grateful for the gateway into memory keeping that I experienced because of Jeanette and (now) Close To My Heart. I have LOVED partnering with them on my Story by Stacy line of products.
In fact, I played a SpeakPipe message from Kim, who will be receiving a Story Starter kit!
I opened today’s episode with Rise Up, from Andra Day’s debut album, Cheers to the Fall. When I Googled Andra to learn more, I found this commercial for Apple TV that beautifully showcases Andra talent and welcomes in the holiday season.
Thanks (as always) for listening. I’ve got exciting plans for 2021, so make sure you’re on my email list and that you’re following along on Instagram, @stacyjulian
AND, remember that podcast listeners can save $30 off Photo Freedom with code ENOUGHTIME Register here.
Collecting Everything with Stanley Kinsey
Nov 12, 2020
My guest today understands media. He has been working with it his whole career, so when he retired to spend time organizing and archiving his private collection of photos and home movies AND couldn’t find what he was looking for, he created it. I’m excited for you to listen and learn about Collectionaire a virtual hub or gathering of links to ALL of your digitized stuff. All of it. You know the idiom, a place for everything and everything in its place—that’s what Stanley (Stan) Kinsey has built and it is a remarkable solution for family connection and sharing.
I discovered Collectionaire this past winter at RootsTech and I knew immediately that it was exactly what I didn’t know I could be looking for—it was the best kind of exhibition hall surprise—and I signed up on the spot. Now I enthusiastically recommend it for anyone and everyone who feels overwhelmed by all the content they’ve digitized and are storing in the cloud—or maybe yet on thumb drives—because this is how we are going to organize it all and curate it to become a beautiful and sharable legacy collection.
After listening, you can begin your personal exploration by watching one of these introductory videos—but then you’ll want to head to for additional getting started guidance. Don’t go without the Exactly Enough Time PROMO code that will save you 50% on the first two years of a subscription. That code is EET2020 and it expires on December 31st—so you’ll want to act fast.
An index in the cloud to content in the cloud is my favorite explanation (to date) of what Collectionaire does. Pictured here are some of the cloud-based services that provide share links that can be gathered together in your personal of collection.
If you’re familiar with the structure of a family tree then you’ll find the organization at Collectionaire to be very intuitive. Each person on your tree can have their own collection—the number of links noted just below their photo—and family collections are accessed by clicking the link icon between a couple. This feature is one of my personal favorites, because there are so many aspects of my story that I actually share with my family—and now I have a way to show and share that!
I’m so excited for you to give Collectionaire a try—as I’ve gotten to know its features more, I’m convinced it is the future of memory keeping (archiving) especially for families. My children and grandchildren are already most comfortable consuming media on mobile devices and now with my growing collections, they can view family media in that same, familiar and super accessible way.
NOTE: Stan talked briefly about creating a digitized “flip book” of a physical scrapbook. This is done by photographing or scanning scrapbook pages and creating a digital PDF version. This is something I will teach in Photo Freedom 2021, but there are also services that will do the scanning for you. EverPresent is one such company. Scanning is quite pricy—about $2.99—per scrapbook page.
For an interesting read on ALL that Stan has done in his long and storied career, read his wikipedia page.
PhotoTherapy with Judy Weiser
Nov 05, 2020
My guest today is an esteemed pioneer in the world of PhotoTherapy. Judy Weiser is a psychologist, an art therapist, consultant, educator, trainer, university adjunct faculty, international lecturer, and author — she is the founder and director of the PhotoTherapy Centre in Vancouver, Canada, she is considered the world authority on the emotional significance of personal photographs.
WOW. Right?
If you are a memory keeper and/or lover of photography and personal pictures I think you’ll find our conversation especially relevant. Once we get to know Judy a little better, she will introduce us to 5 PhotoTherapy techniques which explore the various relationships that we can and do have with pictures and the process of capturing images with a camera or smart phone.
As we got deeper into our discussion I knew that I was going to need a part 2 with Judy, so you can look forward to that in coming weeks. If I’m lucky, she’ll will actually walk me through some of her techniques using a handful of my personal photos. But for today, listen and learn and see how many similarities you recognize between insights Judy shares and the reasons you choose to scrapbook or tell stories using pictures. What we do when we interact with photography and the results of these efforts can have a powerful influence on how we see and choose to see our lives, our challenges and our future selves.
Judy was recently interviewed for an article on so clicking on this link will give you yet one more way to dive into this fascinating topic of using photography as a tool for self-discovery and even therapy.
Purchase her book, PhotoTherapy Techniques —my copy is due to arrive on Friday this week. IF you want to dip your toe into this book, you can download the first chapter HERE. Note: I am sharing this with Judy’s permission.
Request to join her Facebook Group, PhotoTherapy, Therapeutic Photography, Photo-Art-Therapy and VideoTherapy. Here’s the first paragraph from this group’s introduction: Welcome! This Group is about discussing how photographs (and creating and discussing them) can be used to help people make positive changes in their lives or the lives of others. Group discussions focus on the "why" parts of photos, not the "what" or "how" parts (the "heart" part of photographs rather than their "art" parts). LOVE this!
Photo Freedom is open for registration. You can learn and register by clicking HERE.
Podcast listeners can save $30 off registration with code ENOUGHTIME. I would LOVE to help you reign in your thousands of photos (prints and digital images) and tell more personal stories.
Fun + Flow in Families
Oct 29, 2020
The Addams Family is so irresistible in part because they are so blissfully and wonderfully unaware of how bizarre they are. They are hence FREE to be their own people—they don’t really care what others think.
As a family they are their own creation and they unapologetically create their own kind of FUN!
I’m talking about FUN (and flow) in families today. “We are, as Robin Fivush says, indeed, living in unnerving times. We may need to physically social distance, but the stories we tell will keep us close.” What is the internal narrative shared in your home? Is it one you are intentionally telling? Are you creating the relationships and memories you desire?
Do you have a vision for where you’re going collectively? Three ideas I will explore in more detail are … 1. A family mascot 2. A family motto (or mission statement) 3. A family group name
Much like a group of lion is a pride we’ve decided that a group of Geoff Julians is a JOLLY. Exploring your collective family personality, hobbies, interests and focus will give you some insight into possible naming strategies. I extended this challenge to my two sisters’ families. The Dowdles pictured on the top row are active, athletic, driven and fiercely competitive. When they get together we call it a Sport of Dowdles. The Seiters, featured on the second row are educated, über creative, organized, artistic and collaborative. A group of Seiters is a Genius.
““A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” ”
— Roald Dahl
I LOVE hearing from my listeners. Today I’m sharing three SpeakPipe messages! One from Amy, Destiny and Katie, who will talk about themed dinners, 2nd-hand board games and working together on BIG projects.
Flow is one of my most favorite books. It is science-y for sure, but I don’t lend this book and I will never give it away. It is the result of years of expert research by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly and shares so much insight into the why and how of optimal experience.
The other book turn to frequently (which I have referenced several times in previous episodes) is The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler. Bruce likely cites Flow and other research-based studies, but then he breaks is all down into practical ideas and advice mixed with real life stories.
HUGE Shout out to Close To My Heart for sponsoring me with Story Starter kits for my SpeakPipe contributors 💛
Story Sharing with Malia Karlinsky
Oct 22, 2020
My guest today is so interesting because she is so interested—in just about anything and everything—except maybe pursuing a career in law (listen to hear that story!) You will immediately feel Malia Karlinsky’s energy for life and for people which is exactly what she shares as an Emmy-award winning Lifestyle Reporter and Producer for Seattle Refined. Like me, Malia grew up in Seattle so we begin with a short love fest for the PNC, but then I get to pick her brain and her years of experience and I know you’ll walk away feeling inspired and encouraged in your own storytelling.
When I asked Malia about a very recent story, she shared with me Uzziah’s—a young man who rather than feeling defeated by Covid-19 or racial unrest decided to start creating candles to bring more calm to the world. His company, which he founded just last spring is Calm & Cure Candle Company and he is already making a difference. Oh yeah, did I mention he is eleven? You can follow Uziah on Instagram at @calmandcure_candles
Two of the most memorable Seattle Refined segments for Malia have been those of Jordan Nicholson and Danny Bonaduce. There posted below for easy watching, but you’ll want to experience many more amazing stories by visiting Malia’s website: (click on TV segments).
I think for me, this episode will be most memorable because of the way Malia described how we all carry stories—a library of stories—with us, some in our heart, some on our backs and some in our hands—and when we want to remember that we are far more alike than different, we just need to encourage story sharing.
“We can all LOVE and respect each other”
— Malia Karlinsky
After you watch this, you’re going to want to follow Jordan on IG,
I think what Malia has really learned about people and life through her work as a journalist is how attractive (in the literal sense) it is to be vulnerable and authentic and to willingly share not just the high points, but also your personal moments of overcoming. These are the stories we can all appreciate and learn from.
➡️ AND, I was totally WOWed (and humbled) when Malia praised the work I have done in scrapbooking, especially my Photo Freedom book.
It’s been so FUN to reconnect with Malia. Interviewing her here on my podcast and being interview by her for a spot on Seattle Refinend—about documenting this crazy pandemic!
⬅️ Not long after that story aired, I heard from Ann, also a friend of Malia, who posted this to Instagram. I’m truly so grateful for the incredible opportunities I have had to connect with creative women across the globe. Truly, what a blast—then and now!
I also just launched (this week) registration for my Photo Freedom 2021 class. You can learn all about it by clicking HERE.
When Your Friend is a Therapist
Oct 15, 2020
Diane Smith is one of my dearest friends—for more than 30 years—and she is also a licensed marriage and family therapist. This means that today’s episode is me in a perfectly secure relationship asking the questions I’ve always wanted to ask—of a therapist that is. But first, we’ll get to know Diane a little better. When did she know this was a passion she would pursue and how did she choose the EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) model as the framework for her counseling? What is EFT anyway and why is attachment theory so integral to it.
Trust me, just listening to Diane will slow your breathing and calm your heart. The only thing that was missing in our conversation was the herbal tea.
This image is as close as I could find to what Diane described as an illustration of complete and total trust in a situation.
Some of my personal take aways: 1. A healthy and high functioning emotional navigation system must be learned and practiced in a safe environment before it can be applied to relationships in our lives. This is why a secure attachment is so important for children and teens.
2. Change is actually the foundation for emotional resiliency and curiosity is the secret passageway to accessing the tools you need to build on it.
3. FAIL stands for First Attempt In Learning—Yes! I wish someone would have explained that to me in Jr. High 😜
Finally, the idea of asking yourself, “Do I have enough of what I want in my life?” Especially as you question whether therapy might be a solution for you—can you create what you need? If not, celebrate the fact that there are therapists, like Diane who are trained to help you.
Just three weeks ago, my husband and I escaped for a weekend in St. George with the Smiths. While the boys golfed, we sat outside talking and eating our yogurt parfaits. It was perfect!
I opened the episode with A Walk in The Forest by composer, Brian Crain, from his album, A Simple Life.
Today we are talking about how to better manage your pictures on your (smart) mobile devices. There’s a good chance that you’re walking around with tens of thousands of images in your pocket or purse, which is phenomenally cool and amazing, but it can also feel pretty overwhelming—especially if you’re not getting a few of them off those devices and into your life.
It’s predicted that 1,436,300,000,000 digital images will be taken across the world in 2020. That’s a staggering number, but what are these images worth if we don’t connect a few of them to personal stories. Without this kind of meaning attached, images—even in the trillions—are mere eye candy. Fun for sure, but not super useful—especially to the next generation.
I use and teach a SUPER easy 3-step workflow with the Photos app on my iPhone that I’ll walk you through in today’s episode. This workflow is SO easy, I’m calling it stupid easy—which simply means ANYONE can do it and doing it will change how you interact with the photos you take.
Here’s a quick overview …
Designate some (very few overall) of your images as 🤍 favorites.
Create albums—one each for the general categories of Us, People, Places and Things and begin curating some of your favorite photos into these categories. These collections will grow over time and will show you patterns of personality and daily life that will enrich your storytelling.
Set up temporary albums for projects you want to start (and finish). This is such a simple thing to do and yet very few people know to do it. As soon as you conceive of a new project—even a scrapbook page—set up an album and start collecting photos. When you’re ready to sit down and create, your photos will be ready to print and then when your project is complete, delete the album.
My longtime friend, Ann Johnson is my expert guest today …
Ann has adapted principles I teach in Finding Photo Freedom for years AND she knows the Android platform as well as Google photos and Adobe Lightroom, so she is able to translate what I do on my iPhone to these tools.
Of course you’ll get to hear additional insight from Ann and learn more about some of the projects she is working on. You can follow her on Instagram @annacejohnson 📲😀
Ann, like so many others loves and uses the Project Life app for both iPhone and Android. To learn more, visit
NOTE: I will be teaching Finding Photo Freedom early in 2021. Be sure you’re signed up for my email list so you don’t miss out on any of the details. I also have a FREE course that introduces you to my philosophy and approach.
Parody over Perfection with Laura Wonsik
Oct 01, 2020
When it comes to anticipating her favorite scrapbooking project. Laura Wonsik knows how to have FUN. She also knows how to share her fun with others—she creates video parodies set to familiar tunes. She recently released her fourth video promoting Ali Edward’s December Daily—and it was when I saw one of these videos pop up in my IG feed that I said out loud, “I have got to get to know this girl better. I think I’ll see if she’ll come on my podcast?!”
Today is a good day. Laura responded to my DM andnow we (YOU and I) get to sit down with her.
This photo is Laura with her husband, Chad and their two daughters, Ellie (5) and Isla (1).
Laura is a therapist who works at Miami University and plays with photos and paper in her spare time. She is also a member of Ali Edwards and Studio Calico’s design teams—which we talk about. If you are perceptive, you will hear in our conversation a pattern for finding JOY and purpose in life, even when it doesn’t unfold in ways you might anticipate—sound familiar? Hello 2020 😩
“If you love photos, memory keeping and pretty products then scrapbooking is a no-brainer hobby. There is no shortage of supplies out there to help you fill album after album and tons of inspiration to be found from talented scrappers around the world…
But, did you know that scrapbooking is good for you? That’s right, the hobby that you love, loves you right back. Scrapbooking isn’t just fun, it’s good for your soul.”
NOTE: Laura adds in our conversation, IF you approach it with a healthy mindset determined to shun the potentially discouraging trifecta of perfectionism, comparison and competition. Wiggle your way past these and your set to enjoy ALL the benefits.
Scrapbooking is cathartic.
Scrapbooking increases self-awareness and gratitude.
Scrapbooking builds self-worth and celebrates your love for others.
Scrapbooking fosters connection and builds community.
Scrapbooking is your chance to play!
Scrapbooking is a space that’s just for you.
Ok, here’s where you get to ENJOY Laura’s mad skills in video production and singing! First up the Covid-19 edition of the December Daily Parody Video …
AND, finally, she recommended the Candadian sitcom Corner Gas as a ready companion for your creative endeavors this weekend!
The Connections Experiment
Sep 24, 2020
Something exciting is just around the corner. October! And not just because of pumpkins and candy but also because October is Family History Month—yes, it’s official—and my guests today have created a brilliant experiment all about family history and forging family connections. This very FUN and interactive effort takes just 21 days and can have you focusing on several different aspect of family connection—culture, food, stories and pictures—just to name a few. And Gen Z? Turns out with a little nudge they are all in, so trust me when I say this is NOT your grandma’s genealogy.
THIS is powerful insight and energy for life.
Home base for this experience is HERE ( This is where you’ll want to go to get started. Once you’re in, you can meet up virtually with others on Facebook and Instagram. And you can report your efforts and results on any social media, using hashtags:
#21dayexperiment and #familyconnections
Taralyn Parker and Olivia Jewel are two of the founders of the 21-Day Family Connections Experiment and they are full of enthusiasm and a desire to see you succeed. Both of these women are busy mothers, but also educated and so excited to help others take advantage of easy opportunity to create family memories and connections—during a time that can otherwise be overwhelming, discouraging, confusing and exhausting. This isn’t just one more thing to do, this is an effort that will center you and help you discover JOY in your closest relationships.
So, how does this work?
We’ll talk about that in our conversation, but the process of getting involved couldn’t be easier. There are 3 primary goals, 1. JOIN 2. CONNECT and 3. REPORT and there are so many great, specific plans to help you take confident action.
If you want to learn more ABOUT my two guests and the other team members behind this experiment, go HERE.
I opened this episode with the audio that accompanies this video. FamilySearch is a FREE and fantastic resource that allows you to dive into your past—and to become the voice of your personal pictures and stories.
Connect with me: Instagram @stacyjulian Facebook Stacy Julian LLC
Survey Said.
Sep 17, 2020
Do you know why Richard Dawson, long time host of the American game show, Family Feud, kissed all those women? Do you know why he ultimately stopped? In today’s episode I’m sharing some of the results from a survey I initiated at the beginning of this year, for my 20in20 online course. I’m also sharing two productivity hacks that will go a long way in addressing some of the very common themes that arise from this survey (and I’m certain) others around memory keeping trends.
Three questions I’ll share with a few actual results are …
Why did you sign up for this course?
What do you most want to accomplish?
What will be your biggest challenge?
I’m definitely not a professional statistician, but with some basic analysis, I can see there are some nearly universal aspirations and obstacles captured in my survey and so I’m going to share two productivity hacks that I believe can change someone’s ability to spend time doing what they love. The first has to do with getting super specific and the second with making yourself unavailable—to everyone and everything else—when it’s time to work. Definitely not new ideas, but ones for which I can personally witness as effective.
“Time not set aside on your calendar will always be negotiable.”
— Todd Henry
And finally—for Richard Dawson—some thoughts on simplifying with a “KISS”— the keep it super simple kind. Make sure you’re having the mental conversations (with yourself) that encourage positive results. With almost everything else in life, mindset matters in a big way. You are NOT a survey result. You are a living, breathing human being full of potential and highly prone to derailment, but YOU get to set and pursue any goal important to you.
I hope today’s episode gives you some gas for that journey.
Aging Well with Theron (part 2)
Sep 10, 2020
In part 2 of my conversation with my brother, Theron, he starts out with a funny analogy imagining one of those drug commercials touting the benefits of a fill-in-the-blank medication. These clips always show people enjoying nature, family gatherings and quiet evenings preparing healthy food and reading together and seem to end with the same invitation: Ask your doctor if blank medication is right for you! Now imagine, says Theron that the medicine is exercise and you ask your doctor if it might be exactly what you need—the answer is a resounding YES. There isn’t a physician on the planet that wouldn’t recommend an appropriate and consistent exercise regimen for a patient, regardless of what ails them. Exercise is powerful medicine!
Here are just a few of the proven benefits of regular exercise …
Lowers blood pressure
Improves mood
Increases bone density
Helps you sleep better
Benefits self esteem and mental well-being
Improves brain health
And the best news of all lies in the minimal effective dose—it’s very little. In other words you don’t have to hit the gym for 45 minutes a day 4 to 5 days a week to see and FEEL the positive effects of exercise in your life.
THIS is the photo I promised to share, with me watching my mom (in 1969) exercise to Jack LaLane!
Listen and learn about the importance of a balanced approach to exercise that includes flexibility and agility, cardiovascular/aerobic and resistance or strength training. Especially as we age, we need to make sure we are moving in the ways that will best help us navigate the challenges and risks of midlife and beyond!
Just for fun, THIS photo of Theron cracks me up. He has just disembarked a cruise ship—what do you think the guy looking at him is thinking, or would say?
Theron mentioned a study out of Rutgers that helped us better understand the measurable results of resistance training in elderly women. Click HERE for more information.
I am loving the TRX suspension trainer. I have had one for a couple of years now and I use it 3 to 4 times a week for about 15 minutes. TRX is all about using your body as your weight machine—it’s something that doesn’t take a lot of room or expensive equipment. Click HERE to learn more!
AND, my favorite resistance routine is one that I learned from The Happy Body. I highly recommend this book and the information inside. I’m a bigger fan of their approach to exercise than diet, but both are sound and can help you get started on a healthier path.
I started today’s episode with Jack Lalane—American fitness pioneer who lived 96 active years and taught millions of people (especially women) in their homes how to eat better and move to feel and look better. Here’s a clip from his early days …
Thanks to Close To My Heart for their generosity in supplying Story Starter kits to anyone who’s SpeakPipe message I play on the show. Today I played a message from Amy McGrew!
Aging Well with Theron (part 1)
Sep 03, 2020
Glucagon is super important. Do you know why? If I asked you what and how to EAT so that you can age healthy, what would you say?
I’m super excited to (finally) be sitting down with my brother, Theron—a doctor of chiropractic with a lifelong passion for healthy living. You guys, Theron talked to me for 47 minutes straight with zero notes. We talked eating and exercise, so I’m turning my interview with him into a 2-part conversation on aging well. THIS is for me—but I hope you will also find it helpful and be able to take away a nugget or two of wisdom to apply to your own health routine.
Theron thoroughly understands metabolism and can explain how to eat and move—and why, so that we can choose to be as healthy as possible into our 50s, 60s and beyond.
I majored in Exercise Science in college and often read wellness books and blogs, but when I really want to understand something, I talk to Theron.
Understanding the roles that each macronutrient plays in our bodies is key. Good fats fight inflammation, keep hormones in balance and protect our brains/neurons from degenerative diseases. Carohydrates provide us with immediate energy to jump up and go. They are so essential to our ability to thrive that when we eat highly processed carbs are brains are easily hooked (this is where those hits of dopamine come in) and proteins provide critical building blocks for every kind of cell and function in our bodies. With some basic information and the ability to articulate processes that involve blood sugar, insulin, cortisol and free radicals we can begin to make better choices and absolutely turn back the clock.
These systemic changes start the minute you decide to EAT in a loving and grateful way. And yes, chocolate can be involved—but that’s another episode (coming soon!)
EASY (and healthy) PANCAKES
1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 egg whites
Put everything in your blender and go. I like to add a dash of salt and cinnamon. Cook and serve with a little butter, homemade (low sugar) jam and fresh berries.
Trust me: DELICIOUS and your blood sugar will thank you!
Back in February—I had a singular experience. I was driving home from Seattle through the central part of the state of Washington. I crested a hill and began driving down the other side into a wide valley, as I scanned the horizon, I saw the beginning and the end of a train. This image has stuck with me and I have been thinking about the parallels between a moving train and a variety experiences in life—we could even think of Covid-19 like a train.
This will be one of those very stacy-esque episodes, a little random and in need of personal interpretation. As always, I welcome your insights. We’ll talk about perspective as it relates to attention and how we can work to shift a perspective that isn’t serving us—especially during challenging times.
Interestingly, we can learn a lot about the power of awareness from Apollo Robbins, a recent guest on this podcast. Remember, keep coming up with NEW questions, like: What if what is isn’t?
🚂 To get you in the mood for my train analogy, I offer the following train jokes:
I’ve always liked one-liners. That’s why I’m a fan of monorails.
I asked a train engineer how many times his train had derailed. He said, “I’m not sure, it’s hard to keep track.
What’s the difference between a teacher and a railway security guard? One trains the mind, the other minds the trains…
“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. Most putts don’t drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey–delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”
— Gordon B. Hinckley
I’m going to challenge myself—and YOU to make a list of 20 things you’ve learned or had confirmed during these months of pandemic. Writing these things down will prepare us to move forward and as we do find wisdom to share in the future. What today seems like an endless train will one day appear—even to us—as an interesting episode in history.
What do you want to be able to share about it?
I’m super grateful to Tracy Shelton for her generous SpeakPipe message. Remember I’m always delighted to hear from you—send me any thoughts and specifically ideas for having FUN in families. Not sure how to send me a SpeakPipe message? Click HERE.
Thanks to ❤️ Close to My Heart for sponsoring Story Starter kits for listeners when I share their SpeakPipe messages on the show!
Fun & Games with Brittany Beattie
Aug 20, 2020
I’m absolutely thrilled to reconnect and visit with my friend, Brittany Beattie for episode 82. Brittany is the brains behind Family F.E.D. (Fun Every Day) an amazing hub of ideas for creating easy and memorable moments at home and I’m guessing as this pandemic and all that is heavy continues to press down on us, you might be interested in some light heartedness and laughter right about now. Yes?
Listen in and hear about the genesis of this undertaking and Brittany’s personal history with and love of all kinds of games. I know you’ll feel inspired to invite more intentional togetherness into your home and family—something you can do in just 5 minutes! And, when you’re done listening, head over to get started.
Brittany believes there are times when play with your food should be encouraged! Here she is in competition with her nephews to see who can land the cream of an Oreo nearest its cookie!
I sat my Addie down in front of the FamilyFED YouTube channel and asked her to select a few games that she thought we could play right away. Here are her choices …
As a BONUS, I found so much research and encouragement for playful parenting and the importance of collaborative imaginative activity for kids of all ages. Here’s the TED PLAYlist and information from the American Academy of Pediatrics. OR click below for 25 ways to be a more playful parent.
Brittany Beattie received bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Brigham Young University. Because of her love for story, she began working as a family history writer to help families compile their family stories into published books. She became an editor and writer for Creating Keepsakes, a book and magazine publisher that helped provide ideas for creating meaningful family scrapbooks. (Here she also had the amazing opportunity to meet the fabulous Stacy Julian!) She became the managing editor of Creating Keepsakes and also helped launch a community-based subscription website for the company. Brittany then became the managing editor of the New Era magazine published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to help strengthen youth in living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Brittany later worked as an audience manager for The Church of Jesus Christ and helped oversee messaging to children, their parents, and their leaders. She founded, designed to help strengthen families by making it easy for them to spend quality family time together through family fun every day (the "F.E.D." in Family FED).
🎲 There are so many ways to connect with Brittany and her brilliant ideas …
🧡 Thank YOU for listening. As always I’d LOVE to hear from you. If you’re enjoying Exactly Enough Time, please take a moment to leave me a review on iTunes!
Q&A with Stacy (part 2)
Aug 13, 2020
As promised in episode 77, this week is a Q&A follow-up focusing on listener-submitted questions—and particularly questions of a more personal nature. You might think with as ‘out there’ as I am that I relish this type of thing, but the truth is this is hard for me. I’m certainly happy to share my thoughts (answers to questions) so I think the discomfort comes from not wanting to elevate my answers as anything more than my answers. I have to keep reminding myself that I love listening to and learning from other people and that I often borrow ideas and use and adapt them to my life. So let’s do that. Let’s just picture us sitting down together to talk about life—only I would LOVE to hear from you!
I figured since I used my professional headshot to promote episode 77, I should use something a bit more close-to-home to promote this episode. This is me at 5:27 AM—see, I told you we were friends!
After listening today, I hope you’ll share a little of you with me. You can do that by sending me a SpeakPipe message, emailing me at or messaging me on Instagram @stacyjulian
Questions submitted for today’s episode include:
Besides marriage & birth/adoption of kids what is your best memory? What’s your favorite present with photos you have received? Are you going to continue to homeschool Addie in the fall? How’s it going? Why did you decide to homeschool? How old was Addie when you met/adopted her? What type of books do you read for pleasure? Do you have a favorite author? What is the most important lesson learned while podcasting? What is your funniest moment in podcasting? What goals would you like to reach by episode 100? Do you have any outtakes or bloopers? What was the most emotional moment in podcasting? What is your greatest challenge in podcasting? How do you do it all—balance family life with work, creative projects and other pursuits? What is your favorite memory raising tiny boys? What’s your most precious memory?
I hope you enjoy this episode. I inadvertently left out a question about my current health routine—food and exercise? And, I actually had thoughts/answers for that one, so I’ve already reached out to my brother, Theron to do a full episode on women’s health—especially as we age!
For more information on Addie’s story and homeschooling, listen to episode 44 and episode 61. I mentioned the fun Geoff and I had recording episodes on marriage with our friends, The Smiths. Listen to episode 35 and episode 37 for some memorable moments!
Seth Godin, Todd Henry and Jon Acuff are all authors I mentioned and read with enthusiasm. There are many, many more of course. I also specifically mentioned The Person You Mean to Be, by Dolly Chugh.
I have many, many ways of relaxing with dark chocolate, but this is a very common one—that I might be subscribed to on Amazon.
As always, THANK YOU to Close To My Heart for sponsoring the Story Starter kits that I send out for SpeakPipe messages played—and thanks to Cindy Stephen for the one I played today!
Be Good to People
Aug 06, 2020
Since its inception, the idea of Be Good to People® has inspired people to show up as a better version of themselves—I can’t wait for you to hear founder, Kris Wittenberg share her story and a very recent experience that was related to her from a women with a Be Good to People hat. Today’s episode is in celebration of goodness. The kind we need much more of right now and the kind that we each have the opportunity of igniting in ourselves and our communities.
I know you’re going to love this episode and walk away with a renewed sense of optimism for and about humanity!
Here’s a couple of videos to help you get to know BGTP as a company and a movement …
When you wear a Be Good to People shirt or hat you actually inspire kinder and more positive action, but you are also supporting and encouraging the reach of the non-profit foundation by the same name.
I love the three pillars that Kris explains which support this foundation …
Recognizing people and organizations who are being good to people.
Creating and supporting people-centered kindness events.
Developing kinder environments in schools and organizations.
So, here’s what we do next …
Make a purchase in the BGTP online store. The best way to spread the message is to wear it around!
Today is a good day. I have Alice Boll on the podcast with me. Alice has been scrapbooking since 1999. She is passionate about helping others find JOY in paper crafting. Since 2016, she has been the hostess of ScrapHappy, an online membership group for scrapbookers. She has a special knack for helping scrapbookers make room for meaningful journaling on their layouts and she loves to explore, with her community new scrappy skills and products. This very active group participates in LOAD (layout a day) challenges multiple times a year and enjoy monthly classes with expert instruction. In just a few weeks, Alice will be hosting an all NEW stay-at-home experience for her members and ANYONE ELSE and that’s what we’ve set out to talk about.
In the summer when Alice isn’t taking pictures or playing with paper, she loves to coach swim club and take spontaneous RV adventures with her husband, Jonas. During the other eight months of the year—winter in Alberta, Canada—you’ll find Alice curled up by a cozy fire with a togue on her head and a cup of hot cocoa in her hand. Alice and Jonas have two grown sons—who still understand the importance of a photo moment for mom!
I’m thrilled to be the keynote speaker for the ScrapSmarter Experience taking place August 21st to the 23rd ONLINE and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with Alice to learn more about her vision for this event and to hear her talk about each of the 10 amazing instructors who will be teaching—keep scrolling for the full list and links!
I will also be teaching a FUN bonus project to promote Story by Stacy!
You can learn more and GET REGISTERED at and please be aware that introductory pricing will end on July 31st.
I encourage you to visit instructors websites and follow them on social media. Getting to know a little about each other before we attend makes the actual experience that much better!
Thanks to ❤️ Close to My Heart for sponsoring Story Starter kits for listeners when I share their SpeakPipe messages on the show!
Watermelon for James
Jul 23, 2020
Today (July 23rd) is my Grandpa, James McDougal’s birthday. Grandpa loved watermelon. Many of his descendants will eat watermelon today—in his memory. Some of us will also share pictures on social media using the hashtag, #watermelonforjames
This picture of Grandpa as a young man enjoying watermelon with his traveling companions—along with a 5th grade report he wrote about … you guessed it, watermelon—inspired our now tradition of eating watermelon every year on his birthday.
Grandpa passed away in 1992 and gratefully he was a documenter and saver of things, so we now have lots of detailed information about his life. We have hundreds of photos, documents, notebooks, journals, telegrams and letters—most of which sits undisturbed in the possession of a variety of people. There is still much we can do and learn about James McDougal’s life—and the lives of so many others—but when it comes to family history work, this is what I’ve learned: Whether you have a lot or very little, the most important thing you can do is pique the curiosity of the next generation. It is my children and their children who will continue this effort after I am gone, so part of my job is to bridge the gap between what I remember and know and what they can only know once they desire to dig in. How do we invite interest and connection in our children and grandchildren? It’s EASIER than you think, in fact, there are many small and simple things we can do with very little effort.
“... by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise ... ”
— The Book of Mormon, Alma 37:6
In 2015, I gave a presentation at the annual RootsTech Family History Conference on this very topic and in this episode I share three tips from that presentation.
Remember that ONE brief exchange can forge a lasting connection that generates curiosity in another person. The more we are prepared to simply tell stories, the easier it will be to introduce one generation to another.
Look for clues to tangible items you can use to represent people and relationships in biographical sketches and personal letters. I now keep cookies in a small “honey tin” because I learned that my great-grandmother kept her cookies in one.
You can create physical spaces in your home that will create awareness and spark conversations with family members—photos and household items displayed together are especially effective at inviting the memory of ancestors into your life.
To get started, download and print a 4 generation pedigree chart and begin recording names, dates and details for your parents, grandparents and great grandparents. As you learn about these people, try to discover one thing you can do to bring them into your home. As Dr. Michael Wilcox writes, “We can all enjoy the vast wealth of wondrously lived lives and make such lovely friends … these singular people of the past can move within our minds offering counsel, encouragement, comfort and insight.” (10 Great Souls I Want to Meet in Heaven)
As always, I’d LOVE to hear from you—especially about small and simple things you are doing to honor the memory of those you love and bring family history into your life.
Thank YOU for listening.
I keep my cookies in this honey tin, because great-grandma Minnie kept cookies in a honey tin!
Today I wore my grandpa’s old hat at one of his favorite places in the world ❤️ Lake Crescent is one of the most under appreciated and seriously the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to.
THIS is exactly what I’m talking about—a small and simple gesture to honor the memory of people we love!
More than a year ago at the beginning of episode 7, during my introduction I quite unexpectedly said, “This is episode 77 of Exactly Enough Time …” I think I was almost challenging myself to see if I could in fact stick with this thing for seventy additional weeks! Well, today I’m actually publishing my 77th episode and thought it might be fun to solicit questions from my listeners and share some personal perspective. I received many questions—enough that today is part one—focused on the topic of memory keeping.
I’ll respond to questions of a more personal nature in a couple of weeks.
Here are some of the questions I respond to …
What started you in scrapbooking? Do you still sort your photos according to the methods you’ve taught? How do you organized your scrapbooking/art supplies? Ideas for a high school scrapbook club. The challenges of scrapbooking for others. How do you prioritize memory keeping with the demands of life and family? What to do when you haven’t printed a photo in over 5 years?
I promised I would share the first three scrapbook pages I ever created—well, there are actually four. I made these pages during my first-ever Scrapbooking 101 class with Kim Cook, at Paper Hearts, in Salt Lake City, UT. This was 1994.
This image of my storage room—which sits behind my creative studio—is not up to date, but still reflects the shelves that hold bins of scrapbook embellishments, stored by COLOR.
In my library of albums, I have a section for US (albums for my immediate family members), PEOPLE (grandparents, extended family, friends and family history), PLACES (our home and community and destinations we have visited for pleasure or work) and THINGS (pages about everyday life, celebrations, traditions, sports and recreation—basically everything that’s left over!) I LOVE my library!!
I’ll add a few more photos of my albums and how I display them later today!
Listening with Katie Cheesman
Jul 09, 2020
Too often, their stories go unheard or are forgotten.
Those are Katie Cheesman’s words—and I believe she is right. Katie is talking about the elderly. People in our world who have the most life experience, the most wisdom and the most to say, but who are sadly and far too often NOT listened to. But Katie is doing something about this and what she is doing is called, The Listening Ear Project. I had the distinct pleasure of visiting with Katie to learn more.
Katie’s BIO: You won’t find someone who adores seniors like Katie does.
She fell in love with her elderly patients, their endearing humor, and their incredible stories while serving them as a home health care nurse.
Katie quit her job to focus on The Listening Ear Project: A labor of love where she visits with elderly people from all walks of life to film and share their stories, timeless advice, and the occasional bit of old-person humor.
Katie is a wife and a mom of two. She enjoys videography, reading, adventuring with her little family, and obsessing over clouds.
During our conversation Katie mentioned her interview with Bill, so I looked him up on her website and I found this photo and these thoughts recorded by Katie:
This is Bill. Bill is a hero.
He went without food for three days. He watched his best friend die in his arms. He was such an accurate sniper that he was asked to run alongside the colonel to protect him. He was captured by the Chinese and tortured for three days. He was part of the "Frozen Chosin" battle and fought in 30 below zero conditions.
He was in the Marine Corp during the Korean War. He earned a double Purple Heart and a Silver Star medal, along with several others. He experienced the brutality of war first hand, and openly talked about his PTSD with me. We cried together as he recited his poem titled "War is Hell." I have no words to describe the experience we shared and I left wanting to share Bill's story with the world.
I drove home in silence and tried to process everything this man had gone through. Suddenly, my often petty complaints seemed minuscule. In one hour, Bill had changed my entire perspective on life. It made me so grateful! Grateful for those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. Grateful for those who have to continue living with the nightmares of war every day.
In this video Katie expresses a truth. Stories change us. She is accomplishing so much good by listening to and documenting personal stories for her clients—and their families, but she is changing her own heart in the process.
You may not be in a location or position to hire Katie, but you can learn from her—directly and by watching the incredible videos she creates—how to listen and how to approach your own loved ones with an invitation to share their stories.
I love that Katie has a portfolio on her site, so that you can view the quality of work that she does. She creates all kinds of stories. Life stories are her most popular effort, but she also highlights hobbies, family recipes, homes and more. Henry’s Hike is an example of these video shorts that capture so much of someone’s personality, interest and in this case, drive!
I opened today’s episode with words from Christine. I was so grateful to find Christine’s full story posted on The Listening Ear Project—especially now when I am striving to learn more about Black people with their personal and collective struggles for equality in our country. Imagine what we could be like as a nation if we slowed down long enough to truly see and listen to each other.
We would understand more deeply and show up in more supportive ways.
I’ve hired Katie to interview my mom and create a life story video for her. I will keep you posted and will for sure share more about this experience as it unfolds.
People, Places & Things
Jul 02, 2020
IF you can take all the subject words in the English language and divide them up into 3 easy categories, you can certainly use those same categories to bring order to your photos and your stories. This episode attempts to explain why I ask every guest I interview an iteration of the question:
Who, Where or What has your attention right now?
Sometimes, it sounds more like this: Tell me about a person, place or thing that you are focused on right now? Regardless of how I ask it, one of the reasons I pose this question is to illustrate just how universal these categories are.
Anyone can speak to them, personalize them and use them to tell a story.
Within just a few years of discovering scrapbooking, I was overwhelmed and frustrated. Mostly by default paradigms and self-imposed rules—I felt behind and intimidated by what I had signed myself up to do. Gratefully, a conversation with my mother helped me understand what I truly wanted to accomplish with my passion for photos and stories. Not long after that, an idea presented itself and I started to formulate a solution to my problem. Before too long, I had launched a website where I was able to teach “my system” online—I called that class, A Library of Memories. I have never looked back.
In the episode I also share FIVE ways to use these categories to simplify your documenting.
Make a people, places and things list for any current story you’re experiencing. Take this Covid-19 pandemic were navigating. Making a people, places and things list in these categories will help you track details even before you’re ready to fully process emotions or write down thoughts.
Use these categories to help you photograph an event. Thinking ahead of time about the specific types of people, places and things pictures you want to take will empower in the direction of happy photo-journalist.
Use these categories to help you write more interesting letters or journal entries over time.
Set up albums in the photos app on your smart phone—one for each of the categories, Us, People, Places and Things. Curating digital images in this way will help you discover connections and unique storylines over time.
Catch up with your scrapbooks. Nevermind that you don’t have an annual album since 2005 (or 2017) it doesn’t matter. Just start telling people, places and things stories and put these pages/stories together in People, Places and Things albums. This single most liberating move will change the way you see your life and tell your stories—in very positive ways!
“With chronology you are relinquishing your role as storyteller and giving the power, to the calendar. The calendar can only take you so far because it only knows when the photo was taken—But, YOU as a storyteller know that that photo you took five years ago has everything to do with the picture you snapped five minutes ago. When you take back your role as storyteller you are in the driver seat of your memories—and what they mean! You can draw connections that create generosity and abundance in your life and your past. As a storyteller it’s easier for you to discern which photos have meaning over time! ”
— Stacy Julian
Thanks to Barbara Streisand, The Beatles and Bobby Darin for my intro songs!
In February my son, Taft was extended a call to serve a 2-year church mission with the assignment to labor in Lima, Peru. According to that original plan, we would have put him on an airplane to the missionary training center (MTC) in Lima this morning—June 25th. Of course a worldwide pandemic in March has altered many of the hows and wheres of missionary preparation and service since then.
Note: You can read more about the feat of bringing tens of thousands of foreign-serving missionaries home safely, here.
My son, Trey, who was serving in Sonora, Mexico was one who’s mission was cut short. He returned home on March 31st.
Without hesitation, our biggest pandemic perk has been having these boys at home together—in this unexpected way—and I couldn’t resist sitting them down to talk openly about returning home from and heading out to a mission—this most fascinating aspect of our religious culture.
We are definitely a missionary family. Both Geoff and I served as young adults (Geoff served in Boise, Idaho and I served in Frankfurt, Germany) and Taft is now my 4th son to serve. Clark served in Salt Lake City (the south mission, speaking Spanish) and Chase served in the Missouri, St. Louis mission. For this conversation I solicited questions via social media and we were able to discuss most of them. I hope you’ll don your curiosity cap and listen with an open mind. This is not about what we believe so much as it is about the life and experiences of a young missionary.
Of course I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, and there is plenty more to explore if you keep reading.
[photo] Meeting Elder Trey Julian at the Spokane airport on March 31st.
[photo] Elder Taft Julian attending his first day of missionary training in Peru (via Zoom) June 24th.
[photo] Trey tells a story of La Familia Fierro—this is the photo I promised to share!
I must admit that recording this conversation with my boys is selfishly motivated—we’re living through such an interesting time in world history—that I am grateful to add this to my growing collection of Covid-19 experiences.
[photo] There’s a decent chance that you either know someone who has or is currently serving a mission for the LDS church—you’ve likely seen two white-shirted men on biking or walking on the street before and you have even had a pair of Elders or Sisters on your doorstep, but they and what they do may still be unfamiliar to you. For this reason, here are a few additional resources …
What missionaries teach and what we believe can be explore at . Right now, missionaries are doing most of their teaching online, via Facebook and Zoom, so it’s easy to connect with them.
We (the Julians) respect everyone’s right to believe or not believe as they choose, but I love the scripture my son, Clark sent in a text message to Taft this morning (see below.)
He added, “Elder Julian has been sent!”
“For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tiding of good things? ”
— Romans 10:12-15
[video] A glimpse into the life of a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
[video] I opened this episode with the song, Called to Serve as sung by a choir of missionaries.
As always, thank YOU for listening!
Camp Seiter with Chanda
Jun 18, 2020
I have the coolest siblings and today on the show I have my ice-cream loving sister, Chanda.
🍦Every summer, Chanda creates something called Camp Seiter which is a themed-out summer experience for her whole family—but mostly her kids.
The Seiters: Zindy, Lucy, Jon, Annie, Chanda, Liberty and Briggs
🍦Considering current pandemic circumstances, I thought it might be FUN to pick Chanda’s brain and harvest her experience for ideas and tips on how to be more intentional with time at home over the next few months. For most of us, this will not be a theme park, beach party or splash pad summer, but with a few minutes each day or a couple of days each week, we can make memories that will last a lifetime. Plus, with all that’s going on, our kids need to be kids!
🍦You’ll hear Chanda discuss some of the Camp Seiter themes from years past …
Around the World in One Summer
Blast Off: An Out of This World Experience
Food Glorious Food
Weird Science
Turning Back Time to the Good ‘Ole Days AND, this year …
50 States in 50 Days
Right around the last day of school, the five Seiter children anticipate the big theme reveal, which includes a banner (made from a bed sheet) and more recently a theme song—which they become very familiar with as it often plays in the car or the background as they pursue all kinds of themed activities.
The theme song for Camp Seiter 2020 is Tour the States with Brain Beats.
🍦Chanda is quick to advise other moms to be realistic with their efforts, their time and all the expectations that easily mount for something like an at home summer camp. I learned from talking to her that personal adaptation is most important—do what works for YOU—then, once you have established an intentional theme, you can build in a variety of activities—some will for sure be more grand, but some might take only 20 minutes. A quick trip to the cold cereal aisle can absolutely count!
🍦Chanda has often bemoaned the fact that she isn’t a “scrapbooker” but, I also learned that she compiles and prints a Camp Seiter photo book at the end of every year. Each of her children receive a copy for Christmas. Hello? THIS in an amazing way of documenting—in a few years all of the Seiter kids will have 10 volumes of their childhood summers published in a way that packs easily into one box. Bravo Chanda!
The cover of each photo book features the annual Camp Seiter theme reveal banner!
Seiter kids are exposed to different countries, cultures, foods and skills all from the comfort of their home!
Is there anything better than memories made at home? Not if you’re donning a chef hat!
🍦 I hope you enjoy this episode and that it leaves you encouraged to do something intentional and FUN with your people this summer.
Short Compelling Stories
Jun 11, 2020
Have you ever heard of flash fiction? What about a mini-saga? Today I’m talking short stories—I’ll share a few FUN examples and then dive into sage advice which helped me outline five aspects of plot that work together to create the kind of personal stories family members and others actually want to read. I’ve pulled insights from an article about marketing in The Harvard Business Review and from boots-on-the-ground storyteller Brandon Stanton of HONY. I will also share what I learned in person from oral storytelling legend, Donald Davis.
The FIVE aspects to focus on when crafting short, compelling stories …
Identify essential characters
Use a single perspective—one that will allow you to deliver your message most succinctly.
Reveal the crisis and the change or realization it caused.
Use details that allow the reader to ‘picture’ your story.
Write (or scrapbook) people, relationships and transformation
For 20 years I’ve taught scrapbookers how to easily expose the true meaning in a beloved photo. I’ll share three of these Stories I Love from my first album. The cool thing about these kinds of personal stories is that they don’t have the same kind of “date stamp” that other scrapbook pages do—they become timeless messages from your life experience.
Below are the three one-of-a-kind photos that inspired these stories. Please note that a photo does not need to excel photographically to be the genesis of a story you love—what it needs to do is elicit emotion that you will remember. Emotion is the key that allows you move through layers of information to the heart of personal meaning. Emotion most often accompanies photos that capture or represent relationships.
I started this episode with wisdom spoken by legendary producer, Don Hahn. Be sure to watch or listen to The Storytelling Essentials webinar replay. This interview hosted by Harris III is a powerful reminder of the need for personal expression and an understanding of the power of story—especially now—as we navigate current events and work together for needed and long overdue changes in our society. I truly loved every minute of this insightful conversation.
Additional Resources
When You Write is a fantastic resource if you’re wanting to really dive into writing with the goal of publishing a book, but even if that’s not yet your goal there is much over there to take in.
Jessica Majewski has written, How to Outline a Short Story—which includes the fun, colorful PDF pictured here. After you read through her detailed article you’ll want to download it and post it where you write— to spark your memory!
If you’re looking for a short book to help you craft short family stories, I recommend this one. Telling Your Own Stories by Donald Davis is half prompts and half expert how-to. Donald is a sought-after oral storyteller who understands, practices and teaches the art of discovering your stories and bringing them to life.
Listen & Learn
Jun 04, 2020
Listen and learn. I have been consumed by this effort for many days now and I’m so happy to report that it is making a difference in me. In just one week I understand more and I feel more confident and more able to initiate conversations and to articulate thoughts, feelings and invitations. Today’s episode is just that, an invitation. I’m so grateful to my friend, Renee Pearson for her generosity during a time of great mourning to speak with me and to share some of her perspective.
My beautiful friend, Renee. Photo taken in 2007 when we travelled together to Australia and New Zealand.
The more we listen and learn about race in our country, the more good we will be able to do and the more we will avoid the tendency to think that we can’t do anything to influence, let alone change injustice that we see. The first action I would love you to take after listening—especially if you are white—is to visit Project Implicit and take a test (or two or more). Here’s the link to the IAT page. From my brief experience on this website, I can tell you that this will be an eye-opening experience. I was not pleased with the outcome of the first test I took, but it gives me a place to start from. As you explore IAT you will better understand what your current associations are, so that you can gain greater perspective.
If you or your family members need a refresher on Jim Crow laws, please click HERE.
Here’s the PDF of Peggy McIntosh’s article, White Priviledge: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
“Each of us have some part of our identity which requires little attention to protecting. For example, in America, if you are white or Christian or able-bodied or straight or English-speaking, these particular identities are easy to forget. It is just an ordinary way of being. Ordinary privilege is ordinary because it blends in with the norms and people around us, and thus, is easily forgotten.
Just about every person in America has one form of this ordinary privilege or another. This is nothing to be ashamed of, or deny, even though it can often feel like an accusation. Ordinary privilege is actually an opportunity. Research repeatedly confirms that those with ordinary privilege have the power to speak up on behalf of those without it, and have particularly effective influence when they do. For so many of us looking for an opportunity to fight bigotry and bias in the workplace or in our broader culture, we may be missing the opportunity staring back at us in the mirror: using the ordinary nature of who we are as a source of extraordinary power.”
So many WONDERFUL resources have been shared via social media over the last week. I encourage you to keep learning with books and podcasts. Renee mentioned both Black Lives Matter and Color of Change—click on either of these links to visit their websites. You can also follow them on Instagram.
I failed to mention, but have LOVED the podcast, First Name Basis by Jasmine Bradshaw. Jasmine’s focus in on giving parents the tools they need to teach their children about race, religion and culture. Jasmine does an amazing job of simplifying and articulating sensitive issues. She shares sound research-based ideas and has so many fantastic suggestions. Please follow Jasmine on Instagram!
🖤 Update: As a small business owner I am ever-grateful for those who support me. We need to look for and support black-owned businesses as much as possible. What little (extra) effort this requires is so worth it as we step up to support our sisters and brothers of color in business. This article will help!
We can do this. We can use ordinary influence to bring more awareness to these BIG issues and I believe we can absolutely make SMALL changes in our own daily lives that will impact our families, our communities and our ultimately our country.
Thank YOU for listening. As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts!
Hey Cousin!
May 28, 2020
It’s true. Just as A.J. Jacobs says, “We’re all cousins!” We’re all related if we go back far enough—which is exactly where genealogists love to go—far enough. Last week we talked trees and I mentioned the metaphorical family tree—with it’s roots and branches and if you’re at all familiar with, “shaky leaves” but seriously, what is this find your past movement all about and how do you actually get started finding your cousins?
My guest, Lisa Lisson takes the overwhelm out of genealogy research. She is an expert researcher with 12-years of practice searching out her own family facts and helping others move forward in finding their ancestors.
Lisa talks about starting where you are—right at home with resources that you have easy access to. Then, reaching out to family members and asking the right questions. Don’t worry though before you know it, she’ll have you dealing in official documents and feeling completely comfortable in the basement of the courthouse.
Ready to dive in?
Let’s start with Lisa’s website, Are You My Cousin? This is where you’ll find a wealth of information and resources—there’s even a FREE e-course if you subscribe to weekly emails. Lisa also has a YouTube channel with dozens of how-to videos and expert guidance. If you just want to follow along and see what this genealogy thing is all about, start by following @areyoumycousin on Instagram.
Lisa also has a special interest and passion for helping her clients FIND photos—especially the older, one-of-kind prints. IF you have questions about this, be sure to reach out to her!
During our conversation, Lisa mentioned the following resources …
Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic which are both software programs that help you create and build your family tree on your own computer. When you’re ready to share what you’ve created or connect with others who may be working on your same lines, FamilySearch is a major data base with a shared global tree and it’s completely FREE. They host the RootsTech Conference every year.
The major subscription based data bases are of course, Ancestry, Find My Past and My Heritage. As a BONUS, here’s a link to Genealogy Bargains, a site that curates the freebies and promos throughout the genealogy industry.
I’m one who has up until now, been focused primarily on the family hiSTORY side of this fascinating work, but I think with Lisa’s guidance I could become more confident doing the research too. I invite you to join me in this effort. Just be warned, it’s addicting in the best way possible 🌳❤️
Finally, as I was searching out a fun way to begin today’s episode, I came across this video, so before you go—here’s a chuckle to take along!
AND, If you’re looking for an easy way to START documenting family stories your research turns up? I have a line of user-friendly, low-tech products with YOU in mind. Check out Story by Stacy!
For the Love of Trees!
May 21, 2020
It is estimated that the average mature oak tree has somewhere between 300,000 and half a million leaves. Crazy! I meant to add that to my notes and I forgot—but, that’s OK, there is plenty more about trees to remember and celebrate. One of my earliest memories is bouncing up and down on my Dad’s shoulders as we hiked through forests—my fondness for trees was planted early. This episode is very Stacy-esque in it’s randomness, but I have experienced over and over again the power of very ordinary things when it comes to recollecting memories for storytelling.
So, the lens we’re using today is trees. 🌲🌳 🌴 I hope you’ll come with me on stroll down memory lane—the one lined with your favorite trees!
I’ve thought so often during this pandemic of the introduction that Elder Uchtdorf shares here—there is much we can learn from nature (and especially trees) about life and things that matter most.
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.
The majestic Moreton Bay Fig trees in Treasury Park, downtown Melbourne must be seen to be truly experienced. Of course the most famous version of these trees grow on Kauai and are featured in the movie, Jurassic Park.
I opened the episode with Let it Grow, from the 2012 animated film, The Lorax.
The Giving Tree is an American children'spicture book written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein. First published in 1964 by Harper & Row, it has become one of Silverstein’s best-known titles, and has been translated into numerous languages.
I mentioned that I will be teaching this fall (hopefully 🤞🏼) at the She Loves Color event. Registration is still OPEN. I will also be doing a Facebook Live, Friday, May 22nd at 4:00 PM Pacific time. Check out the SLC Facebook Page.
As always I would LOVE to hear from you—here in the comments or via SpeakPipe. I’ll be sending Kathy—who’s message I shared today a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line of products with Close To My Heart.
COLOR with Lee Eiseman
May 14, 2020
What does a Georgia O’Keefe painting OR the Weber Telescope have to do with the color of next year’s fashions? More than you might guess. As Louis Armstrong sings, we live in a wonderful, colorful world and my guest today likely knows more about color in our world than most anyone else in it.
Leatrice Eiseman has been called “the international color guru.” She has authored ten books on color and continues to consult, train and influence in all things color.
In her research, Lee has created word association lists for almost every color you can name, but if I had to choose just one word to associate with her, it would have to be fascinating. Truly, I could listen to Lee ALL day long—and actually I have—back in 2004 when I attended her 4-day Color & Design Course which changed my life (not even kidding.)
Since my in-person experience with Lee I have surrounded myself with color and used it with confidence. I have been able to share what I know, how I know it and why it makes a difference.
I’m so excited for you to listen to and learn from Lee. She talks about her childhood home, who has influenced her career and what she and other color experts do to forecast color trends. In her work with Pantone, Lee says, “It’s not that we’re reinventing colors all the time, but that we are inventing new color combinations!”
Lee notes that she was influenced early on by the work of Faber Birren.
You can learn much more about Lee on her website, or by following her on Instagram @leatriceeiseman In addition to her Color & Design Course, Lee is also teaching online. Check out her More Alive With Color course.
Thank YOU for listening. Please consider leaving me a review on iTunes!
Magnifying Moms
May 07, 2020
I start and end today’s episode with thoughts shared in this video, created by ECHO Storytelling Agency.
One of the challenges with motherhood is that the value of what moms provide can never be overestimated and yet when asked what this influence is worth—especially if you ask those who most rely on and require mothering the answers fall terribly short. We chuckle of course, but we all know that when we are hurt, sick, sad or discouraged or when we make the cut, win the race or triumph in some other way the first person we think of is Mom! My guest today is Erin Trimble and I absolutely LOVE what she has created on Instagram. It is a bright spot in my scrolling and it’s called Motherhood Magnified.
Back in 2016 in her personal quest to become more of the mother she wanted to be, Erin began sharing quotes, articles, advice and tips from her research on a new Instagram account. Each week Erin reaches out to another mom—some even “famous”—and asks them to respond to a series of questions. She also invites them to share their favorite sources of inspiration. The result is Motherhood Magnified!
In our conversation I asked Erin to share a quote that she has published on Motherhood Magnified and she chose this one. I decided it is so good—so indispensable—that I want to make it EASY for you to take it with you.
“When you are exasperated by interruptions, try to remember that their very frequency may indicate the value of your life. Only people who are full of help and strength are burdened by other persons’ needs. The interruptions which we chafe at are the credentials of our indispensability. The greatest condemnation that anybody could incur - and it is a danger to guard against - is to be so independent, so unhelpful, that nobody ever interrupts us, and we are left comfortably alone. ”
— Anonymous (printed in The Anglican Digest)
These are the questions Erin asks in her Mom Monday interviews:
Erin has chosen Fan Tex Ash trees for her yard!
I magnify my role as mom the most when:
Best mom advice:
Favorite product right now:
Biggest struggle you have as a parent?
Favorite tradition you have as a family or just with your kids:
Favorite go-to homemade meal on a hectic day (extra points for including a recipe or website link to the recipe so I can share it with other moms!):
Most recent (or any) book you've read and would want to recommend?
I am publishing this episode midweek between National Tell-A-Story Day and National Scrapbook Day—in other words, it’s the perfect time to talk documenting. In my more than two decades of experience there is one thing that commonly gets in the way of people doing what they want to do with their photos and memories—the expectation that it all needs to be done “in order”. But what exactly does that mean? Who decides the order of things and what happens IF you decide to abandon the rules or change the default settings?
Listen and find out what I think and why I think YOU can have a whole lot of liberating and playful fun once you open your mind to the “out of order” possibilities.
I opened today’s episode with Obie Leff and his talented rendition of the CBAs. Information and trivia shared that relates to the history and order of our alphabet is found HERE.
“We crave order, but it doesn’t have to be chronological order. Chronology is just one way to organize the content of a scrapbook—or story!”
— Stacy Julian
My friend and 20in20 student, Stephanie Hokensen was kind enough to allow me to read her ABCs of Covid-19. This simple approach gave her some much needed relief. She said, “It was very therapeutic to put some words down on paper and get them out of my head.”
Stephanie is a wife and mother to three children—a son that is 17 years old and twin daughters that are 4 years old. She lives with her family in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and enjoys being on Lake Superior and camping in the summers. Right now she is the Medical Clerk in a dialysis unit. She is living Covid-19 24/7, and knows how dangerous it is to families and individuals. She says, “Honestly, it’s scary and exhausting!
🎙 I realize that my podcast episode topics are rather random, but if there is a common thread it is to encourage YOU to be more present in your life—to recognize opportunities you have to pause and SEE the story you’re living right now. We all have the opportunity to document our thoughts, feelings and experiences in very doable ways. I am here to help with inspiration and ideas.
These days (out of necessity) we are getting used to staying home—so I’m thrilled to have Cara Newhart as my guest today. Cara is a color-loving and print obsessed maker who specializes in demonstrating doable DIY. She loves to help others create lived-in spaces through home design advice and helpful tutorials—if we have to be home, let’s learn how to make it more beautiful and functional.
As an influencer, Cara has collaborated with brands like Amazon, Twitter, TempurPedic, Krazy Glue and Ball®. She has been featured in publications like PEOPLE Stylewatch and Denver Style Magazine and is the 2019 Home Depot Orange Tank Pitch Competition Winner.
🧡 Wow.
You’re likely familiar with the idea of a man cave, but Cara has created a “girl garage” (see image below) and I’m now officially envious of her spray paint bar and her wallpapered refrigerator. IF you’ve got the itch to transform a room, or even just paint a “pandemic” wall, Cara can help you do it with confidence!
Smile. 😀 Because my guest today is Rebecca Franson, founder of Camera Mama—the IG HUB for you guessed it, Moms with cameras. You gotta love a well-chosen name. But, truly—if you want to improve the way you take pictures of your family then pull out your phone, open up Instagram and follow @camera_mama a virtual HUB for photography inspiration and education—it’s sharing and learning one square at a time (love that) and when I sat down recently with Rebecca she shared her love of photography and her desire to improve herself which ultimately led her to launch a website—which now boasts a premium membership and social media presence 88K strong.
Rebecca has so much goodness to share in such a generous and helpful way. I know you’ll enjoy listening and learning from her.
To learn more about Camera Mama premium and get signed up on the waiting list, go HERE.
And get on the email list so you can know the theme for each week!
Each weekly theme on Instagram challenges you to see your family in a new way and while having fun practice new photography techniques.
This week’s theme is FUNNY—use the hashtag #cmfunny2 and next week’s emphasis on WINDOWS is sure to inspire—use or search the hashtag #cm_windows2
Photographers featured on Camera Mama each have a unique style so there is something to inspire everyone and I love that with the premium membership you can get one-on-one mentoring for a fraction of what it might cost you otherwise.
Mark your calendars for National Scrapbook Day—Saturday, May 2nd. I’ll be teaching a class in the evening designed to help you document your own Covid-19 experience. Details HERE.
📚 Shout out to Close To My Heart for sponsoring Story Starter kits to my listeners, when I play their SpeakPipe message on the show!
Here we are, week three into a shelter at home order in the state of Washington (and most other places as well). How’s it going? The novelty of it all has definitely worn off for me and even though my family is (as of yet) not directly afflicted by Covid-19, there is a whole lot of upside down everywhere I look. Easter is Sunday and I can’t go to church. My annual Easter egg hunt isn’t happening and our local schools are officially cancelled until next fall. I want normal!
This past weekend, we enjoyed a General Conference for my church—which was recorded and broadcast according to strict standards of social distancing—even though we watched at home like we always do, it was unsettling to see all those empty seats and feel the lack of personal connection. But, I woke up Monday morning so grateful for the much needed uplift and the perspective shift that comes from backing up just a bit and taking in the bigger picture. I felt a renewed sense of optimism and hope because of my faith in God, so I decided in today’s episode to share a story that has become a personal defining memory for me—along with snippets of a few of my favorite conference talks. I might even have a bit from Queen Elizabeth for you! Right now we need as much optimism and HOPE as possible—so I’m also sharing an important invitation to participate in a global fast on Good Friday. My hope is that regardless of what you believe, you will feel encouraged and be glad you listened.
🌼 DON’T FORGET to leave me a comment and tell me what you’ve seen or experienced that is giving you hope during this difficult time.
Here are full versions of the talks I pulled quotes from.
The concept of 100 days has been a popular benchmark in politics with U.S. Presidents since the days of FDR, but it may now be more celebrated as a popular social media movement which apparently started when in 2007, Michael Bierut challenged his graduate design students at Yale to repeat a design operation for 100 days. Committing to something small for 100 consecutive days can change your life—or at least help you reach goals, refine your craft, accomplish otherwise overwhelming or monotonous chores and become a happier person. If you would like to practice greater awareness or dive into a creative project—this episode is for YOU.
On today’s show I have not one, but two guests who are both fans of using 100 days to better themselves, Liz Young and Janelle Horsely. Liz and Janelle are both currently enrolled in my 20in20 course.
Liz Young and family
Janelle Horsely and family
Liz and Janelle will share their advice and biggest take aways from their personal experiences with #The100DayProject and #100HappyDays and I predict after listening you may just be persuaded to join with me and thousands of others—starting April 7th—for the 2020 session. This Covid-19 pandemic begs to be recorded with details and personal observations, so I’m committing to 100 days of journal entries—some with photos. And since most of us have more time on our hands than usual it is a fantastic time to start a new project or reconnect with a beloved hobby.
Pictured here is the Reflection Guide which helps you articulate and record ahead of time your purpose and the specifics of your plan—including the ways you can simplify and make time and space. Writing down how you will get back on track when you slip and who you can reach out to for support are also helpful tactics. Both of my guests speak to the incredible sense of accomplishment you’ll enjoy at the end of this adventure—so don’t forget to also plan how you will celebrate! 🎉💯
S.J. Scott, author of Habit Stacking believes that the way to lasting change is focusing on one specific habit long enough to make it your own.
“The best way to make a lasting change is to develop one quality habit at a time.”
— S.J. Scott
100 Happy Days is another popular movement that began when Dmitry Golubnichy decided he wanted to be happier. His TEDx talk shares his story and you can learn more by visiting the website. It turns out more than 8 million people have accepted the challenge since 2015. Photos and best practices are available in the book, Can You Be Happy for 100 Days in a Row?
Janelle spoke of her rainbows in March. Here’s her monthly Project Life spread. Liz is committing to adding more story to scrapbook pages she has already created.
What could you do with 100 days to further your love of documenting? Let me know—I’d like to highlight people and their projects on the podcast over the next—you guessed it, 100 days!
🦠 p.s. Here are the details from CNN about Ford and other companies collaborating on the production of ventilators for 100 days!
School at Home with Darci Dowdle
Mar 26, 2020
I wish you could spend a day in the Dowdle’s homeschool room because it’s so colorful and inviting and because I know you would immediately feel encouraged to imagine a corner in your own home where books and timelines and maps rule and where learning feels exciting and FUN. In today’s episode I’m sitting down with my sister, Darci Dowdle, who voluntarily pulled four of her five children out of traditional public school two years ago so she could homeschool them. Darci is my inspiration and go-to source for answers when it comes best practices for teaching children—period. She is full of energy for life, organization and teaching. Darci has a degree in Elementary Education and a knack for making anyone feel like they are the most interesting person ever. She is passionate about living healthy and exploring the outdoors. The Dowdles love to hike and ski together and they are working towards the goal of visiting every National Park in the United States and Canada.
Just in time for millions of families adjusting to a new normal, I’ve got Darci’s best practices for school at home!
Darci’s TOP 5 1. Set up a morning routine. Whether you’re teaching one or six, creating an expected, unifying start to your day is so helpful. This can be a time for spiritual uplift, but it can also be an anticipated review of current and upcoming personal events, the news and weather and or time to write in a personal or family gratitude journal. Make it your own and stick to it.
2. Create a schedule. Be flexible for sure, but establish a daily and weekly schedule, so you know exactly what is expected and what success for any particular day looks like.
3. Respect your children. Learn to see your kids as emerging learners and give them as much autonomy as possible. They want to learn (I promise) and they are naturally curious and creative—allow them time and space to discover their unique gifts, skills and talents. Allow them to make mistakes, to be in a bad mood and to challenge what they are learning.
4. Get outside. Everyday, make time to get outside—literally—but also to explore new places where you can experience the different topics you’re studying. Go to the library, take hikes and bike rides. Visit neighbors and other local experts. Volunteer in your community and take advantage of learning opportunities around every corner—ask your local grocer to show your kids the deep freeze and stop and talk to your mayor or chief of police. You are only limited by your imagination.
5. Expose children to good literature. We often hear that it doesn’t matter what kids are reading, as long as they are reading. This is not true. Exposing children as early as possible to really good literature as a powerful affect on their developing minds and character. Reading good literature is about so much more than just reading—this is probably the single best thing you can do with kids at home—introduce them to a classic story about people and places they are unfamiliar with. One that is filled with words that don’t yet know and complex sentence structure that challenges them. You could even listen to Audible books and then look up documentaries and other resources about the people and places you encounter.
Homeschool Resources
Right now thanks to the Corona pandemic, families in 70 different countries have been thrust into school at home with varying degrees of support. This is why I wanted to compile a short list of helpful websites that Darci and I have used and loved. There are gratefully countless resources, but you might not have time to research right now, so these are favorites that we recommend without reservation …
Our primary curriculum is The Good and the Beautiful and one of their primary goals is to make homeschool less overwhelming and time consuming for the student and the instructor. Their recommended book list is phenomenal. Addie’s ability to read, write and memorize has improved immeasurably with the language arts program and I am particularly fond of their history courses and the variety of science units they offer.
Teaching Textbooks is our favorite math curriculum. It is 100% online and enables independent learning.
Addie’s FAVORITE activity to do during her self-directed time is Osmo—I cannot say enough good about these learning games.
The Dowdle family: Brooklyn (14), Tatum (9), Darci, Ty (17), Cache (12), Mitt (7) and Kevin near Banff, Canada.
Most people will either want or need to send their kids back to school as soon as possible, but some may be curious about options to homeschool in the future. General questions about homeschool laws in your state can be found HERE.
Darci also inspired me to create a dedicated and decorated space for homeschool. For me, this made a huge difference. Having somewhere specific and FUN to go to—not just the kitchen table—helped put me in the proper mindset. Architectural Digest actually has a complimentary guide on setting up a homeschool room in your home. It’s HERE.
My Life Coach Jody Moore
Mar 19, 2020
Vince Lombardi undoubtedly saying to his players, “This is a football”
I am thrilled to have as my guest today, Jody Moore—my life coach. Jody is a master certified coach with The Life Coach School. She is the host of the wildly popular weekly podcast, Better Than Happy and she is also the creator of Be Bold, a membership based coaching program, of which I am a raving fan.
It’s interesting that I had the good fortune of interviewing Jody just before the excitement of Covid-19 escalated to pandemic proportions because the tools and mindset that Jody and I discuss will undoubtedly empower you to think differently about what you’re experiencing. The thought work you have the ability to do will allow you to show up in healthy and helpful ways over the next several weeks as we continue to adjust to new routines at home and work.
I share with Jody three of the ideas or tools that I have learned from her that have become favorites of mine—I think you’re going to love this conversation where I compare Jody to the legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi, who is known for his unique methods that always started with the basics—so his players could better execute on the fundamentals. I don’t think we’re ever past this kind of learning—in football or life.
Note: I’m particularly fond of the quote that I hear Jody share often, “Worry is a terrible use of your imagination” We wondered in the interview if Eckhart Tolle should be credited. I did find this awesome Eckhart quote, but was unable to properly attribute the other.
“Worry pretends to be useful but serves no useful purpose. ”
— Eckhart Tolle
I am so grateful for Jody’s influence in my life and I’m thrilled to share her expertise with you. Please LISTEN to her podcast and visit her website to learn more about her remarkable work.
I am teaching online again. This means I’ve been thinking a lot about what I do and why I am still doing it. I few weeks ago, on my drive home from Seattle I decided I wanted to come up with an acronym that could help me explain my why—and I did. I’m excited to share it will you in today’s episode.
C - A - P - T - U - R - E
For me the practice of memory keeping is about creativity and anticipation. It’s about being present and telling stories and understanding ourselves and others better. It’s about remembering. I scrapbook to create evidence of the life I am living and I believe I actually enjoy my life more because I scrapbook.
I started this episode with an audio clip from the 1978 Heinz Ketcup TV commercial set to the music and lyrics of Carly Simon’s hit, Anticipation. Scrapbooking is ketchup for life. Pausing to take pictures and then choosing to live with those pictures—to pair a few of them with your thoughts and feelings—doing this often enough that even on the busy days, you recognize moments of “just rightness.”
Memory keeping is a practice that slows you down and allows you to savor life even as it speeds by.
I LOVE to share Story Starter kits with my listeners who send SpeakPipe messages.
Our brains are constantly looking for problems to solve. So, rather than allowing my brain to default to dissatisfaction, I intentionally give it creative problems to solve. I start projects so that just off the stage of my consciousness my mind is working on sorting and organizing and assembling—I’m mentally selecting colors and photos. Words are edited and design decision are made so that when I return fully focused I am productive and engaged.
Adding stories to my practice has taught me that we can edit, revise and interpret our life stories even as we are constrained by the facts of a circumstance. I’m the one who decides how to respond to plot twists and I can view new chapters and complicated characters with courage and grace. A recent study in Science magazine adds more support to the idea that engaging in stories—and I believe our own stories—the more we understand others and the more curiosity we have for their motivations, opinions and decisions.
I Have an Idea w/ Catherine Tachdjian
Mar 05, 2020
On the show today is my sit down with Scrapbook & Cards Today founder and publisher, Catherine Tachdjian (Tash-dan), who also hosts in person education events across Canada.
I am recently returned from one of these events, in Toronto, where I taught two classes. As a former magazine editor, I am always keen to learn more about the purposes and production of publications and I’ve admired the unique vision that Catherine has for many years. The longevity of Scrapbook & Cards and the success of more than 50 events is proof that Catherine and her team are doing something right—many things right!
As I walked away from my interview with Catherine and edited this episode I remembered how much I LOVE the entrepreneurial spirit in people who “have an idea” and then work tirelessly to make it a reality. Just think of the beauty and goodness that we have the power to bring into the world.
My guest today is Sarah Garner, mother and graphic designer from Arizona. She is also the inspiration behind The Kindred Press. Sarah has a passion for family history and stories and isn’t afraid to tackle bits and pieces of past stories that don’t resonate well today—or are downright uncomfortable to think about and difficult to understand. She speaks to the opportunity we all have to add honesty to honor when we look back to our ancestors, and to gratefully learn of their lives in full spectrum. We can discover and document details and we can choose to draw strength from them—even when they are disappointing details.
Sarah has learned that there is personal and even generational healing available to us as we do the work to seek out these important people in our past.
I invited Sarah on my show because I’ve been so impressed with the content she is creating @thekindredpress on Instagram. If you’re interested in family history I would encourage you to follow her there.
I love how Sarah—though just a young mother is so intentional about sharing family stories with her children, in simple ways. She uses kitchen time and family recipes with their associated memories to create opportunities for sharing stories. She loves to display and use personal items, like her husband’s grandma’s apron. Sarah reminds us that there are so many very simple ways to enrich our daily lives with stories from our past.
I opened this episode with Family, written and sung by Zach Gill.
Creative Growth
Feb 20, 2020
If you have a really great idea or feel curious about a new venture, creative growth is calling. Are you ready?
In today’s episode I’m sharing one of the most helpful concepts ever—something I learned from Todd Henry many years ago—on his long running podcast Accidental Creative.
This is the illustration I spoke about in the episode. I LOVE the idea of a curve that represents our potential to keep on discovering, learning, iterating, sharing and ultimately growing in life. It all depends on whether we choose to be CURIOUS, or as Steve Jobs puts it, “Stay Hungry!”
“Curiosity is the cure for boredom. There is no cure for curiosity!”
— Ellen Parr
If you want to learn more about the phases of creative growth and where and why we sometimes feel stuck, I recommend chapter 3 of Todd Henry’s book, Louder Than Words
On his website, Accidental Creative, Todd writes about where we get stuck and what to do about it and says that both imitation (emulation) and crisis are extra tricky phases because they both represent a point of decision where you can remain doing what you’re doing—with the skills you’ve acquired, OR you can take a leap and begin something—either a more personal iteration of what you already do well—by diverging or an even bigger jump into something related but NEW. Moving into and through these phases can feel scary, because they represent uncharted territory with no guarantees. These phases require vulnerability and that special mix of humility and confidence, but both move you forward and result in growth. I can’t tell you how often I have used these ideas in my own head to help me identify where I am and where I want to go next.
I’m so grateful to my listeners—and a special thanks this week to Paige Sellers, who sent me a SpeakPipe message. She will receive a Story Starter kit from Close To My Heart ❤️.
Next week, I’ll be teaching at RootsTech in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can learn more about this phenomenal event—and how to listen in on some of the best classes via the FREE Live Stream HERE.
I did it! I created a podcast and stuck with it for ONE FULL YEAR. Now, that is something worth celebrating. And in today’s episode, I get to share some of the things I’ve learned along the way—I will also share messages from YOU, my listeners—starting with a wonderful SURPRISE message that I received from Veronica Hugger, when on the School of Podcasting podcast, she chose Exactly Enough Time as her favorite podcast for 2019. Whaat?? Wow! Thanks Veronica 🎙❤️
I am hoping your take away today is an empowering one—that when you feel inspired and excited to try something new, to make, build, create, organize or produce something that is all YOURS that you believe you can, because truly, “If Stacy can, anybody can!”
HUGE shout out to the following listeners, who’s messages I’m sharing today AND to Close To My Heart for sponsoring this show with Story Starter kits Amy McGrew Sonja Gortzak Tanya Napier Estelle Kim Olea Robbie Ginsel iTunes review from melchappy Debbie Behling Tiffany Wakaswer AnneMarie Day Katie Boyle and, my son, Taft ❤️
Let’s do another year!
Never Say Never
Feb 06, 2020
This week’s episode is a FUN approach to telling your story. It involves making a list of experiences you NEVER thought you would have in your life thus far. As I share some of the items on my list, I will also share connected experiences as a reminder that any point on our life’s timeline is a crossroad of intersecting storylines. Please don’t put off telling your stories because you don’t know where to start.
START anywhere. Start with a list of #notever in my wildest imaginations did I ever think …
I would go skydiving
I would adopt
I would travel to Africa
I would own and LOVE a snake!!
I actually shared Larry in a video and a blog post back in August of 2018. Click here if you want to actually SEE me with Larry!
And if you would like to enter the drawing for a Story Starter kit, leave me a comment below!
As always, thanks for listening.
Catching Up with Wendy
Jan 30, 2020
I couldn’t be more thrilled to (finally) have my dear friend, Wendy Smedley on the show with me today. We’ll spend the first several minutes sharing how our paths crossed and a few of the adventures we’ve shared together—good and hard! Then I invite Wendy to talk about what’s she doing now. Wendy is the Marketing Manager for FamilySearch International—she knows a thing or two about getting started with genealogy and discovering your broader family narrative. Wendy is also recently divorced and opens up about shifting our stories during life’s inevitable changes—and be sure to click through to the show notes to see a photo of Wendy and her FIVE sons …
Wendy is so resilient and determined—she says of herself, “I am fiercely independent” but she shares how a recent injury—with an extended recovery has given her the opportunity to allow people into her life to help her walk. In my opinion, Wendy is a beautiful example of harvesting wisdom from difficulty. I’m so delighted to share her perspective with YOU!
“Losing my ability to WALK has really strengthened by ability to SEE. ”
— Wendy Smedley
If you’re interested in getting started with family history research, click HERE. FamilySearch is the world’s largest genealogical website with over 7 MILLION pages views a day and they have so many family friendly ways to discover your past. Wendy would love to answer any specific questions you have. Leave a comment below and I’ll help connect you with the expert 😀. There are some amazing things headed our way in the world of ancestry exploration and if you’re interested, there’s no better place to learn than RootsTech. Go HERE to learn more and get registered. I’ll be teaching a class on Thursday, February 27th at 9:00am—I am one of only about 300 classes—so there is truly something for everyone.
Additional LINKS: Wendy is currently using Future Self Journaling prompts as part of her morning ritual.
I play a portion of the song, Windy by the band, The Association.
College Prep with Friends
Jan 23, 2020
My son, Taft has enjoyed a remarkable friendship with a group of 4 other kids (now adults) throughout his middle and high school years. There were many study groups, school events, birthday parties, movie nights and late night/early morning meet-ups at Sherry’s for pie shakes.
Each of these people are now attending a different institution of higher learning 😊 so when they all returned home last fall I gathered them into one room to chat—with a microphone!
I told them I have a lot of moms who listen to my podcast and that they would be my panel of expert college freshmen. I asked them what they did in High School that prepared them well, what about college has been exactly as they imagined and what has surprised them. I asked them what they miss most about their former life and what they absolutely love about now. And finally, I asked them to share some advice for those headed into the world of adulting!
After I recorded our conversation—as I was driving home, I decided that our world and its future are in good hands!
Speaking of FRIENDS and learning, I am having a BLAST teaching 20in20 and I’m so impressed with the community that is growing there.
Here are just 3 reasons people have signed up for this class!
B/c before my daughter was born (5.5 years ago) I used to scrapbook all the time and I MISS IT SO MUCH. I need help figuring out a way to: make the time and when I do make the time, get right to the heart of pictures, words, fun paper.
I love the ideas you have and your thought process and I want to make things and not collect supplies. It made me so excited to think about the concept of 20 finished projects!
I signed up primarily for 2 reasons: 1) Stacy! I love her classes and philosophies and have found I can apply what I learn from her to all areas of my life. 2) I haven’t scrapbooked in a couple of years and am eager to resume, especially since my hubby & I will become empty nesters in the fall. After years of life being all about the kids, it’s time to reconnect with my hobbies, my spouse, and others. It’s definitely a season of changing relationships for me!
Three to five times a week, I do ONE FULL minute of jumping jacks—try it before you laugh. This effort kicks off one of my 15-minute workouts that I can do alone or in combination with my other 15-minute workout. In today’s episode you’ll discover WHY jumping jacks and you’ll undoubtedly gain some insight into your own self-care as we move forward in 2020. My guest is Cathy Zielske, long-time friend, brilliant YouTube card designer and super-experienced wellness guide and visionary instructor of FIT, an online class and community dedicated to documenting your self-care story. Now, that’s a sentence, but if anyone deserves it, it’s Cathy. Cathy is invested in making real and lasting changes for herself and others and she inspires her students precisely because she is in the trenches with them—she is genuine and honest as well as interested in and committed to the often messy experience of taking responsibility for one’s own life.
Right now Cathy is focused on launching her 2020 FIT course and she has exactly enough time to paint her nails at home. Read this blog post to get the scoop on that!
Huge THANKS to Close to My Heart for sponsoring this episode and generously providing listener Kelly from Virgina with a Story Starter kit, from the Story by Stacy line of products.
Have you ever answered the 64 questions that comprise the Myers Briggs Type Indicator? I first learned about the 4 scales that measure the strength of individual preferences for information gathering and ideation, decision making and generating energy for interacting with the world (that’s a mouthful) in a meeting with Kathy Gowans. To this day, she is my personal expert on all things personality and I have drawn from what she has taught me for more than 20 years. I think you’ll enjoy listening to our discussion and learning more from her.
You’ve likely heard about extroverts and introverts and probably been told which you are at least once, but you still might not be familiar with the philosophy behind MBTI, which is founded in Swiss psychiatrist’s Carl Jung’s research and further explored and organized by mother-daughter team, Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.
On the 16 Personalities page, you’ll find colorful images and delightfully descriptive profiles that serve up endless Aha moments as you read your personal preferences in four areas. I am an ENFP, known on this website as a Campaigner.
The four scales of personal preference are as follows:
1. Extroversion & Introversion Where you get your energy to act.
2. Sensing & Intuition How you gather information and learn
3. Thinking and Feeling How you make decisions
4. Judging & Perceiving How you approach the world
Take the test and then leave me a comment with your personality type and something you learned in the process.
AND don't forget to get registered for 20in20. SAVE $10 with the code PODCAST
photo credit: Photo by Analia Baggiano on Unsplash
I Love ✂️ Projects
Jan 02, 2020
In today’s episode I confess FIVE reasons I love projects—so that I can help you understand WHY you need to join me for 20in20, my NEW online course that launches January 3rd.
AND, I’m still donning my Santa hat, because I have a SWEET deal for you when you register with the promo code: PODCAST
I started this episode with a few words from Matt Culls, who gave a killer TED talk back in March of 2011. He is in some degree (I believe) responsible for the surge of 30-Day challenges that you see all over the Internet and on social media. Matt began challenging himself to TRY something new—but he only had to commit to 30 days and he reports how many of these efforts changed his life.
Now, why projects? Because, they are …
Projects are inclusive: Anyone can participate in a project. You don’t have to commit long term or possess special talents or training. I especially dig projects are easy in and easy out and leave you feeling confidence and curious for more.
Projects are definable: When you decide to pursue a project you get to DEFINE these parameters for yourself. You can begin and end with something quite specific in mind. You can imagine the outcome before you even start. You can say, I’m only willing to spend X amount of time or X amount of dollars. You can choose to keep it SIMPLE in a number of different ways.
Projects have a purpose: The 3rd reason I love projects is because projects can help me accomplish something particular—for me, projects often serve a specific purpose. I often recognize something I want to accomplish or bring into my life and that desire generally leads me to an idea—that I can then define and execute.
Projects are energizing: There is nothing quite like the energy inherent in FINISHING something. When people ask me about organizing photos or creating a scrapbook for a loved one or documenting their own life, I ALWAYS suggest starting with a small project-based approach. Do something small first—why? Because then you will energize yourself moving forward.
Projects are FUN to teach and share: For ALL of the reasons I have already shared, I love to teach others how to craft (specifically) memory and story-based projects. I don’t expect everyone to love what I do as much as I love it, but I can give them a taste of it and that brings me so much JOY. I would LOVE to introduce you to my favorite kind of projects—those that use photos and tell stories.
Why not JOIN me in 2020 and let me help you plan, prepare, start and FINISH 20 unique-to-you projects that will help you tell some personal stories. Of course this class is a bit longer than 30 days, but …
You’re officially invited and your satisfaction is guaranteed.
If you’re not totally thrilled after 30 Days of class, I will refund your money. No questions asked!
Merry Christmas week! I hope you’re enjoying time with friends and family, remembering, celebrating, singing, eating, honoring traditions—whatever it is YOU do to create new memories with those you love.
Today’s episode is a mashup of stories, traditions, memories and more. It’s just me and family members reminiscing. My hope is that as you listen YOU also begin to reminisce. And, when you do, I hope you’ll do something—share, record, write—whatever you can or want to do to keep these moments from disappearing.
Life is short. We do NOT know what tomorrow will bring, so let’s choose to be present with our families today and decide to talk and share and remember together.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Note: Huge shout out and thanks to my talented neighbor, Kyle Woodlief who sang The Christmas Song for us!
Tragedy, Hope & Love
Dec 19, 2019
Today I relate two stories that have taught me (again) about the source of hope and lasting peace. I was raised in a Christian home and have long been a believer, but I have witnessed again the strength (in myself and others) that can be found in trusting God and staying with your faith—especially as you process unexpected and tragic events.
Photo taken on Monday, November 25th
This is the champion intramural flag football team comprised of 2nd year dental students from the University of Washington. My son, Clark and his good friend, Tyson are standing together in the second row, #2 and #3 from the right. Five days after this photo was taken, Tyson was killed along with eight other members of his hunting party in a plane crash near Chamberlain, South Dakota.
He leaves behind two young children and Jessica, his wife who is expecting their third this spring. You may have heard or read about this accident.
There is a memorial fund set up to raise money for four young widows affected by this tragedy: Jessica Dennert, Alexis Naylor, Chelsie Hansen, and Hannah Hansen. You can also read the Hansen Family Legacy page on Facebook.
My son, Trey who is currently serving a mission also lost a good friend to a tragic accident. Pete Louthian passed away on December 2nd after sustaining a life-threatening injury in an automobile accident. Sadly there were unfortunate decisions made at the scene such that law enforcement was not alerted and Pete did not receive the emergency medical care that he desperately needed. Thankfully, his family has chosen not to focus on this discouraging fact, but on the fact that Pete was able to donate 7 life-saving organs through Organ Donation. We have great memories of Pete and Trey together and will miss his positive energy and free spirit—he was always willing to help anyone who needed it and many memories were shared at his Celebration of Life last weekend.
Give Love, by Andy Grammer is a song with a fantastic message. It’s one of those that I crank up in my car and sing at the top of my lungs. I open today’s message with it, because of the influence of mothers, who are sunshine soldiers in so many ways and especially at this time of year. Andy remembers his mother full of love and eager to share it. This Christmas season, more than any other in my lifetime has exposed me to the heartbreak, discouragement, fear and doubt in people close to me and not only through the stories I share today—there is much suffering we can help to alleviate by simply listening and loving.
In this episode, I also play snippets of O Little Town of Bethlehem, on The Ultimate Christmas Collection album and I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, by Sarah McLachlan from this album.
I share some thoughts that Elder Dale G. Renlund shared in this talk, given at Brigham Young University on December 3rd. His words were exactly what I needed this year and later that same week I watched a broadcast Christmas Devotional which also strengthened me .
My favorite speaker was Patrick Kearon. Go to 1:17:37 to watch his full message.
“The JOY we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. ”
— Russell M. Nelson
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to serve and love others. The older I get the more I understand the mystery that turning outward is one of the best ways to grieve and to heal. I love the quote, by Spencer Kimball, “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.” I pray that God will bless you in whatever your experiencing this year and that you can feel the lasting comfort, peace and JOY that come through the gift of his son, Jesus Christ.
Thank YOU for listening and visiting. 🎄 Merry Christmas!
Putting Plans on Paper with Stephanie Fleming
Dec 12, 2019
Today, just in time for Christmas gifts, wish lists and The New Year I am bringing you a ‘sit down’ with Stephanie Fleming, the co-founder of me & my BIG ideas ® creators of The Happy Planner! One of the BEST things I discovered and embraced in 2019 is a new-found enthusiasm for planning—and I’m have such a GREAT time with my daughter—being more productive in the most playful and colorful way possible. You are going to love this episode.
The Happy Planner has half a million (yes, million) followers on Instagram—for good reason. You should go FOLLOW THEM @the_happy_planner. At first it might feel like you “don't have time” to plan in this way with stickers, but I am telling you that setting aside 30-45 minutes a week to be and feel creative—you’ll be channeling your inner free-spirited little girl—and it will INFUSE your life with more energy. I absolutely LOVE being inspired by Stephanie and her team and ANYONE else, like Holly Wade that uses these planners and shares interesting ideas and tutorials.
Trust me, when there are as many people using a system like this, there are IDEAS galore and you’ll have to make time in your planner (ha!) to round them up. But, for sure you’ll want to subscribe to The Happy Planner’s YouTube channel—that’s where Addie and I have tons of help and direction. There are planners in almost any theme and for any kind of pursuit you might love—and yes, I know I’m gushing.
I’m just being really intentional about what I share now that 2019 is winding down. I’m looking back and looking ahead and sharing those things that I believe will be of the most benefit to you.
Thank YOU for listening. Don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss an episode.
I mentioned both my Story by Stacy products and my 20in20 course as AWESOME gift ideas. Just follow the links here or leave me a comment with any questions you might have. I want you to give and receive things that will make a difference in your future.
🎄 Happy Holidays!
My Brother Cougar
Dec 05, 2019
My brother Cougar is known across the Wasatch Front in Utah as the creator of the mountain bike trails in Eagle Mountain, Utah. In fact, he was featured in a TV commercial for Eagle Mountain City a few years back and a study he was involved with at BYU was recently picked up by The New York Times! Congrats Bro—that’s exciting stuff. But on this episode, we didn’t even talk about mountain bikes—there is so much more learn from Cougar—I know you’ll enjoy this conversation.
Thanks for listening. As you look ahead and make plans for Christmas and New Year’s holiday gatherings, make plans to listen and learn from the people you love most. The stories you share with loved ones creates lasting connection and strengthens family bonds.
My Daughter Addie
Nov 28, 2019
Because today is Thanksgiving Day and because November is Adoption Awareness Month I can’t think of a better topic for today’s episode than my sweet daughter Addie and the story of how she came into our family.
My family, at the SeaTac Airport, October 20, 2006—just before we met Addie for the first time!
At the end of our conversation I asked Addie if she had anything else to say—she brought up this photo. Isn’t it interesting how children LOVE particular photos? This is not a photo I would pick out, but to her this photo says it all—a tired, but loving and committed father.
Photos and memories and stories. This is what matters in the end and always!
We have always tried to expose Addie to her Korean culture and have loved being involved with the Spokane Sister Cities association. We plan to travel to Korea in a few years when Addie feels ready to visit her birth country and experience more of her beginnings.
Stories like this one—relationship stories are the most powerful. I want to help you learn HOW to document stories in your life. Make sure you are following me on social media, @stacyjulian on Instagram and Stacy Julian LLC on Facebook and I’d LOVE to have you on my list for updates. You can sign up HERE.
Nov 21, 2019
What is it about STORY that we all love so much?
I think I’ll tell you one of my favorite stories and see if together we can figure it out!
Everyone loves a good story, but why? Why are stories so interesting, so easy to remember and such a powerful tool for so many in today’s world? I will answer these questions in episode 43 by introducing you to my S-T-O-R-Y acronym. Let’s break it down and look at the characteristics of story that make it so attractive, useful and universally loved.
You’ll have to listen to the episode to understand the importance of my map of Tennessee. Click on image to enlarge.
As always, I’d LOVE to hear from you. Do you have a travel adventure or misadventure you love to tell? Have you documented this story in some way? This is your week! It’s Thanksgiving. Gather with friends and family and host your very own storytelling session. Anyone who wants to can take the “floor” for 5 minutes and share a story. Keep your smart phone close, so you can record some of these stories and preserve them for posterity.
You can learn more about my online course, 20in20 HERE. I’d love for you to join me next year in an effort to intentionally pair photos with memories and stories and document them in so many useful and clever ways!