Spreading the dean one episode at a time! Dean advice from your fellow brother and sister in Islam.
Follow our Instagram: deen.thoughtss
Feel free to reach out with topic suggestions or general comments: deenthoughtss@gmail.com
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Spreading the dean one episode at a time! Dean advice from your fellow brother and sister in Islam.
Follow our Instagram: deen.thoughtss
Feel free to reach out with topic suggestions or general comments: deenthoughtss@gmail.com
Copyright: © Deen Thoughts
In this episode we talk about the importance of staying firm on our deen and knowing that it is the truth.
In this episode we are joined once again by our beloved Sheik Ahmed Al-Qattani where he shares some valuable pieces of advice. Don’t forget to share with others who can benefit as well inshallah.
In this episode we talk about the reality of this dunya and how we can live in it while truly understanding Allah is in control. Make sure to follow us on instagram and YouTube, like comment and share! Barak Allah feekum
We were honored to be joined by Sheik Majed Mahmoud for a special episode where he shared beautiful gems about how to deal with the hardships that we face throughout our lives. Please like and subscribe and join the DEEN thoughts family. Jazakum Allah Kheir
In this episode we talk about how to be a strong believer- from both an Islamic and worldly point of view.
Welcome to the first episode of our new series nuggets of knowledge…. Filled with heart, softeners, touching words, and pieces of advice… inshallah, this series will bring nothing but benefit and success to everyone. Look out for more frequent content coming soon inshallah
After much persuasion, we were honored to host brother/qari Ahmed Al Qattani for a special episode!
In this episode we talk about the importance of ikhlas
In this episode we are joined by Farah once again to talk about what comes after this world.
In this episode we are joined by guest speaker Farah to talk about some questions about Ramadan, tips on how to stay motivated, and the purpose of this blessed month.
In this episode we are joined by a guest speaker Basel talking about how we can better prepare for ramdan.
In this episode we talk about having husn al dhan- thinking positive of allah.
Learn more and fall in love with our beloved prophet saw. As always we love to hear your feedback and are here to help. Feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com
In this episode we talk about the recent world events from our deen perspective. The link for the donation mentioned in the episode: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/urgent_palestine_emergency_appeal?src=969461&fbclid=PAAaa4NAwVUizZBxYtKXJVLteIfxRJOSjTWpGSuP9pepRGnfrhjRJ-jjsBaBU_aem_AUMwyyi5517j3_z3O06i5bWqu6C6A4JS5nvdfcBYErh2B8nfUolHP4MtKakl01rOk5s#!/
In this episode we try and take some benefits from the recent disasters happening across the world. Looking to donate, check out MATW- they have a 100% donation policy (https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/yahyas_libya_floods_emergency_appeal?fbclid=PAAabLaaPUjqmHbMo5wxcl59Yz65GgeDoky_FKACi60yF9pCjFuh3vUBUtFig_aem_ASzHUhanT3o5D2wQGv0EkOQ1iLKoqbbw2X7IFL38_YrLJKxO1R1_7Ww7VTpJ2BOwxYo%23%21%2F%23%21%2F#!/). We would love to hear from you guys with any questions and suggestions. Feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com
In this episode we talk about the importance of lowering the gaze. For the book we referenced use this link: https://darpdfs.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Hundred-Pieces-Of-Advice-Ibn-Qayyim.pdf
In this episode we answer some of your questions from our Instagram as well as talk about the importance of being steadfast on our religion. Make sure to share and follow our insta @deen.thoughtss
In this episode we talk about the importance of the blessed 10 days of Dhul hijjah. Make sure to follow our Instagram and if you haven’t already join our brothers or sisters group chat. As always, we are a deen thoughts family. Feel free to reach out via our email as well: deenthoughtss@gmail.com we love you all for the sake of Allah. Inshallah more episodes to come in the summer
We hope you guys enjoyed the episode. Feel free to reach out with any ideas or thoughts at deenthoughtss@gmail.com. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and to subscribe to our YouTube channel. To join the 🧕🏻 sisters group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HH8R7PerUGF8ln97oiTdEX. To join the 👳🏻♂️ brothers group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G7LX6QwuWUt5XgCil27oDO
Inshallah as we plan on expanding and bringing new ideas to the podcast, we’re starting a new Quran series in which Adam will be reciting verses from the Quran. Just as a reminder, no recitation is perfect. We hope these short recitations help us develop further connections to the book of Allah SWT 🤍
In this episode we share more reminders for Ramadan.
In this episode we talk all about periods and how to stay strong during Ramadan. Though it’s a girly topic, inshallah it can still be a benefit to all.
In this episode we talk about the importance of preparing for Ramadan and what we can do to prepare best. We have two guest speakers in this episode and they both bring great insight and knowledge. Make sure to share with anyone you think can benefit. Also we have finally opened up the youtube channel so make sure to go subscribe there @ deenthoughtss
In this episode we talk about the importance of the month of Sha’ban.
In this episode we talk about Salah as well as a small comment on the recent events that have happened in Syria and Turkey. Link for donation: https://matwprojectusa.org/?gclid=CjwKCAiAuaKfBhBtEiwAht6H76KMlstYjmDBm1XpqPJ2dCSVH-ISGfnjJNYzkaKkM1MsCxlAea2xyBoCcmAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
In this episode we talk about the beautiful prayer at night. We also mention a surprise at the end. 🧕🏻Sisters Group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HH8R7PerUGF8ln97oiTdEX 👳🏻♂️Brothers Group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G7LX6QwuWUt5XgCil27oDO
In this episode we talk about the importance of gaining knowledge both secular and Islamic. Stay tuned to the end for a surprise. Don’t forget to share our podcast with anyone else who you think might benefit. May Allah bless you all. Feel free to reach out to us. We love to hear from you deenthoughtss@gmail.com
In this episode we talk about the concept how truly amazing the creation of Allah is and how evey thing in this work is truly a sign of Allahs infinite power. Feel free to reach out with any topic suggestions or even just to get in touch deenthoughtss@gmail.com.
In this episode we talk about the characteristics mentioned in the Quran that make a true believer. Make sure to check out our new Instagram @deen.thoughtss and as always feel free to reach out to us with topic suggestions or just to get in touch I would love to hear from you. (mailto:deenthoughtss@gmail.com)
JAK for all your support. Don’t forget to join our giveaway below and please reach out we would love to hear your suggestions and get to know you better. And as always don’t forget to share this episode and others with friends and family. Feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com. Also check out our website at https://deenthoughtss.wixsite.com/website.
This episode we talk a lot about a bunch of different topics and how they can helps us strengthen our deen. We mentioned a new abaya line make sure to check it out here: royaltyboutique.net
In this episode we talk about the importance of staying firm on our religion as we start getting back into school. To all our fellow Muslim sisters out there who are trying to stay halal, make sure you check out our new Islamic abaya line called royalty boutique 🤭. Visit our website at royalty boutique.net.
In this episode I’m joined by Lena once again to talk about a very important topic. What exactly makes a successful women. We would love to hear your thoughts and comments so feel free to leave them down below.
In this episode we talk about the importance of the state of our hearts within the religion of Islam. How we have to keep checking the condition of our hearts and brining them back to the true religion of Allah (SWT) and away from our desires.
The prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentions in a Hadith that states that the strangers are a “small group of people among a larger evil population and those who oppose them are more than those who follow them” and in another version of the Hadith that the strangers are those who “correct the people when they become corrupt” (sahih al bani). In this episode we talk about what it truly means to be a stranger in islam and the great virtue that comes along with it.
In this episode we talk about the virtue and honorable action of patience in Islam.
In this episode we talk about the importance of having good companions and the situation of friendship in this world and on our hereafter as well.
In this episode I’m joined by Lena and we talk about the importance of Haya and modesty in Islam!
In this episode we talk about the importance of following the sunnah and the beauty of being from the nation of the prophet (SAW)!
In this episode we talk about the importance of staying consistant on deen during the summer and tips on how to do so!
Writing a description would give away the topic, give it a listen I promise inshallah you won’t regret!
In this episode we talk about how to stay consistant after Ramadan and the blessing of fasting the 6 days of shawal.
In this episode, we take a look at the translation of Surat al teen.
Inshallah during these last 10 nights of Ramadan, the goal is to take a look at one specific surah every night to better understand and be able to connect with it.
In this episode we talk about the abundant importance of laylut al qadr and how to observe it. We mentioned some links for donations as well as the dua guide. The link for the donations are: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/quran_schoolorphanage?src=1541345 and the venmo for my cousins foundation in Lebanon is @Mira-Kabbara. Also check out our dua guide on our website: https://deenthoughtss.wixsite.com/website
In this episode, we talk about the influence of shaytan and how to make sure we don’t fall into the footsteps of shaytan. Don’t forget to check out our dua guide! It’s posted on our website: https://deenthoughtss.wixsite.com/website
In this episode Adam is joined by Basel to talk about the punishment of Allah. It’s important to remember that as Muslims we have to have a balance between our fear in Allahs punishment as well as the hope in his mercy. Learning about his punishment helps push us to become better Muslims and attain his jannah.
To all my fellow girlies out there, in this episode I talk about the beauty and purpose behind hijab! To check our our website use the following link: https://deenthoughtss.wixsite.com/website
In this episode we talk about Ramadan and it’s great virtue. Hamdillah with the grace of Allah we created a website for our podcast. Click the link below to check it out and use the Ramadan Dua Guide.https://deenthoughtss.wixsite.com/website
In this episode we talk about the true importance of time and how we will be asked about how we spent it. We then touched upon some tips for studying from the Quran and sunnah to help us stay productive during Ramadan!
In this episode, Mira is joined by Farah once again to talk about halal relationships in Islam and their importance.
In this episode Mira and Farah, a special guest, talk about the true importance and honor of women in Islam. We talk about how it’s important to learn the true stance of the religion and not turn to false practices for honor when allah already gives it to us.
In this episode we talk about what happens when we leave this world. It’s part one of a new series talking about all that happens after the life of this world.
Salam, in this episode we talk all about love in Islam with our crazy host.
In this episode we talk about how truly amazing and abundant allahs mercy truly is and how we need to better understand and implement it in our lives.
In this episode we talk about the importance of respecting our parents in Islam. Thank you guys for all your support. Feel free to share it with anyone else who might benefit and turn on the bell button. JAK ❤️
In this episode we talk about how truly amazing dua is and how important of a tool it is. Feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com and feel free to share with anyone else who might benefit.
In this episode we talk about the Quran and how much of a blessing it truly is. Feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com and don’t forget to share this episode with anyone else who might benefit. Salam, Mira and Adam
In this episode we talk about how we shouldn’t be prideful and arrogant. Feel free to send in any topic suggestions: deenthoughtss@gmail.com
In this episode we talk about having Taqwa and Tawakul in Allah (SWT).
Assalamu alaykum, welcome to our podcast. If you would like to share any topic suggestions feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com. Hope you enjoy!
In this episode, we talk about how we need to endure patience through deen. We share some verses from Syrah al Ma’rij and a beautiful Hadith qudsi. If you have any topic suggestions or comments feel free to email us at deenthoughtss@gmail.com