Welcome to Connecting the Dots with Nathan Tabor
This podcast is about connecting the dots in all aspects of our lives. Learn more at HandlingLife.org
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Welcome to Connecting the Dots with Nathan Tabor
This podcast is about connecting the dots in all aspects of our lives. Learn more at HandlingLife.org
Schadenfreude. It’s a German word, but do you know what it means? and do you suffer from it?
Did you know "Unicorns" walked the earth within the last 3,500 years? Yep, unicorns!!! Don't believe me? Take 60 seconds and listen/watch. THEN share it with others.
If you are struggling with life, it’s important/critical you find someone to talk with. It’s also important you find the right person.
Have you answered the question before it's asked? Are you wondering what question I mean? Then listen to find out.
Do you ever feel like you can’t tell God something? I’ve been there, and it’s a powerful obstacle to having a daily relationship with God. Please take a few minutes and listen to how I deal with the feeling.
Are you faced with a blue Christmas? Unfortunately, it’s a reality for so many and I’ve got some thoughts on how to handle it.
Are you struggling to forgive someone? Well, you aren’t alone. As you know, forgiving someone is extremely hard. So, why is it important to forgive others?
Have you ever had the thought, “it’s my money, and it's ALL mine?” Well, you aren’t alone. Everyone has this thought. The question is, how do you answer it?
Does it seem like nothing has gone your way except life keeps piling on? Well, you aren't alone, and thankfully there is a solution to this dilemma.
Do you find yourself saying you hate conflict, but your life is full of conflict?
Are you struggling with the election results? If so, this video was made for YOU!
Is there a way to take a stand and still have a Christ Life? Yes, but there’s also a wrong way to take a stand. Agree?
A “Mini Talk” from my Mini Cooper with Nathan Tabor, HandlingLife.org
I can't do it! Have you ever had that thought? Well, I have, especially when I think about having to face the music for some past action.
Is that where you are right now? If so, then this show is for you.
Yes, no, or maybe? What do you think? Well, here’s what I think.
Are you trying to figure out what’s causing problems in your life?
Have you ever had the thought, "If I give money to God, then I won't have money to do what I want?" I have. Have you? Probably so. Now, let's find out how to handle this thought.
For years, I struggled to be honest with myself about where I was with God. I said one thing, but my actions showed another. Is that where you are right now?
Are you wondering if your spouse knows you’re struggling? The answer is yes. So, what should you do? Listen to find out what I did.
As you know, it’s easy to give others advice, but how do you respond to your advice? Well, recently, I was faced with applying my own advice to a situation. Listen to find out what happened and what I did.
Do you feel like no one else will understand your situation? Well, you aren’t alone in your feelings!
No matter where you are, God loves you and He has a plan for you. If you are ready to start serving God but not sure where to start, then check out my personal story at https://www.handlinglife.org/program
There are two types of trials in our lives. Can you identify what type of trial you are in?
Reflection is good, just make sure you don’t get stuck reflecting. Why? Listen to find out.
When circumstances change, are you willing to change? I've recently had to answer this question for myself - it was quite liberating. I hope what I learned will be a help to you.
What type of example are you to others? I know for at one point, I was a terrible example.
We can’t stop bad things from happening, but we can start handling bad news the right way. Ready to learn the right way?
What happens when you don’t pay attention? Usually, you make a mistake and possibly even hurt yourself.
Well, I recently hurt myself because I wasn’t paying attention, and while it was a small abrasion, it was excruciating and it took weeks to heals.
So, how does "Not Paying Attention" apply to our walk with God? Listen to find out!
The way we react to distress impacts us and those around us. So, how should we respond in times of distress?
What does truth mean? Does it mean true until proven otherwise? Or, does it mean absolute, unchanging?
Listen to find out what TRUTH means and why it matters.
I’ve always heard you have a choice to either do right or do wrong. Well, is that true for a Christian? If not, what two choices does a Christian have? Listen to find out!
Do you understand the significance of putting God first? Do you realize the difference it will make in your life?
Take 5 minutes and listen. I promise it will be worth your time.
If you do something half-hearted does it count? If you obey God half of the time does it count? Listen and let me know what you think.
Brought to you by the Modern-Day Jonah Program. The Modern-Day Jonah Program is a Bible-Based, Christ-Centered 7-week action plan which focuses on 7 areas of your life. Sign up at https://www.handlinglife.org/program
Are you looking for joy in your life? Tired of always being down? Well, there are five things, if done daily, that will help you find and maintain joy.
What does searching for shark teeth have to do with life? Well, there are three principles I’ve learned, and these principles should be applied to all areas of life.
What’s holding you back from giving God control of your life?
The Handling Life Program is my personal story of coming back to God. All materials are Bible-Based, Christ-Centered, and the program is free. Sign up at https://www.handlinglife.org/program
How does this apply to our lives? In two ways: As a believer, our example should “sharpen” others, not dull them, and as a believer, we should seek out others who will “sharpen” us, not dull us.
Does the order in which you do things matter?
Yes, the order matters and if you don’t do things in the right order you won’t get the results you desire. Think about it, even God does everything in order.
We are living in uncertain times BUT there are ways to anchor yourself in the midst of a storm. If you need encouragement or advice, then please listen to this talk with Harold Vaughan.
Learn more about Harold and his ministry at https://www.christlifemin.org/
As you know, the way you say something or when you say it can have a lasting impact. So, we must be careful to build others up. If you struggle with this, then this podcast is perfect for you.
How does one overcome an abusive marriage, being flat broke, not having a relationship with their mother and having to make a life-changing decision? Well, my guest today, Teresa Overcast, BIC/Owner for Realty One Group Results, has done just that and much more and I guarantee you will be encouraged and inspired by her story.
Pastor Daniel Hawtree joins me on Handling Life today to discuss the “Good News” of COVID-19. From sharing the gospel, spending time with family, tradition versus God’s word to lifting each other up.
Pastor Hawtree is my pastor and what you see is what you get. He’s a sinner saved by the grace of God who loves others and who preaches the word of God.
If fear is controlling you then there are Biblical steps you can take to overcome fear. Listen to how Steve Newton, CEO, Newton Media, is handling fear during these uncertain times.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “in everything give thanks” and that is exactly what we should do. The song “Count your Blessings” says name them one by one and James 1:17 states, “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father.”
So, I have a #CountYourBlessings Challenge for you. I’ve started making a list of all the blessings I have in my life and I challenge you to do the same.
Is something Godly just because it’s legal? I hate to admit it but I've used the argument, "well, it's ok, because it's legal." Have you?
Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” WOW! It says “wives submit” - but what does that truly mean? What responsibility does the husband have? Join me to find out my thoughts.
When someone makes a mistake my natural reaction is to give it to them! Does that ever happen to you? If so, take a minute and listen to what recently happened to me and how I handled it.
Do you have a habit of waiting? I do. Why? Because part of me wants to make sure everything is right while the other part is afraid of how's it's going to turn out. This isn’t a good behavior and I hope you will listen to find out why you should break the habit of waiting.
Too stressed to be blessed. Yes, you read it right. At times, I’m too stressed out and it takes my focus off God. Does this ever happen to you?
Handling Life with Nathan Tabor is a non-profit outreach ministry focused on helping others “handle life” by applying God’s word to their lives.
Have you ever had the thought you are better than others? I have and I’m sure you have but as Christians should we have this thought?
Instead of telling others how wrong they are and how right you are, why not just share your story? Focus on what God has done for you and what He continues to do for you. You will be amazed what happens.
Have you ever stopped to consider that others are dealing with in their lives? I’m going to be honest, at times I don’t because I’m focused on what’s going on in my life. Listen to find out why we should care about sharing the burdens of others.
Whether you are killing it in life OR struggling to get by where is your focus? I can promise you - if your focus isn’t in the right place - it will eventually cause you issues.
Are you ready to be challenged on your focus?
“Jonah rose up to flee” - Jonah 1:3a. This means Jonah made a choice to flee and what did his choice cause? It caused struggles and chaos in his life. Have you found yourself in this situation? I have. So, if you're looking for the "cure" from a Biblical perspective, then take a few minutes and listen.
Do you feel like your efforts for God aren’t producing any results? Well, you aren’t alone. I’ve been there. I do and do but I don’t see any results. It makes me feel like I’m not doing something right, or God isn’t paying attention, or it makes me question what’s the purpose of even doing it!
Don’t fret though. Listen to my podcast and learn what God has to say about this matter and how I’ve handled it in my life.
Want to learn more about other topics? Visit https://www.handlinglife.org/
Rationalization is a powerful tool. It can be used to support a position but most often it’s used to “excuse” bad behavior. I know that’s how I often use rationalization in my life. However, is rationalization good for us? Listen to find out! Trust me, it will be worth your time.
Want to learn more about other topics? Visit https://www.handlinglife.org/
Every Christian needs fellowship but do you know what fellowship actually means? Does it mean getting together and having a meal? or just hanging out? Unfortunately, that’s what it’s become to mean but the purest definition of fellowship is a “bond for a united purpose.”
As Christians we are bonded together for a united purpose through our relationship with Jesus Christ. What does this mean and what are the benefits? Listen to find out!
It’s that time of year again! A time when most want to pull their hair out and escape from all the hustle and bustle. So, what can you to enjoy Christmas? Listen to find out!
The “Urging” - you know, that persistent feeling you get when you should say about God to the person in front of you? The one that makes you feel really uncomfortable? Yep, that one.
So, what should you do when that happens? Listen to the Handling Life Show and see how God worked in my life through an urging. You never know what God has planned when He urges you to do something.
Do you think it means just being a missionary or preacher? I use to think that’s exactly what it meant until ... Take a few minutes to listen to my thoughts on God’s calling is?
Learn more at HandlingLife.org
Do you struggle with bad health or pain? If the answer is yes, then I have to ask you, are you doing everything you can to feel better? Hold up Nathan! You have done gone and stepped on my toes! You should mind your own business.
But before you tune out, can I ask you to stick with me for just a moment and let me share my health journey with you?
It’s time to stop complicating our relationship with God and start focusing on what God has asked us to do. I know for many years I focused on all the “do’s and don’ts” and it caused my relationship with God to be very complicated. Is that where you are with God? If so, take 5 minutes and listen to this podcast/video.
Are you wondering how to integrate your faith into your everyday life? Well, you aren’t alone. Join me as I discuss how to integrate your faith into your everyday life.
Want to learn more? Visit https://www.handlinglife.org
It’s important to engage with others. Why? Because you never know what’s going on in their lives; you never know how God might use you to encourage them; or you never know they might just need someone to listen to them.
I challenge you to try it and see what happens!
Are you a business-minded person who is trying to get employees to step up? Or are you dealing with the fear of rejection? Or are you wondering how to have victory in Jesus? Then join me as I discuss these topics and many more with David Greene.
David Greene is a former police officer with over nine years of experience investing in real estate that includes single family, multifamily, and house flipping. He is also an author and the co-host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast. David has a passion for teaching and helping others grow wealth through real estate and David has a passion for Jesus Christ.
Does having a daily relationship with God make decision making easier? Listen as Tami Heim details how her relationship with God helps her make decisions in her life and her families life.
Tami Heim has been the president and CEO of Christian Leadership Alliance since January 2012. Her professional career includes executive leadership experience in the technology, marketing, publishing and retail industries.
Learn more about the Christian Leadership Alliance at https://christianleadershipalliance.org/
Did you know God’s word lays how exactly how we should do things? 1 Corinthians 14:40 states, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” I’ve found in my personal life when I don’t do things God’s way it always causing problems. So, if I want the right results, I must do things in the right order.
Sermon delivered at Friendship Baptist Church of Asheboro (NC)
Are you trying to figure out God’s will for your life? Well, you aren’t alone, for many years I struggled with this very question. Listen as Evangelist Harold Vaughan and I discuss how to know God’s will for your life.
The Slow Drift happens and you normally don’t even notice it. Over time, I personally slowly drifted away from God but I’ve learned how to avoid the slow drift. Are you ready to stop drifting away from God? Then take a few minutes and listen.
Serving God is a choice and you are either serving Him or you aren’t. For many years, I thought I could do a little here and a little there. Unfortunately, that isn’t how it works, serving God is black and white. So, are you serving God or not?
Do you feel alone in your marriage or in your parenting? Don’t panic, you aren’t alone. Listen as Ryan Dobson, President, REBEL Parenting joins me on Handling Life. Ryan states, I asked a marriage counselor what the hardest part of his job was? "Easy," he answered, "By the time most people get to me, it's already too late."
Want to learn more about Ryan and his ministry? Text REBEL to 444999 or visit https://www.rebelparenting.org/
Question: Are you focusing on what other’s have? Or are you focusing on your relationship with God?
Whether you are slightly struggling, or barely keeping your head above water, it’s critical that you seek help and advice from others. Trust me, I know. It took me years to seek out help and advice and had I done it sooner I could have avoided many negative things.
Do you have regrets? I do. At times, regret has even paralyzed me. The guilt of my past actions kept me from moving forward. I just didn’t know what to do. So, can regret be beneficial? Yes. I’ve found it motivates me to not make the same mistakes again. What else can be beneficial?
At times, it’s quite easy to separate your faith and your life. I’m guilty of it. I built a nice, white picket fence and put God on one side and my life on the other. Do you ever do it? or are you currently doing it?
Have you ever NOT wanted to forgive someone? I have and so has my guest. I hope you will take a few minutes and listen to what Harold Vaughan has to say on forgiving others. Harold is the author of “Forgiveness: How to Get Along with Everybody all the Time” and has been in full-time evangelism since 1979. Learn more at http://www.christlifemin.org
Every Christian needs fellowship. Fellowship is defined as a bond for a united purpose. The benefits are well documented in life and God’s word says “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” During this talk, we will investigate what’s holding you back, what are the benefits and are you ready to make the commitment.
The word “truth” has two completely, different meanings. In today’s society, truth means true until proven false. However, when referring to God's word as the truth, we mean absolute and unchanging. So, why does this matter? Listen to find out.
I’ve known David Botkins since 1998 when we worked together in Richmond, VA. Today, we are discussing topics such as heart connection vs head connection; humility leads to forgiveness; the simplicity of serving God; seeking advice of another; three things you should do when struggling; and much more!
Is Questioning God OK? Think about that question for a minute.
I find myself asking God questions all the time. Do you? If you are struggling with the thought of questioning God you should definitely listen to this podcast.
Do the decisions you make every day have an impact on you? Yes, they do. If you make bad decisions, then bad things will happen. If you make good decisions, then good things will happen. Basically, life is about choices.
My special guest is Paul Moore. Paul graduated with an engineering degree and then an MBA from Ohio State, then started on the management development track at Ford Motor Company in Detroit. After five years, he departed to start a staffing company with a partner. They sold it to a publicly traded firm five years later. Along the way, Paul was Finalist for Ernst & Young’s Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year two years straight.
Paul later entered the real estate sector, where he completed over 85 real estate investments and exits, appeared on an HGTV Special Real Estate episode, rehabbed and managed rental properties, built a number of new homes, developed a waterfront subdivision, and started two successful online real estate marketing firms. Three successful developments, including assisting with the development of a Hyatt hotel and a multifamily housing project, led him into this arena. Paul is married with four children and lives in Central Virginia. Learn more about Paul at https://www.wellingscapital.com
Sometimes I struggle with wanting to get even with others. If I allow it, it will consume my thoughts. WOW! I can’t believe I’m admitting it, but if we are all honest, we all have these thoughts.
But what does God’s word say about getting even? Romans 12:19 states “vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” So, when I’m trying to get even I’m taking my focus off God and I’m getting in His way. Think about this, what I can do to someone pales in comparison to what God will do.
We all need counsel in our lives. God’s word is very clear about this. So, why don’t we seek counsel and what does it mean to “seek counsel”? Also, there is good counsel and there is bad counsel. What’s the difference? Listen to find out!
I personally lived as a “split-rail” Christian for most of my adult life. I was open about my faith when asked and “tried” to live according to God’s word each day. But in reality, I had separated God from my life. I went about my day-to-day business using God when I needed Him and leaving Him out when not convenient. This dichotomy of existence caused internal issues within me that rose to the surface as both the inability to control my temper, frustration, and bitterness. Then one day it hit me! I couldn’t live like this anymore. Something had to change. It was time to become a man of God. If you are at this point then take a few minutes to listen. You will learn what’s holding you back and the 3 steps you can immediately take to get on the right path. Nathan Tabor is the founder of Handling Life. Handling Life is a ministry focused on helping others “handle life” by turning back to God. All Handling Life materials are from a Bible-Based, Christ-Centered perspective. Handling Life reaches tens of thousands of people through social media, videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, and emails to reach people on a daily basis. Learn more at https://www.handlinglife.org/
I’ve been rejected numerous time in my personal and professional life. It’s a hard fact of life, but each time it happens it hurts. At one point in my life, it deeply affected me and how I dealt with others. Take a minute and learn how I dealt with rejection. You might be able to apply it to your life!
Stop gossiping and talking bad about others and start praying for them. James 4:11 states, “speak not evil one of another” and James 5:16 states “pray one for another, that ye may be healed.”
This is a hard principle to follow, but we must fight the urge to kick someone when they are down. We need to focus on praying for others. Do you agree or disagree?
Does it matter who you hang around? Yes, it does. Why? Well, it’s simple. A rotten apple WILL turn a good apple bad. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 it states, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” This means that bad company corrupts good character.
Do you agree or disagree?
Hope you will take a minute and listen!
Do you feel like you are clearly telling someone something, only to get into an argument about it later? Well, you aren’t alone. It happens to me and it happens to everyone.
But don’t lose hope! There is a simple solution. Take 5 minutes and listen to this podcast and you will learn a proven technique on addressing this situation.
How does “watch where you park” apply to my life? Well, I guarantee you it does. Why? Because perception is reality and we must be careful what type of perception we show to others.
Remember, 1 Timothy 4:12 states, “be thou an example.”
You can subscribe to my podcast at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nathan-tabor-handling-life/id1406178830?mt=2
Are you setting limitations on God? Or are you assuming He can only do certain things? If so, then you are boxing God in and it’s time to stop. Remember what Matthew 9:26b says? It states, “with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” It’s time to start letting God be POSSIBLE in your life!
At times life isn’t fair and at times we have nothing to do with what happens in our lives. When this happens, it’s hard to be spiritual or Godly, right? If you are dealing with this right now in your life, then you need to listen to this podcast. I promise it will be an encouragement to you.
Please know you aren’t alone. Look at the life of Joseph. His own family betrayed him and sold him into slavery. Talk about life not being fair! What did Joseph do? Listen to learn what he did and what you can do.
What’s the most offensive part of your body? Your mouth. What’s the hardest part of your body to mouth? Your tongue. What’s gets you in the most trouble? Your mouth. What's the best way to control your mouth?
1. Be aware of your words - don’t hurt others or offend them. 2. Be honest with your words - don’t lie or mislead others. 3. Be in control of your words - don’t spout off. Listen to find out more!
The English idiom "don't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase that means one shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone per wikipedia.
What exactly does that mean as a Christian? God’s word is full of instructions about not judging others, but it’s part of our nature. So, how do we handle it? What should we do? Listen to learn more.
It’s an honor to have Rashawn Copeland join me on the Handling Life Show. Please listen as we discuss topics like meeting people where they are and learning to engage them, but not their lifestyle; allowing God to work in your life; understanding God is a God of order and we often over complicate what He’s asked us to do; and learning about Rashawn’s life before Christ.
Rashawn Copeland is an Evangelist, Published Author, and Medical Service Officer in the United States Army. University of Central Oklahoma Graduate. He is also the founder of Without Walls Ministries. Without Walls Ministries is a Christ-centered outreach serving individuals who are searching for light in a dark world. Learn more about Rashawn and Without Walls Ministries at https://www.copelandministries.org.
What is a talent? It’s a skill or trait you are born with. It’s part of your DNA. The question I want you to consider is who owns your talents and how are you using them?
If you aren’t using them for the glory of God, then I want you to listen to this sermon. God has placed a calling on your life. He has given you unique talents which should be used for His Glory and to build the Kingdom.
At times I struggle with who should I interact with or who I should help. Is this the right attitude to have? I’ve got some thoughts on the matter and hope you will listen.
Do you agree with me? Disagree? Or do you have something to add? Please comment and let me know. Learn more about Handling Life at https://www.handlinglife.org
No matter what phase you are in life, you are going to face different challenges. Whether it’s going through a divorce, controlling your temper, or growing your business, it’s all about how you handle matters and the choices you make.
Join me and learn from Greg Dickerson. Greg is a believer, an entrepreneur, real estate investor and developer. In the past 20 years, he has started 12 different companies from the ground up and bought, developed and sold over $200 million in real estate. Learn more about Greg at https://gregdickerson.com/
Addiction comes in many forms but ultimately produces the same result. The person hurts themselves and those around them. So, what can be done about it?
Listen to learn the steps I take in my life.
Disclaimer: This show is targeted to those who have the ability to change their circumstances and handle their addictions. There are different forms of addictions. If you can’t resolve your addiction on your own, then immediately seek help from a licensed medical professional.
How do you know God’s will for your career? your marriage? your finances? or for any part of your life? Listen to find out how I know God’s will for my life. It's simple and you can quickly apply it to your life.
The Modern Day Jonah Syndrome is a condition caused when a believer ignores God’s calling on their life. The symptoms include but aren’t limited to stress, anxiety, conflict, chaos, depression, misery, bitterness, strife, self-deception, confusion and sleep deprivation.
Those affected by the Modern Day Jonah Syndrome don’t acknowledge or appreciate the severe and damaging effect this syndrome has on their lives and those around them until it has reached an epic, dangerous, serious and advanced stage. The Modern Day Jonah Syndrome affects all aspects of life: personal, professional, financial, physical and spiritual.
Listen to learn how to overcome the Modern Day Jonah Syndrome. Sermon presented at Union Grove Baptist Church, Oak Ridge, NC
How are you handling life? Take the Handling Life Assessment Quiz at https://nathantabor.daquiz.com/handlinglife/
I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Mari White. Mari is a two-time Emmy Award Winning TV Host and a multi-award winning Producer.
Over the course of the interview, we were able to discuss various challenges and struggles Christian face every day, and we also discuss how to overcome these challenges and struggles. I hope you will take the time to watch this interview and share it with your family and friends.
How do you eat an elephant?
What? Why does that matter? Listen to find out.
Looking for answers? Download my free eBook The Guide to Giving God Control at https://nathantabor.clickfunnels.com/optin
How is your life going? Take the Handling Life Assessment Quiz and find out! https://nathantabor.daquiz.com/handlinglife/
Just when you think you’ve mastered a task, you either slip, fail OR a new problem presents itself. That’s OK. You’re only human OR it's life. The best way to address a problem is straight on, which requires you to address the fear of change and deal with any and all mental and emotional obstacles. To avoid going backward, take some time each day to check yourself, your attitude, and your motives. This process takes time, and you will always be establishing new plans or adjusting the plans you have in place. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
Implementation is the critical step that trips most people up—and holds them back. This is literally where the rubber meets the road. Each day you wake up, commit to being the human being you have been called to be. When you make a conscious effort to be active, you will get the results you want in your life. All of your actions and thoughts should be done to avoid problems and reach your goals. Be diligent in everything you do, and you will reap the rewards! However, we are all human and you will slip up. You will forget to be consistent and you will revert back to old behaviors. So, when this happens, take corrective action immediately. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
S.M.A.R.T.E.R. is an acronym which you use to guide your goal setting and develop a plan of action. The purpose of writing S.M.A.R.T.E.R. objectives is that it makes you go through a process which helps you establish the outcome you desire. To help you establish your plan, I've put together a process which helps you establish the outcome you desire. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
It’s time to create a plan which addresses each problem and lays out real solutions. Example: If you are in constant conflict with others, then it’s time to take a different approach. The next time an argument starts, excuse yourself from the situation, hold your tongue or do something to avoid the conflict. If you want a better relationship with your spouse then spend quality time with them, listen to them, and engage with them. If you want a better relationship with God, study His word and develop your prayer life. You will keep getting the same results in your life if you keep doing things the same way. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
Is your ‘problem’ the real problem? or just a symptom? Take a moment to think about that question. Most arguments, conflicts or disagreements often have an underlying cause. For example, a husband and wife argues about the house chores not being done. Is the argument really about the house chores or are there other “issues” causing the argument? Once you identify the root cause, or real reason, you can start to address it. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
Change doesn’t happen by itself. It needs a catalyst (or change agent). That’s YOU. So, first you must be willing to admit to yourself that you need to make a change in your life. Pretending everything is OK will only prolong your problems and distress. Arguments and strife will continue to take hold in your life. Often, these issues also manifest in health issues. Stress does a lot of damage to our brains and bodies. So, now it’s time to admit your issues, and then move quickly to discover the solutions and remedies that will allow positivity to take hold in your life instead. To access the entire 5-Step Process please visit https://www.nathantabor.com/lawoforder
Christmas ends and immediately the stress, depression and gloom of all the things you have to do takes over! The New Year is coming and what will you do? I've been there and it's NO fun!
Apologizing is easy, right? Saying your sorry is very simple, right? Well, at times it’s not easy or simple, especially when my daughter is involved.
Honestly, I find it quite hard at times to apologize to my daughter. If you also have this “issue” then this show is for you.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Are you working to grow in your profession and be a Christian at the same time? Well, you aren’t alone. There are many trying to accomplish this.
One person who has accomplished integrating their faith into their business is Rod Martin. Rod has done this as a member of the pre-IPO startup team at PayPal and numerous other business. In Rod’s life, there has always been one consistent approach, put God first. You can learn more about Rod at http://rodmartin.org/about-rod/
If you are suffering or struggling this podcast is for you. Julian has a heart for healing and restoration. He believes that it is imperative that we “prepare” now so that we do not have to “repair” later.
Julian is a graduate of Impact University, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Theology in June of 2012. He is also an instructor at Impact in the Biblical Counseling and Theology programs. At Agape Faith Church, Julian helps to oversee the Lay Counseling Ministry.
He is also a vital member of the Prayer Ministry, helping to conduct their annual Prayer School. He facilitates prayer clinics throughout the U.S. as well as Africa, in which he teaches on heart preparation and Spirit-led prayer.
Julian resides in Winston-Salem, NC with his wife Krishauna Hines-Gaither and their baby boy Giovanni. You can learn more about Julian at https://www.facebook.com/The-Fathers-Heart-Ministry-InternationalNC-182167136061174
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “The solution to your financial problems, relationship problems, and every other problem within your control is VERY simple.”
Listen to find out, because I believe the solution is VERY simple.
Paul Martin Newby is the Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, an Adjunct Professor at Campbell University School of Law, and co-author of The North Carolina State Constitution with History and Commentary (2d ed. 2013). He is an extremely talented and influential individual. Yet, when you meet Justice Newby you know immediately something is different. He isn’t pompous or arrogant. He’s down to earth. How? Listen to what he has to say. It’s powerful. You can learn more about Justice Newby at https://www.nccourts.gov/judicial-directory/paul-newby
Being aware is critical to all aspects of your life - faith, family and friends. Phil Cooke has produced TV and film programming in more than 60 countries around the world, and in the process, he’s been shot at, survived two military coups, fallen out of a helicopter, and once in Africa, he was threatened with prison.
He has also authored numerous books. His most recent is "Unique: The Ultimate Planner for Creative Professionals." If you are a writer, designer, musician, or media producer, then stop wasting your day filling in meaningless templates, mindless reports, and information you will never look at again. Learn more at https://tinyurl.com/yc8uwajc
Whitney and his wife Chelsea have adopted their two sons over the last four years. At the time of this recording, they are in the process of adopting their third child. They know the costs associated with adoption (up to $60,000 on average), but they also know the life-changing blessings it offers. Whitney Sewell is the host of The Real Estate Syndication Show and is the owner of Life Bridge Capital LLC. There are millions of orphans worldwide, yet the financial burden of adopting is more than many families can consider. This is where LifeBridge Capital comes in, as it donates 50% of its own profits to help families give orphans a loving home. Life Bridge Capital works with accredited investors, helping them improve their investment returns via the exceptional opportunities that multifamily syndication offers You can learn more about Whitney at www.lifebridgecapital.com. If you are considering adoption, I highly recommend you listen to what Whitney has to say. He has great advice on how to handle the challenges you will face and he also offers guidance to those looking for help. In the interview, Whitney discusses several resources. Here are links to those resources: http://www.christianadoptionconsultants.com/; https://bothhands.org/ and https://showhope.org/our-work/adoption-aid/
If you have forgiven someone but all you do is focus on them, worry about them, bend over backwards for them, or ultimately let them treat you like a doormat, then you must stop and ask yourself a question.
Do your actions bring you closer to God or pull you away from God? Listen to learn what I do when I feel like a doormat.
From drug addiction to finding Jesus, to the death of his daughter, to the incarceration of his granddaughter, to raising his great-grandson, the life of Ken Barun, Chief of Staff for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has been quite interesting and extremely complicated at times.
Ken has experienced almost every facet of life imaginable. He has his “moments and struggles in life” just like anyone else does. Guess what he does when challenges come into his life? Listen to find out.
Failure happens. But do you know why? and do you know how to overcome, avoid and handle failure?
What do you do when tragedy strikes? In 1971, Tim Lee had a choice to make. You see, a land mine explosion in Vietnam took both his legs. Would he get bitter? or better? If you are facing your own life tragedy, then this is a message you need to hear. Tim shares his life story, his struggles and the strength he finds in his personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I highly encourage you to check out Tim’s new book "BORN ON THE FIFTH OF JULY" at https://timlee.org/newbook
Do you find yourself thinking or even saying these things? I don’t like my job, I don’t like the people I work with, or I don’t like the money I make. I’ve thought and said these exact things. Then I made a change and you can as well. Ready to learn what I did?
I've Failed Miserably, Have You? I've made mistakes. I've made bad choices. I've been 100% sure God wouldn't take me back. You know what? He knows how bad I am and He still sent His Son to die on the cross for me!
Do you feel like you can't come back to God? If so, take five minutes and listen.
Think about it? How does the devil come to you? With a message of doom and gloom and a promise of chaos and misery?
Or does he come to you as the thing your flesh desires? The thing you believe you can't live without?
Listen to find out.
Do you ever feel that way? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't want to serve God, but it's not because of Him, it's because of me. Listen to learn how I overcome this feeling.
Do you have a pride problem? I did for a long time. Here are 3 ways to determine if you have a pride problem.
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7
I’ve got a challenge for you. Tell others what God has done for YOU! Our lives today are filled with SO much hate, arguments, disagreements and conflict that it’s time to share the good news. Listen to hear what God has done for me.
fear: an unpleasant emotion. Fear controlled my life for a time period. If fear is controlling you, then you must take the time to watch/listen to this.
If stress keeps you up at night, you’re not alone. According to a new Bankrate survey, sixty-nine percent of Americans say they occasionally lose sleep due to something they’re worried about.
I’ve been there and everyone who’s honest has been there. You dread going to bed and you dread getting up in the morning. You toss and turn all night and wake up exhausted. It’s truly a miserable way to live.
But don’t lose hope (or sleep anymore)! There are steps you can take to regain control of your sleep time. Take 10-minutes and learn what you can do. I promise it will be worth your time.
Have you ever wondered “where is God?” I have. Looking back over my life, I’ve run to God many times when I was in a bind and begged, pleaded and prayed for His help. Yet it didn’t come. It left me wondering “where is God?” Was God missing or was I wrong? I was wrong.
My relationship with God was that of an ATM. I expected when I put my card in, that money would come out, so I expected when I prayed for help, God would provide it. Hindsight 20/20 my logical thinking was WAY OFF.
You see, to get money out of an ATM, you must first put money in the bank, and to put money in the bank, you must have a job to make money. If you don’t follow these steps, then the ATM isn’t going to give you any money. My relationship with God was essentially nonexistent, except when I needed out of a bind.
When I asked for help I wasn’t asking for God’s will, I was asking for selfish, personal reasons. I hadn’t invested in getting to know God and developing a relationship with Him. So, if you want God’s protection, wisdom, and blessings you must develop and maintain a relationship with Him.
Point of clarity - just because you develop a relationship with God does NOT mean He will give you money.
Learn powerful techniques to beat procrastination. Learn about my personal struggle and the steps I took to stay focused and overcome procrastination.
We all procrastinate from time to time. Procrastination occurs when we avoid tasks that we find unpleasant. Even if we perform other work-related tasks instead of the ones we dislike, we are guilty of procrastination. Unfortunately, procrastination will hinder our long-term success. With the proper skills, you can overcome procrastination.
Procrastination is like putting a frog into a pot of cold water and turning the heat on low. The frog will slowly cook to death and never even realize it. Are you slowly cooking to death? I was a procrastinator until a few years back and it made tasks harder and created an immense amount of stress.
Learn more at https://www.handlinglife.org/
Money is a concept almost as old as language. It’s ingrained in the core of society. Unfortunately, that gives it a sort of false significance. “If I just made more money everything would be great!”
How many times have you heard someone say something like that? Or how many times have you told yourself, “Once I make more money I’ll spend more time with my family.”
Well, I’ve got bad news for you. Money itself never made anyone happy. The choices a person makes with their money can contribute to their happiness, but little is gained simply in having it.
If you think money will give you more time to spend with your family, it won’t. If you think money will solve your problems, it won’t. The pursuit of money for its own sake will result in less time with loved ones and it will create more problems.
Life Lesson: If you don’t spend time with your family before you have money, you won’t spend time with your family after you have money.
God Has Called You. You have 2 Options:
1. Obey God. If you are currently in this category then stay in God’s word, keep praying and keep seeking Him. Don’t let your relationship become stale.
2. Ignore God. If you are in this category, then you aren’t alone. Many, many Christians are in this category.
Problem is most won’t admit it and do nothing to address or change it.
Are you applying Earthly wisdom or Biblical wisdom to your life? Don't know or unsure? Then look at the type of life you have and you will know exactly the type of wisdom you are applying.
Earthly wisdom is man doing what he believes is best for him based on his human knowledge, experience and understanding. James 3:15-16 states "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." The result of using earthly wisdom to deal with a life situation is: bitterness, selfishness, strife, anxiety, stress, confusion, earthly desires and concerns. Ultimately misery.
Biblical wisdom involves applying God’s knowledge and understanding to everyday life when each situation is encountered. James 3:17-18 states “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace." The result of using biblical wisdom to deal with a life situation is: peacefulness, gentleness, kindness, love for others, sincerity, Godly desires and concerns. Ultimately, finding joy in the circumstance. Wow! What a difference in the result.
Live event from Hemingway, SC. Not many years ago I was a modern-day Jonah, rebelliously running from the calling that God had placed on my life. And just like Jonah in days of old, the storms had come into my life. So much destruction had descended upon my family and me because of my own failure to simply obey God.
But like Jonah, I found myself in a miserable place where I had no choice but to relent and surrender to God’s higher call on my life. The misery, anxiety, discomfort, worrying, arguing and everything else were just symptoms of my deeper problem, my heart wasn’t right with God and I wasn’t walking with Him. I was not in God’s will for my life.
My message is simple and direct. “If you aren’t doing what God has called you to do, you need to stop and immediately get right with God.”
Sure, making changes will be hard at first. There might be various challenges, discomforts, and inconveniences. But so what? Is your life producing what you want it to right now? Surely it will be better to do it God’s way and trust Him to produce the best outcome. That’s how it worked for Jonah. That’s how it worked for me and that’s how it will work for you.
Compare your life to Jonah: - Have you chosen to listen? - Are you walking out the door and headed to the dock? - Are you walking down the dock and ready to board the boat? - Are you comfortable on the boat? - Have you fallen asleep while the storm rages around you? - Are others hurting around you? - Are you comfortable in the middle of the storm? Anytime you are ready to turn back and start implementing God’s will in your life, God is ready for you.
Jonah could have turned back after he walked out the door, he could have jumped off the boat and swam back to the dock, but he didn’t. He was committed to his plan, therefore the consequences of his actions were quite severe for himself and those around him. Had he stopped at the door would things have been the same? Only God knows for sure but I’m willing to say his consequences for disobeying God wouldn’t have been as severe. The same goes for you and me. No matter where you are on this journey it’s time to stop and turn towards God.
Where are you really with God? As you know, there's a difference between saying you are right with God and actually being right with God. Be honest with yourself because God already knows.
How many times have you heard "I'm Sorry" and knew the person didn't mean it? How did it make you feel? It certainly didn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy. So, are you doing this to others?
For years I struggled internally to find balance and handle various aspects of life. It didn’t seem to matter what I did, or how I did it, I simply could NOT find what I was looking for. The sad part is deep down I knew exactly what I needed to do but that wasn’t part of MY plan.
So, what did I do? Click to listen or read my story here - https://www.handlinglife.org/mystory
Why are you in constant conflict? What can you do? Once I was in constant conflict and it makes life VERY stressful!
Entering my 30’s, I was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease and mild spinal stenosis. To control the pain, I had steroid shots in my spine, trigger point injections in my muscle, and pain meds.
By the time I turned 40, I was on 240 milligrams of morphine a day and getting over a dozen trigger point injections every 8-12 weeks.
Then worse got even worse. Between the age of 39 and 40, my metabolism decided to take a permanent vacation. The timely was horrible. My diet consisted of 12 cokes a day, candy, chips, carbs, occasional protein, and very few “green” things.
In one year, I gained 42 pounds. Needless to say, my health had deteriorated to the point where I seriously wondered if I would find myself in a wheelchair before I was 50.
Is your life similar to mine? Listen to what I did!
Has a family member, friend or business partner ever burned you? Done you wrong? That feeling of betrayal is a hard pill to swallow, especially when it comes from someone close to you. They say that time heals all wounds, but I’ve had a few wounds that, over time, got worse. The pain and hurt continued to grow and the more time that passed, the more that bitterness grew. It almost destroyed me until I took actions and dealt with it! Listen and learn the steps I took so you can apply them in your life.