On this week's CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, the host Kurt Wuckert Jr. interviewed none other than Ian Grigg, the famous financial cryptographer. Referring to Grigg as the "wealth of information about science and cryptography," Kurt requested Grigg to speak about his professional journey thus far.
Grigg concisely explained his research endeavors that began in 1995 with the "stock exchange, aka digital cash system," and then working with the Eagle Group in Florida. Grigg and Kurt then spoke about smart contracts and how they differ from the Ricardian contracts invented by Grigg in 1996. Grigg clarified that both contracts are related; however, they work differently.
When asked by one of the viewers to explain the "Project Prometheus," Grigg explained: "Several people wondered in 2013-14 who was Satoshi; a few of us decided not to search for him because we wanted to respect the person's privacy. That is how the group was named "Prometheus." According to Grigg, people who don't believe Dr. Wright is Satoshi have not done enough research.
Responding to a question regarding AI, Grigg stated that companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple should create accurate predictions with the help of AI technology because they have adequate resources. Grigg pointed out that everybody wants authority, but only a few authorities are out there to do specific tasks. "What we need is specific blockchain expertise," he noted.
Grigg concluded by announcing that his new paper on AI and book citing his work on identity will be published soon.
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