Connecting people far from God into a thriving relationship with Jesus – Phoenix, AZ
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Want to visit us in person? Visit us Sundays 9:00 am and 11:00 am at 3636 W Greenway Rd Phoenix, AZ
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Connecting people far from God into a thriving relationship with Jesus – Phoenix, AZ
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Want to visit us in person? Visit us Sundays 9:00 am and 11:00 am at 3636 W Greenway Rd Phoenix, AZ
Faith isn’t just personal—it’s meant to grow and impact others. This week, we see how one man’s trust in Jesus led to his entire household believing. Faith seeks, stretches, stands, and ultimately spreads. Are we trusting God at His word or waiting for Him to act our way? Join us as we explore the power of true faith.
In this week’s message, “Look and See,” we are challenged to shift our focus from the physical to the spiritual. Using the story of the Samaritan woman and Jesus' interaction with her, we see how Jesus transforms lives and sends us to do the work of God.
Jesus tells His disciples, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me," teaching us that serving God brings fulfillment and eternal reward. As He encourages His followers to see the fields ready for harvest, we are reminded of the joy, purpose, and partnership in serving God's mission.
Join us as we learn to see the world through Jesus' eyes, with hearts ready to share His message of salvation.
This week, we explore John 4:1-28 and the powerful encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. We see how Jesus pursues relationship, reveals the deeper issues of the heart, and offers living water—true fulfillment found only in Him.
Sin leaves us thirsty, but Jesus satisfies completely. His mercy, wisdom, and grace transform lives, just as they did for the woman at the well. When we truly encounter Him, we can't help but share Him with others. Join us for this life-giving message!
This week at CityView Jared dives into John 3:22-36, where John the Baptist reminds his disciples—and us—of our God-given assignments. As Jesus' influence grows, John humbly embraces his role, declaring, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
This message challenges us to find joy in our God-given purpose, remain faithful in our changing assignments, and recognize that true life is found in Christ alone. Join us as we explore humility, purpose, and the ultimate authority of Jesus.
At our annual State of the Church, Pastor Jeremiah shared his vision for 2025 at CityView and our theme for the year: Become More Like Jesus.
In Conversations in the Dark About the Light, we explore Nicodemus' nighttime encounter with Jesus in John 3. This powerful discussion reveals how Jesus meets us where we are, challenges us to be born again, and calls us out of darkness into His light. Through the love of God seen in salvation, we’re left with a choice—what will we do with Jesus?
Join us as we unpack the life-changing truths of John 3:16, the wonders of God’s grace, and the invitation to step into a new life with Christ.
Pastor Jeremiah looks at John chapter 2 where Jesus cleanses the temple.
As we continue our series in John, Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Jesus' first miracle: turning water into wine.
In the third week of our series in the gospel of John, Pastor Jeremiah wraps up chapter 1 by asking the question: Is who you are following in your life leading you where you want to go?
Pastor Jeremiah continues the series studying the book of John, unpacking the rest of chapter 1 saying, "When your identity revolves around Jesus you know who you are and what you are about."
Pastor Jeremiah kicks off the new study in John preaching through John 1:1-18.
Pastor Jeremiah shares on how through His death and resurrection, we can be forgiven.
Pastor Jeremiah shares from Isaiah chapter 9 about how under Jesus' reign, He brings us rest, peace, and comfort; He shows His power; and He accomplishes all that He plans to.
Pastor Jeremiah continues the series "Jesus Brings" with a message about how we find stability in Jesus.
Pastor Jeremiah kicks off the Christmas series: Jesus Brings.
Pastor Jeremiah teaches on the importance of giving to the Lord
As we continue through the book of Malachi, Pastor Jeremiah teaches on the importance of marriage
Pastor Jeremiah continues to teach through the book of Malachi and teaches how lead a life that points others to Jesus
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah continues to teach through the book of Malachi and what it looks like to honor God with our lives
This week, Pastor Jeremiah starts a new study in the book of Malachi
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Why is spending time with God important? How do we spend time with God? This week, Pastor Jeremiah answers both of those questions!
Pastor Jeremiah wraps up the book of Jude and urges the church to build their lives on Jesus
This week, Pastor continues to teach through the book of Jude and shares the importance of being led by the Spirit
This week, Pastor Jeremiah kicks off our new series Fight for the Faith in the book of Jude
This week, Pastor Jeremiah is back from his sabbatical challenges the church to let go and follow Jesus
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This week, Pastor Mark walks us through the importance of grieving and how it draws us closer to Jesus
This week, Jared taught that we need to trust God and let go of control
This week, Pastor Mark kicked off our new series and taught on the importance of rejecting hurry
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In week 3 of our series Holy, Jared teaches that we can trust God because He is simply not like us
Pastor Brian Gandy teaches on God's holiness in the midst of injustice
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This week, Pastor Mark teaches that wisdom is an outcome of spending time with the Holy One
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Jared kicks off our new series Holy where we will learn to understand the God's holiness
Pastor Tony teaches on the depths of God's love for us
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 21
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How motivated are you to share the gospel? This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 20 and how we are to live desperate to share the gospel with everyone around us.
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 19 and how we have a victorious King
Pastor Jeremiah continues to teach through the book of Revelation
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches about how we all worship something. Worshiping Jesus alone always leads to rest.
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Resurrection Sunday!! This Sunday we celebrated our risen King and learned that true peace is only found in Him
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah continues to teach through the book of Revelation and hits on the importance of knowing God's word
Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 7 and reminds us that it is because of the blood of Jesus alone that we have been cleansed of our sin
This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 6 and highlights that even within the storms, Jesus is in control
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Pastor Jeremiah teaches through Revelation 4 and introduces our 30 Days of Worship Challenge
This week, Jared finishes up chapter 3 of the book of Revelation.
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This week, Pastor Mark continues our study of Revelation and encourages the church to wake up.
In week 4 of our study of the book of Revelation, Pastor Jeremiah teaches on the importance of holding fast to Jesus and never compromising
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah continues our study of the book of Revelation. We learn that the only way we will stand strong when times get hard is when we stay close to our First Love.
This week, Pastor Jeremiah is continuing teaching through Revelation 1.
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Pastor Jeremiah kicks off our study of the book of Revelation!
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Merry Christmas! Today Pastor Jeremiah shares of the hope that we have because Jesus came to us!
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This week, Jared teaches on hearing the voice of the Lord and how we discern His voice.
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Pastor Jeremiah shares that each and every season has reason when Jesus is your focus.
Pastor Jeremiah closes our series Paradox of the Cross by teaching that we are called to a life of repentance, refinement, reflection, and righteousness.
Pastor Jeremiah teaches on God's grace that is sufficient for us in all circumstances.
Pastor Jeremiah teaches on being on guard against the schemes of the enemy and the importance of simple devotion to Jesus.
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Pastor Mark teaches on the importance of following truth, not the loudest voice in the room.
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This week, Jared teaches on the WHY behind the importance of giving
This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches the importance of having hard conversations and how we are to do it as followers of Jesus.
Pastor Jeremiah teaches that we are to tie our lives to the Lord, not to the world.
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches on the depth of Christ's love for us and how the love of Christ should compel us to love others.
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches that we decide daily to invest in eternal things or temporal things. What are you choosing to invest in?
This week in our series Paradox of the Cross, Pastor Jeremiah teaches that we are to never give up on preaching the gospel
Ever feel unqualified to do what God has called you to do? Pastor Jeremiah teaches from 2 Corinthians that if we are trying qualify ourselves through the law, we will never be good enough. However, when we surrender to Jesus, we are enough through Christ
This week, Pastor Jeremiah preaches that we serve a victorious God and we can walk in confidence behind Him knowing His plans always lead to victory
In week 2 of Paradox of the Cross, Jared teaches in 2 Corinthians about how Paul dealt with being misunderstood
This week, Pastor Jeremiah kicks us off into a new series Paradox of the Cross. In this series we will be going through the book of 2 Corinthians.
This week, Pastor Jeremiah closes our series Can't Stop Won't Stop with a message about how deep the grace of God really is
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah teaches the importance of being sober minded so that we are ready to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy
In week 10 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Jeremiah shares the biblical role of a Pastor and the Church
This week, Pastor Jeremiah encourages the Church to be ready to stand firm on truth
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This week, Pastor Jeremiah continues teaching on spiritual gifts and how we are to use them to build His Kingdom
Spiritual Gifts Youtube Series: GIFTED
In week 7 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Jeremiah shares the importance of using the gifts that God has given us
Spiritual Gifts Youtube Series: GIFTED
In week 6 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Jeremiah teaches that we are to put Jesus on the throne of our hearts
In week 5 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Jeremiah teaches how a godly marriage is to paint a picture of God's great grace and God's great love for the Church
In week 4 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Jared teaches on how we are to respond to being treated unfairly
In week 3 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Brian encourages the Church to keep proclaiming the gospel
In week 2 of Can't Stop Won't Stop, Pastor Mark teaches on the Christian's call to holiness
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Jared kicks off our new series "Can't Stop Won't Stop". As we study the book of 1 Peter, we will be challenged, encouraged, and equipped to follow Jesus wholeheartedly when following Jesus isn't easy.
Continuing our Build you Legacy series, Pastor Jeremiah talks about our battles and if we are fighting the wrong fight?
Do you ever feel like you are just striving in life? Just sort of surviving each day. Did you know that is not what Jesus wants for you? Jesus wants you to have a Thriving abundant life. Mark 10:1-12
August 22, 2021
As we finish our series "No Ordinary Love," Pastor Jared teaches on the account of the blind man Jesus encountered on his way to Jerusalem. He discusses three lessons that we can take from the story and talks about what it means to desire an encounter with God.
August 15th, 2021
As we continue studying the book of Mark in our series "No Ordinary Love," Pastor Jeremiah discusses how God reveals his love to us, even when we feel unloveable.
August 8, 2021
In this week's sermon, Pastor Jeremiah continues our study in Mark with a new series, "No Ordinary Love." He discusses the lengths God's love goes to for us and asks us - who's in your circle, and are they bringing you to the feet of Jesus?
August 1, 2021
As we continue our series "No Ordinary Followers," Pastor Jeremiah discusses childlike faith and how Jesus used children to teach His followers how to love and trust Him.
July 25th, 2021
As we continue our journey through Mark in "No Ordinary Followers," Pastor Jeremiah discusses the cost of following Jesus and what it looks like to take up your cross.
July 18th, 2021
As we continue studying the book of Mark in week 1 of our series, "No Ordinary Followers," Pastor Jeremiah breaks down the team of disciples Jesus chose and how He used imperfect people to accomplish His perfect mission.
July 11th, 2021
In week 4 of our series, "No Ordinary Mission," Pastor Jeremiah talks about how Jesus defied the expectations of what the Israelites thought they wanted in a Savior. With God, we don't always get what we want, but we always get what we need.
July 4th, 2021
As we continue going through the book of Mark in our series, "No Ordinary Mission," Pastor Mark discusses the different voices Jesus used as he went through his mission on Earth.
June 27th, 2021