Today we’re talking about music and creativity with special guest Nikolai Fraiture, who is best known for being the bassist of The Strokes.
He also created a new theme song for Buddhability, which we’re so excited for you to hear!
Nikolai started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which is the core practice of SGI Nichiren Buddhism, just a few years ago. Today he shares how he has seen his Buddhist practice impact his life and his work.
Plus, this year, which is the 20th anniversary of their breakout album, Is This It, The Strokes won the 2021 Grammy Award for Best Rock Album for their newest album titled The New Abnormal. Nikolai discusses his experience recording the album, as well as his journey with the band from the age of 19.
0:35 Buddhability’s new theme song by Nikolai Fraiture
2:13 How Nikolai started practicing Buddhism
5:03 How chanting first felt to him
6:49 The changes he noticed in himself
10:33 How Nikolai got into music as a teenager
15:02 The first two years of being The Strokes
18:38 What the hardest part of the creative process is
22:35 How he dealt with his health challenges
30:03 How Buddhism helped him change preconceived notions and judgments
33:47 When his bandmates noticed he 37:21 The evolution of his creative process as a musician
43:12 How Buddhism resonates with what he learned from one of his first bass teachers
48:25 What went into recording The New Abnormal
52:20 Key concepts from Buddhism and basketball
56:36 Advice for aspiring young musicians
59:30 How Nikolai’s relationship with his brother changed due to Buddhism
1:07:28 Where to check out Arts Elektra