Jim and Conrad have a friend named Jonathan, who was once famous for being on Road Rules and will be again. They’ll make sure of it.
A podcast about fame and misfortune.
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Jim and Conrad have a friend named Jonathan, who was once famous for being on Road Rules and will be again. They’ll make sure of it.
A podcast about fame and misfortune.
If you can't be young and cool anymore, you could always run for office via a steakhouse that only serves onions.
The thinking moron's Lars von Trier has revealed her grotesque masterpiece!
Clowns get saucy, a tribute band is here, Barbie has the lager, and Stephanie watched Bewitched (2005).
Jonathan gives Stephanie therapy and answers for his negligence. Johnny Plop goes on tour.
Jonathan gets spanked for his reefer madness, iCarly gets a remake, egg philosophy beckons.
Link's tunic reveals the treasures beneath while sticky wet Gloom drenches the city of Boston.
Smurfs get stalked. Werewolves get busy. Augustus Meaty Fresh brings more meat!
Jonathan challenges the Sun, we give Chris Pratt a piece of our mind, and the Poonicorn invites women to his diaper nest.
Stephanie gets a very special tribute, Jonathan's butt is wired for sound, the masses scream for gaseous escapes, and the room is full of dogs. Also, Pikachu.
There's a dilemma between Jar Jar Binks and a Victorian boy, we butter all the toast, and backs are really bad.
We remake Dawn of the Dead, Jonathan's comic is censored, and a man is bricked up in the name of hope!
Fifty years of podcasts! Fifty years of badgering Jonathan, making Jonathan famous, thinking about Jonathan, and wanting to kiss Jonathan! Benadryl is on the menu, the Butt Duchess does her work, and Willem Dafoe chases Jack The Ripper through time itself!
Megatron gets it good, Willem Dafoe munches on urchins, and the Nude Unwashed Mom compares Steph to The Scorpions.
Jonathan marries the United States and proves he's the greatest ally in the world. Mr. Fahrenheit shocks the announcers. The secret world of Mounties is exposed.
We live life in the Crow House, the angels of poop provide comfort, and Jonathan holds on until the decision is made for him. Papa don't breach!
We leave our belongings to the Zoomers, we talk of Meatloaf, and Willem Dafoe meets a miserable mascot.
Welcome to the forest of the Incelves! We talk about poo a LOT. A gentleman thief lays a soft dump, Willem Dafoe trains a toilet, and Boston's titular Favorite Son truly sums up what this podcast is about.
We go into the woods to farm berries, there is a normal conversation, Willem Dafoe does Shakespeare, and we meet a new friend called Andrew.
The Baneman invites you to his Discord server, Jonathan sleeps next to a lovely night butt, and Biggles rides again!
Some chairs get sexed, we go for a rave by the river, there's a new breed of Power Rangers, and Jonathan stops us from talking about videogames.
Namor is the flavor of the day as your dismal jesters praise Strong Jesus and discuss Biblical tales. We also have a dick-flinging prequel to Game of Thrones, a club full of clowns, and Shaggy truths.
Are you ready to do a football? Would you like to rock out while learning road safety? Ever watched a frog kiss a chicken? Time to find out.
We made Slunge, we don't know why, dunk it on yourself... don't let it dry. Jonathan has no mouth and must scream, Willem Dafoe is in a Speed reboot, and we meet the friendly face of sleep paralysis.
The sound is horrid in this one. Sorry. However, the Loony Toons get horny. Jonathan bashes the fash and gets freaky. Willem Dafoe gets some sexy bicycle shorts.
Jonathan becomes CEO of the Cum Company, Willem Dafoe's bones aren't his own, and Crabnuts returns...
Jonathan needs to bring a bucket and a mop. You know why. You know how wet that pussy is. Ass. It's as wet as ass.
A Victorian family requests alms, Mindhunter is a comedy hit, and Willem Dafoe time travels to avoid assassination.
The Predator takes a stand, Conrad provides marriage guidance, and meat's back on the menu. Say hello to Captain Tummies!
As cities quiet in the wake of a global pandemic, you can take it easy with three men who will never go viral. Jonathan did foot spying, Willem Dafoe is a dirty doctor, and the tactics of Wile E. Coyote get discussed.
Jonathan hosts a viewing party for Star Wars Episode IX. Willem Dafoe deduces a shooting with pizza clues.
Someone who looks like Jonathan is the hottest new DuckTales character, we have celebrity gossip, and Willem Dafoe reveals his pizza secret.
After fashioning his suit of slugs, Jonathan embarks on a quest to stop kids from vaping before becoming a sarcastic old man. CRABNUTS IS HERE!
Gotham's finest criminal terrorizes a hospital, Lovecraft and Disney go head to head, and the Greasy Chicken Pit is open for business!
On this week's grim episode, we dress Jonathan for a luxurious toilet trip, and Willem Dafoe has to work for the piggy upper class.
Pig Meat Frank's wife will look at him again once he finally joins The Avengers. Elsewhere, Jonathan runs an aquarium, and we become Podcasters of the Universe!
The White Cotton Panty Boys are going to terrorize New Boston with their crimes. Maybe Scooby Doo, or even Chillingham the Cool Cat, could help things!
Willem Dafoe is a hermit in the big city! Spider-Man 3 is the tip of the cultural mountain! Also, the puss puss is milky!
Time to join the King of the Woods, and go on a fashion show with the Chestnut Barrel-Boy. Don't forget to grab that honker!
This week, a lovely play is written to teach the world about Pudding Lad and Wrong Daddy. A bit of class, at last.
It's all gone very bad when a man in a romper suit gives away free pizza. Please believe me!
Jonathan gets haunted by a spooky ghost, a gnome doctor sniffs the genitals in a Denny's, and Willem Dafoe plays the hottest new Robocop successor.
Uh oh! I didn't do that! Jonathan becomes the most rascally rascal in Boston, the Smoke & Sugar Lounge brings us more wartime eroticism, and nobody's expecting a Nobel Peace Prize!
On this week's show, we decide to sell dirty bathwater. REALLY dirty bathwater. We also have a problem with rats and their deadly Skungus Chill plague!
Jonathan becomes a Ninja Turtle, Boston gets a hot new casino, and Willem Dafoe enters a tomato tournament.
A basement in Boston becomes a medieval tavern, where mushroom stew flows freely and the dump corner becomes home to a bard's voyeuristic delights.
The summer event of the year is finally here! We never said Chad Kroger was gonna turn up though. Wink wink!
The Coconut Pig promotes fresh milk, a reality TV star drinks swamp water from a barrel, and Willem Dafoe recruits Fraggle Rock's Doozers for some rectal exploration.
The Road Rules/Qualls presidential campaign for 2020 starts here! It starts with a major whoopsie daisie, but it starts nonetheless.
Get freaky! Show me that green if you know what I mean! Hurl your Laffy Taffy and protect the world!
Living that superstar lifestyle and not that super soaker lifestyle. Drug money, threatening testicles, and The Massachusetts games!
Jonathan is the hottest star in Boston. Literally, because we're cooking him under these studio lights. Also, Thanos has some ant problems.
Well, well, well, Hairy Squatter? Welcome to Pogwarts, dear boy, now let me tell you of Willem Dafoe's Secret Sunday!
Welcome to the Smoke & Sugar Lounge you dirty little herberts! Let's engage in sensual chat, take Boston back for the English, and feel awkward about Third Eye Blind.
Gerber babies abound and Willem Dafoe has to deal with a useless chimp. Also, Jonathan Off Road Rules runs for office!
Jonathan Off Road Rules introduces A Flock of Seagulls. Well, some seagulls. Well, some seagulls eating rats. Also, it's time for your Surprise Dad!
The ultimate showbusiness odyssey begins here! Jim Sterling and Conrad Zimmerman are absolutely sick of their friend Jonathan not being famous. He was famous once! He was in MTV's Road Rules: Northern Trail. He is Jonathan Off Road Rules! So let's get him famous again, even if it involves a traffic accident, crow wrangling, or poison ivy! May or may not contain the next hit movie starring Willem Dafoe.
In this brief teaser episode, lovely boys Jim Sterling and Conrad Zimmerman introduce you to Jonathan Off Road Rules, who once was famous for being on Road Rules, and one day will be again. We'll make sure of it.