Bob Ras from CoinField Explains Their Latest Product, Sologenic
Oct 25, 2019
In today’s episode of Blockteq Talk, Bob Ras, the CEO of CoinField is talking about CoinField, and their latest product, Sologenic. Basically, Sologenic is a product built on the XRP ledger that allows you to tokenize and trade stocks. This enables users to easily buy and sell stocks for crypto. With Sologenic, users can also trade socks (or fractions of them) on a decentralized exchange 24 hours a day. While we don’t usually cover this type of financial product on the show, we thought this was a nice change of pace. As Sologenic and CoinField both promote financial inclusion, we felt like this was an on-topic change from the usual. You can click here to learn more about CoinField. To learn more about Sologenic, follow the previous link and click the banner at the top of the page.
If you have a question about anything we discussed in this episode, don’t hesitate to ask it here and I will get back to you with a response.
Also, don’t forget to sign up for Blockteq’s Free Video Course! All you have to do is enter your name and email on that page, and you will receive one informative video per day over one week. By the end, you will know all the basics of Bitcoin, blockchains, and cryptocurrency.
Lastly, if you are interested in purchasing Blockteq’s Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Dictionary, you can pick up your copy for 20% off with the coupon code “BLOCKTEQTALK” by following this link.
Raphael Gaudreault Explains How Eva Creates a Decentralized Ride-Sharing Platform That Pays Drivers More Than the Competition While Also Being Cheaper for Riders.
Oct 04, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk, Raphel Gaudreault, the CTO of Eva explains how their decentralized ride-sharing platform delivers monetary benefits to all of their users. Eva is doing what almost everyone in the blockchain space aspires to do. They have created a decentralized ride-sharing app that works very similarly to traditional ride-sharing apps (like Uber or Lyft) but disrupts the business model in a way that benefits the users, not the company behind the app. In this, he explains exactly how the Eva Coop is set up, how their blockchain platform works, how app users don’t even know that they are using a blockchain, and much more.
Basically, Eva is a blockchain app that embodies the fully disruptive potential of blockchain technology and this episode teaches you everything you need to know about it.
To learn more about the work that Eva is doing, and the technical details of how their decentralized ride-sharing platform works, you can check them out at You can find all of their various social channels linked at the bottom of each page, so make sure to follow them too! If you have a question about anything we discussed in this episode, don’t hesitate to ask it here and I will get back to you with a response.
Also, don’t forget to sign up for Blockteq’s Free Video Course! All you have to do is enter your name and email on that page, and you will receive one informative video per day over one week. By the end, you will know all the basics of Bitcoin, blockchains, and cryptocurrency.
Lastly, if you are interested in purchasing Blockteq’s Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Dictionary, you can pick up your copy for 20% off with the coupon code “BLOCKTEQTALK” by following this link.
Crypto Pharaoh Explains How Cryptocurrency Returns Power To The People
Sep 27, 2019
On this episode of Blockteq Talk, Brian Tutt, AKA the Crypto Pharaoh explains how cryptocurrency disrupts inequitable systems and returns power to the people. Within this larger topic, he explains decentralized alternatives to services like, 23 and Me, Uber, and of course, money. During this, he does an excellent job of explaining how these alternatives can give users of these platforms the full value they are creating. Brian also explains how inflation is robbing the general population of their wealth and how cryptocurrency can help prevent this. Amazingly, Brian keeps things light too by detailing some of the less serious, more fun aspects of blockchains and cryptocurrency such as how tokens can be used in games and augmented reality.
To learn more about the work that Brian is doing, and how cryptocurrency returns power to the people, you can follow him on Instagram @crypto.pharaoh or connect with him on Linkedin here. If you have a question about anything we discussed in this episode, don’t hesitate to ask it here and I will get back to you with a response.
Also, don’t forget to sign up for Blockteq’s Free Video Course! All you have to do is enter your name and email on that page, and you will receive one informative video per day over one week. By the end, you will know all the basics of Bitcoin, blockchains, and cryptocurrency.
Lastly, if you are interested in purchasing Blockteq’s Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Dictionary, you can pick up your copy for 10% off with the coupon code “BLOCKTEQTALK” by following this link.
Charles Adams from Zero Carbon Project Explains How Blockchains are a Net Positive for the Environment
Sep 13, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk, Charles Adams from the Zero Carbon Project talks all things blockchain as they relate to the environment. Within this, he talks about the social need for bitcoin, the environmental impact of mining, and the need for transparency in industries that impact the environment. Additionally, Charles explains how the Zero Carbon project helps households and businesses acquire green energy at a cheaper rate than energy generated with fossil fuels. Later, Charles explains how customers who buy green energy on the Zero Carbon Market are rewarded in Zero Carbon Coins as an incentive to help make the world greener.
To learn more about the Zero Carbon Project, you can visit them online at . You can also reach out to Charles on Linkedin by following this link.
Justin Stucks Explains How Tithe With Bitcoin Makes It Easy For Churches and Non-Profits To Accept Bitcoin Donations
Sep 06, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk Justin Stucks, the founder of Tithe With Bitcoin explains how his project makes Bitcoin donations easy. Tithe With Bitcoin enables Churches and Non-Profit organizations to accept crypto gifts with ease. In this episode, Justin talks about how he became interested in cryptocurrency and how the idea for Tithe With Bitcoin came to him. Additionally, he discusses how TWB works, where it’s headed, and some of the challenges he has faced along the way. To learn more about the work that Justin and Tithe With Bitcoin are doing you can visit or follow TWB on Instagram @tithewithbitcoin To buy Blockteq’s Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Dictionary, you can follow this link. If you have a question about anything we discussed in this episode, you can ask it here.
Non-Profits can accept Bitcoin Donations by getting set up with Tithe With Bitcoin. Tithe With Bitcoin automatically converts bitcoin donations to USD so that Non-Profits can use the donations for their day to day needs. Listen to this episode of Blockteq Talk to learn about how this works and how to connect with Tithe With Bitcoin.
How Can Churches Accept Bitcoin Donations?
Churches are able to accept Bitcoin Donations by using Tithe With Bitcoin. Tithe With Bitcoin automatically converts bitcoin donations to USD so that Churches can use the donations to cover their operational costs. Listen to this episode of Blockteq Talk to learn about how this works and how to start using Tithe With Bitcoin.
Katie and Carl from The Cryptobar Talk All Things Related to Cryptocurrency Adoption
Aug 16, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk Katie and Carl from The Cryptobar come on to talk about the current state of cryptocurrency adoption. They detail their history in the crypto space and what they find fascinating about the technology. They also talk about how they use cryptocurrency on a regular basis. In addition to this, they talk about what they see for the future of cryptocurrency adoption, Facebook’s controversial Libra “cryptocurrency”, and so much more! If you like this episode of Blockteq Talk, make sure to check out Katie and Carl’s podcast “The Cryptobar” by following this link:
How PodCrypt will Change the Way that Podcasts are Consumed, Created, and Monetized with Creator Jordan Last.
Jan 25, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk Jordan Last, the visionary behind PodCrypt comes on to talk about his idea. Jordan covers how PodCrypt will work, what he envisions its future to be, and how it has the potential to make a big splash in the podcasting market. In addition to detailing his app, Jordan offers great insight into blockchains and Ethereum in general. Great for blockchain beginners and experts alike, this is a can’t miss episode of Blockteq Talk!
If you are interested in showing your support for PodCrypt by joining the telegram group, you can do that by following this link!
How Seedom Helps Non-Profits Raise Money on the Ethereum Blockchain Using a Decentralized Game with Co-Founders Alex Groleau and Kyle Graden.
Jan 18, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk, Alex Groleau and Kyle Graden, two of the Co-Founders of Seedom, talk about their decentralized FUNdraising game built on Ethereum. They also drop serious knowledge for non-profits interested in blockchain! They discuss their application, Seedom, what it takes for non-profits to be on-boarded in the blockchain space, the state of Ethereum today, altruism on the blockchain and so much more!
As promised, here is a short list of terms covered in this episode that may be slightly confusing. If you are confused about a term that is not on this list, send us a message here and we will add it!
Sadly, it would seem that seedom is no longer operatonal. You can still find the team on twitter however @seedom_io, and instagram
For information on how to obtain ether to play seedom, check out our tutorial on it here. And for information on how to configure Metamask, the in-browser wallet required to play, check out our turorial on it here.
Daisy Ozim on Blockchain for Social Justice
Jan 04, 2019
In this episode of Blockteq Talk, Daisy Ozim, the director of the Blockchain for Social Justice Collaborative talks about the work B4SJ does, how blockchains can help marginalized communities, the future of social impact projects on the blockchain, and much more!
To follow Daisy and the work that Blockchain for Social Justice is doing, check out these links:
How Votem Makes Elections More Accessible, Trustworthy, and Transparent by Using a Blockchain
Nov 02, 2018
In this episode of Blockteq Talk, we talk blockchain voting. For that reason, Jeff Stern of Votem explains the work that Votem does and how they help make elections more accessible, trustworthy and secure by using a blockchain. Jeff also details the problems that exist within the existing voting industry. Furthermore, he discusses why Votem and blockchain voting is well suited to solve these problems, the difficulties Votem faces, how Votem stands out from other mobile voting platforms, Votem’s open source “Proof of Vote” blockchain system, and much more.
As I promised, here are links to definitions of some of the confusing technical terms used within this episode. If you are unsure about anything that is not listed here, you can ask any question you may have here.
Harrison Perl of C4Coin on How C4Coin is the World’s First Carbon Negative Blockchain
Oct 12, 2018
In this episode of Blockteq Talk Harrison Perl, the co-founder and CEO of C4Coin explains his project. Importantly, he talks how they are using a blockchain to create a transparent and accountable carbon credit ecosystem. Furthermore, Harrison explains how C4Coin’s unique Proof of Burn consensus algorithm. As a result of this unique algorithim, C4Coin is the world’s first carbon-negative blockchain. Additonally Harrison speaks on why he believes people will choose to use the C4 network over other networks, how climate change is a social issue, and much more. In addition to Harrison’s rich explanation of C4Coin, he goes into why he is passionate about his work and makes a special announcement!
Tavonia Evans of Guap Coin Talks $GUAP and how Cryptocurrency Can Help Oppressed Communities Recapture their Power
Oct 05, 2018
In this episode of Blockteq Talk Tavonia Evans, the founder and CEO of Guap Coin enlightens us on how Guap Coin is creating change within her community. She covers some of the basics of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and the potential she sees in them to create better systems. Later, she goes on to talk about her cryptocurrency Guap Coin and the specifics of what they are doing to empower their community.
What is Blockchain Technology and How is it Useful as a Tool to Create Social Change?
Sep 28, 2018
In this special introductory episode of Blockteq Talk we answer the important question, how can blockchain technology be used to create social change? This episode is geared towards beginners and differs from the standard format of Blockteq Talk because Walton, the usual host, is the guest. During this episode Walton’s mom Jeanine plays the part of guest host and interviews Walton on the basics of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and why Blockteq views them as powerful tools to create social change.
If you have any questions about this episode of Blockteq Talk, about blockchain technology, or cryptocurrency, feel free to reach out to us by contacting us here. We love questions and will get back to you with a response ASAP!