Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy Is a New Podcast where we discuss the unique issues facing people of color. Listen! Comment! Like! Follow! Subscribe!
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Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy Is a New Podcast where we discuss the unique issues facing people of color. Listen! Comment! Like! Follow! Subscribe!
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With the death of DMX we remember the motherless men impacted by trauma and why we have to create the space to care for them.
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Derrick Jackson, Toxic Christianity and how women can free themselves from the oppressive nature of other’s interpretation of your spiritual walk and your emotional wellbeing; Featuring Christian Counselor Dr Juanita Warrren of Chaplaincy Services & Consulting, Inc.
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Covid shock.. on this episode of the black therapist podcast we discuss what life will look like after the pandemic.
The battle between faith and fear. And Yes I got my covid shot.
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Cultural competence goes both ways. And there are new realizations every day to see just how important culture can be and even a divisive force. In politics, therapy and the workplace.
When you can’t trust that someone of another culture shares your perspective on anything? How can you build trust..
Or is it even necessary?
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In part two of our episode with Dr Holly Sawyer, PHD we talk about the on going struggles between therapist and insurance companies and why it is so hard to find a clinician to take your insurance..
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It is always fun when Dr Holly Sawyer PHD shows up and this time is no different. On this episode of Black Therapist Podcast we talk about transitioning from Private to Group Practice. The challenges of being a Black Woman Therapist BOSS.. and why hiring cross cultural presents a unique challenge. And the intimacies of doing Telehealth.
This week is part One of our conversation tune in next week for Part Two..
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Is the future of social work robots? On this episode I answer views questions. Discuss how to be present for your clients when they need direct services and what to do if a client needs therapy but money is the main mental health struggle…
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This holiday season presents an immense challenge for a lot of us and the number one problem I face both in my life and I see clients struggle with in my practice is building enforceable boundaries.
In this episode we talk about enforcing boundaries with families while grieving and why being selfish is self preservation especially in the age of covid.
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The intersection of mental health, white supremacy, politics and marginalized members of society.. is deeply rooted in the mistrust of people of color and the mental health system like to hear about it here we go...
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We are a week away from the historic 2020 election, how are you preparing to have your voice heard and how are you preparing for the outcome.
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Making it through 2020 has just got to be enough without placing pressure on ourselves to succeed, go harder, perform at the highest levels and hustle hustle hustle.
This year can be a chance to reset, revive, and rely on the things you have now and what you are most grateful for.
Some of us just need to take the time and space to breathe and be kind to ourselves in this episode I discuss me doing just that.
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On Our Season 5 Premiere we interview film maker Victorious De Costa about his @HBO documentary “Storm Over Brooklyn” and “Digging for Weldon Irvine.”
And the invisible thread of fatherlessness, mental health and trauma, in his work.
New Monday New Season New Show we are back!!!
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Being black in America is so multi-layered. There are so many fires when it comes to tithing white supremacy especially with everything going on in the world recently… where do you look first there is a lot to unpack.
Even with all the racial tension we could use White allies but it can be difficult to find our little corner of the world as we try to navigate our daily lives.
In this episode we talk about some of these issues and why it is necessary for both black and white clinicians to stand in the gap.
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Police violence, rioting, looting, and pandemic. Let’s unpack it and all and how to create spaces for self care and social justice in clinical spaces when all hell is breaking loose.
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This week we are gonna try something new, help me help you. We want some feedback from you to find better ways to support you and your social work journey.
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Hospital social workers are essential workers, and its time we get respected as such. We are on the front lines filling the gaps in services, Social workers in general help build this country up brick by brick with love, empathy and concrete services, yet we are the last ones to advocate for ourselves.
On this episode we talk to social worker Roxann Mascoll MSW, LCSW about what it’s like being in the hospital on the front lines and we also talk about her new podcast the triggered life.
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With most of the us social distancing and quarantining because of covid-19 we all have had to do a lot of things a lot differently.
As a therapist and small business owner I know a lot of us have been struggling to stay a float. So I share a few RESOURCES and tips with you that have allowed me the flexibility to shift and pivot in my business.
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In this episode of black therapist podcast we answer career questions about perusing your goals as a clinician.
We also discuss why it’s important that we create curated spaces For Clinicians of Color and why it’s important that we have safe spaces where we can exclusively support one another.
And why it is so necessary to empower people of color to choice therapist who honor their experiences and cultural identity.
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Using Art to Express Emotions with Art therapist Jenni Graham.
We also discuss ways to give your family the necessary emotional language to be able to express themselves. The intimacy of Telehealth and why boundaries are important. Being black in white spaces and how to be your authentic self wherever you are.
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In this episode we discuss answer a few listeners questions- like how to shake your need for approval, and what to do when you are waiting to get into grad school..
Also in the episode we discuss the surgeon general’s directives to black people and if we shouldn’t tell our “business” in mixed company.
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The new New York Lockdown in the day of corona virus and the pandemic, is causing all kinds of disruptions in our everyday life and some very new normals.
For a lot of us we are dealing with new situations we have never had to deal with in the past and we are having to use our imagination.
But first we must take the time to respect and feel our feelings, and navigate through the Stages of “Corona Virus Grief”
Also in this episode we discuss how the positive …
things about our new life in the bubble, and why it’s more important more than ever for social workers to advocate for ourselves.
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We are back with a new episode a cautionary tale about “insta therapy” picking your mental health professionals from a social media profile (me included).
And Why it’s important to vet your mental heath professionals. Staying safe during the quarantine and making your mental health AND physical health a priority during the national pandemic.
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In this day and age it is imperative that we get our therapy services no matter what is going on in the world. On this episode of @blacktherapistpodcast we talk about the need for stable telemental health platforms like @trucircle to help us get through these next few weeks and beyond.
As a clinician I don’t want my money to stop just because my clients can’t get to me. And I want a practice around my lifestyle and not the other way around. Elemental health gives me that option.
During the “corona lock down” will your clients have the proper access to you they need? If you don’t already have a plan in place let #blacktherapistpodcast and #mytrucircle help!
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On the latest episode of the Black Therapist Podcast we discuss the
Need for cultural competence at the internship level and why it is necessary for schools to address issues of bias and culture BEFORE, allowing clinical students to enter into field work.
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Is it a midlife crisis or what?
Grief, Depression, Adjustment disorder oh my..
Learning to deal with your emotions while navigating life on life’s terms, is a everyday struggle..
For your therapist!
Your therapist too…
It’s important to honor and make space for your feeling especially when you do the work of helping others heal.
Listen to find ways to protect your peace at the same time exploring your feelings…
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Happy Black History Month and Welcome 2020 and Our first show of the year. In this episode we discuss why we took a break, and our first time visiting the continent of Africa.
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Generational curses are easy to spot and hard to break if you know what you’re looking for. In isolation we replicate family patterns without intention based solely on actions we repeatedly do.
While there are some things that are predetermined, genetics predispositions a lot of the habits we combat are a result of information, access, resources and support to change things.
On this week’s episode we discuss the necessary elements we need to break generational curses and how to better when we know better.
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Making space for your own grief when you are the strong one!
7 stages of grief paying it forward and being a blessing where you are to someone this holiday season!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our 6th annual toy drive! Benefiting Food First Inc.
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Ego defense are there to protect us from the uncomfortable feelings that are far to painful to face. But more often then not there is a battle between us and the world for external validation that just isn't worth a damn. In this episode we discuss the ego, the id and the battle we face within.
Also on this episode we discuss the trauma of being left behind after we've suffered a loss.
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Having cutting edge technology for a soloprenuer is so essential to effectively run your business and not miss a step when you are trying to market. And the truth is you don't know what you don't know. In this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast Lennie Carter of Tru Circle a platform for therapists comes on to discuss with host Nikita Banks the most essential technology you need to have if you want to win in business.
Also on this episode we discuss the need to incorporate automation tools for solopreneurs, and why having an optimized website is necessary to your marketing efforts as a small business owner, and to specifically grow your private practice for clinicians.
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Want to know how to raise autonomous children on this episode of the Black Therapist podcast we discuss. If you want to raise children who feel as if they have their own voice, can own and make their own choices and be really awesome human beings it first starts with how you empower them in childhood.
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on the most recent episode of @blacktherapistpodcast we finish our interview with Dr Holly Sawyer where we discuss Working in PWC’s (aka predominately white companies) in Brown skin.
We talk about the effect it has on our mental health when we work in work environments with very little Allies, and no HR support.
A therapist can be the key to keeping it all together.
Plus we cover the whole TI Tip Harris and great Hymen debate. And what would you do if your daughter’s father had similar habits.
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In this episode we talk with Dr Holly Sawyer of life first therapy in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, about being a parent with a child on the spectrum. The need for self care and support is an integral part of fulfilling the needs of the child.
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On this episode of black therapist podcast we discuss the need for sisterhood amongst women of color in the workplace.
Also on the episode we discuss the “what would you do….”
If you found out your partner was going to cheat on you.
Would you intercept them, follow them, so it doesn’t happen, or confront them when they got home?
I answer the questions on the podcast.
#blacksocialworkers #blacksocialworkersmatter #blacksocialworkersrock
#socialworkersrock #socialworkers #socialworker #socialworklife #socialworkersbelike #socialwokersunite #brooklynsocialworker #brooklyntherapist #melanated #msw #psychotherapist #mentalhealthcounselor
#socialwork #socialworker #socialworkersunite #socialworklife #socialworkhumor #socialworkjokes #socialworkmemes #socialworkerlife #socialworkerproblems #socialworkersbelike #socialworkersofficial #lcsw
#blacktherapistpodcast #melaninandmentalheatlh #therapyforblackgirls
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On this episode we discuss the reasons why having a “vent buddy” may not be the best way for you to deal with your problems when you are overwhelmed.
We also cover whether or not you should get pregnant prior to marriage JUST to make sure the “equipment works;” How you address someone in your life who does not show up for you, in the ways you show up for them.
And this week’s “What would you do if…” you knew your partner was going to cheat… how would you handle it?
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Afrocentric approaches to mental health care. In this episode we counter the narratives that all mental health care is based solely from a Eurocentric perspective. The best approach to care for people of color is to take a “generalist” approach to care that leads the individualized client experience and needs as the basis for your treatment plan.
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In this episode of Black Therapist Podcast We have our follow up answer to our new segment:
"What would you do?" would you rekindle a friendship after a betrayal.
We have the conclusion of our interview with Dontea' MItchell Hunter, LMFT of @soireesintherapy Working with fa
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In this episode of Black Therapist Podcast season premiere we unveil our new segment "What would you do?" would you rekindle a friendship after a betrayal.
We also interview Dontea' MItchell Hunter, LMFT. Working with families as a family and marriage therapist.
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On this episode we discuss the pathway to mastering your mind. Our host Nikita Banks, LCSW is at a panel discussion about mental health and wellness and how to find your own best life through passion, freedom and autonomy!
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Also on this episode: how to get free and low cost therapy session. Why money shouldn’t be a barrier to treatment. With many modalities and treatment options available what will work for you?
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You asked we answered! On this episode I pick two questions posed to be at random of our listeners. Have questions and want answers send us and email or dm us so we can get you the information you need.
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On this episode we discuss the myths that surround self care and the difference between, self love and self care.
Also on this episode we discuss the need to renegotiate roles in families that no longer serve us and not acting like “moral martyr” in your relationships.
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New Monday New Show! On this episode we talk about the death of Rapper Nipsey Hustle and how we all mourn a collective trauma when we lose someone to a televised tragedy.
Also on the episode: We discuss the effects vicarious trauma and how to avoid it. Vicarious trauma is caused by repeated exposure to violent events, it is thought to only be experienced by caregivers but Ms Banks provides a unique perspective on the situation in this episode.
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On this episode we talk the end of social work month! Shout out to all the Dope social workers! We also talk about the new box office smash, Jordan Peele's US!
We break down all the symbolism we uncovered in the movie and processed the many many social take aways! Join us in the discussion.
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On this episode we talk about being honored by the Congressional research for institute for social work policy awarded Black Therapist Podcast Host Nikita Banks, LCSW with the Outstanding social worker in business for her work on Black Therapist Podcast. Also on this episode we broadcast an unpublished interview With Dr Frances Richards where she interviews our host about why you need to invest in your mental wellness.
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Ever wonder how you break the cycle? On this episode we discuss trans-generational/Intergenerational trauma. What it is, how we identify it and how we can fix it, for good.
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Part II
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Do you know the five personality types to avoid if you're looking for a love connection?
Well we tell you on this week’s episode of @blacktherapistpodcast where our host @msnikibanks talks about the reasons you may not be getting the emotional closeness you seek and it’s because we may be trying to connect someone with these personality traits…
Also in this episode we defines the difference between a personality type and disorder.
And why personality types are so hard to change.
#mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #ptsd #depression #psychology #recovery #bipolar #selfcare #suicide #anorexia #suicideprevention #bulimia #eatingdisorder #mindfulness #bpd #depressionrecovery #bodypositivity #edrecovery #mentaldisorders #mentalhealthrecovery #selflove #bewell #ocd #nobodyshaming #intersectionalfeminist #eatingdisorderrecovery #stress
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Ever felt like you have a fck boy finder? Like you are a bum magnet? Does your significant other remind you or someone? Someone that knew you before you knew you? Yep your parents. Did you know how we were parented has a direct bearing on the types of parents we become and our “attraction style” let’s discuss!
New Monday New Show! On this episode of the @blacktherapistpodcast we talk about why you love who you love. So you can start to figure out what we can do to make the necessary changes to Heal That Ish!!
Have you joined our new challenge yet? Healthy Relationship Building for Boss Chicks. Relationship cheat codes…20 minutes a day to a love (life) you love.. (link in the bio) You have two weeks to get in and get your coupon code for our new premium course Finding Happy Seven Steps To Relationships That Will Not Steal Your Joy!! Inside the course we actually give you an attachment disorder quiz! So you can find our you attachment style!
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In This Episode we talk about what is available in our upcoming free course starting February 1, 2019 "Healthy Relationship Building for Boss Chicks. Learn relationship cheat codes in 20 minutes a day to get the love (life) you love."
Our Paid Premium course "Finding Happy Academy" open for enrollment again on February 10, 2019 and Our past collaborations with @thebudgenista and her Live Richer Academy.
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On this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast we are invite to be on the Oprah Rose Podcast with Tiara and Gina. On this episode we discuss the relationships, watching surviving R Kelly and more. To listen to the full episode check out @Oprah Rose Podcast Show.
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Surviving surviving R Kelly.. Why we were able to over look the behavior of sexual exploitation of women of color for so long.
In our first episode of the season our host psychotherapist @msnikibanks discusses the documentary “Surviving R Kelly” and the culture that creates men like him.
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Last Show Of The Year…. On this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast we discuss what it’s like to end a friendship follow up. In this episode we weigh the pros and the cons to ending a friendship that you really value. We talk about Cardi and Offset and why it's important to keep your word when building boundaries and the consequence of crossing the line.
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New Monday New Show. Sometimes even good things have to come to an end. When it’s time to part ways as friends what are you supposed to do.
On this episode of the of @blacktherapistpodcast our host Psychotherapist @msnikibanks we discuss what it’s like to end a friendship.
It can be a hard decision to figure out when you need to let go of a relationship that no longer serves you. In this episode we weigh the pros and the cons to ending a friendship that you really value.
Tune in to this week’s episode listen 👂🏽share 🔁 like 👍🏽 subscribe 🤞🏾check us wherever podcasts can be found.
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On this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast with psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW, we talk about gratitude; ending the year on a high note and planning for 2019 and beyond. We also discuss the importance of making choices and utilizing your free will to make the best decisions for you.
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Having a family member who is mentally ill is hard. It effects the whole family. Having a parent who is mentally ill permeates every part of your life, and eventually your spouse or partner in the future.
On this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast your host psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discuss growing up the up the child or a narcissistic parent. Also on the pod: How to deal with problematic family members, the best way to diffuse and approach an argument and how to navigate problematic family relationships.
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Wish your family was normal? Yea you and everyone else. Going home and dealing with less than ideal family dynamics or worse toxic family situations. Is trying but you can do so in a way that will not steal your joy. If you don’t allow it. With the necessary skills and boundaries in place we can help you survive this holiday season. In this episode we discuss how to mentally prepare to gather with family for the holidays and move forward from hurt to heal hearts this holiday season.
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Want to raise healthy happy children? Invest in their mental health. In our conversation with Pyschotherapist Lisa Savage; on this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast your host psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW who has built the largest psychotherapy practice in Delaware serving Children. Also on this episode spare the rod and other parenting myths, the link between corporal punishment and child rebellion. The need for culturally competent care and why therapist of color need to build a network of other therapist of color.
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Find Your Happy! On this episode of Black Therapist Podcast I read my favorite chapter of my new book Finding Happy Seven Steps To Relationships That Will Not Steal Your Joy Available Now On Amazon! Link in Bio for my new book. But If you want to her an excerpt listen to this week’s episode now!
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On this week’s episode we chat with Psychotherapist and Doula Shanna M Williams LCSW. Of S.W. Doulas. We discuss the necessity for the resurgence of Doula’s for women of color. We also discuss the role doula’s play into reducing anxiety and providing emotional support for new mothers. We also discuss some of the challenges of breast feeding. The need for cultural community support to help us through the rough early days of motherhood and how having a village is a more natural way of navigating new motherhood.
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In this week’s episode of @blacktherapistpodcast our host Psychotherapist @msnikibanks talk about treating trauma with Dr. Angela Clack a psychologist and author of "Women of Color Talk: Psychological Narratives on Trauma and Depression." Also in this episode: Treating people of color who experience complex trauma; changing the face of psychological practice; working with women and the challenge of family practice.
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New Monday New Episode on this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast we discuss the interdisciplinary discipline approach to combining yoga and other ancient African practices into the therapeutic process. This week we interview therapist and yogi James Woods MFT, aka @datyogadude where he tells us about his Second annual @10000000manmeditation October 13th 2018 in Riverside CA.
Also on this episode we discuss The difference between mindfulness and yoga, Why stillness is so important to being present, how yoga helps therapist to meet you where you are,
what counting sheep and meditation have in common, and
how mental health care for black people is more important in the age of trump, Resist and me too movements.
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***TRIGGER WARNING***In this episode of the Black Therapist Podcast we go all the way there. We talk about the lack of safety for women, Bill Cosby, The Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faces his accuser and how this impacts victims.
Also on this episode being politically active, men creating spaces of safety for women and shout out to the homie @chrisclassic and his insight on why men should take responsibility for the state of mistrust between young women and men.
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Dr Henry and our host discuss: Relationships, Happiness, Uncoupling, polyamorous relationships, black men’s desire to marry, holding men accountable and giving them the space to do their work.
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WE ARE BACK— The Season Three Premiere- of Black Therapist Podcast is live. In this episode our host Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discuss the release of her new book “Finding Happy, Seven Steps to Relationships That Will Not Steal Your Joy." We take you inside an exclusive sneak peak of our book is available for pre-order now in the amazon store.
Also we discuss our companion mental health course, discuss regulating your emotions, mastering anger, pushing past self sabotage, and achieving your goals.
And we discuss ways to get access to our free mental health courses available on our platform.
Tune in to this week’s episode listen 👂🏽share 🔁 like 👍🏽 subscribe 🤞🏾check us wherever podcasts can be found
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With the recent high profile suicides last week it's more important than ever to discuss how to support the people in our lives we think need it the least, as well as to provide help to those we know are struggling. It is important that these conversations include the role of therapy and how to get people of color to start to think of therapy as a normal part of self care.
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In this episode, we discuss how to parent children for their mental and emotional development in an ever-changing world. School social worker Jeanette Oaks, LMSW, Dr. Byron Young MD, the evening's host Helen Williams Nurse and Nikita Banks, LCSW discuss the ways to raise mentally well-adjusted youth. Also in this episode: parenting a child who is interested in the same sex, how to navigate challenges with your children when you have your own challenges, mom guilt and how to advocate/navigate the school system to get help for your children.
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In this episode, we discuss how to parent children for their mental and emotional development in an ever-changing world. School social worker Jeanette Oakes, LMSW, Dr. Byron Young MD, the evening's host Helen Williams Nurse and Nikita Banks, LCSW discuss the ways to raise mentally well-adjusted youth. Also in this episode: parenting a child with special needs, what to do when your child has a mental health diagnosis, how to deal with your children when you have your own issues.
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Single Mother's are not exactly unsung heroes. They are often seen as super She-roes- often lauded without regard to their struggles. We make it look easy and as such a lot of the pain, struggle, trauma, and challenges we go through are often unseen and acknowleged. In this episode we discuss: my imperfect parenting style; How to support other women in the struggle; Why it's necessary to create spaces for us to sit in our feelings.
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Admitting you’re wrong is not always easy but it is critical to maintaining healthy relationships. Texts can be taken out of context is not always a great way to communicate effectively. In this episode Nikita Banks, discusses the dangers of some form of online counseling, who it is and isn't appropriate for, how to positively resolve social media disagreements, and admitting when you're wrong.
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Faith Over Fear - Kick Fear's Ass- In this episode we discuss how important it is for us to push back on fear if we are to have the life we deserve. Also In this episode: active listening, taking each day as an opportunity to learn a life lesson. Motivation provided by Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW
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In this episode we discuss how "I don't see color" negates people of color and makes us feel invisible. Ways to become an Ally without forcing your "fake equality" on POC safe spaces. Also on this episode: Thank A Black Woman, Students of Color Collective at NYU and how to move in spaces that aren't very POC friendly.
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In this episode we discuss the response to the allegations rapper Fabolous physically assaulted his girlfriend Emily B and what we can learn to do differently to keep women who are victims of domestic abuse safe.
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Religion has a way of making mental health challenges feel like moral failure. It is important for us to be able to get the tools to satisfy the development of all parts of us as a member of the human race. We are spiritual beings in physical bodies so why wouldn't we go to people who can help us develop to our fullest capacity. One doesn't take away from the other. In this episode Brooklyn New York Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW starts the discussion.
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In this episode we have a discussion about the difference between, what we see of "tv therapy" and what the real process is. In this episode psychotherapist Nikita Banks, discusses the difference, between what Iyanla VanZant does, Dr Phil and the therapeutic process. We also discuss the value of the work they do as well as the danger.
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We continue our conversation with psychiatrist Dr Karinn Glover and we discuss the future of psychiatry, integrative practice methods with social work and psychiatry, the necessity for culturally competent care and the importance of representation. We also discuss the myths and biases people of color have to fight through in order to maintain their mental health when it comes to medication.
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On this episode we discuss our Free Mental Heath Course and how you can get it available NOW; and Our interview with psychiatrist Dr Karinn Glover, MD MPH where we chat about meds, the importance of culturally competent psychiatric care. The role street drugs play in the treatment of some mental health symptoms and if weed is should be used for anxiety. Check us out NOW.
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Ever wonder what a trained social worker does? Well on this episode we celebrate social work month with Noni Taylor founder of The Social Work Connect an organization that provides support to social work students and connects them with clinicians in the field so they know the number of ways they can utilize their skills to find their place in the field, along with your host of the Black Therapist Podcast Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW Brooklyn based Clinical Social worker.
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In this Episode you will learn about the Wonderful world of Wakanda. Black Therapist Podcast host Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW and Film Critic Tim Gordon of "Film Gordon" discusses the hidden messages, how representation matters, the importance of positive media, and the effects of fatherless sons left behind to deal with trauma. no spoilers just concepts.
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Learn how to improve the quality of your loving relationships and the quality of your life. On this episode Brooklyn NY based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses what you can do today to fix the loves in your life with Relationship Recipes author Kim L. Knight, LMHC.
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Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses how to get over being an entrepreneur in isolation by being vulnerable, learning to ask for help, how you find your tribe and gain success.
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Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses another Bed Stuy Native Shawn "Jay Z" carter his fight for his marriage, his emotional and mental health, reforming the criminal justice system and erasing the stigma in the Black Community of getting mental health care and normalizing the therapeutic experience.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses the importance of social workers advocating for themselves and their profession; Also in this episode the need for grass root organizers, advocating for advancement of the field of social work on the whole.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy 's host Brooklyn Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses the importance of community organizing; social work advocacy and being politically active.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy 's host Brooklyn Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses how to Crush those 2018 .. New Year New You?? Goals with the help of a therapist or coach to help get you started? Do you know which one you need? Let us help you figure it out.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode we discuss how to approach the holiday seasons without a family member; dealing with an anniversary of a death of a loved one or a birthday of someone you have loss. Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy's host Brooklyn Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses mental health issues from the perspectives of a woman of color.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy 's host Brooklyn Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses how to build boundaries with families to improve healthyy relationships.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy's host Brooklyn Based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses how to mentally prepare to gather with family for the holidays when you have strained family relationships and move forward from hurt to heal hearts this holiday season.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black in Therapy Podcast Is a podcast hosted by NYC Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW; in this show we interview author and psychotherapist Kim Knight on the need for safe spaces of clinicians of color, tips for marketing a private practice, and her new book relationship recipes..
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black in Therapy Brooklyn New York based psychotherapist host Nikita Banks interviews Content Creator and Film maker Theron "Tee Smif" Smith discussing the latest with Tyrese Gibson, gaining custody of his son, navigating the court system and his experience as a single father.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black in therapy is a podcast hosted by Brooklyn New York Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks LCSW. In this episode we discuss how to deal with racist white therapist. Power and privilege of therapists and the importance of the use of "SELF" and being introspective is in our practice.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Psychotherapist Nikita Banks discusses her experience with financial abuse; how to protect yourself from financial abuse and working with her in her new Feelings and Finance workshop. Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy: Season 2 Episode 5
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy: Brooklyn based Licensed Psychotherapist Clinical Social Worker Nikita Banks discusses examining her privilege, discussing racial bias with a colleague and the need for culturally competent care and safe spaces for people of color.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
You want to go into Private Practice Now What? My journey to LCSW from Employee to Private Practice and what I wish I would've done differently.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses the most recent incidents of violence in this country and we discuss the effects vicarious trauma and how to avoid it. Vicarious trauma is caused by repeated exposure to violent events, it is thought to only be experienced by caregivers but Ms Banks provides a unique perspective on the situation in this episode.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black in Therapy Podcast Is a podcast hosted by NYC/Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW -In this Episode Ms Banks discusses the death of her father; individualized grieving and how to heal after the passing of a parent or a loved one.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Psychotherapist Nikita Banks decompresses after watching the number one movie in the country "Get Out" The themes of Racism, Microagression, and how to navigate a white world in brown bodies. And why the reality of living in a world where this is possible makes this the scariest of all scary movies.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black therapist podcast formerly black in therapy In this episode Brooklyn New York Based Pyschotherapist Nikita Banks leads a discussion about the lessons we can use from social media sensation "hurt bae" and we can use it as a teaching tool to discuss relationships with our tweens and teens.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black In Therapy host New York Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW discusses her triggers surrounding one special day of the year and the cause--Birthday and Daddy issues.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist Podcast formerly Black in Therapy Brooklyn New York Based Psychotherapist Nikita Banks, LCSW Discusses the difference in social media support for rapper Kid Cudi's battle with Depression and Addiction, and how singer Kehlani was treated when she discussed her battle with mental health issues. And how Sexism plays a large role in how we view and react to people in Mental Health distress. We also discuss how to support family with mental health issues.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black In therapy Host Nikita Banks, LCSW is a New York Based Psychotherapist. In this episode she discusses How she became a therapist.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black Therapist formerly Black in Therapy is a Podcast that discusses the unique issues people of color face when getting mental health care. Host Nikita Banks, LCSW is a New York / Brooklyn Based Psychotherapist. In this episode she discusses her journey from patient to practitioner.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.