I’m back! It’s been a little over a month since I dropped a podcast episode and I've taken the time to do some deep soul searching. Listen in to hear all the things I’ve learned about myself both professionally and personally and what that means for you and the future of Black Girls Heal.
Probably the most important part of my hiatus was self-assessing my ADHD. I’ve spent years wondering whether or not I have ADHD. Every time I hear someone talk about the symptoms or describe their lives, I immediately think that they’re talking about my life.
So, when one of my business mentors released a podcast episode describing their journey with ADHD, I decided it was time. I took several self-assessments and they all told the story of my ADHD. I then made an appointment with a psychiatrist to formalize my diagnosis and to be prescribed medication.
My doctor agreed that I do indeed have ADHD, specifically inattentive ADHD, but unfortunately I cannot take any medication at this time. Now I’m looking for ways to treat this in a naturopathic way, but my goal is to elevate my overall health so that I can, someday soon, be placed on medications to help me with my activities of daily living.
But that’s not all. This hiatus was a necessity for my life and business. Listen in to hear all about my revelations and what I focused on during the hiatus. I’m feeling better than ever and I cannot wait to get back into the swing of things and help women, specifically Black women, to heal.
In this episode:
[00:34] Welcome back to the Black Girls Heal podcast!
[02:15] I took this time to go through the Recovery School curriculum.
[03:26] It was also a time to self-assess for ADHD and get clear on what I’m manifesting.
[05:08] Self-care was a huge focus for me during the hiatus as was personal development.
[06:08] I sought clarity around how I help women publicly and privately.
[07:57] I’ve suspected for several years that I qualified for the inattention version of ADHD, so I decided it was time to dig deeper.
[11:52] How I approached my self-assessment and treatment.
[14:09] The things I checked off as it applies to inattentive ADHD.
[18:57] After all this work, I’m not able to take ADHD medication.
[23:04] Why I want to be able to take medication in addition to natural therapies.
[26:54] I do not want to see black people continue to struggle with their mental health when they need more than therapy, yoga, or prayer.
[29:00] Stepping into my feminine energy has helped heal broken areas of my life.
[32:00] I’m planning to head out to New York because travel is great for my soul, especially because my trips allow me to connect with students.
[34:30] I’ve started dropping my excuses around exercise as self-care.
[36:55] Be careful about the things that you say you’ll never participate in.
[38:15] The last few things I focused on during the hiatus revolved around the business.
[40:26] I’ve been wanting to start a YouTube channel for a long time, and I’m ready to do it, but in a different format.
[42:30] I am launching a planner. Listen to learn what this planner is built to do for women everywhere.
[44:42] I’m revealing the name of the new business and who this planner is for.
[46:32] How I used the hiatus to confront and overcome my own impostor syndrome.
[48:17] Stay tuned for all of these updates.
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