Welcome to Beyond Meaning: The Hidden Science of Thought!
Here, we will be discussing the building blocks of human consciousness and our role in expanding it through first hand thought experiments that will serve to bring awarenessto the intuitive understanding of the physical and metaphysical laws that govern our nature.
As the episodes progress, the thought experiments will progress with them.
That means that we will be building upon each concept by applying the result of the last experiemnt to the following one.
The intention of this podcast is to achieve a conceptual understanding of the intrinsic layers of human dimension that exist within the infinite subconscious of the human psyche.
In my personal journey, I have realized that the deeper I understand the universe, the better I am able to manifest the life I want to live and in turn, the more intentional I become.
It is through deeper understanding my own awareness that I am capable of further creating a reality filled with rich inner narratives that have expanded the way I look at the world around me and in turn has changed the world around me.