Australian comedians Adam Knox and Ben Vernel review every single episode of Game of Thrones and its spin-offs. Enter the throne-zone. As featured on ABC Radio, and Buzzfeed.
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Australian comedians Adam Knox and Ben Vernel review every single episode of Game of Thrones and its spin-offs. Enter the throne-zone. As featured on ABC Radio, and Buzzfeed.
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What is Hollywood Phonies? It's a podcast, and this little trailer will tell you everything you need to know about it. If I had to put it into words though I'd say something like "The podcast where the fake movies in real movies become real movies from fake moviemakers. Hosted by Australian screen legends and comedians Ben Vernel, Adam Knox & Tommy Dassalo" or something I dunno.
You can now subscribe on all good podcast apps, and the first two episodes are out now! All links are available here:
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This week on Arya Talking To Me, your favourite Aussie comedians who like Game of Thrones and talk about it on a podcast Adam Knox and Ben Vernel are back to chat about the recently-released teaser trailer for House of the Dragon, the first spin-off from Game of Thrones. We also do a quick debrief on Game of Thrones and give a bit of background for the new series.
Let us know what you thought of the teaser and any expectations for the show via our email or Twitter @aryatalkingtome or
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This is it! The boys recap and review the last ever episode of Game of Thrones, fittingly titled The Iron Throne. They share their thoughts on the episode and the show as a whole. Thank you so much to everyone who has listened to us over the past year, and especially those who emailed or tweeted or commented along as we went. You can still hear Adam and Ben on their podcast Filthy Casuals with Tommy Dassalo (The Little Dum Dum Club), and on Adam's other podcast Oooh, Spooky! Both are available on Apple, Spotify and everywhere you get good podcasts.Find them on Twitter @benvernel and @adamgknox and Instagram @benvernel and @knoxtagramStay subscribed as we might be reviewing the books, video games and other related media in the lead up to the prequel series!
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Adam Knox and Ben Vernel review the second-last ever episode of Game of Thrones, The Bells. There's Cleganebowl, there's a sibling reunion, there's a massive battle and some characters are finally pushed over the edge-- wait I already mentioned Cleganebowl. It's a spoiler-filled, intense discussion of an incredible episode of television.Follow us on Twitter @aryatalkingtome, @adamgknox and @benvernel and like us on Facebook#GOT #TheBells
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Adam Knox and Ben Vernel are back to review the third-last EVER Game of Thrones episode, and they really enjoyed it! They start by going over some of the response to last week's episode (of GoT and the podcast), read a listener email, then dive right into this fascinating episode of Game of Thrones.Follow the boys on Twitter @adamgknox and @benvernel and the show @aryatalkingtome and like the show on Facebook!#GoT #TheLastoftheStarks
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Swords are a-clashin', claws are a-slashin' and clubs are a-bashin' all episode this week, as Ben and Adam survive The Battle of Winterfell. Join the fray (not the Freys) with them and experience the biggest battle yet committed to recorded media: Ben trying to open his phone to read emails at the end.
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This week Adam and Ben catch up, squash their beefs and get ready for the end... of Game of Thrones! Before that though they recap and review episode 2 of season 8, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Everyone's preparing for battle - and their probable demise - and a few home truths get shared. Including that one about Jon being the true heir to the Iron Throne. Awkwarddddd.
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Australian comedians Adam Knox and Ben Vernel are here to run you through the brand new episode of Game of Thrones! They've recapped and reviewed every single episode right up until now, the first new episode in two years. They go scene-by-scene through the premiere, Winterfell, and break it all down. Enjoy!
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Holy shit, we did it! We reviewed every single episode of Game of Thrones! Phew, it was a huge task but damn, we finally finished it. Conclusively. There are no more episodes of Game of Thrones left to review. What's that? There's someone at the door? Hmm better go see what they want.THERE'S WHAT NOW?!
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A dynamic team of heroes braves the cold to achieve a goal that, when you analyse it, might actually be pretty ridiculous. But enough about ADAM AND BEN DOING THIS PODCAST. The boys cover the insane mission north of the Wall, where our heroes attempt to capture a zombie. It's thrilling stuff. Listen to it now!
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Heyyyyyy, it's Arya Talking To Me again! This week the boys review and recap Eastwatch, a real table-setting episode where a bunch of convenient stuff happens. Guess what, Jamie's alive. Also everyone teams up at the end. It's good shit.
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In this episode Adam and Ben BREAK DOWN the Season 8 trailer FRAME BY FRAME. It's a PAINSTAKING ANALYSIS. Also they recap and review The Spoils of War, a pretty damn good ep. Plus listener question!
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Hey guys and girls, it's Ben and Adam here doing another episode of our popular podcast Arya Talking To Me! And let us tell you one thing - we DO remember what we talked about in this episode! Nah this one is a true cracker, things are really heating up in this "Game" of "Thrones". I think we go through all of the character posters in this one. Next week, the trailer and episode 4 of season 7!
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Adam and Ben recap and review the second episode of the SECOND LAST EVER season of Game of Thrones! The lads talk all things Stormborn, from Jon's reckless decision to head south to Theon's reckless decision to jump into the ocean (he'll get very cold!) and everything in between and beforehand. Also Listener Questionssssss!
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Holy cannoli, it's here! The final season of Game of Thrones that's already aired! The boys dive right on in, and do away with the Sealed Section for once and for all to openly discuss the entirety of the show while breaking down Dragonstone scene by scene. It's a good one. Listen up!
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Two beautiful, sensitive boys endure a tragic, horrific, explosive conclusion to season 6 of Game of Thrones. Let's just hope they don't get overwhelmed and throw themselves off a balcony! (we don't)We'll be back next week for season 7 then straight into the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones! Now is the time to share the show with your friends as we cover off everything that's left and then recap and review season 8 AS IT HAPPENS!
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Now you might think that the title of this episode leads perfectly into a little joke about maybe an argument between Adam and Ben, calling it a battle of the bastards or something. But no, we're above that. Good episode but.
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This week we get some very gratuitous (and enjoyable) nut shots, some more sexual-tension-filled reunions, AND we recap Game of Thrones. This episode sees the end of one of the more annoying plotlines, and some teasing of interesting future ones. It's actually good, have a listen.
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These two broken men review this episode of Game of Thrones, the title of which is escaping me right now. We see the return of one of the most interesting characters in the entire show - that's right, Edmure is back!!! Also some stuff with The Hound, a siege at Riverrun, and the frickin Waif.
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The boys tuck into the sixth episode of the season, which features a pretty awesome reveal towards the end that changes things significantly. Also this whole time I've been naked!!!
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A large man who can only keep shouting his own name over and over again saved this episode - thank you ADAM for your sacrifice. Ben and ADAM review one of the best episodes of Game of Thrones, featuring one of the best-executed twists in the history of twists. Great episode, great time, great Thrones.
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This week we get a heart-warming reunion! That's right, Ben and Adam finally meet up after a long separation (3 days) and get to talk about their Favourite Show, Game of Thrones. Also Sansa and Jon see each other but whatever. Some big plot machinations in this one, plus we do a Sealed Section and answer some listener questions!
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It's New Year's Eve 2018 and the Throne-boys are dropping a bumper episode juuuuust before the clock ticks midnight (ignore the timestamp on this episode)! The much-maligned sixth season is ramping up and Adam and Ben are loving what's happening at the moment. Get into this episode of the Thrones Show!
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It's a Christmas miracle! The boys manage to review and recap another Game of Thrones ep in humorous yet insightful style! How do they do it? Does it have anything to do with the magical toe rings the boys both wear all the time? Who can say. Anyway this is a good one. Bye!
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Adam and Ben review the HUGE season finale of S5 of Game of Thrones. I bet you're just DYING to hear what happens. The boys KILL it on this episode. You'd be a TRAITOR not to listen to this one. That's right, this is the episode where SANSA DOESN'T DIE.
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It's your boys Adam and Ben spitting fire on the mic, reviewing this red hot episode of Game of Thrones. They burn through the whole ep scene by scene before delivering a scorching Sealed Section that you just have to be burnt at the stake to believe. Dragons.
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The Big Boys review another pair of episodes of Game of Thrones - you'd better believe that this week it's The Gift and Hardhome. A couple of bangers with some really interesting goings on! And the episodes ain't bad neither.
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Heyyyyyy this week the boys give you a Double Shot of Rock and recap Kill The Boy and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken from Season 5 of Game of Thrones, an historical television documentary about the War of the Roses.
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Adam and Ben are once again calling to each other across the narrow sea, from the great Eastern slave city of Melbourne to the Western port of Perthos, to discuss some TV show or whatever. This week it's Sons of the Harpy, a title I keep wanting to instinctively type as 'Songs of the Harpy'. It's good shit! If you wanna talk about the show, head to our Facebook page or tweet us! Or email
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This week Ben and Adam recap and chat about two middling episode of Game of Thrones, The House of Black and White and High Sparrow. If you think we don't make jokes about Michael Jackson and getting high on drugs you can absolutely think again my friend. Some fun and weird stuff does go down though, and we actually have a great time discussing these two lame episodes.
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Adam and Ben comb through the latest episode of Game of Thrones, season 5 premiere The Wars to Come, and provide some of their patented banter and not-so-patented analysis. I mean did Tyrion really live in a box that whole time? Come on!
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The boys wrap up a very eventful season 4 with The Children, which features zombies, skeletons and most interestingly a dying dog. Characters meet up and split apart (some literally lol) and we answer an insightful question from a listener. Next week: Season 5!
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Awwwww jeez, them Thrones Boys done it again! Here they are with another review of that darn Game of Thrones. This week it's climactic battle episode The Watchers on the Wall, where a whole lotta fighting's going on. The boys also answer a couple of great listener questions in the Sealed Section. Get Thronin'!
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This week the boys review yet another SEMINAL episode of Game of Thrones, The Mountain and the Viper. They break down the episode scene by scene and review it, and also answer listener questions in the Sealed Section. Oh and they debate whether Jorah is a soy boy, and also what a soy boy even is. Huge episode, huge fun, huge soy boys.
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The big bad Game of Thrones boys absolutely recap and review these two episodes like it's nobody's business! A couple of crackers with heaps of plot twists. Get stuck right the hell into this beautiful episode of Arya Talking To Me!
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The boys have either just, or recently, reached the halfway point of the whole show! This episode is a pretty darn good one - Tommen comes to the fore and Margery starts wooing the lad. Arya and the Hound, Brienne and Pod, Stannis and his insane wife - there's double acts everywhere! Get in touch at
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Adam and Ben break down two pretty good episodes of Game of Thrones! Episodes 3 and 4 of season 4. There's moves being made all across Westeros and the east, people are having visions, chains are being broken, and Pod definitely has a magical wang. The lads break(er of chains) it all down for you. They definitely recap both episodes, that's an oath they keep! I'm so tired.
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Big changes are afoot in the Game of Thrones world, and Ben and Adam here to guide you through them all. You can guide us through your thoughts by sending an email through to !
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The boys are back in town, and they're kicking off season four of Game of Thrones by reviewing, and please bear with us here, the first episode of season four. Two Swords is a pretty darn good ep! Check it out and email us with your questions and theories!
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The boys record a long episode this week, wrapping up the Season 3 finale 'Mhysa' and chatting about the show so far. So many plots to talk about, so many characters to check in with! It's a huge episode.
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Oh baby! This is a huge one! What an episode. Adam and Ben get together to discuss one of the biggest, most intense, important episodes of Game of Thrones, The Rains of Castamere. We'd love to hear from first time watchers on this one, and Sealed Section fans please keep sending in your thoughts and questions. is the email. Please rate and review the podcast on your relevant podcasting website!
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This week Adam's sick and Ben's well as they break down a pretty great episode of Game of Thrones, 'Second Sons'. A whole lot of fun stuff happens, and a whole lot of deep character stuff happens too. And Sam has a good scene?! Wow. All that and a listener question, this week on Arya Talking To Me.
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Adam and Ben wade through a pretty slow and sluggish episode of Game Of Thrones which somehow manages to feature a literal bear and still not be exciting. What an incredible feat! There is a pretty fantastic scene with Charles Dance, though. We also answer some more listener questions in the Sealed Section and talk about Edinburgh. Adam is in Edinburgh, by the way! Go see him do stand up there and give him a TV show maybe. Ok bye.
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Adam and Ben talk about a fantastic episode of Game Of Thrones, The Climb - the episode features one of the more famous speeches of the whole show, and there's some great politicking as well. Also a literal wall is climbed. The boys also answer some interesting listener questions. Get your questions and theories in to and we'll talk about them soon!
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A slightly longer episode this week, Adam and Ben break down the episode Kissed By Fire. I wonder what could have happened in this episode that so took their fancy? Would it be the incredible, complex political machinations of the warring Houses? Or could it be the scene where Jon Snow goes down on Ygritte? You'll have to listen to find out! As always, emails to
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This week the boys are back together and talking serious Thrones. They cover a really interesting episode, and answer both Non-Sealed and Sealed Section letters from listeners. Good shit.
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Benny and Adam get on the airwaves to talk about this pretty sweet episode of Game Of Thrones, Walk of Punishment. There's some wheeling and dealing, and a man gets an appendage cut the fuck off. There's a Sealed Section and listener questions too. Have a listen!
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Two beautiful boys recap one beautiful episode of Game of Thrones. Despite this episode having the lowest rating of any episode of Game of Thrones on IMDb, this episode of the podcast is actually great! Dark Wings, Dark Words, Great Podcast. We answer listener emails too! If you'd like to ask us a question or share a theory, email
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The boyz explode back onto your smartphone with their review of Game of Thrones season 3 episode 1, Valar Dohaeris! We answer a few listener emails in the Seaaaaaled Section too. Huge episode, lots of good shit.
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Heeeeeeey podcast! On this episode the boys talk about the finale of season 2 of Game of Thrones, 'Valar Morghulis'. Lots of pieces being moved around, plotwise, setting things up for season 3. Good stuff.
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Adam and Ben review and recap the biggest, bestest episode of the show so far - Blackwater. It's a huge one and the lads recap it, as well as answer some listener questions.
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In this episode Adam and Ben review and recap The Prince of Winterfell, but before that they briefly discuss Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci. After the episode recap the boys answer listener emails, both non-spoiler and spoiler!
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This week the Throne boys recap and review A Man Without Honor and answer a whole bunch of listener emails! Look, the ep of GoT itself wasn't great but that doesn't stop the boys from making 3 or 4 passable jokes!
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Look, the boys have a bit to say about these two episodes. And they arguably say it better than the episodes did. What does that even mean? Who can say. But this is a good Game of Thrones podcast and you can tell your friends that, and no mistake.
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Adam and Ben break down one of the most interesting episodes of Game of Thrones thus far, Garden of Bones. The boys also dive into a pretty substantial Sealed Section and answer several listener questions. If you like the podcast, please review it on your relevant podcast app/platform and recommend it to your friends!
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Knoxy and BV break down episodes 2 and 3 of season 2, go into more depth in the Sealed Section, and answer a listener question. Will Shae ruin Tyrion's Handship? What's going to happen to Arya and Gendry? What about SAM?!!Next week will be episodes 4 and 5 of season 2!
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This episode Adam and Ben reflect on Season 1, answering a listener email and responding to the critical consensus at the time of the first season's airing. Then they dig right into Season 2 Episode 1 'The North Remembers'!
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Adam and Ben recap and review the season 1 finale of Game of Thrones, 'Fire and Blood'. A whoooooole lot of stuff happens in this episode, and the boys break it all down. Then there's a sealed section where the boys look at the episode in the context of the whole show, and then answer several listener questions!
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This week the boys enter the Throne zone and recap and review 'The Pointy End' and 'Baelor'. The plot of season 1 all comes to a head, and the boys dig into the various strands of story and how the show ties a lot of things up while sparking new plotlines and stories. Then they chat about some spoilery stuff and read a listener's email. The first few episodes of a podcast are the most crucial for it finding a large audience - please share this show with your friends if you think they'd like it!And if you like the show, please rate and review it on
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This episode Adam and Ben recap 'A Golden Crown' and 'You Win Or You Die', two episodes they both really enjoyed! Ned gets drawn into further intrigue as Tyrion finds himself in a do or die position. Will Dany suffer the wrath of King Robert? Will Jon Snow and Sam do anything interesting? All this and more - including a Sealed Section for true Throne-heads - on this episode of Arya Talking To Me?The first few episodes of a podcast are the most crucial for it finding a large audience - please share this show with your friends if you think they'd like it!And if you like the show, please rate and review it on
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This episode the boys are back in the same country and indeed the very same room to talk about 'The Wolf and The Lion', the fifth episode of the first season of Game of Thrones. Ned is drawn deeper into a web of intrigue, as Catelyn heads towards the Eyrie. What's Bran up to, the little devil? Oohhhh Theon you saucy boy. The lads also do some Sealed Section chat at the end!The first few episodes of a podcast are the most crucial for it finding a large audience - please share this show with your friends if you think they'd like it!And if you like the show, please rate and review it on iTunes!
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This week your resident Throne-heads Adam Knox and Ben Vernel recap and review 'Lord Snow' and 'Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things' scene by scene, before finishing the episode with a Sealed Spoiler Section in which they talk about the two episodes in the context of all seven seasons of Game Of Thrones! It's a big one. Hope you like it!If you like the show, please rate and review it on iTunes and share it with your friends!
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In the second episode we talk about... the second episode, The Kingsroad. We recorded this episode ahead of time, but from Episode 3 onwards we're going to include a spoiler section at the end where we talk about the episodes in the context of all 7 seasons!If you like the show, please rate and review it on iTunes and share it with your friends!
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In their very first episode, Adam Knox and Ben Vernel talk about their love for Game of Thrones the TV series before launching into their recap and review of the first episode of the show, 'Winter Is Coming'.If you like the show, please rate and review it on iTunes and share it with your friends!
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