Arise: (verb) to come from something; to come to light.
This podcast shares inspiring stories of people who have found Christ in their healing.
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Arise: (verb) to come from something; to come to light.
This podcast shares inspiring stories of people who have found Christ in their healing.
Copyright: © Aubrey Grossen
So excited to start a new series on the podcast with @amberjohodges! Once a month she will be joining us and sharing about a woman in the scriptures.
Her gift of teaching coupled with her humor makes the scriptures come to life! I really think you’ll love this!
Today we are talking about Abish and what God was able to do with her willing heart. You can read more about her here:
Alma 19:16-17, 28-29
Howard W. Hunter, "No Less Serviceable"
Would love to hear your thoughts after you have studied her too!
Loved this conversation with Lail. We dive into:
* What to do when you don't feel like you belong
+ How to cope handle bitterness with spouses callings
+ How to handle when family leaves the church
* Feeling God's love and how to do that every day.
Thanks @essential.strength.within for joining me today.
Love you forever!
Sharing my word (s) of the year for 2025! I'd love to hear yours!
This episode we dove into so many amazing topics and these questions:
- My sis in law suffers from depression and anxiety. She doesnt ever talk it. I'm exhausted trying to help
- How do you move on when you've been wronged by SIL and an apology wont come.
- How to handle a spouse no longer going to church.. my kids are sad that dad won't go
- How did you hold onto hope in the midst of your postpartum depression?
As well as a live question about grief. Deep stuff! Let me know your thoughts!
Sharing what we did this year for Christmas that I want to incorporate in years to come - doing LESS! From decorations to gifts to expectations!
I also ended the episode with a meditation you can do to help rid the chaos Christmas brings oftentimes and invite peace into your heart as we celebrate the true meaning of it anyway.
Because the very first Christmas was definitely FULL of less.
Loved this conversation with Becky, a fellow bishop's wife who is always sharing tips, tricks and goodness online.
We dive into family and personal study and what that looks like for both of us as well as shared what it's like being a bishop's wife.
Loved having her on the show! You can find all her amazing resources on instagram @beckysquire.
In this episode I dive into a lesson I've taught women for years about the victim mindset.
*Please note, we are not talking about those who have been physically, emotionally, etc abused. We are discussing the victim mentality.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this! Let's talk about it over on instagram @arisewithinpodcast!
Today's call with Lail was beautiful! She is a wealth of knowledge, has a heart of gold, and spreads joy everywhere she goes!
You can find her on instagram @essential.strength.within where she shares tips and help with your mental health.
She is a therapist, wife, mom, grandma, and most importantly, God's Girl. She talks about belonging and how to trust God in our life.
You can find our "God's Girl" necklaces here:
(there is a black friday sale happening right now too so snag one now if you want them, they rarely go on sale!)
Hope you enjoy this week's episode as much as I did!
This episode I dive into the question about feeling the spirit when you are facing some mental health challenges.
I refeferenced:
D&C 25:12
and this meditation:
Come join my conversation with my favorite little sis! She has always been inspiring to me and her story is one that I've been able to have a front row seat to.
We talk about her journey with Ulcerative Colitis and the path she took to healing. She shares her frustrations with God and how she overcame her disease with His help.
Each week on instagram (my @aubreygrossen account) I have a question box where you ask me the hard stuff like:
How do I begin to pull myself out of depression?
How do I handle a called off engagement?
I give up on God, what do I do?
Everyone else seems to be wealthy, I feel like a failure, what do I do?
How do I find my place as a single woman in the church?
Tune in as I expound on some of your questions. You all are amazing and I hope this can help at least one of you out there!
Join my conversation with Jenessa Kramer as she dives into her story of heartache with loss and infertility and how she has found hope in Christ to get through it all.
You can find her at @heyjenessa
In this episode I dive into a little bit about my story and why I do what I do. I share about 5 ways (or senses) to allow you to feel the spirit more in your life.
Here are the links I mentioned:
My book:
Welcome! So excited to have you here! ARISE within is a podcast full of deep and meaningful conversations about the beauty of finding Christ in our every day lives. You will hear stories of resilience and faith, as well as discover an inner confidence within yourself that can only come from God.
I'm so excited to have you join me as we bring in guests who have incredible stories that will leave you uplifted and inspired to arise in your own life.
Check back each week for a new episode!