Christian podcast | Jesus centered, knowledge-based. Pastors, professors, educators, researchers discuss TED Talk type topics that are relevant to life and faith. Hosted at Andrews University, this female hosted Christian podcast tackles relevant discussions from Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, the Trinity, Christianity & the Artist, African-American history and the Church, Theodicy, and How to Study the Bible with professors such as Dr. John C. Peckham, David Assherick, Dr. Calvin B. Rock, Dr. Jerome Skinner, Dr. Douglas Morgan, Justin Khoe, and many more. This Adventist Christian podcast continues to host discussions curated for curious faith talks and Bible study.
086. Ecumenism Pt. II | Unity Among Diversity (Dr. Denis Fortin)
Jul 04, 2021
#ecumenism #ecumenical #denisfortin
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week we are continuing our conversation with Dr. Denis Fortin, professor at Andrews University as we discuss ecumenism and the Church, the ecumenical movement in general and if there is room to find unity among diversity.
Before we get started I just want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Dr. Denis Fortin, and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
085. Ecumenism | Unity Among Diversity (Dr. Denis Fortin)
Jun 13, 2021
#ecumenism #biblestudy #catholic
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week we are talking with Dr. Denis Fortin, professor at Andrews University as we discuss the ecumenical movement and if there is room to find unity among diversity. With so many churches factioning and people leaving churches because they fail to find common grounds, we explore what it would take to keep people together and find a common ground of worship.
Before we get started I just want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Dr. Denis Fortin, and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
084. Human Dignity & Theology (Pr. Danielle Pilgrim)
Jun 05, 2021
#humandignity #femalepastors #daniellepilgrim
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week we are continuing our discussion with Pastor Danielle Pilgrim regarding how our theology can often sanction bigotry and how the gospel is the affirmation of human dignity.
Before we get started I just want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Pastor Danielle Pilgrim on Instagram @Danielle_Pilgrim and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
083. Women Pastors and the Struggle for Equity (Pr. Danielle Pilgrim)
May 29, 2021
#ordination #womeninministry #femalepastors
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week we open up a riveting discussion with Pastor Danielle Pilgrim on female pastors and we get to hear her story on why she rejected her commission. So let’s start with little background information, what does it mean to be commissioned? In this specific denomination, there was a vote back in 2015 by the General Conference worldwide church that stated women in pastoral ministries would not be allowed to be “ordained” like their male counterparts. This distinction came from the underlying fundamental belief that pastoral positions in their official capacity are set aside by God for men and not women. This ordination confers some extra “authority” within the church structure such as the ability to baptize in a way that is recognized as “valid” by the institution. I have a separate podcast on the history of ordination for those who want to learn more about this, but essentially, when a woman becomes a pastor she is not ordained by the church, rather she is commissioned. This is a title that essentially says, we recognize the work you are doing, but we believe the authority associated with ordination such as baptism, should be reserved for your male counterparts alone. They alone have the blessing of God in this position. I have a previous podcast that gets into this type of thinking in more detail, but this a very simplified summary of the differences between ordination and commission so you can understand what a commission is and why a woman would choose to reject it.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s topic, so take a close listen and let me know.
Before we get started I just want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Pastor Danielle Pilgrim on Instagram @Danielle_Pilgrim and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. Today, we are tackling the mental health, jesus and therapy. There is often a stigma surrounding mental health in church or in religious settings, an underlying belief that faith is enough to cure any illness. Today, we are taking a short detour to celebrate Mental Health Awareness month to answer a Q & A letter that combines mental health, Jesus and therapy.
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. And you can follow me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. I want to welcome you to the long awaited conclusion of this four week conversation. We delve into the principles that Matthew Korpman’s book brings out surrounding justice, Biblical interpretation and relationship with God.
You can follow our guest today on Twitter @ MKorpman and be sure to check out his book “Saying No to God.”
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. And you can follow me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
080. Saying No To God | Wrestling with God (part 3) Matthew Korpman
May 09, 2021
#MatthewKorpman #sayingnotogod #theodicy
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. Today we are at part 3 of our discussion with Matthew Korpman discussing some insights and principles from his book “Saying No to God.” I hope that these episodes continue to peak your curiosity to go back and study Scripture, get involved with the reading of your Bible and take a firmer interest in this incredible and yet often confusing journey of faith.
You can follow our guest today on Twitter @ MKorpman and be sure to check out his book “Saying No to God.”
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. And you can follow me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
079. Mystery and the Sin of Certainty | Wrestling with God (Part 2) Matthew Korpman
May 02, 2021
#MatthewKorpman #mystery #sin
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. Today, we have a fabulous show today that I CANNOT wait to share with you. We talk about what it means to believe the best about God in the face of opportunities to think disparaging about Him. We also tackle what it means for the people of God to be called “Israel” or those that fight with God? Lastly we tackle the nature of mystery and the sin of certainty. It’s a conversation we’re continuing from last week, so if you haven’t checked out part one please go back and do so!
You can follow our guest today on Twitter @ MKorpman and be sure to check out his book “Saying No to God.”
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. And you can follow me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
You can follow our guest today on Twitter @ MKorpman and be sure to check out his book “Saying No to God.”
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Andrew Ashley on Instagram @AndrewEAshley and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.
077. Little Gods? | Developing A Sense of Morality & Trust
Apr 18, 2021
#morality #tencommandments #lawofgod
Welcome back to Advent Next, a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week is a preview to next week’s discussion with Matthew Korpman on “Saying No To God.”
This week we discuss some topics related to morality such as how do I gain a sense of morality, is morality subjective, and what role does the law of God play into this?
We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. You can follow our guest today Andrew Ashley on Instagram @AndrewEAshley and me at @kendraarsenaux with an “x’. But right now this is Advent Next.