The 5 natural bodybuilding and powerlifting coaches from 3D Muscle Journey come together for conversations dissecting the art and science of muscle and strength. Be a fly on the wall as this collective of coaches discuss the ins and outs of helping athletes reach their potential on the stage, platform and in their personal lives. Dedication. Discipline. Desire. #Team3DMJ
Andrea, Brian, and Jeff conduct an audience-supplied Q and A session. Topics include maximizing muscle growth, how to track volume, what you can do if you're afraid of gaining body fat after your competitive season, and a lot more.
Is there a way to tell if you're maximizing the rate you can build muscle or if you're putting on muscle slower than you could? How should you count volume from compound exercises? How should you count volume from myo-rep sets? Does one set of myo-reps equal one traditional set? Why might your weekly volume (in terms of sets per week) actually go *down* over your lifting career? How can you balance lifting with other forms of physical activity like running, cycling, basketball, and tennis?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:24- How to grow maximally versus slowly and how to tell the difference 13:07- How to balance lifting with other forms of physical activity like running, cycling, basketball, etc. 21:48- If you aren't working with a coach, how can you know if you're lean enough to stop dieting and ready to step onstage 35:35- How should you count volume from compound exercises? How should you count volume from myo-rep sets? Does one set of myo-reps equal one traditional set? 42:55- Why your weekly volume, in terms of sets per week, might actually go *down* over your career 51:26- Andrea and the coaches' advice on what you can do if you're afraid of gaining body fat after you finish your competitive season
#249: The Hidden Risks of Supplements
Feb 08, 2024
In this eye-opening episode, Eric and Steve do a deep dive on the risks of testing new supplements, how you can help ensure the supplements you take are high-quality, and the supplements they use and recommend. Along with discussing the effectiveness of various supplements, the coaches go through the research showing just how common supplement contamination really is.
How beneficial are supplements? Why is there a risk of harm when testing new supplements? How are supplements regulated by the FDA? What is third-party testing? Is all third-party testing legit? How has Eric's mindset around supplement usage changed? What does the research say on beta-alanine, citrulline malate, creatine, caffeine, and BCAAS in regard to their effect on hypertrophy and strength? What supplements do Eric and Steve use and recommend?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:00- Steve's training on the use and role of supplements in our diet 6:57- What's the harm of testing supplements? 16:49- How supplements are or aren't regulated 19:57- Third-party-tested supplements 27:26- Does the supplement improve the specific outcome you care about 36:31- What are licensed ingredients? 39:30- The supplements Eric and Steve take and recommend 45:22- Mercury poisoning 48:42- BCAAs 54:55- Supplements are marketed as more important than they really are 1:01:59- Protein spiking
#248: The Extreme Side Effects of Contest Prep
Jan 25, 2024
Brad, Alberto, and Jeff discuss the weird and sometimes scary things that happen when we push our body to the extreme. The coaches share crazy things they have seen and had happen to them during prep.
What happened to Jeff when he was vitamin K deficient during one of his preps? What is sleep eating and what are the potential causes? How did being too extreme lead to Jeff’s heart skipping beats and him having to take a month off of lifting and work? What else besides mysterious rashes and skin aches after refeeds have the coaches seen or heard about from athletes during prep? What are Brad's fears around prepping this year after not having prepped for 10 years?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:30- What happened when Jeff was vitamin K deficient during one of his preps 19:55- A time when Jeff's dedication and discipline were too extreme 28:43- You can do everything right and still have issues 36:26- Brad's fears around prepping this year after not having prepped for 10 years 46:02- Why Brad and Alberto want to prep this year 57:51- Final thoughts
#247: Why Do I Keep Cheating On My Plan?
Jan 11, 2024
Brian, Jeff, and Brad discuss how to be compliant with your plan so you can achieve your goals.
How do the coaches navigate food prepared by family when they're prepping? Do the coaches find it easier to eat the foods they really enjoy in small amounts or completely cut them out when prepping? How did Brad's perfect preps almost lead to him never competing again? How can you view hunger as a positive thing? What advice do the coaches have for those who want to compete, but are afraid to because conditions aren't perfect?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:53- How to navigate food prepared by family when prepping 8:46- The importance of a good setup 20:41- Have the coaches ever been perfectly compliant with their plan for an entire prep? 38:59- Things the coaches have seen that can lead to underreporting 43:46- Working with someone who is serious, but not that serious 52:46- Working with athletes who are overzealous 1:03:18- Lowering volume 1:06:32- Working with athletes who want to compete, but are afraid to because conditions aren't perfect
#246: What You Actually Need From Bodybuilding
Dec 28, 2023
Jeff and Alberto discuss how they've helped and pushed each other, how they go about their bodybuilding differently, and how to get the most out of your bodybuilding journey.
How long have the coaches been lifting? How does Jeff go about his bodybuilding? How does Alberto go about his bodybuilding? How do the coaches think they could benefit from the other's approach? Why might Alberto follow a meal plan during his next prep? Why is making sure your bodybuilding is internally rewarding so important? What else can bodybuilding do for you besides give you a good physique?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 8:55- The more intrinsically rewarding you keep your bodybuilding the more likely you are to stick around 26:21- The things bodybuilding helped the coaches figure out about themselves and correct 38:31- Why Alberto wants to continue competing
Brian, Brad, and Alberto discuss why getting yourself in a good position to prep is so important, what a good starting position looks like, and what they are currently doing to prepare for their 2024 season.
Why are the coaches planning and preparing for the stage a year out? What are Brad, Brian, and Alberto's plans for their 2024 season? How far above stage weight do the coaches recommend starting prep? Ideally, as you get closer to the stage, should you be losing more or less weight per week compared to when you were further away? Is it possible to spread a season out too far? What new strategies are the coaches thinking about incorporating in their upcoming prep?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 3:28- What Brad is doing to prepare for his 2024 season 8:42- Brian's plan for his 2024 season 12:08- Alberto's plan for his 2024 season 14:56- The importance of getting yourself in a good position to start prep 35:00- The goal is not to empty the tank 37:23- Do the coaches plan on competing more often now that they're more experienced? 41:50- New strategies the coaches are thinking about incorporating in their upcoming prep 58:53- Advice for those prepping in 2024
Brad, Eric, and Alberto discuss how as a bodybuilder becomes more ingrained in the bodybuilding lifestyle, the structure of their contest preps and the structure of their offseasons start to become more and more similar.
What did Eric and Alberto's offseasons look like 10+ years ago compared to what they look like now? How does understanding macros work synergistically with having a meal plan? How can you tell if you have a solid structure and if it's working? Where is a good place to start when setting up your default diet? How might variations and amounts of foods change depending on what kind of phase you're in?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:51- Where is a good place to start when building your default diet? 6:17- What Eric and Alberto's offseasons looked like 10+ years ago compared to what they look like now 16:43- Brad's thoughts on the importance of having structure 22:22- How you can tell if you have a solid structure and if it's working 26:05- Does Alberto focus on establishing a good structure when he is working with someone who hasn't competed yet or is a first-time competitor? 35:23- What your plate should look like 42:07- Understanding macros works synergistically with having a meal plan 53:11- Recovery phases should get easier over time 55:49- Practical takeaways
Eric, Brian, and Nick have an in-depth discussion around purposefully altering range of motion to get bigger, stronger, and rehab an injury.
Is more range of motion always better? How can one use isometric contractions to increase a joint's range of motion? What is neuromechanical matching? Do we need to get into the extreme end range of motion to get any benefit from training at longer muscle lengths? What strategies does Nick use to get injured powerlifters back on the platform? When and why might one modify their range of motion on the big three to enhance their performance?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:22- Is more range of motion always better? Does increasing range of motion guarantee a reduction in joint pain? 11:23- Modifying range of motion for powerlifting 23:25- Modifying range of motion for bodybuilding 39:18- Lengthened partials 1:06:19- Strategies Nick uses to get injured powerlifters back on the platform 1:16:03- Manipulating range of motion to enhance performance in powerlifting
#242: Improving As An Advanced Athlete
Nov 02, 2023
Jeff and Eric discuss what they have had to do to continue to improve their physiques as advanced athletes. The coaches also share strategies other advanced athletes can use to continue making progress as well.
What percentage of gains do the coaches feel like a person reaches after 5 years of lifting? What did Eric do between his last bodybuilding season and the one he is currently in to improve his delts? How much more progress does Eric think he can make now that he's 40? How did Jeff make the biggest changes in his physique as an advanced athlete? Why is the *majority* of Eric's training at this point done on machines? Does your testosterone really start decreasing in your 30s? What can you do to keep your testosterone from going down?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 6:40- Eric had to wait 3.5 years to see if what he was doing was working 13:08- What Eric did between his last bodybuilding season and the one he is currently in to improve his delts 27:56- How Eric is going to improve the muscles he wants to improve while keeping his joints healthy and managing overall fatigue 31:31- The importance of working on your posing 36:55- How Jeff made the biggest changes in his physique as an advanced athlete 49:59- How much more progress does Eric think he can make now that he's 40? 54:04- Experience gives you confidence 58:09- Why the majority of Eric's training is done on machines 1:00:55- Does an advanced athlete need to be in a large surplus to make progress? 1:10:23- Misconceptions related to age
Jeff and Alberto discuss common and unique scenarios they see when working with athletes. The coaches talk about how they work with athletes as well as the motives and mindsets they like to see.
Do the coaches normally add to someone's to-do list or take away from it? How is it beneficial to acknowledge that you have a breaking point? What is Alberto's mission with all of the athletes he works with? What are some of the negative consequences the coaches have seen when someone pushes themself too hard? Can a contest prep permanently change someone? What common mistake did Jeff make that significantly delayed his attainment of his pro card?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 11:10- Taking things off people's to-do list 14:10- Helping people work on the things they aren't good at 20:38- The hardest athletes for the coaches to work with 29:36- The importance of being coachable 32:01- Competing for the challenge of the process and what you will learn 46:30- Final thoughts
Andrea, Brian, and Eric conduct an audience-supplied Q and A session. Question topics range from supplementation, to bulking, exercise technique, diet breaks, rest-period length, and more.
Do you still get benefits from supplementing with creatine if you don't take it consistently? What is a good ratio of fat to muscle gained during a bulk? Does this ratio change as someone gets older? How long should a diet break be? What are the coaches' thoughts on using your heart rate to determine the length of your rest periods? What are the coaches' thoughts on training 7 days per week?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:32- Do you still get benefits from supplementing with creatine if you don't take it consistently? How much of a difference does supplementing with creatine make? 14:49- What's a good ratio of fat to muscle gained on a bulk? Does this ratio change as someone gets older? 26:16- What is the highest number of compound exercises you should do per muscle group in one training session? 36:59- What are the coaches' thoughts on long-term gaintaining vs. bulk and cut cycles? 46:14- Romanian deadlift vs. Stiff leg deadlift 54:05- How long should a diet break be? 58:54- What are the coaches' thoughts on using your heart rate to determine the length of your rest periods? 1:04:18- What are the coaches' thoughts on training 7 days per week?
Jeff, Alberto, and Steve discuss the benefits of having a plan, how they put together their weekly eating plans, how they help their athletes/clients build their weekly eating plans, and recommendations to consider when you're building your plan.
What is the difference between new-age meal plans and old-school meal plans? How do the coaches help their athletes/clients develop a plan that works for them? How can you build a plan you enjoy and can consistently adhere to while at the same time make sure it makes sense from a scientific perspective? What is the role of snacks in a fat-loss phase? What is a strategy you can use to help make establishing new eating habits easier? How does Alberto adjust his diet when he's going from a maintenance or lean-gaining phase to a fat-loss phase?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:43- How Jeff and Steve build their weekly eating plans 24:52- The balance between building a plan you enjoy and can consistently adhere to while at the same time making sure it makes sense from a scientific perspective 28:14- The role of snacks in a fat-loss phase 33:00- A strategy to make establishing new eating habits easier 38:29- Establishing structure and new habits *before* starting a fat-loss phase
#238: Cutting Weight For Powerlifting
Sep 07, 2023
Brad, Brian, and Eric discuss who should and shouldn't cut weight for a meet, how to plan out your fat-loss phase if you need to run one, and strategies you can use to lose the last bit of weight needed to make weight.
In the coaches' opinion, should novices cut weight? Why do we often lose strength when we cut? What is a good rate of fat loss per week when dieting for a powerlifting meet? Why do the coaches recommend getting within ~3% of the weight you're going to compete at at least 2-4 weeks before the meet? How do the coaches recommend organizing your calorie intake around your training? What is a low-fiber high-energy-density diet and how do you run one? How does water loading combined with fluid restriction work? What are the coaches' thoughts on using low-carb diets, spitting, and the sauna to make weight?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:40- In the coaches' opinion, who should and shouldn't cut weight 14:16- Why we often lose strength when we cut 17:02- How to plan your fat-loss phase 32:06- How Brad, Eric, and Brian have cut for meets 57:00- Strategies for making weight 1:17:32- Situations you would *not* want to water load 1:22:00- Recommendations on how to rehydrate after your water cut
#237: What Competitors Can Learn From Non-Competitors
Aug 24, 2023
Brian, Jeff, and Alberto discuss the things competitive bodybuilders and recreational bodybuilders can learn from each other.
How do the coaches treat their competitive bodybuilders versus their recreational bodybuilders? What are the benefits of bodybuilding recreationally? Why does starting off bodybuilding recreationally tend to work out well? How do the coaches coach recreational bodybuilders that are a little too relaxed with the process? Who makes more progress in the long run, competitive bodybuilders or recreational bodybuilders?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:25- How the coaches treat their competitive bodybuilders versus their recreational bodybuilders 13:22- Letting recreational bodybuilding naturally turn into competitive bodybuilding 29:13- Coaching recreational bodybuilders that are a little too relaxed 50:04- Who makes more progress in the long run, competitive bodybuilders or recreational bodybuilders?
Eric, Brad, and Amanda go over what post contest blues are, why they happen, and what you can do about them.
Is it natural to have post contest blues after a show or after your season ends? When have Brad and Eric experienced post contest blues? What did they look and feel like for them? How can you prepare yourself or your athletes for the end of prep? How do Brad and Eric respond when one of their athletes is disappointed with their placing? What can you do to help you get past your post contest blues. How can accepting your situation be beneficial?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:41- When the coaches have personally experienced post contest blues and when they've seen their athletes experience them 18:07- What post contest blues look and feel like for Brad and Eric 33:21- How the coaches prepare their athletes for post contest blues 53:31- How accepting your situation can be beneficial 1:06:23- Final thoughts
Alberto, Brad, and Brian discuss the things they think an athlete needs to know and have done before they do their first prep.
Why is it important to have clarity on your motives and goals before you begin prep? What do the coaches like to educate their athletes on before they begin and as they go through prep? Should you expect prep to suck the whole time? Why is it important to let your loved ones know that you're prepping? What should you do when you don't have access to the foods you normally eat? How should you go about eating homemade food prepared by others when you're prepping? Is it okay to eat food prepared by others and drink alcohol during prep?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- What the coaches feel like an athlete needs to know and have done before they do their first prep 33:01- Make sure you know yourself 40:04- When you don't have access to the foods you normally eat and eating homemade food prepared by others during prep 52:11- Share but don't overshare 56:43- Prep doesn't need to suck the entire time 1:02:17- Final thoughts
#234: When Is Your Bodybuilding Career Over?
Jul 13, 2023
Brian, Jeff, and Alberto discuss the end of one's competitive bodybuilding career, why someone might choose to continue competing after their peak, and life after competing.
When might you *not* want to compare yourself against yourself? Why did Alberto start bodybuilding and why is he still competing? What is Jeff's definition of a bodybuilder? What are sources of motivation for continuing to compete after you've hit your peak? Do you have to have a specific why all the time? Why is Jeff still competing? When will he know it's time to retire from competitive bodybuilding? What is he going to do after he stops competing?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:03- Your why for competing changes over time 13:53- The skill of focusing on the present 24:52- You won't have regrets if you know you reached your peak 37:00- Looking at prep as a game of refinement 40:11- Why Alberto started bodybuilding and why he still competes 44:34- Jeff's definition of a bodybuilder 46:57- Life after competing
#233: Is Inefficient Training Holding You Back?
Jun 29, 2023
Brad, Jeff and Nick discuss the benefits of making your training more efficient and how to do so.
What strategies can you utilize to make your training more efficient? From a programming perspective, how can one incorporate a new strategy they are wanting to try? What gave Jeff a sense of security when it came to reducing the amount of isolation exercises he was doing? What is the difference between an efficient program and a minimalist program? In what scenario could switching to a minimalist program and rebuilding be beneficial?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- The coaches' thoughts on efficiency 18:06- High-quality sets, thinking long-term, and more is not always better 27:47- The benefits of being efficient with your training 36:49- Efficiency does not equal minimalism 40:14- How to get more efficient with your training 59:25- Making things outside of the gym more efficient 1:12:00- How to incorporate a new strategy 1:17:48- Switching to a minimalist program
Eric, Brian, and Alberto have the most thorough discussion on the principle of specificity and how it applies to powerlifting that has ever happened on the podcast or any other 3DMJ platform.
Why does the barbell bench press result in better pec development for some than others? Why does the barbell back squat result in better quad development for some than others? What is the purpose behind different variations of the big 3? What is varied practice and how can it help you become a better lifter? What is contextual interference and how can it help you become a better lifter? How much specific work (in terms of both load and volume) does a powerlifter really need to maintain or develop the motor control element of strength for a specific exercise?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:17- Specificity & Exercise Selection 22:42- Focus on what *you* need 29:48- Varied Practice & Contextual Interference 40:12- Where a novice and advanced lifter's time would be best spent 52:22- Longevity & Injury Rates 1:02:18- Summary
Jeff, Brad, and Alberto discuss everything you need to do and think about the day before and day of your show.
What can you do to help keep your stress low the day before your show? How accurate are competition-day schedules? What tips do the coaches have regarding when and how to shave? What do the coaches recommend doing if your tan starts running or dripping while you're on stage? Does your demeanor on stage affect your placing? How should you deal with a placing you don't agree with?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:59- Show-day schedules aren't always accurate 13:29- How to keep stress low the day before your show 21:29- Shaving tips 29:19- Get a pump, don't train 31:28- Everyone is in the same boat 39:12- What the coaches do when they are in a situation where something is going wrong 42:21- Don't worry about your placing 54:54- Your demeanor on stage 1:06:34- Dealing with a placing you don't agree with
Andrea, Brian, and Alberto host an audience-supplied Q and A session. Topics discussed include training, soreness, hypertrophy, cutting, bulking, programming, and more.
What are signs that your training sessions might be too long? If you're feeling sore, is it better to push yourself to train or wait until you're less sore? What should you do with your calorie intake during a deload? How long can you build muscle on maintenance calories? When the goal is hypertrophy, should you increase load by the smallest or largest amount that you can? How can you increase your grip strength for deadlifts?
The answers to these questions plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:23- Is 2 hours too long in the gym? 8:10- Ways to increase your calorie intake if you're struggling to eat enough 15:15- If you're feeling sore, from a hypertrophy standpoint, is it better to go ahead and push yourself to train or wait until you feel less sore? 26:46- What should you do with your calorie intake during a deload? 40:42- When the goal is hypertrophy, should you increase load by the smallest or largest amount that you can? 49:08- How long can you build muscle on maintenance calories? 59:12- If you're super fatigued after a leg day, is it better to split that session up into smaller sessions? 1:05:21- Mini-bulk and mini-cut cycles vs. Maingaining 1:15:29- How to increase grip strength for deadlifts 1:22:35- What are 3 things the coaches have changed their mind on in the past year?
#229: What To Do When You “Mess Up” Your Diet
May 04, 2023
Alberto, Steve, and Eric talk about what causes overeating, how you can help prevent it, and what to do when it happens.
What is one factor that research shows predicts binge eating? What can you do to help prevent yourself from overeating? What should you do after you overeat? Do the coaches have their athletes and clients reduce their calorie intake for a few days after they overeat? Why is it important to retrace your steps after you binge? What can you do if you're anxious about eating out? Is it normal to overeat at times? Is it okay to eat food simply because it tastes good?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:41- Binge eating disorder 3:10- Does Alberto think as many athletes slip up on their diet as they did 10 years ago? 7:47- How Steve helps his clients prevent episodes of overeating 15:57- Dealing with stress when you're dieting and slowing down your thinking 22:19- Does Alberto have his athletes reduce their calorie intake for a few days after they binge? 29:18- What is Steve's advice to his clients after they overeat? 34:44- It's okay to eat food simply because it tastes good and it's normal to overeat sometimes 57:24- Did you actually even binge? 59:57- Final strategies
#228: Becoming A Self-Aware Competitor
Apr 20, 2023
Amanda, Brian, and Brad discuss the anxieties and stresses that go along with competing.
What can you do if you're nervous about posing? What are the benefits of having a set competition date versus an open-ended timeline? How can you be less nervous on game day? When is it time to bail on a prep? Do the coaches think it's important to know *why* you want to compete and *why* you want to win a pro card?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 11:45- Looping 18:58- What to do if you're nervous about posing 22:41- When to bail on a prep 26:54- How the coaches define a successful prep for themselves 39:13- Competing against others vs. Competing against yourself 45:21- Being prepared, competitiveness, and failure 55:44- Other people's opinions 59:36- Dealing with game-day nerves
#227: Should You Train At Long Muscle Lengths?
Apr 06, 2023
Alberto, Nick, and Eric discuss the current hot topic of choosing exercises that challenge your muscles in their most-lengthened positions.
Why and how are Alberto and Eric experimenting with their training? Who has the potential to get the most out of experimenting with training muscles in their most-lengthened positions and partial reps? Who would probably benefit more from traditional full-range-of-motion training? What is more important than training at long muscle lengths? How can someone start implementing more training where their muscles are in their most-lengthened positions?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:31- Why and how Alberto and Eric are experimenting with their training 10:10- Less joint pain when training at long muscle lengths 15:24- What we don't know 38:40- Proceed with caution 49:12- How to implement training at long muscle lengths
Sometimes you have to go there and sometimes it's smart not to. How do you know when to do what? That's what Jeff and Brad are here to discuss.
How is Brad going to alter his exercise selection as he gets leaner? How do the coaches program their and their athletes' squat, bench, and deadlift during a contest prep? What is a mental strategy you can use to help get you through a workout when you don't feel like training? How do the coaches use self-talk to guide their training? What are signs it's a good day to dig and have a lower-calorie day?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- How Jeff and Brad's training is currently going 12:19- How the coaches program their and their athletes' squat, bench, and deadlift during a contest prep 26:17- Calling audibles and being smart 36:04- A mental strategy you can use to help get you through a workout when you don't feel like training 41:40- How the coaches use self-talk to guide their training 1:00:45- Signs it's a good day to dig
Brian and Eric have an in-depth discussion about rep ranges. They discuss what the research says, the importance of variety, and how they recommend choosing your rep range for each exercise.
Who experiences less injuries, bodybuilders or powerlifters? What do the coaches take into consideration when choosing their rep ranges? What are the potential downsides of very high rep ranges? What are the potential downsides of very low rep ranges? If you're running a strength block, do the rep ranges on your isolation exercises need to come down? If you're plateaued on an exercise, could switching exercises help? What is The Principle of Varied Practice?
The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:15- Which rep range for which exercise 22:07- The benefit of wider rep ranges 29:45- What the coaches take into consideration when choosing their rep ranges 42:31- If you're plateaued on an exercise, could switching exercises help? 49:10- Rep ranges for isolation exercises during different types of blocks 54:53- Doing compound exercises in very high rep ranges 1:05:00- Takeaways
Alberto, Jeff, and Brad discuss how they have evolved as coaches. What they do differently than they used to, what they've let go of, and what they are testing now.
What are things the coaches used to do when coaching athletes that make them cringe now? How do the coaches stay up-to-date on best practices? Who do the coaches learn from? What can happen when you get someone leaner than they are ready for?
This episode isn't just for coaches! It's for coaches, athletes, and anyone who is looking to get better at any craft over time.
0:00- Introduction 1:23- Ways the coaches used to coach athletes that make them cringe now 14:30- What the coaches do to stay up-to-date on best practices 27:21- New things the coaches are trying with their athletes 44:50- The value of your experience 54:52- Not being afraid to let go of old tools
Steve, Eric, and Brian discuss the benefits of not having specific carbohydrate and fat targets, as well as components of your diet that are important for overall health, the way you feel, and achieving your physique goals.
What is The Athlete's Plate ? What do the coaches like to have their athletes and clients pay attention to besides their calorie and macronutrient intake? How does Steve have his clients track their protein intake when they are no longer tracking their calorie intake? When are good times to pay attention to how different foods make you feel? Is feeling bloated at times normal? Is being hungry at times normal? What happens if you are overly focused on your body's response to different foods?
The answers to these questions, plus more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:25- How Steve has his clients track their protein intake when they are no longer tracking their calorie intake 7:10- Tracking your calorie and protein intake vs. Tracking your protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake 15:42- Why Steve likes his clients to go through a period of tracking their food and calorie intake 20:15- The Athlete's Plate 23:26- Alcohol, fruit, vegetable, and protein intake 29:07- Dealing with pushback to moving away from having protein, carbohydrate, and fat targets 36:29- Paying attention to the way different foods make you feel 45:18- The benefits of slowly increasing your fruit, vegetable, and fiber intake 55:52- Tracking your hunger
Brad, Alberto, and Brian discuss the role of nutrition in building muscle.
Which is more important for muscular hypertrophy, eating in a caloric surplus or progressive overload? What variables do the coaches like to monitor during a gaining phase? What is too fat in regard to how much body fat a competitor should put on in the off-season? How does Alberto like to prescribe rate of weight gain in the off-season? Why does Brian adjust volume reactively instead of proactively? Does Alberto feel like his time spent at 250 lbs. was beneficial?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:10- Which is more important for muscular hypertrophy, eating in a caloric surplus or progressive overload? 8:29- The importance of being strategic with your gaining phases 18:20- The variables the coaches like to monitor during a gaining phase 30:44- What is too fat? What is gaining too fast? 43:14- Red flags during gaining phases 52:03- Protein, fat, carb, fruit, and vegetable intake 1:00:15- Things the coaches have observed
#221: Adjusting Training As You Advance
Jan 12, 2023
Nick, Brad, and Jeff discuss modifying your training to fit your life as it changes, as you age, and as you acquire more responsibilities.
When did Jeff and Brad realize they weren't going to be able to train the exact same way they always had? When did Brad realize he didn't need to train to failure to make progress? How can you tell the difference between positive pain and negative pain ? What are Nick and the coaches' thoughts on injuries related to repetitive motion? What is the difference between having life fit your bodybuilding and having bodybuilding fit your life?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- When Jeff and Brad realized they weren't going to be able to train the exact same way they always had 10:56- Younger athletes versus older athletes in regard to their openness to changing their approach 18:32- How to tell the difference between positive pain and negative pain 25:18- Injuries related to repetitive motion 30:26- Listening to your body and starting conservative 49:16- How the coaches have had to modify their training to fit their lives as their lives have changed, as they've gotten older, and as they've acquired more responsibilities
Andrea, Brian, and Eric conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. 15 questions spanning everything from programming, to cutting, hydration, low-intensity exercise, and more.
How do you develop a program where hypertrophy and strength are both prioritized? Is it possible to develop a competitive physique using only compound movements? What is the definition of mechanical tension ? What are the coaches' thoughts on long-term volume cycling? What are the pros and cons of following a body-part split? What do the coaches suggest to those who don't seem to be responding to resistance training very well?
The answers to these, plus many other questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:36- How do you develop a program where hypertrophy and strength are both prioritized? 10:50- What do the coaches recommend someone do with their calorie intake if they get a cold or the flu during a cut or prep? 14:55- Is it possible to develop a competitive physique using only compound movements? 19:35- What are the coaches' thoughts on creating a caloric deficit solely through increasing low-intensity exercise? 27:29- How much do the coaches prioritize hydration? 30:55- What do the coaches suggest to those who don't seem to be responding to resistance training very well? 35:55- What are the pros and cons of following a body-part split? 48:12- Should concurrent athletes avoid cutting? 50:42- What is the definition of mechanical tension ? 1:02:23- How do you know when you can no longer recomp and you should shift into a bulk or cut? 1:11:57- What are the coaches' thoughts on long-term volume cycling? 1:16:07- How would the coaches program for a powerlifter wanting to stay in the same weight class? 1:18:04- How can you judge if you're overreaching? 1:21:36- What are the coaches' thoughts on powerlifters running very long hypertrophy phases? 1:28:50- Where do the coaches see the fitness industry in the next 10 years and what contributions do they hope to make?
Brian, Brad, and Alberto discuss how they have adjusted their volume throughout their lifting careers and the benefits of lower-volume programs.
About how many sets per muscle group did Alberto do this prep? What made Alberto realize his volume was too high? What is the cost and return of higher-volume programs? How have lower-volume programs made the coaches better lifters? How does Brad adjust his volume in the short-term based on the context of the day? What variables outside of the gym have the coaches been monitoring to help them with their training?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:36- How the coaches have adjusted their volume throughout their lifting careers 18:42- What made Alberto realize his volume was too high 39:55- The cost and return of higher-volume programs 42:16- Important variables outside of the gym for performance and progress 49:37- Thinking long-term
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Amanda, Brad, and Alberto discuss the benefits of competing and why sometimes you just have to go for it, even if you don't feel ready.
How would someone who has never competed before know competing is something they are capable of doing? Why hasn't Amanda competed yet? Why does Brad want to compete again someday? How did Alberto know it was time to compete again? What are the fun parts of competing? Is prep difficult the whole time? Why is there more to prep than placing high on show day?
The answers to these questions, plus more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:35- Why Amanda hasn't competed yet and how Alberto reached the decision it was time to compete again 11:41- How would someone who has never competed before know competing is something they are capable of doing? 16:34- Why Brad wants to compete again someday 29:59- The fun parts of competing 53:58- Prep doesn't start off hard, it gradually ramps up 1:00:55- When Amanda and Brad think they're going to compete
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Today's episode is all about 3DMJ's newest coach, Brian Minor.
How did Brian get into lifting? How did he get into competitive bodybuilding? How did Brian earn his Mr. Olympia title? What did Brian get his degrees in? How did he build up his coaching business? How long was he coaching before he left his full-time job to step into coaching full-time? At what point did Alberto think Brian would make a good 3DMJ coach? According to Eric and Alberto, which of Brian's qualities and skills make him such a great coach?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:22- Brian's skill set and how he developed these skills 12:08- How Brian got into lifting and how he got into competitive bodybuilding 19:45- What Brian got his degrees in and how he built up his coaching business 31:05- What Brian was like as a 3DMJ athlete 43:25- The point at which Alberto thought Brian would make a good 3DMJ coach 50:37- Leaving his full-time job to step into coaching full-time 1:05:22- Brain's future athletic plans
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Steve, Alberto, and Jeff discuss why they recommend *not* cutting out food from restaurants and other sources of food you didn't prepare from your diet, and how to stay on track with your goals while continuing to eat these types of foods.
What strategies do the coaches use to stay on track with their goals when they eat at restaurants? What nutritional strategy is Jeff currently using to maintain his weight? How has 3D Muscle Journey's stance on eating out during prep changed? How can someone reduce their anxiety around eating food from restaurants? Why do the coaches recommend that someone *not* intentionally significantly reduce their calorie intake the day after they ate a lot more than they wanted to?
The answers to these questions, plus many more related to eating out during prep, the off-season, and when trying to develop lifelong habits are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 5:15- What the coaches have their athletes/clients focus on when eating food from a restaurant 22:10- Taking foods off the pedestal and being okay with the times you choose to overindulge 30:48- Taking one step back so you can take four steps forward 42:53- What the coaches typically recommend their athletes/clients do when they eat way more than they intended to 49:29- The coaches' thoughts on eating out during prep 1:04:18- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brian, Jeff, and Eric discuss the benefits of diet breaks, what the research says about diet breaks, and why they like to include them in their preps as well as their athletes'.
What is a diet break? What is the difference between a diet break and a refeed? How can diet breaks be beneficial for noncompetitors in a longer fat-loss phase? How do the coaches coach diet breaks to help their athletes understand what the goal is and to have the right mindset around the break? What benefits have the coaches noticed from including diet breaks in their preps? What are the coaches' thoughts on shorter vs longer contest preps?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:21- How long the coaches have been using diet breaks with themselves and with their athletes 8:23- What the research says about diet breaks 14:18- Diet breaks for noncompetitors 34:39- How the coaches coach diet breaks to help their athletes understand what the goal is and to have the right mindset around the break 41:31- Additional benefits of diet breaks 50:02- Shorter vs. Longer contest preps 57:30- Glycogen storage during prep
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#214: An Honest Examination of Genetics
Oct 06, 2022
Nick, Jeff, and Alberto discuss the role of genetics in recovery, fat loss, muscle growth, perseverance, and more.
When did it first become obvious to the coaches that genetics really do play a role in one's bodybuilding journey? How does Jeff feel about his genetics? Does Alberto think it is easier for him to lose body fat than most people? What do the coaches say to someone who is using their genetics as an excuse not to work hard? How do optimism, gratitude, and the ability to dream affect one's results?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:25- When it first became obvious to the coaches that genetics really do play a role 14:18- A beneficial way to view bodybuilding 21:35- The coaches' thoughts on transformation photos before and after puberty 40:15- Using genetics as an excuse 44:31- Don't lose your optimism 50:30- Being grateful for what you can do and the benefits of being a dreamer
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#213: How I Wish I Would Have Started
Sep 22, 2022
Brian, Alberto, and Jeff discuss what they did well and what they wish they'd done differently when they first got into bodybuilding.
The coaches talk about how they went about their nutrition when they first started, how they took it too far at a certain point, and how they've come to see that the basics are all they really need to focus on. After covering nutrition, the group shifts to talking about training, how they started, what they did right, what they wish they'd done differently, and how important selecting the right exercises for you is.
This is a great episode for beginner, intermediate, and advanced lifters. For beginners, it contains great advice on where to start. For advanced lifters, it is a refresher on how important the fundamentals are and a reminder of how certain behaviors are just a waste of time.
0:00- Introduction 3:15- Looking back, what would Brian, Jeff, and Alberto have done differently, nutritionally, at the beginning of their bodybuilding journeys 29:32- What would the coaches have done differently training wise at the beginning of their bodybuilding journeys 1:02:06- The coaches' closing advice
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#212: Overcoming Information Overload
Sep 08, 2022
Eric, Jeff, and Amanda discuss how to navigate the overwhelming amount of health and fitness related content floating around social media and on the internet.
How can you determine if someone's recommendations are beneficial for you? How can you screen content based on the specificity of the advice given and the confidence it was presented with? What are the limitations of research? Why is science vs experience the wrong attitude? What do you do when you don't know where to start with something?
The answers to these questions, plus many related ones are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:03- Screening content based on its specificity and the confidence it was presented with 24:20- Common issues Amanda sees with mental-health-based social media posts 38:59- How do you determine if someone's recommendations are beneficial for you? 46:53- Overcoming fear of the unknown 58:25- Science vs Experience: The Wrong Attitude
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#211: Recalibration Throughout Your Athletic Career
Aug 25, 2022
Brian, Brad, Nick, and Steve go through a series of checkpoints and scenarios that help you reevaluate your current plan and practices, so you can make sure you're working towards your goals efficiently.
The coaches and specialists go through different types of clients they work with and how they guide those clients. They cover adjusting your strategies and precision as needed, the common pattern of getting lost in details that don't matter, how Steve transitioned from being so meticulous with tracking everything to not tracking everything so meticulously, and a lot more!
0:00- Introduction 3:37- Approaches to setting up new nutritional habits 11:03- Getting lost in details that don't matter 40:38- How Steve transitioned from being so meticulous with tracking everything to not tracking everything so meticulously 45:43- Adjusting your strategies and precision as needed 1:00:15- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Jeff, and Steve conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. Topics covered include: programming, building a home gym, setting up refeeds, mindsets that don't support sustainability, and more.
Does anyone ever come to 3DMJ and the coaches think they don't have a chance at getting on stage? If you are plateaued on an exercise, what are some things you can try to help it start progressing again? What equipment do the coaches recommend for those wanting to build their own home gym? What are different ways you can program your refeeds? What got the coaches out of a suffering equals progress mindset?
The answers to these questions, plus more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:51- Does anyone ever come to 3DMJ and the coaches think they don't have a chance at getting on stage? 13:30- If someone is only progressing on 3 of their 4 chest exercises, do they need to change something? What can they do to make the exercise they're plateaued on start progressing again? 23:16- How to the coaches manage a diet with shows that are 16 weeks apart? 33:36- What equipment do the coaches recommend for those wanting to build their own home gym? 48:12- The coaches' thoughts on athletes with gynecomastia 50:35- How do the coaches program refeeds? 1:05:11- Do the coaches ever get paranoid that doing less will result in potentially worse results, despite logic telling them otherwise?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#209: Overcoming Burnout and Motivation Plateaus
Jul 28, 2022
Brad, Alberto, and 3D Muscle Journey's new coach, Brian Minor, discuss training burnout and what you can do during these times to help you enjoy lifting again.
What have been Brad, Alberto, and Brian's experience with feeling burned-out on training? What did they do during these times? Do the coaches think everyone who is in the lifting game long enough will experience burnout at some point? If you're currently not enjoying your training, what can you do to make it more enjoyable and improve your consistency? What does Alberto mean when he says, Diversify your happiness portfolio. ?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 3:13- Brad, Brian, and Alberto's struggles with burnout 19:44- Strategies to overcome burnout 45:00- Start a new hobby 55:26- Diversify your happiness portfolio
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Jeff, Steve, and Alberto discuss how people store fat in different places, how this affects the look they can sustain long-term, and what you can do if you're as lean as you can comfortably sustain, but you're still not happy with how you look.
How will Alberto sometimes program for someone who comes to him after multiple failed fat loss attempts? How do the coaches determine the end of a fat-loss phase? Is there a way to change where you store body fat? What can you focus on during a gaining phase to help you stay motivated and stay the course?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Where Jeff, Steve, and Alberto store most of their body fat 14:33- How Alberto will sometimes program for someone who comes to him after multiple failed fat loss attempts 18:32- What you can do if you're as lean as you can comfortably sustain long-term and you're still not happy with how you look 24:07- What you can focus on during a gaining phase to help you stay motivated and stay the course 34:20- The coaches' insecurities when they're lean 40:26- Being shredded isn't all positive 49:58- How the coaches determine the end of a fat-loss phase 1:06:54- What will make you happy?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Nick and Eric discuss what the research says about periodization for hypertrophy, why it's misleading, and whether or not someone whose sole goal is muscular hypertrophy should incorporate periodization into their training.
According to the research, is periodization beneficial for hypertrophy? How often should someone change the exercises in their program? What is the difference between random variation and purposeful variation? Is there a potential benefit to varying your rep ranges?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this research-packed episode.
0:00- Introduction 11:01- What the research says about periodization for hypertrophy and why it's misleading 18:19- Which variables you can manipulate 29:14- Random variation is inferior to purposeful variation 46:17- Varying rep ranges 1:01:43- At the end of the day, will periodizing your training make your muscles bigger? 1:08:00- Overuse injuries
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eric, Nick, and Alberto discuss super sets, drop sets, antagonist paired sets, blood flow restriction training, myo-reps, partial reps, and a lot more.
Why would someone use one of these intensity techniques ? What is Alberto's ultimate super set for novices? What leads to skeletal muscle hypertrophy? Can blood flow restriction training make you more vascular? Why has Alberto been incorporating partial reps into his training?
The answers to these questions and more, plus a fascinating discussion around partial reps are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:27- How Nick and Alberto's preps are going so far 9:48- Intensity techniques 27:32- What leads to skeletal muscle hypertrophy 38:31- Fatigue should be serving you 46:19- Blood flow restriction training 1:01:20- Partial reps
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#205: Planning Predictable Peak Weeks
Jun 02, 2022
Brad, Alberto, and Eric discuss how they set up athletes' peak-week protocols. The coaches talk about which variables they manipulate, how they test various strategies, and the ideal peak-week scenario.
How does peaking work physiologically? What percentage increase does Alberto think a good peak can give someone? How can stress affect one's peak? What needs to be done in order to be ready early? What is Eric's peak week cheat code? Do the coaches ever swing for the fences ?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:37- The variables Alberto typically manipulates during peak week 14:38- The desired outcomes of peaking 19:12- Where to start when setting up your peak week 28:30- The benefits of being ready early 33:51- Case study: Eric Helms 2019 39:25- What needs to be done in order to be ready early 49:45- Having a growth mindset when it comes to willpower 54:00- Miscellaneous strategies the coaches sometimes use to help someone peak better 1:07:23- Do the coaches ever swing for the fences ? 1:13:53- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Eric, and Jeff have an in-depth discussion about if and how the way we eat throughout the day affects fat loss, muscle growth, and lean body mass retention.
Does eating more frequently stoke your metabolism? Is eating carbohydrates before your workout beneficial? How often should you consume protein throughout the day? If you utilize intermittent fasting, what is a good approach for consuming protein during your feeding window that could potentially help you get the most out of the protein you're consuming? What do Jeff and Brad take into consideration when setting up a nutrition protocol for someone?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 3:58- What Jeff and Brad take into consideration when setting up a nutrition protocol for someone 11:14- Meal frequency's affect on metabolic rate 22:42- How often someone should consume protein throughout the day to maximize muscle protein synthesis 42:07- Peri-workout nutrition recommendations 54:47- How Jeff likes to distribute his carb intake throughout the day when dieting 57:02- Recommendations on how to distribute your fat consumption throughout the day 1:04:00- A mouth-rinse strategy that could potentially improve performance when deep in prep 1:08:50- Structure and flexibility are both important
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#203: The Unexpected Ways Bodybuilding Makes You Stronger
May 05, 2022
Alberto and Amanda have an intimate conversation about how bodybuilding has positively impacted their lives outside of their health and the way they look.
What has Alberto's bodybuilding journey given him? What has Amanda's bodybuilding journey given her? Where did they first notice what they were learning through bodybuilding could be applied to other areas of their life? What does Alberto think his life would be like if he never started bodybuilding? How did bodybuilding help Amanda work through a major struggle she was trying to overcome?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#202: Developing Your Deload Strategy
Apr 21, 2022
Jeff, Brad, and Alberto have an in-depth conversation about deloading. They discuss the benefits of deloading and go through different ways you can set up your next deload.
How do the coaches like to deload? What are some of the different ways they'll have their athletes deload? What do the coaches recommend not doing during a deload? How can you make a deload not feel like a deload? What have the coaches observed when someone goes through an extended period of time (multiple months) doing significantly less volume than they previously were?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 5:07- What deloads do 7:35- You can't get away with as much when you're dieting 13:46- When the coaches started incorporating deloads 18:07- How the coaches like to deload and different ways they have their athletes deload 32:22- Different experiences people have after and during a deload 45:57- What the coaches say to someone who says they don't need to deload 50:13- Autoregulating your volume to minimize counterproductive amounts of fatigue 1:02:14- What the coaches have observed when someone goes through an extended period of time doing significantly less volume than they previously were
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eric, Jeff, and Alberto discuss the research on as well as their experiences with training to failure.
How is training to failure defined and studied in research? How does what the research suggests apply to most bodybuilders? In which situations is it beneficial to train to failure? In regard to hypertrophy, what is the difference between training to failure versus leaving one to two reps in the tank? What advice do the coaches have for beginners when it comes to training to failure and setting their weekly volume?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:01- How training to failure is defined and studied 9:28- Jeff's experience training to failure 15:30- What the research suggests and how it applies to most bodybuilders 22:53- Advice for beginners 27:07- Training to failure vs. Leaving 1-2 reps in the tank 36:14- Going through the process of figuring out where your volume should be 51:52- How important trial and error really is
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Andrea, Brad, and Eric conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. Topics include: programming, competing, stress eating, training after menopause, velocity-based training, and a lot more.
Does everyone eventually reach a point where they have to program their training via RPE targets? Can intraset velocity loss be used as an objective measurement of fatigue? What body-fat percentage do you need to be at on stage? Do postmenopausal women need to adjust their training volume and/or intensity? What is the least amount of training an intermediate can do and still make appreciable size gains?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 5:28- Does everyone eventually have to program their training via RPE targets? 17:37- Velocity-based training 32:15- How to choose which federation and division to compete in 47:09- What body-fat percentage do you need to be at on stage? 53:18- What advice do the coaches have for dads who have newborns and still want to train? 58:17- Advice for those who overeat in response to stress 1:10:36- Do postmenopausal women need to adjust their training volume and/or intensity? 1:17:03- What is the least amount of training an intermediate can do and still make appreciable size gains? 1:24:48- Rapid-fire Q&A
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#199: Upgrading Your Bodybuilding Diet
Mar 10, 2022
Steve, Brad, and Alberto discuss different eating habits and offer suggestions for how to improve the effectiveness, enjoyment, and sustainability of your diet.
How can you identify which eating behaviors are okay and which ones you should probably try to replace? How does Brad like to program an athlete's calorie intake? What is the 80/20 guideline and what are the coaches' thoughts on it? What has been the coaches' experience when they consume too much of their food from powders? What are some of Alberto's favorite things about the way he eats now compared to when he first got into bodybuilding?
The answers to these, plus many more questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:11- The coaches' early experiences with flexible dieting 9:17- Whole foods vs. Protein powder 12:08- How to identify which eating behaviors are okay and which ones you should probably try to replace 15:46- Learning flexible dieting takes time 24:09- Paying attention to how the way you eat makes you feel 31:27- Moving macros 35:17- The 80/20 guideline 40:13- The coaches' initial resistance to flexible dieting 54:51- You don't have to quantify things to be optimal
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Jeff, and Alberto talk about the necessity of gaining weight for maximizing your physique.
Why is gaining weight so important? What are the coaches' thoughts on cutting before starting a gaining phase? How much body fat is too much? Once you reach your goal body weight, then what? What are the coaches' thoughts on DEXA scans and circumference measurements? How can you plan out your next gaining phase?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:25- Gaining weight is a key element to improving how you look 10:28- How Brad and Jeff went about things at the beginning of their lifting journey 23:33- Putting on muscle as you get more advanced 32:24- The coaches' thoughts on cutting before gaining/bulking 38:12- Under what conditions are the coaches their strongest? 41:51- How much body fat is too much? 53:37- The coaches' thoughts on DEXA scans and circumference measurements 59:30- Planning your next gaining phase
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#197: Weight Loss, Perfection, and Flexible Dieting with The MASS Reviewers
Feb 10, 2022
This episode is quite the treat, it contains three audio roundtable discussions from The MASS research review. MASS (Monthly Applications in Strength Sport) is a research review by Greg Nuckols, Dr. Eric Trexler, Dr. Mike Zourdos, and Dr. Eric Helms that covers the latest strength, hypertrophy, and nutritional science research in an easy-to-understand and apply format.
The discussions included in this episode get into why maintaining weight loss is more than just a knowledge deficit, the difference between striving for perfection, the fear of falling short of perfection and striving for excellence, and potential reasons why a more flexible approach to eating is a better strategy than a rigid approach long-term.
0:00- Introduction 2:12- Weight Loss Maintenance is More Than Math 34:36- Striving for Perfection Versus the Fear of Falling Short of It 55:57- Rigid Diets are Easy to Implement, but are They Worth it Long Term?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#196: Why You Should Just Keep Lifting
Jan 27, 2022
Nick, Brad, and Jeff talk about why they continue to train even though the rate they progress is significantly slower than it used to be and why they're so happy they haven't quit.
How do the coaches view their training and bodybuilding now? What do the coaches do to help increase their and their athletes' motivation to train? In what ways can someone progress later in their lifting journey?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 0:57- How the coaches view their training and bodybuilding now and what keeps them doing it 33:47- There's nothing to be ashamed of 48:20- Simple strategies to increase your motivation to train 1:00:20- The importance of enjoying your training 1:13:34- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#195: Is Natural Bodybuilding Viable?
Jan 13, 2022
Alberto and Eric discuss the path of natural bodybuilding and how it's a real option for those who want to compete in a competitive environment.
Why is it important to be well-informed before using performance-enhancing drugs? If someone chooses to stay natural, are there places they can compete where there is good competition? Based on what we know, does Eric think the current rules around what is required to compete in a tested show after someone has used performance-enhancing drugs allow for a level playing field? How do top natural bodybuilders compare to top enhanced bodybuilders?
The answers to these questions, plus some really cool anecdotes are covered in this episode.
0:00- Alberto and Eric's thoughts on Alberto's recent YouTube video 8:15- Staying natural is a real option 22:59- Why it's important (especially for women) to be well-informed before using performance-enhancing drugs 44:21- People who transition from competing in tested shows to untested shows and vice versa 57:23- Based on what we know, does Eric think the current rules around what is required to compete in tested shows after someone has used performance-enhancing drugs allow for a level playing field?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#194: Setting The Right Kind of Goals
Dec 30, 2021
With 2021 coming to a close, Eric and Amanda sat down to have a conversation about how to set goals in a way that research suggests will maximize your chances of achieving them.
How does Amanda approach setting goals with her clients? What is the transtheoretical model of behavior change and how can understanding it be helpful when wanting to make a change? What are anchors and how can they help us improve our performance? What are Eric and Amanda's thoughts on SMART goals ? What is the difference between perfectionist concerns and perfectionist striving?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:03- How Amanda approaches setting goals with her clients 7:04- The transtheoretical model of behavior change 21:50- Anchors and accepting responsibility 29:19- Eric and Amanda's thoughts on SMART goals 46:08- Approach-based vs. Avoidance-based goals 58:22- Takeaways and final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Andrea interviews Eric on the things he thinks about when building his or one of his athletes' training programs.
How do programming considerations differ from exercise selection? What are the benefits to having a basic understanding of human anatomy? Which muscles would most likely benefit from isolation work because of their attachment sites? What modifies muscle damage? Do the hamstrings get a good stimulus from squatting?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 3:09- What Eric thinks about when he writes about programming considerations 7:23- How programming considerations differ from exercise selection 13:16- What modifies muscle damage? 22:27- Overhead pressing 30:46- The benefits of understanding anatomy 55:29- Example of how someone could organize their training to prioritize hamstring development 59:28- Summary
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#192: Surprise Bonus Q&A with Brad and Jeff
Dec 02, 2021
Brad and Jeff sit down for an in-person Q&A. Topics include: nutrition on non-training days, fat loss, advice for beginners, and competing.
What are the coaches' thoughts on lowering your calorie intake on non-training days? What tips do the coaches have for losing fat without tracking macros? Do Brad and Jeff think it's possible to build a pro-caliber physique training only three days per week? What is Jeff's approach to the concentric and eccentric phase of each rep? What will it take for Brad to compete in bodybuilding again?
The answers to the questions, plus more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:58- The coaches' thoughts on lowering your calorie intake on non-training days 10:44- Brad's recent epiphany regarding the bodybuilding lifestyle 23:56- Tips for losing fat without tracking your macronutrient intake 33:58- Tips for managing hunger while dieting 37:23- Advice for beginners in a building phase 48:08- Do the coaches think it's possible to build a pro-caliber physique only training 3 days per week? 56:00- What will it take for Brad to compete in bodybuilding again? 1:06:40- Encouragement for lifters over 40
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#191: Establish Your Powerlifting Foundation
Nov 18, 2021
Alberto, Eric, and Brad discuss where to start if you're interested in getting into the sport of powerlifting.
What are the fundamentals every new powerlifter should know and have in their life? When is a good time to do your first meet? Why does Eric like lifters to miss lifts (in a safe manner) occasionally? When you're starting, what do the coaches think is more important, community or better equipment? What is the coaches' advice on choosing which weight class to compete in?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:54- Powerlifting: Where to start 28:05- How to select your starting weights for singles work 37:47- Why Eric likes lifters to miss lifts (in a safe manner) occasionally 52:44- Graduating to better equipment 55:42- When is a good time to do your first meet? 1:04:15- How many times to the coaches recommend competing per year? 1:13:42- Finding your weight class 1:30:36- Advice for someone who competed too early and wants to regroup and do it right
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Andrea, Alberto, and Jeff are back with another audience-sourced Q&A session.
How do you know when you're physically and mentally ready for another contest prep? What is Jeff's process for learning his posing routine? What is the coaches' advice on setting and adjusting weekly training volume? What are the coaches' thoughts on parenting kids who get into lifting and bodybuilding at a young age? How do you learn to peak someone without messing them up?
The answers to these questions, plus more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:42- Bulk, cut, or maintain? 17:45- The coaches' advice on setting and adjusting your weekly training volume 37:15- Hair loss when cutting 43:23- How to design your posing routine 56:46- How do you know when you're ready for another prep? (Mentally and physically) 1:09:20- How do you learn to peak people without messing them up? 1:22:26- The coaches' thoughts on parenting kids who get into lifting and bodybuilding at a young age
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Steve, and Jeff discuss aggressive fat-loss protocols and the reality of contest prep.
What does Steve consider when reviewing an aggressive nutrition protocol? Is there a difference between a 170-lb person dieting on 10 calories per pound and a 90-lb person dieting on 10 calories per pound? What happens if you don't consume the recommended amount of every nutrient every day? Can the number of calories someone can eat and still lose weight change? What are creative ways for making a very hard protocol easier?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:17- Steve's thoughts on aggressive protocols 11:59- Creative ways for making a very hard protocol easier 20:28- Is there a difference between a 170-lb person dieting on 10 calories per pound and a 90-lb person dieting on 10 calories per pound? 30:35- The number of calories someone can eat and still lose weight can change 36:23- Designing protocols that fit the person's lifestyle 41:21- The right amount of urgency and the pros and cons of deadlines 50:23- When someone isn't executing the plan 56:40- The athlete's relationship with their significant other, kids, etc. 1:04:53- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Nick, Alberto, and Eric discuss common perceptions about back injuries, their personal experiences with back pain and nerve symptoms, spine anatomy, and more.
How did Alberto hurt his back in 2008 and how did that affect him? When does Alberto tend to get injured? Are the discs in your spine really similar to soft jelly donuts? Why can you get nerve pain down your leg when you have a back injury? What does research say about sitting with a rounded spine and its contribution to low-back pain?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:36- Alberto's back injury in 2008 11:53- Common perceptions about back injuries 16:27- Regression to the mean 19:32- Common beliefs about lower-back pain 32:30- Nick's experience with back pain and nerve symptoms 43:06- Alberto's observations about his athletes' injuries 48:39- Fear of movement 59:40- Nick's experience working with clients from the general population vs. athletes 1:10:00- Summary and what to do if you have low-back pain
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Jeff and Eric discuss how they help their athletes transition out of prep and reflect on the experience.
What should you do if you go off plan after your show? Is it normal to go off plan? What advice do the coaches have when setting calorie targets post show? For coaches, when is a good time to start talking with an athlete about your post-show plan? What are the coaches' thoughts on eating up into a show?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:35- When Jeff and Eric start talking about the post-show plan with an athlete 10:03- Reflecting after the season 25:50- Strategies during the recovery process 31:06- Going off plan after a show is normal 38:14- Eating up into a show 43:02- How Jeff and Eric help their athletes reflect on prep and the positives of prepping 47:10- Expanding your comfort zone 59:28- Recap and final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eric, Brad, and Alberto discuss what a taper is, why they work, and how to run one.
What is the difference between a deload and a taper? How do you adjust volume and intensity during a taper? What do the coaches take into consideration when setting up an athlete's taper? Do the coaches ever taper lifts differently and if so, how? What percentage increase in strength does a good taper typically result in? Why is it helpful for physique athletes to understand the concepts discussed in this episode?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this conversation.
0:00- Introduction 7:57- How to approach training the week after a meet 14:15- A deload is a stop. A taper is a step backwards 25:03- The dose-response relationship in regard to heavy sets and strength 28:37- How to adjust volume and intensity during a taper 52:36- Tapering lifts differently 1:03:42- How does this conversation apply to physique athletes 1:12:17- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#185: Are Your Expectations Too High?
Aug 26, 2021
Amanda, Brad, and Eric discuss how to help your clients adjust their expectations when they are too high or too low.
What is Amanda's first step when someone comes to her with what she believes are faulty perceptions? How can you help someone adjust their expectations without destroying their drive or enthusiasm? How can you help someone realize the things they believe about themself or their potential are untrue? How have the coaches changed how they help their clients manage their expectations?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:29- Amanda's first step when someone comes to her with what she believes are faulty perceptions 9:53- What Brad used to do versus what he currently does when someone comes to him with what he believes are unrealistic expectations 34:53- Maintaining the drive that an unrealistic expectation used to supply after it's gone 50:40- What to do when expectations are too low 1:09:54- Managing disappointment
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#184: Getting Ready Early and Surviving Prep
Aug 12, 2021
Eric, Alberto, and Brad have an in-depth discussion around a recent Instagram post and Alberto's coaching strategies with the athlete showcased in that post. The post sparked a debate concerning why the athlete is in such good conditioning so far before his show.
Why is Alberto coaching Dirk the way he is? What are the coaches' thoughts on shorter more-aggressive preps vs. longer less-aggressive preps? What is the reality when it comes to contest-prep timelines? What is the coaches' experience when it comes to getting to a certain level of conditioning vs. maintaining that level of conditioning?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:03- Why Alberto is coaching Dirk the way he is 12:37- Being more aggressive vs. less aggressive at the beginning of a prep 17:01- Shorter more-aggressive preps vs. longer less-aggressive preps 27:57- Where are the other 4 lbs.? 42:39- The reality when it comes to building contest-prep timelines 1:00:17- It feels great knowing you're going to have the look you want on show day
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#183: The Habits of Highly Effective Preps
Jul 29, 2021
Steve, Alberto, and Eric discuss habits that make contest preps easier and more successful.
What is one factor that influences whether someone gains or loses weight during a refeed or diet break? Why do we continue to do a certain behavior even when we don't want to? What advice do the coaches have on food choices during prep? How do the coaches feel about a less structured approach vs. a more structured approach to eating during prep? What is a gaintenance phase ?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:36- Habit replacement 9:55- Habits conducive to a successful prep 17:02- The macronater approach vs. a more structured approach to eating during prep 24:04- Temporarily following unsustainable prescriptions even when trying to develop long-term habits 29:05- Advice on food choices during prep 41:30- Listening to your hunger and fullness signals at the end of a contest prep 54:35- Travel habits 58:28- Gaintenance phases 1:06:19- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Jeff, Brad, and Eric discuss how they create athletes' timelines for contest prep, adjust protocols when desired outcomes aren't being met, and modify timelines when things aren't going according to plan.
What do the coaches need to know to plan an athlete's contest prep? What is the athlete's involvement in the creation of their plan? What advice do the coaches have regarding making adjustments to protocols or reworking timelines after you start? When, if ever, do the coaches feel it's appropriate for someone to compete in back-to-back years?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:00- What do the coaches need to know to plan an athlete's contest prep? 9:36- The athlete's involvement in the creation of their plan 21:57- Making adjustments after you start 46:33- Adjusting timelines when things aren't going according to plan 1:04:14- When, if ever, do the coaches feel it's appropriate for someone to compete in back-to-back years?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#181: How To Select Your Ideal Exercises
Jul 01, 2021
Nick and Jeff discuss how to choose which exercises to include in your program, when to switch exercises, and how to transition from one exercise to another.
What three things does Jeff consider when selecting his exercises? Which controversial exercises does Jeff do and why? Could it potentially be beneficial to change your exercises occasionally? How can you determine which rep range to work in for each of your exercises? What are Nick's thoughts on decreasing range of motion when full range of motion causes pain?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode!
0:00- Introduction 2:08- Jeff's controversial exercise selections 17:42- Experiment with different exercises 30:23- How to choose your exercises 50:51- How to transition from one exercise to another 55:42- How to choose your rep ranges 1:02:56- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Andrea, Alberto, and Eric answer 11 audience-supplied questions about protein, training, supplements, contest prep, massing phases, and more.
What are Eric and Alberto's current supplement routines? How do the coaches feel about shorter preps with no refeeds? How can someone decrease the amount of muscle and/or joint soreness they feel after a training session? Is it possible to make muscular gains after 40? How can goal focus impede goal achievement?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode!
0:00- Introduction 1:56- Who is most likely to win in a one-mile race, Alberto or Eric? 9:20- Decreasing muscle and/or joint soreness 16:49- Considerations for resistance training twice a day 22:27- Protein absorption vs. Protein utilization 27:07- How goal focus can impede goal achievement 40:40- Advice for people who never feel ready to compete 51:39- Eric and Alberto's current supplement routines 54:31- Conventional vs. Sumo deadlift 1:03:22- Ideal length of massing phases 1:07:22- How the coaches feel about shorter preps with no refeeds 1:25:04- The possibilities of making muscular gains after 40
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#179: Is Inefficiency Holding You Back?
Jun 03, 2021
Alberto, Eric, and Brad discuss the value of being efficient and how it can help you in your bodybuilding or powerlifting career.
What do the coaches mean by being efficient ? How can being more efficient lead to a longer bodybuilding/powerlifting career? What do the coaches consider to be inefficient ways to diet and train? What programming strategy can a powerlifter use to help them maintain their strength when going through a lower-intensity higher-volume block of training? How have contest-prep diets gotten more efficient over the years?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode!
0:00- Introduction 1:54- How bodybuilders got shredded in 2010 vs. 2021 17:55- The cost of working harder 30:55- Efficiency in powerlifting 50:08- It's okay if it feels easy at times 1:03:47- Signal clarity
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#178: Mastering Stress as a Bodybuilder
May 20, 2021
Amanda, Alberto, and Jeff discuss common sources of stress, adjusting your training according to your life stress, and stress-reducing strategies.
How can contest prep affect one's level of stress? Do Jeff and Alberto find it easier to manage bodybuilding-related stress or nonbodybuilding-related stress? How can you alter your breathing and set intentions to reduce stress? How does misinformation and an I have to be there now mind-set add unnecessary stress?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:20- Nonbodybuilding-related things that cause Alberto and Jeff to feel stressed 7:19- How being in a fat-loss phase can affect our level of stress 15:41- Adjusting your training based on your life stress 30:05- How misinformation can add unnecessary stress 35:28- Do Jeff and Alberto find it easier to manage bodybuilding-related or nonbodybuilding-related stress? 52:34- Strategies for reducing stress 56:31- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Jeff, Brad, and Eric discuss the importance of gaining weight in the off-season and how to get more comfortable with it.
What are the benefits of gaining weight in the off-season? Is having a negative self-perception required for improvement or can someone make progress with a nonnegative view of themself. What advice do the coaches have for those who struggle with a negative body image? How do the coaches help their athletes develop new positive self-talk?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:49- Gaining more weight vs. staying leaner in the off-season 14:22- Having a negative vs. nonnegative self-perception for making improvements 31:40- Advice for those who are struggling with a negative body image 53:24- Having your bodybuilding journey the way you want it 1:07:30- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Alberto, Brad, and Steve discuss the strategies they use and the strategies they have their athletes/clients use to stay on track with their goals when they're struggling with motivation.
Do the coaches always feel like lifting? What strategies do the coaches use to get themselves to do something when they don't feel like it? How can you use visualization to increase your level of excitement for doing something? What do the coaches have their athletes do and focus on to stay motivated when their next show or meet is far away?
Along with answering these questions, Alberto, Brad and, Steve also cover: setting up reward systems, assessing your self-talk, getting your day off to a good start, and more.
0:00- Introduction 1:35- Do the coaches always feel like lifting? 9:42- Make sure the things you're pursuing are *your* goals 13:17- The coaches' motives for training 26:03- What the coaches have their athletes do and focus on to stay motivated when their next show or meet is far away 30:36- Visualization 43:59- Self-talk 56:18- Reward systems 59:59- Setting goals along the way to your long-term goals 1:04:16- Getting the day off to a good start 1:11:35- Strategies the coaches use to get themselves to do something when they don't feel like it 1:16:22- Closing statements
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#175: Blood Flow Restriction Training
Apr 08, 2021
Eric, Nick, and Alberto discuss who can benefit from, when to use, and how to perform blood flow restriction (BFR) training.
What is blood flow restriction training? What has been Alberto's experience (personally and with his athletes) with blood flow restriction training? What has been Nick's experience with blood flow restriction training as a physical therapist? When can powerlifters benefit from BFR training? Which exercises are and aren't a good fit for this type of training?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:45- What is blood flow restriction training? 22:35- Arteriole flow vs. venous flow 33:24- Alberto's experience (personally and with his athletes) with blood flow restriction training 40:07- Nick's experience with blood flow restriction training as a physical therapist 48:21- Using blood flow restriction training as a powerlifter 52:49- Exercise selection 1:00:26- Guidance on number of sets, reps, and load selection 1:02:43- It's socially awkward to do BFR training 1:05:56- Contraindications for BFR 1:09:15- How to begin 1:14:09- Final thoughts and where the research on BFR is going
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Eric, and Alberto discuss how to navigate the overwhelming amount of books, podcasts, and research papers on all of the various health and fitness topics.
What is the coaches' advice when it comes to content consumption? How is consuming content different if you're an athlete vs. if you're a coach? What filters and processes do the coaches use to cut through the noise of the internet? What are some of the most common mistakes the coaches see when it comes to content consumption? What does, Principles move slow, strategies move fast mean?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 8:12- The coaches' advice for content consumption 34:09- It's hard to change your approach when your approach works 46:58- Principles move slow, strategies move fast 56:59- Consuming content as a coach vs. consuming content as an athlete
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#173: Flat, Full or Spilled: Visual Coaching Adjustments
Mar 11, 2021
Brad, Jeff, and Alberto discuss how to assess your physique to help you make adjustments and get the best peak on show day.
For physique updates, do the coaches prefer photos or videos? What are the coaches' thoughts on measuring body parts to track progress? Why do the coaches like to have their athletes refeed? What is the difference between flat, full, and spilled? What data can you use to help you set up your peak-week protocol?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:31- For physique updates, do the coaches prefer photos or videos? Why? 16:06- The coaches' preferred lighting when taking physique pictures or recording a video 21:07- The importance of filming yourself lifting and posing 38:34- Making adjustments 51:46- Peaking 1:01:35- Flat vs. Full vs. Spilled
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Brad, Alberto, and Jeff discuss when, why, and how to minicut.
How do the coaches think about and program minicuts? What are the downsides of aggressive minicuts? Why do the coaches oftentimes prefer a slower approach to fat loss over an aggressive minicut? What are the prerequisites for minicutting? What are the coaches' thoughts on prescribing cardio during a minicut?
The answers to these, plus many more questions about minicuts are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 0:53- Recent changes to how the coaches think about and program minicuts 18:44- The purpose of minicuts 23:52- Aggressive minicuts 32:04- Prerequisites for minicutting 47:34- Body recomposition 52:42- The coaches' thoughts on prescribing cardio during a minicut 1:02:50- Supply and demand
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#171: Perfectionism in Bodybuilding: Is it ever enough?
Feb 11, 2021
Eric, Jeff, and Amanda discuss the dangers of striving to be optimal in your bodybuilding journey.
What problems can occur when trying to be optimal? What can it cost you? How can the fear of missing out affect our decision-making? What strategies can someone use to help them decrease anxiety they are feeling? What are positive sources of fuel someone can use to push themself forward?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:55- The fear of missing out 16:28- Strategies for decreasing anxiety 24:57- Detachment and how Eric and Jeff interact on social media 44:38- The problems that can occur when trying to be optimal 1:13:41- Using wonder, excitement, and self-worth to push yourself forward
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Andrea, Brad, and Alberto conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. They cover questions about bulking, cutting, programming, breaking plateaus, and more.
What should you do if you miss a training session? What are the coaches' thoughts on correcting asymmetries between sides? What should you do if you miss your calorie target for the day when bulking? What are the benefits of a customized program? What do the coaches advise someone do if they gained weight faster than they wanted to after a mini-cut?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:20- What to do if you miss a training session 13:26- Correcting asymmetries between sides 25:06- What to do if you miss your calorie target for the day when bulking 34:00- Coaching, planning for, and training bikini athletes vs. bodybuilders 52:16- Comparing different nutritional approaches for fat loss 1:07:57- The benefits of a customized program and working with a 3DMJ coach 1:16:59- Advice for intermediate lifters who are plateaued 1:26:52- Advice for someone who gained weight faster than they wanted to after a mini-cut
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto and Eric discuss what it's like to be, program for, and coach elite athletes.
What are some programming strategies an advanced bodybuilder or powerlifter can use to help them make progress? How do the coaches define high-quality training? How do the coaches coach big-name athletes? Why is it important for an advanced athlete to adjust their expectations once they reach the advanced stage? What are the coaches' thoughts on what communication should be like between an advanced athlete and their coach?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 9:03- Coaching and programming for elite powerlifters 39:01- Working with big-name athletes 47:07- Making progress as an advanced bodybuilder or powerlifter 1:18:42- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#168: Accomplishing Our Goals in 2021
Dec 31, 2020
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, and Eric discuss their competitive, nutritional, and training-related goals for 2021.
What does Jeff's prep currently look like? How does Eric manipulate his food choices and the weight of his food to help him make weight for powerlifting meets? How does Brad train around pain and manage training-related fatigue? How do the coaches coach themselves?
To hear the coaches' goals for the coming year, how they plan on achieving those goals, and to gather ideas for goals you may want to set, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 2:26- Jeff's competitive goals for 2021 16:08- Brad's competitive goals for 2021 25:23- Eric's competitive goals for 2021 33:16- Eric's nutritional goals for 2021 40:20- Brad's nutritional goals for 2021 48:39- Jeff's nutritional goals for 2021 58:45- Jeff's training goals for 2021 1:04:45- Brad's training goals for 2021 1:13:35- Eric's training goals for 2021
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
What are other forms of progress besides increases in load and added reps? Nick, Brad, and Alberto discuss different kinds of progress and what someone can do if they've plateaued.
How does Alberto continue to make progress this far into his bodybuilding career? What can you do to jump-start progress if you've plateaued in your strength and/or muscle mass? Why does Alberto occasionally like to do high-rep training blocks? What should we take into consideration when choosing our exercises?
If you feel stuck and need new metrics to gauge progress or strategies to help you break past your current sticking point, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 1:28- Different forms of progress 11:18- How Alberto continues to make progress this far into his bodybuilding career 15:16- Exercise selection 25:12- Know yourself and adjust your effort and plan accordingly 50:01- What to do if you're not progressing 58:56- Final tips
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Alberto, Eric, and Andrea discuss the downsides and dangers of contest prep.
In 3DMJ's opinion, what are the prerequisites for competing? What attitudes does someone typically have to develop in order to be a successful competitive bodybuilder? What can life be like after your first prep? When should someone not compete?
In this episode, the group shares their thoughts about and experiences from prepping. If you are considering competing or are a coach who works with new competitors, give this episode a listen for some recommendations.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eric, Brad, and Steve discuss strategies you can use to manipulate your appetite to help you achieve your goals.
How has 3DMJ's approach to nutrition changed over the years? How important is structure when trying to gain weight? If you're struggling to eat enough calories, what are some simple things you can do to increase your appetite and calorie intake? How can you adjust your protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake to make it easier to eat more calories? How does our environment affect our eating behavior? How can someone get better at recognizing when they are hungry and when they are full?
Oftentimes it's not about knowing what to do, but being able to actually do it. This is certainly true in many situations when it comes to eating the required amount of calories for one's goals. Check out this episode for some creative solutions to frustrating plateaus.
0:00- Introduction 7:57- How 3DMJ's approach to nutrition has changed over the years 23:45- A tool for getting more attuned to your body's hunger and fullness signals 29:47- How our environment affects our eating behavior 34:56- The importance of structure when trying to gain weight 48:11- Strategies for increasing your appetite and calorie intake 55:08- The affect of protein, vegetables, and fiber on appetite 1:06:00- Behavioral adjustments that result in weight loss 1:16:27- Being process-oriented vs. outcome-oriented 1:25:24- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eric, Alberto, and Amanda have an in-depth conversation about bingeing. They discuss causes, reactions, and potential solutions.
What is the clinical definition of a binge episode ? What is Intuitive eating and how can it be helpful? What is Eric and Alberto's experience with intuitive eating? What are ways one can develop awareness? What are potential solutions for those struggling with bingeing?
If you're struggling with bingeing or know someone who is, check out this episode for a deeper understanding behind why we binge and steps for resolving the issue.
0:00- Introduction 3:39- The clinical definition of a binge episode 11:25- Potential solutions for those struggling with bingeing 24:17- Intuitive eating 56:29- Strategies for developing awareness 1:07:02- Post-competition strategies 1:21:23- Takeaways
Keys, A., Brozek, J., Henshel, A., Mickelson, O., & Taylor, H.L. (1950). The biology of human starvation, (Vols. 1 2). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#163: Our Coaches' Latest Training Techniques
Oct 22, 2020
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Alberto discuss how they program their athletes' training. The coaches talk about numerous training tools, how they keep their athletes' training fresh, and training quality.
What is Jeff's approach to programming? What has Brad been doing recently to make his athletes' training more enjoyable? What are the coaches' thoughts on taking time off from training in place of a traditional deload? What does high-quality training look like? How do the coaches utilize blood flow restriction training and myo-reps?
The answers to these, plus many more programming-related questions are covered in today's episode. If you're an athlete and/or coach interested in learning more about programming, give today's episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 6:24- How Brad has been making his athletes' training more enjoyable 9:43- Jeff's approach to programming 15:32- Blood flow restriction training 27:51- Not all sets are equal 44:52- Autoregulation, deloads, weeks off 58:26- Myo-reps 1:11:10- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, and Nick discuss insecurities and how they affect our life. They share some of their insecurities, what they do to deal with them, and talk about the benefits of insecurities.
What got Brad, Jeff, and Nick into bodybuilding? Is it normal to have insecurities? How do the coaches create an environment that builds trust? What can our insecurities tell us? How can our insecurities make us a worse bodybuilder? How can they make us a better bodybuilder?
The answers to these questions plus many more are covered in today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:28- What got Brad, Jeff, and Nick into bodybuilding 12:14- Some of Brad, Jeff, and Nick's insecurities 37:11- How to create an environment that builds trust 50:45- The benefits of insecurities 1:04:01- Closing remarks
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#161: Principles of Injury Reduction & Management
Sep 24, 2020
In this episode, Eric, Nick, and Jeff discuss what to do when you're experiencing pain. They talk about what causes injuries, how to modify your training and lifestyle in response to pain, and helpful attitudes to adopt during the recovery process.
What is an injury? How does our capacity in regard to volume and intensity change over time? What happens to our capacity when we get injured? What is the difference between a principle and a tactic? How have Eric, Nick, and Jeff worked around injuries? If you're experiencing pain or have an injury, how can you modify your training to keep you on track with your goals?
The answers to these questions, plus many more are covered in today's episode. To learn about ways to reduce the likelihood of injury and how to manage injuries, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 2:59- What is an injury? 5:11- Principles vs. Tactics 7:13- Supply and demand 23:10- The envelope of function 31:03- If you develop pain, now what? 46:05- Eric, Nick, and Jeff's experiences with working around pain and injury 1:06:41- Identifying the root cause and future programming 1:22:54- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, and Alberto answer a wide variety of questions from the 3DMJ community. Topics covered include: Mini-cuts, refeeds, breaking plateaus, cardio recommendations, estimating your stage weight, and a lot more.
If someone is new to resistance training should they cut, gain, or maintain their weight? Do the coaches prefer their athletes refeed on training or non-training days? What are some potential solutions for those who pass out when doing the Valsalva maneuver? What advice do the coaches have for noncompetitors in regard to bulking and cutting?
The answers to these, plus many more questions are found in today's episode. If you'd like to hear the coaches' thoughts on numerous different nutrition and training-related topics, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 2:40- Solutions for those who pass out when doing the Valsalva maneuver 12:23- When someone is new to resistance training should they cut, bulk, or maintain their weight? 26:39- Cutting and bulking strategies for noncompetitors 41:21- How the coaches estimate the stage weight of first-time competitors 52:59- Cardio recommendations when cutting 1:06:27- When to do your refeed 1:15:44- Adherence, breaking plateaus, water weight
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#159: Natty or Not, We're All Just Lifters
Aug 27, 2020
In this episode, Alberto, Brad, and Andrea discuss the decision all serious lifters face at some point in their journey, whether or not to use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). They talk about why they chose the natural route, why they continue to choose that route, and how the enhanced side of the fitness industry has changed over the last three years.
What have been Brad and Alberto's experiences with being accused of taking performance-enhancing drugs? Has Brad considered using banned substances? How can the coaches tell if someone is natural or not? Why does 3DMJ only work with natural athletes?
If you are contemplating using PEDs or have athletes who are, give this episode a listen to hear a few perspectives on the decision.
0:00- Introduction 1:54- Brad and Alberto's experiences with being accused of taking banned substances 10:41- How the coaches can tell if someone is natural or not 20:27- Why 3DMJ only works with natural athletes 28:03- Why Brad and Alberto decided to stay natural 35:51- Why Brad is continuing to choose to stay natural at this point in his life 44:04- How the enhanced side of the fitness industry has changed over the last three years 49:11- Is Alberto contemplating using performance-enhancing drugs at this point in his life? 1:03:39- Practical takeaways
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#158: Plant-Based Nutrition for Lifters
Aug 13, 2020
In this episode, Eric, Brad, and Steve (the team dietitian) have an in-depth discussion about plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan diets. They cover why people choose to consume a vegetarian or vegan diet, vegetarian diets vs. diets that include animal meat, and key nutrients those consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet need to be mindful of.
Is there any evidence to suggest that a vegetarian or vegan diet is superior for performance compared to an omnivorous diet? What does the research say about saturated fat and cardiovascular disease? What does the research say about soy protein and its affect on hormone levels and sperm count? If you're consuming or thinking about consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet, what nutrients do you need to be mindful of and what supplements may be beneficial?
The answers to these questions plus many more are covered in today's episode. If you're consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet and want to learn more about how to maximize your performance, muscle mass, and health, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 1:33- Why Eric consumes a flexitarian diet 6:59- Interpreting epidemiological studies 15:44- Why people choose to consume a vegetarian or vegan diet 23:21- Nutrients to be mindful of 35:33- Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease 42:04- Whole foods vs. Isolated nutrients 47:19- Creatine supplementation 50:15- Supplements 52:58- Consuming a high-protein diet on a vegan diet 1:01:05- Soy protein 1:08:22- Biased information 1:14:21- Final tips
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Eric, Andrea, and Amanda (the team's mental health consultant) take a close look at confidence. They discuss what it is, what it is not, and how to become more confident.
What is self-efficacy and how can you increase it? What is the difference between confidence and arrogance? What are some of the ways people deal with their insecurities? What is a growth mind-set? How can bodybuilding serve as a vehicle to help someone increase their self-confidence?
Tune in to today's episode to hear the answers to these, plus many related questions.
0:00- Introduction 2:04- What is confidence? 8:31- Self-efficacy 30:02- Arrogance vs. Confidence 36:54- Processing feedback and increasing self-efficacy 50:10- Enjoy the process 1:04:15- Facing your insecurities
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#156: Teaching Lifters How To Move Online
Jul 16, 2020
This episode is the most comprehensive episode to date when it comes to teaching yourself or others how to lift. During the conversation, Eric, Jeff, and Brad discuss the tools and strategies they use to teach their athletes how to lift and pose.
What is the difference between an internal cue and an external cue? When is a good time to use each one? What are the roles of assistance exercises? What is amplifying the error and how can it help someone improve their form? Is it okay to cheat your reps sometimes? What system does Jeff use to determine when he or one of his athletes is ready to add load to an exercise?
The answers to these questions plus many more are covered in today's talk. Whether you're looking to improve your technique or help your clients improve theirs, you're sure to walk away from this episode with numerous methods for how to do so.
0:00- Introduction 3:02- Teaching people how to lift online vs. Teaching people in-person 7:42- Teaching people how to pose online vs. Teaching people in-person 12:45- Teaching powerlifters vs. Teaching bodybuilders 21:55- Perfect form vs. 8/10 form 27:38- Internal vs. External cues 45:31- The role of assistance exercises 54:07- Jeff's system for increasing load on a lift 59:23- Programming strategies to improve form 1:11:31- Takeaways
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Alberto, and Andrea discuss the different divisions of physique sport. They cover how to choose your division, what the judges are evaluating, and how to best present yourself on show day.
What four things are the judges evaluating when you're on stage? Can you be too lean? Is asymmetry between one's left and right side common? What are the coaches' thoughts on men's physique competitors training legs? How far out from a show do the coaches usually have their athletes start practicing their posing?
These questions, plus many more related to physique sport are answered in today's episode. Whether you are new to the stage or you've been competing for decades, you're sure to take away valuable insights from today's conversation.
0:00- Introduction 2:10- How bodybuilding is like a dog show 7:49- What the judges are judging in the bodybuilding division 21:55- The biggest difference between bodybuilding and the other divisions 28:03- Choosing your division 36:57- Do the coaches coach their athletes who compete in nonbodybuilding divisions differently than they coach their bodybuilders? 48:07- Coaching and practicing posing 55:32- Pump up tips 57:41- Poise 1:10:57- We're all still good dogs at the end
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Andrea discuss how the coaches design their athletes' protocols.
What questions do the coaches ask a new athlete before designing their protocol? What details do they want to know? How do they design protocols for athletes who are multiple years away from competing? How do the coaches utilize tracking? What do the coaches think about trying to be as optimal as possible?
Along with covering the ins and outs of how they create protocols, the coaches talk about helpful perspectives they share with their athletes. As alluded to in the title, today's episode is not about what research says is optimal, it's about how to create effective, livable, enjoyable plans.
0:00- Introduction 1:30- How 3DMJ's clientele has changed over the past few years 31:00- How the coaches and the team's dietitian work together 36:28- What the coaches consider when designing an athlete's protocol 1:11:16- Focusing on just the “big rocks” versus trying to be as optimal as possible
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Alberto discuss what to do if your bodybuilding competition has been postponed. The coaches cover altering your game plan, ending your prep prematurely, and an alternative to competing.
What are your options moving forward? What do the coaches think is a good length of time to be in peak conditioning? What was Alberto's experience with staying too lean for too long? What is an open-ended prep? How do the coaches feel about dieting to peak condition twice in the same year?
If your show date has been moved and you're not sure what to do, give this episode a listen for ideas and recommendations.
0:00- Introduction 6:44- Staying in an extremely dieted state for a prolonged period of time 19:35- Ending your prep prematurely 25:41- Alberto's experience with staying too lean for too long 34:35- Athletes who benefit from postponed shows 39:59- An alternative to competing 46:05- Dieting to peak conditioning twice in the same year 57:15- If you're a powerlifter and your meet gets moved
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto, Andrea, and Eric thoroughly discuss the relationship between strength and hypertrophy. They cover programming strategies for physique athletes, how to ensure overload is happening, and the necessity of 1-RM testing.
Is it possible to increase muscle size without increasing your one-rep max? What should you do if you're getting stronger but don't look stronger? How can you program without 1-RM testing? What do the coaches monitor to make sure their bodybuilders are making progress in regard to muscular hypertrophy?
The answers to these questions plus many more are addressed in today's episode. If you have any questions about hypertrophy, programming, or tracking progress, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 4:57- The relationship between strength and hypertrophy 16:12- Using 1 RMs to program 23:57- What the coaches monitor to ensure their bodybuilders are making progress 37:00- How to program without 1 RMs 44:44- Should a bodybuilder ever go to failure when testing? 46:17- Programming strategies for advanced competitors 1:02:49- What to do if you're getting stronger but don't look stronger
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Eric, Alberto, and Nick discuss how to efficiently and effectively transition from your home training routine to your pre-quarantine routine once gyms reopen.
Where is a good starting spot for volume? Where is a good starting spot for intensity? How is Alberto going to go about his first week back in the gym? What does science say about muscle memory ? How can you reduce your likelihood of experiencing a counterproductive amount of muscle damage?
Along with answering all of these questions and more, this episode contains a case study on Alberto covering what his reacclimation process could look like.
0:00- Introduction 9:13- Case study: Alberto Nuñez 15:01- The science on muscle memory 21:49- Starting point recommendations for volume 42:51- What the group thinks gyms will be like when they reopen 47:13- Your first week back 1:04:05- Don't be afraid
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Thank you for your support over the past 150 episodes! As a way to show our appreciation, Jeff and Eric answer a collection of your questions in today's episode.
What can you do if you've regained all the weight you lost during prep, but are still struggling with controlling your appetite? How can you train effectively with resistance bands? What is the rationale behind myo-reps and how do you perform them? What is the rationale behind blood flow restriction training and how do you perform it? What training advice do the coaches have for powerlifters who are only concerned with increasing their one-rep maxes, but have limited equipment?
The answers to these, plus many more questions are covered in this episode. If you enjoy learning about training and want to expand your metaphorical toolbox, you're going to love today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:20- I've regained all the weight I lost during prep, but am still struggling with controlling my appetite. Why? What can I do? 40:52- How to effectively train with resistance bands 48:02- Myo-reps 55:12- Blood flow restriction (BFR) training 1:01:26- When to use myo-reps and blood flow restriction training 1:05:23- Advice on training during lockdown for powerlifters whose only concern is increasing their one-rep maxes 1:19:00- Is there any sound rationale behind using cardiovascular training alongside your resistance training as a way to enhance your overall results? (In regard to muscular hypertrophy) 1:34:36- Is the limiting factor to a hardgainer putting on muscle their inability to recover from their volume requirements?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto, Brad, and Jeff discuss how to set yourself up for a successful prep.
How can you accurately determine how much weight you need to lose? What simple formula can help you estimate the length of your prep? How far out from your show do the coaches recommend you start working with a coach? If you've never competed before, what do the coaches recommend you do before your first show to help you get a better feel for what bodybuilding competitions are like?
The answers to these, plus many more pre-prep questions are covered in today's episode. Whether this is your first, fifth, or tenth show, you're sure to find value in the ideas and recommendations talked about in this episode.
0:00- Introduction 4:02- Determining how much weight you need to lose and the length of your prep 14:57- The importance of giving yourself enough time and developing a good coach-client relationship 27:23- Choosing a coach 49:05- The value of going to a show before you compete 58:46- Closing thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Steve (the team dietitian) discuss factors that play huge roles in your ability to be a successful bodybuilder. The coaches discuss how to take the evidenced-based guidelines many of us are familiar with and put them into practice.
What do the coaches do to help their athletes minimize stress? How can you set your environment up to support your goals? How can you reduce the chance of burnout?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in today's episode. If you've been struggling with putting recommendations into practice or the mental effort required to execute your plan is higher than you would like it to be, this episode is for you.
0:00- Introduction 1:56- Something that can help you maximize progress and minimize stress 9:25- The balancing of flexibility with rigidity 22:08- What the coaches do to minimize stress in their athlete's lives 30:50- Learning to look internally 38:23- How to set up your environment to support your goals 1:05:58- Realistic goals and sacrifice
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
BONUS EPISODE – Coronavirus: One Rep at a Time
Mar 23, 2020
In this episode, all four coaches (Jeff, Eric, Brad, and Alberto) share their thoughts and feelings about the current coronavirus pandemic. They talk about recent experiences they've had, their perspectives, and how you can modify your training program during this time.
What are the benefits of continuing your prep if your show has been cancelled? What is the value of mediating on the worst-case scenario? If you only want to purchase one piece of exercise equipment during this time, what do the coaches recommend you get? In what ways do the coaches think this will ultimately make all of us better?
Along with providing ideas on how you can set up your training with limited equipment, the coaches' discussion provides a feeling of relief during these uncertain times.
0:00- Introduction 2:30- Eric's recent trip to Costa Rica 7:56- Brad, Jeff, and Alberto's thoughts and feelings about the current situation 31:53- Focusing on the present 44:50- The value of meditating on the worst-case scenario 50:09- Ways you can modify your training if you don't have a home gym 1:01:36- Building resiliency 1:20:19- Coming out better on the other side
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Eric, Alberto, and Amanda (the team mental health consultant) thoroughly examine body dysmorphia. The group discuss what it is, who it affects, and what you can do if you're suffering from it.
How can someone manage behaviors that have both negative and positive roles in their life? Why does someone continue to do something they don't want to do? How can visualization be helpful? How can one's attitudes affect the length of their bodybuilding career?
The answers to these, plus many more questions related to body dysmorphia are covered in today's episode. If you're a physique athlete, a coach who works with physique athletes, or you are someone struggling with body dysmorphia, give this episode a listen for some information on the subject and guidance on what you can do.
0:00- Introduction 4:18- Clinical definition of body dysmorphia 12:02- Managing behaviors that have negative and positive roles in one's life 34:02- Identifying the functionality of problematic behaviors 41:23- The effects of attitudes and bodybuilding vs. team sports 1:05:20- Simplifying your bodybuilding 1:11:06- Reducing your physique checks 1:23:41- What to do if you're struggling with body dysmorphia
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto, Eric, and Brad discuss how powerlifting has changed over the past decade and how they coach their powerlifters differently than they used to.
What were the dark days of daily undulating periodization? What is the lost element of powerlifting? How do the coaches program differently for their athletes than they did five years ago? What key component of muscle growth is commonly insufficient in powerlifters?
These questions, plus comments on why drug-tested powerlifting has blown up, anecdote-derived strategies, exercise selection, and much more are covered in today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 2:10- The biggest changes the coaches have seen in their powerlifters over the last few years 9:02- How the coaches programming has changed over the past few years 22:03- Why drug-tested powerlifting has blown up 27:30- How novice powerlifters and powerlifting have changed over the past decade 38:30- How the coaches program differently for their athletes than they did five years ago 1:00:38- The lost element of powerlifting 1:07:58- Anecdote-derived strategies and attempt selection
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Nick (the team injury reduction and management specialist) discuss the current state of the fitness and health-care industries. They cover how trust is formed, present issues with content creation and social media, and how to discern credible from uncredible sources of information.
What are red flags to watch out for when deciding whether or not to work with someone or buy a particular product? What signs indicate someone is being honest? How do critical thinking and emotions play roles in the formation of trust? What tips does the group have for content creators?
The answers to these, plus many more related questions are covered in today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 1:58- Differentiating the fitness industry from the health-care industry 4:21- Trust, emotions, critical thinking, and the future of health care 32:43- The current state of content creation and social media 1:07:44- How to discern credible from uncredible sources of information 1:23:23- Tips for content creators
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Alberto discuss how to have a successful off-season. The coaches talk about common off-season errors, factors that are conducive for a good off-season, and times they've gotten it right and wrong.
Where should your body weight be in the off-season? How long should your off-season be? What is a common cause of someone spinning their wheels ? How is delayed gratification relevant to a bodybuilder in their off-season?
The answers to these, plus many more off-season-related questions are covered in today's episode. If you're just beginning your off-season or thinking about bailing prematurely, give this episode a listen for some suggestions and motivation.
0:00- Introduction 1:19- Common off-season errors 21:35- How the coaches help their athletes determine where their body weight should be in the off-season 41:30- How the coaches structure an off-season for someone who competes every other year 54:55- Jeff's good off-seasons, his bad off-seasons, and his current approach 1:04:26- Training in the off-season
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Jeff, Brad and Eric begin with an in-depth discussion about how refeeds originated, and how they were initially practiced based on anecdotal feedback.
The guys then get into the real science of refeeds and the intricate relationships between energy intake, energy expenditure, appetite, and hormonal feedback.
And finally, they end the episode with some practical takeaways discussing exactly how they prescribe refeeds for their competitors, and what they consider when creating nutritional plans for them at different points in the season.
0:00- Introduction 1:22- The origin of refeeds 7:15- The benefits of refeeds 18:34- The science on refeeds 1:01:45- How do the coaches prescribe refeeds to their athletes 1:22:32- Potential downsides of refeeds
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Eric discuss where to start if you're overweight, obese, skinny-fat , or later in life, and you are interested in competing in bodybuilding.
What nutritional suggestions does the group have for people who are overweight or obese? What is skinny-fat ? What are the reasons someone can be skinny-fat ? What are some solutions? If you're 40-years-old and you are just now thinking about lifting weights and competing in bodybuilding, is it too late? Can you still make good progress?
Spoiler alert, the uplifting theme from this episode is, regardless of where you are in your life right now, as long as you're physically able to, it's never too late to start lifting weights or competing in bodybuilding. If you find yourself in one of the categories mentioned in the first paragraph, give this episode a listen for some helpful suggestions and encouraging words.
0:00- Introduction 2:07- Where to start if you're overweight or obese, you're just getting into lifting, and you want to compete in bodybuilding 41:07- Nutritional suggestions for people who are overweight or obese 51:26- Where to start if you're skinny-fat , you're just getting into lifting, and you want to compete in bodybuilding 1:22:18- It's never too late to start lifting
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#141: Contest Prep Case Study: Jeff Alberts' 2019 Season
Dec 19, 2019
In this episode, Jeff, Brad, and Eric reflect on Jeff's 2019 bodybuilding season. The coaches break down his fourteen-month prep from start to finish, how he handled various situations, what aspects could have been better, and what kept him going through his marathon prep.
How has Jeff and Brad's training changed as they've gotten older? What aspects of Jeff's prep really started to wear on him at the end? How does Jeff feel about his season in hindsight? How is Jeff handling his recovery period? Does Jeff think he will prep again?
The answers to these questions plus many more related to Jeff's prep are covered in today's episode. Regardless of where you are in your bodybuilding journey, this episode is sure to provide you with many useful insights that will help you get closer to reaching your goals.
0:00- Introduction 2:57- The start of Jeff's prep 8:33- How Jeff and Brad's training has changed as they've gotten older 30:31- The art of bodybuilding 39:29- The effect of stress on peaking 49:30- How Jeff handled his family vacations during prep 55:44- The aspects of prep that really started to wear on Jeff at the end of prep 1:08:02- How Jeff feels about his season in hindsight 1:17:54- The things Jeff wants to improve on 1:20:02- How Jeff is handling his recovery period 1:27:58- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, and Alberto conduct an audience-sourced Q&A session. The topics covered include: deloading, measuring progress, constipation when dieting, programming recommendations, and more.
Is it possible to shape your muscles without gaining muscle tissue? Does reducing cardio create enough of a deload to offset an increase in stress outside of the gym? What are the coaches' thoughts on deloading body parts individually (as opposed to the whole system) in response to fatigue? Do the coaches feel all of the evidence-based recommendations floating around will lead many competitors and aspiring competitors to quit the sport of bodybuilding early because of burnout?
The answers to these, plus many other related questions are covered in today's episode.
0:00- Introduction 5:03- Is it possible to shape your muscles without gaining muscle tissue? 18:28- Does reducing cardio create enough of a deload to offset an increase in stress outside of the gym? 30:20- Is there a difference between longer and shorter sets in regard to their effect on muscular hypertrophy? 39:58- Do the coaches feel all of the evidence-based recommendations floating around will lead many competitors and aspiring competitors to quit the sport of bodybuilding early because of burnout? 54:30- How to deal with constipation when dieting 1:03:03- What are the coaches' guidelines for reducing volume as intensity is increased? 1:11:20- What are the coaches' thoughts on deloading body parts individually (as opposed to the whole system) in response to fatigue?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto and Eric sit down with Nick (the team's injury reduction & management specialist) to discuss physical therapy, popular modalities for pain relief, and pain itself.
What is pain? What do we really know about the different modalities for pain relief? Does joint manipulation work? What are Nick's thoughts on foam rolling? What should you consider when deciding your course of action?
The answers to these, plus many related questions are covered in today's episode. If you want to have a greater understanding of pain, physical therapy, and common treatment strategies, give this episode a listen.
0:00- Introduction 8:43- The quality of the research used to inform physical therapy practice 18:32- How Nick explains modalities where the reason(s) for their effectiveness is unknown 29:53- Joint manipulation 40:11- Chiropractors' scope of practice 51:07- Foam rolling 57:18- What to consider when deciding your course of action 1:37:23- Summary
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, and Nick (the team's injury reduction & management specialist) discuss how they balance bodybuilding with being a dad. The guys talk about how they approach bodybuilding differently now since becoming dads and share strategies they've adopted to help them stay on track with their bodybuilding goals.
How did Brad, Jeff, and Nick handle their training when they first became dads? What piece of advice did Jeff receive from a fellow competitor that has shaped the way he preps? How have Brad and Jeff handled vacations when prepping?
The answers to these questions, plus many hilarious and insightful stories are shared in today's episode. If you're a dad, planning on becoming a dad, or coach athletes who have kids, be sure to check out this episode.
1:59- How Brad, Jeff, and Nick handled their training when they first became dads 14:45- How Brad and Jeff have handled vacations when prepping 36:59- How Brad and Jeff have approached bodybuilding differently since becoming dads 1:04:35- Focus on being practical 1:13:26- The importance of communicating aspects of your prep to those closest to you
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Alberto, and Jeff discuss the pitfalls of having a big ego and importance of self-confidence. Thinking you are the man and being close-minded can cost you big time in your bodybuilding/powerlifting career, but so can constantly talking down to yourself.
When have the coaches' egos cost them progress? What lesson did Jeff learn from tearing his calf? What does Brad regret about his early days? Which athletes tend to do the best long-term? How can you break through to someone who has a big ego? How important is self-confidence as a coach or athlete?
The answers to these questions, plus many personal examples of the coaches' egos leading them to downfalls are covered in today's episode. If you lift weights at all or coach those who do, the insights shared in this episode are sure to be valuable.
3:02- Times when the coaches' egos got in their way 26:36- How to break through to someone who has a big ego 44:05- The importance of having self-confidence 55:16- The current status of the coaches' egos
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#136: Contest Prep Case Study: Eric Helms' 2019 Season
Oct 10, 2019
In this episode, Eric and Alberto reflect on Eric's 2019 bodybuilding season. The coaches examine many different aspects of Eric's prep and compare them to seasons prior.
In regard to difficulty, how did this season compare to previous seasons? What did the hardest periods of Eric's prep look like and how long did they last? How did Eric's prep affect his personal life? Why did Eric decide to end his season? Does he have any regrets? How did Alberto and Eric's relationship change (as coach and athlete) throughout the season?
The answers to these, plus many more prep-related questions are covered in today's episode. If you are currently prepping, thinking about competing, or coach those who do, this episode is loaded with insights relevant to your situation.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#135: Transitioning Away From Tracking
Sep 26, 2019
Are you tired of tracking your macronutrient/calorie intake? Are you interested in learning about how you can achieve your goals without tracking? In this episode, Eric and Steve (the team dietitian) share their experience with transitioning away from tracking and how they help others do the same.
What are the benefits of not tracking? How does Steve utilize tracking in his practice? In what situations can not tracking be more optimal? How can you differentiate a craving from physical hunger? What are some of the most common hunger sensations? What does satisfied feel like?
The answers to these, plus many more related questions are covered in today's episode. Whether you are a coach, bodybuilder, powerlifter, or someone who just likes to eat and lift weights, this episode contains information and strategies you can use to help you achieve your strength and physique goals.
3:40- Eric and Steve's experience with transitioning away from tracking 10:55- How Steve utilizes tracking in his practice 40:24- Common hunger sensations 48:17- How to differentiate a craving from physical hunger 1:03:11- Just try it 1:15:56- It is possible to decrease the amount of time you spend thinking about your diet and macronutrient/calorie intake 1:23:50- Hunger-Fullness Scale 1:45:15- What satisfied feels like
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto, Jeff, and Brad discuss how cardio methodology has changed over the last 30 years and how they now prescribe cardio to themselves and their athletes during prep and the off-season.
What is the coaches’ preferred method of cardio during prep? Which methods do they advise against? What are the benefits of doing cardio in the off-season? What are the potential downsides? When can it be more beneficial to increase expenditure as opposed to decreasing caloric intake?
Check out today's episode to find out the answers to these, plus many more cardio-related questions!
1:34- Introduction 8:02- How cardio methodology has changed over the last 30 years 18:28- Off-season cardio 28:39- How the coaches prescribe cardio to themselves and their athletes during prep 56:23- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Eric, and Amanda (the team's mental health consultant) discuss a variety of topics related to coaching others and being coached. The group explores the qualities of a top-tier coach-client relationship, the importance of self-awareness, vetting coaches, how to be a good coach, and how to be a good client.
How can having the mind-set, I'll do anything, just tell me what to do cause problems? How can someone learn to be more trusting of others? How can having the attitude of, Being okay with not being okay be helpful? When should someone end a coach-client relationship?
The answers to these, plus many more questions are covered in today's episode. Whether you are a coach looking to sharpen your coaching skills or an athlete wanting to learn how you can be a better client, this episode is packed with useful information and tips to help you in your pursuit.
3:18- How to figure out where a client is in regard to their motivation and willingness to change 23:11- Ways an athlete can develop a greater understanding of themselves 30:46- How having the attitude of, I'll do anything, just tell me what to do can cause problems 35:29- How to vet a coach 1:05:04- How to be a good coach 1:31:11- How to become more trusting of others 1:34:03- When to end a coach-client relationship 1:44:02- Recap and final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#132: Unconventional Nutrition Advice
Aug 15, 2019
In this episode, Brad, Alberto, and Eric discuss a variety of topics related to nutrition, mind-set, fat loss, and contest prep.
What abnormal eating behaviors have the coaches seen cause issues during prep? What are the beneficial aspects of following a traditional bodybuilding diet when prepping? What does it mean to accept the suck and how can this be helpful? What problems can arise from seeking the suck ? What was Alberto and Eric's motto during their 2011 contest prep? What do the coaches do differently now, as coaches, then they did before?
The answers to these, plus many more questions are covered in the episode. Regardless if you're a coach, amateur, intermediate, or professional bodybuilder, you're sure to pick up useful information from today's conversation.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#131: Building Something That Matters: From Competition to Community
Aug 01, 2019
In this episode, Eric, Alberto, and Jeff step back in time to discuss the history of Muscle Mayhem (a distinguished natural bodybuilding show) and the origin of 3D Muscle Journey.
The coaches start in 1999, then progress chronologically to today, detailing their bodybuilding careers and the experiences that bonded them. They cover highs, lows, memorable moments, and events that significantly advanced both the show and the company.
If you're interested in learning about the coaches' competition history, the story behind Muscle Mayhem, why it's so popular, and why it means so much to the coaches, check out today's episode.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Brad, and Alberto sit down for another community-sourced Q&A session. The questions discussed in today's episode span a variety of topics, including: fat loss, muscle growth, muscle and strength maintenance, and balancing resistance training with cardiovascular training.
What is the coaches' recommended length for a cut? If someone's primary goal is hypertrophy, is doing a mini-cut prior to summer okay or will that negatively impact their progress? Is it possible to maintain your muscle mass with only fifty percent of your usual volume? For someone who needs to consume a lot of calories per day (4,000+), how should they setup their diet in regard to their protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake?
Check out the episode for the coaches' answers to these, plus many more questions.
2:49- What is the coaches' recommended length for a cut? What's the longest someone should cut for? 11:54- If someone's primary goal is hypertrophy, is doing a mini-cut prior to summer okay or will that negatively impact their progress? 16:46- How much volume is required to maintain strength and/or muscle mass? 33:55- In regard to resistance training, how does 3DMJ program for athletes who do a seasonal sport or perform a high-level of cardiovascular activity? 43:46- For someone who needs to consume a lot of calories per day (4,000+), how should they setup their diet in regard to their protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake? 51:48- What are the coaches' thoughts on 24-hour versus 48-hour refeeds?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Eric, Brad, Jeff, and Alberto collaboratively answer four community-sourced questions concerning the post-show recovery period. The questions span a variety of topics and are addressed from physiological, psychological, sociological, and behavioral points of view.
What is the physiological rationale behind why bodybuilders struggle with overeating post show? How can you get reconnected with your hunger and fullness sensations if you're struggling with recognizing them? What strategies can you use to get your caffeine intake back to a reasonable amount post show? If you are struggling emotionally with post-show weight gain, what can you do to feel better?
The coaches answer these, plus many other useful questions in today's episode. If you are thinking about prepping, currently prepping, post-prep, or a coach who works with physique competitors, check out this episode for a ton of effective strategies and helpful information.
3:08- How to recover from a contest prep when you're having trouble identifying when you're full 16:07- How to get back to a reasonable caffeine intake after prep 22:43- Advice for those struggling with post-show weight gain 41:04- How to communicate your bodybuilding lifestyle to your loved ones
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#128: Finding a Way Forward: Pain Management and Injury Prevention
Jun 20, 2019
In this episode, Andrea and Eric welcome the newest member of the 3DMJ team, Dr. Nicholas Licameli. Nick is a doctor of physical therapy, professional natural bodybuilder, and the team's injury reduction and management specialist.
Throughout the episode, the group discuss a host of topics related to injury prevention, pain management, and recovery. Questions covered include: What is pain? How can you tell the difference between pain you can address and pain you should get evaluated by a medical professional? When is it time to hang up an exercise? Where can you find a good doctor?
Along with answering a ton of important questions, this episode contains a multitude of good resources for bodybuilders, powerlifters, noncompetitive lifters, and coaches who want to learn more about injury prevention and pain management.
1:37- Introduction 3:51- Assessing strength athletes and bodybuilders vs. Assessing the general population 8:36- How Nick's experience and education have changed the way he views exercise 23:03- What pain is 29:29- The difference between pain you can address and pain you should get evaluated by a medical professional 50:22- Clinical Athlete 54:18- Good resources 1:00:22- Where to start if you're having pain and want professional help 1:03:50- When it's time to hang up an exercise 1:25:15- Tips for preventing injuries
Jacob Templar's Instagram- @strengthinevidence_physio
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Brad, and Jeff discuss details that matter if you want to be a high-level athlete. Along with covering specific commonly overlooked details, they discuss general practices that every aspiring high-level athlete should adopt to ensure they look and perform their best on meet or show day.
If you're training for a meet, should you pause the bar on your chest when benching? How important is posing practice? Why does meal timing matter during contest prep? How do your clothes and shoes affect your training? What can you do to reduce anxiety prior to a show or meet?
Throughout the episode, Andrea, Brad, and Jeff share strategies they use to assure they execute their game plan the way they need to for their goals. They also talk about times they were overly focused on details that didn't matter and how you can identify which details matter for your goals.
1:26- Introduction 4:36- Commonly overlooked details in bodybuilding and powerlifting 35:45- The importance of context, being prepared, the right clothes, and meal timing 1:10:25- Figuring out your details
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#126: MASS Insights w/ Greg Nuckols & Mike Zourdos
May 23, 2019
Today's episode is a special edition of the 3DMJ Podcast in which you will hear three separate discussions by Eric Helms, and special guests Greg Nuckols and Mike Zourdos.
The first discussion titled, A Glimmer Of Hope For Weekend Warriors led by Greg Nuckols, addresses a study which looked at consecutive versus nonconsecutive training days and the differences (or lack of) in progress between two splits. The second discussion, If It Fits Your Macros May Be Better For Your Micros Too led by Eric Helms, is about a study which looked at the differences in micronutrient intake between individuals following a traditional bodybuilding diet and those following an IIFYM approach. The final discussion, Intra-Session Load Reduction: Same Gains, Less Effort led by Mike Zourdos, examines a study which looked at planned load reductions as a strategy to increase training volume while decreasing perception of effort.
This episode is packed with takeaways valuable to all strength and physique athletes, coaches, and bodybuilding/powerlifting enthusiasts. Not only will you get the practical application of these three studies, you will also get an inside look into the thought processes behind why Eric, Greg, and Mike came to the conclusions they did.
2:49- A Glimmer Of Hope For Weekend Warriors (Greg Nuckols & Eric Helms) 17:38- If It Fits Your Macros May Be Better For Your Micros Too (Eric Helms, Mike Zourdos, & Greg Nuckols) 30:27- Intra-Session Load Reduction: Same Gains, Less Effort (Mike Zourdos, Greg Nuckols, & Eric Helms)
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea and Eric are joined by the team's mental health consultant, Amanda Rizo, to discuss bodybuilding's impact on a person's relationships.
The group examines bodybuilding's affect on a person's relationships from multiple points of view, including: how the desire for optimality can cause a person to isolate themselves and the dangers of this, and how and why adopting a bodybuilding lifestyle can result in undesirable responses from those closest to us.
Along with discussing how and why bodybuilding can impact a person's relationships, the group also discusses what someone can do if they realize they have damaged their relationships and want to repair them. Today's conversation and the tips found within it are useful for every bodybuilder and coach, regardless of where they are in their bodybuilding journey.
4:27- How to identify loneliness 27:13- How to include someone on your bodybuilding journey 1:22:36- If you're ready to change, places you can start and ways to gain additional perspective
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#124: Bodybuilding Tales From the Trenches
Apr 25, 2019
In this episode, Jeff, Andrea, Brad, Eric, and special guest Omar Isuf share stories that provide an inside look into what a bodybuilding contest prep is really like.
What are the most outrageous things they have done or have had clients do while prepping? How has bodybuilding helped them deal with life-changing events? How has bodybuilding positively impacted each of their lives?
Today's episode is perhaps the funniest episode of the 3DMJ Podcast to date. It is packed with hilarious stories that will not only have you on the floor laughing, but also deliver important messages that can benefit any competitive bodybuilder, person considering competing, or coach. If that's you, you don't want to miss this amusing and insightful episode.
0:00- Introduction 10:35- Why striated glutes are the typical marker for stage readiness 21:00- Bodybuilding war stories 55:58- Why the period immediately following prep can be harder than prep itself 1:12:52- Funny prep stories 1:43:40- How bodybuilding has positively impacted Andrea, Jeff, Brad, and Eric's life
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#123: Jeff Alberts' 2019 Contest Prep Update
Apr 11, 2019
In today's episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Jeff closely examine Jeff's 2019 contest prep. Along with dissecting Jeff's current nutrition, training, and cardio protocols, Jeff elaborates on why he aborted his 2018 contest prep and how his mind-set toward bodybuilding has changed over the last 15 years.
What does Jeff consider the pinnacle of his bodybuilding career so far? How has Jeff modified his training to work around injuries? What is Jeff's attitude toward food and hunger this prep? What did he do prior to prep to regain muscle he lost due to injuries?
This episode contains insights and anecdotes from the life of Jeff Alberts that any competitor, noncompetitor, or coach can take value from. To get an inside look into the contest prep and life of one of the most experienced natural bodybuilders in the game, check out today's episode.
2:12- Jeff's first planned show of 2019 and what he considers the pinnacle of his bodybuilding career so far 9:07- What Jeff's last 1½ years have looked like 35:14- Jeff's height, weight, current cardio protocol, and current macronutrient protocol 49:39- When Jeff loses his sh*t and Jeff's attitude toward food and hunger this prep 1:07:17- How Jeff's approach to prep is different than it was 15 years ago 1:14:30- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#122: Sustainable Body Comp Management
Mar 28, 2019
In this episode, Andrea and Eric talk with Steve Taylor (the team dietitian) about how to achieve sustainable results. The group discuss methods, strategies, and attitudes that facilitate the process of goal achievement and increase the likelihood results will be maintained once they are reached.
How does your emotional state affect your decision-making? How can you create an environment that supports your success? When building a nutrition plan for yourself or your clients, what non-nutritional factors should this plan be designed around? If you are burned-out on your current training routine, what can you do to increase your enjoyment?
If you are someone who wants to lose body fat and keep it off long-term, a competitive athlete looking for strategies to help you manage your body composition in the off-season, or a coach who works with either of these populations, this episode is packed with lots of great information you can apply immediately to your situation.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Alberto, Brad, and Andrea discuss the 3DMJ coaching practice and how it has evolved over the last year. They discuss new strategies they are using and what they have learned since starting 3DMJ's newest coaching service.
What do the coaches prescribe now that they would never have prescribed a year ago? What are the coaches more flexible with now? What are they more aggressive with now? How have they altered their nutritional prescriptions? How have they altered their resistance training programming?
Along with answering all of the above questions in their typical conversational style, the coaches also discuss myo-reps, feeder workouts , and the benefits of heavy singles. If you are a coach with your own coaching practice or someone who has considered working with 3DMJ, we think you'll really enjoy today's episode.
2:30- What the new off-season/general population coaching service is like and what the coaches have learned since starting it 29:13- Changes the coaches have made to their bodybuilding coaching practice over the last year 1:02:56- Changes the coaches have made to their powerlifting coaching practice over the last year
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Alberto, and Andrea finish off season 12 of the 3DMJ Podcast with a crowd-sourced Q&A. The team answers eight questions related to training, coaching, the fitness industry, and detaching your physique from your self-worth.
In this Q&A, you will hear about the biggest changes the team foresees happening in bodybuilding/the fitness industry over the next five years, how to encourage an athlete to challenge themselves in the gym, tips for bringing up a lagging upper body, myo-reps, the phenomenon known as muscle maturity , and the necessity (or lack of) of vertical pressing for bodybuilders.
Today's episode is packed with lots of great information and tips for lifters of every experience level. Grab your popcorn, sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation.
3:21- What do the coaches think will be the biggest changes in bodybuilding/the fitness industry over the next five years? 18:18- For bodybuilders, is vertical pressing mandatory or are lateral raises and rear delt exercises sufficient? 27:31- How to encourage an athlete to challenge their strength 42:00- Tips for bringing up a lagging upper body (when compared to one's lower body) 50:24- What are myo-reps? How do you count volume for myo-reps? 1:01:45- How to detach your physique from your self-worth 1:20:18- Is there any science to explain the phenomenon of muscle maturity ? 1:28:12- How can self-coached individuals ensure they have good form on the big movements?
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#119: Eric Helms’ 2019 Contest Prep Update
Jan 24, 2019
Eric is about to hit the stage for the first time since 2011 and what better way to describe his thoughts about the experience than a deep conservation with his colleagues and friends.
In this episode, Eric, Andrea, and Alberto discuss many different aspects of Eric's 2019 contest prep. Topics covered include: Eric's motives for competing, what his prep has looked like so far, Alberto's role in Eric's prep, Eric's current and future nutritional strategies, and many more.
Along with thoroughly examining Eric's prep, the group spends a large portion of the episode talking about autoregulated dieting, the benefits of this approach, and the cost of rigidly adhering to specific macros.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#118: What First-Time Bodybuilders Need To Know
Jan 17, 2019
In this episode, Alberto interviews coach, powerlifter, and professional natural bodybuilder, Brian Minor. Brian and Alberto discuss in detail the things a first-time competitor should expect during their contest prep.
The coaches cover many important topics, including: how contest prep can affect your relationships, how to mitigate food focus, how prep affects your training, and the irreplaceable component of giving yourself enough time to prep.
Along with addressing the various things first-time competitors should expect, Brian and Alberto cover what coaches who work with first-time competitors can expect, and how they can best support their athletes. If you are in the midst of your first prep, thinking about beginning your first prep, or you're a coach who works with first-time competitors, we think you'll gain many valuable insights and tips from today's episode.
0:58- Introduction 2:58- Coaching first-time competitors 9:50- What to expect as a first-time competitor 29:40- How contest prep can affect your relationships 42:14- Prep's affect on your training 52:34- Brain's ideal coach-athlete relationship 1:04:33- Closing remarks
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#117: Eating Behaviors in Physique Sports
Jan 10, 2019
In this episode, Eric Helms interviews Steve Taylor (the team registered dietitian) and Amanda Rizo (the team mental health consultant) about the issues of disordered eating and eating disorders in physique sports.
What is the difference between disordered eating and eating disorders? What is the connection between physique sports and disordered eating/eating disorders? What does therapy look like? What are treatment options for someone who has (or may have) an eating disorder?
Along with answering all of the above questions, Eric, Steve, and Amanda spend a good portion of the episode describing strategies someone can use to help them alleviate/eliminate disordered eating behaviors. Along with covering these strategies, they also discuss what the next step is if these strategies aren't effective at eliminating the undesired behaviors.
1:45- Introduction 4:43- The difference between disordered eating and eating disorders 6:38- The connection between physique sports and disordered eating/eating disorders 21:06- The connection between disordered eating/eating disorders and body image issues 38:13- What therapy looks like and treatment options 53:33- Strategies to help alleviate/eliminate disordered eating 1:10:43- Final thoughts
Steve Taylor's Instagram, YouTube, & Facebook- stevetaylorRD
Amanda Rizo's Instagram- rizomonster
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Jeff, Alberto, and Eric are gathered together in person for an audience-sourced Q&A.
What are the coaches' thoughts on intermittent fasting? Can pulling sumo help increase your conventional deadlift? What strategies can someone use to bring up a lagging body part? Does nutrition affect where you store fat or are fat storage patterns purely genetic?
These, plus many other topics relevant to strength and physique athletes are covered in today's episode. If you enjoy expanding your knowledge of nutrition and training, we think you'll really enjoy this Q&A.
1:40- Can pulling sumo help increase your conventional deadlift? If so, how? 7:33- Tips for bringing up a lagging body part 19:29- Tips for progressing in the gym and methods for monitoring progress 38:13- Recommendations on refeed usage 58:15- Does nutrition affect where you store fat or are fat storage patterns purely genetic? 1:03:33- Thoughts on intermittent fasting
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#115: How Our Business Operates in 2019
Dec 27, 2018
For the final episode of 2018, Jeff, Eric, and Andrea reflect on how the coaches' roles have changed over the last nine years and elaborate on what their roles are now.
This episode is full of personal anecdotes about the coaches' past failures, hard times, and weaknesses, all of which have led the coaches to roles they have now. Intertwined with these stories, the coaches discuss benefits of not blowing up , the value of experience, and talk about advice they would give their younger selves.
If you are a coach, content creator, or anyone else in the fitness industry who is trying to turn what you love to do into a career, give this episode a listen for some valuable insight and suggestions.
1:57- How the coaches' roles have changed over the last nine years 29:58- Andrea's role 36:19- Jeff's role 54:41- Eric's typical day 58:41- Advice the coaches would give their younger selves
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#114: Program Individualization with Mike Tuchscherer, Bryce Lewis, & Greg Nuckols
Dec 20, 2018
In this episode, Eric Helms sits down with Greg Nuckols, Bryce Lewis, and Mike Tuchscherer to discuss Emerging Strategies. Emerging Strategies is a system invented by Mike that is designed to help athletes discover which styles of training they respond best to.
The group start their conversation by covering what Emerging Strategies is and how it works. After a brief overview of the system, Eric, Greg, and Bryce describe the potential weaknesses they see in the system, then ask Mike for his thoughts on these potential weaknesses. Finally, the group end their conversation by describing potential ways to improve the Emerging Strategies framework.
If you enjoy learning about programming and methods for finding the best individualized approach to training, you're sure to enjoy today's episode on this cutting-edge system.
1:38- A summary of Mike Tuchscherer's Emerging Strategies system 4:23- Potential weaknesses of Emerging Strategies 40:09- Potential ways to improve the Emerging Strategies framework
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Eric, and Brad discuss how they have learned to eat in a healthy balanced way after years of restricted, and at points absurd, dietary behaviors.
The coaches start the episode by describing their relationship with food pre-bodybuilding. They discuss how they viewed food during this time and how they made decisions on what to eat. After this, the coaches discuss when and how they started manipulating their diet to support their bodybuilding goals. Finally, the coaches talk about where they are now in regard to how they monitor and alter their food intake.
During the episode, the coaches talk about internal vs. external cues, rigid vs. flexible dietary restraint, the value of learning to listen to your hunger and satiety signals, and much more.
1:27- The coaches' relationship with food pre-bodybuilding 19:04- When and how the coaches started manipulating their diet to support their bodybuilding goals 47:14- How the coaches monitor and alter their food intake now 1:12:12- Internal vs. External cues 1:27:23- Why Eric has been talking about the importance of learning to listen to your hunger and satiety signals so much lately
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#112: Omar Isuf, Jacob Schepis, & Mike Israetel
Dec 06, 2018
In this episode, Eric Helms interviews Omar Isuf, Jacob Schepis, and Dr. Mike Israetel. One by one, Eric asks each of the guests to share some of their most valuable anecdotes and observations since beginning their careers in the fitness industry.
To kick off the episode, Omar and Eric discuss the importance of helping your clients to identify their motives and the impact this has on their long-term success. Following Omar and Eric's conversation, Jacob and Eric dive into the necessity of focusing on each client as a unique individual and the role standardized systems play in allowing a trainer/coach to efficiently and effectively assist their clients. Finally, Mike and Eric break down the method that Mike uses to help athletes identify the amount of volume they need to progress.
Whether you are a competitive athlete, noncompetitive lifter, coach, or trainer, this episode has ideas, tools, and strategies you can use to help you more effectively train yourself and/or your clients.
3:09- Motivation and adherence with Omar Isuf 14:20- Success as a trainer with Jacob Schepis 32:34- Individualizing volume with Dr. Mike Israetel
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Jeff, Alberto, and Andrea discuss the influence of gender differences in online physique sport coaching. This is an important topic that up until now has received very little public discussion.
During their conversation, the coaches look at coach-athlete gender differences from multiple perspectives: males' thoughts about coaching females, females' thoughts about coaching males, females' thoughts about being coached by a male, and males' thoughts about being coached by a female. The coaches break down these different perspectives and examine the potential fears, questions, societal stigmas, and challenges that can accompany each of these scenarios.
If you are a coach who wants to work with the opposite sex but has reservations about doing so, give this episode a listen. Likewise, if you are an athlete who is apprehensive about working with a coach of the opposite sex, this episode is sure to provide you with highly-valuable insight into this common concern.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
The 3DMJ coaches are back with another Q&A session!
In this episode, Eric, Alberto, and Andrea answer seven questions sourced from the 3DMJ community. The questions addressed during this episode span a wide range of topics, including: the coaches' thoughts on using anger to fuel your training, advice for how to coordinate one's training with a busy work week, what it means to lose momentum during a gaining phase, and many more.
In addition to the above topics, the coaches spend nearly one third of the episode talking in-depth about the negative effects that can arise from tracking one's food intake. The coaches discuss when tracking is appropriate and alternative methods for when it is not.
Whether you are a coach, competitor, or noncompetitor, this episode contains practical information you can use to improve your, or your clients, strength and physique.
3:02- Thoughts on using anger to fuel your training sessions 10:51- Are leverages always better at a higher body weight? 16:38- Negative effects that can arise from tracking one's calorie/macronutrient intake 43:52- How to coordinate your training with a busy work week or physically demanding job 48:53- The causes of strength gain in novices and the importance of nutrition during this phase 56:57- How to know whether you're plateaued or if you're trying to progress faster than what is realistic 1:06:45- What it means to lose momentum during a gaining phase
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#109: Rep-Load Zones with Brian Minor
Oct 18, 2018
In this episode, Eric Helms talks with special guest Brian Minor (natural pro bodybuilder, USAPL powerlifter, and coach) about the theoretical and hypothetical differences between various repetition ranges and their effects on different fiber types.
The coaches begin their discussion by unpacking one of Brian's blog posts on progressive overload, then dive into a stimulating conversation on muscle fiber hypertrophy. Topics addressed include: the contribution of velocity to mechanical tension, the definition of impulse and its relevance to hypertrophy, anabolic resistance, repetitions being nothing more than an arbitrary counting system, and many others.
This episode is the most in-depth theoretical discussion on muscle fiber hypertrophy to occur on the 3DMJ Podcast yet. If you like talking theory, muscle physiology, and enjoy stimulating your mind, this episode may be your favorite one so far.
1:47- Brian's background 6:58- Unpacking Brian's blog post on progressive overload 17:24- Theoretical and hypothetical thoughts on the differences between high-rep low-load sets and low-rep high-load sets on fiber type growth 42:47- Rationale for using more than one repetition range in your training 1:01:53- Practical takeaways
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Coaching strength and physique athletes is much more than prescribing macronutrient targets and writing training blocks, it's an emotional journey. There are highs, lows, fears, sleepless nights, and lingering memories of past mistakes.
In this episode, Jeff, Andrea, and Brad offer a deep look into the challenges they face behind the scenes as coaches. They share memorable stories of their coaching journeys and discuss how these experiences have shaped their coaching styles today.
If you are a coach, if you're thinking about becoming a coach, or if you're working with a coach, give this episode a listen. Jeff, Andrea, and Brad share advice on how to manage the emotional toll of coaching, how to develop the confidence to coach, and insights that can help you strengthen your relationship with your coach.
1:29- What Jeff and Brad's work days typically look like 8:07- The emotional investment, fears, and stresses of coaching 24:54- How the coaches' coaching styles have changed over the years 49:45- The importance of shaping your athlete's perspective 1:05:29- Building the confidence to coach 1:10:04- Advice for new coaches
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Brad, Andrea, and Alberto discuss nutrition recommendations for powerlifters. In a sport with such high-focus on proper periodization, technique, and equipment to maximize performance, how much does nutrition matter?
The coaches begin the episode by going over what they look for when evaluating a powerlifter's application and the most common reasons powerlifters reach out for coaching. From there, they cover a variety of topics, including: the importance of competing in the appropriate weight class, long-term and short-term nutrition strategies, water cut protocols, meet day recommendations, and many more.
Regardless of what stage you are in of your powerlifting career (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), this episode contains practical tips and strategies that can be applied to your situation to help you improve your performance.
1:33- What the coaches look for when evaluating a powerlifter's application 19:27- Common reasons powerlifters reach out for coaching 31:44- Case study 41:06- Long-term nutrition strategies for powerlifters 49:27- Short-term nutrition strategies for cutting 1:00:41- Intra-workout nutrition 1:04:54- Meet day recommendations 1:09:40- Final thoughts
#107: Nutrition For Powerlifters3D Muscle Journeyshare
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In this episode, Eric Helms interviews Dr. Joe Klemczewski on the past and present peaking practices of competitive natural bodybuilding.
Dr. Joe Klemczewski was the first online bodybuilding coach to use, popularize, and succeed with a science-based approach to the sport. He was also the first coach to popularize modern peak week strategies and focus on macronutrients versus rigid food lists.
Eric and Joe begin by discussing the standard peaking practice in the 1990s, then transition to how peaking is done now and where they think it may go in the future. Throughout the episode, the coaches cover many interesting topics, including: physiologically sound peaking strategies, the irreplaceable quality of being ready early, the merit of training the morning of your show, and many more.
3:06- The standard peaking practice in the 1990s 11:39- How peaking has changed since the 1990s
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In today's episode, Andrea, Jeff, and Eric sit down to discuss the importance of, and how to set up, systems. The coaches begin their discussion by describing principle-based programming and the advantages of less rigid programming.
The central theme of this episode is learning how to prioritize your life in the gym with your life outside of the gym. To guide listeners on how to do this, the coaches describe how they do this through the use of if-then statements, decision-making trees, boundaries, minimizing emotional decisions, and disregarding the fear of not being optimal.
A key element to having effective systems is building your systems around your big picture goals. Doing this can help you avoid the pitfalls that can come from being too detail oriented.
3:50- How Jeff makes his athlete's training programs more flexible when needed 6:43- Advantages of less rigid programming 16:49- Prioritizing your life in and outside of the gym 28:52- How the coaches prioritize their life to help them make decisions 1:10:02- Issues that can arise from being too detail oriented 1:20:03- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#104: How To Be A Good Competitive Bodybuilder
Sep 13, 2018
In today's episode, Alberto, Jeff, and Brad examine the common characteristics of successful competitive bodybuilders. These characteristics include: consistency, punctuality, precision, flexibility, and experience.
Along with discussing these characteristics, the coaches address a few very important questions related to contest prep. What should someone do if they binge? How important is good communication between the coach and athlete? What expectations should you have for your first prep?
Regardless if you are new to the sport of competitive bodybuilding or you have been in the sport for a while, this episode is sure to contain valuable information relevant to your situation. Join us this week for episode #104: How To Be A Good Competitive Bodybuilder.
2:36- Common characteristics of successful bodybuilders 11:49- The importance of flexibility 20:08- The value of experience 31:49- How the coaches make coaching calls 45:13- What the coaches like to see and what they don't like to see when starting with a new athlete 55:53- Final thoughts
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In this episode, Andrea, Eric, and Brad sit down for an in-depth discussion on overtraining and overreaching. The coaches' conversation is packed with valuable insights and information relevant to all strength and physique athletes, competitors and noncompetitors alike.
What is the clinical definition of overtraining syndrome? What is the likelihood that a strength or physique athlete will meet this clinical definition? What is the difference between functional and nonfunctional overreaching? What verbiage can indicate that an athlete's training is too intense?
Along with thoroughly answering the above questions, the coaches give practical advice on functional overreaching. This includes: when it can be beneficial to experiment with functional overreaching, when you should not experiment with it, how long you should overreach for if you choose to do so, and strategies for temporarily lowering volume.
1:42- Overtraining Syndrome vs. Functional and Nonfunctional Overreaching 10:51- Real-world examples of multifactorial acute injuries 27:24- Reasons for decreasing volume, scenarios which indicate increasing volume, and realistic time frames for progress 40:31- Functional Overreaching: When and Why 59:34- Verbiage indicating that an athlete's training may be too intense 1:19:53- Takeaways
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In today's episode, Eric Helms takes the stage to discuss a variety of training concepts relevant to strength and physique athletes.
Eric begins the episode by discussing progressive overload and how contrary to popular belief, simply adding weight to the bar doesn't necessarily mean one is inducing progressive overload. Eric then goes on to differentiate periodization from programming and describe how each of these concepts apply practically to bodybuilders and powerlifters. To conclude the episode, Eric discusses the limitations of science and the limitations of anecdotes and observations.
How complex does your training need to be if you're a bodybuilder? What else besides research makes up evidence-based practice? What is a current hypothesis on repetition zone's effect on fiber type specific hypertrophy? For the answers to all these questions and many more, check out today's episode!
2:13- Introduction to Anecdotes & Observations 5:42- Progressive overload 8:27- The difference between a progression scheme and progressive overload 19:12- Periodization vs. Programming 37:51- The limitations of research 42:19- The limitations of anecdotes and observations
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Welcome back to the 3DMJ Podcast! Today's episode marks the beginning of season 11 and what better way to kick off a new season than with a Q&A session.
In this episode, Andrea, Jeff, and Alberto answer five questions sourced directly from the 3DMJ community. Topics include: the required number of training sessions per week to make progress, thoughts on different methods of manipulating volume, how often the coaches hit new personal records in the gym, rationale for having an increased protein intake when gaining, potential benefits to including refeeds in a maintenance phase, and the appropriate rate of increasing calories in the off-season.
The coaches take each of these five topics, answer the initial question, then expand on the original question and examine it from multiple points of view. We are excited to be back for another season and think you'll find today's Q&A session well worth the wait. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the episode!
3:24- Required number of training sessions per week to make progress 22:45- Thoughts on various methods of manipulating volume 42:18- Various forms of progressive overload and how often the coaches hit new personal records in the gym 50:56- Rationale for having your protein intake higher than the minimum recommended level (for strength and physique athletes) when gaining 1:03:00- Potential benefits to incorporating refeeds during a maintenance phase 1:20:46- The appropriate rate of increasing calorie intake in the off-season for those seeking weight gain
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
The 3DMJ coaches are back with another Q&A session!
In today's episode, Brad, Andrea, and Eric answer 10 questions in the areas of nutrition and training. Topics include: the effect of cryotherapy on recovery and long-term hypertrophy adaptations, the hedonic staircase and how this concept can be useful when cutting/bulking, scenarios when it can be useful to track volume via volume load, and many more.
Whether this is the first episode you listen to or you've been with us for all one hundred, we want to thank you for listening and for your continued support and participation in helping this podcast to grow and reach new people. We enjoy recording this podcast each week and love hearing how it has positively affected our listeners.
On that note, let's get on with the Q&A session!
7:06- The effect of cryotherapy on recovery and long-term hypertrophy adaptations 15:13- What you can do if you're in a gaining phase and your upper body isn't responding as well as you think it should be 25:16- The importance of consuming an appropriate amount of fiber 31:35- Dairy protein and soy protein 34:38- For natural physique athletes, how long should an off-season last? How long should a competitive season last? 47:52- Scenarios where tracking volume via volume load can be useful 55:10- How to optimize dietary adherence 58:45- The coaches' most effective strategies for maximizing their own training and dietary adherence 1:18:17- Strategies for breaking fat loss plateaus 1:27:12- Thoughts on James Krieger's most recent findings on the upper limits of volume
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Are you someone who likes to lift weights, enjoys training in a way that's designed to maximize muscular hypertrophy, but don't have any desire to step on stage? Would you like to know how you can take all of the information that's out there and apply it in a way that will help you reach your physique goals without becoming unnecessarily rigid and obsessive?
In today's episode, Alberto, Eric, and Andrea answer the above question in detail. The coaches discuss this topic by looking at two groups of people: the general population who just want to improve how they look and feel, and noncompetitive athletes who want to maximize muscular hypertrophy but have no desire to compete. The coaches suggest ideas for each of these groups on how they can use the training principles popular in the evidence-based bodybuilding community to help them reach their goals.
If you are someone who likes to train but doesn't want to compete, or are a bodybuilder currently in your off-season, give this episode a listen for some tips and strategies on how to train in a way that will help you reach your goals and not someone else's.
3:32- Advice for the general population (people who want to look good and feel good) 22:51- Advice for noncompetitive athletes (people who don't want to compete, but want to maximize muscular hypertrophy) 56:26- The foundational principles for someone who wants to be as jacked as possible but doesn't want to step on stage 1:07:17- Resources 1:09:30- Training others/Hiring a trainer
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In the past, the coaches have talked a lot about the importance of having a structured training program and adhering to it. This is for a good cause as program hopping is one of the most common explanations for wheel spinning in the bodybuilding community. However, just like nutritional flexibility is important, so is having flexibility in one's training program.
In today's episode, Andrea, Jeff, and Brad discuss the art of self-coaching and making real time adjustments. Throughout the episode the coaches discuss common audibles they make in their training, strategies on how to adjust for time constraints, the value of challenging yourself, developing self-awareness, and many other topics.
One of the major keys to having a successful bodybuilding career is staying healthy, and knowing how to self-coach and be flexible with your training plays a leading role in that. Whether you are a coach, have a coach, or don't have a coach, join us for this week's episode to hear the coaches discuss what self-coaching is and how to correctly implement it.
1:54- Real time adjustments 21:58- RPE-based training 31:17- Jeff and Brad's most common audibles 59:42- How the coaches implement self-coaching practices with their athletes 1:08:48- Takeaways
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In today's episode, Andrea sits down with Alberto one-on-one to ask him a variety of questions related to life, bodybuilding, YouTube, music, his hair, and many other topics.
What does Alberto think powerlifters are doing right that a lot of bodybuilders have missed? What is the biggest lesson he has learned from each of the other coaches? How does he incorporate visualization into his training and coaching? Who does Alberto follow and look up to?
For the answers to all these questions and a look inside the mind of Alberto Nuñez, join us for this week's episode: The Tao of Bert.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
3:53- How Alberto makes his YouTube thumbnails 7:37- How Alberto was able to be long-term focused when he first started bodybuilding 12:51- What powerlifters are doing right that a lot of bodybuilders have missed 17:08- What bodybuilders are doing right that a lot of powerlifters have missed 28:38- Why Alberto is so active on social media 34:47- Alberto's favorite song 38:57- The biggest lesson Alberto has learned from Brad 46:14- The biggest lesson Alberto has learned from Eric 48:13- The biggest lesson Alberto has learned from Jeff 50:42- The biggest lesson Alberto has learned from Andrea 53:30- Alberto's current thoughts on mini-cuts 1:01:27- Visualization 1:07:35- People Alberto looks up to 1:18:25- How Alberto takes care of his hair
Contest prep is both fun and challenging, it pushes you mentally, physically, and emotionally. When done right, the process can teach you a lot about yourself and have a positive impact on your life. When done wrong, it can send someone into a downward spiral causing them to lose friends, their significant other, their job, etc.
In this episode, Alberto, Andrea, and Jeff cover the process of deciding whether or not to prep. Throughout their conversation, the coaches discuss a variety of topics including: the downsides of prep, the concept of using prep to try to fix something, selecting a coach, having realistic expectations, and more.
The coaches have covered the criteria for having a successful prep numerous times before, but always from a nutrition and training standpoint. In this episode, the coaches focus heavily on the overall lifestyle of a person as it relates to participating in a contest prep. If you are a first-time athlete who is trying to decide whether or not to prep, or you are a coach who works with competitive physique athletes, give this episode a listen for some guidance on making this decision.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
3:28- When the coaches knew they wanted to compete 16:15- The downsides of prep 26:08- Using prep to fix things 38:35- Selecting a coach 49:09- Deciding if you should prep 1:05:38- Takeaways
Bodybuilding is hard. Building muscle, losing body fat, and hitting new PRs are all hard. Sure, things may start off easy, but as you continue to push the envelope and work towards fulfilling your genetic potential eventually it's going to get hard, and when it does how will you respond?
In today's episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Brad discuss the slumps of bodybuilding. The coaches start by defining what a slump is, what the most common causes are, then cover how to handle these challenging times in ways that keep you on track with your goals.
When most people experience a slump they accredit it to insufficient calorie intake, poor training program design, inadequate volume, etc., and while all these things can certainly be the cause, the coaches make it quite clear that false expectations are one of the most common inducers. If you are currently going through a rough patch in your training, dieting, gaining, or anything else bodybuilding related, give this episode a listen for some guidance and encouragement.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
2:02- How the coaches define a slump 12:27- Exiting the honeymoon phase 31:33- When sh*t gets hard 38:07- Dealing with injuries 53:45- How the coaches define nailing it at this point in their athletic journey 1:13:32- Advice for listeners who feel like they're in a rut
What does the future look like for 3DMJ? Where do the coaches see themselves in the year 2020?
In today's episode, Jeff, Andrea, and Eric sit down to discuss the past, present, and future of 3DMJ. The coaches start the episode by discussing the early days of 3DMJ nearly 8½ years ago. What did their first few years in business look like? How much did they make their first year? Has the current model of 3DMJ always been the plan?
After reminiscing on the past, the coaches work their way forward in time to present-day. They talk about major projects for 2018, how they are transitioning roles within the company, how they feel about their current operations, then finish with discussing where they hope to be in the next two years. If you are an entrepreneur in the fitness industry, a longtime 3DMJ follower, or would like to learn more about 3D Muscle Journey, join us for this week's episode!
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In today's episode, Andrea, Eric, and Brad discuss one of the three variables which form the foundation of every training program, volume. The coaches have touched on volume before, but never have they gone into this level of detail about this critical component for muscular hypertrophy until now.
Throughout the episode the coaches cover a variety of topics including: how to track your training volume, how to use general volume guidelines to design your program, the importance of quality, and many more.
What is the biggest indication that someone is doing an appropriate amount of training volume? Do bodybuilders need to track total tonnage? What variables should you evaluate before adding more volume? Join us for this week's episode to find out!
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
2:44- General recommendations and methods for tracking volume 23:53- Characteristics that indicate someone is doing an appropriate amount of training volume 1:04:50- How to know if you are someone who responds best to lower, medium, or higher volume 1:17:42- Takeaways
How would you define a hardgainer ? What are the distinguishable characteristics of someone in this category?
In today's episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Jeff take the classification of hardgainer and break it down into three different subtypes: those who don't eat enough, those who are low responders to resistance training, and those who are near their genetic potential. After making these distinctions, the coaches go through each type of hardgainer one by one giving nutrition and training tips for each type.
Regardless of what stage of your lifting career you are in, this episode contains valuable information for you. If you are new to lifting and are struggling with weight gain, this episode has useful strategies for you. If you think you've tried everything to build muscle and nothing is working, this episode is for you. If you've been in the iron game for decades and are trying to squeeze the last bit of progress out of your physique, this episode contains information for you. If you fall into any of these categories, join us for this week's episode: Advice For Hardgainers!
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
1:48- The coaches' definition of the term hardgainer 18:04- How to track muscle gain and thinking long-term 29:23- Women and weight gain 35:31- Tips for hardgainer #1: someone who doesn’t eat enough 47:53- Tips for hardgainer #2: someone who is a low responder to resistance training 1:04:26- Tips for hardgainer #3: someone who is close to their genetic potential
The 3DMJ coaches are back with another Q&A session!
In this episode, Andrea, Eric, and Alberto answer seven questions sourced directly from the 3DMJ community. Topics covered include: the mind-muscle connection and its relevance to muscular hypertrophy, getting ready for a photo shoot vs. getting ready for a bodybuilding competition, how to classify someone's lifting age, and many more.
Similar to the previous six Q&A sessions, today's episode contains a wide array of valuable information and strategies for athletes and coaches alike. Sit back, relax, and join us for an hour of in-depth discussion and continuing education in the areas of coaching, training, and dieting.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
1:37- How important is the mind-muscle connection for muscular hypertrophy? 13:59- The differences between getting ready for a photo shoot and contest prep 16:00- Does 3DMJ work with noncompetitors? 24:37- How to classify someone as a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter 33:16- How to handle a situation where a bodybuilder/powerlifter has bulked too far 43:12- Why switching from higher load lower rep training to lower load higher rep training could cause an increased feeling of fatigue 48:36- Why decreased training volume could lead to an increase in one's maintenance calorie intake
In this episode, Brad, Andrea, and Eric sit down to discuss the pros and cons of remote and in-person coaching. They start by describing their past in-person coaching experiences, then move to examining each type of coaching from both an athlete and coach's perspective. The coaches cover: which scenarios benefit more from remote coaching, which scenarios benefit more from in-person coaching, the importance of getting the necessary information you need to do your job as a coach correctly, and more.
Today's episode contains valuable information for athletes and coaches alike. If you are an athlete who is considering hiring someone to assist you in your journey, this episode will supply you with important information to aid you in your decision making. For coaches, this episode highlights the main benefits of each type of coaching and describes the value of outsourcing if you run into one of the major limitations of your particular type.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea, and Alberto discuss who and what has influenced their athletic development. The coaches cover everything from their early days and who got them started, to where they are now and what their current sources of continuing education are.
Along with providing tons of additional resources for the listeners, the coaches talk about the importance of learning to become more resourceful and how to become a better thinker.
Join us this week to learn all about Eric, Andrea, and Alberto's development as athletes and coaches, and to receive over forty resources (books, podcasts, websites, etc.) to aid you in your own athletic evolution.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
3:09- The coaches' first mentors 23:05- Learning to become more resourceful and how to become a better thinker 1:21:20- Books that have impacted the coaches' athletic development 1:44:19- Online resources
Many of us are fairly savvy when it comes to adjusting our nutrition in order to create change in our body weight. We know what it should feel like to be gaining or losing weight. However, when it comes to maintaining a particular body weight, many athletes aren't as familiar with the process.
In today's episode, Eric, Brad, and Andrea discuss maintenance calorie intake the amount on calories (i.e. energy) you need to consume in order to maintain your current body weight. The coaches cover methods for how to determine your maintenance calorie intake, why it is a moving target, the value of tracking, and more.
Join us this week to hear all about programming for the goal of maintaining your body weight, and how the methods for doing so can change based on your experience level.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
6:31- How to find your maintenance calorie intake 24:30- Why your maintenance calorie intake is a moving target 39:17- An interesting thing that happens with activity 43:56- Eric's current mini-cut 47:42- Validity vs. Reliability 55:03- Different dieting approaches 1:05:14- Takeaways
In today's episode, Alberto, Andrea, and Brad discuss one of the biggest influences on your bodybuilding career, your genetics. Even though we may not like it, genetics play a significant role in our ultimate physical development.
Throughout their conversation, the coaches highlight a few very important concepts, including: making the most out of what you have, it's not just the program that matters, but how it's executed, the different factors that affect one's development, and more.
The coaches make it quite clear that the general attitude in regards to the role genetics play in physique sports, is drastically different than the acceptance of the genetic component when looking at athletes who excel in performance-based sports. Why might this difference in attitude exist? If you are someone who has been dealt a less than ideal hand, what can you do about it? Join us this week to find out!
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
Eighty-six. It took eighty-six episodes before the 3DMJ coaches felt the necessity to record a podcast on supplements. Hopefully this statement alone conveys the minor role supplements play in one's strength and physique goals.
Rather than breaking down individual supplements and studies, Andrea, Eric, and Brad spend the majority of their time discussing big picture concepts. Some of these include: the importance of having realistic expectations, the placebo effect, the relationship between business and ethics, deception, and more.
When most people think of worst case scenario from consuming a bad supplement , they think waste of money. The coaches make it quite clear that this isn't true, and that aside from financial losses an even bigger concern is the potential for physical harm. Join us this week to hear the 3DMJ coaches' general stance on supplements, and how you can protect yourself and your wallet from this very deceptive industry.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
#85: "Overcoming Insecurity As A Fitness Content Provider”
Mar 08, 2018
In today's episode, Andrea, Jeff, and Brad sit down to discuss one of the biggest influences on today's culture, social media. As an online business, 3DMJ capitalizes on the opportunities social platforms provide by using them to distribute content to their followers and market services to potential clients.
As with most good things, there are (as many people are already aware of) drawbacks to social media. When trying to be as transparent and genuine as possible, feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, embarrassment, frustration, and fears of becoming irrelevant are almost guaranteed.
Join us this week, as the coaches discuss their feelings about social media and how they try to combat negative thoughts that arise. Branding yourself isn't easy or comfortable, however hopefully seeing that you aren't alone in having discouraging thoughts will make the process mentally easier and more enjoyable.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
3:20- Do the coaches feel uncomfortable on Instagram because of their age? 10:56- Have Jeff or Brad ever posted something that made them feel embarrassed? 54:28- What kind of content do the 3DMJ coaches consume? 1:00:24- Staying relevant in the fitness industry vs. Staying relevant in social media
When most people think of Alberto Nuñez, they think of pop-tarts, shredded glutes, and extreme vascularity. And while these may have become his hallmarks, they wouldn't be nearly as impactful if he didn't have the muscle mass to accompany them.
In today's episode, Andrea sits down with Alberto one-on-one to discuss his off-season plans. They start by discussing his past post-competition experiences, transition to this year's post-competition experience, then finish with Alberto's plan and goals for not just 2018, but for the rest of his 30s.
If you are a younger bodybuilder who is searching for ways to maximize your physique, we highly suggest giving this episode a listen. Alberto shares unique insights that completely contradict the popular statements we see on Instagram which could save you years of frustration and counterproductive focus.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
2:20- Alberto's future competition plans 8:49- Alberto's past post-competition reverse and recovery diet experiences 19:42- Alberto's plan for this season's recovery diet 33:39- Alberto's plan for this off-season 43:56- The reasons why Alberto wants to serve as a good example 52:48- Alberto's off-season goals 56:24- How Alberto uses new personal findings in his coaching practice
Quitting a contest-prep, is it really a bad thing? Not necessarily. In the moment, you may feel like a failure, however oftentimes looking back you see that stopping a prep was the best decision you could have made.
Throughout the episode, Andrea, Jeff, and Alberto discuss their own experiences with unfinished contest-preps. These experiences include: cancelling a prep before it begins, prematurely ending a competitive season, and bailing mid-prep before ever getting on stage.
Athletes cancel contest-preps for many reasons, some valid and some stemming from insecurity. The coaches point our attention to the importance of thinking big picture and letting that be one of the major guiding factors in helping you to make your decision.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
2:36- Why Jeff quit his 2017 contest-prep 22:19- Andrea's experience with canceling a contest-prep 38:03- Alberto's experience with prematurely ending a competitive season 46:39- Reasons why athletes quit prep 1:30:17- Closing remarks
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea, and Alberto discuss one of the most common bodybuilding pitfalls, loneliness. What can start off as a new and exciting journey, can quickly turn into a life of isolation, misunderstanding, and exiling of those closest to you, if you aren't careful.
Throughout the episode, the coaches share their past and present beliefs, feelings, and experiences, in effort to prevent mistakes of the past from reoccurring in future generations of bodybuilding.
For those who are just beginning their bodybuilding journey and have an insatiable excitement for the sport, the information contained in this episode is highly valuable. Likewise, if you have been in the iron game for a while, but commonly suffer from feelings of loneliness and disconnect, this episode may provide you with valuable insights and ideas for how to improve your current situation.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
The 3DMJ coaches are back with another Q&A session!
In this episode, Andrea and Eric answer over 17 questions directly related to physique and performance enhancement. Some of the topics addressed include: testosterone's effect on muscle-mass, planned vs. autoregulated deloads, exercise substitution frequency, how to maintain a leaner physique, correcting forward-lean during high-bar squatting, and many more.
If you enjoy listening and learning about different nutrition and training strategies for improving the human physique, this episode is sure to provide you with a few new gold nuggets of information. Sit back, relax, and enjoy over two hours of evidence-based conversation.
Over 95% of what Team 3DMJ publishes is completely free to the public. If you enjoy this podcast, our articles, our videos, or our courses, please consider becoming a patron of our work.
3:35- The effect of testosterone on muscle-mass 10:00- Maintaining the leanest physique you can 23:25- How 3DMJ as a business handles situations where an athlete is, or is believed to be, using performance enhancing drugs 41:32- Favorite coaching moments 53:43- Correcting forward-lean during high-bar squatting 1:01:00-Thoughts on blood vessel injuries in hands during heavy holds 1:03:41- Is there an interference effect from training the same exercise across multiple rep-ranges? 1:12:50- Tracking steps during a gaining-phase 1:19:17- Can you maintain your muscle-mass training only 2-3x/week? 1:24:00- Exercise substitution frequency 1:29:26- Planned vs. Autoregulated deloads 1:44:43- Transitioning from a mini-cut back to a gaining-phase 1:45:45- Full-body training sessions 1:52:52- Building your athlete's confidence 2:04:54- The best way to get started in Olympic lifting 2:10:22- Strategies for setting yourself up for a successful diet 2:12:03- Constant vs. Variable calorie intake when dieting
Being a committed and serious athlete is a big deal. It's not just what you do in the gym that matters, but also the variables outside of the gym which affect your performance that matter as well.
In today's episode, Andrea, Brad, and Alberto discuss their athletic lifestyles. The coaches talk about how they start their day, how they end their day, how they distribute their food intake, which nutritional variables are most important to them, which other variables are most important to them, how this lifestyle impacts their relationship with their significant other, and more.
If your training is important to you, and you'd like to see how three very committed athletes structure their life to prioritize their passion, this episode is for you. Not only do the coaches share how they do things, but they also discuss how others can modify the concepts to fit their own needs, goals, and lifestyle.
7:10- How the coaches start their day 56:08- How the coaches end their day 1:11:16- How the coaches distribute their food intake 1:22:51- Significant others 1:37:39- Recap
Have you ever wondered how the bodybuilding lifestyle affects one's kids and family dynamic?
In today's episode, the coaches discuss how living the lifestyle they do, training, dieting, posing, etc., affects their kids. Throughout the episode, the coaches cover topics such as the importance of instilling the notion that bodybuilding is a sport, how they approach social media as parents and role models, their kids' training programs, and more.
If you are a parent or plan to become a parent, and also live the bodybuilding lifestyle, this episode provides valuable insights and unique perspectives for how this can affect those closest to you. Join us this week to learn how two bodybuilding pros, coaches, and parents, raise their kids in a bodybuilding-oriented environment.
3:09- Jeff and Brad's kids, the sports they participate in, and how dieting/bodybuilding has impacted them 28:00- What the coaches' kids think about what their parents do 41:25- How Jeff would respond to his son if he wanted to get into bodybuilding 1:02:18- Their kids' training programs 1:14:57- When kids and their parents have different intentions for their training 1:29:06- Final thoughts
Most of us who have been training for an extended period of time, know that lifting weights is more complex than haphazardly picking them up and putting them back down. There's a skill component to it.
In today's episode, Brad, Eric, and Andrea discuss many of the factors that make performing complex movements, an art. Topics covered include: benefits to having lifting rituals, the efficacy of wearing a belt, mobility, warm-up strategies, the value of personal experience, and more.
It doesn't matter if you're new to lifting or you have been in the iron game for a while, this episode contains valuable information you can begin applying immediately to enhance your performance. Join us this week for episode #78, to learn new tricks and tips for you and your clients.
3:25- The benefits of having lifting rituals 17:21- How to develop lifting rituals 24:14- Using a weightlifting belt 31:21- Mobility 35:18- Warming-up 52:52- Doing compound movements if your only goal is muscular hypertrophy 59:12- Intra-workout variables that can affect performance 1:07:36- The theory behind resetting between each deadlift repetition 1:12:38- The value of experience 1:19:34- The skill components related to performing a 1-RM
In this episode, Eric, Jeff, and Andrea sit-down to discuss two major themes: How to become a better critical thinker, and the importance of learning to be more resourceful.
Throughout the episode, the coaches expand on these two themes covering the concepts of: black and white vs. critical thinking, close-mindedness vs. open-mindedness, examining underlying assumptions, identifying your personal biases, having a healthy dose of skepticism, and more.
If your goal is to develop your skillset in the areas of natural bodybuilding and powerlifting, being a student of these sports is essential. This comes from learning to ask good questions, experimenting yourself, and being resourceful. Join the coaches this week as they explain the importance of these skills and how developing them will benefit you.
2:48- How this topic came about 4:30- How to become a better critical thinker 23:02- Skepticism 33:26- Having an experimental phase 39:29- Underlying assumptions 41:15- Learning to be resourceful 1:00:55- Takeaways
It's the first episode of 2018, and what could be a better way to kickoff the new year than going over how to plan out your athletic goals and set yourself up for success?
In today's episode, Jeff, Andrea, and Alberto discuss the importance of setting your goals early, and how to adjust your yearly plan depending on what those goals are. The coaches walk through: starting a prep in January, establishing your starting protocols, the benefits of hiring a coach, and more.
Whether your year includes: a contest-prep, gaintaining , or lean-gaining, this episode has something for you. Join us this week to help guide you in setting yourself up for a successful 2018.
2:36- The coaches' thoughts on the new year 14:55- Starting a contest-prep in January 28:14- Establishing starting prep protocols 41:25- The benefits of hiring a coach 50:10- The Recovery Phase 53:04- Setting up your year (if it's a non-competitive year) 1:16:07- How to plan your year if your goal is to maintain your body-weight
What factors contribute to muscle-loss when dieting? How important is the timing of your carbohydrate intake? What exactly are leverages , and how does altering them affect your training?
Picking-up at the end of last week's episode, Brad, Andrea, and Eric work together to answer the remaining questions. Topics range from: nutrient partitioning, to acceptable exercise substitution frequency, nutritional strategies for bulking, and more.
If you found last week's episode entertaining and informative, you are sure to enjoy today's episode as well. Join us this week for the final episode of 2017 to increase your nutrition and training knowledge base, and to expand your physique enhancing toolbox!
2:35- Factors that contribute to muscle-loss when dieting 7:56- Thoughts on John Berardi's concept of G-Flux 15:16- Nutritional strategies for bulking 23:11- The importance of timing your carbohydrate intake when dieting 31:17- How to determine your starting training volume 32:15- Adjusting your caloric-intake and/or cardio protocol during a deload 38:05- Manipulating your caloric-intake on longer-days 42:47- Decreasing calories vs. Increasing cardio, when cutting 44:18- Thoughts on drop-sets 45:42- Substituting exercises in your program 53:24- Closing statements
Welcome to Q&A session 4! In today's episode, all five coaches work together to answer 10 subscriber asked questions. Topics range from: appropriate usage of drop-sets, to manipulating your body-fat set point, eliminating loose skin, maximum recoverable volume, adrenal fatigue , and more.
To expand your knowledge base and acquire additional resources to aid you in your nutrition and training programming, give this episode a listen!
2:25- Adding isolation movements to a primarily compound movement based program 6:45- Eliminating loose skin, and thoughts on breast implants 12:00-Adding sets throughout a training block vs. Keeping the number of sets constant 18:58- Protein intake during various stages 21:10- Appropriate times to use drop-sets, super-sets, and sets to failure 27:00- Hiring a powerlifting coach vs. Following a standardized template 33:38- Adrenal fatigue 35:58- Calculating your macronutrient intake 43:47- Manipulating your set point 51:57- The coaches' personal athletic goals, and the long-term vision for 3DMJ
Pumpkin pie, turkey, wine what could be better? The holiday season is a great time of year for many people, bringing with it: time off work, more time with those they care about, and mom's special yams.
In today's episode, Jeff, Andrea, and Alberto discuss what this time of year is like for those who have athletic goals. Throughout their conversation, the coaches cover a variety of strategies you can use to help you stay on track with your goals during this holiday season. Topics include: what you can do if you're contest-prepping during this time, how to approach the big meal , what not to do, and what to do if you accidentally go a bit too hard .
While a lot of these strategies also apply to those who aren't physique athletes and who don't have performance goals, the group make it quite clear that for those who do, having an athlete's mindset even during the holidays is important (and oftentimes automatic). If you truly have big athletic goals and you want to see how far you can go, then maintaining awareness of your goals during the holidays is essential. Join us this week to learn a variety of tips and strategies you can use to help you navigate your way through this holiday season.
5:40- What not to do 11:30- Prepping during the holidays 25:57- The coaches' plans for the holidays this year 47:39- Having an athlete's mindset 59:30- What to do if you go too hard
When does the recovery diet end and the offseason begin? How does someone know when they are recovered ?
As the 2017 competitive season draws to a close, these questions linger in the minds of many competitors. With the previously accepted guidelines (i.e. reverse dieting) being vastly different than what we now know to be more optimal for proper post-show protocol, the confusion surrounding the new methodology is understandable. In effort to help clear-up some of this uncertainty, Brad, Andrea, and Eric sat-down to discuss a few of the remaining questions.
In today's episode, the coaches cover both the psychological and physiological aspects of recovery. Topics ranges from: willpower, systems, boundaries, altered body-fat distribution, palate changes, hormonal changes, and more.
If you are a physique coach or athlete who is curious about the signs and symptoms of full-recovery and when it's okay to slow the rate of post-show weight-gain to more normal levels, this episode will serve as a valuable reference.
2:50- What is Recovered ? 10:14- Willpower, Systems, Boundaries 19:06-When someone is recovered 31:55- Having an athlete's perspective 38:38- Other signs of recovery 1:03:45- Summary
One of the greatest aspects of physique sports, is the ability to be able to participate in them well into the later decades of life. At the age where most traditional sports stop, one's performance in bodybuilding is still peaking.
In today's episode, Andrea, Alberto, and Brad discuss how things have changed in their athletic journey as they've gotten older. The group touch on physiological changes affecting recovery and performance, as well as the things they do to help combat these unavoidable changes in-order to stay healthy.
While training and eating to support your athletic goals obviously improves your physique, these same habits also bring with them better health, creativity, stress-management, and a better overall quality of life. Whether you have goals of stepping on stage or not, one thing is for certain: training and being active even a little bit, will significantly improve other areas of your life. If you are someone who trains and is approaching your forth, five or six decade of life, or you know someone who is that you think would benefit from regular lifting, give this episode a listen for some helpful tips and potential selling-points.
Would you like to learn how to design nutrition protocols for yourself or your clients? Wondering where to start and how to make future adjustments? You're in luck.
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea, and Jeff sit-down to discuss the methods they use for setting up nutrition protocols for their athletes. The coaches cover: what data they collect, how cardio programming comes into play, overcoming plateaus, appetite-control, and more.
Below the surface, there are many different variables which affect ones starting protocol and future adjustments. Today's episode makes that clear by diving into some of the finer details. Whether you're wanting to learn how to setup a fat-loss or gaining-phase, this episode has something for you. Join us this week for episode #70:How to Build a Nutrition Plan.
2:12- The nutrition data that 3DMJ collects prior to a consult 17:19- How the 3DMJ coaches' setup their athlete's nutrition protocols 21:28- Cardio programming 29:09- The different flavors of IIFYM 32:10- Plateaus and adjustments 55:55- How to setup a gaining-phase 1:00:16- Force-feeding to make gains 1:13:30- Final thoughts
Similar to how tracking body-weight is useful for assessing fat-loss, tracking your training is valuable for assessing muscle-growth and strength-gains.
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea, and Brad sit down to discuss how to track your training. The group go over in great detail the systems they use personally and with their athletes to track training progress over time. Everything from the methods they use to the variables they track are covered.
As with anything else, you should know why you are tracking, and what you want to achieve from doing so. Today's episode is beneficial for athletes and coaches alike, who are searching for new methods to manage their training. Regardless if you've never tracked before or are a seasoned veteran, this episode is sure to provide you with new insights and tips.
2:32- The system that 3DMJ uses to manage their athlete's protocols 25:58- How the coaches log their own training 37:30- The purpose of tracking 40:48- What variables to track 55:20- Final thoughts
While the fitness industry is often lumped into one big category, in actuality it has many different facets. Some companies choose to build their brand using over-night miracle workers, while others seek to establish themselves through providing time-tested knowledge.
In today's episode, Andrea, Eric and Alberto discuss the concepts behind creating a lasting brand in the health and fitness community. This market is known for high-turnover rates and fly-by-night gimmicks, so in this episode the 3DMJ coaches set out to describe how they built their brand and tips you can use to build yours to ensure longevity and prosperity in this industry.
Topics from this episode include: the importance of having a mission statement, product vs. service industries, the mediums you choose to showcase your talents, honesty, transparency and more. If you are a fitness entrepreneur who wants to build a lasting congruent brand, give this episode a quick listen.
2:40- The beginnings of 3DMJ 15:29- The forums 29:20- Building a career in the fitness industry 1:15:50- Takeaways
While having a relatively sedentary occupation has its benefits when it comes to bodybuilding and training performance, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks.
In today's episode, Andrea, Jeff and Alberto discuss the various pros and cons of being a bodybuilding desk-jockey . Each of the coaches go through what their training and dieting strategies looked like previously, and how they've had to adjust these things to accommodate their new lifestyle change. Topics covered include: caloric intake, mobility issues, training volume, preventative maintenance and more.
Although the coaches cover numerous methods and behaviors they use to help mitigate the disadvantages of being desk-jockeys, their philosophy on the topic is quite simple: If you want to be a progressive athlete, you will find a way to make that happen.
2:07- Training before their desk jobs 16:42- Behaviors and Strategies the coaches use to maintain mobility and ensure predictable training performance 31:07- How to maximize your training if you have a desk job 51:46- Cardio programming for desk-jockeys 57:32- Final tips
Off-season weight-gain. I can already see the cringe on many of your faces as I write this sentence. For a sport that draws people in who want to look better, the periods of weight-gain, higher body-fat percentage and resulting uncomfortable self-image are often found in the small print.
In today's episode, Jeff, Brad and Andrea discuss the two-sided coin of off-season weight-gain. On one side, it makes us feel uncomfortable, unhappy and frustrated, while on the other, it brings with it favorable outcomes such as new levels of muscle-mass and strength PRs.
The coaches discuss various questions around this topic, including: appropriate weight-gain, predicting the future, altered perceptions, training, and more. As this year's competitive bodybuilding season comes to a close and many begin to transition into their off-season body , focusing on the positive benefits which come from this transition can make the process much easier.
2:40- Top questions athletes ask prior to beginning their first off-season 15:22- Letting go of trying to fit the mold 27:35- You can't predict the future 35:23- Learning to be normal 48:20- Do single athletes care more about their off-season body-comp? 57:11- Training in the off-season 1:06:37- Recap
#65: Exercise Selection & Modification
Oct 05, 2017
We've all been here before We're in the gym training and look over to see the person next to us doing something we would consider to be abnormal or sub-optimal . This could be anything from half-squats, to eccentric bench-press training, to static-holds. However, before we judge too quickly, are there actually some situations where these approaches have logical application?
In today's episode, Andrea, Brad and Eric discuss the rationale behind using different training tools. Techniques covered include: bands, chains, pause-squats, half-squats, heavy walk-outs, tempo-training, and more.
As with almost every other nutrition and training related question, the application of these tools is situation dependent. There needs to be specific rationale for your choices, versus simply random application. If you have considered using some of the above methods before, or are currently using them but aren't quite sure why, today's episode will serve as a great reference for justification.
3:35- The origin of today's topic 16:46- Reasons for using abnormal methodology 21:45- Beneficial circumstances for training with methods other than full ROM 28:40- Generalizations about exercise variation 40:35- Accommodating Resistance (i.e. bands & chains) 48:00- How to determine program/exercise modifications 1:08:40- Recap
Welcome back to Q&A session #3! In today's episode, Eric, Andrea and Jeff answer 5 subscriber asked questions on the topics of: advice for serious but non-competitive lifters, reverse dieting to fix a slowed metabolism, the effects of Olympic lifting on muscular hypertrophy, coaching your spouse, and guidelines for minimal calorie and fat intake while dieting.
The group covers each of these topics in detail, addressing both the specific situation of the individual who asked the question, as well as how they apply on a global scale. If you are interested in upping your knowledge of practical nutrition and exercise guideline recommendations, be sure to give this episode a listen.
2:00– Advice for the serious non-competitive lifter on how to build a good physique over time 26:15– Thoughts on reverse dieting within the context of an overweight individual who is trying to fix their metabolism 38:51– A closer look at Olympic lifting and its effects on muscular hypertrophy 55:00– If someone is a successful competitor in cross-fit and wants to compete in bodybuilding, what is the best way to balance this? 58:15– How to coach your spouse 1:15:52– Within the context of a contest prep, how low is too low for cutting calories/macronutrients?
For some this question will come as a total shock. For others, it will align with very similar thoughts and concerns they've had themselves.
In today's episode, Andrea, Brad and Alberto discuss the lifestyle as well as the division of bodybuilding. While it's quite clear that the bodybuilding lifestyle is growing, what is happening to the actual sport, specifically, the division of bodybuilding?
The group touch on some of the different factors which they feel may be contributing to the downsizing of the bodybuilding division. Some of these include: prevalent influencers, show dilution, difficulty, new divisions, and more.
Do the coaches feel that the division of bodybuilding is truly downsizing, or is it just a perception? Tune into this week's episode to hear more.
One of the biggest misnomers in the fitness community today, is that IIFYM or If it fits your macros is synonymous with the term flexible dieting . While tracking macros can be a form of flexible dieting, this isn't always the case.
In today's episode, Andrea, Eric and Alberto discuss the current state of nutrition within the health and fitness community. They discuss the concepts of flexibility, habituation, approaching things like an experiment and how to transition beyond the stage of counting macros to a stage termed adaptive intuitive eating .
Along with covering these nutritional topics for how they relate to the average physique athlete, the group also touch on how some of these different concepts apply to the general population. Join us this week for 3DMJ Podcast Episode #62: IIFYM Meets Reality.
2:10- One of the biggest issues with nutrition right now 16:35- How Alberto would advise a rank beginner on nutrition 27:15- The biggest disconnect 38:40- How to transition to adaptive intuitive eating 49:00- Approach all things like an experiment
#61: Bodybuilding And Powerlifting At Home
Sep 07, 2017
In this week's episode, Andrea, Brad and Jeff discuss the pros and cons to training at home. Both Brad and Jeff are high-level athletes who utilize the efficiency of having a home-gym, to balance their life demands with serving their athletic goals.
Each coach describes in detail, the equipment, size, and location of their home-gym. Along with discussing layouts, they also touch on common assumptions about training at home, limitations, how they structure when they train, how they motivate themselves, and more.
If you are considering building a own home-gym to help increase the efficiency of your training or for some other reason, give this podcast a quick listen to help you finalize your decision.
3:43- Equipment & Exercises 15:28- Do the coaches feel like they missed anything when transitioning to their home-gym? 26:20- The Cons 39:07- How they structure their training time 49:55- How they get themselves motivated when they don't feel like training 1:00:06- Final thoughts
#60: Two Professional Bodybuilding Preps
Aug 31, 2017
In this week's episode, Andrea sits down with Jeff and Alberto to discuss their current contest-preps. The group go back and forth comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences, between the two protocols. Topics covered include: Nutrition, Training, Cardio, Competition Schedules, Body-Weights, Predicted Peak-Week Strategies, and more.
Along with discussing the technicalities of their programming, each coach touches on a few personal aspects about their prep, what their biggest struggles have been, and what the future holds for them and their bodybuilding careers.
Join us this week for an entertaining and informative look at two professional natural bodybuilding preps.
2:06- What does this year's competition schedule look like for each of the coaches? 8:10- How did they begin their prep? 17:22- How has their training shifted throughout prep? 39:00- What does their cardio programming look like? 47:10- Starting, current and predicted final body-weights 54:30- Nutrition protocols (starting and current) 1:09:25- Predicted peak-week protocols 1:17:00- Biggest challenges of this prep
Why would a coach hire a coach? This concept may sound a little strange at first, however if you think about it, the rational is quite sound. People who hire coaches do so, because they want to get better themselves. Even if they have the knowledge and skills, having a coach to consult with, and provide objective feedback, can be very valuable.
In today's episode, Brad, Andrea and Eric discuss how they coach other coaches, and the different forms this coaching can take, at different levels. Sometimes coaching this population takes a high level of input, while other times it becomes a consulting relationship, rather than a traditional coaching relationship.
All of the 3DMJ coaches have had a coach in the past (or have one now), and will continue to have some form of a coach in the future. Join us this week to learn why having a coach, as a coach, can be beneficial.
2:09- At what point did Brad feel like he needed additional assistance in his powerlifting journey? 11:37- What is the difference between consulting and coaching ? 26:07- Who have been (and will be) the coaches, coaches? 43:00- Why do coaches hire a coach? 58:00- The difference between a personal trainer and a physique coach 1:13:30- Final thoughts
Nutrition is supportive. If your goal is to build-muscle and get stronger, it doesn't matter how perfect your nutrition is, or how much protein you eat, your potential for muscle-growth will be limited. A properly designed training program is essential.
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea and Jeff discuss all of the variables which play a role in program design. Beyond just covering the basics of volume, intensity and frequency, the group also touch on the different factors which come into play when designing a program for someone in the real-world. These factors include: psychology, injury, equipment availability, schedule, preferences and more.
For those strength and physique athletes who program for themselves, and for coaches who work with this niche of athletes, this episode will be especially useful. Join us this week to learn many different valuable tools and strategies you can use in the art of programming.
2:55- Prioritization when building a program 11:34- Volume 20:36- How psychology impacts programming 42:05- Intensity 44:48- The average person's protocol 55:43- How to assess the effectiveness of a program 1:02:25- How to setup a program to get an expected level of progress 1:13:55- Exercise selection and rest-periods
Ever wondered about the behind the scenes operations of 3D Muscle Journey?
In today's episode, Andrea, Brad and Alberto talk about the various communication methods they use to best support their athletes. Topics include: What information is collected prior to working with a new athlete, how their weekly coaching system works, and the rationale and benefits behind the 3DMJ Skype Program.
Along with discussing these technicalities, the group also touch on the indirect benefits which come from the methods they use (non-verbal cues, honesty, rapport, trust, etc).
Join us this week to learn all about the ins-and-outs of how to establish effective coach-athlete communication.
2:33- What information does 3DMJ collect prior to starting with a new athlete? 22:15- The 3DMJ Skype Program 36:00- Contest Prep/Weekly Coaching 47:30- Physique Checks/Posing 57:10- Lighting Recommendations 1:01:50- Written/Video Summaries 1:15:50- Additional Forms 1:20:10- Recap
How would you define a mini-cut? If someone asked you what the purpose of a mini-cut was, what would you say?
In today's episode, Eric, Andrea and Alberto answer these questions, and more. The coaches cover pretty much anything you could ever want to know about mini-cuts: Should they be slow or aggressive? What is an appropriate length? How often should you do one? Are they a requirement?
To summarize the stance of 3DMJ on the subject, a statement from Eric Helms:
A mini-cut should be seen as a part of your bulk.
Join us this week for a discussion on what has become one of the most commonly misused strategies, the mini-cut.
2:16 Why should you mini-cut? 7:31 In what unuseful ways are mini-cuts used? 9:22 How often should you mini-cut? 15:00 After a full competition prep diet, how long should you wait before cutting again? 28:03 Bulk or Cut? 36:28 How to setup a mini-cut (general recommendations) 43:05 Mini-cut vs. Prep 47:40 Different dieting setups 53:43 Strictness 55:40 The extended fat-loss phase 1:03:00 Recap
#55: Your First 5 Years in Bodybuilding
Jul 27, 2017
In this week's episode, Andrea, Brad and Jeff sit down to talk about the initial stages of a bodybuilding career.
Topics addressed, include: Issues with wanting to complete before having enough training experience, learning the tools while you aren't in a deficit, letting go of the number , having realistic expectations, and the importance of patience.
Along with discussing the various topics, a central theme runs through this episode in-regards to the benefits and experience which come from going through the phases . If you are just beginning your bodybuilding journey, or are a coach who works with those who are, today's episode will be highly beneficial.
2:14- Why this topic? 19:00- Wanting to compete without having enough training experience prior 35:28- Letting go of “the number” 45:14- Going through the phases 47:28- Having realistic expectations 58:53- Looking at bodybuilding as a skill sport 1:03:29- Learning from others 1:13:53- The continuum of a physique athlete 1:20:20- The issues with viewing this sport as a body-transformation fix 1:22:54- Recap
#54: The Role of a Registered Dietitian
Jul 20, 2017
In today's episode, Andrea and Eric are joined by Steve Taylor, the team 3DMJ Registered Dietitian.
Eric interviews Steve on a variety of topics related to the field of dietetics. These include: What the process is like for becoming an RD. What sets an RD apart from a nutritionist . And how Steve has found his professional training to be helpful when working within the fitness industry.
Along with answering the above questions, the group also talk about Steve's role with 3DMJ, his personal journey to becoming an RD and joining the team, and advice for those considering becoming an RD on how they can maximize their experience.
After a full month of traveling, the 3DMJ coaches are back with another Q&A session. This week, Andrea, Alberto and Jeff sit down to answer five subscriber asked questions, regarding:
– Deloading guidelines – Minimizing sleep disturbances while dieting – How to determine which division is best for you – Low self-esteem and bodybuilding – Recognizing the difference between a plateau and a problem in your diet/training
The coaches expand widely on each of these topics, covering everything from general recommendations to specific details (for example, how often you should take progress pictures), and how these things change with differing scenarios.
Welcome back! And we hope you'll join us this week for another engaging Q & A session!
In this week's episode, Eric, Alberto and Andrea sit down together to answer an array of 3DMJ subscriber asked questions.
Do we need to worry about setting a leucine target when dieting? What has made the coaches stay natural, in-light of the high prevalence of drug usage in the sport of bodybuilding? What are the efficacy of re-feeds, in-regards to both psychology and physiology?
Along with addressing the above questions, the group also touch on: compound vs. isolation exercise selection for accruing volume while also managing fatigue, their preferred method for returning to training after an extended period of deconditioning, pyramid sets vs. reverse pyramid sets, and deload frequency. Join us this week, for a host of topics related to nutrition, training, and personal experience!
It's easy to read the quote, it's much harder to actually live the philosophy. In today's episode, Jeff, Andrea and Brad discuss each of their own personal philosophies, and how these philosophies have lead them to pursue their passion, rather than take the safer route.
In especially great detail, the group discuss Andrea, whose addition to 3D Muscle Journey brought an incredible new energy and dynamic to the team. What drives Andrea? What makes her so ready and willing to take big risks, and face daunting challenges head on?
Among other qualities, the group concludes that: love, good communication and having the right people around you, are what have made 3D Muscle Journey, as a team, so successful. Join us this week for an enlightening conversation on taking risks, being successful, and following your passions.
#50: How do you know if you're evidence-based?
May 11, 2017
What does it mean to be evidence-based ? What else besides research reviews, meta-analysis and individual studies, fall into this category? Once we have the evidence, how should we go about actually applying it?
It today's podcast, Eric, Andrea and Alberto talk about the up and coming era of evidence-based bodybuilding, within the natural community. Although it is important, depending on the role you play (athlete, coach, writer, etc.), your ability to interpret research on your own, becomes more or less important.
If you want to make a name for yourself as a coach, do you have to put out evidence-based content? How can you distinguish between a con-artist, versus someone who actually knows what they're talking about? If you don't currently know how to interpret data, but you want to learn, where is a good place to start? For answers to all these questions plus many more, tune-in to today's episode!
Success is in the details. As a high-level athlete, the details matter. Not all of them, but some. Some details matter a lot, and others not so much. But which ones?
In today's podcast, Brad, Andrea and Alberto go over just this. What details/variables actually matter when it comes to getting the most out of yourself on a daily basis? What things do the coaches personally do, to help expedite recovery?
We all know training and protein are important, but what else? Things like: sleep time and quality, what time of day you train, routines and rituals, injury prevention, and time away from the sport, all help to ensure a productive training block. Some of these things matter more, and others less. Join us this week for an engaging conversation on how to maximize your potential.
#48: Assessing Your Athletic Identity
Apr 27, 2017
The way in which we identify ourselves is the way we behave, derive our sense of self-worth, and spend the majority of our time and focus on. Identifying ourselves as an athlete can be very beneficial, however, if it is the only hat we wear, and if our identity is centered solely around our awards, versus the qualities that earned us those awards, this can result in serious consequences.
In today's episode, Andrea, Jeff and Eric discuss both the beneficial and negative ways one can identify themselves as an athlete. Throughout the podcast, the group cover various scenarios including: How to maintain a high-level of motivation from your athletic identity while not being negatively affected by the potential downsides, losing your prep-identity , and solutions for those who may be identifying themselves closer to the extreme end. Join us this week for a valuable, uncommon conversation on, Assessing Your Athletic Identity.
Regardless of how it's done, contest prep dieting is tough. We're hungry, tired, stressed and at some point, even loading up the bar becomes a struggle.
With all of that said, there are still ways to help mitigate our drops in performance, loss of sleep, and progressively increasing hunger levels. How? Well that is exactly what Andrea, Jeff and Alberto talk about in today's podcast.
What are some of the best hacks to get us through an invasive contest prep? What strategies can we use to help maintain performance in the weight-room as we continue to drop food and lose body-fat? As physique athletes, what should our philosophy be in-regards to cardio? What is possibly the most important thing to have in place before starting our prep, as well as to continue adjusting throughout our journey to the stage? All of these questions, plus many more are answered in today's episode titled, A Smarter Contest Prep.
Tracking training progress comes about as close to watching paint dry or the grass grow as it gets for advanced lifters. Something that starts off as so much fun during our early lifting days, progressively tapers to something that we have to squint, and turn our heads to the side, to even kind of see.
In this week's podcast, Eric, Andrea and Brad discuss appropriate strategies to use for tracking progress as we advance. How does this differ between powerlifters and bodybuilders? Who should incorporate 1-RM testing and why? For a bodybuilder, what is a better methodology for assessing progress: visuals or measurements? Does this answer change depending on the scenario (gaining vs. dieting)?
Along with the overarching theme of tracking progress, the group also dive into a couple of related very informative topics, such as: The relationship between strength and hypertrophy, the importance of explaining program logic and setup to your athlete, and the problem with the traditional approach to 1-RM testing.
Program hopping. This is one of those things that many of us aren't even aware could be hurting our gains . We are so used to seeing the latest 8-week program offered on, that's easy to think that this is what training is all about, drastically changing up your routine, every 8 to 12 weeks. Although this is popular in main-stream fitness, unfortunately, it isn't the best strategy to use if we want to maximize our progress.
In this week's episode, Jeff, Brad and Andrea sit down to talk about program hopping. What was their first training program? Why is program hopping a double-edged-sword ? When is it actually okay to program hop?
Along with the above, plus other similar questions, the group also talk about: learning from a book vs. learning from a coach, boredom vs. impatience, and what the true benefits to having a coach are. Join us this week for a good conversation on training, learning, and self-awareness.
Although traveling while dieting isn't ideal, it's not always avoidable. This week Eric, Andrea and Alberto sit down to talk about things one can do while traveling, to help them stay on track with their protocol.
The group further subdivides this topic into three main categories: those who have a lot of weight to lose, those who are cutting for summer or for some other flexible deadline, and those who are actively engaged in contest-prep dieting.
What is a good mindset to have when traveling, to help take one's focus off food? What is a good approach to dieting for a wedding or vacation? What strategies and tactics can you use to help you stay on track with your nutrition and training, to the level that you need to, for your current goals? All of this plus much, much more, is covered in today's information-packed podcast.
Welcome back to part 2 of our Coach Influences Series. This week, Andrea sits down with Jeff and Alberto to go through the people, and icons, who helped shape who they are today.
Who was Alberto's and Jeff's FIRST influence? Which famous and highly successful athlete, did Alberto get his extraordinary work ethic from? At what point did the coaches switch their focus from sports to the weight-room? Who or what caused this transition?
Alongside these questions regarding each of their past and present influences, the group also touch on some never before mentioned details regarding the foundation of 3D Muscle Journey as we know it today. What made the 3DMJ business plan seem possible? Where did Jeff get the very first idea for the original 3DMJ Blog?
Join us this week for part one of our 3DMJ Coach Influences Series. Today's episode begins a two-part series on the figures, mentors, and major influencers in each of the 3DMJ coach's lives. This week, Andrea is joined by Brad and Eric, to discuss who their childhood heroes were, who they first looked up to and learned from in the bodybuilding community, and who they continue to look to and learn from even still today.
Along with going over their past and present influences, the group also dive into stories from the past which had profound impacts on their lives. What is one of Brad's biggest regrets? Which coach lead the original coaching philosophies of Team 3DMJ? Who inspires Andrea more than anyone? Check out today's episode to find out!
Unlike many other sports, bodybuilding is something one can not only compete competitively in, but arguably peak at, well into their 40's and sometimes 50's. In today's podcast, Andrea Valdez sits down with Brad Loomis and Jeff Alberts, to discuss what it's like training and bodybuilding at the age of 45, compared to years prior.
Can you still make progress in your 40's? What are the advantages of competing in this sport when you're older compared to younger? Disadvantages? What strategies have they incorporated to help increase their longevity and continued success in this sport.
Along with covering these questions and breaking down their own situations, Jeff and Brad leave us with a few good memos. What advice do they have for the younger generation of bodybuilders who are still in their twenties? What is their best piece of advice for athletes in the same age group as themselves? Tune in this week to find out!
In the world of bodybuilding, what does it mean to be natural ? In today's episode, Andrea, Eric and Alberto, sit down together to discuss what it means to be drug-free, and why each of them chose this path.
What is the typical drug-free timespan required by most natural organizations? What is the group's stance on the concept of lifetime-natural ? What is one of the primary reasons why people who have used in the past, or are currently using, try to sneak their way into natural competitions? Should people on hormone-replacement therapy be allowed to compete in natural organizations?
Along with the above topics, the group also dig in on a more personal level, looking at Eric's early lifting days, the story of how Alberto at one point purchased pro-hormones, and what it feels like to be accused of not being natural.
#39: The Intersection of Science & Experience
Feb 23, 2017
What is the optimal way, to use both science and experience, to get results for you or your client. These words, quoted from coach Eric Helms, do a great job of summarizing today's podcast.
Andrea, Eric, and Jeff, sit down together this week to focus on the notion that, it's not science vs. experience, but rather a collaborative effort between the two, that should guide us towards our goals. Science gives us broad principles, which are a great place to start from, however after this, we must learn to be our own scientists, and track and record data about ourselves.
Where should you start if you are a beginner, just getting into this whole weight-lifting thing? What's wrong with black and white thinking? How can personal anecdotes, when well controlled , be extremely useful?
Join us this week to hear the answer to all these questions, plus many more, regarding the integration of science and experience.
#38: Competition Coaching for Bodybuilding & Powerlifting
Feb 16, 2017
It's Game-Day . Your athletes have been dieting intensely, periodizing their training for months, and it's finally time for them to reap the rewards. Whether it's bodybuilding or powerlifting, this day holds a lot of meaning and value for your athletes. Andrea, Brad and Alberto join together to talk about this special day, and how you as a coach, can do the best job of making sure they are prepared for it.
How can you tell whether someone is flat or spilled ? What does it mean to go for what you want, versus what you have? How can you go about the attempt selection process before the meet, while also making on-the-fly adjustments when needed? What are some good, practical tips, for how to approach Game-Day ?
Along with these topics, the group also reminisce on some memorable experiences of the past: The day Eric won his pro-card, how Brad passed out on the platform after pulling a life-time PR, and the importance of knowing what your athlete's true goals are on competition day. Sit back, relax, and join the coaches, for a fascinating conversation all about competition day coaching, for bodybuilders and powerlifters.
In a sport where the judging is based solely around subjectivity, how should one handle themselves if they lose? In this week's episode, Andrea sits down with Brad and Jeff, to recount their most devastating losses. How did they handle them? Was the main source of anger, depression and frustration the result of something external, or was it the result of self-created internal expectations?
What do the coaches say to an athlete, when they are sold on getting their pro-card in that specific season? Why is it so important to learn to love your training, rather than just keeping your eye on the prize, and gunning for the win? What importance does being a realist play in your love and longevity for the sport of bodybuilding?
All of these topics, plus many more are covered in today's podcast. Along with being consistent, and doing everything right, from the training, to nutrition, to the supplementation, there is something else that plays as big, if not bigger a factor, in your chance of being happy and successful in this sport. Time.
#36: Contemporary Issues in Natural Physique Sports
Feb 02, 2017
It's no new news that there's a shift that's been happening in natural physique sports. What started years ago, as primarily a bodybuilding only spot, is now integrating increasingly greater subjectively judged divisions. In today's podcast, Eric, Andrea and Alberto, talk about their thoughts on this issue, and how it is affecting the original sport they fell in love with.
What did physique sports look like years ago? What were the original divisions? How is the increasing importance in the trait of beauty , affecting the individual classes themselves on a year to year basis?
A variety of questions such as those above are answered, along with a few possible solutions, to the blending of these two seemly the same, yet very different niches. What does the group think the future holds for the sport of natural bodybuilding? Will it become obsolete?
In this week's podcast, Andrea, Jeff and Alberto talk all things prep. Prep is an amazing journey that not only transforms your body, but also your mind. You learn all about yourself both from a nutritional standpoint, as well as a deeper understanding of your own psychology. Although prep has these wonderful benefits, plus many more, it also has its fair share of tough moments and stressful trials, which is exactly what the group talks about here today.
What does it feel like to be 5 lbs away from your stage-weight? How does the importance of meal timing increase as you get leaner? What is each of the coach's own personal least favorite part of prep?
Along with answering these questions, the group also get into some detailed conversations regarding: the treatment of our significant other during prep, how our flaws become amplified, and the altered relationship with food that happens with so many, and for some, lasts much longer than the post-contest recovery period.
With New Year's behind us, and the completion of our 5 part Coaches Spotlight Series, we welcome you back to your regularly scheduled programming, with an episode all about cardio. Andrea, Eric and Brad join together to discuss practically everything one could want to know about programming cardio for themselves, and for their athletes.
What is the interference-effect of cardio, and what can we do to mitigate it? Are there different programming strategies when it comes to prescribing cardio for a physique athlete versus a powerlifter? As a team, what is 3D Muscle Journey's general philosophy when it comes to prescribing cardio?
Along with answering these questions, the group also list a few of their personal favorite cardio modalities when it comes to exercise prescription for their athletes, and delineate the difference between commonly misconceived endurance training, from low-intensity training. Join us this week to hear the answer to all these questions, plus many more All about cardio!
#33: Coach’s Spotlight 2016 - Andrea Valdez
Jan 05, 2017
To lead off the 2017 3DMJ Podcast line-up, we hit the ground running with the 5th and final installment of The Coach's Spotlight Series . This week, Eric Helms interviews Andrea Valdez about her thoughts on 2016, and what she's most excited for in the year to come.
What does a typical day for Andrea look like, and why does it follow an opposite structure from all the other coaches? What has Andrea learned from her 1st year of coaching with 3DMJ? When is the next time she realistically sees herself getting back on the physique stage?
Along with answering the above questions, Andrea also discusses how grid has helped her to finally learn how to eat by feel, the importance of athlete-centered coaching and building relationships with your athletes, what her goals are for 2017 outside of coaching and training, and much more!
#32: Coach's Spotlight 2016 - Jeff Alberts
Dec 29, 2016
31 years of training experience, devoted husband and father, and a 78-week contest prep diet. What do all of these things have in common you might ask? They all describe the man of the hour in today's podcast, The Godfather, Jeff Alberts.
From beginning to end, what does a typical day in the life of Jeff Alberts look like? What is his most immediate goal as an athlete? What does his current training split look like? How does he prefer to track cardio for himself, minutes, or calories? When he personally has a little dieting mess-up , what usually causes it?
All of these questions, plus many more are addressed in today's episode, as Jeff reflects back on the previous year, and looks ahead at the year to come. Where does he hope to be a year from now? What are his goals for 2017?
#31: Coach's Spotlight 2016 - Alberto Nuñez
Dec 22, 2016
Welcome to the 3rd installment of The Coach's Spotlight Series . This week, Andrea Valdez interviews coach Alberto Nuñez about his reflections over this past year, and what he hopes to achieve in the year to come.
What does an average day in the life of Alberto look like? Which part of his day does he most look forward to? What does his current nutritional intake look like? How is he handling meal frequency, and what is his macronutrient distribution pattern throughout the day?
Along with the above topics, Alberto also goes into what his current athletic goals are, what new strategies and methods he's learned and applied this past year to his athletes, and why he is more excited for this year's contest prep, than he has been for quite some time.
#30: Coach's Spotlight 2016 - Brad Loomis
Dec 15, 2016
In this week's episode, we continue on with part 2 of The Coach's Spotlight Series . This week's featured coach, is Brad Loomis. What are his athletic goals for the next few years? Is he starting to develop an itch to get back on the bodybuilding stage? What are his very unique methods, when it comes to handling his training, and meal-timing frequency?
After finishing up with Brad The Athlete , Andrea and Brad begin to touch on Brad The Coach and Brad The Father . What are some of his major coaching highlights from this past year? What kind of book is he currently working on? How have his priorities, and his outlook on life, shifted this year, compared to years prior? Sit back, and relax with your favorite protein powder, and enjoy this week's episode on the life and mindset of coach Brad Loomis.
#29: Coach's Spotlight 2016 – Eric Helms
Dec 08, 2016
To wrap up this year's 3DMJ Podcast, we begin a 5-part series where each of the coaches will get a moment in the spotlight, to discuss what they learned this year, what their current training and life goals are, and where they hope to be a year from now, when we gather around the table at the end of 2017. This week's spotlighted coach, is Eric Helms.
Eric discusses what an average day in his life looks like right now. He goes through how much time he spends coaching athletes, and what his current nutrition and training protocols are. Along with these things, Eric also discusses an upcoming surgery, how he's going to handle his next contest prep, and the reasoning behind his personal eating philosophy. Join us this week for part 1 of, Coach's Spotlight !
#28: Dr. Mike Zourdos and The Future of Strength Training
Dec 01, 2016
This week, we welcome the second ever guest to the 3D Muscle Journey Podcast, Dr. Mike Zourdos. This week's podcast is for all of you out there who like science and research. Andrea, Eric and Mike start off with some tips for those who are considering pursuing a higher education beyond the undergraduate level, or potentially a career in research. They discuss the importance of keeping an open mind to mechanistic research, as well as touch on some of the new research currently coming out of Dr. Zourdos’s lab.
From here, the group dive into a detailed discussion on training and auto-regulation, and the importance of using science in a conceptual way. What possible new ways of auto-regulating our training might we see in the coming years? Is it okay if an 8-week block lasts 9 weeks? Is autoregulating one's training through calculating velocity a viable option? Which anthropometric measurements may affect this? All of these questions, plus many more related to training, are covered in this episode!
Lagging body-parts, we all have them. Whether it's your chest, triceps, quads or whichever muscle group, we all have those body-parts that for whatever reason (Genetics, improper technique, inadequate volume, etc.), aren't up to par with the rest of our physique. What can we do to bring up these lagging areas? Andrea, Brad and Alberto join us this week to discuss.
How can body-fat levels effect one's ability to distinguish their weaker body-parts from their stronger ones? At what point in a lifter's career should they begin programming in a way to help correct these imbalances? What is a specialization cycle? How often, and for how long should we run them? And, a surprising answer to the question of how much volume we need to maintain our more dominant muscle groups, are covered in today's episode.
The group concludes their discussion with a conversation on blood flow restriction training, and when/if one should incorporate this tool into their programming to help bring up these lagging parts.
Intuitive eating, the ability to rely on your intuition and your body's own hunger and fullness signals to regulate your intake. Listening to your body, and eating based upon how you feel definitely has its place in a physique athlete's toolbox, however this approach might look a bit different than what is traditionally used by the general population. It will vary depending on things such as: that athlete's habitual intake, the athlete's body-fat settling point, and where they are in terms of their athletic season (Contest prep, recovery phase, off-season, etc.). Andrea, Jeff and Eric gather together in this week's episode to discuss this issue.
How can you progress from a contest prep diet into an intuitive style of eating? When is intuitive eating an appropriate strategy for a physique athlete in regards to regulating nutritional intake, and when is it not? Should all athletes have the goal of progressing into an intuitive style of eating at some point? All these questions, plus many more in regards to this increasingly popular nutritional strategy are addressed in today's episode. Tune in to find out!
We all have those moments where we think about quitting, whether that be at the end of a long prep, or after a tragic life event. The question then becomes, when should we quit forever, versus when should we quit for now? Andrea, Eric and Jeff join together this week to differentiate between the two.
How does your mindset and reason for competing effect how long you can continue to compete for before you burn yourself out? Under what conditions did each of the three coaches quit a prep, or modify a competitive season? And the importance of setting up a nice daily flow during contest prep, are all discussed in this week's episode.
Regardless of the exact reason, one commonality exists between all of those who do end up permanently retiring from the sport of bodybuilding forever, and that is the cost of competing now outweighs the benefits they get back from it. Tune into today's episode to hear more about when one should quit their bodybuilding career for good, or, just take a temporary leave of absence.
30%? 40%? 50%? Higher? I'm not sure exactly what the number is, however given the rapidly growing interest and pursuit for careers within the fitness industry, I'd assume a large portion of today's listeners fall into this category.
How did each of the coaches get their start? Is there something to be said about the words effort and consistency ? What is meant by the phrase Knowing and staying within your lane ?
Along with answers to these questions by coaches Andrea, Alberto and Eric, the group also dive into a very in-depth look at Andrea's journey, where she started, how she made a name for herself in the fitness industry, and how all this eventually led her to becoming a 3D Muscle Journey coach. Andrea offers some very practical and timeless advice which not only worked for her then, but is also still applicable today in the ever expanding and competitive fitness industry.
#23: Bryce Lewis & Brad Loomis at USAPL Raw Nationals 2016
Oct 27, 2016
This week is a special edition of the 3DMJ Podcast. It's hosted live by Alberto Nunez, at the single largest powerlifting meet in the country, the second biggest in the world, the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals. This episode also features the first ever guest on the 3D Muscle Journey Podcast, Bryce Lewis, who only a few days after, claimed the title of national champion in the 105 KG weight-class.
Alberto Nunez sits down with Brad and Bryce backstage to discuss powerlifting, and this weekend's sensational meet. Both Brad and Bryce were coached into the meet by Eric Helms. How was their programming similar? How was it different? What has the last month of training and nutrition looked like for each of them?
One thing both Brad, who pulled a life-time PR in both the squat and the deadlift, and Bryce, national champion powerlifter in the 105 KG weight-class, wholeheartedly agreed upon, was learning to trust in the process, and that even when you're feeling completely beat-up, just have faith and stick to the script, and know that you will be ready come meet day.
You had a poor night's sleep the night before, haven't eaten for 8 hours, and your program says today is heavy squat day. Or it's your yearly review at work, stress levels are at an all-time high, and free-time for the gym is limited, what do you do? Is your training just screwed because of your situation, or is there something you can do to help maintain a productive week in the gym, even when dealing with these conflicting factors? Auto-regulation is the topic of today's podcast. We are joined by Andrea, Brad and Eric as they discuss this beneficial concept.
What is auto-regulation? What different tools can an athlete implement to help them get the most out of this strategy? Is gaging one's own R.I.R innate, or is it a skill that must be developed through time and practice like any other? These questions, plus many more are addressed in today's episode.
After taking into consideration all the variables and tools one can use to establish their programming, one thing becomes clear: knowing which variables are the most important allows for greater flexibility than we may have previously realized.
In bodybuilding, when discussing nutrition and training, oftentimes it's referred to within the context of a contest prep diet: How do we eat to get leaner? What is the most optimal cardio routine for fat-loss? However, when we think about it, and what bodybuilding really is, we realize that our off-season programming is just as, if not more important, than our in-season programming, and not to mention longer too. Coaches Andrea Valdez, Brad Loomis and Alberto Nunez join us to discuss this very topic.
How should you handle your programming if you plan on taking an extended off-season? What are the 4 unique scenarios which allow for the elusive body-recomposition? What is the purpose of mini-cuts during the off-season? Why don't you just focus on gaining the whole time?
Along with answering the above questions, the group also touch on: Saving up willpower, the importance of mental-deloads and using the off-season as a time to find balance in your life.
This week's podcast comes to a close with a thorough discussion on something that as of recent, has gained more and more popularity within the natural bodybuilding community, the diet before the diet.
Throughout the last year, the term recovery diet has started to receive more and more attention throughout the bodybuilding community. Compared to the traditional reverse diet, where the primary goal and focus was to keep the athlete as lean as possible post-contest while slowly and deliberately increasing calories, the main focus of the recovery diet is just that, recovery of the athlete. Andrea, Eric and Jeff join together this week to discuss their anecdotal research and personal accounts of this post-contest nutritional strategy.
What is the average amount of time it takes for an athlete to become fully psychologically recovered? From the coach's perspective, what have they seen in terms of success rates when comparing the recovery diet to the reverse diet? Is there any merit behind altered body-fat redistribution during the post-diet weight re-gaining phase? All of these questions plus more are addressed in today's podcast.
The group conclude this episode with a discussion on various nutritional strategies one can use during this post-competition transitional phase. This includes the use of a good, better, best approach, and the implementation of the minimal amount of structure one can put in place to prevent them from gaining too much body-fat, while still allowing them to gain some, so they can appropriately recover.
Show day, unlike any other sport where this day is the primary determiner of who is the winner and who is the loser, in bodybuilding, this day should actually be the least stressful. Over the previous weeks, months and in some instances years, the daily grind of managing your nutrition, training, cardio, and all the other factors has been extremely demanding, pushing you to your limits both physically and mentally. By the time show day comes, all the hard work has already been done, it's time to just relax, chill and have fun. However, for many, it is quite the opposite. Andrea, Jeff and Brad are here to elaborate.
What was each coach's most embarrassing moment from their first show? How should you handle traveling for a competition to ensure you get the best peak possible? What is the #1 rule for reducing stress on show day? All of these topics plus many more are answered in today's podcast.
Be prepared, but also be flexible. Expect the unexpected. Don't become too invested in winning. And remember, it's just a show, time to enjoy and celebrate all of your hard work.
Bodybuilders When you think back to the greats like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu and Ronnie Coleman, one word comes to mind, hardcore. During previous eras of bodybuilding when we didn't have the knowledge about nutrition and training like we do today, bodybuilders were doing everything they possibly could which MIGHT help them maximize their potential. This included many things we now know which don't actually matter, or worse, are detrimental to our goals. But in today's age of flexible dieting and iifym , it seems we are getting an opposite shift in the tide, where bodybuilders are trying to get away with the minimal amount of work it takes to prepare for a contest. Andrea, Eric and Alberto come together to cover this issue.
Are bodybuilders becoming too relaxed with their bodybuilding goals? What are the benefits to having a flip the switch mentality? Can you teach someone how to grind? All of these questions and more are discussed in today's podcast.
Along with the theme of sacrificing to win, the coaches each tell their own most memorable sacrifice during a contest prep, give advice for how to appropriately handle social events while prepping, and bring up one of the most important questions a bodybuilder can ever ask themselves, Why am I bodybuilding?
Injuries, something many athletes experience at some point in their careers, but something none of us want. Lifting weights is dangerous, and just like any other sport, bodybuilding and powerlifting can both lead to mild and severe injuries. What causes these injuries? How can we prevent future ones? Andrea, Alberto and Brad join together this week to discuss these important issues.
The coaches start by each describing their own extensive list of injuries which they have accumulated over the years. How is their training today still being impacted from a few ill decisions made years ago? What do the coaches do now in terms of both preventative maintenance and warming up, to help mitigate the lasting impact from these previous injuries and prevent new ones? What style of programming does coach Brad Loomis implement with not only himself, but also with his athletes to help reduce the risk of getting injured? These questions only begin to scratch the surface of what is discussed during today's roundtable conversation on injuries.
Towards the end, the group transitions away from the more commonly talked about physical injuries, and into the realm of the oftentimes more serious psychological injuries. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon to see the lasting impact of only one or two misguided preps leave an individual with a lifetime of hardships.
Selfish, lacking concern for others; concerned chiefly with ones one personal profit or pleasure. This is the definition that usually comes to mind when we hear the word selfish. However on this week's podcast, Andrea, Brad and Jeff discuss the importance of good selfishness, and how it is essential for both achieving your goals, as well as helping others achieve theirs.
The group start their discussion by talking about some of their own most selfish moments which came about because of their passion and love for the sport of bodybuilding. While they know these moments aren't something to be proud of now, at the time, they saw nothing wrong with the way they were behaving.
Good selfishness versus Bad selfishness, the importance of having you time and not being too unselfish, and what things have helped the coaches become more secure in their approaches to this sport so they can eliminate the things that don't really matter, are all discussed in this week's podcast.
How do you balance it, bodybuilding and life? How do you stay on track with your goals, without letting them control your life and the lives of the ones you love? Tune into this week's episode to find out.
On this week's podcast, Andrea, Jeff and Eric get together to discuss what it takes to run an efficient, effective coaching team. With all of the coaching teams that form only to be shortly broken up, how have the coaches at 3D Muscle Journey managed to stay together to become one of the oldest online physique coaching services to date?
The group gives tips for initially forming a coaching team, as well as their own personal journey as a company, and the adjustments they have made along the way which have helped them to stay together.
Why did the coaches choose to start this endeavor together, rather than go about it individually? What key personality traits do the 5 coaches share which allow them to function so efficiently, even while being spread out all over the world? How much money did 3DMJ make their first year in business? All of these questions plus many more are addressed in today's podcast.
The group conclude their discussion by listing a few of the different ways which they have seen the break-up of a newly formed team come about.
Social media, is it doing more harm than good? This is the crux of today's podcast. Andrea, Alberto and Brad work their way through the positives, as well as the negatives, of how the rise in social media over recent years has impacted both athletes and coaches.
There are many great things that have come from the increased popularity of various social media outlets, such as: Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc. For many, these serve as a great resource for both learning and spreading good information, as well as a healthy source of motivation. It can be used in a way that allows people to get to know a little bit about each other before they ever actually meet. Not to mention, it can be quite lucrative if given the necessary time and focus.
But what about the other side? How could something that sounds so great be a bad thing? What often goes unnoticed in the realm of social media, is the false illusions and portrayals it so often displaces. It's a highlight reel full of filters, immaculate lighting, and perfect angles. If this isn't kept in the forefront of a viewers mind, it can serve as a crippling source of demotivation and unrealistic expectations.
Experience vs. Science, which one is better? This is a highly debated topic amongst both athletes and coaches alike. In this week's episode, Eric, Brad and Andrea discuss how these two concepts shouldn't be viewed as one versus the other, but rather as two fundamentally different, yet equally important skill sets.
Science is a great tool, but that's all it is, a tool. It plays a very important role in both getting you in the right ballpark for what your goals are, and then providing you with a series of options once you get there. What many don't realize, is that science can only get you so far, and that without having the practical experience for how to apply it to peoples specific situations, it loses its value.
In this week's episode, the group discuss a variety of topics related to science, including: The best ways for staying up-to-date on the latest research without having to spend countless hours interpreting research, the difference between being data driven, versus knowing what the data means and how to apply it, the importance of having a good system set in place for acquiring new knowledge, and the benefits to having great critical thinking skills and a through understanding of the scientific method, even if you don't have any formal teaching in interpreting research.
The group concludes their conversation with a valuable discussion on what someone in the fitness industry really needs to know, in order to be a good coach.
#12: What Makes A Successful Bodybuilder?
Aug 11, 2016
Structure? Adherence? Consistency? These were probably the things that came to mind when you read the title of this week's podcast. While all of these things are definitely important for success in the sport of bodybuilding, there are a few less recognizable ones, which are of equal importance. It's thoughts like, Maybe it's not your time to get shredded yet , that coaches Andrea Valdez, Jeff Alberts and Alberto Nunez discuss in this week's episode.
A familiar statement by coach Brad Loomis is, I am no Jeff Alberts. What exactly does he mean by this? Does having been an athlete in a different sport prior to beginning your journey in natural bodybuilding provide some advantages? And the shocking answer to, How long it takes after someone has started training, until you're able to gage their ultimate physical potential in the sport of bodybuilding , are all discussed in great length.
The group finishes their discussion by expanding out and speaking on the intermingling relationship of the sport of bodybuilding, with the rest of our life. A captivating discussion on topics such as: being a better bodybuilder doesn't always mean you're being a better person, and the importance of keeping the goal the goal transpires.
#11: The Art of Coaching Physique Athletes Pt. 2
Aug 04, 2016
Following up with episode #2, The Art of Coaching Physique Athletes , Andrea, Brad and Jeff explore this topic once again, but this time, from a slightly different angle.
In this week's episode, the group focuses it's attention on not so much what needs to be said, but more so on HOW it should be said. Countless variables including: gender, age, culture, maturity level and experience level need to be considered when determining how to best communicate a message to your athlete.
The group dives into numerous conversations regarding the importance of knowing your athletes enough, to know when the appropriate time is to deliver information to them, the importance being a good listener has on being a great coach, and the irreplaceable benefits that real-world experiences provide to the making of a great coach.
This episode is wrapped up with a final conversation about book smarts versus practical experience. The group comes to a mutual agreement that book smarts are valuable and extremely important, however it's what you do after you've obtained this knowledge, that ultimately determines your success as a coach.
#10: The Evolution of Natural Bodybuilding
Jul 28, 2016
Just like any sport, the sport of bodybuilding has both its strong points, and its areas for needed improvement. This week, Andrea, Eric, and Alberto discuss what changes they’d like to see in the future evolution of this sport.
Countless interesting topics are brought-up and discussed regarding possible improvements to the format of natural bodybuilding in the years to come. some of these ideas are: Condensing the current AM/PM format to one live judged show, the addition of a publicly displayed scoreboard to increase excitement and decrease subjectivity, and increasing the criteria for someone interested in judging a show to allow for more accurate and standardized judging.
Along with the above topics, the group also thoroughly discusses how the current process for earning one’s pro-card could be better restructured, as well as a finishing debate about the splitting of certain divisions from the sport altogether, and instead forming their own organizations.
This week's episode marks the fifth and final installment of the 3D Muscle Journey Podcast Origins series. In this week's episode, roles are reversed as Eric Helms digs into the past, present and future of the newest edition to the 3DMJ team, Coach Andrea Valdez.
Andrea began her athletic career at the young age of 6 as a competitive gymnast. Through middle school, she continued to participate in this highly demanding sport while also picking up cheer, basketball and track. While trying to balance this nearly impossible workload, she began to develop a collection of nagging injuries, which eventually led her to solely pursue cheer, where she excelled tremendously, and competed in until graduate school.
Andrea's educational journey, why she has distanced herself from social media in comparison to her early days, Andrea's secret confession, how being brought on as the fifth 3D Muscle Journey coach has changed her life, and MANY other topics are discussed in this weeks episode.
The two finish by discussing Andrea's current athletic endeavor, Grid. What is it? How she discovered it? What attracts her to it? And when will she compete in it?
Join Andrea, Brad and Alberto this week as they discuss all things related to the often idealized and heavily sought-after pro-card. How do you get a pro-card in natural bodybuilding? Do they ever expire? Why do people want one?
The very interesting theme woven throughout this week's podcast is the continual comparison between amateur and pro bodybuilders. How they approach their contest preps differently, how the level of competition changes, and what do the coaches often see happens mentally to an amateur bodybuilder, when they finally earn their pro-card, are all discussed in great length during this weeks episode.
Alongside this through discussion on pro-cards, the group expand on a few other very interesting topics, including: How extremely complex the natural pro-bodybuilding system really is, the importance of setting other goals during a prep besides just winning a pro-card, and the hierarchy for what motivates an athlete.
Selected Links from this Episode
2016 WNBF Pro Competition Rules
In this week's episode The Godfather , Jeff Alberts, is interviewed by coach Andrea Valdez. The two sit down to discuss the many facets of Jeff's life, talking about everything from his days as a video game junkie slamming Jolt Colas, to his future plans as an athlete, and after what will be his 14th competitive season, could 2017 be his last?
After high school, the first part of Jeff's life followed suit with that of many other competitive bodybuilders: he got married, moved away to pursue a degree in architectural drafting, and after a few decisions started a career in the auto industry. Andrea and Jeff go through his journey of how a simple start like this eventually lead him to the career he has today as an extremely successful and world renowned natural bodybuilding coach.
Andrea and Jeff go through all 13 of Jeff's competitive seasons, the ups, the downs, the mistakes, his approaches, and how all these things lead to how he approaches his prep today and balances it with his family dynamic.
How a simple phone call may have altered history and sealed the deal for 3D Muscle Journey, How extreme fatigue during one of his preps wound up in an overnight stay in the hospital, and Jeff's goals for his 2017 competitive season are all discussed in this weeks episode.
#6: Coaching Powerlifters & Dual Athletes
Jun 30, 2016
On this episode, coaches Brad Loomis, Andrea Valdez and Eric Helms go in-depth on the coaching methodologies used for strength and dual athletes, and how these practices differ compared to those used with physique athletes.
The group covers topics including: Weekly check-in differences, how the coaching approach will change when dealing with novice vs. advanced powerlifters, and the large affect one's mentally can have on their performance when attempting near maximal loads.
A very through discussion follows in regards to the overall concepts used when setting up programs for dual athletes. Brad, Andrea, and Eric go through their common weight-cut protocol and why it prevails in comparison to the sauna, what is a good number of powerlifting competitions per year for the typical powerlifter, when is the appropriate time to add additional assistance work to a training program, and what are the most beneficial lift variation exercises to add when this time comes.
The group shifts gears slightly at the end and finishes with a discussion on whether they believe direct abdominal training is necessary for either physique or strength athletes.
This week we are joined by coaches Andrea Valdez and Alberto Nunez for the third installment of the 3D Muscle Journey Origins series. The two start by discussing Alberto's early life and how his early experiences of communicating with a wide variety of people were one of the major influences in shaping him into the world class coach he is today.
Alberto's early life wasn't the easiest. He was surrounded by peers who took to the likes of fighting, stealing and other gang related behaviors. By the time he graduated high school Alberto had attended 11 different schools. Alberto explains how the introduction to weight training by a close friend was probably the main reason he didn't find himself following a similar path.
Andrea and Alberto discuss what sport temporarily lead him away from bodybuilding, Alberto's first prep, and his take on the early beginnings of 3D Muscle Journey.
The two conclude their conversation by addressing some very interesting questions: Was there ever a time bodybuilding had a negative impact on Alberto's life? Now that both he and 3D Muscle Journey have a reputation, does he feel increased pressure when prepping himself or other athletes? What are his future bodybuilding plans?, and many more.
#4: Emotional Growth & The Physique Athlete
Jun 16, 2016
There's a common understanding that as we mature in our lifting careers, so do our physiques. If we've been doing things correctly, as we accumulate more years of training, we also accumulate more lean body mass and strength PR's. It's also not uncommon to see the top bodybuilders of the day be well into their 40's and 50's. While all of these things seem to be well known and understood, what's often not talked about is the other development which takes place as we gain experience, our emotional growth. On this week's podcast, Andrea Valdez, Jeff Alberts and Eric Helms dive into just this.
The group starts by discussing their first contest prep season and how they've changed not only physically, but also mentally since then. They discuss how contest preparation can be approach in drastically different ways, some in a healthy life enhancing manner, and others from an unhealthy, obsessive, all consuming mentality.
The group then goes on to discuss the transitional period from the completion of a successful contest prep, to a healthy productive offseason. This transition is described using the analogy of a dimmer switch compared to an on-off switch.
What is emotional patience and how does this term relate to a competitive physique athlete? Where is the line for having a healthy relationship with the sport of bodybuilding, to then crossing that line and developing an unhealthy obsessive one? And how sometimes stopping a prep can show more maturity than just pushing through it are all discussed in this weeks episode.
The group finishes with a discussion on different ways an athlete can figure out if they've crossed that line and have taken things too far with this sport.
In this weeks episode of Origins , coach Andrea Valdez digs into the past, present and future life of Coach Brad Loomis. Starting from the beginning, the two discuss Brad's hometown, his early childhood, then continue to journey their way through the many stages of Brad's life as a stock car driver, bodybuilder, CAT scan tech, family man and more.
The beginning of Brad's bodybuilding career didn't begin in the same fashion as many other bodybuilders, who most often find their way into this sport through the development of a love for lifting while preparing for a team sport. Instead, at age 16, Brad Loomis began his journey as a stock car driver.
In his late 20's, after the crazy lifestyle as a stock car driver was coming to a close, Brad began to shift his focus towards what would become his ultimate passion, weight lifting.
Andrea and Brad discuss what led him to the iron game, and how almost immediately he found himself owning his own gym, training clients, and preparing for bodybuilding competitions with the help of the world renowned pro, Skip La Core.
This episode comes to an interesting close as Brad answer's a most thought provoking question, if he had better genetics, would he still have switched to power-lifting or would he have remained with his first athletic love, bodybuilding?
#2: The Art of Coaching Physique Athletes
Jun 03, 2016
On this week's episode Jeff Alberts, Alberto Nunez and Andrea Valdez discuss the often overlooked aspects of coaching physique athletes, and how although knowing the science and having an evidenced based approach is important, the way in which it is applied is even more critical. Coaching physique athletes is more than just adjusting macros, and the group explains why.
Just as training and nutrition methods change over the years, so does the way in which one coaches. Jeff, Alberto and Andrea discuss the importance of gaining experience, and how doing so not only gives you the coach confidence, but also how it better equips you in knowing the correct time to wear which hat .
The group discusses where they each got their coaching experience from, and give recommendations to those who are looking to do them same.
How important is science when it comes to coaching physique athletes? What role does the emotional intelligence of a coach play? How can the coach's role differ when working with novice first time competitors' compared to veteran bodybuilders? What problems has the invention of social media created for the athletes in this sport? All of these questions plus many more are addressed in this episode.
The group finishes with a discussion on what methods 3D Muscle Journey personally uses and favors for athlete communication, some common signs that indicate an athlete may not be adhering to a protocol, and the reasoning behind why neither Jeff nor Alberto use a coach when they prep.
To kick-off Team 3D Muscle Journey's first ever podcast, coaches Andrea Valdez and Eric Helms discuss Eric's background and how he got to where he is today. The two start their discussion covering Eric's childhood, what sports he was involved in, and how a childhood dream of working for the FBI lead him to join the Air Force at the age of 18.
While in the Air Force, Eric realized this wasn't the career for him and began to dabble in different avenues, including the hip-hop scene as an MC. Shortly after this, Eric met his wife Barbra, and in the year 2004 began his weightlifting journey.
After the Air Force, Eric's passion for science and the practical application of exercise and nutrition really began to take hold. He started his journey in the fitness industry as a personal trainer at the local YMCA.
From here, the discussion goes on to describe how the meeting of a former Mr. Alaska encouraged Eric to continue his journey as a drug-free athlete. In 2007, Eric stepped on the bodybuilding stage for the first time. While at this same show, Eric met his future colleague and life-long friend Alberto Nunez. It was also during this same competitive season that Eric set the goal for his life's work, which was to provide an evidenced-based approach, and to bring together the natural bodybuilding and power-lifting community.
Eric and Andrea go on to discuss how the forming of 3DMJ came about, Eric's route and approach to his formal education, and why he choose to relocate to New Zealand for his PhD.
To finish off this week's episode is a discussion on how the creation of the Muscle and Strength Training books came about, what Eric's future goals are for both his career and as an athlete, and why Eric chooses to avoid the public lifestyle that is so commonly seen in the fitness community.